St. Michael Church


St. Michael Church
May 1, 2016
St. Michael
401 S. Main Street
Newark, NY 14513
Parish Center ~ 331-6753
Temporary Priest–in-Residence: Fr. Anthony Nketiah,
ext. 105, [email protected]
Temporary Pastoral Administrator: Pat Albrecht,
ext. 104, [email protected]
Rel. Ed./YM : June Sherman, ext. 103
[email protected]
Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102
[email protected]
Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-339-8546
Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101
[email protected]
Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106
277-0302, [email protected]
Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler
Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111
Pastoral Council Chair: Bob Zappia, 331-3882
Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645
Fax………………... 331-2925
Monday –Friday 9am to Noon 1pm to 5pm
[email protected]
Daily Mass
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel)
Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion
First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am
Consult bulletin for changes
Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 .
ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full
communion with the Catholic Church should contact
the Parish Center.
NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome
new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish
Center to register.
a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6
months in advance for preparation.
MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer
sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to
let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home
visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at
any weekend Mass.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings
during the 10:30 am Mass. (Sept.– May )
Grades K—7:
Sunday 9:15—10:20 am @ St. Michael School
Grades 8—12 (youth group) Super Catholics Of
Our Church (SCOOCH) Two Sundays per month
6:00 -8:00 pm @ SMS
Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am
Catholic Charities of Wayne County
Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment
Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday Of Easter
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Sunday, May 1
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Rv 21:10-14,
22-23 Jn 14:23-29
8:15 am ~ Cindy Hartman—Anne Lawlor Woods
10:30 am ~ Fr. Felix—Bob & June Sherman
Monday, May 2
10:00 am Mass at DeMay Living Center
St. Athanasius, bishop and doctor
~ Helen Nita—Zuzanna & Eva
of the church
Acts 16:11-15 Jn 15:26—16:4a
1 pm ~ Rosary @ Monument for the Unborn
6 pm ~ Festival meeting
Tuesday, May 3
8:00 am
Saints Philip and James, apostles
1 Cor 15:1-8 Jn 14:6-4
~ Victor Calviera—Mrs. Kerrigan
Wednesday, May 4
Easter Weekday
Acts 17:15, 22—18:1 Jn 16:12-15
Liturgy of the Word, with communion
~ In the Chapel
Thursday, May 5
The Ascension of the Lord
Acts 1:1-11 Eph 1:17-23
Lk 24:46-53
Friday, May 6
Easter Weekday
Acts 18:9-18 Jn 16:20-23
8:00 am
11:45 am ~ Children’s Choir @ SMS
10:30 am Mass ~ First Communion
Reception to follow Mass hosted by
The Rosary & Altar Society
7 pm ~ Choir
8:00 am ~ Janet Murphy—Steve Murphy
6:00 pm ~ Bernie Armitage—Herbert family
8:00 am First Friday Mass
~ Kathy DeMarco—Theresa Wlodarczyk
Saturday, May 7
Easter Weekday
Acts 18:23-28 Jn 16:23b-28
7:30 am ~ Jimmy Micale—Regina Krolak
4:30 pm ~ Judy Healy Cain—mother
3:15 pm ~ Confessions
Sunday, May 8
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day
Acts 7:55-60 Rv 22:12-14,
16-17, 20 Jn 17:20-26
8:15 am ~ Florence Foti—Dave & Sherry
10:30 am ~ All Mothers—children
10:30 am ~ Children’s Mass
May Crowning after the 10:30 am Mass
No Faith Formation
Happy Mother’s Day
MAY 7, 4:30 PM
C. Acquista
R. Vecinal
R. Boyd
J. Addyman
T. O’Toole, S. O’Toole, G. Addyman*
J. Bouwens, b. Semmler, K. Semmler
MAY 8, 8:15 AM
C. Swann
B. Talbot
S. Smith
F. Lawson
P. Dewa, K. George, A. Chandler *
W. Crowley, J. Crowley, R. Dewa
MAY 8, 10:30 AM
B. & N. Kehoe
D. Doyle
A. Diamond
C. Owen, C. Taylor, K. Vitaro*
K. Joslyn, S. Joslyn, K. Zappia
Older Group
Younger Group
Youth Help
bold = bread minister, * = cup washer
MAY 8, 10:30 AM
Dick Bowker 2 Captain
Happy Mother’s Day
Holy Day Mass Schedule
Ascension of the Lord
Thursday, May 4th
8:00 am & 6:00 pm
Please welcome
Tonya Valvano
who entered in full Communion with
the church on Sunday,
April 24, 2016
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday Of Easter
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Please join us in the church hall for a reception
today after 10:30 am Mass in celebration of our
children making their First Holy Communion
hosted by the Rosary & Altar Society
Volunteers Needed:
The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to serve
