Next Sunday`s Readings


Next Sunday`s Readings
_July 12, 2015
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Next Sunday’s Readings
Lecturas para el próximo domingo
First Reading:
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18
Mark 6:30-34
Mass Intentions
Intenciones para las Misas
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Deceased members of
Schaefgen-Goelz family
Saturday-Sábado, 7:00pm
Sunday-Domingo, 8:00am
Sunday-Domingo, 11:00am
Sunday-Domingo, 1:00pm
Intentions of Fr. Gonzalez
Barbara Jackson +
People of St. Michael
Intentions of Cristopher Jose &
Violeta Sanchez-Peñuelas
Monday-Lunes, 8:15am
Menna Scola +
Monday-Lunes, 5:30pm
Inez Mulvihill +
Tuesday-Martes, 8:15am
Loved ones of Firehammer family
Tuesday-Martes, 5:30pm
Rev. John V. Scola +
Wednesday-Miércoles, 8:15am Most abandoned souls in Purgatory
Wednesday-Miércoles, 12:00pm Mr. Elfervig +
Wednesday-Miércoles, 5:30pm Intentions of Mike Myers
Thursday-Jueves, 8:15am
Intentions of Mary Bistolfi
Thursday-Jueves, 5:30pm
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Friday-Viernes, 8:15am
Intentions of Siss McGhee
Friday-Viernes, 5:30pm
Inez Mulvihill +
Saturday-Sábado, 8:15am
Children at St. Jude
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Intentions of Gail Yarbrough
Saturday-Sábado, 7:00pm
Intentions of Fr. Gonzalez
Sunday, 7/05/15
English Masses...........................................$ 4,552.78
Misas en Español..…………..…………..………...$ 2,955.46
Total…..……….………….……….……………….....$ 7,508.24
Facilities Improvement Fund/
Fondos para mejora de Inmuebles…….…….$ 978.00
Thanks to our parishioners who have donated to the
2015 Bishop’s Appeal. We are 54% towards our goal of
$35,000. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge,
please do so and return it to the Church Office.
A donation has been made to St. Michael Church in
memory of John Brannon by Irene Wilson-Nielsen.
12 de julio, 2015
Please pray for the sick/por favor oremos por los
enfermos: Maria Dayana Acosta, Rose Ann Annaratone,
Arturo Arellano, Chiquinquira Benitez, Kay Brannon,
Florence Brown, Claire Coleman, Rafael Coronado,
Clarence Crawford, Rose Marie Cross, Michael Elam,
Susan Elam, Erika Espinoza, Guadalupe Nava Elizalde,
Maria de la Luz Reyes Espinoza, Clara Flores, Nell Fundo,
Mohan Gehi, Dell Golladay, Adriana Gonzalez, Imelda
Gonzalez, Judd Grisanti, Allison Guzman, Ursula
Hannaford, Dot & Leo Hartweck, Conner Heros, Verna
Higgins, Clifford Hill, David Hill, Teresa Howell, Joann
Hudson, Jim Liles, Anastasio Lopez, Joann Mangan, Ruth
Marcella, Zachary Marcella, John Michael Martinez,
Marissabel Mazon, Barbara McGrath, Bobby McKinney,
Myrna Mendez, Gene Michalski, Enrique Montiel, Judy
Nabors, Magally & Marshal Ohman, Sandra Parker,
Melanie L. Reyes, Leobardo Robledo, Aura Esperanza
Rodas, Barbara & Fred Rutschman, Mary Ruiz, Mary
Sammons, Bill Sampson, Rosemarie Scola, Patricia
Sitter, Doris Sonneborn, Linda Theriot, Troxclair Family,
Mary Lou Thompson, Polo Venzor, Zulema Vergaray,
Lynn Walker, Joyce R. West & Mickey Wolfe
Los bautizos en San Miguel son los sábados. Si usted
está interesado en bautizar, venga a la oficina a
registrarse como miembro de la parroquia. Se requiere
tres meses de anticipación para apartar la fecha del
bautismo. Debe ser miembro activo para qualquier
trámite en la parroquia.
Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que han hecho su
donación a la Campaña Anual del Obispo para el 2015.
