
February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent/Segundo Domingo De Cuaresma
Saint Eugene
Catholic Church
San Eugenio
Iglesia de
Served by the Missionhurst
CICM Missionaries
Servido por los Misioneros
de Missionhurst CICM
Office/Oficina: (919) 365-7114
608 Lions Club Road
Fax: (919) 365-9431
PO Box 188, Wendell, NC 27591
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina:
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Friday/Viernes: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Religious Education Office/Oficina de Educación Religiosa:
Tuesday/Martes: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday/Miércoles: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday/Viernes: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pastor/Párroco: Rev. Johanes Teguh Raharjo, CICM
Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial: Rev. Marlee Sagge Abao, CICM
Deacon/Diacono: Rev. Mr. Willie Foggie
Office Manager/Mánager Oficina: Gail Hernandez, Ext. 200
[email protected]
Finance & Accounting Manager/Finanzas: Shannon T. Coltrain, CPA, Ext. 203
[email protected]
Religious Education/Educación Religioso: Alexis Franco, Ext. 202
[email protected], (919) 404-9393
Director of Music/Música: Jennifer Hebert, Ext. 204
[email protected], (919) 395-8266
“We have come together in our common faith as
God’s Holy People. Strengthened by the
Word of God and nourished by His Sacraments,
we step forth in faith to love and serve one another.”
“Nosotros nos hemos unido por nuestra fe en común, como
el Pueblo Santo de Dios. Fortalecidos por la Palabra de Dios y
alimentados por Los Sacramentos, damos un paso en favor de
nuestra fe al amarnos y servirnos los unos a los otros.”
Please join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent, (see exception
below) for Soup Supper at 6pm, followed by Stations of the Cross
Soup Suppers Lent 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Garden Ministry/Betty Wagner
EXCEPTION! Monday, February 22, 2016 BBM/Tom Falvey & Joe K.
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
Pastoral Advisory Council & Peer Ministry/Beth Teel & Angie Frederick
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
Knights/Jim Humphrys
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Staff/Gail Hernandez
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Filipino & Vietnamese Communities/Mimi Haines & Fr. John
Vía Crucis ~ Cada Viernes durante Cuaresma alas 7:45PM.
Por favor acompañar nosotros.
English Mass Schedule:
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday ~ 9:00am
Saturday ~ 5:00pm
Sunday ~ 9:00am
Reconciliation (Confessions):
Saturday ~ 4:00 -4:45pm, or by appointment
Misas en Español:
Martes ~ 7:00pm
Sábado ~ 6:30pm
Domingos ~ 12:00pm
Reconciliación (Confesiones):
Sábados - 4:00 -4:45pm o por cita
Liturgical and Sacramental:
Committee Chair: Geri Ettensberger, 919 272-7034
Altar Servers: Renée Nilles, 919 266-5820
Baptismal Preparation: Deacon Willie, call the office 365-7114
Choir: Jennifer Hebert, 919 395-8266
Ministers of Communion: Danny Sprissler, 919 266-5323
Readers: Steve Sledge, 919 365-9285
Sacristans: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804
Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Renée Nilles, 919 266-5820
Ushers: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212
Liturgia y Sacramentos:
Horarios para los Ministros Laicos: Lupita Huerta, 919 366-9158
Coros: Domingo, 12:00 pm: Luis Felipe, 919 375-4202
Lectores: Lupita Huerta, 919 366-9158
Ministros de la Comunión: Lorene Cira, 919 375-4202
Monaguillos: Ana Karen Casas, 919 366-2741
Platicas Pre bautismales: Alexis Franco, 919 365-7114, Ext. 202;
