Sp 301 NYCCT Humanities Department / Foreign Languages


Sp 301 NYCCT Humanities Department / Foreign Languages
Sp 301
Humanities Department / Foreign Languages
Survey of Spanish Literature (SPA 3301)
Dr. R. Granados
Office location: A630
Phone: (718) 260-5947
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
Required Material:
Paola Bianco y Antonio Sobejano-Morán: Introducción a la literature española.
(An Anthology of Spanish Literature.)
Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing, 2009
This course is a survey of Spanish literature, from the Middle Ages to the end of the eighteenth century.
It is conducted in Spanish. Students are assessed on readings, discussions and composition, and are
expected to develop tools of critical analysis as applied to prose and poetry.
Students will acquire a more sophisticated knowledge of the Spanish language through reading and
discussion of the assigned material. By making students familiar with the historical and cultural
background of the language, the course will train them, at the same time, in the critical examination of
Assessment: How much and how well the students learn will be assessed
on a daily basis based on class participation, which includes
discussion of reading assignments. The student should be able to
demonstrate the ability to understand and analyze the literature.
Midterm and Final Examinations………………. 60%
Tests…………………………………………….. 10%
Attendance / Class Participation ……………….. 30%
*Attendance is mandatory. No more than three absences are accepted during the semester. Unexcused
absences over the limit of three would eventually cause the final grade to be lowered possibly to WU.
*The student is responsible to do the assigned reading, to do the corresponding exercises before coming
to class. To receive the credit for class participation, the student must demonstrate a satisfactory home
Week 1
Introducción. Origen y formación de la literature castellana.
Wk. 2
Prosa: Don Juan Manuel
Wk. 3
Poesía: El Romancero.
Wk. 4
Romancero (cont.)
Wk. 5
El siglo de oro. Renacimiento (S. XVI).
Poesía: Garcilaso de la Vega.
Wk. 6
Renacimiento (s.XVI), cont.
Wk. 7
Renacimiento: narrativa.
El lazarillo de Tormes.
Wk. 8
Renacimiento (s.XVI), cont.
Wk. 9
Discusión de El Abencerraje (anónimo).
Wk. 10
Renacimiento (s. XVII): el Barroco.
Narrativa: Miguel de Cervantes.
Wk. 11
Cervantes (cont.)
Wk. 12
Poesía del Barroco: Luis de Góngora.
Wk. 13
Poesía del Barroco: Francisco de Quevedo.
Wk. 14
Neoclasicismo (siglo XVIII).
Juan Meléndez Valdés
Wk. 15
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instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering
models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately
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SPA 3302 Survey of Spanish Literature Dr. R. Granados Office location

SPA 3302 Survey of Spanish Literature Dr. R. Granados Office location discussion of the assigned material. By making students familiar with the historical and cultural background of the language, the course will train them, at the same time, in the critical examinati...

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