Our Lady of Guadalupe Church


Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
900 West La Habra Boulevard ● La Habra, California 90631
Parish Mission Statement
Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic
Church, a multicultural family in Christ,
supports and challenges each other through
responsible stewardship to share our gifts,
foster worship and evangelization, and provide education and Christian service to all.
Misión Parroquial
La Iglesia Católica Romana de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es una familia multicultural en Cristo, la cual nos apoya y
desafía unos a otros a compartir nuestros
dones siendo portadores responsables de
servicio, fomentando el culto y la
evangelización, proporcionando educación
y servicios Cristianos para todos.
Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 17, 2016
Parish Office Hours
Parochial Vicar:
Pastor Emeritus:
Rev. Edward G. Becker
Rev. Martin Tran
Rev. Msgr. Justin H. MacCarthy
José Manuel Chavez
José Luís Rodríguez
Parish Office:
Business Manager:
School Principal:
School Day Care:
Music Ministry:
RCIA/Adult Faith
Ministry of Care:
Parish Website:
Scott Miller
Francine Kubasek
Christina Lopez
(562) 691-0533
(562) 697-6391
(562) 691-0533
(562) 697-9726
(562) 760-4546
Friday & Saturday:
8:30 am—7:30 pm
8:30 am—5:30 pm
8:30 am—1:00 pm
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday Vigils:
5:30 pm, 7 pm (Español)
6:30 am, 7:45 am (Español), 9:30 am,
11:15 am, 1:00 pm (Español)
5:30 pm (Youth)
7:45 am Monday through Friday
(Friday am-Español)
5:30 pm Mon., Wed., & Fri.
Ray Hernandez
(562) 691-2104
(562) 691-0533
Holy Days & Holidays:
Celeste Dowling
Gregorio Morales
Denis Wilkins
Doris von Rotz
(562) 691-2104
(562) 691-2104
(562) 691-0533
(562) 691-0533
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
First weekday of each month
As announced
Reconciliation (Confessions):
Saturdays, 4:00 pm; Mondays, 8:15 am
Please arrange at least 1 month in advance.
Weddings: Please arrange at least 6 months in advance.
Call Parish Office.
Page 2
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
¡Fechas a Recordar!
Donación de Sangre: HOY
Los Caballeros de Colón han programado una Donación de Sangre en el Centro
Coleman de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,
el domingo 17 de Abril
de 8:30 a.m. a 2:30 p.m.
Hay una escasez de sangre. Esta es una oportunidad de
compartir parte de su vida con otros en necesidad Los
que no tengan citas son bienvenidos. Solamente ir al
Bloodmobile en frente de Centro Coleman y apuntarse para donar sangre.
17 de abril del 2016
Domingo, 24 de Abril, 5:00 p.m.
El Obispo Daniel Francis Walsh esta programado para
celebrar nuestra Misa de Confirmación. Vengan y sean
testigos de la recepción de este Sacramento de 95 de
nuestros jóvenes que se han venido preparando por dos
años. Todos son bienvenidos! Recomendamos que lleguen temprano. Tenga en cuenta la Misa anterior
La Ascensión del Señor: 7 y 8 de Mayo
Caballeros de la Parroquia:
El Consejo local de los Caballeros de Colón le invita a
unirse a nuestras filas. Visite nuestro puesto este Domingo 17 de Abril de las 7 a.m. a la 1 p.m. para obtener
más información acerca de nuestra hermandad y para
que se lleve una forma de registro. Incorporarse es fácil y
las recompensas son muchas. Todas nuestras actividades están enfocadas en apoyar a nuestra comunidad,
nuestros religiosos, nuestra escuela, los olvidados y
nuestra parroquia, además que nos divertimos mientras
ayudamos. ¿Que estas esperando? ¡Únete a nosotros!
Llame a Bruce (714) 272-7922 si no puede visitar
nuestra mesa.
“La boda es solo un día,
el Matrimonio es para siempre”
Boda Comunitaria
Septiembre 2016!!
Han vivido por mucho tiempo en unión libre??!
