Holy Rosary Bulletin July 1, 2012


Holy Rosary Bulletin July 1, 2012
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 1, 2012
ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB
RECTOR: Very Rev. Glenn Dion
ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Richard Zgorzelak, SDS • Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto
IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin
646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Tel.: 604-682-6774 - Fax: 604-331-8406 - Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org
Cathedral Parish Office
Office Email
[email protected]
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Sunday Masses
5:10 pm anticipated Mass
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am ,
12:30pm, 5:00pm,
6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00 pm
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am,
12:10pm, 5:10pm
7:15am, 8:00am,
Monday to Friday
7:45am, 11:45am,
7:45am, 11:45am
4:00 to 5:00pm
Sunday Vespers
Morning Prayer
Mon to Sat 8:30am
Monday to Saturday
11:40am, 4:45pm
First Saturday Devotion 10am to 12pm
Chaplet of the Divine M ercy
Fridays 3:00pm
Prayers to God the Father
Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday
12:45pm to 5:00pm
Scan this code to connect
to our Parish WEBSITE !
Fr. Glenn Dion
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Angela Burghard
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 5
Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 6
R EADINGS - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
-First Reading - Wisdom 1.13-15; 2.23-24:
Through the devil’s envy death entered the world.
-Responsorial Psalm 30:
R. I will extol you, Lord, for you have raised me up.
-Second Reading - 2 Corinthians 8.7, 9, 13-15:
Your present abundance should cover their needs.
-Gospel - Mark 5.21-43:
Little girl, get up!
M onday JULY 2 # W eekday
Am 2:6-10, 13-16 / Mt 8:18-22
Tuesday JULY 3 # St. Thomas
Eph 2:19-22 / Jn 20:24-29
W ednesday JULY 4 # W eekday
Am 5:14-15, 21-24 / Mt 8:28-34
Thursday JULY 5 # W eekday
Am 7:10-17 / Mt 9:1-8
Friday JULY 6 #
W eekday - First Friday
Am 8:4-6, 9-12 / Mt 9:9-13
Saturday JULY 7 # W eekday
Am 9:11-15 / Mt 9:14-17
Sunday JULY 8 #
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ez 2:2-5 / 2 Cor 12:7-10 / Mk 6:1-6a
JULY 1, 2012
Dear Parishioners:
I’m away for a few days in order to attend a
conference in Toronto sponsored by the Couples for
Christ renewal movement in Canada. It is a lay-clergy
congress and I’m to give an address on Monday
morning, entitled “Reawakening a Missionary Spirit
in the Church”. Keep me in your prayers please.
And on this special holiday weekend we give
thanks to God for our country and all the blessings we
have as Canadians. We enjoy so many freedoms and
privileges, yet there is more to strive for. We have
such great potential and our children have many
options for their futures, yet there is still more to
accomplish for the benefit of all. We have abundance
in more ways than the most of the world, yet there is
still want. So we give thanks, and we petition God for
the graces we need to continue to serve the needs of
our citizens, building a community of life and love for
Have a blessed holiday week!
Fr. Dion
-Sunday Social: Drop in to our Sunday Social, m eet fellow
parishioners and visitors to the Cathedral after the 9:30 and
11:00am Masses. Coffee and sim ple refreshm ents are
Canada Day Prayer to be a Good Citizen
Lord Jesus Christ,
our hope and our
savior, in history
you were the
subject of a mighty
empire, a lowly
member of a
conquered and
occupied nation.
You understand the dangers of being a
political person, the challenge of serving
God and Cesar both.
Help us to discover our higher loyalties in
the daily fulfillment of our lesser
obligations. Give us the insight and
courage to criticize where necessary and
the grace to love and serve one another in
the here and now as citizens of our
country and of the world. Establish the
reign of God in our hearts and bring us to
full citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven,
where you live and reign forever and ever.
W e are looking for m ore ushers to
serve at the Weekend Evening
Masses. Responsibilities include
greeting, taking up the offering, and
distributing bulletins after Mass.
Please pick up a copy of the Ushers
leaflet in the vestibule for m ore
inform ation. If you would like an
application form , feel free to contact
bertilla_hrc@ shaw.ca
- FIRST FRIDAY - July 6: Mass at 12:10 pm , with
Exposition of the Bl. Sacram ent following Mass. The
church will be open for Adoration during the afternoon.
Benediction before the 5:10 pm Mass.
