Murder Socks HFD - Hobbs Municipal Schools


Murder Socks HFD - Hobbs Municipal Schools
Salute to New Mexco
RIGHT: Kiyah Queen,Tegan
Biscaino and Alyssa Rojas spell
out a portion of the word
"Albuquerque," during a song
honoring New Mexico's largest
city. It was all part of a salute to
New Mexico by Stone fourthgraders during their American
Education Week performance on
Son says Paterno has
treatable lung cancer
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — Days after
losing the job he held for nearly a half century, former Penn State coach Joe Paterno
was diagnosed with a treatable form of lung
Scott Paterno, the Hall of Fame coach’s
son, said in a statement provided Friday to
The Associated Press that his father’s doctors are optimistic the 84-year-old Paterno
will make a full recovery.
The news came shortly after Penn State
said the NCAA would look into the school’s
handling of a child sex abuse scandal
involving former assistant coach Jerry
Sandusky. Paterno was fired by the board of
trustees Nov. 9 for failing to do more an
abuse allegation against Sandusky than
report it to his superiors.
BELOW LEFT: Sydney Norman
played the part of a Native
American while Kylie Byram was
her nemesis during Friday's
fourth-grade AEW performance at
Stone Elementary School.
BELOW RIGHT: Stone fourthgraders Simon Gutierrez and
Kiyah Queen take their turn reciting at the microphone on Friday.
American Education Week performances included students taking on public speaking parts.
House says no to mandating
balanced federal budget
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rejecting the idea
Congress can’t control its spending impulses, the House turned back a Republican proposal Friday to amend the Constitution to
dam the rising flood of federal red ink.
Democrats — and a few GOP lawmakers —
said damage from the balanced-budget mandate would outweigh any benefits.
The first House vote in 16 years on making
federal deficits unconstitutional came as
the separate bipartisan “supercommittee”
appeared to be sputtering in its attempt to
find at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions
to head off major automatic cuts. The lead
Republican on that panel said members
were “painfully, painfully aware” of its
Wednesday deadline for action and would
work through the weekend.
FDA revokes approval of
Avastin for breast cancer
WASHINGTON (AP) — The government
delivered a blow to some desperate patients
Friday as it ruled the blockbuster drug
Avastin should no longer be used to treat
advanced breast cancer.
Avastin is hailed for treating colon cancer
and certain other malignancies. But the Food
and Drug Administration said it appeared to
be a false hope for breast cancer: Studies
haven’t found that it helps those patients live
longer or brings enough other benefit to outweigh its dangerous side effects.
from PAGE 1
from some of the wounds on
the body.
“Based on their location
(defensive wounds on the
wrists), in this case they could
appear to be sharp, as if she
was attempting to defend herself
Kastenbaum testified.
According to the doctor, due
to Alvares’ cardiovascular disease, she was unable to recover
from the blood loss.
“Her body was unable to compensate from the blood loss
and her heart was likely
unable to function and failed
at the time of the blood loss,”
Kastenbaum testified.
Christopher Harris asked the
doctor if one side of the body
was more concentrated with
wounds, and the doctor
responded the left side.
Kastenbaum said a knife
blade was tangled in the victim’s hair.
Corey Helton, a Hobbs Police
Department detective, testified
he was present when the
autopsy was performed.
Hobbs Police Department
Sgt. Clipper Miller testified he
was called to 109 E. Temple for
a welfare check and detected
an unusual odor when he
arrived at the residence.
Miller testified he entered
the residence through a rear
glass sliding door and the odor
became stronger. He said he
noticed the temperature inside
the home was unusually cold.
He said after looking inside
the home for Alvarez, the odor
was stronger in a northeast
bedroom, where the body was
found on a love seat wrapped
in bedding.
bit and we saw a foot with
nylon stockings covering it,”
Miller said.
Omero Chavez, 14, of Hobbs
testified he met with the defendant and other friends on
Thursday, July 28. He said the
defendant picked him up the
day after in a brown car he had
never seen before. Chavez told
the court they went to a bluish
house and were there for 15-20
Stanley Benson, a Hobbs
Police Department officer, testified he was contacted by the
victim’s sister on Sunday, July
31, at 9:49 p.m. because she
hadn’t seen Alvarez at church.
