February - 1199SEIU Funds
February - 1199SEIU Funds
1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds 330 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036-6977 Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID New York, NY Permit No. 3700 The Retiree Services Center Window – New Hours The Retiree Services Center has changed its walk-up window service hours. The Services Center, located at 330 West 42nd Street, 10th Floor, will now be open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Get Free Tax Preparation Help The AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide Program is available for free to taxpayers with low and moderate income, especially for those who are 60 and older. Go to www.AARP.org, enter “Tax-Aide” in the search box and then choose the selection that shows a tax preparation site near you. Sign Up for “Seniors Out Speaking” Important Benefit Notices Inside This Issue Avisos Importantes sobre Beneficios en este Numero Questions: Call (646) 473-8666 Outside NYC: (800) 892-2557 Join other 1199SEIU retirees to become a volunteer in the Medicare Rights Center’s “Seniors Out Speaking” (SOS) program. SOS program volunteers work within their community to educate other seniors about how to get the most from their Medicare benefits. To volunteer: Our 1199SEIU SOS volunteers meet the first Thursday of each month. Call (646) 473-6916 for more details. Calling All Retired LPNs The Retired Members Department holds quarterly meetings to help LPNs stay connected with each other and informed about the latest educational and social issues affecting them. Join us every third Friday in March, June, September and December – we hope you’ll get involved! IMPORTANT NEWS about chapter meetings and classes! 1199SEIU Retired Members Bulletin February 2015 (646) 473-8666 • www.1199SEIUBenefits.org A Message from the Executive Director Un Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva Dear Retired Members, Estimados Miembros Jubilados, As I am sure you know, 1199SEIU retirees are a fortunate – and increasingly rare – group. At a time when fewer than one in five retirees receives a pension from their employers, our Health Care Employees Pension Fund, Greater New York Pension Fund and Home Care Pension Fund continue to provide defined pension benefits to our retirees. In 2014, your Union sat down with the employers in the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes of New York to negotiate a new contract that preserves the health and pension benefits of our National Benefit and Pension Funds’ retirees, as well as those of our covered working members. The Union is currently in negotiations with Greater New York nursing home employers working toward the same goal, and in contracts signed during the second half of 2014, home care employers committed to continued participation in our now-merged Home Care Benefit Fund – and 11 new employers have signed contracts, assuring more than 18,000 home care workers the rare protection of pension benefits. Como seguramente saben, los jubilados de 1199SEIU componen un grupo afortunado y cada vez más raro. En una época en la que menos de uno de cada cinco jubilados recibe una pensión de sus empleadores, nuestros fondos: Fondo de Pensiones para los Trabajadores de la Salud, Fondo de Pensiones del Gran Nueva York y Fondo de Pensiones de Cuidados en el Hogar siguen ofreciendo beneficios de pensión definidos para nuestros jubilados. En 2014, su Sindicato se reunió con los empleadores en la Liga de Hogares y Hospitales Voluntarios de Nueva York para negociar un nuevo contrato que conserve los beneficios de salud y pensión de nuestros jubilados de los Fondos Nacionales de Beneficios y Pensiones, así como los de nuestros miembros activos cubiertos. El Sindicato está actualmente en negociaciones con los empleadores de casas de reposo del Greater New York Fund, y en contratos firmados durante la segunda mitad de 2014, los empleadores de casas de reposo se comprometieron a seguir participando en nuestro Fondo de Beneficios de Cuidados en el Hogar actualmente fusionado – y 11 nuevos empleadores han firmado contratos para garantizar a más de 18,000 trabajadores de cuidados en el hogar la poco frecuente protección de los beneficios de pensión. Our Retired Members Department was equally busy in 2014, welcoming more than 8,800 new retirees – an all-time high – bringing the number of pensioners to more than 97,000. Last year, more than 50,000 of you received supplemental health benefits through your Benefit Funds – again, a benefit that fewer than one in five retirees nationwide enjoys. To keep pace with your growing numbers, we are continually adding new activities to help you remain active and stay connected to your fellow retirees. In fact, close to 20,000 of you took advantage of the many classes, trips, events and regular chapter meetings that the department offers. Nuestro Departamento de Miembros Jubilados estuvo igualmente ocupado en 2014, y le dio la bienvenida a más de 8,800 nuevos jubilados (un máximo histórico) que eleva el número de pensionados a más de 97,000. El año pasado, más de 50,000 de ustedes recibieron beneficios de salud suplementarios a través de sus Fondos de Beneficios, lo cual, como ya dije, es un beneficio del que disfrutan menos de uno de cada cinco jubilados de todo el país. Para mantener el ritmo de las cifras de jubilados en aumento, añadimos continuamente nuevas actividades que les ayudan a mantenerse activos y conectados con sus colegas jubilados. De hecho, cerca de 20,000 de ustedes aprovecharon las numerosas clases, viajes, eventos y reuniones de agrupaciones regulares que ofrece el departamento. This past December, I was reminded once again of the unique vitality of our retirees when I attended our Benefit and Pension Funds’ annual Anne Shore Banquet in New York City, and was fortunate enough to meet with many who remain so active and engaged in their communities. I look forward to meeting more of you at the annual Florida Retiree Banquet on March 6. Este diciembre pasado, pude darme cuenta una vez más de la singular vitalidad de nuestros jubilados cuando asistí a nuestro banquete anual Anne Shore de los Fondos de Beneficios y Pensiones en la Ciudad de Nueva York, y tuve la suerte de conocer a muchos que se mantienen activos e involucrados en sus comunidades. Estoy deseando encontrarme con más de ustedes en el Banquete Anual de Jubilados de Florida el 6 de marzo. I hope you will always remember that your Benefit and Pension Funds are here to help you. If you ever have any questions about your health or pension benefits, please don’t hesitate to call one of our Retiree Services Representatives at (646) 473-8666 or (800) 892-2557. Espero que siempre recuerden que sus Fondos de Beneficios y Pensiones están a su entera disposición para ayudarles. Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre sus beneficios de salud o de pensión, no duden en llamar a uno de nuestros Representantes de Servicios a Jubilados al (646) 473-8666 o al (800) 892-2557. Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year! ¡Mis mejores deseos de un feliz y saludable Año Nuevo! Sincerely, Atentamente, This issue of the Retired Members Bulletin contains important information about your rights under your benefit plan and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which you should read and retain for future reference. Este número del Boletín para Miembros Jubilados contiene información importante sobre sus derechos en virtud de su plan de beneficios y la Ley para la Seguridad del Ingreso de Jubilación del Empleado (ERISA, por sus siglas en inglés), que debe leer y conservar para consultarla en el futuro. QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 February 2015 2 President’s Message Mensaje de la Presidenta Dear Sisters and Brothers, Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, With my first message of 2015, let me begin by wishing you and your families a healthy and prosperous New Year, and adding that I hope you all enjoyed a joyous holiday season. The New Year brings with it a fresh chance to strengthen our resolve to remain 1199SEIU retirees who are “Retired but Active.” Con mi primer mensaje de 2015, déjenme comenzar deseándoles a ustedes y sus familias un saludable y próspero Año Nuevo y añadir que espero que todos ustedes hayan disfrutado de una feliz temporada festiva. El Año Nuevo llega con una nueva oportunidad de fortalecer nuestra determinación de que los jubilados de 1199SEIU sean “Jubilados pero Activos”. I was proud to see our commitment to staying active on full display last fall when we helped get out the vote for the New York governor’s race, as well as for several other important local elections across all five boroughs. Our energy also couldn’t be missed at the annual Anne Shore Banquet in December, when more than 1,200 retirees celebrated at the New York Hilton. It was another event to remember – with old friends reminiscing, laughing and dancing – and it was a pleasure to catch up with so many of you. El pasado otoño, me sentí orgullosa de ver que nuestro compromiso de mantenernos activos goza de plena vitalidad, cuando ayudamos a estimular el voto en las elecciones a gobernador de Nueva York, así como otras elecciones locales importantes en los cinco distritos. Tampoco faltó nuestra energía en el banquete anual Anne Shore en diciembre, cuando más de 1,200 jubilados celebraron en el New York Hilton. Fue otro evento para recordar, con viejos amigos, rememorando, riendo y bailando, y fue un placer ponerse al día con muchos de ustedes. Of course, as retired 1199SEIU members, we are very fortunate and have much to celebrate. Not only do we receive quality healthcare through our supplemental benefits, we also have access to a variety of free classes held at our Fund Headquarters in Manhattan and at our chapters in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island and White Plains. If you haven’t tried one yet, there’s something for everyone, including quilting, sewing, yoga, photography, tai chi, drama, dance and more. Remember to save your bulletin or check the class schedules by visiting www.1199SEIUBenefits.org. 3 Por supuesto, como miembros jubilados de 1199SEIU, somos muy afortunados y tenemos mucho que celebrar. No solo recibimos atención de salud de calidad a través de nuestros beneficios suplementarios, sino que también tenemos acceso a una amplia variedad de clases gratuitas que se llevan a cabo en nuestra sede central del Fondo de Beneficios en Manhattan y en nuestras agrupaciones de Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island y White Plains. Si no las han probado, hay para todos los gustos, lo que incluye edredones, costura, yoga, fotografía, tai chi, artes dramáticas, baile y mucho más. Recuerden guardar su boletín o consultar el calendario de clases visitando www.1199SEIUBenefits.org. Some of our sisters and brothers, however, cannot stay as active as they would like because of health problems. I ask anyone who can to please help us reach these retirees by attending your next chapter meeting and speaking with the chair about getting involved. Your monthly chapter meetings are also a great way to learn more about our “Seniors Out Speaking” (SOS) initiative, which keeps our retired members informed about their Medicare benefits and helps them stay connected with other retirees. Algunos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, sin embargo, no pueden mantenerse tan activos como desearían por problemas de salud. Les pido a todos los que puedan que nos ayuden a llegar a estos jubilados asistiendo a la próxima reunión de su agrupación y hablando con el presidente sobre cómo pueden participar. Las reuniones mensuales de su agrupación también son una forma excelente de conocer más sobre la iniciativa “Ancianos que Expresan Opiniones” (Seniors Out Speaking, o SOS, por sus siglas en inglés), que mantiene a nuestros miembros jubilados informados de sus beneficios de Medicare y les ayuda a permanecer conectados con otros jubilados. I also ask anyone who has fallen behind on their dues to please restart your contributions. Finally, let us also remember that February is Black History Month, and in keeping with the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., let us continue to stay active and work to protect our hard-earned benefits for the next generation of retirees. También solicito a todos los que no estén al día que reinicien sus contribuciones. Finalmente, permítanme recordar que febrero es el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana y, manteniendo el espíritu del Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., sigamos manteniéndonos activos y trabajando para proteger nuestros beneficios arduamente conseguidos para la próxima generación de jubilados. In solidarity, Lena Hayes En solidaridad, Lena Hayes February 2015 QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 ACTIVIST PAGE / PÁGINA DEL ACTIVISTA A Message from / Un Mensaje de GEORGE GRESHAM PRESIDENT / PRESIDENTE, 1199SEIU UNITED HEALTHCARE WORKERS EAST Dear Sisters and Brothers, Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, The lives of healthcare workers are often satisfying and fulfilling, but they are rarely easy. We are proud of the work we do. We could never struggle as we constantly do if we did not have pride. Nothing – not our benefits, hours, time off, wages or respect on the job – has been given to us. Everything we have achieved as 1199SEIU members has come because we fought for it. We have a long tradition, built over generations, of fighting for our patients, our families and our communities. Las vidas de los trabajadores de atención de la salud con frecuencia son satisfactorias y gratificantes, pero rara vez sencillas. Nos sentimos orgullosos de lo que hacemos. No podríamos esforzarnos como lo hacemos constantemente si no nos sintiésemos orgullosos. Nada (ni nuestros beneficios, horarios, tiempo libre, salarios