[email protected], (919) 404-9393
Ujieres: Bertin Mercado, 919 202-0839
Religious Education and Faith Formation (REFF):
Director of Religious Education: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393
REFF Committee Chair: Chris Carreiro, 919 757-4506
Adult Bible Study: John and Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289
Children’s Liturgy: Joan Conn, 919 359-2616
Confirmation: Dan Strain, 550-9290; Chris Jacques, 919 524-2987
Evangelization: Chuck Piratzky, 919 266-6853
Peer Ministry/Life Teen: Beth Teel, 919 325-6433;
Dan Strain, 919 550- 9290; Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421
RCIA: Charlie & Dee New, 919 553-2129
Stewardship: Frank Conn, 919 359-2616
Social Ministries:
Committee Chair: Tom Beneck, 919 819-3261
Alcoholics Anonymous: Joyce K., 919 830-4684
Brown Bag Ministry: Tom Falvey, 919 539-4579
Catholic Parish Outreach: 919 873-0245
Community Garden: Betty Wagner, 919 269-0138
Community Spirit (Socials): Mary Monck, 919 630-5447
Migrant Ministry: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212
Prayer Warriors, Prayer Blanket: John/Sue Broderick, 365-3479
Respect Life: Charlene Giacco, 919 359-2565
Senior Ministry: Pat Tarnaski, 919 412-5334
Sick and Homebound: Ralph LaNeve, 919 217-9437
Welcoming: John Ettensberger, 919 271-6052,
Angela Frederick, 919 671-3808
Wendell Council of Churches: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804
Finance Council: Carol Ours, 919 365-4286
Maintenance Committee: [email protected]; Carol
Ours, 919 365-4286; Shannon Coltrain, 919 365-7114, ext. 203
International Food and Music Festival: Gene Zack, 919 624-1380
Safe Environment Team: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393
Pastoral Advisory Council (meets the fourth Thursday at 7PM):
Beth Teel, 919 325-6433 - Chairperson
Knights of Columbus (meets the 2nd Wednesday at 8PM):
Jim Humphrys, 919 889-6481 - Grand Knight
Ladies Guild (meets the first Wednesday at 7:00PM):
Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289 - President
First Friday Seniors (meets on the 1st Friday of the month at
10:00AM): Mary Ruth Chauvaux, 217-9580 - Chairperson
Cub Scouts (meets most Mondays at 7PM):
Chris Hemphill, 919 816-7385 - Pack Leader
Educación Religiosa y Formación de Fe:
Primera Comunión (Viernes, 6:30 pm): Alexis T. Franco, 404-9393
Confirmación (Domingo a las 10:30 am): Dan Strain, 919 550-9290;
Chris Jacques, 919 524-2987
Adultos Jóvenes: Bolivar Velasquez, 919 426-5568
Quinceañeras: Georgina Mercado, 919 202-0839
RICA y Cursillo: Jesus Hernandez, 252-291-9292
Mujeres de Fe: Eva Gallardo, 919-669-4246
Ministerios Sociales:
Alcohólicos Anónimos (Martes y Jueves, 8:00PM)
Jorge Lopez, 919 426-9936 o Gregorio, 919 278-6647
Comité del Ministerio Hispano: Miguel Velasquez, 919-714-3437
Grupo de Oración (Movimiento Carismático): (misa: martes a las
7 pm; reunión: martes a las 8:00 pm), Margarita Zamora, 965-3674
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Carlos Ayala,
[email protected]
Cursillo: Jesus Hernandez, 252-291-9292
Divina Misericordia: Isabel Castro, 919 532-9324
Apostolado de la Oración al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
(Primer viernes alas 7PM): Nieves Garcia, 919 671-8951
Full Time Chaplain at Wake Med Hospital
Catholic Chaplain - WakeMed Hospital
Fr. Lourduraj Alapaty is a Catholic Priest from the
Diocese of Raleigh assigned full time to WakeMed
~ Email. [email protected]
Please email Father Alapaty directly if you have a
family member at WakeMed, he is there every day.
Prayer for Our Men and Women in the Service
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless
acts they perform for us in our time of need.