Benson said the house was
locked and the victim’s sister
said Alvarez had probably
gone to the store. The police
officer told the victim’s sister
if she did not hear from her
sister to call him back.
Benson testified he was noti-
fied the victim was still missing after midnight on Aug. 1
and he went back to the residence at 109 E. Temple, where
the body was found.
He said he noticed an iPod in
the driveway as he was walking to the house. Benson testified he saw ice-cream, cookies
and tea on the kitchen table
and was suspicious since he
was told the victim was diabetic.
Benson said when the body
was found, he reached inside
the bedding to check what was
in there and touched a foot.
Xavier Estrada, 14, of Hobbs
testified he knew the defendant and had gone with him to
a house he didn’t know.
The defendant’s brother,
Brian Rivas, testified his older
brother and Eric Stevens were
planning on robbing an elderly
lady a couple of houses from
Stevens’ grandmother’s house.
The 15-year-old said his brother showed up to their home
and told him the car was given
to him for work he did for an
old lady.
The witness also testified his
brother told him he had murdered Alvarez, but he didn’t
believe him.
Hobbs Police Department
crime scene technician Brooke
Brooks told the court several
fingerprints were recovered
from the scene and blood was
found on the victim’s mattress,
headboard, wall and love seat
where the body was found.
Brooks said the television was
on when they arrived at the
scene but has said no signal
was on the screen.
EUBANK testified he interviewed the defendant more
than once and the defendant
told him he entered the residence by burning the screen
and had watched the victim
sleep for more than an hour
before stabbing her with both
a knife and a stick. Eubank
said the defendant told him different versions of the events
and stated his friend had
helped him wrap the body and
flip the mattress over so the
blood was hidden.
Eubank said the victim’s tan
Ford Taurus was found with
no license plate or keys at
Rivas’ residence on the 8100
block of Kornegay.
Rivas will be arraigned in
district court on Dec. 5 at 9
a.m. on the charges of first
degree murder, aggravated
burglary using a deadly
weapon, tampering with evidence and unlawful taking of a
motor vehicle.
(GW-003) Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 1400 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002, has
submitted a renewal application to the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and
Natural Resources Department, Oil Conservation Division (OCD) for the previously approved discharge plan (GW-003) for its Eunice South Gas Plant
located in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 27, Township 22 South, Range
37 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. The gas plant is shut down, partially dismantled, and is out of operation with the exception of some compression equipment that is currently operated by Targa Midstream Services on
behalf of Versado L.L.P. (a limited partnership between Chevron and Targa).
The facility is located approximately 4.5 miles south of Eunice, New Mexico
between State Highway 207 (Eunice-Hobbs Highway) and State Highway 18.
The average background total dissolved solids concentrations in the direct
vicinity of the Site are approximately 1,000-1,300 mg/L. Ground water that
may be affected by a spill, leak, or accidental discharge occurs at a depth of
approximately 49-54 feet below ground surface, with an average total dissolved solids concentration of approximately 53,000 mg/L. The discharge
plan addresses how impacted ground water will be remediated to the standards specified in the Water Quality Control Commission regulations
( NMAC) and disposed of and how spills, leaks, and other accidental discharges to the surface will be managed in order to protect fresh
water. From 2004-2010, Chevron disposed of recovered chloride impacted
ground water into an on-site saltwater disposal well operated by Targa
Midstream Services; and recovered hydrocarbon impacted ground water has
been stored in onsite storage tanks for offsite disposal. In 2010, operation of
the chloride impacted ground water recovery/disposal system was discontinued due to access. Currently, Chevron is in negotiations with area oil & gas
operators (i.e. waste disposal facilities, water pipeline consortium) to
explore/negotiate viable wastewater disposal options for the volume (approximately 500-600 barrels/day) of wastewater extracted from the chloride
recovery system.
