Bulletin - St Michael Catholic Church


Bulletin - St Michael Catholic Church
St. Michael Catholic Church
1019 E. Pointer Trail
Van Buren, Arkansas
Rev. Rick Hobbs, Parish Administrator
Domingo López, Deacon
September 25, 2016
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We, the parish community of St. Michael
Catholic Church in Van Buren, Arkansas, know that we
are part of the Body of Christ. Our call is to make Christ
present in our own lives and the lives of those with
whom we associate. We do this through prayer, the
celebration of the sacraments, religious education, and
the example of our lives of faith, hope, and love.
Weekend masses / Misas de Sábado y Domingo
Saturday (Sábado)
4 p.m.
Sunday (Domingo):
8 a.m. (Español) 10 a.m. (English)
“Abraham replied, ‘My child, remember that you
received what was good during your lifetime
while Lazarus likewise received what was bad;
but now he is comforted here,
whereas you are tormented.’”
Weekday masses / Misas de la semana
─ Luke 16:25
Monday (Lunes) 8 a.m.
Wednesday (Miércoles) 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Thursday (Jueves)
12:00 noon; 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Office: 1019 E. Pointer Trail Phone: (479) 471-1211
Friday (Viernes)
8:00 a.m.
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Saturday (Sábado)
8:00 a.m. (Does not fulfill Sun. obligation)
(479) 471-1219
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Email: [email protected]
30 minutes before each daily Mass
Website: www.stmichaelscatholicchurch.com
Saturday (Sábado)
2:30 p.m.
Rectory: Phone: (479) 262-2060
or call for appointment (Llame para cita.)
Email: [email protected]
Marriages /Matrimonios Quinceañeras
Office and Ministries:
Please contact the Parish Office 6 months in advance.
Domingo López
Favor de llamar a la oficina a 6 meses de antelación.
Business mgr.:
Deysi Sandoval
Baptisms (Bautismos)
Parish Membership
We welcome you to our Catholic community. In order for us to
better serve you, we invite you to become a registered member
of our parish. Please call or come by the parish office to register.
Bienvenidos a nuestra familia católica. Le invitamos a usted
hacerse miembro inscribido de la parroquia. La forma está
disponible en la oficina de la parroquia.
Welcome to new members and visitors
and guests who have come to share the
celebration of the Holy Eucharist with us.
Bruce Hoffsommer
Altar Society:
Lillie Stewart
Bereavement Dinners
Marilyn Boyd 474-5329 Annette Knittig
Kevin Andersen 221-2439
Patricia Chaffin 471-3334
Patt Johnson
Music Director:
Bruce Hoffsommer
Youth Choir:
T. C. Long
Hispanic coordinator: Yolanda Ramirez
Knights of Columbus: Ray Marciano
Parish Council:
T.C. Long
Religious Ed.:
Veronica Lane
Don Chaffin
Mass Intentions 
† = deceased (S.I.) = Special Intention
Sat., Sept., 24 8 a.m. † Theresa Shipley
by Alice Abraham
Sat., Sept. 24 4 p.m. Special Intention by Jo Ann Lehnen
(for new grandchild)
Sun., Sept. 25 8 a.m. (S.I.) Nina Therese Harbaugh
by Teresita & George Harbaugh
Sun., Sept. 25 10 a.m. FOR THE PARISH
Mon., Sept. 26 8 a.m. † Theresa Shipley by Alice Abraham
Tue., Sept. 26 — No Mass —
Wed., Sept. 27 8 a.m. † Paul Lehnen (by Jo AnnLehnen)
Wed., Sept. 28 5:30 p.m. † Linda Mahar by Suzanne McGrew
Thur., Sept. 29 12:00 † Kathleen Martin by Raymond Mizner
Thur., Sept. 29 7 p.m. (Spanish) (S.I.) Annette Cole
by Teresita & George Harbaugh
Fri., Sept. 30 8 a.m. † Theresa Shipley by Alice Abraham
Sat., Oct. 1 8 a.m.† Theresa Shipley by Alice Abraham
Sat., Oct. 1 4 p.m. (S.I.) Michael & Jacqueline Harbaugh
by Teresita & George Harbaugh
Registered families . . . . . . . . . . 587
Envelopes assigned . . . . . . . . . . 282
Envelopes used . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Sunday Collection:
Catechetical Sunday:
Building Fund:
Catholic Education:
From Votive candles:
P.R.E. registration:
Donation from Hispanic Prayer Group:
Donations for St. Michael’s Day:
Total of Regular Collection:
On-line contributions……………………………………..