We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Masses This Week
Stewardship Corner -Weekly Offertory
Feb. 20 5:00PM Mass in memory of Susan
Kaminsky, requested by
Saint Eugene Ladies Guild
Feb. 21 9:00AM Mass
Wednesday Feb. 24 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
Thursday Feb. 25 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
6:30PM Confirmation Mass
Feb. 26 9:00AM Mass and Rosary
Saturday Feb. 27 5:00PM Mass in memory of Gilbert
Abarquez, requested by
Mercy Hoffman and family
This Week At Saint Eugene
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Wednesday Feb. 24
Feb. 25
Feb. 26
Feb. 27
Choir Practice
Religious Education/RCIA
Breaking Open The Word
Religious Scouting Class
Soup Supper
Stations of the Cross
Cub Scout Meeting
Devotion to Mary (Bilingual)
Ladies’ Recovery Support
WCC Lenten Prayer Service/
Luncheon at Wendell United
Methodist Church
6:30PM Confirmation Rehearsal
6:30PM Confirmation Celebration and
7:00PM Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30AM Red Cross Blood Drive
9:00AM Brown Bag Ministry
2:00PM Psalm 150 Practice
Catholic Parish Outreach Truck is Here!
Readings for the Week of February 21, 2016
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14/
Phil 3:17--4:1 or 3:20--4:1/Lk 9:28b-36
Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 16:13-19
Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14-16/Mt 20:17-28
Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-21/
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Next Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15/Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11/
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12/Lk 13:1-9
1st Scrutiny: Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/
Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42
Remember, we can't depend on “Somebody Else”
to meet our weekly offertory goal because
we are ALL “Somebody Else”.
Have I given at least my first hour of wages each
week to our Lord?
Liturgical Roles
Saturday, February 27, 2016, 5:00PM
Altar Servers: Matthew and Mar y Anna Tar naski and
Liliana Carreiro
Extraordinary Ministers: Karen Swar tzel, David
Horvath, Mary Monck, Ralph LaNeve and Danny Sprissler
Readers: J oe Kor ostynski and Mar y J ane Rober ts
Ushers: Fr ank Conn and Phil Tar naski
Sunday, February 28, 2016, 9:00AM
Altar Servers: Michael Peevey, Camer on Agner and Ian
Extraordinary Ministers: Diane Sledge, Lisa Pir atzky,
Kathy Tripp, Regine Deruyer, Pat Tarnaski, Christy Scott,
Jennifer Byrd and Mary Castleberry
Readers: Mar k Byr d and Pauline Pr ice
Ushers: Tom Falvey, Mar issa Lim and Thom Kinney
Please pray for sick members of our parish family and
Jennifer Byrd
Sue Broderick
Aiden Flannery
Erin Dowling
Crystal Sprissler Randall Soutiere
Shannon Dowling Joe Monck
Dan Koenig
Deadre Hall
Beth Teel
Kennedi Valdata
Elaine Hughes
Helene Beneck
Donald Higgins
Jennifer Soto
Colleen Yasenchock
Evelyn Stracqualursi Raphael and Peggy Catlett
Please call the office 919 365-7114 to place a
name on the list, or have a name remain on the list.
Misas esta Semana
Sábado 20 de Feb.
Domingo 21 de Feb. 12:00PM
Martes 23 de Feb.
Jueves 25 de Feb.
Sábado 20 de Feb. 6:30PM
Misa de Confirmación
Esta Semana En San Eugenio
Domingo 21 de Feb.
Lunes 22 de Feb.
Martes 23 de Feb.
Miércoles 24 de Feb.
Jueves 25 de Feb.
Viernes 26 de Feb.
Sábado 27 de Feb.