Any interested person or persons may obtain information, submit comments,
or request to be placed on a facility-specific mailing list for future notices by
contacting Glen Von Gonten at the New Mexico OCD at 1220 South St.
Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505, Telephone (505) 476-3488.
The OCD will accept comments and statements of interest regarding the
renewal and will create a facility-specific mailing list for persons who wish to
receive future notices.
from PAGE 1
According to city documents,
the increase means the city
will pay about $116,000 for the
remainder of the fiscal year,
which ends June 30, 2012.
from PAGE 1
ports the Fairy Godmother
program run through Hobbs
High School, serves during the
Boys and Girls Club Raffle and
sponsors families and children
in crisis through its Outreach
“This is what one of our top
goals was for (negotiations),”
Young said. “We’re happy with
the results.”
A resolution making the
retirement pay plan official
was passed by the City
Commission during a Nov. 7
For more information about
how to help support the Junior
Service League and families in
Lea County, visit their
Facebook page by searching
under Junior Service League
of Hobbs, New Mexico, or send
a note to Junior Service
League of Hobbs, P.O. Box 723,
Hobbs, NM 88241.
(GW-003) Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 1400 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002, ha
presentado una solicitud de renovación a la New Mexico Energy, Minerals
and Natural Resources Department, Oil Conservation Division (OCD) para el
plan de descarga previamente aprobado (GW -003) para su Eunice South
Gas Plant situado en el NW / 4 del SW / 4 de la Sección 27, Municipio
(Township) 22 Sur, Rango 37 Este, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. La
planta de gas está apagado, parcialmente desmantelado, y está fuera de
servicio, con la excepción de algunos equipos de compresión, que actualmente es operado por Targa Midstream Services a nombre de Versado LLP
(una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada entre Chevron y Targa). La instalación está ubicada a unos 4,5 kilómetros al sur de Eunice, New Mexico,
entre la State Highway 207 (Eunice-Hobbs Highway) y State Highway 18.
El promedio de fondo de las concentraciones de sólidos disueltos totales en
las inmediaciones del sitio es de aproximadamente 1,000-1,300 mg / L. El
agua subterránea que puede ser afectada por un derrame, fuga de descarga, o accidental, a una profundidad de aproximadamente 49 a 54 pies bajo
la superficie, con una media total de la concentración de sólidos disueltos de
aproximadamente 53.000 mg / L. El plan de descarga explica cómo el agua
del suelo afectado será remediado a las normas especificadas en la normativa de Control de Calidad de Agua de la Comisión ( NMAC) y
eliminados de la forma y los derrames, fugas y otros vertidos accidentales a
la superficie será gestionado con el fin de proteger las aguas continentales.
Desde 2004-2010, Chevron dispuesta de cloruro de recuperar las aguas
subterráneas afectadas en un recipiente de agua salada en el lugar y operado por Servicios de Targa centro de la corriente, y se recuperó de hidrocarburos afectadas las aguas subterráneas se ha almacenado en los tanques
de almacenamiento en el sitio para su disposición fuera del sitio. En 2010, el
funcionamiento del cloruro de impacto en aguas subterráneas de recuperación / eliminación del sistema se suspendió debido a un acceso. En la
actualidad, Chevron se encuentra en negociaciones con el aceite de la zona
y los operadores de gas (es decir, las instalaciones de eliminación de residuos, consorcio de aguas de tuberías) para explorar / negociar opciones
viables de eliminación de aguas residuales para el volumen (aproximadamente 500 a 600 barriles / día) de aguas residuales extraídas del sistema de
recuperación de cloruro.
Cualquier persona o personas interesadas pueden obtener más información,
envie comentarios, o solicite para ser colocado en una lista de correo específica a la instalación para avisos en el futuro contactando a Glen Von Gonten
en el TOC de New Mexico en 1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, 87505, Teléfono (505) 476-3488. El TOC se aceptaran comentarios
y declaraciones de interés respecto a la renovación y creará una lista de
correo específicos a la instalacion para las personas que deseen recibir notificaciones en el futuro.

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