Estamos en el 54% de nuestra meta de $35,000. Si usted
aún no ha hecho un regalo o promesa, por favor haga
su promesa y traiga su sobre a la oficina de la iglesia.
Tarjetas adicionales están situadas en la parte posterior
de la iglesia. Gracias.
Check our Facebook Page: 4832
Visite nuestra página de Facebook:
Our Food Pantry needs peanut butter
for the families we serve. Nuestro
Dispensario necesita mantequilla de maní
para las familias que servimos.
Symbolon: Understanding the Catholic
Faith DVD series by Dr. Edward Sri Sundays
at 9:00am in the Narthex, and Tuesdays at
6:30pm in the Parish Office Conference Room.
The next casino bus trip is to Fitzgerald’s
Tuesday, July 14. To reserve your seat, call
Dot Hartweck at 682-2575 or Donna Oxner
at 758-1960.
The next SMILE breakfast is Tuesday, July
21, at 9:00am at Shoney’s on Covington Pike.
Are you good with plants? Would you like to
contribute time and talent to the parish? Consider
helping Fr. Gonzalez care for the church plants.
See him after Mass about helping.
Attention, Parents
Registration for Religious Education classes is
now open. You may register your child from
10am—4pm Monday—Thursday, and Fridays,
8am-noon at the Parish Office. We must have
copies of your children’s Baptism certificates
when you register. Cost is $30 per child.
Atención Padres de Familia
Registraciones para el Programa de Educación
Religiosa ya estan abiertas. Venga a la oficina
de lunes a jueves de 10am a 4pm y el viernes
de 8am a 12pm. Requisitos al momento de
registración: Copia de fé de bautizo y dirección
de la iglesia del mismo (si la iglesia es fuera del
país). $30.00 como cooperación para ayudar a
comprar libros, favor de traer el dinero exacto.
Biking for Babies Tuesday, July14, St. Benedict
HS. Mass at 6:00pm followed by dinner. The public
is invited to Mass and dinner and asked to bring
bread, salad or dessert. RSVP Sharon Masterson
at [email protected], or 260-2871.
Notre Dame Club Speaker Series Tuesday, July 14,
7:00pm at St. Francis Hospital auditorium. Speaker is
Deacon Dominic Cerrato: "Finding Jesus in Serving
Others: How the Diaconate Teaches Discipleship."
School & Parish Yard Sale Saturday, July 18, 7am–2 pm
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 1425 E. Shelby Dr.
Catholic Charities of West Tennessee needs volunteers
to sort and size donated clothing. Volunteer Saturday is
July18, 8:45am-noon at 1325 Jefferson. Please sign up
at http://www.signupgenius.comgo/10c044ca5ad22a
4ff2-volunteer1 or call Lucie Johnson at 722-9797.
Seminarian Dinner, Friday, July 31, 5:30pm at Marian
Hall, Cathedral. Cost is $50/person, $400/table.
Proceeds benefit our seminarians. Silent auction 5:306:30pm, live auction 7:00-8:00pm.
Natural Family Planning classes begin Thursday,
August 6, 6:30pm at the Catholic Center, 5825
Shelby Oaks Dr. $75 per couple for all instructions
and follow-ups. Pre-register at or
call Mary Pat Van Epps at 373-1285.
Retiro para mujeres, “Mujeres de Dios,” el dia 15 de
Agusto, 8:30am-8:30pm a Iglesia de la Resurreccion, con
el Padre Favazza y Padre Bradshaw.
Lector Training Level I Saturdays, August 15, 22 & 29,
10am –12:15pm at St. Ann, Bartlett. Registration is
required. Log on to
Diocese.php?op=ILS.Schedules or call 373-1264.
Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Bill Parham November 1020. $3,790 from Memphis includes air, taxes, 2
meals/day, & hotels. For reservations call Jeannie
Presley, 335-4563 or email presleyjeannie@gmail. com.
The Serra Club sponsors a monthly Holy Hour to pray
for vocations the second Thursday of each month at St.
Louis Church at 7:00pm. All Catholics are welcome to
join in praying vespers, the Rosary, and Benediction.

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