1:00PM Movimiento Familia
1:30PM Clases de Pre-Matrimoniales
1:30PM Clases de Quinceañera
7:00PM Coro de Grupo de Oración
6:00PM Devoción de María
8:00PM Grupo de Oración
8:00PM Alcohólicos Anónimos
6:30PM Ensayo de Confirmación
6:30PM Confirmación y Recepción
7:00PM Lideres de Grupo Oración
8:00PM Alcohólicos Anónimos
6:30PM Clases de Educación
7:45PM Vía Crucis
7:30PM Coro Hispano/Los Niños
Papeles Litúrgicos
Martes, 23 de Febrero de 2016, 7:00PM
Lectores: Nieves Garcia
Ministros: Isabel Bello y Belen Mena
Acólitos: Esmer alda Bar cenas, Blanca Santiago y
Madison Maldonado Perez
Sábado, 27 de Febrero de 2016, 6:30PM
Lectores: Gisella Medina y Delia Per ez
Ministros: Antonio J aime, J uan Amador , Maria Mejia,
Linda Pinto y Fernanda Maya
Acólitos: Abr aham Dur an, Giovanni Benitez y Sara
Domingo, 28 de Febrero de 2016, 12:00PM
Lectores: J esus Her nandez y Belen Mena
Ministros: Blanca Guzman, Eva Contrer as, Adela
Mercado, Cande Casas, Maria Mercado, Carmen Campos,
Maria Chavez y Marely Conde
Acólitos: David Lundy, J uan Contr er as y Minetsa Coto
Ministerio de Manta de Oración
Les invitamos para convertirse en un miembro del
Ministerio de manta de oración y a unirse a nosotros
en nuestras reuniones mensuales.
También puede ser miembro sin asistir a
ninguna reunión, trabajando de su casa.
Nuestra próxima reunión será el
Sábado, 5 de Marzo a las 11 a.m.
Qué todas las alabanzas, honor y gloria
sean para Jesucristo, nuestro Señor!
Lecturas para la semana del 21 de Febrero de 2016
Gn 15, 5-12. 17-18/Sal 27, 1. 7-9. 13-14/
Flp 3, 17--4, 1 o 3, 20--4, 1/Lc 9, 28-36
1 Pe 5, 1-4/Sal 23, 1-6/Mt 16, 13-19
Is 1, 10. 16-20/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21. 23/Mt 23, 1-12
Miércoles: Jr 18, 18-20/Sal 31, 5-6. 14-16/Mt 20, 17-28
Jr 17, 5-10/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Lc 16, 19-31
Gn 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28/Sal 105, 16-21/
Mt 21, 33-43. 45-46
Miq 7, 14-15. 18-20/Sal 103, 1-4. 9-12/
Lc 15, 1-3. 11-32
Domingo siguiente: Ex 3, 1-8. 13-15/Sal 103, 1-4. 6-8. 11/
1 Cor 10, 1-6. 10-12/Lc 13, 1-9
1er Escrutinio: Ex 17, 3-7/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8/
Jn 4, 5-42 o 4, 5-15. 19-26. 39. 40-42
Alcohólicos Anónimos se reúnen cada martes y jueves de
8pm a 10pm en el salón parroquial.
La felicidad estad adentro de !, no lo buscas en el alcohol
ni la drogas.
Ven y únete a nosotros, Alcohólicos Anónimos.
Grupo de hombres y mujeres.
Contacta a Jorge Lopez 919-426-9936
NO HAY bautizos, bodas o quinceañeras durante
la Cuaresma.
Horario de las Actividades Cuaresmales en la Iglesia de San Eugenio
Servicio de Penitencia, con Confesiones - Martes, 1 de Marzo alas 7:00PM
Vía Crucis :
Cada Viernes alas 7:45PM
Jueves, 3 de Marzo alas 6:30PM
FEBRUARY 21, 2016
Respect Life News
40 Days for Life Prayers with Bishop Burbidge
You are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life prayer vigil during Lent. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge kicks off this
Spring’s campaign on Thursday, February 11, at 8:00 a.m. at the A Woman's Choice abortion facility,
3305 Drake Circle in Raleigh. The campaign of focused prayer will continue through Lent from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day.