Regular Sunday:
Total of On-line contributions:
Total of all collections:
Weekly Budget:
Jeanne LeClercq, Sarah Ruiz, Magdalena Rice,
Bob Dunlap, Virginia Carmack, Jearla Medlock, Zachary Moore,
Virginia Anderson, Michelle Price, Fines & Betty Batchelor, Gerry
Miller, Janie Willems, Cindy Wofford, Sharon Mellon, Roberta
Hetperson, Mary Jo Weidman, David Cathren, Jimena Ponce, Herb
Oakes, Debbie Hobbs, Ethan Erhart, Mike Stewart, Lottie Fox,
Gary Wellnitz, Nilda Timbs, Jeanice Kiene Hess, Kayla Wright Nelson,
Belia Romo, Mable Senior and all who are serving in the military
and in law enforcement.
This week’s Altar Flowers are given
by Rex & Nedra Haley
for intentions of
The Haley Family
Oct. 1, 2
Oct. 8, 9
Dennis & Beth Everett fam.
Bill & Dianne Boeckman
Readings for the Week of September 25, 2016
Am 6:1a, 4-7/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31
Jb 1:6-22/Lk 9:46-50
Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23/Lk 9:51-56
Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16/Lk 9:57-62
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Jn 1:47-51
Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5/Lk 10:13-16
Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17/Lk 10:17-24
Next Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4/2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14/Lk 17:5-10
St. Michael’s Library Looking for something to read?
something that will inspire you? Something to teach you more
about your faith? Check out our church library, located in the
Office Building. We also have a book kiosk with new books and
CD’s for sale in the church entry.
Come check out new titles!
Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. (chapel) and
Sat. (in the church with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament)
September - October
Oct. 1
Oct. 2
Mass 8 a.m.
Mass 8 a.m.
Mass 8 a.m.
No Mass
Mass 8 a.m.
Mass 12:00 noon
Mass 8 a.m.
Pickle Ball
Choir Practice
Mass 5:30 p.m.
Choir (Hisp.)
8:30 a.m.
7 p.m.
Prayer Group
in the Upper Room
The Bible
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Doors of Mercy
6:00 p.m.
Ewing Room
Youth Choir
5:45 p.m.
Older First
Communion Class
6 p.m.
P.R.E. 6:45 p.m.
6 p.m.
Mass 7 p.m.
(Parish Hall)
7 p.m.
2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Rosary 3:30 p.m.
Mass 4 p.m.
Youth Mass
10 a.m.
Conf. Class
11:15 - 12:00
P.R.E. classes at 6:45 p.m. this Wednesday.
First Communion Class for grades 3-9: 6 p.m.
10th grade Confirmation Class begins Sunday, October 9
at 11:15 a.m. It will meet in the Upper Room.
Parish Council Members In last Sunday’s voting, four new members were added to the Parish Council. The winners
were Molly Anderson, Jim Scott, Dewey Woody, and Don Yandell. We congratulate them and thank them and all
candidates for being willing to serve.
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH RALLY This one-day event will be held Sunday, October 16, 2016 in the McCauley Center
at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Little Rock for students in grades 9-12. This year's theme: "He is the Way to Truth" will be
presented by Doug Tooke. The cost is $25 a person. Register through your parish youth group. To register your parish,
download and return the registration packet with fee to the Youth Ministry office at the Diocese of Little Rock. For more
information, contact Tricia Gentry at (501) 664-0340, ext. 418. This annual event is sponsored by the diocesan Catholic
Youth Ministry Office. Registration materials may be found on our diocesan website with the link below.