Desean recibir la bendición de Dios a través
del Sacramento del Matrimonio?
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe les invita a ser parte de
nuestra próxima Boda Comunitaria!!
Para más información, vengan a nuestra próxima Noche de Información en el Centro Coleman
Con la autorización de la Santa Sede, en la mayoría de
arquidiócesis y diócesis de los Estados Unidos, incluyendo la diócesis de Orange, la solemnidad de la Ascensión
del Señor es transferida a y remplaza el Domingo Séptimo de Pascua. La Ascensión del Señor se celebrará el 7
y 8 de Mayo. El jueves 5 de mayo se observa como día
de la semana del la tiempo de Pascua.
Solemnidad de Pentecostés:
14 y 15 de Mayo.
El próximo fin de semana, 14 y 15 de Mayo es Pentecostés, el cumpleaños de la Iglesia, la celebración del Espíritu Santo descendiendo sobre los apóstoles. También es
la clausura de la celebración de Pascua. ¡Use ropa de
color ROJO!
El Obispo Vann ha delegado la facultad de confirmar
adultos a los párrocos de las parroquias de la Diócesis
de Orange el día de Pentecostés. Estos son adultos que
fueron bautizados Católicos, pero que nunca fueron confirmados. Durante las Misas de las 9:30 a.m. y 1:00 p.m.,
el Padre Ed confirmara a los candidatos que hayan completado su preparación para el sacramento mediante el
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA).
De Parte de
La Oficina de Formación de Fe . . .
Las Directrices de Primera Comunión sobre el código
de vestimenta y otros detalles se pueden encontrar
en la página web de la Parroquia.
Feria de Inscripción
para el Año Catequético 2016-2017
(en el Centro Coleman)
 Jueves, 2 de Junio:
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
 Domingo, 5 de Junio: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Visita la página web de la parroquia para más información
Lunes 18 de Abril a las 7:00 p.m.
ahí hablaremos sobre todos los detalles y contestaremos
todas sus preguntas. El cupo es limitado.
No te sientas total, personal e irrevocablemente responsable por todo. . . Ese es mi trabajo.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Blood Drive: TODAY
The Knights of Columbus have scheduled a Blood Drive at OLG for Sunday,
April 17, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There is
a shortage of blood available. Take this
opportunity to share part of your life with
others in need.
Come to Coleman Center even if you don’t have an
appointment. Walk-ins are welcome!
Page 3
Dates to Remember!
Confirmation: Sunday, April 24, 5:00 p.m.
Come and witness the conferring of this Sacrament by
Bishop Daniel Francis Walsh, retired Bishop of Santa
Rosa, on 95 of our teens who have been preparing for
the past two years. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Note the earlier Mass time.
The Ascension of the Lord: May 7 & 8
OLG Small Groups
growing faith in circles
Seven reasons why small, faith sharing
groups that meet weekly in homes are
important to Catholic Christians at
1. Jesus modeled small group ministry with the Apostles.
2. Meeting in the home is modeled by the early church.
3. Small groups give us a heightened sense of belonging to our church community and faith family.
4. Small groups help us grow and mature spiritually.
5. It’s a place to go to be known, loved, and cared for.
6. Forming bonds and deeper friendships with fellow
Catholics helps faith to grow.
7. Small Groups are where Faith Formation occurs outside of our big Church.
The solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is transferred to and replaces the Seventh Sunday of Easter in
the Diocese of Orange and in many archdioceses and
dioceses of the United States. The Ascension will be
celebrated May 7/8. Thursday, May 5, will be observed
as an Easter weekday.
Solemnity of Pentecost.: May 14 & 15
Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon
the disciples and also brings to a close our celebration
of the Easter Season. Wear RED!
Bishop Vann has delegated to parish pastors of our diocese the faculty for confirming adults on the solemnity of
Pentecost. These are adults who were baptized Catholic
but were never confirmed. On May 15 at the 9:30 a.m.
and 1:00 p.m. Masses, Fr. Ed will confirm these candidates who have completed their preparation for the sacrament through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
To join or for information, contact: Nick Rawe [email protected] or David da Rosa (714) 788-8648.