During the vigil, parishioners from St. Eugene and Our Lady of the Rosary will be meeting to pray at A Woman’s Choice each
Wednesday at noon. Come and join us on your lunch hour! Or, be a part of the vigil by praying for those who are struggling with
a decision of life or death for their unborn child.
Pray for Life John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother’s womb. We pray that people may realize that abortion is not about children who
“might” come into the world, but about children who are already in the world, living and growing in the womb.
Pray a decade of the Rosary - 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary’s, 1 Glory Be then the Fatima Prayer.
February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an
annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita,
who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun
and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering.
She was declared a Saint in 2000. Pray for those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, for their comfort and
strength and to help empower survivors.
Please contact Charlene Giacco, St. Eugene Respect Life Ministry, for more information on any of these items.
Peer Ministry is selling Food Lion & Lowe’s Food
Cards! Come see us after all weekend masses!
We have various denominations
of cards available.
Thank you for your generous
and continued support!
Want to learn more about scripture and your
Catholic faith? Join us on Sundays for BOW
(Br eaking Open the Wor d).
Sessions meet on Sunday mornings,
at 10:30 in trailer #1.
February 21: DVD on the Mass
February 28: Tour of the Church
March 6:
For more information, contact Mark & Jennifer Byrd,
[email protected]
Catholic Golden Agers membership drive is
going on now. If you are 50 +, come and join us
at our March 6, 2016 meeting @ 1:30p.m. at
Our Lady of Lourdes - Fallon Center,
2718 Overbrook Drive, Raleigh.
Please help us plan activities and join us as we
enjoy fellowship and treats.
What: The Ladies Guild Annual Ladies Retreat
When: Saturday, March 12, 2016
Time: 09:00 AM to 12:00 NOON
Where: The Parish Hall
Stay tuned for more information!!
Brown Bag Ministry…
….is seeking volunteers!
This parish grown ministry needs your help!
Hunger is growing…
We provide almost 1000 lunches each week, straining our
resources. How can you help? We need:
· Prayers ~ Please pray for our poor and hungry,
· Volunteer your time on Saturdays at 9am,
· Financial Help ~ Checks may be made out to “Brown
Bag Ministry” and are tax deductible. You may drop
them in the offertory basket, and
· Donated Items~ these include sliced bologna, sliced
cheese, bread, plastic gloves, zip-lock sandwich bags
and #8 sized lunch bags.
For more information, please contact Tom Falvey at
[email protected]
“For I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35)
Download the free 365 Days to Mercy
app. Go to (Our
Sunday Visitor website). Click on the
button to download the app on your
Apple or Android device. Get more
info on Year of Mercy, along with
daily readings, prayers, music.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back in
session and follows the Religious Education
calendar for Sunday mornings.
This ministry is for children 4 - 7 years old,
who have not yet received First Holy Eucharist.
Please contact Joan Conn, 919 359-2616 if you’d
like to assist with this important ministry.
Attention: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist!
Please be sure to return any and all of the
Crosses you borrow on the weekends to
display your devotion as you assist
Father John with the Distribution of the
Eucharist. Thank you!
The Prayer Blanket Ministry is dedicated to the sick of our
parish family through the prayerful construction of blankets,
shawls and rosaries. The blankets, shawls and most of the
Rosaries are handmade, and everything is made with love
and prayers for the recipient. God always knows
who that person may be. All blankets and shawls are
donated and accompanied by a bi-lingual packet of
prayers, rosary and religious medals.
Our next meeting is Saturday, March 5 at 11am in the
Parish Hall. May all praise, honor and glory be to
Jesus Christ, Our Lord!
Knights of Columbus
Council #10892 Blood Drive
When: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Where: Parish Hall
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Donors can sign up after
each Mass starting next
week until February 21st.
Each donor will have a
designated time slot.
Thank you for your support!