JUNIOR HIGH SPECTACULAR This one-day event will be on Sunday, November 6, 2016 in the McCauley Center at
Mt. St. Mary Academy in Little Rock for students in junior high (grades 6-8) . This year's theme: "He is the Way to Love"
will be presented by Oddwalk Ministries. The cost is $40 a person. Register through your parish youth group. To register
your parish, download and return the registration packet with fee to the Youth Ministry office at the Diocese of Little
Rock. For more information, contact Tricia Gentry at (501) 664-0340, ext. 418. Registration materials may be found on
our diocesan website at http://www.dolr.org/sites/default/files/documents/cym-junior-high-youth-rally-2016.pdf If you
have questions you may contact Trish Gentry [email protected] or by calling 501-664-0340, ext 418.
Worship Night in America Join us Tuesday, October 25, for a one-night-only event that is an evening of Unity and
Prayer for our country. Hear Chris Tomlin, Max Lucado, Louie Giglio and many more national faith leaders and musical
guests for Worship Night in America. This event is playing exclusively and one night only in theatres and select churches
nationwide and includes exclusive back-stage footage and interviews that will inspire, challenge and encourage your
family, church and community. Purchase tickets at Christomlin.com If enough tickets are sold, it will be presented at
a Malco theatre in Ft. Smith.
Love and Protection of the Unborn The whole mission of the Catholic Church in the world—the theme and purpose and
vocation of every institution and every Catholic individual—is love. Why does the Church set up hospitals and adoption
agencies and soup kitchens? Why have whole orders of nuns been founded to care for the elderly or the sick? Why did St.
Damien offer to go to spend his last years serving in a leper colony in Hawaii? Why did Mother Teresa establish homes for
men dying of AIDs? It’s not for money. It’s not for recognition. It’s not a plan to increase our numbers and our social
influence. It’s not even because the Church is committed to taking care of her own. It matters not at all to any of these
institutions or individuals whether the people they’re serving are Catholic. They don’t have to be Catholic. They can even
be anti-Catholic. We don’t do it for ourselves; we do it for love. We do it because we understand that each and every
person is made in the image and likeness of God. Each, no matter how small or weak or wounded or messed up, is
completely unique and infinitely precious. We understand that all human life -- including every child in the womb -- is
a gift to be received, cherished, and served, not abused, not manipulated, not degraded, not destroyed.
PROTECTING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE: The Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young
people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, church volunteers, or church workers, please contact
the Diocese of Little Rock at (501) 664-0340, ext. 366 and the state of Arkansas hotline for crimes against children at
(800) 482-5964. For pastoral guidance, contact Drs. George & Sherry Simon at (501) 766-6001.
Hoja Informativa
Clases de Educación religiosa (catecismo)
el Miércoles 28 de Septiembre a las 6:45 p.m.
Clase de catecismo para Primera Communion grados 3-9 a las 6 p.m.
La Clase de Confirmación iniciará el Domingo 9 de Octubre.
Se reunirá a las 11:15 a.m. en el Cuarto en la oficina.
“Abraham le contestó: ’Hijo, recuerda que en tu vida recibiste bienes y Lázaro, en cambio, males.
Por eso él goza ahora de Consuelo, mientras que tú sufres tormentos’”. ─ Luc 16, 25
Habrá Misa en Español esta semana Esta semana, el Jueves 29 de Septiembre habrá Misa en Español el Jueves
a las 7 p.m.