What is a Charismatic Prayer Meeting?
A charismatic prayer meeting consists of
a group of people from varying backgrounds
who meet regularly in an atmosphere of love
and support for one another in an effort to
grow in the knowledge and love of God, and
to show this love in their attitude to their
Each prayer meeting is open to anyone who wants to
come. It is characterized by expressive, joyful praise, an
openness to the spiritual gifts including prophecy and
healing, and an expectancy that God will speak and work
in power within the meeting. Music is an important element, helping to lift the hearts of those present. There are
also talks, testimonies and intercessory prayer, and prayer ministry is always available.
Join us on Wednesday evenings in Coleman Center at
7:30 p.m. We will be upstairs in Coleman Center on the
first Wednesday of each month, and downstairs in the
MacCarthy room of Coleman Center on the other
Wednesdays. Whether you can come every week or once
a month, you are welcome. See you there!
For more information, please call Joan LaGuardia at
(562) 697-6331.
Gentlemen of the Parish:
The local Council of the Knights of Columbus invites
you to join our ranks. Stop by our booth TODAY, Sunday,
April 17, between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. to get information
about our brotherhood and pick up an application. Joining
is easy and the rewards are many. Our activities are all
designed to support our community, our religious, our
school, the forgotten and our parish. We have fun doing it!
What are you waiting for?
Contact Bruce (714) 272-7922 for information if you
are unable to visit our booth.
Handouts for Easter
Weekly Easter one-page handouts, in English and in
Spanish, are available in the brochure racks at the entrances of the church and on our parish website. These
handouts include prayer and Scripture reflections, as well
as daily suggestions for Keeping the Seasons for each
Sunday of the Easter season..
Page 4
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mission Circle Spring Sale
Set aside Sunday, April 24, to fill
your “want list” of First Communion,
Confirmation and Mother’s Day gifts.
St. Paul Mission Circle will be set up in
Jason’s Plaza after Sunday morning
Masses with a variety of gifts to
choose from—all at a 15% discount. Save while supporting our worldwide missionaries in their quest of
spreading our Catholic faith.
April 17, 2016
Save the Date!
Saturday, May 7
here at OLG
in conjunction with the
Life, Justice & Peace
Office of the Diocese of Orange
USA Naturalization/Citizenship Forum
in Coleman Center
If you are interested and qualified to become an American
citizen or you have a family member or friend under the
same circumstances, come join us. More details in next
week’s bulletin and on the parish website.
The Call to Serve
Baptism and Confirmation empower all believers to share in some form of service through
ministry. Have you been drawn to a particular
liturgical ministry? Perhaps now is the time for
you to act on that call.
From the Office of Faith Formation . . .
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—
contact Lisa Naccarato (562) 943-3550
Lectors—contact Alfonso Weilbach (562) 697-1196
Registration Fair for the
2016-2017 Catechetical Year
Gloria Dei Choir—contact Kevin St. Clair
(562) 691-0533
Contemporary Music Group— contact Rich Weidenhoefer
(562) 947-1982
Ushers—contact Al Ruiz (562) 694-1113
Church Environment—
contact Lucinda Montgomery (562) 691-0533
Altar Linens and Cleaning—
contact Marilyn Ausen (562) 691-0533
Ministers of Care to the Sick & Homebound—
contact Denis Wilkins (562) 691-0533
First Communion Guidelines on dress code and other
details can be found on the Parish website.
(Both opportunities in Coleman Center)
Thursday, June 2:
Sunday, June 5:
6:30 p.m.—9:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Visit the Parish website for more information.
In the interest of safety and to curb mischievous
behavior, all children should be accompanied by an adult
when using the church restrooms.
Stewardship of Treasure
Gerencia de Tesoro
OLG Young Families Ministry
Are you a new or expectant parent interested in getting to know other parents with young children?
Are you looking to connect beyond sharing sympathetic smiles in the cry room?