o respeto en el trabajo) se nos ha regalado. Todo lo que hemos logrado como miembros de 1199SEIU lo hemos conseguido porque hemos luchado por ello. Tenemos una larga tradición, forjada a lo largo de generaciones, de luchar por nuestros pacientes, nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades. The year 2014 has been no different. In Maryland, our 2,000 sisters and brothers waged a successful three-day strike at Johns Hopkins Medical Center – one of the world’s wealthiest hospitals but one that paid fast-food wages to thousands of its caregivers. In the end, they won raises of up to 38 percent for low-wage workers and a $15/hour base pay for veteran members. El año 2014 no ha sido diferente. En Maryland, nuestros 2,000 hermanos y hermanas realizaron una exitosa huelga de tres días en el Johns Hopkins Medical Center: uno de los hospitales más solventes del mundo, pero también uno que paga salarios precarios a miles de sus cuidadores. Al final, consiguieron aumentos de hasta un 38 por ciento para los trabajadores de salarios bajos y una paga básica de $15/hora para los miembros veteranos. In downstate New York, our hospital employers unilaterally chose to reopen the contract for nearly 100,000 workers. But 1199SEIU sisters and brothers mounted a campaign of several months’ duration, saying, “We don’t want to strike, but we will if we have to.” After weeks of negotiations, our members voted by over 90 percent to strike if necessary. The employers settled a new contract that preserved the benefits of the old one and improved wages and organizing rights. Al sur del estado de Nueva York, nuestros empleadores de hospital decidieron unilateralmente reabrir el contrato de casi 100,000 trabajadores. Pero los hermanos y hermanas de 1199SEIU realizaron una campaña de varios meses de duración para decir: “No queremos ir a la huelga, pero lo haremos si no nos queda más remedio”. Después de semanas de negociaciones, nuestros miembros votaron en más de un 90 por ciento a favor de ir a la huelga en caso de ser necesario. Los empleadores establecieron un nuevo contrato que conserva los beneficios del viejo y mejora los salarios y los derechos de organización. And so it went: 1199ers were out in force to defend their families and their patients. Our Union has always fought for justice for working people wherever they are. We try to remain true to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of 1199 as his favorite union. So we marched (and got arrested) in solidarity with North Carolina’s great Moral Monday movement. We marched in Staten Island for justice for Eric Garner, the victim of an illegal police chokehold. And we began to seriously address perhaps the greatest threat to humanity – the crisis of a changing climate. Get ready, because we’re only getting started. Our 1199SEIU culture – building strength for bargaining, growing our Union, advocating for our patients, our jobs and our families in the political arena – achieves real gains in providing a secure future for our loved ones and for working families everywhere. We will confront serious challenges in the coming year. November’s election results assure that we’ll face a worker-unfriendly Congress in Washington, D.C., and hostile forces in most of our state houses. To continue to make gains, we – all of us, whatever our political affiliation, faith, gender, color, sexual preference or national origin – have to remain united, and to unite with our partners in the labor movement and our communities. Solidarity is required if we are to successfully defend our families against those who would eliminate our hard-won gains and union protections, strip essential funding for our healthcare system, deny us a livable wage and benefits, destroy our public schools, militarize our local police, poison our air and our water, and force our immigrant sisters and brothers into the shadows. The challenges we’ll face are big, but we’ve faced bigger challenges before. We look forward to working alongside you in 2015 for yet more victories. Y así fueron las cosas: Los miembros de 1199 salieron en masa a defender a sus familias y sus pacientes. Nuestro Sindicato siempre ha luchado porque haya justicia para la gente trabajadora, donde sea que estén. Tratamos de mantenernos fieles a la visión del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. que consideraba al 1199 su sindicato favorito. Por eso hemos protestado (y hemos sido arrestados) en solidaridad con el gran movimiento Lunes Moral (Moral Monday en inglés) de Carolina del Norte. Protestamos en Staten Island para conseguir justicia para Eric Garner, víctima de una inmovilización ilegal que resultó en asfixia por parte de la policía. Y comenzamos a abordar con seriedad la que tal vez sea la mayor amenaza para la humanidad: la crisis del cambio climático. Prepárense, porque solo estamos empezando. Nuestra cultura en 1199SEIU, desarrollar nuestra fuerza para las negociaciones, hacer crecer nuestro Sindicato, y defender a nuestros pacientes, nuestros trabajos y nuestras familias en la esfera política, logra éxitos reales a la hora de ofrecer un futuro seguro para nuestros seres queridos y las familias trabajadoras de todas partes. Afrontaremos importantes desafíos en los próximos años. Los resultados de las elecciones de noviembre garantizan que nos enfrentaremos a un Congreso poco amistoso con los trabajadores en Washington, D.C. y fuerzas hostiles en la mayor parte de nuestras casas de gobierno. Para seguir logrando éxitos tenemos que mantenernos unidos (todos nosotros, sea cual sea nuestra afiliación política, fe, sexo, color, preferencia sexual u origen nacional) y unirnos a nuestros socios en el movimiento obrero y a nuestras comunidades. La solidaridad es necesaria para defender con éxito a nuestras familias frente a aquellos que eliminarían nuestras conquistas logradas con gran esfuerzo y nuestras protecciones sindicales, nos privarían del financiamiento esencial para nuestro sistema de atención de la salud, nos negarían salarios y beneficios dignos, destruirían nuestros colegios públicos, militarizarían nuestra policía local, envenenarían nuestro aire y nuestra agua, y forzarían a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a vivir entre las sombras. Los desafíos que enfrentamos son grandes, pero ya hemos afrontado desafíos mayores antes. Estamos deseosos de trabajar con ustedes a lo largo de 2015 para conseguir aún más victorias. In solidarity, En solidaridad, George Gresham George Gresham THIS PAGE IS PAID FOR BY 1199SEIU UNITED HEALTHCARE WORKERS EAST / ESTA PÁGINA LA FINANCIA 1199SEIU UNITED HEALTHCARE WORKERS EAST QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 February 2015 4 FLORIDA RETIREES Annual Florida Retiree Banquet – Friday, March 6, 2015 Great New Venue – Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center • 8701 World Center Drive • Orlando, FL 32821-6358 All reservations for the Friday, March 6, 2015, annual Florida Retiree Banquet at the