July 14 & 15 at Holy Rosary Hall, before
and after Sunday Liturgies. Get to know
your parish better and find out how you
can share your time, talent and treasure.
Parish Picnic tickets will be available too.
Sunday July 29: Join us starting at noon
for awesome burgers served up by Chef
Fr. Glenn Dion, & fun activities for the
whole family at our Parish Picnic in
Stanley Park.
- FIRST FRIDAY LUNCHEON at Holy Rosary Hall, 650
Richards Street, following the 12:10 Mass. Enjoy Soup and
Sandwiches, $5 per person, hosted by Holy Rosary
Cathedral Volunteers. Please join us.
-Altos Needed for Holy Rosary
Women’s Choir
We need you for the Holy Rosary
Women’s Choir. Choir experience
and music reading needed. We
rehearse Wednesday evenings
and sing at the 9:30am Mass. We
currently have 18 members, and
sing everything from Gregorian
Chant to Spirituals. Please call Catherine at 604-2228072, or email [email protected]
-Karol Wojtyla Club (KWC): If you are in the 18-35
age group, join us as we explore our faith in creative
and exciting ways. We are involved in a variety of
social justice, prayer and faith-deepening activities
and welcome non-Catholics interested in finding out
more about the Faith. Sundays at 1:45pm in Holy
Rosary Hall. Email: [email protected]
-Learn about Rose Prince - July 1, 2 - 5 pm during the
Canada Day celebrations at the Exhibition Park in
Abbotsford. Rose Prince is an aboriginal lady from Fort St.
Jam es who attended and then chose to work at the Lejac
Residential School near Fraser Lake. She is in the process
of possibly being recognized a Saint, and a pilgrim age is
held every year in her honor.
-Celebrate the Feast of O ur Lady of M ount Carmel with
Novena and Mass beginning July 7 and concluding July 16,
at St. Edm und’s Parish, North Van. Call 604-988-3211 for
Mass and Novena tim es.
-Life in the Spirit Seminar starting at Our Lady of G ood
Counsel church, Surrey, July 18, and continuing thru to
August 30. The program is free, but please pre-register by
calling Rose, 778-829-8007. Info at www.vccrs.ca
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Paul gives us a beautiful lesson in stewardship today.
“I do not m ean that there should be relief for others and
pressure on you, but it is a question of balance between
your present abundance and their need.” In our culture of
excessive m aterialism and consum erism it appears that we
can never get enough of what we don’t really need. To
counter this we always do well to recognize God as the
source of all our gifts including the overwhelm ing
abundance that we enjoy as Canadians. W e pray that we
m ay possess sensibly so that we have the freedom to
share generously with those who have less.
-Prayer Requests for the Sick: Please remember in
your prayers all parishioners who are in ill health or
recuperating from illness or surgery: Sandra Hawkes.
To publish a prayer request in the bulletin please call
or email the parish office.
-Free Programs for Adults 50+ at Holy Rosary Hall:
1) Bible Sharing Tuesdays, 10:30 to 11:30am ;
2) Line-Dancing Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:30am .
S tewardship O ffice, A rchdiocese of W innipeg, www.archwinnipeg.ca
# Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Mexico, Oct 24 to Nov. 4, with tour of Colonial Cities of
Mexico and “All Saints Day” in Michoacan. You are invited
to a slide show presentation at Holy Rosary Hall after the
11:00 am Mass on Sunday, July 22. For m ore info about
the pilgrim age please call Ceti Travel, 604-630-1600.
for boys or young m en interested in the priesthood or the
consecrated life will be held at the Sem inary of Christ the
King, Mission, on the weekend o July 6 - 8. For m ore info
call 1-604-826-8715; visit www.sck.ca
# Annual Rose Prince Pilgrimage to Fraser Lake, BC,
takes place July 6, 7, & 8. For inform ation call Fr. Vincent
Jam es, OMI, 1-250-699-6593, or fax 1-250-699-8500.
Peaceful, prayerful vigil for unborn children and their
parents. Saturday, July 7, 9:00am Mass at St. Anthony of
Padua Parish, Agassiz, followed by Vigil.
# St. M ark’s / Corpus Christi College Book Sale July 9 13, 5935 Iona Drive. Fill a bag for $10, store hours 10 am
to 5 pm , Thursday, July 12, until 8 pm .
