January 10, 2016 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church


January 10, 2016 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church
JANUARY 10, 2016
Pause and Pray in 2016
Saturday, January 9
4:00 PM
†Drilma Vezina by a Friend
True peace is born of doing the will of God and bearing with
patience the sufferings of this life. It does not come from
following one’s own whim or selfish desire, for this always
brings not peace and serenity, but disorder and discontent.
St. John XXIII
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus will meet Thursday, January 14th
at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.
Coffee & Donuts
Come join us for coffee and donuts after the
8:00am Mass in the Parish Hall.
Sunday, January 10
8:00 AM
Pro Populo
10:30 AM
†Bill Aloi by Vince & Judy Aloi
12:15 PM
†Asención Reyes y †Julio Reyes Int. de la
Familia Reyes
Saturday, January 16
4:00 PM
†Mary Schroeder by her Family
Sunday, January 17
8:00 AM
†Francis Beard (father of Connie) by Danny
& Connie Doak
10:30 AM
Pro Populo
12:15 PM
†Trinidad Betancourt – En Memorial de su
Quinto Aniversario de Fallecimiento Int. de
Lidia Sanchez
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be
offered, please visit the parish office or return to the office a
completed Mass intention card. Available cards are located in
the foyer of the church.
Anointing of the Sick
Fr. Orosco will be off this coming week; therefore,
there will be no daily Mass on Monday-Friday and no
confessions on Tuesday and Thursday.
Because of the Privacy Act, hospitals and nursing homes are no
longer able to provide a list of the Catholic patients/residents for
the Churches use in order to visit and administer the Sacraments
of Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick. Therefore, I need
your assistance when you have a family member who is
hospitalized or in a nursing home. Please call Fr. Orosco at the
Church Office at (972) 563-3643 so that I may be of assistance.
Last Week’s Collection:
2nd Collection (Parish Improvement Fund):
January 1 (Solemnity of Mary):
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 12/31/15: 6,181.41
Religious Gift Sale
The Sunday morning High School class will
sponsor a religious articles gift sale after all
Masses on the week-end of January 16th and
17th. The purpose of the sale is to raise funds
for the students attending Ablaze, a
Eucharistic retreat at St. Monica’s in Dallas at the end of January.
Your support is appreciated.
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
January 16/17
Sat. 4:00pm Cathy Burton/James Langdon
Sun. 8:00am Jim Leeker/Marianne Marsden
Sun.10:30am Cynthia Rosales/Shelilah Dean
Richard Collier
Richard Lozano Sr.
Mike Gonzales
Amalia Ibarra
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Kenneth Elliott
Rebecca Elliott
Odilia Vargas
Patricia Reyes
Frank Kasper
Paul Gumler
Jimmy Blasingame
Rosario Rodríguez
Cindy Kinkaid
Rosann Kinkaid
Mayra Anguiano
Michelle Elliott
John “Sonny” Jones
Bill Blankenship
Patti Sikors Garrett
Yamileth Martinez
Warren Terry
Frances Aguirre
Nick Morales, Sr.
Jack Sikors
Raul Rivera
Brenda Newburn
Henry Taft
Martha Kasper
Edgar Reyes
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Donna Lain
Margarito Soto
William Mellon
Laurie Rangel
Olivia Nicole Yates
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Lee Wilde
Elaine Kasper
Sheila Wages
Jerry Lain
George Lyon
Lucio Lopez
Sat. 4:00pm Paul Mathers*/Michael G./Debbie P./Sherry G.
Sun. 8:00am Wayne Meshell*/David B./Robert B./Rachel H.
Sun. 10:30am Steve Hernandez*/Dennis C./Kevin P.
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Karen Mathers/Gary Whalin/Linda Whalin
Sun. 8:00am Paul Willy/Trisha Willy
Sun. 10:30am Shelilah Dean/Bud McClure/Lou Roberts
Donna Roberts/Martha Aranda/Bill Bedrick
Coffee and Catechism
You are invited to coffee in the Religious
Education office on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 6:25pm
followed by an hour helping in one of the
Religious Education
classrooms or
monitoring a hallway during class time.