Would you like your family to be part of a close knit
community that supports and strengthens you as you
live out your vocation of raising a young family?
Would you like to be more involved in the parish but
struggle to see what activities might fit your family?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the
OLG young families ministry may have something to offer
you. Our goal is to make it easier for young families to
connect, support each other and participate more fully in
parish life. Be on the lookout for changes, from kidfriendly tables at the Fish Fry to a mom's support group
and family movie and game nights.
If you are interested in learning more or have ideas
you want to share, please contact Marian Estrada at 562448-3393 or at [email protected].
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Domingo, 10 de abril 2016
Sunday Collection:
$ 23,138.30
Colecta del domingo
(Weekly Goal/Meta semanal: $21,000)
Parish Religious Education Fund:
Fondo para la educación religiosa
Brothers & Sisters in Need:
$ 1,535.51
Hermanos y hermanas necesitados
Thank you for your generosity!
Gracias por su generosidad!
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Page 5
Mis ovejas
mi voz
Circulo de Misión de San Pablo
Venta de Regalos: 24 de Abril
en el Plaza Jason
después de las Misas de la Mañana
Un 15% de descuento en artículos religiosos y regalos para las Madres, la Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Llévese el regalo perfecto y ayuda a los Misioneros de San Pablo con sus compras.
Pastoral Services Appeal
Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales
Thank you to all who have made a pledge or donation to the 2016 PSA! If you have not yet done so,
please consider contributing to the 2016 PSA.
¡Muchas gracias a todos los que han hecho una promesa o donación al PSA de 2016! Si todavía no ha
hecho la suya, por favor considere contribuir al PSA de 2016.
(As of March 30, 2016 / Desde el 30 de Marzo del 2016)
Parish commitment to
diocesan ministries (all
monies collected over this
amount to be rebated
back to the parish)
Compromiso parroquial
para los ministerios diocesanos (todos los fondos
recaudados en exceso de
esta cantidad regresan a
la parroquia)
Average number of families
attending Mass each Sunday
Promedio del número de
familias que asisten Misa
cada domingo
Number of families (donating
$10 or more) needed to qualify
for $5,000 incentive award
from Diocese
Número de familias (que donan
$10 o más) necesario para calificar por $5,000 premios de
incentivos de la Diócesis
Total pledged and/or
paid to date
Promesas y/o pagos
hechos hasta hoy
Total number of
families donating $10
or more to 2016 PSA
Total paid to date
Pagado hasta la fecha
Número total de
familias que donan
$10 o más al PSA del
Page 6
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
¡Aparte la Fecha!
Sábado, 7 de Mayo
aquí en NSDG
en conjunto con la
Oficina de Vida, Justicia
y Paz de la Diócesis de Orange
Foro de Ciudadanía
en el Centro Coleman
Aquellas personas que estén interesadas y califiquen
para hacerse ciudadanos o tengan algún familiar o amigos en la misma situación, los invitamos a que participen.
Habrá más detalles en el boletín de la próxima semana y
en el sitio web de nuestra parroquia.
Grupo de Oración Católico
Ungidos por el Espíritu Santo
Retiro para Niños
de 6 a 13 años de edad
en el Centro Coleman
Sábado 30 de Abril
9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Papa y Mama que tienen hijos pequeños te invitamos a
que traigas a tus hijos a este retiro para que conozcan a
Dios de una manera atractiva para ellos, que tus hijos
aprendan desde pequeños la fe y conozcan el amor de
Dios en sus vidas. Es el mejor regalo que puedes dar a
tus hijos este 30 de abril, el Día del Nino.
Tendremos: Predicación, oración, juegos
y varias actividades. Los temas serán en Ingles.
Ya tenemos aplicaciones para que registres a tus hijos lo más pronto que puedas, se necesitara la autorización de los padres o tutores este
retiro es solo para niños de 6 a 13
años de edad. Los temas serán en
Ingles para la atención de sus hijos.