Saint Eugene Lenten Programs
Lenten Penance Service - Tuesday, March 1 at 7PM
Each Wednesday afternoon: at Wendell United Methodist Church Wendell Council of Churches Lenten Reflection and Luncheon - begins at 12:15PM
Each Wednesday evening: (Feb. 17, Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23)
Soup Suppers at 6PM, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7PM
EXCEPTION: Monday, February 22 at 6pm, Soup Supper and Stations
My parish is composed of people just like me. I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver.
It will bring others into its worship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness
and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who will make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be.
Triunfo Sobre La Muerte
Triumph Over Death
Segundo Domingo De Cuaresma
Second Sunday Of Lent
(Génesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Filipenses 3:17—4:1; Lucas 9:28b-36)
(Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Philippians 3:17—4:1; Luke 9:28b-36)
En nuestra cultura, cuando se da una palabra sobre algo
podemos estar seguros de que lo prometido va a ocurrir; esta
en juego el honor de quien da la palabra. Si, además, la
persona que da la palabra esta avalada por su propia historia o
por quienes nos dan razón de la persona, que son personas de
prestigio o de buen nombre, podemos estar mas que seguros de
lo que esperamos.
In our culture, when we give someone our word, we rest
assured that what was promised will happen. The honor or
prestige of the person who gave their word is in jeopardy;
furthermore, if the person who gave their word is backed up by
their own history or by people of immense esteem or
reputation, we can be more than sure that what was promised
will happen.
En la Transfiguración, Jesús trae para avalar su palabra de
triunfo y de vida a los profetas y a Moisés. ¿Qué es lo que
promete? El triunfo final sobre la muerte, su gloria; pero
primero, hay que pasar por el dolor y la muerte. Esta promesa
de Jesús no es solo para que todos estemos seguros de que va a
ganar, sino para que todos podamos aceptar el dolor y la
muerte que acompaña a los discípulos. Es una promesa en la
que Jesús participa, pero con sus seguidores. Podemos aceptar
el dolor, la persecución y las dificultades de la vida con
confianza, esperanza y total seguridad. Jesús ha dado su
palabra y la ha avalado con la presencia de Moisés y Elías, y
con su Transfiguración; por tanto, no nos podemos quedar
contemplando la gloria, sino que hay que regresar a la ciudad.
Una vez que hemos tenido la seguridad de la promesa,
regresamos a nuestro mundo para vivir la vida de Jesús en
nuestro propio cuerpo: su pasión, muerte y resurrección.
In the Transfiguration, Jesus brings as endorsement of his
words of triumph and life, the life of the prophets and Moses.
What did he promise? A final triumph over death, his glory;
but first, it was necessary to pass through pain and death. The
promise of Jesus is not just for those who are assured they are
going to win, but so everyone can accept the pain and death
that accompanies the disciples. It is a promise in which Jesus
participates, but does so with his followers. We can accept
pain, persecution, and difficulties in life with trust, hope, and
complete certainty. Jesus has given his word and it is
guaranteed with the presence of Moses and Elijah, and his
Transfiguration; therefore, we cannot remain just
contemplating the glory, we must instead return to the city.
Once we have obtained the certainty of the promise, we return
to our world to live the life of Jesus in our own body: his
passion, death, and resurrection.
Para la Reflexión
¿Qué aspectos de mi vida me resultan mas difíciles de
aceptar? ¿Cómo me enfrento al dolor? ¿Qué cosas me quitan
la esperanza o amenazan con hacerme perder la confianza en
la promesa de Cristo? ¿En que se basa mi alegría?
Nuestra Parroquia
For Reflection
What aspects of my life are more difficult to accept? How do I
face pain? What takes away my hope or threatens to help me
lose trust in the promise of Christ? In what do I base my
Nuestra Parroquia
“Feed-A-Family” Food Drive Comes to St. Eugene
Did you know that Catholic Parish Outreach food pantry gave a week’s worth
of groceries to an average of 9,600 people per month in 2015? Our Knights of Columbus
volunteers will be handing out grocery bags this weekend, with an attached shopping list.
