

EVA Exhaust Systems
The Newsletter of the East Valley Aviators
Dave Byrne
(602) 403-7117
Vice President:
Alan Moulton
(602) 750-5445
Verlin Boeder
(602) 803-6852
Mike Jeffries
(480) 250-4614
Safety Officer:
Lin Andresen
(480) 251-5594
Safety Officer:
Mike Wyman
(480) 227-5970
Training Coordinator:
John Mitchell
(360) 582-9980
Exhaust Systems Editor:
Mickey Ohland
(480) 516-7643
The EVA Exhaust Systems is a
publication of
The East Valley Aviators R/C
An Arizona not-for-profit
P.O. Box _____
Phoenix, Arizona
In this issue……
● Board Officer Reports
● Meet the Members: Jerry Dudeck
● Bill Adam’s New Plane
● IMAC World Championships
● Flying Tips
● Just for the fun of it…
Submitted By Dave Byrne
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.
Although it’s getting warm and a bit humid during
our monsoon season, we’re still getting a lot of
flying in. Most of us are getting out in the wee
hours of the morning before the sun gets high
enough to make it unbearable to get a few flights
in. I think there’s more kibitzing going on in the
shade of the ramada than actual flying.
Hopefully all of you have noticed the email from
the AMA concerning activities by the FAA that
could materially affect and restrict our hobby. On June 23, the FAA
released its interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft. Our
AMA (your yearly dues at work) has reviewed this promulgation and
has many concerns as it relates to various aspects of our hobby and
industry. If you’ve not already done so, please review the following
links: FAA's interpretation and the AMA's response. Also provided was information and the following link online for making a
response to the FAA. There are four methods to submit a comment
to the FAA. Emailing your comment is the fastest and most
convenient method. All comments must include the docket number
FAA-2014-0396. For help in making your submission, please click
on the following link for tips on submitting your comments,
Comments.pdf. Please jump on this as quickly as possible and send
a response to the FAA. They need to hear loud and clear about our
feelings of the FAA’s interpretation of this rule. We need you to
take action now and respond by July 25, 2014 to the FAA Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.
We had a “Night Fly” event in June. We’ve been trying to schedule
this for some time now and it was a great success. It started out as
a conversation about getting a few of us together to go out and fly
at night. We had so much interest it turned into a club-scheduled
event. Thanks to John Pomroy for organizing and Mickey Ohland
for the idea. More details on the event will appear later in this
month’s newsletter.
In the early part of September, the AMA Aerodrome in Muncie,
Indiana will be holding the FIRST IMAC World Championship. I’m
very proud to report that three of our club members, Spencer Nordquist, Bill Adams and John Pomroy, qualified for this event and will
be making the 1,752 mile trek to Muncie for the week-long competition. More on this in the newsletter. Best of luck to all of you!
Also included in this month’s newsletter is a draft of next year’s
2014-2015 EVA Event Schedule. We have scheduled a number of
activities and hope that many of you will find some interesting
enough to attend. The BOD will be finalizing the schedule in August
and have it posted on our website and at the field.
Have a great summer and remember to keep the shiny side up.
See you on the flight…
“Now that I have your
attention, supper is re
Submitted by Verlin Boeder
Submitted by Mike Jeffries
5/3/14 Club Meeting Minutes
Please, wear your EVA club badge at the field!!!
Attendance: 21 Members
This is a slow time at EVA for any financial activity.
So, it may be a good time to review what we have
spent so far this year on major items --- Field
Maintenance & Repair = $2136.00, Restroom
service = $1630.00, Party Food = $865.00, Web
site = $560.00 (3 yr. contract). Due in late August
is our flying site lease from Arizona State Land
Dept for $3600.00.
Presidents Report - Swap meet had
153 people.. Everyone seemed to
enjoy the event. Ironwood Road
situation, the Country installed
rumble strips. There is a planned
study to review the traffic. Details
for the project have not been
We have a total income so far this year of $9471.00 with expenses
of $7024.00. Our total bank account stands at $50189.00 it includes
$26189.00 in cash and $24000.00 reserve fund.
Our great financial status will allow us to take another swing at
runway repair this fall as well as other maintenance issues such as
weed control. If anyone has a project they would like to see started
please bring it to the Board of Directors.
If you are the last person to leave our flying field in the evening,
Field Maintenance Day will be May 10. Come prepared to pull
RC Car Track has been closed due to dust complaints and the
potential the club could be fined for dust violations. Board will
work with the car group to come up with a solution as needed.
We are trying to organize a T-28 electric race as part of the .25
pylon racing. Stand by we will send out updates.
be sure to lock the gate!!!!
Happy flying and smooth landings, lets all enjoy a great hobby.
Treasurers Report - We have $26,500 in cash, in addition to the
$24,000 we keep in reserve. The lease decreased to $3,600/year.