on our local Service Unit committee to provide a Salvation Army presence in Newark. Service Units are
present in rural communities where there is no physical Salvation Army building that provides services.
We seek individuals who are knowledgeable about
their community and sensitive to the needs of their
neighbors. The Salvation Army offers a wide range of
emergency assistance to families and individuals, including food, housing, clothing, utilities as well as a summer camp program for ages 6-12.
The funding for these services is directly related to the monies raised by
the local Red Kettle campaign. Would you like to join our team?
Please contact Kim Howell, Regional Services Coordinator 315-3821451 or by email at [email protected]
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Park Presbyterian Church
Registration 8:30 am
Newark Food Cupboard will
share in the proceeds.
Mary Crowning in the Mary Garden
Sunday , MAY 8th immediately
following the 10:30 am Mass
We will be crowning the statue of
Mary and have a brief ceremony A beautiful
way to remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Please join us
Poetry and Prayer: Pr aying with the psalms and other poems
Join us on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 for a day retreat at Notre
Dame Retreat House (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424).
The day schedule is: 9 am registration along with coffee and
pastries; 9:30 am conference begins; lunch at noon; reconciliation and mass; day ends at 3 pm. Please call 585-394-5700 to
register. A fee of $25 payable at registration. Fr. Frank
Jones,C.Ss.R. will facilitate this day retreat.
BAKING MIXES (cakes, muffins, breads, etc.)
Please leave items in the gathering space.
Thank you.
Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:
Richard J. Switzer, M.S., C.A.G.S., M.A.
Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin.
La Variedad del Mes de Mayo
Muchas personas piensan en el mes de mayo como el
mes de María, y por eso rezamos el rosario en honor de
María, pidiendo por tantas intenciones. También mayo es
el mes de las Primeras Comuniones y graduación del colegio. Celebramos cada evento un poco diferente. Llevamos flores a María como regalamos flores a nuestros seres
queridos, sea a nuestra madre el día de las madres, un amigo por su cumpleaños o el novio a su novia o el esposo a
su esposo el día de su aniversario como un signo de cariño. Damos regalos por la Primera Comunión y graduación porque es un día especial. Así mostramos nuestro
amor para con la persona como hacemos por poner flores
enfrente de una imagen de María. ¿Qué hace usted para
mostrar su amor a su madre, padre, hijo, hija, hermano,
hermana, esposo, o esposa? Comunique su amor por medio de gestos, palabras, regalos y obras.
Es en mayo cuando preparamos la tierra para plantar y
sembrar flores. Son esas flores que nos complacen por su
belleza durante todo el verano, y nos ayudan a pensar en el
Creador quien nos dio tantas variedades de flores.
¿Alaban a Dios y dan gracias a Dios por las flores y toda
la creación? La creación de Dios es una maravilla.
Este mayo estamos terminando el tiempo de Pascua y
tenemos las celebraciones litúrgicas de la Ascensión del
Señor, Pentecostés, la Santísima Trinidad y el Cuerpo y la
Sangre de Cristo. Este mes tenemos tantas celebraciones
que son importantes para nuestra fe, pero mucha gente no
presta atención a estas celebraciones de la fe. Pido que
intenten tener el mismo deseo de que llegue el día de cada
uno de estas celebraciones como anticipa su cumpleaños o
su aniversario de
boda. La fe es un
regalo de Dios
que debemos
fortalecer por
celebrar estos
días tan especiales. Prepárense
por estas fiestas.
¡Feliz mayo!
Hermana Kay
Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana
1. Los martes, 7:00 p. m.: Estudio y reflexión bíblica,
en la capilla.
2. Todos los días de mayo, 7:00 p.m. en la capilla: Rezo
del rosario.
3. Viernes, 6 de mayo, 7:00 p. m.: Misa en la capilla
con P. Jesús., seguida por entremeses.
4. Sábado, 14 de mayo, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. en la capilla
del centro parroquial, San Francisco, Geneva: Vigilia
de Pentecostés, Hora Santa enfrente el Santísimo.
Oración carismática guiada por Diácono Erick.
5. Domingo, 29 de mayo, 4:00 p. m. en el salón par r oquial: Rosario de Cruz de Mayo, seguido por una comida
y música.
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday Of Easter
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Dear Parish Family,
This weekend, ten of our parish children will join the
parish community in receiving Christ in the Most Holy
Eucharist for the first time. They have attended their
preparation classes and are ready for this most important
celebration in their faith journey.
I ask that you
continue to pray for them as they continue to learn and