We have excellent Catechists, but we are often short of the
required 2nd screened adult in the classroom. This is not
difficult work and most of the adults comment that they
really learn a lot and enjoy helping.
At this time there are no inside hall monitors or outdoor
monitors on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We really need
your help so that all of our children can have a memorable
and safe experience as they study the Catholic faith.
Monday, January 11
1:00 PM
Crochet Ministry at Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Grupo de Oración en la Casa St. John
Tuesday, January 12
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:30 PM
Pláticas Bíblicas para Adultos-Casa St. John
Wednesday, January 13
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:30 PM
Hora Santa
Thursday, January 14
7:00 PM
RCIA meeting in Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Knights of Columbus meeting @ Parish Hall
If you have a little free time to help, please contact Susan
Warner in the Religious Education office, send an e-mail to
[email protected], or text 469-471-4395 for
details. Thank you.
Child Care
Child Care is available during the 10:30am
Mass in the Parish Center for children who
have not reach the age of 4. The child
caregivers include Barbara and Wayne
Meshell, Elvia Valle, and Mary Robinson.
Each caregiver has been screened through
the Safe Environment program.
Child care is available only on the Sundays that Religious
Education classes are held. Occasionally, Child Care is cancelled
when the number of caregivers is not sufficient to provide the
supervision required. Thank you for your patience and
Religious Education Calendar for January:
Sunday Classes: 10th, 17th, 24th.
Tuesday Classes: 12th, 19th, 26th.
Wednesday Classes: 13th, 20th, 27th.
We are a month into Pope
Francis’s Year of Mercy.
Instead of making New
Year’s resolutions to give
up candy, lose weight, or
routine (all of which are
good), let’s work on being
understanding, patient, and
caring of each other. Our world needs more love and
understanding. Let us be the ones that reach out to others to
help in any way that we are able.
Parents are reminded to follow the Drop Off and Pick Up
procedures in the Religious Education Parent Handbook.
Parents dropping off their children in grades 5-12 are to turn
right off Frances St. (not left) into the driveway between the
Parish Hall and the Parish Center and then drop their
children off by the ramp at the Parish Center. Children are
to exit their car on the right side next to the ramp, not the left
side. The driveway is two lanes and children exiting on the
left of their car could get hit by another car passing in the
other lane Parents that continue to drop their children on
Frances St. or in the parking lot north of the church will be
given a refund on tuition and their children will be removed
from the program. Parents that have an issue with this may
contact Susan Warner or Fr. Orosco in the Parish office.
The safety of our children is much more important than the
few minutes it might save a parent getting home. We ask
everyone’s patience and cooperation. Thank you for
complying with this request.
Children’s Christmas Eve Mass and Pageant
The annual Children’s Christmas Pageant, “O’ Come Let Us
Adore Him,” was performed on Christmas Eve, but due to
early deadlines for submitting bulletin news for the
Christmas season, I was not able to provide a written
account of the pageant until now.
JANUARY 10, 2016
The children in the pageant did a wonderful job. This year,
in addition to Mary, Joseph and the 3 Magi, there were 20
angels and 9 shepherds. There were many people that made
the Christmas pageant possible. Thanks to Frank Knutzen
for the music, Karie and Calvin Hammond for leading the
singing of carols during the pageant, and the many angels
working behind the scenes: Roxanna Abundis, Felipa
Garcia who made the costumes for the Magi, Ignacio
Guillen, Bridget Helmberger and her daughters Abby,
Charlea, and Rachel, Rod Kinkaid who made the
“Campfire”, Bruce Leleux, Paula Payne, Omaira Renteria,
Melissa Sapon, Rachel Urena, and Rodrigo Velazquez. I also
want to thank the parents of the actors for bringing them to
practice and helping with their costumes during this very
busy Christmas Season. The Pageant was beautiful because
of the teamwork of everyone involved. Thanks to each of
First Week of Ordinary Time
Sunday is the Baptism of the
Lord. We hear the Lord say in
the first reading from Isaiah,
“Here is my servant whom I
uphold, my chosen one with
whom I am pleased, upon whom
I have put my spirit.” Those
words are echoed in the reading
from Luke's Gospel, “This is
my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” This feast
marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of
Ordinary Time on the Church calendar.