Sera: Gratis
Para más información:
Elvira Ramos (562) 536-3177;
Miguel Bravo (562) 376-3611
Elia González (562) 690-3458
Hojas para Pascua estarán disponibles, en Ingles y
en Español, en las casillas de literatura en las entradas
de la Iglesia y también en nuestro sitio web de la parroquia
cada semana de Pascua. Estas hojas le ofrecen una oraciones, reflexiones de la Sagrada Escritura, y practicas
espirituales para cada día de la semana.
17 de abril del 2016
L♥ve La Habra
 demostrando bondad
 satisfacer necesidades
 impactando vidas
Love La Habra es un día de servicio por toda la ciudad
para ayudar quienes están necesitados y para mejorar
nuestra ciudad.
Día de Servicio por toda la ciudad:
Sábado, 30 de Abril, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Acompáñenos el 30 de abril y sirva en uno de nuestros
proyectos. Vaya a www.lovelahabra.com haga clic en la
ficha Proyectos, elija un proyecto y regístrese. Empieza a
las 8 de la mañana con un rally y desayuno en el Parque
Portola sobre Euclid cerca del Museo para Niños.
Aquí hay 3 proyectos en NSDG:
1. Refrescar un poco los plantadores, limpieza general
en la iglesia, un poco de pintura, y la construcción de
un cobertizo prefabricado.
2. Limpieza completa de las instalaciones de la escuela, incluyendo lavando las paredes exteriores, el lavado a presión, lavado de los juegos del patio de recreo, jardinería, un poco de pintar, y la organización
de las áreas de almacenamiento.
3. La creación de signos, construcción de juegos, pintar
los puestos y la organización de materiales para la
fiesta 2016.
Registres hoy Domingo después de las Misas de la mañana o vaya a el sitio web: lovelahabra.com
teléfono: 562-690-5109
Oración para Vocaciones
Padre de misericordia,
que has entregado a tu Hijo
por nuestra salvación
y nos sostienes continuamente
con los dones de tu Espíritu,
concédenos comunidades cristianas
vivas, fervorosas y alegres,
que sean fuentes de vida fraterna
y que despierten entre los jóvenes
el deseo de consagrarse a Ti
y a la evangelización.
Sostenlas en el empeño de proponer a los jóvenes
una adecuada catequesis vocacional
y caminos de especial consagración.
Dales sabiduría
para el necesario discernimiento de las vocaciones
de modo que en todo brille
la grandeza de tu amor misericordioso.
Que María, Madre y educadora de Jesús,
interceda por cada una
de las comunidades cristianas, para que,
hechas fecundas por el Espíritu Santo,
sean fuente de auténticas vocaciones
al servicio del pueblo santo de Dios.
—Papa Francisco
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Reflections from the
Gloria Dei Choir
For the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Gloria Dei Choir sings John
Ness Beck’s arrangement of the hymn “The King of Love
My Shepherd Is.” The hymn text, based on Psalm 23,
was written in 1868 by celebrated English hymn writer
and cleric Henry Baker. Today’s readings are replete with
images of God as Shepherd of His people. While an Anglican, Sir Henry held to the doctrine of the celibacy of
the clergy and composed a devotional hymn to Mary,
“Shall we not love thee, Mother dear?” which stirred controversy among Protestants using Baker’s hymn collection Hymns Ancient and Modern. His last words upon his
untimely death aged 55 were reportedly words from “The
King of Love My Shepherd Is.” John Ness Beck (19301987) earned a Master’s in composition from Ohio State
University, where he taught music theory until he left to
serve as owner/manager of The University Music House,
where Beck became interested in music publishing. In
1972 he and John Tatgenhorst formed Beckenhorst
Press as a vehicle to publish their compositions and arrangements. After Beck’s death from cancer in 1987,
composer/arranger Craig Courtney succeeded Beck in
leading Beckenhorst Press.