-Six-Day Guided Retreat
Explore the connection between beauty and prayer, in the
peaceful setting of Rivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen
Island. This quiet retreat will be facilitated by Cenacle
Sisters, beginning Monday, July 9. For info / reservations
call 604-826-8715, m onka4@ shaw.ca.
-Employment Opportunities
• Part-tim e Cook, Rosem ary Heights Retreat Centre
• General Staff, Rosem ary Heights Retreat Centre
More inform ation at www.rcav.org
JULY 1, 2012
¡Bienvenidos feligreses da habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario!
CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico
Buttner. Mierc, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él!
ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm
EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada
mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera!
CONVIVIO MENSUAL: 1er Domingo de cada mes,
después de la Santa Eucaristía.
Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos
religiosos de la Catedral.
Escríbenos a nuesto email:
[email protected]
Directorio de Coordinatores:
# Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner
# Coro: Liliana Garcia, Ricardo Chaparro y Catalina Tahauil
# Lectores: Carolina Montes Q., Elsa Meza
# Hospitalidad: Colecta y Boletines: Vanessa y Juan Jose
Treviño, Araceli Padilla, Clare McCormik
# Ministros Ext. De Eucaristía: Carla B. Vargas, Edna Díaz
Moreno, Juan José Treviño, Ma. Elena Escobar, Ricardo de
la Garza Vanessa Tapia
Coro en Español: caminando con la comunidad...
La Eucaristía o Santa Misa Dominical, es la expresión de la memoria viva de
la fe católica en Jesucristo Nuestro Señor, en Sus promesas, Sus
bienaventuranzas y, aún más importante, en Su resurrección.
Este sentido conmemorativo de la Eucaristía hace de ésta una celebración,
y una celebración sin canto es como un día nublado: igual es de día, pero le
hace falta algo para estar lleno de la vida y de la fuerza a la que nos mueve
la fe.
En su vocación de servicio el Coro en Español de la Holy Rosary Cathedral
se propone concentrar sus esfuerzos en acompañar junto a la comunidad de
habla hispana en Vancouver, en el camino de crecimiento y fortalecimiento en
la fe cristiana católica. Es por eso mismo que, en adelante, el Coro estará
ubicado en la planta baja, al costado izquierdo del altar, al frente y a la vista
de la asamblea eucarística.
Esperamos que con este cambio podamos promover un sentido de mayor
pertenencia e integración en esta comunidad hispana y de fe. Del mismo
modo, invitamos a todas las personas que estén interesadas en formar parte
del Coro a que se comuniquen con nosotros y nos acompañen en este
•Julio 7, 6:30pm Exposición del Santísimo Unete en oración frente al
Santísimo, ofrece tus peticiones y da gracias por las bendiciones recibidas
•Julio 8, Convivio después de la sagrada Eucaristía en el Hall de la catedral.
•Julio 14 y 15 ¡Hermosa frase hospitalaria! En la cultura Canadiense se estila
abrir las puertas de un recinto para dar a conocer a los demás las
organizaciones, clubs y grupos que ofrecen sus servicios a sus semejantes,
es a lo que se le llama; Open House. Es interesante, bonito y útil el darnos
tiempo para asistir a este evento que la Catedral realiza anualmente para que
compartas tu tiempo, talento y tesoros que Dios te ha regalado
•Julio 29, 12 pm Día de campo - Picnic Únete para convivir y disfrutar de
las deliciosas hamburguesas que cocina el Chef Pbto. Glen Dion & disfruta de
las actividades que habrá para toda la familia. Nos vemos en el Stanley park.
W ould you or your com pany like to advertise
10 Year Anniversary Celebration
on the back of the Holy Rosary Bulletin?
If yes, please contact
Max Madrussan for m ore inform ation
at 778-899-6388.
Did you host international pilgrim s here for Days in the
Diocese in Vancouver? Did you travel to Toronto for
W orld Youth Day 2002? Regardless, all are invited to
com e and celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of Days in
the Diocese and W orld Youth Day 2002 on
-YouthLeader is back!
Top-notch Christian Leadership training
event August 26 - 30 at Sum m it Pacific
College, Abbotsford. Open to teens 14 or
older - entering at least grade 10 in
Septem ber. Many participants return to
take leadership roles in their parishes,
schools, and com m unities.
For m ore info visit www.oyyam .com
Saturday, July 28 at Good Shepherd Church
Surrey. Festivities begin with Mass at 5pm celebrated by
Archbishop Miller, followed by BBQ dinner and social
tim e, and continuing with a program of m usic, talks and
testim onies. Go to www.oyyam .com for m ore inform ation
and to RSVP.