During the weekdays, we begin a three-week cycle of
captivating readings from the First Book of Samuel. We
read of Samuel's mother, Hannah, who promises the Lord,
“if you give your handmaid a male child, I will give him to
the LORD for as long as he lives.” Samuel hears a call from
the Lord and responds, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
An epic battle against the Philistines ends in devastating
losses for Israel and the capture of the Ark of the Covenant.
In his old age, Samuel rules Israel and the elders ask Samuel
to appoint a King to rule them. Samuel meets Saul. “When
Samuel caught sight of Saul, the LORD assured him,“'This is
the man of whom I told you; he is to govern my people.'”
From now until the beginning of Lent, the weekday gospels
are from Mark's Gospel. Mark offers us a look at the
beginning of Jesus public ministry. Jesus calls his first
disciples, fisherman at work: Simon and Andrew, then
James and John. “Then they left their nets and followed
him.” He drives out evil spirits and heals the sick. He hears
the cry of the leper: “If you wish, you can make me clean,”
and Jesus, “moved with pity” heals him. Friends lower a
paralytic from a roof down into the crowd in front of Jesus,
who heals him and says, “Child, your sins are forgiven.”
Jesus extends an invitation to the despised tax collector,
Levi: “Follow me.”
Grupo de Oración
El Grupo de Oración se reúnen cada lunes a las
7:00pm en la Casa St. John.
Unción de los Enfermos
El día del bautismo de Jesús:
- se vio que el cielo se abría;
- se vio que el Espíritu Santo bajaba en
forma como de paloma;
- se oyó una voz del cielo que decía: “Tú eres
mi Hijo, el predilecto; en ti me complazco”.
El día de nuestro bautismo no se vio ni se oyó
nada extraordinario, pero es absolutamente cierto
(al grado de que es de fe):
- que el cielo se abrió para cada uno de
- que el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre
- y que el Padre eterno hizo de nosotros hijos
suyos en Cristo.
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está
necesitado en recibir comunión o el Sacramento
de la Unción de los Enfermos favor de llamar al
Padre Orosco en la oficina de la Iglesia al
número 972-563-3643.
Clases de Pre-Bautismales
Tenemos pláticas cada primer sábado de
cada mes a las 6:00pm en el Salón
Parroquial. Favor de llamar a la oficina
(972-563-3643) para más información.
Por su parte, san Pablo nos recuerda hoy que:
- Cristo “se entregó por nosotros para
redimirnos de todo pecado y purificarnos, a
fin de convertirnos en pueblo suyo,
fervorosamente entregado a practicar el
bien”; que “él nos salvó, no porque nosotros
hubiéramos hecho algo digno de merecerlo,
sino por su misericordia”;
- A nosotros nos corresponde ser agradecidos y
entregarnos fervorosamente “a practicar el
bien”. Contamos para eso con la ayuda del
Espíritu Santo, si se lo pedimos en nuestra
Calendario para el mes de Enero-2016
Clases de los domingos: 10, 17, 24
Clases de los martes: 12, 19, 26
Clases de los miércoles: 13, 20, 27
Pláticas Bíblicas para Adultos
Tenemos Pláticas Bíblicas para Adultos cada martes a las
6:30pm en la Casa San Juan con el Diacono Mario Sánchez.
Hora Santa
Todos están invitados a la Hora Santa cada
miércoles a las 6:30pm. Nos reunimos en la Iglesia
para darle honra a Jesús Sacramentado.
Se les recuerda a los Padres que sigan el
procedimiento para dejar y levantar a sus hijos a la
doctrina que está en el manual para los Padres de
Educación Religiosa. Los padres que no sigan el
rocedimiento se les darán un reembolso de
matrícula y sus hijos serán eliminados del
programa. Los padres que tenga un problema con
esto podrán ponerse en contacto con Susan o con el
Padre Orosco. Les pedimos paciencia y cooperación
de todos. Gracias por cumplir con este requisito.
JANUARY 10, 2016

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