St. Joseph Church Dover, Ohio 44622


St. Joseph Church Dover, Ohio 44622
St. Joseph Church
Dover, Ohio 44622
The Solemnity of All Saints
November 1, 2015
1 de Noviembre del 2015
Mass Intentions
Monday, November 2, All Souls Day
6:00 p.m. Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish
Readings: 668: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23/Rom 5:5-11/Jn 6:37-40
Tuesday, November 3
2:00 p.m. Mary Huffman (Park Village)
6:00 p.m. Anna Marie Pruni
Readings: 486: Rom 12:5-16b/Ps 131/Lk 14:15-24
Wednesday, November 4
8:15 a.m. Mary Deem
9:00 a.m. Rosary
Readings: 487: Rom 13:8-10/Ps 112/Lk 14:25-33
Thursday, November 5
8:15 a.m. Carmen Lopez
9:00 a.m. Adoration of the Eucharist
Reading: 488: Rom 14:7-12/Ps 27/Lk 15:1-10
Friday, November 6
8:15 a.m. Vern Littleton
Readings: 489: Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98/Lk 16:1-8
Saturday, November 7, The Vigil of
the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 p.m. Bud Ball
Sunday, November 8,
The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. Barbara Perez
11:00 a.m. Denny Casady
1:30 p.m. The People of the Parish (Mass in Spanish)
Readings: 155: 1 Kgs17:10-16/Ps 146/Heb 9:24-28/
Mk 12:38-44
Offertory for Sunday, October 24 and 25, 2015
Adult (envelopes 225)
$ 7,093.00
Online Giving
Contributions needed each week
Other Funds:
Capital Improvement
Youth Ministry
Poor Fund
Lighting Project
$ 394.00
Your contributions make the mission of St. Joseph
Parish possible and keep our parish financially sound.
Thank you for your generosity.
Ministry Schedules
November 7 and 8, 2015
4:00 p.m. Mass
Lector: Sandy Deetz – 1st Reading
Anthony Incarnato – 2nd Reading
Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Roberts, Vicki Avon,
Jeri Middaugh, Sharon Kuczirka,
John Kuczirka, Sub Needed
Hospitality: Pastoral Council Members
Servers: Olivia Brady, Jimmy Ferrell,
Andrea Garcia-Paez (Alt: Cade Renicker)
8:30 a.m. Mass
Lector: Bill Bartz – 1st Reading
Jeannine Kennedy – 2nd Reading
Eucharistic Ministers: Andrea Settimio,
Lou Settimio, Milt Hamilton, Nick Gonano,
Alyssa Blickensderfer, Jack Dooling,
Matt Ritzert, Lynn Ballantyne,
Marysu Sorohan
Hospitality: Ann Riley and Pastoral Council
Servers: Charley Bartz, David Maxwell,
Michael Maxwell (Alt: John Chaney)
11:00 a.m. Mass
Lector: Mike Ernest – 1st Reading
Ben Cooley – 2nd Reading
Eucharistic Ministers: Heather Cooley,
Jason Bambeck, Susan Crust, Joe Sciarretti,
Stacy Savage, Jim Elco, Mary Elco
Hospitality: Pastoral Council Members
Servers: Bridgett Deeds, Joe Pruni,
Jackson Bambeck (Alt: Matthew Dummermuth)
If you know of a friend or family member that
is in the hospital, for surgery or due to illness,
or is currently homebound, please call the Parish
Office and give us the information. Someone will
visit them as soon as possible.
Prayer Chain: To place your request on the prayer
chain, please call the Parish Office or Charlene Herzig
at 330-343-1063.
Spiritual Notes:
Once again we celebrate All Saints, when we honor
“those exalted members of the church through
whom you give us, in our frailty, both strength
and good example.” These men and women from
all eras of Christian history serve as reminders
to us that in all times and places, God calls us to
live our faith “ever devoted to serving God and …
neighbor” The writer of the Book of Revelation
envisions a heavenly multitude “which no one
could count” and “wearing white robes.” This
multitude exceeds the 144,000 marked with the
seal, indicating that we cannot put a limit on the
number to be saved. They come from every nation,
race, people, and tongue, waving palm branches, a
symbol of the Lamb’s victory. They sing the praises
of the heavenly Lame: “Blessing and glory, wisdom
and thanksgiving, honor, power, and might be to
our God.” The author of 1 John reminds us that we
are “the children of God” already because of God’s
love for us. But as God’s children we face resistance
from the world. The world does not know us….
because it did not know Christ Jesus. But God has
more in store for us, “when it is revealed, we shall
be like him.” The saints we venerate today already
have a share in this dimension of life in God and
by their prayers assist us to grow in holiness. The
Beatitudes in Matthew are often paralleled to the
Ten Commandments given to Moses on another
mountain. In the Beatitudes Jesus does not tell us
what to do or what not to do; He tells us what we
should be. We are called to be meek, merciful, and
makers of peace. We are also called to find blessing
in our mourning and in our suffering, for even
at times like this God is with us and promises to
renew us and strengthen us.