During Communion, the choir sings John Rutter’s
1970 motet “God Be In My Head.” Rutter (b. 1945) studied music at Clare College, Cambridge, where he later
served as Director of Music from 1975–79. In 1981, he
founded his own choir, The Cambridge Singers, which he
conducts; together, they have recorded works of Rutter
and other composers under his own label, Collegium
Records. While Rutter’s early work inspired Sir David
Willcocks to call him “the most talented composer of his
generation,” his more recent output has become increasingly facile and commercial in style, tarnishing Rutter’s
reputation as a serious composer. The text to “God Be In
My Head” is from the 1545 Sarum Primer, a collection of
Anglican personal prayers. Rutter ingeniously connects
each phrase of the prayer by leaving the last harmony of
the phrase unresolved until the first chord of the following
phrase. The unexpected harmonic shift into the final lines
of the prayer subtly enriches the direct simplicity of the
God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in mine eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at mine end, and at my departing.
—Kevin St. Clair, Interim Director,
Gloria Dei Choir
Healing Service — Monday, April 25, 7:15 p.m.
St. Angela Merici Church, 585 S. Walnut, Brea
Presider: Fr. Michael Berry
Page 7
L♥ve La Habra
 demonstrating kindness
 meeting needs
 impacting lives
Love La Habra is a city-wide day of service
to help those in need and improve our city.
City-wide Serve Day:
Saturday, April 30, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us April 30 and serve one of our many projects.
Go to www.lovelahabra.com,
click on the projects tab, pick a project and sign up.
Begins at 8 a.m. with a Rally & Breakfast
at Portola Park on Euclid near the Children’s Museum.
Here are 3 projects taking place at OLG:
1. Freshening up planters, general church cleaning, minor painting, and building of pre-fab storage shed.
2. Complete clean up of the school grounds, including
washing down exterior walls, power washing, scrubbing playground equipment, gardening, minor painting, and organizing storage areas.
3. Creating signage, building games, painting booths
and organizing supplies for La Fiesta 2016.
Sign up after Sunday morning Masses today or go to:
Website: lovelahabra.com
Phone: 562.690.5109
Thinking About Becoming a Catholic?
Or just interested in the Catholic way of life?
Are you searching for a church to call your own?
Do you struggle with questions about life-death- sufferinghope-forgiveness-love-God? If you are at least 21 years
of age, you are welcome to join us for Sunday afternoon
sessions exploring these topics.
For more information, please contact Celeste
Dowling at (562) 691-2104 or [email protected].
Save the Date: Tuesday, October 4
18th Annual Bishops’ Classic
Golf tournament, Dinner & Auction
Tee-Off is at 12:00 p.m.
Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club in Mission Viejo
Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities of Orange County’s
Children At Risk Program.
Sponsorship & Underwriting Opportunities available.
Please contact Alba Ramiro: [email protected] or call
(714) 347-9668
Grace is necessary to salvation, free will is equally so; but
grace in order to give salvation, free will in order to
receive it.
—St. Bernard
Page 8
Our Lady of Guadalupe
April 17, 2016
Prayer for Vocations
Father of mercy,
who gave your Son for our salvation
and who strengthens us always
with the gifts of your Spirit,
grant us Christian communities
which are alive, fervent and joyous,
which are fonts of fraternal life,
and which nurture in the young
the desire to consecrate themselves to you
and to the work of evangelization.
Sustain these communities in their commitment
to offer appropriate vocational catechesis
and ways of proceeding towards each one’s
particular consecration.
Grant the wisdom needed
for vocational discernment,
so that in all things
the greatness of your merciful love
may shine forth.
May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus,
intercede for each Christian community, so that,
made fruitful by the Holy Spirit,
it may be a source of true vocations
for the service of the holy People of God.
—Pope Francis
Mater Dei High School’s 12th Annual
Red Hot Jazz Concert,
Dinner and Auction
benefitting the Instrumental Music and Colorguard
Saturday, April 23, 5:00 p.m.
at the LaVecke Center at Mater Dei, Santa Ana
The evening includes a culinary “Tour of Italy” and nohost bar, silent and live auctions, and performances featuring musicians from Mater Dei’s own award-winning
Jazz Ensemble.