Membership Report - We have 300 members. Working towards
online renewal this fall. Online payment will be Paypal.
Secretary Report - Nothing to report
New/Old Business - Nothing to report
Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by Lin Andresen
Hello fellow EVA members, summer is here and
daily temperatures are soaring above the 100
degree mark regularly.
There aren't as many members showing up at the
flying field now that it is hot out and the winter
visitors are home where it may be cooler. There are
still a few of us who show up very early in the
morning and head for home at about 10a.m.
Last Monday a few of us came to EVA to play for
awhile but were greeted by a few of the desert's inhabitants. Four
Diamondback rattlesnakes were found in the helicopter and
car-track areas. Snakes don't like extreme heat so they come out
at night and early morning to feed and hang out with their
slithering friends until it gets too hot. If you are out- and-about
when the snakes are active, please be careful and alert. Snake bites
can be very serious, painful and expensive to treat. If you are bit
by a poisonous snake, do not apply a tourniquet, do not try to suck
the venom out of the bite (you may poison yourself), don't panic.
Call or have someone call for an ambulance to take you to the
hospital,the doctors will know what to do.
important summer
issue is hydration.
The human body is
about 60% water
percentage not only
to feel good but for
operate optimally.
Water is also critical
because it provides the vehicle for other nutrients called
electrolytes to travel through our body and nourish our blood,
tissues, and organs. When you are outdoors in the summer time
you need to drink water in large proportions to insure that your
body doesn't overheat and lead to a heat-related emergency.
I'm sure you all have read in the newspapers or on the internet
stories about model airplanes having close-calls with full-sized
aircraft. The story usually goes something like this: Yesterday in
lower Manhattan NY, a "drone" operated by two youths flew near
a police helicopter, causing it to take evasive action for the safety
of the pilot and crew. The location of the youths was established
using GPS triangulation. The FAA is investigating the incident.
It seems like all rc aircraft are being referred to as "drones" in the
news nowadays. This seems to incite fear of these objects to the
general population who think of war, exploding rockets, and death
and destruction when they hear the word drone. As members of
the AMA, we know that that is a misrepresentation of our hobby.
We have to show the public that AMA members fly by a strict
safety code for the well being of club members and the general
When flying at EVA please be aware of what else may be flying
in our skies. If a full size aircraft does fly over our flying field,
you should immediately go to a lower altitude until the full size
aircraft is safely out of danger. The full size aircraft ALWAYS
has the right-of-way--PERIOD! One incident of this kind could
result in losing our field and model flying privileges permanently
as well as someone having to face legal problems.
Remember, Safety is no accident.
That's all for now folks, have a safe summer...,Lin Andresen-EVA
Safety Officer
Submitted by Mickey Ohland
The American Flag, a Salute to our
The 13 folds of the flag The flag is folded 13 times when taken off the
coffin. You’re probably thinking it represents
the 13 original colonies...right? But we learn
something new every day. Here is the meaning
of the 13 folds, where upon the final fold, the flag
takes on a triangular form showing only the blue
and white stars.
● The 1st fold of the flag represents life.
● The 2nd fold is a symbol of the belief in eternal life.
● The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the
veterans who gave their lives for the defense of the country.
● The 4th fold represents the weaker nature, for as American
citizens trusting in God, it is to Him
we turn in times of peace as well as
in times of war for His divine
● The 5th fold is a tribute to the
● The 6th fold is for where people's
hearts are.
● The 7th fold is a tribute to the
Armed Forces.
● The 8th fold is a tribute to the one
who entered into the valley of the
shadow of death, that we might see
the light of day.
● The 9th fold is a tribute to
womanhood and motherhood with
the 10th fold as a tribute to fathers
who have given their sons and
daughters for the defense of their country.
● The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of Kind
David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
● The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity.
● The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars
are uppermost reminding us of our nation’s motto, "In God
We Trust".
After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the
appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers
who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors
and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who
were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed
Forces of the United States, preserving for the rights and freedom
we enjoy today.
Hopefully, the next time you see or attend a military funeral and
observe the American flag being folded, you can remember what
the symbolic folds represent.
you know you are flying left to right in a slightly banking turn,
should you fly too close to the sun and your model becomes a dark
silhouette you’ll know what to do, or not to do, until you can see
your model clearly again.
A lot of airplanes are lost simply because the pilot loses his
orientation while flying. That is to say, the pilot loses his ability
to see what the model is doing and what he has to do to properly
maintain control.
If you fly your model so far away that you can’t see it and what
it’s doing, add a little aileron and see what happens. If the model
lowers a wing to the left when you give it left aileron, you’ll know
it’s going away from you so you can now make a turn to bring the
model back to you. If the wing on the left goes up when you give
it left stick, then the model is already heading back towards you.