For reflection: How do the saints contribute to my
understanding of my own journey of faith? What
beatitude can I try to live more fully in my life?
In Our Parish
Happy 90th Birthday... We wish very Happy
Birthday to Clarence Basiletti who celebrates his 90th
birthday this weekend! Congratulations and Happy
Birthday! May God continue to bless you!
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus
for leading the Rosary before each Mass in
October. Also, thank you to our Family Life
Committee for hosting breakfast for us last
weekend! We are truly blessed at St. Joseph!
Please remember in your prayers, all the sick,
homebound, and recovering in our parish.
Also, pray for those coping with physical or
mental conditions.
What is the difference between feast days
and solemnities? Feasts and solemnities differ in
terms of their importance. Solemnities are the highest
rank of celebration of the Church. Christmas, Easter, All
Saints Day, the Ascension, Corpus Christi, and other
celebrations of events of the life of Jesus are solemnities.
Far from being “solemn,” solemnities are joyful
occasions to celebrate. There are fewer solemnities than
feast days. Feast days honor important saints or events
in the lives of Jesus and Mary. The Catholic Church
celebrates these feasts because they are history of the
Church and of God’s saving love for us. They call to
mind sacred mysteries or events recorded in the history
of our redemption. (CCC. 1167)
Election Day is November 3, 2015
“In the Catholic tradition, responsible
citizenship is a virtue, and participation
in political life is a moral obligation.”
U.S. Catholic Bishops.
For more information visit Forming Consciences for
Faithful Citizenship, at
or visit the Catholic Conference of Ohio’s website at for issue positions. Please vote!
Let your voice be heard!
Spiritual Life of
Saint Joseph Parish
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday Confession times are 3:15 to 3:45 p.m.;
on Sunday mornings from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
and from 10:15 a.m. until 10:45 a.m.
Anointing of the Sick
Following the 4:00 p.m. Mass the first weekend
of each month, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass the
second weekend of each month and following the
11:00 a.m. Mass the 3rd weekend of each month.
Adoration of the Eucharist
The Eucharist will be exposed for Adoration every
Thursday morning after Mass until 9:30 a.m.
Each Wednesday morning after the 8:15 a.m. Mass,
join us as we pray the Rosary.
Upcoming Meetings
in the Life of the Parish
Secular Franciscans invite everyone wishing to
attend the first Saturday of each month at 9:00
a.m. for Morning Prayer and Eucharistic Prayer
followed by coffee and donuts. The council meets
in the Family Life Center at 8:00 a.m.
Men’s Bible Study Group: Saturday mornings
at 7:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. For more
information, please contact John Kuczirka.
Heart of Mary Bible Study: Come and join us the
first and third Fridays of every month from 9:00
a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
L.C.B.A.: Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at 1:00 p.m.
in the Family Life Center – downstairs.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults):
Thursday, November 5, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the
Family Life Center: Fondriest Room. The topic will
be: The Communion of Saints.
Knights of Columbus: Thursday, November
5, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center –
Meeting Room B/C.
Family Life Committee: Monday, November
9, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center –
Meeting Room A.
Tuscarawas Central
Catholic Elementary School
Poinsettias Sale
TCCES is hosting their annual poinsettias sale.
Details and forms are in the vestibule of the church,
and must be turned in with your payment no
later than November 15th. New this year: white
hydrangeas will be available in limited quantities.
Tuscarawas Central
Catholic High School
Salute to Veterans
Local veterans are cordially invited to the annual
Salute to Veterans on Wednesday, November 11,
2015 at TCC High School. Vets may arrive any
time after 9:15 a.m. The formal program will begin
at 10:15 with the Veterans Walk-In. Lunch will be
provided after the assembly. RSVP by November 5
by calling the TCC office (330-343-3302) or sending
us an email ([email protected]). Please do
not hesitate to contact us with any questions. If you
do not respond, but find you are able to attend, by
all means, please come. Spouses are welcome. TCC
Junior High students would like to interview
any of our visiting veterans in preparation for
a writing project. Those interested may stay for
interviews after lunch.