grow in their faith and develop a closer relationship with
Christ. Congratulations to:
Frankie Buttaccio, John
(Jack) Camblin, Nicholas
DeYulio, Morgan Doyle, Evan
Espinosa, Lauren Godkin,
Isabella Humphrey, Jenna
Kuhn, Braydan Sherman, and
Stephanie Wilson.
Unfortunately, two of our
parish children will not be able to be with us this
weekend, as they will be away on vacation. But, they will
receive their First Communion on Sunday, May 15, during
the 10:30 mass. We look forward to Jacob and Rachel
Ganz joining us that day at the Table of the Lord. Have
a great weekend.
Peace & Love to all, June
Saturday, May 7, join in for the 2016 Mabel Hommer
Memorial Newark CROP Walk. Registration begins at
8:30am at Park Presbyterian Church.
If you are interested in walking, please call me at the
Parish Center, as I would like to form a team of people
from St. Michael Church to participate and you will
need to get a donation form. If anyone under 18 wants
to participate, they will need to get their parent’s
signature on the consent statement. I look forward to
hearing from you
Please join us for the May
Crowning on Sunday, May 8th,
immediately following the
10:30am mass. What a
wonderful way to begin your
celebration of Mother’s Day by
honoring our Blessed Mother,
Mary. If you plan on joining us,
please bring some flowers from
your own garden, if you have any available.
May—15, 22
May—15, 22
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
May-15, 22
June 18, 2016
Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join in the fun at
Seabreeze amusement and water park! The cost per
person is $15, $10 toward the cost of the pass and $5
toward the cost of the pizza. We
also ask that each youth bring a
snack and beverage to share with
the group. Registration forms are
available in the gathering space,
so please fill out and return to
June as soon as possible so she
can order the tickets. If you
have any questions, please call
June at the Parish Center.
Search St. Michael’s SCOOCH & KFC Youth
Groups and join our page! It’s a great way to see
some of what our youth are doing in the parish
St. Michael’s Parish
FAMILY Festival
JUNE 10th & 11th 2016
401 S. Main St.
Mark your calendar AND… please volunteer
to help out that weekend!
Pre-festival drawings will begin, May 22nd so get your sold
tickets to the parish center. Seller will get a chance to win 10
free Raffle Tickets!
Because of the Gaming laws in New York we can no
longer accept checks when purchasing a ticket.
Cash only, please!
Drop off your sold tickets with the cash in the collection
basket or stop in the Parish Center with them.
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday Of Easter
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven
“… a time to be born…”
“...a time to love…”
“… a time to be healed…”
Please pray for the sick of our Parish.
Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Ben Hartman, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Michael Kowaleski,
Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser,
ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Ron Atkinson, Eugene Block,
Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Alice Nicoletta, Fran DeVelder, Carol Bir, Pollyanna Bush,
Mary Talbo, Peg Hanson , Tracy Ragsdale, Gary Sergent , Richard Siler, Gloria Viola, Betty Palermo & Pearl Johnson
And please pray for our Parish friends.
Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez, Scott Weber, Michael DePauw, Nicholas Forgione, Debbie Jackson & Bonnie Crane
“… a time to die…”
Pat Cowles
Carol Ocque, niece of Diana Dubler
“… and a time for peace.”
In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Sacrificial Giving
March 2016
$24,975.00 (4 weeks)
March 2015
$33,191.00 (5 weeks)
7/1/15-3/31/16 $279,536.00
7/1/14-3/31/15 $273,639.00
Annual Contributions: $29,663.71
Many thanks for
your support of
St. Michael’s
To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are
going to show this year’s Sunday collections received
versus last year’s Sunday collections.
Lectors, Commentators, Altar Servers &
Extraordinary Ministers… Please pick up
your new schedule in the gathering space.
Thank you in advance for helping out
when we are shorthanded. Please try to get a replacement if
you are scheduled and can not make it.
Also...if you have changed your phone number in the past
year or more please give us your new number so our records
are correct. Just contact the parish center with your new
information. Thank you. Your time shared is appreciated .

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June 05, 2016 “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…”

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St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street

St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…”

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