With experience, pilots learn to fly with both visual cues as well
as with instinct involving muscle memory. The best way to learn
proper flight orientation is to practice. Fly, fly, and fly some more.
And while you are flying, keep ahead of your model by not just
flying around the field, but rather fly with a purpose. Make up a
A good thing to remember when your model is flying back toward
you is that you can keep the wings level by moving the aileron
stick toward the lower wingtip.
With practice, you’ll soon be able to see the subtle cues your model
makes, and then you’ll make needed corrections more quickly until
you do it almost automatically.
You’ll be flying the model instead of letting the model fly you.
flight plan and stick to it. Don’t just do whatever comes to mind
after you take off. Do the same thing every time. Take off into
the wind and when you reach traffic altitude make a 90-degree
turn away from the pit area. Continue to climb, and then make
another 90-degree turn in the same direction so you are flying
downwind. Throttle back to cruise speed then follow the rest of
your flight plan. Two more 90-degree turns in the same direction
will have you flying upwind again. This helps you to maintain
your situational awareness.
Should you become disorientated, having a flight plan in your
mind will allow you to think your way through a maneuver. If
The “IMMELMANN Turnaround”
Once a pilot has become proficient with loops and rolls, all the
different ways that they can be combined are practically infinite.
The problem with the ordinary turn is that it takes the airplane
away from the comfortable line that it was on before the turn. You
are then forced to make several adjustments after the turn to
reestablish the preferred line coming back and as a consequence,
you have less time to think about what you want to do next. The
Immelmann is an aerobatic maneuver that allows you to do a
180-degree turnaround while maintaining close to the same line
of flight coming back, except finishing higher, and therefore
making flying easier.
An Immelmann should be treated as two separate parts: a 1/2 loop,
and then a 1/2 roll to upright, with the return to neutral between
them to ensure that the 1/2 roll is axial and not barreled. As with
any loop, the key to performing a good 1/2 loop is a wings-level
entry so the loop starts out tracking vertical rather than entering a
corkscrew with the wings banked. You should target a specific
fixed amount of elevator to establish a constant initial loop radius.
When you execute the 1/2 roll at the top, use full aileron to
complete the 1/2 roll quickly before it has a chance to lose undue
altitude or wander off heading. You can cheat a little by
neutralizing the elevator and starting to roll a few degrees before
the plane reaches the top of the loop to ensure that the roll does
not finish lower than where it was
The 1/2 loop will tend to tighten or
“pinch” near the top due to the effects
of gravity. The pinch typically starts
around 10 or 2 o’clock, depending on
the direction from which the maneuver
is entered. These “key points” are where
you should reduce your elevator input
6 to “float the top” of the 1/2 loop
and keep it round. For the final
refinement, input a little forward
elevator pressure at the start of the 1/2
roll to keep the roll more axial and level
at the start, and therefore reducing how
much you have to cheat. Just remember
to remove the elevator push soon after
you start the roll to avoid barreling the
roll and causing a loss of heading.
Now, in review; the refined Immelmann is performed by pulling
a fixed amount of up elevator to establish a constant loop radius
right away. At the 10 or 2 key point, slightly reduce elevator input
to float the top of the loop. Then, a fraction before the airplane
reaches the top of the loop, quickly return the elevator past neutral
into a slight push while simultaneously rolling upright. With a little
bit of practice, you’ll draw some attention with this maneuver!
Text and illustrations by … David Scott
Bill Adam’s Mid Wing Extra 330
● The Plane is scratch built
● 124 inch wingspan
● Covered in Ultra Coat and painted with PPG paint
● Engine - DA 200 4 cylinder
● Radio - Futaba MZ18 with two 6014 receivers
● Servos - Futaba 9157 digital metal gear
● Smart Fly optical ignition kill
● Batteries - 2500 mah A-123.
Ignition (1), flight batteries (2)
● Propeller - Falcon 30X14 Carbon
Overhaul of the club website has been underway and is on track
to bring some important, new services to the membership. Arguably the most important of those services will be the ability to
renew your current membership or enroll as a new member entirely on line. You will be able to fill out your renewal or new member
application, pay your dues via Paypal, and receive instant confirmation your application and has been accepted all via the club
website à www.eastbvalleyaviators.org.
This new capability is still in the testing phase but is on schedule
to go public on October 1st, 2014 or sooner (i.e. the start of the
2015 renewal period). The online process will be the quickest
way to receive your renewal or new membership paperwork in the
mail so we encourage you to use this new, more convenient service. The current paper application and personal check or cash
method will still be available but we would like everyone to use the new online method if you can. It will be faster, more accurate
for club record keeping purposes, and less work for your humble club membership office and treasurer. Also note there will be no
increase in either new member or renewal fees for this added convenience.