Orlando World Center Marriott, 8701 World Center Drive, must be purchased by Thursday, February 26, 2015. The cost is $10 per member; $20 per guest. If you are paying by check, please make it payable to “1199SEIU Retirees.” If you are mailing in your reservation form with payment, you must include a self-addressed stamped envelope in order to receive your ticket(s) and bus information. Mail payment to: Marilyn Silverberg • 8775 Via Tuscany Drive • Boynton Beach, FL 33472 At the monthly chapter meetings, tickets can be purchased with a completed reservation form. Please be sure to complete the section on the chapter bus. There is limited space on each bus; a seat must be reserved! If you are driving to the banquet, a parking fee of $10 per car will be charged. The Orlando World Center Marriott has limited reservation space available for those who want to stay overnight. The cost is $159 per night. All reservations will be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at (888) 789-3090 or (407) 239-4200. All reservations must be accompanied by a first-night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Reservations must be made on or before Thursday, February 12, 2015. It is your responsibility to make your own reservation! For further information, contact: Marilyn Silverberg, Florida Retiree Field Coordinator [email protected] Toll-free: (877) 369-8340 • In Palm Beach County: (561) 369-8340 • Fax: (561) 369-8342 • Cell: (561) 676-0724 8775 Via Tuscany Drive, Boynton Beach, FL 33472 Bus Schedule Broward – Leon Davis Chapter 5:15 am – Board bus Lowe’s parking lot 8050 West Oakland Park Blvd. • Sunrise, FL 33351 (park closest to North University Drive) Palm Bay/Melbourne Chapter 6:45 am – Board bus Palm Bay United Methodist Church 2100 Port Malabar Blvd., NE • Palm Bay, FL 32905 (park towards rear of main church parking lot) Casselberry – Doris Turner Chapter 8:00 am – Board bus St. Augustine Church 375 North Sunset Drive • Casselberry, FL 32707 (park on the Seminola Blvd. side) Port St. Lucie Chapter 6:30 am – Board bus Walmart Supercenter 10855 South US Highway 1 • Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 (enter at traffic light – south entrance – and park to the left) Fort Meyers Chapter 5:15 am – Board bus Bealls Shopping Plaza 1209 Homestead Road North • Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 (park in lower end) South Palm Beach Chapter 5:15 am – Board bus Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue • Delray Beach, FL 33446 (park in far rear parking area) Miami-Dade – Ossie Davis Chapter 4:30 am – Board bus 18441 NW 2nd Avenue Lincoln Building • Miami Gardens, FL 33169 (park in rear lot of building) Tampa Chapter – Tampa (first stop) 7:00 am – Board bus SunTrust Building (Union meeting site) 500 North West Shore Blvd. • Tampa, FL 33609 (park on 3rd level only and come down to street level for bus pickup; bus will park on main lot – street level) North Port Chapter 5:15 am – Board bus Morgan Family Community Center 6207 West Price Blvd. • North Port, FL 34291 (located across from North Port High School) Orlando Chapter 7:00 am – Board bus UAW Local #788 1825 West Oak Ridge Road • Orlando, FL 32809 (park in rear lot of building on grassy area) 5 February 2015 Tampa Chapter – Brandon (second stop) 7:45 am – Board bus Westfield Mall 459 Brandon Town Center • Brandon, FL 33511 (park on the southwest side of the mall between Sears and Macy’s) West Palm Beach Chapter 5:15 am – Board bus St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church 1063 North Haverhill Road • West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (park in rear parking lot away from church on Haverhill Road side) QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 RADNELAC YRAURBEF CYN YADIRF Florida Chapters 6 .egrahc fo eeFEBRUARY rf dna seeriteCHAPTER r lla ot nepoMEETINGS era sessalC YADSRUHT 5 11-01 21-11 1-21 3-1 Casselberry – Doris Turner Chapter Black History Celebration Thursday, February 19 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Casselberry Public Library 1 215 North Oxford Road • 3Casselberry, FL 32707 21 )nylkoorB( *agoY 11-01 ihC iaT Fort )Myers dnalsI netatChapter S( *agoY 11-01 *agoY Monday, February am to 1:00 gnitliuQ 23 –2111:00 -01 bulC pm hcnuL ecnaD 2-1 stfarC & strA The Riverside Community Center *agoY Drive •3-2Fort Myers, FL 33916 gniweS 3061 East Riverside 11-01 21-11 1-21 5-3 5-3 Miami-Dade – Ossie Davis Chapter Thursday, February 5 – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm 18441 NW 2nd Avenue Lincoln Building – North Wing, Suite 502 (Penthouse) Miami Gardens, FL 3316902 91 ) n y l k o o r B ( * a g o Y 1 1 0 1 i h C i a T 1 1-01 North Port Chapter ) d n a l s I n e t a t S ( * a g o Y 1 1 0 1 * a g o Y 2 1-11 Tuesday, February 24 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm gnitliuQ 21-01 bulC hcnuL 1-21 Morgan Family gnineercS nCommunity oisiV 21-01Center ytraP yadhtriB 3-1 6207 West PriceecBlvd. naD • North 2-1 Port, FL 34291 stfarC & strA 5-3 *agoY 3-2 gniweS 3-2 )htlaeH traeH( stfarC & strA gniweS Port St. Lucie Chapter Wednesday, February 11 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Port St. Lucie Community Center 2195 SE Airoso Blvd. • Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 South Palm Beach Chapter Thursday, February 12 – 10:00 am to noon Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue • Delray Beach, FL 33446 YADNOM 2 11 01 Brooklyn – Mattie Small Chapter 9 )dnalsI netatS( *agoY taM 11-01 yhpargotohP 21-03:9 )nylkoorB( gnoG ihC 11-01 February 20 •)s11:30 )ellivskciH( *aFriday, goY 11-01 neeuQ( *aam goY to 1:30 11-01 pm noitaicerppA arepO 03:11-03:01 1199SEIU Brooklyn Office puorG larohC 21-01 amarD 21-03:01 yrotsiH trA 1-21 )geB( gnitehcorC & gni25 ttinKElm Place 21-01 (off Fulton & gnittiStreet) nK ’srennigeB 1-11 )dnalsI netatS( stfarC & strA 3-1 )ellivskciH( ecnaD 21-11 )sneeuQ( gnitehcorC )snialP etihW( *aEast goY 03Harlem :21-03:11 – )Leon sneeuQ( aDavis goY ’srennChapter igeB 51:21-51:11 )xnorB( *aFriday, goY 1-21 trA to noon 3-21 February 27 • 10:30 am )vdA/tnI( gnitehcorC & gniJefferson ttinK 03:4-03Senior :21 Center eraepsekahS 03:1-03:21 )snialP etihW( ogniB 2-1 puorG noissucsiD 3-03:1 )nylkoorB( gnitehcorC & gn2205 ittinK First4Avenue -1 )xnorB( gnoG ihC 03:2-03:1 Hicksville – Milton Konowe Chapter 81 February 18 • 11:00 am7to 1 1:00 pm 61 Wednesday, )dnalsI netatS( *agoY1199SEIU taM 11-Hicksville 01 OfficeyhpargotohP 21-03:9 )sneeuQ( *agoY 11-01 )ellivskciH( *a100 goY Duffy 11-0Avenue 1 amarD 21-03:01 DESOLC ECIFFO )geB( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 21-01 gnittinK ’srennigeB 1-11 )snialP etihW( *aNew goY 03Hyde :21-03:11 Park –&Eleanor Tilson Chapter )sneeuQ( gnitehcorC )xnorB( *agoY 1-21 Tuesday, February )sneeu17 Q( ag•oY1:00 ’srennigpm eB 51to :21-52:00 1:11 pm 5-3 )vdA/tnI( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 03:4-03:21 t r A 3 -21 NS-LIJ Cohen Children’s Medical Center )snialP etihW( ogniB 2-1 e r a e p s