Please help CPO serve the less fortunate in our community by taking a bag and
returning it on of February 27th and 28th. If you have any questions or would like
to help with this project, please call the Parish Office, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200.
It’s Almost Time to Begin Festival Planning!
The contest for the 2016 festival logo concept takes place this year between April 8 and April 24, with the winning entry announced on May 15. Pre-sales for the 2016 festival T-shirts featuring the new logo will take place in early June. The presales period is your best opportunity to ensure that you get your preferred style, size and color. Watch for details in the parish and festival websites and the parish bulletin in late May.
Do you have talents in computer graphic artistry? The festival Publicity Team could use your help (1) in late May to transform the winning logo concept into the official festival logo, and/or (2) in mid-July to produce the posters and flyers for the
festival. The Publicity Team also needs volunteers to help at weekend Masses for the logo contest in April, the T-shirt presales in June and/or the T-shirt general sales in early September. If you're interested in helping in any of these areas please
contact the parish office or the Publicity Team Chair, Thomas Zang, at [email protected].
Mark your Calendars for Saturday, September 17, 2016
and let’s make this festival one of our best yet!
R Y L O
  M 
   
Call Jenny Lusk for details
1-800-477-4574 ext. 6302
For Advertising Information, call
JENNY LUSK at LPi today!
(919) 828-1101
800-477-4574 Ext. 6302
[email protected]
JIM MOORE, Parishioner
Miguel Velazquez
(919) 714-3437
Service with Reverence & Grace
For over a Quarter of a Century
211 W. Third St., Wendell, NC 27591
Phone 919-365-3612
Toll Free 1-800-355-8493
– Pest Control –
Bodas, Quinceañeras y Eventos
Grand Rental Station
2635 S. Saunders St.
Raleigh, NC
Servicio Profesional de
Fotografía y Video
In Loving Memory of...
Maria & Larry Carrino
Midge & Al Hernandez
TOM NORRIS, Licensed Operator
Keeping St. Eugene Pest-Free…
Let us protect your home too!
913 North Arendell Ave. • Zebulon
(919) 269-6600
Specializing in Senior Services
and Health Insurance for ALL
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Part D Prescription Plans
Tax-Free Retirement Strategies • Bonus Annuities
(919) 758-6112
2001 Widewaters Parkway, Suite U • Knightdale
(Next to Lowes Foods)
Mon - Thurs: 11 am - 10 pm • Fri - Sat: 11 am - 10:30 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 9:30 pm
840 N. Greenfield Parkway
Garner NC 27529
Compliments of…
L. Harold Poole
Funeral Service and Crematory
Serving & meeting your needs with local & personalized service.
11 S Main St • Wendell, NC
[email protected]
Barbara P. Poole
PHONE: 919-266-3646
919-585-2973 • 919-868-2057
(919) 269-9481
Larry Hussey, Parishioner
Clayton, NC
32 Campen St. • Wendell, NC 27591
(919) 365-4262
518 Industrial Dr. • Wendell
Owner • Kyle Mayernik, Jason Mayernik
Locally owned for over 50 years
Proud provider of propane to St Eugene's
For All Your Landscape Needs
• Contract Pricing for Upcoming Winter
• Wilmington & Holland Grill Dealer
• Automatic Monthly Delivery Routes
(919) 355-8873
(919) 355-TURF
Acts Medical Clinic
Backflow Testing
Repairs • Installations
Insured • Free Estimates
Always Caring…Top-notch Service
114 Main St. • Downtown Wendell
4111 Wendell Boulevard • Wendell, NC 27591
919-365-8484 • 919-365-8450 FAX
919-464-4732 • 252-235-5725
David Horvath, Parishioner
R. Eric Clayton, M.D. • Physician
[email protected] •
For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •

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