Crafty Ladies
Crafty Ladies meet the first and third Tuesdays from
10:00 a.m. until Noon. Come share your talents with
the group. Join us and have fun! For more information,
call Charlene Herzig at 330-343-1063 or Mary Pusateri
at 330-364-2775.
Youth Ministry News
Sunday, November 1st
at Immaculate Conception
Sunday, November 8th
at Immaculate Conception
Jr. High Youth Group
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
High School Youth Group
Sunday, 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Did you know… the Youth Group attends Mass
together on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.? After
Mass there is food and fellowship. If you are able
to join us, we would love to see you there!!
St. Joseph Soup Kitchen
Everyone is welcome!!
If you or anyone else you know lives alone
and would like a hot meal to share with others,
please feel free to come and have a meal with us.
The intention for the Soup Kitchen is to serve God’s
children in need: the poor in spirit, as well as the
Below you will find the upcoming schedule.
Teams, if you need assistance, please contact
Andrea Settimio or the Parish Office.
November 4, 2015 – Team K (Secular Franciscans)
November 11, 2015 – Team L (Chrissie Hensel)
November 18, 2015 – Team M (Fran Mason)
November 25, 2015 – Team N (Mary DeBois)
Teams: Please note we are feeding 60 or more
individuals each week, please plan accordingly.
If you need assistance, please call the Andrea or
the Parish Office.
Thank you for your support and prayers
Cleaning out your closets?
Other Information To Note:
Mass Intentions: Please be reminded that any
parishioner is welcome to request Masses be celebrated
for deceased or living loved ones. To schedule a Mass
Intention, please contact the Parish Office.
Wondering what to do with CDs you
purchased from our Book and CD Rack and
already listened to? Please consider sharing them…
by donating them back to the Parish for someone else
to listen to, who needs a boost. You may put them in
the basket by the CD rack and there will be no charge
for everyone interested to borrow them.
Can you help with transportation to Mass?
We often get calls from parishioners in both Dover and
New Philadelphia, who need help getting to Mass. If
you are able to help, please call the Parish Office.
Low-gluten Hosts: If you are a person who needs to
receive a low-gluten host because of wheat allergies or
celiac disease, please call the Parish Office.
Bulletin deadline: The bulletin deadline is Monday
at 3:00 p.m. Please include your contact information
with phone number and email address. Bulletin notices
may be in writing, faxed to 330-602-7488, dropped off,
or emailed to [email protected].
Please Note: If you would like to present the gifts
Please help us to update our
records. More and more parishioners
have begun to eliminate their landlines, and use
only cell phones. If you fall into this category,
please contact the Parish Office with your correct
information. You may fill out this slip and drop it
in the collection basket or email any changes to
[email protected]. Thank you!!
Family Name: Phone Number: Additional Number: The Amazing Parish Prayer
at the Offertory, please contact the Ushers before Mass.
St. Joseph Calvary Cemetery
If you are interested in purchasing lots, or if you
have questions regarding rules and regulations,
please call Don in the Parish Office, and he will be
happy to assist you.
Leave a Legacy of Love and Faith
Your last will and testament can leave a legacy of your
faith by helping to pass it on to others. When drafting
your will, after taking care of your family, please
consider naming St. Joseph Parish or the Diocese
of Columbus as a recipient of your estate. For more
information contact James Anzelmo at the Catholic
Foundation, at 1-866-298-8893 or [email protected].
If you manage your bills online,
we’re sure you’ll like giving to
your church online. It’s safe and
secure, and you decide exactly
when your give is made and where it goes. Please
visit to get started. If you
have any questions or need assistance, please call
the Parish Office.
Heavenly Father, You have gathered us together as
a parish to be Your visible life in our world. Here we
unite in worship, proclaim Your word, celebrate the
Eucharist, and are sent forth to share Your love and
make disciples. Lord, we take Your Great Commission
seriously and long for our parish to be so on-fire that
we draw people to You. Help us in that endeavor, as we
strive to work together – ordained, religious and laity.
Please make our parish amazing, through Your power
and Your grace. Amen.