e k a h S 0 3 : 1 0 3 Center – Conference Room :21 )nylkoorB( gnitehcorC & gnTeaching ittinK 4-1 3-03:1 )xnorB( gnoG269-01 ihC 03:76 2-03th:1 Avenue puorG noissucsiD )kraP edyH weN( agoY 3-2 62 11-01 21-11 1-21 3-2 North Bronx 52 – Bernard Minter Chapter 42 32 Tuesday, 10 •yh1:00 )dnalsI netatS( *agoY taM 11-0February 1 pargotopm hP to213:00 -03:9 pm )nylkoorB( gnoG ihC 11-01 )ellivskciH( *aHoly goY Rosary 11-01 Church )sneeuQ( *agoY 11-01 noitaicerppA arepO 03:11-03:01 puorG la1510 rohC Adee 21-01Avenue (enter at parking amarD 2lot) 1-03:01 yrotsiH trA 1-21 )geB( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 21-01 & gnittinK ’srennigeB 1-11 )dnalsI netatS( stfarC & strA )ellivskciH( eQueens cnaD 21–-11Edward)sGarrins neeuQ( gnitehChapter corC 5-3 )snialP etihW( *aTuesday, goY 03:21-03:1February 1 )sneeu24 Q( ag•oY11:30 ’srennigeBam 51:2to 1-511:00 :11 pm 5-3 )xnorB( *agoY 1-21 trA 3-21 Guy Brewer Democratic Club )vdA/tnI( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 03:4-03:21 eraepsekahS 03:1-03:21 Linden )snialP etihW( o197-01 gniB 2-1 Blvd. puorG noissucsiD 3-03:1 )nylkoorB( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 4-1 Chapter )xnorB( gnoGStaten ihC 03:2Island -03:1 3-1 Monday, February 9 • 11:00 am to 1:00 pm .detacidni e1199SEIU siwrehto Training sselnu srand etrauEmployment qdaeH nattaFunds hnaM Office ruo ta dleh era sessalc llA 790 Port Richmond Avenue (off Forest Avenue) Suffolk County Chapter Tampa Chapter NO MEETINGS UNTIL APRIL Wednesday, February 25 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Church of Riverhead mp 03:1 ot mp 03:21 ,syaFirst dseuBaptist T htlaeH traeH yraurbeF 1199SEIU UHWE Office 1018 Northville Turnpike, Riverhead ,ecineVFLfo33609 tnahcreM ehT gnidaer yltnerruc si ssalc ehT 500 North West Shore Blvd. • Tampa, recnaC Chapter latceroloC hcraM Westchester – Hudson Valley Region naol yratenom a dna egnever ,ecidujerp fo yrots a West Palm Beach Chapter Stay healthy in the New Year! Come to our yoga class and ”.hspm efl fo dnuop a“ saw laretalloc chapter esohw meeting on Wednesday,AFebruary PI ,srentraP4.eraChtlaeH yb derosnopS* Wednesday, February 4 – 11:00 am to 1:00 ssalC eraepsekahS *scipoT gniteeM ht St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Hall rool–F Parish 9 ,tee rtS dn24 tseW 033 • DMR UIESYoga: 991111:30 am • Chapter Meeting: 12:30 pm 1063 North Haverhill Road • West Palm Beach, FL 33417 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East 99 Church Street, White Plains For information, contact Marilyn Silverberg: [email protected]; Toll-free (877) 369-8340 noon ot ma 00:01 ,02 yraurbeF ,yadirF Palm Beach County (561) 369-8340; fax (561) 369-8342 roTuscany ecneirepDrive xe on(•dBoynton uola syalpBeach, neercs FL dna33472 syalp sdaer ssalc amarD ehT 8775 Via devres tsrfi ,emoc tsriF etaler semeht rieht woh sessucsid dna )deriuqer noitaziromem Black History Celebration DMR UIES9911 etihW taerG ehT gnidulcni ,skrow emos fo smliF .efil yliad ot Friday, February 13 • 9:30 am to noon ht roolF Street 9 ,te•eSumter, rtS dn24SC ts29150 eW 033 .noon ot ma 03:01 morf syadseuT .nwohs eb osla lliw ,epoH Birnie Hope Center • 210 South Purdy For information, call Nonnie B. Perry at (803) 481-0475. gnineercS noisiV ssalC amarD eht ot emoC !woN tcA North & South Carolinas Chapter QUESTIONS: 8 5102 yCALL raurb(646) eF 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 7552-298 )008( CYN EDISTUO • 6668-374 )64February 6( LLAC :S2015 NOITSEU6 Q API ,srentraP eraChtlaeH yb derosnopS * *agoY YADSEUT New York City Chapters 3 4 yhpargotohP 21-03:9 )nylkoorB( gnoG ihC 11-01 )dnalsI netatS( *agoY taM 11-01 –11Joseph James )sneeChapter uQ( *agoY 11-01 noitaicerppA arepO 03:11-03:01 )ellivskciH( *aBronx goY -01 arD to211:00 -03:01 pm yrotsiH trA 1-21 puorG laFriday, rohC 21-01 February 13 • 11:00amam & g& nittEducation inK ’srennigeB Center 1-11 )dnalsI netatS( stfarC & strA 3-1 )geB( gnitehcorC & gni1199SEIU ttinK 21-Healthcare 01 )sneeuQ( gnitehcorC eettimmoC evitucexE 03:3-03:1 )ellivskciH( ecnaD 21-11 )sneeuQ( agRoom oY ’srenn301 igeB 51:21-51:11 gniteeM 5-3 )snialP etihW( *a2501 goY 03Grand :21-03:11 Concourse, trA 3-21 5-3 )xnorB( *agoY 1-21 Brooklyn – Marshall Dubin Chapter eraepsekahS 03:1-03:21 )vdA/tnI( gnitehcorC & gnittinK 03:4-03:21 puo25 rG no•iss11:00 ucsiD am 3-03to :1 1:00 pm )nylkoorB( gnitehcorC & gnWednesday, ittinK 4-1 February nd Brooklyn College – Student Center, 2 Floor )xnorB( gnoG ihC 03:2-03:1 )snialP etihW( oEast gniB 27 03th :3-0Street 3:2 & Campus Road )nylkoorB( *agoY 11-01 ihC iaT Broward )dnalsI n– etaLeon tS( *agoYDavis11Chapter -01 *agoY gnitliuQ 10 –211:00 -01 pm to 3:00 bulCpm hcnuL Tuesday, February ecnaD Center 2-1– Coconut pihsrePalm bmeM laRoom reneG Tamarac Community *agoY 3-2 gniteeM 8601 West Commercial Blvd. • Tamarac, sFL tfar33351 C & strA gniweS Orlando Chapter Wednesday, February 18 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm UAW Local #788 1825 West Oak Ridge Road • Orlando, FL 32809 72 Palm Bay/Melbourne )nylkoorB( *agoY 1Chapter 1-01 ihC iaT Tuesday, )dnalsI nFebruary etatS( *agoY 17 –111:30 -01 pm to 3:30 pm *agoY gnitlMethodist iuQ 21-01Church – Fellowship bulC hcnuHall L Palm Bay United e c n a D 2 1 g n i t e e M c i p o T h t l a e H 2100 Port Malabar Blvd., NE • Palm Bay, FL 32905 YADSENDEW Yoga Classes Retiree Chapter in Suffolk County Classes are held four times each month, except where noted.* Please check the calendar for exact dates. There will be no Suffolk County chapter meetings in February or March. The meetings will resume in April. Please check the March bulletin for a date and time. First Baptist Church of Riverhead 1018 Northville Turnpike • Riverhead, NY 11901 Bronx Wednesdays, noon to 1:00 pm 1199SEIU Healthcare & Education Center 2501 Grand Concourse, Room 301 Brooklyn Fridays, 10:00 am to 11:00 am 25 Elm Place (off Fulton Street), Rooms 4 & 5 Hicksville Wednesdays, 10:00 am to 11:00 am 100 Duffy Avenue, 3rd Floor Manhattan Headquarters Thursdays, 11:00 am to noon Fridays, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor New Hyde Park* Tuesday, February 17, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm *(one class per month) North Shore-LIJ Cohen Children’s Medical Center Teaching Center – Conference Room • 269-01 76th Avenue Queens Tuesdays, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Beginners’ class, Tuesdays, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm Devore Dance Center • 205-05 Hollis Avenue, Main Floor Staten Island Fridays, 10:00 am to 11:00 am 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds Office 790 Port Richmond Avenue (off Forest Avenue) White Plains Continuing Education Classes Available Retirees can keep up with the latest research, clinical trends and emerging healthcare issues with the 1199SEIU/League Training and Upgrading Fund’s Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). ICE offers accredited continuing education seminars and symposiums for social workers, dietitians, laboratory technologists, LPNs and more. Through a special arrangement, the three- and sixhour courses are available to retirees and cost $15 per credit/hour. Registration is required, and retirees who are interested in finding out how to sign up must call (646) 473-6916 for more information. Find a schedule of seminars and symposiums at www.1199SEIUBenefits.org/Institute. Explore an Age-Friendly College Website Age-Friendly NYC College Link is an online database that connects older adults with educational and cultural opportunities at more than 40 New York City-area colleges and universities. On the website – www.AgeFriendlyCollege.org – you can learn about programs for the liberal and creative arts, computers and technology, business, job skills, personal growth and more. Performances, lectures and physical fitness activities are also offered. Check out this resource and see what you can learn next! New Sewing Teacher! Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds White Plains Office • 99 Church Street We’ve made some exciting changes to our sewing class – starting with a talented new instructor who also teaches at the Pratt Institute. Come join us to learn new sewing techniques. The class meets on Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Fund Headquarters. Please check the calendar. Chi Gong Classes Knitting & Crocheting Classes in Brooklyn Learn this Chinese healing art that aims to increase the body’s healthy energy. Participants perform simple movements, while both sitting and standing, that are believed to benefit the immune, circulatory and nervous systems. Classes are held four times each month in Brooklyn on Mondays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and in the Bronx on Wednesdays from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Check the calendar for exact dates. Mat Yoga Comes to Staten Island! We’re offering a new mat yoga class in Staten Island. Classes meet on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Please check the calendar. The Brooklyn knitting & crocheting class is back! Please check the calendar. Wednesdays, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Please note: We are no longer offering sewing classes in Brooklyn. Beginners’ Knitting & Crocheting Classes on Tuesdays in Queens! Please check the calendar for times. To learn about trip and vacation offers, call (800) 552-6262, ext. 112 & (800) 431-1130, ext. 5537. 7 February 2015 QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 NYC FEBRUARY CALENDAR Classes are open to all retirees and free of charge. MONDAY 2 10-11 10:30-11:30 12-1 1-3 1:30-3:30 Chi Gong (Brooklyn) Opera Appreciation Art History Arts & Crafts (Staten Island) Executive Committee Meeting 9 TUESDAY 9:30-12 10-11 10:30-12 11-1 WEDNESDAY 4 Photography Yoga* (Queens) Drama Beginners’ Knitting & Crocheting (Queens) 11:15-12:15 Beginners’ Yoga (Queens) 12-3 Art 12:30-1:30 Shakespeare 1:30-3 Discussion Group 10-11 10-11 10-12 10-12 11-12 11:30-12:30 12-1 12:30-4:30 1-4 1:30-2:30 2:30-3:30 10 11 Photography Yoga* (Queens) Drama Beginners’ Knitting & Crocheting (Queens) 11:15-12:15 Beginners’ Yoga (Queens) 12-3 Art 12:30-1:30 Shakespeare 1:30-3 Discussion Group 10-11 10-11 10-12 10-12 11-12 11:30-12:30 12-1 12:30-4:30 1-2 1-4 1:30-2:30 16 17 18 23 10-11 10:30-11:30 12-1 1-3 Chi Gong (Brooklyn) Opera Appreciation Art History Arts & Crafts (Staten Island) 9:30-12 10-11 10:30-12 11-1 Photography Yoga* (Queens) Drama Beginners’ Knitting & Crocheting (Queens) 11:15-12:15 Beginners’ Yoga (Queens) 12-3 Art 12:30-1:30 Shakespeare 1:30-3 Discussion Group 2-3 Yoga (New Hyde Park) THURSDAY 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-3 3-5 3-5 Tai Chi Yoga* Lunch Club General Membership Meeting Arts & Crafts Sewing Mat Yoga* (Staten Island) Yoga* (Hicksville) Choral Group Knitting & Crocheting (Beg) Dance (Hicksville) Yoga* (White Plains) Yoga* (Bronx) Knitting & Crocheting (Int/Adv) Bingo (White Plains) Knitting & Crocheting (Brooklyn) Chi Gong (Bronx) 10-11 11-12 12-1 3-5 3-5 25 9:30-12 10-11 10:30-12 11-1 10-11 10-11 10-12 10-12 11-12 11:30-12:30 12-1 12:30-4:30 1-2 1-4 1:30-2:30 Mat Yoga* (Staten Island) Yoga* (Hicksville) Knitting & Crocheting (Beg) Yoga* (White Plains) Yoga* (Bronx) Knitting & Crocheting (Int/Adv) Bingo (White Plains) Knitting & Crocheting (Brooklyn) Chi Gong (Bronx) 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-3 3-5 3-5 10-11 11-12 12-1 2-3 3-5 3-5 10-11 10-11 10-12 1-2 2-3 FRIDAY Yoga* (Brooklyn) Yoga* (Staten Island) Quilting Dance Yoga* 10-11 10-11 10-12 1-2 2-3 Yoga* (Brooklyn) Yoga* (Staten Island) Quilting Dance Yoga* 20 Tai Chi Yoga* Lunch Club Birthday Party Arts & Crafts Sewing 26 Mat Yoga* (Staten Island) Yoga* (Hicksville) Choral Group Knitting & Crocheting (Beg) Dance (Hicksville) Yoga* (White Plains) Yoga* (Bronx) Knitting & Crocheting (Int/Adv) Bingo (White Plains) Knitting & Crocheting (Brooklyn) Chi Gong (Bronx) 6 13 Tai Chi Yoga* Lunch Club Arts & Crafts Sewing 19 10-11 10-11 10-12 11:30-12:30 12-1 12:30-4:30 1-2 1-4 1:30-2:30 24 Photography Yoga* (Queens) Drama Beginners’ Knitting & Crocheting (Queens) 11:15-12:15 Beginners’ Yoga (Queens) 12-3 Art 12:30-1:30 Shakespeare 1:30-3 Discussion Group Mat Yoga* (Staten Island) Yoga* (Hicksville) Choral Group Knitting & Crocheting (Beg) Dance (Hicksville) Yoga* (White Plains) Yoga* (Bronx) Knitting & Crocheting (Int/Adv) Knitting & Crocheting (Brooklyn) Chi Gong (Bronx) Bingo (White Plains) 5 12 9:30-12 10-11 Chi Gong (Brooklyn) 10-11 10:30-11:30 Opera Appreciation 10:30-12 12-1 Art History 1-3 Arts & Crafts (Staten Island) 11-1 OFFICE CLOSED * Sponsored by HealthCare Partners, IPA 3 10-11 10-11 10-12 10-12 1-2 2-3 Yoga* (Brooklyn) Yoga* (Staten Island) Quilting Vision Screening Dance Yoga* 27 Tai Chi Yoga* Lunch Club Health Topic Meeting (Heart Health) Arts & Crafts Sewing 10-11 10-11 10-12 1-2 2-3 Yoga* (Brooklyn) Yoga* (Staten Island) Quilting Dance Yoga* All classes are held at our Manhattan Headquarters unless otherwise indicated. Meeting Topics* Shakespeare Class February Heart Health Tuesdays, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm March Colorectal Cancer The class is currently reading The Merchant of Venice, a story of prejudice, revenge and a monetary loan whose collateral was “a pound of flesh.” *Sponsored by HealthCare Partners, IPA 1199SEIU RMD • 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor Vision Screening Friday, February 20, 10:00 am to noon First come, first served 1199SEIU RMD 330 West 42nd Street, 9th Floor QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 Act Now! Come to the Drama Class The Drama class reads plays and screenplays aloud (no experience or memorization required) and discusses how their themes relate to daily life. Films of some works, including The Great White Hope, will also be shown. Tuesdays from 10:30 am to noon. February 2015 8 Retirees Ring in the Holidays in Style at the Anne Shore Banquet On December 5, more than 1,200 1199SEIU retirees gathered to celebrate the holidays at the Anne Shore Banquet at the New York Hilton in Manhattan. 