Las lecturas de la semana del 25 de septiembre de 2016
Am 6, 1. 4-7/Sal 146, 7-10/1 Tim 6, 11-16/Lc 16, 19-31
Job 1, 6-22/Sal 17, 1-3. 6-7/Lc 9, 46-50
Job 3, 1-3. 11-17. 20-23/Sal 88, 2-8/Lc 9, 51-56
Job 9, 1-12. 14-16/Sal 88, 10-15/Lc 9, 57-62
Dn 7, 9-10. 13-14 o Ap 12, 7-12/Sal 138, 1-5/Jn 1, 47-51
Job 38, 1. 12-21; 40, 3-5/Sal 139, 1-3. 7-10. 13-14/Lc 10, 13-16
Job 42, 1-3. 5-6. 12-17/Sal 119, 66. 71. 75. 91. 125. 130/Lc 10, 17-24
Domingo siguiente: Hab 1, 2-3; 2, 2-4/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/2 Tim 1, 6-8. 13-14/Lc 17, 5-10
Si creemos que tenemos una relación de Alianza con Dios, también debemos aceptar que tenemos una relación de Alianza
con nuestros hermanos, particularmente con los pobres, los débiles y los sin poder. No podemos vivir en una manera que
protege el interés propio mientras ignoramos las angustias de los menos afortunados y los que están en apuros.
Noche de Adoración en America El Martes, 25 de Octubre, habrá un evento de una noche no más que es una noche
de unidad y oración para nuestro país. Puedes oír Chris Tomlin, Max Lucado, Louie Giglio, y otros que son liders de la
Fé. Este evento será en teatros y Iglesias. Pueden comprar boletos por computadora a Christomlin.com. Si se venda
suficiente boletos, este evento será en el Malco teatro in Fort Smith. (Disponible solamente en Inglés)
Amor y Protección del Neonato Toda la misión de la Iglesia Católica en el mundo – el motivo, propósito y vocación
de cada institución y cada individuo Católico – es amor. ¿Por qué la Iglesia establece hospitales? ¿ Por qué tiene
completas congregaciones de monjas que han sido formadas para la atención de los ancianos o enfermos?¿Por qué San
Por qué Madre Teresa establece hogares para los hombres que están muriendo de Sida? Esto no es por dinero. No, por
reconocimiento. No, es un plan para aumentar nuestros números e influencias sociales. Esto no es aún por qué la Iglesia está comprometida a cuidar de los suyos. No tienen que ser Católicos. No lo hacemos por nosotros, lo hacemos por
amor. Cada uno, no importa cuán pequeño o débil, herido o desordenado, es totalmente único e infinitamente valioso.
Entendemos que toda vida humana -- incluyendo cada infante en el vientre materno -- es un regalo para ser recibido,
apreciado y servido, no abusado, no manipulado, no denigrado y no destruido.
Protegiendo Niños y Jovenes: La diocesis de Little Rock está comprometida a protejer los niños y los jovenes.
Si tú estás consciente de un abuso o has sido abusado por clérigos, voluntarios de la iglesia, o trabajadores de la iglesia,
por favor contactar la Diocesis de Little Rock al 501-664-0340 ext. 366 y al estado de Arkansas para crimenes encontra
de niños al 800-482-5964. Para guía pastoral, contactar a Drs. George & Sherry Simon al 501-766-6001.
Liturgical Servers Schedule
Please check weekly; changes are often necessary.
“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
September 24 and 25, 2016
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Saturday, September 24, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Altar Server
Ethan Harris
Altar Server
Chloe Johnson
Altar Server
Dillon Ramsey
Altar Server
Lauren Ramsey
Extraordinary Min.
Mary Frauenhoff
Extraordinary Min.
June Lott
Don Chaffin
John Bivens
Mark Morgan
William Schemel
Martin Walton
October 1 and 2, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
10:00 a.m.
Altar Server
Jake Henson
Altar Server
Allison Simon
Altar Server
Steven Simon
Extraordinary Min.
Flo Bartley
Extraordinary Min.
Terry Bogner
Extraordinary Min.
Deena Dunn
Extraordinary Min.
Tonia Fry
Extraordinary Min.