The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions
November 2015
Universal Intention: That we may be open to
personal encounter and dialogue with all, even
those whose convictions differ from our own.
Evangelization Intention: That pastors of the
Church, with profound love for their flocks, may
accompany them and enliven their hope.
Please patronize our advertisers.
They make our bulletin possible.
Thank You! This bulletin is furnished
to the parish without charge. The
advertisements that appear completely defray all
publishing costs, with which the church would
otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors
as a thank you for their kind generosity.
1616 N. Walnut St.
Dover 44622
234 E. High
New Phila 44663
Iglesia San José
Ministerios Hispanos
Todos los Santos
1 de Noviembre del 2015
Notas Espirituales:
Calendario Litúrgico:
Misas en Español
Domingo 1 de Noviembre
Domingo 8 de Noviembre
Domingo 22 de Noviembre
1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
Misas en Ingles
4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. y 11:00 a.m.
Antes d misa de español de 12:45 p.m. a 1:15 p.m.
Grupo “Corazón de María”: Todas las mujeres
están invitadas a participar cada viernes, de 11:00
a.m. a 2:00 p.m., en este grupo para Oración,
Evangelización, clases de Inglés, labores del hogar
y consejos prácticos para la vida.
El “Grupo de hombres” se reúne todos los
viernes en Family Life 7:30 p.m. (en el edificio
nuevo en frente de la Iglesia San José).
Invitación al coro “Guadalupe”
Están cordialmente invitados a practicar en el coro,
todos los viernes a las 2:00 p.m. Si tiene preguntas
llame a Carmen al tel: 330-432-0811 ó a la oficina al
Clase de Bautismo: La próxima clase será en el Centro
Familiar San José al 330-364-6661 o a los Ministerios
Hispanos al 330 432 0811.
Capilla de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Todos somos
bienvenidos a venerar en la Capilla de la Virgen de
Guadalupe. Podemos encender una vela que permanece
prendida por tres días, con una donación de $ 3.00. (2
velas por $6.00, etc.). Por favor usar sólo las velas de
la Capilla.
Una vez más celebramos Todos los Santos, cuando
honramos “aquellos miembros exaltados de la
Iglesia a través de los cuales nos dan, en nuestras
flaquezas, fuerza y buen ejemplo.” Estos hombres y
mujeres de todas las épocas de la historia cristiana
sirven como recordatorios para nosotros que en
todo tiempo y lugar que Dios nos llama a vivir
nuestra fe “siempre dedicados a servir a Dios y al
prójimo.” El escritor del libro de Apocalipsis prevé
una multitud celestial ,” que nadie podía contar”
y “vestidos con túnicas blancas.” Esta multitud
supera a los 144,000 “marcado con el sello,” lo
que indica que no se puede poner un límite en
el número que desea guardar. Vienen “de toda
nación, raza, pueblo y lengua,” agitando ramas
de palma, un símbolo de la victoria. Ellos Cantan
las alabanzas del Cordero celestial: “La alabanza
y la gloria, la sabiduría y la acción de gracias, el
honor, el poder, y la fuerza, se le debe para siempre
a nuestro Dios.” El autor de 1era. de Juan nos
recuerda que somos “hijos de Dios” a causa del
amor de Dios por nosotros. Pero a medida que los
hijos de Dios enfrentamos resistencia del mundo.
“El mundo no nos conoce ... (porque) no conocía a
(Cristo Jesús).” Pero Dios tiene más guardado para
nosotros: “cuando se revele, seremos semejantes a
él.” Los santos que veneramos hoy ya tienen una
participación en dimensión de la vida en Dios y por
sus oraciones nos ayuden a crecer en santidad.
Las Bienaventuranzas de Mateo a menudo en
paralelo a los Diez Mandamientos dados a Moisés
en otra montaña. En las Bienaventuranzas de Jesús
no nos dice qué hacer o qué no hacer; nos dice lo
que debemos ser. Estamos llamados a ser mansos,
misericordiosos, y los responsables de la paz. Nosotros
también estamos llamados a buscar la bendición en
nuestro luto y en nuestro sufrimiento, ya que incluso
en momentos como este Dios está con nosotros y se
compromete a renovarnos y fortalecernos.
Para reflexionar: ¿Cómo los santos contribuyen
a mi comprensión de mi propio camino de fe?
Qué bienaventuranza puedo tratar de vivir más
plenamente en mi vida en el año que viene?

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