1199SEIU President George Gresham, 1199SEIU SecretaryTreasurer Maria Castaneda, 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds Executive Director Mitra Behroozi and Public Advocate for the City of New York Letitia James shared a few words with the crowd before the festivities began. Retirees reconnected with old friends, shared good food and danced the afternoon away, paying tribute to their “Retired but Active” motto. Congratulations to the Retired Members Department for hosting another festive celebration! 9 February 2015 QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 LEGAL NOTICES HIPAA Notice If you would like a copy of the Fund’s Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices, please visit www.1199SEIUBenefits.org, or request one in writing by writing to the 1199SEIU Benefit Fund Privacy Officer at 330 West 42nd St, 9th Floor, NY, NY 10036. SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees This is a summary of the annual report for the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees, EIN: 13-1628401, for the period January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013. This is a welfare benefit plan offering life insurance, health, dental, vision and prescription drug benefits. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits Security Administration, as required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Except those with respect to the benefits specified under “Insurance Information” below, the plan is self-insured and has committed to pay covered claims out of plan assets. Your Rights to Additional Information You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, on request. The items listed below are included in that report: • • • • • Insurance Information • The plan has a contract with Amalgamated Life Insurance Company and Guardian Life Insurance Company of America to pay certain life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment claims incurred under the terms of the plan. The total premiums paid for the plan year ending December 31, 2013, were $721,571. Because it is a so-called “experience-rated” contract, the premium costs are affected by, among other things, the number and size of claims. Of the total insurance premiums paid for the plan year ending December 31, 2013, the premiums paid under such “experience-rated” contracts were $8,402,334 and the total of all benefit claims paid under the experience-rated contract during the plan year was $6,749,931. Insurance information, including sales commissions paid by insurance carriers; An accountant’s report; Financial information and information on payments to service providers; Assets held for investment; Information regarding any common or collective trusts, pooled separate accounts, master trusts or 103-12 investment entities in which the plan participates; and Actuarial information regarding the funding of the plan. You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes, or both. If you request a copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator, these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that report. To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the plan administrator, Board of Trustees of the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees, PO Box 842, New York, NY 10108; (646) 473-6365. Basic Financial Statement The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was $404,718,891 as of December 31, 2013, compared to $327,624,942 as of January 1, 2013. During the plan year, the plan experienced an increase in its net assets of $77,093,949. This increase includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in the value of the plan assets; that is the difference between the value of the plan’s assets at the end of the year and the value of the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year. During the plan year, the plan had total income of $1,463,868,918, including employer contributions of $1,431,048,794, net appreciation in fair value of investments of $21,540,120, COBRA payments of $2,802,297 and other earnings of $8,477,707. You also have the legally protected right to examine the annual report at the main office of the plan: 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees, 330 West 42nd Street, 28th floor, New York, NY 10036, and at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C., or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of Labor upon payment of copying costs. Requests to the Department should be addressed to: Public Disclosure Room, Room N-1513, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. Plan expenses were $1,386,774,969. These expenses included $91,012,029 in administrative expenses, $1,288,047,893 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries, $416,716 in investment and advisor fees, and $7,298,331 in general expenses. QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 February 2015 10 LEGAL NOTICES 1199SEIU NATIONAL BENEFIT FUND FOR HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICE EMPLOYEES SUMMARY OF MATERIAL MODIFICATIONS This Summary of Material Modifications describes changes that affect your welfare benefit plan and updates the Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) that was previously distributed to you. You should keep this summary with your current SPD until the booklet is updated to reflect the changes discussed herein. Effective January 1, 2015, the following changes to the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees (“Benefit Fund”) Plan and SPD apply: 1. Sections I.C and IV.A: If you have designated your spouse as your life insurance beneficiary, your divorce will automatically revoke that designation upon notification to the Fund. If you do not change your beneficiary thereafter, your Life Insurance Benefit will be paid as if there is no beneficiary. 2. Sections I.G and VII.B: In the event you comply with the Fund’s terms and acknowledge the Fund’s rights, but you dispute the Fund’s Lien Determination (that a claim for benefits is not covered because it is an expense resulting from an illness or injury caused by the conduct of a third party) you may request an Administrative Review of the Lien Determination by writing to the Liens Department, provided that any proceeds you receive from a settlement, verdict or agreement for compensation from or on behalf of the party responsible for the illness or injury, up to the amount of the lien, are not disbursed for the duration of the appeal. The Fund will notify you in writing of the appeal decision and rationale within 30 days of receipt of the written appeal. If the Administrative Review results in a denial of your appeal, you have the right to request a final Administrative Review by the Chief Benefits Officer or his or her designee in writing no later than 60 days after the receipt of the appeal denial. If your appeal is denied by the Chief Benefits Officer or his or her designee, you have the right to file suit in federal court under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). 