Mayra Marciano
Youth lector
Youth Ushers
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Saturday, October 1, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Altar Server
Ethan Harris
Altar Server
Chloe Johnson
Altar Server
Dillon Johnson
Altar Server
Shacy Johnson
Extraordinary Min.
Mark Morgan
Extraordinary Min.
Don Chaffin
Molly Anderson
Mark Schemel
Willliam Schemel
James Shelby
Martin Walton
October 8 and 9, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
10:00 a.m.
Altar Server
Maria Long
Altar Server
Monica Long
Altar Server
Thomas Long
Extraordinary Min.
Leonard Blaschke
Extraordinary Min.
Annette Knittig
Extraordinary Min.
Ed Knittig
Extraordinary Min.
T. C. Long
Extraordinary Min.
Sylvia Timmons
Judy Bossarte
Nicholas Anderson
Richard Henry
James Mack
Art Sellers
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Saturday, October 8, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Altar Server
Dillon Johnson
Altar Server
Shacy Johnson
Altar Server
Dillon Ramsey
Altar Server
Lauren Ramsey
Extraordinary Min.
John Bivens
Extraordinary Min.
Judy Bivens
June Lott
Mark Morgan
Mark Schemel
James Shelby
Martin Walton
Money to bank and Monday counters
Sunday, October 9, 2016
10:00 a.m.
Altar Server
Jake Henson
Altar Server
Cecilia Long
Altar Server
Josephine Meinardus
Altar Server
Terrance Meinardus
Extraordinary Min.
Judy Bossarte
Extraordinary Min.
Mary Burdick
Extraordinary Min.
Jo Ann Lehnen
Extraordinary Min.
Mary Rice
Extraordinary Min.
Don Chaffin
James Mack
Nicholas Anderson
Michael Burdick
Nickolas Henson
Sylvia Timmons
September 2016 offertory:
October 2016 offertory:
Money to bank: Sat.
Money to bank: Sun.
Monday counter:
Money to bank: Sat.
Money to bank: Sun.
Monday counter:
Mark & Mary Frauenhoff
Dewey & Annie Woody
Mary Frauenhoff
Jim Shelby
Leonard & Nancy Blaschke
Annie Woody
Crawford County
Adult Education
Phone: 479-471-0019
605 Alma Blvd. Circle
Van Buren, AR 72956
GED • Literacy • Citizenship Classes • Computer Classes
Adult Education • Workplace Education • TABE Testing
This space available for your ad
$90 per year ($7.50 per month)
Call 471-1211
Cakes for All Occasions
Party Supplies-Balloons
1800 East Main
Owned & operated by the Lehnen family since 1959
Van Buren, AR 72956
Dustin Booth
Agent, Lic. #404745
1612 N. 7th, Suite D
Van Buren, AR 72956-2673
Bus. 479-262-2781
Fax 866-541-4699
[email protected]
(479) 474-7044
Lady Englander
The Mattress
of choice
1322 E. Main ● Van Buren, Arkansas 72956
Velvet Barrows, M.S., PT
Owner - Physical Therapist
Total Rehabilitation, Inc.
Physical Therapy
5905 Remington Circle • Fort Smith, AR 72903
PH (479) 452-7773 • Fax (479) 452-7774
Marie’s Lock & Safe, Inc.
9608 Rogers Avenue ● Fort Smith, AR 72903
Master Key & High Security Locks
Fireproof Media & Gun Safes
This space sold.
Fax: 479-484-7877
OK. Lic. #1106
Marie Haunert
Knights of Columbus, Council 9777
Van Buren, AR
Help your parish and community by becoming a
Knight. For more information, contact Ray
Marciano, Grand Knight, or any of the Knights
of our council.
St. Michael’s Library
Bud’s Iron & Metal
Aluminum ● Brass ● Copper
Steel ● And More
Jim West
Email [email protected]
2675 South 4th
(also known as 59 South)
Van Buren, AR 72956
Check out the Book Kiosk
At the front of the church
Each week for new titles
Of Books and CD’s
Your library is located in the office building
and is open during regular hours.