-Leadership Camp for High School Girls
August 3 - 6, at Copperdom e Lodge, Pem berton, organized
by the Crestwood W om en’s Opus Dei Centre. Activities
include fun, interactive workshops to help develop hum an
virtues, leadership skills and a spirit of service, sports and
team building, individual m entoring, and spiritual activities.
For m ore inform ation please contact Anastasia Pearse at
crestwellcam ps@ gm ail.com
- Archdiocese of Vancouver Facebook Page:
The Archdiocese has a Facebook page at
which is updated daily. You’re welcome to Like us,
find out what’s happening in the Archdiocese and
maybe make an online friend.
- Baptisms: Sundays at 2:00pm .
Preparation classes are held every couple of m onths.
Please contact Fr. Dion to find out more.
- M arriages:
Appointm ents should be m ade at least six m onths in
advance. Couples please contact the Parish Office for
inform ation.
Cathedral Organist & Music Director
Denis Bedard
Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator
Catherine W alsh
M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Organ Prelude: “Interm ezzo” and “Prélude from
Suite Brève No. 1
- Sick Calls & Holy Communion at Home:
Please contact the Parish Office.
Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis II
- RCIA: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
C lasses are held on Tuesday evenings from
Septem ber to May, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Holy Rosary Hall,
650 Richards Street. Please call the office for
inform ation and registration.
Offertory: Tu Solus Qui Facis Mirabilia
1. Bless the Lord, O m y Soul - M. IPPOLITOF-IVANOF
2. Prelude on “Gardiner” (Organ)
3. O Sacred Feast
- Cathedral Bell Ringers:
A skilled & dedicated team of bell ringers ring our octave
of bells by hand. New ringers are welcom e. Practices are
Tuesdays at 7:30 pm . Call the parish office or visit
Organ Postlude: “Sortie” from Suite liturgique
M usic Preview for Sunday, July 8, 2012
Missa Brevissim a Gregoriana - K. TEN HOOPE
Ave Maria - F. TEN HOOPE
Ego Sum Panis Vivus - J. ESQUIVEL
Gustate et Videte - H. ISAAC
Organ m usic by J. BULL, H. ISAAC & A. GABRIELE
- The Legion of M ary:
A num ber of praesidia m eet in the Hall. Please contact
Norm a at 604-944-8311 or visit www.legionofm arybc.ca
for inform ation.
- Cathedral Catholic W omen’s League:
W e m eet on the 3 rd Thursday of each m onth. Please call
Jane Rosenthal for m ore inform ation at 604-323-1401.
DEAR PADRE continued
- Knights of Columbus:
General m eeting is on the 2 nd Friday of each m onth. For
inform ation please contact Denis at 604-356-3804,
em ail dfaucher@ shaw.ca
your inclinations and preferences.
Two thoughts m ay help. One, the Mass is public worship,
and assisting at Mass is joining oneself to a crowd or
com m unity. And this is God’s com m andm ent– that a people
will worship him . The com m and of G od is directed to
individuals only as they m ake up the group of the com m unity.
This is why God had Moses lead his people into the desert:
to worship him .
Two, there are all sorts of folks at Sunday Mass. It takes a
lot of learning to appreciate them all. This is why love of other
people is a keeping of all the com m andm ents. This crowd is
the Body of Christ, the Catholic Church in this particular
place. And Jesus Christ loves this crowd as his own body;
indeed it is his Mystical Body. You have a place in it. And you
have the challenge of loving it as Jesus does his own flesh
and blood.
But who doesn’t also love a
quiet Mass, where the only m usic
is silence and soft speech?
W eekday Masses are often like
this. They are there for you.
John Ham rogue, CSSR /
- Cathedral Gift Shop:
The Gift Shop aim s to be open before & after the noon
& evening weekday Masses, as well as during the
Sunday m orning & evening Masses, and is staffed by a
crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support.
Q.: Our new pastor sings the w hole M ass. Lately w hen
I hear a M ass I can’t feel the presence of God. W hen I’m
praying, my heart is spiritually em pty. Please help me
feel the love of God at M ass again.
Dear Alex,
I am im pressed by your pastor. It’s not easy to learn to
sing the priest’s parts of the Mass and to sing them well.
Many parishes would love a singing pastor, but you have
[email protected]

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