3. Section I.J: For purposes of the subsection regarding continuing your coverage while receiving unemployment insurance, the maximum of six months continuation need not be consecutive, and the number of years you were covered by the Benefit Fund is calculated from when you were last considered a new employee under Section I.B. 4. Section II – preface, II.A, VII.B: A Non-Participating Provider that appeals a benefit denial cannot file a lawsuit on your behalf more than five years from the date of service. Before you receive services from a Non-Participating Provider, you should ask the provider to find out the total Benefit Fund allowance for the planned service by calling (646) 473-7160, and to notify you of what your out-of-pocket expenses will be. 5. Sections VII.A and VII.B: The assignment feature of the Benefit Fund is only for payment of your benefits to providers. No other rights under the plan or ERISA may be assigned or transferred. 6. Section VII.A: If you (or your provider by assignment) receive an overpayment from the Benefit Fund as a result of an improperly billed claim for benefits, the overpaid funds belong to the Benefit Fund, and you agree to hold that money in trust for the Benefit Fund and to reimburse the Benefit Fund within 30 days of receiving the overpayment. In addition, the Plan Administrator may bring a court action to enforce the terms of the Plan or to recover benefit overpayments. 11 February 2015 This summary only highlights the key changes made to the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees. Summaries of material modifications together with the Summary Plan Description make up your official plan descriptions; please keep them together and refer to them as necessary. We have made every attempt to insure the accuracy of the information in this summary and the Summary Plan Description. However, if there is any discrepancy between them and the Plan Document, insurance contracts or other legal documents, the legal documents will always govern. If you would like to review the Plan Document or have any questions, please contact the Fund’s Member Services Representatives at (646) 473-9200. The National Benefit Fund believes it is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that this plan may not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for an external review process for claims appeals. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits. Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to the Plan Administrator at (646) 473-9200. You may also contact the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor at (866) 444-3272 or www.dol.gov/ebsa/healthreform. This website has a table summarizing which protections do and do not apply to grandfathered health plans. The plan sponsor of the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees reserves the right to amend or terminate the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees, or any part of it, at any time. QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT 1199SEIU GREATER NEW YORK BENEFIT FUND This is a summary of the annual report for the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund, EIN: 13-6125570, for the period January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013. This is a welfare benefit plan offering life insurance, health, dental, vision and prescription drug benefits. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits Security Administration, as required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Your Rights to Additional Information Except with respect to the benefits specified under “Insurance Information” below, the plan is self-insured and has committed to pay covered claims out of plan assets. • • • • You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, on request. The items listed below are included in that report: • Insurance information, including sales commissions paid by insurance carriers; An accountant’s report; Financial information and information on payments to service providers; Assets held for investment; and Actuarial information regarding the funding of the plan. Insurance Information The plan has a contract with Amalgamated Life Insurance Company to pay certain life claims incurred under the terms of the plan. The total premiums paid for the plan year ending December 31, 2013, were $964,940. Because it is a so-called “experience-rated” contract, the premium costs are affected by, among other things, the number and size of claims. Of the total insurance premiums paid for the plan year ending December 31, 2013, the premiums paid under such “experience-rated” contracts were $897,367 and the total of all benefit claims paid under the experience-rated contract during the plan year was $629,102. Basic Financial Statement The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was $67,746,480 as of December 31, 2013, compared to $41,783,316 as of January 1, 2013. During the plan year, the plan experienced an increase in its net assets of $25,963,164. This increase includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in the value of plan assets; that is, the difference between the value of the plan’s assets at the end of the year and the value of the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year. During the plan year, the plan had total income of $194,815,746, including employer contributions of $189,417,152, net appreciation in fair value of investments of $414,463, COBRA contributions of $444,718, member spousal contributions of $3,913,546 and other earnings of $625,867. You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes, or both. If you request a copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator, these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that report. To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the plan administrator, Board of Trustees of the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund, PO Box 842, New York, NY 10108; (646) 473-6365. You also have the legally protected right to examine the annual report at the main office of the plan: 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund, 330 West 42nd Street, 28th floor, New York, NY 10036, and at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C., or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of Labor upon payment of copying costs. Requests to the Department should be addressed to: Public Disclosure Room, Room N-1513, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. Plan expenses were $168,852,582. These expenses included $13,080,354 in administrative and general expenses and $155,772,228 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries. QUESTIONS: CALL (646) 473-8666 • OUTSIDE NYC (800) 892-2557 February 2015 12
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