Tickets on sale now ($45/person) through the Mater
Dei Performing Arts web page. Proceeds help to ensure
every student who wants to participate can be a part of
the band. For more information:
Catholic Charities of Orange County
New Hope Crisis Counseling Center
Telephone Hotline & Online Counseling
24 Hours per Day / 7 Days per Week
Trained Crisis Workers provide peer counseling to adults
who are struggling to cope with day to day life.
(714)-New Hope (Hotline)
www.newhopenow.org (Online)
Attention ALL High School Teens!
Life Nights
Sundays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
(after 5:30 p.m. Mass)
 April 17: Sad World
 April 24: No Life Night—Confirmation @ 5 p.m.
 May 1: Trust
For more information, please contact
Ray Hernandez at the Parish Office:
[email protected] or (562) 691-2104.
Catholic High School News
Cornelia Connelly School Spring Open House:
Thursday, April 21, 6:00 p.m. This is a wonderful
opportunity to meet students, parents and teachers and
see the beautiful campus! Connelly offers
comprehensive college planning, leadership and career
programs, music/arts/athletics, honors and AP courses,
campus ministry, international exchange program,
scholarship opportunities, transportation program.
Please contact the Office of Admissions at (714) 7761717, ext. 234 or email [email protected]
for more information. 2323 W. Broadway, Anaheim.
Rosary Academy
Summer Camps Announced
Rosary Academy is hosting a 2016 Summer Camp open
to grisl AND boys in 4th through 8th grades. Camps will
run each week starting June 20. Students may choose
one or more of the following courses:
Graphic Design
Creative Writing
Summer Youth Sports Camp include (age range varies):
Track & Field
Water Polo
Fees start at $99. For more information and to register,
please visit: www.rosaryacademy.org/summercamp
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Page 9
Lord, grant your eternal peace to:
Señor Dios, concédeles tu eterna paz a:
Bob Bozung
Zenaida Mari
Henry N. Naranjo
Eloise Guzman
El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta.
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Mon. Apr. 18
Tue. Apr. 19
Wed. Apr. 20
Thu. Apr. 21
Fri. Apr. 22
Sat. Apr. 23
Sun. Apr. 24
Father, we pray for healing and strength for:
Dios Padre, rezamos por la sanación y fuerza de:
Gladys Dahlberg
Patrick Hernon
Sr. Grace Ann Loperena
Frank Maganzini
Frank Toscano
7:45 AM
8:15 AM
Confessions (following 7:45
am Mass)
Ruben Torres, Sp. Int.
5:30 PM
7:45 AM
7:00 PM
Mass (with Faith Formation
students—all are welcome)
Respect for Life
Marcello Bisarello, Dec.
7:45 AM
5:30 PM
7:45 AM
9:00 AM
Jerry Ambriz, Dec.
John McAlpine, Dec.
Vera Melkumyan, Dec.
Ismael Pesigan, Dec.
7:45 AM
5:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
6:30 AM
Mass - (with School - all are
7:45 AM
9:30 AM
11:15 AM
1:00 PM
Albino Vasquez, Dec.
Giuseppe Aiello, Dec.
Maria Soon Sohn, Dec.
Intenciones Comunitarias: Por los fieles difuntos -Josefina
Diaz, Albino Vasquez, Jorge Luis Amezquita Rodriguez,
Luis Ernesto Ramirez y Margarita Oliva
5:00 PM
Mass—Confirmation of high
school students.
NOTE: Mass time is changed
from 5:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Readings for the Week of April 17
Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18
Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
Jn 12:44-50
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
Jn 13:16-20
Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14
Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a;
Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Adalberto P. Ruiz, Dec.
Carmina Gonzalez, Dec.
For the People of the Parish
Julio Gil, Sp. Int.
Community Intentions: For our beloved deceased - Albert
Contreras; For the special intention of Dr. Tammy Oullette
Psy. D., Rivas Panina family, Wilma Walters,
Lecturas de la Semana 17 de Abril
Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18
Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6, 8;
Jn 12:44-50
Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
Jn 13:16-20
Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14
Domingo: Hch 14:21-27; Sal 145 (144):8-13;
Ap 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

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