Once we go live on Oct 1st, we will send a more detailed notice via e-mail to everyone with step-by-step instructions for how to
renew online. Look for an e-mail from ‘EVA Membership News’ with Subject ‘2014 Club Member Renewal Instructions’ in
the next month or so. Receipt of that e-mail will signify you can go to the club website to renew online at your convenience.
Are you forced to work to pay for this hobby? If so,
what is your occupation?
Jerry: Fortunately I’m retired and can devote full time to my
ES: Are you married? Have any children?
Jerry: I’m widower and have two Sons.
ES: What are you flying currently?.
Jerry: Usually my Big Bird glider or my trusty Esquire.
Jerry Dudeck
ES: How long have you been involved in the hobby?
Jerry: 60 years
ES: How long have you been a member of EVA?
Jerry: 7-years
ES: Please give a history of your RC Aviation past.
Jerry: I have been flying since I was 11 years old. I started out
flying U/Control. My first plane was a FireBaby with
an…OK Cub .049. My
first RC airplane was a
single channel Esquire,
in the sixties I purchased a
F&M 10- channel reed
system, later on I moved
on to a EK Logictrol 4channel
ES: Are you involved
with full-scale aviation?
If so, please elaborate?
Jerry: No but my oldest
son Dan is a pilot.
ES: Do you have any current or planned aircraft projects?
Jerry: I’m in the process of completing a "Balsa USA 1/6
Sopwith Pup".
ES: What is/was your favorite model aircraft?
Jerry: My 25-year old Top Flite J3-Cub.
ES: What is your favorite full-scale aircraft?
Jerry: PT-17 Stearman Bi-plane.
Is there anyone that you look up to in the radio
control hobby?
Jerry: John Shreve, he was my mentor when I started flying
RC and one Hell of a flyer.
Are there any facets of the hobby that you would like
to try? (eg. a certain power system type, different type
of aircraft, competitive flying)
Jerry: None that I can think of at the time. Need to just sit
back and do some flying.
Are there any embarrassing moments at the field you
would like to forget—but are now remembering
because I asked?
Jerry: The one time I launched my single channel airplane
only to remember I forgot to turn on the receiver.
Fortunately I found it the next day about a mile away.
ES: What are your interests beyond model aircraft?
Jerry: Hiking and fishing.
Project of the Month
Submitted by Gene Coleman
Approximately 16 years ago I built a glow powered Smith
Miniplane and it flew very well. I was able to purchase another
kit last year and thought I would like to build an electric powered
It took me months to get the ambition to get started on it. I had to
make several changes to facilitate the electric motor, battery and
ESC. I finally got started on it around Christmas and finished it
in May right around my 78th birthday.
I modified the outboard strut configuration and the landing gear
also. I lightened it up wherever I could and it came in about 4 1/2
lbs. under the normal glow weight of 5 1/2 lbs. I have since had
to add 8 ounces of lead to the nose to make it fly correctly. It
was a little wild at first but with the added nose weight it flies as
it should.
I am using a Turnigy 3548 1100KV motor and 60 Amp ESC. The
battery is a 4 cell 2200mah 50 c capacity. I had to modify the
nose to accept the battery and I now wish I had made room for a
larger battery as I only get 5-6 minutes of flight time.
The covering is Hobby King China cote which we have found to
have excellent shrinking qualities. I would highly recommend it.
Lastly my pilot is Snoopy, the dog and he has his eye on the Red
This kit is still available on the Sig web site for $122.95.
On September 2-6, 2014 the very first International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC)
World Championships will take place at the home of the AMA in Muncie, Indiana.
IMAC has been in the making since the 1970's and the organization is dedicated to the
competitive sport of radio controlled Scale Aerobatic competition. IMAC operates
under the auspices of the USA’s Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) with a
designation as the Special Interest Group (SIG) for R/C Scale Aerobatics. While it’s
origin is American, the scope of IMAC has now expanded to other countries throughout
the world and continues to grow. IMAC is also the largest scale aerobatic group in the
world with members in all 50 US States and over 15 other countries.
Three (3) East Valley Aviator club members have qualified and will be competing in
this prestigious event. They are Spencer Nordquist (Unlimited), Bill Adams (Unlimited) and John Pomroy (Intermediate). The
membership of EVA wishes each of you the best of luck!!!
Just for the FUN of it…
Is that spruce or oak??
Answers to the MAY crossword puzzle.
You don't have to sweet-talk an airplane.
You can predict an airplane.
An airplane moves when you tell it to.
If you respect an airplane it will be good to you.
An airplane goes anywhere you direct it to.
Airplane skin doesn't wrinkle as badly.
An airplane will kill you quick...a woman takes her time.
An airplane won't criticize your performance.
An airplane does not object to a preflight inspection.
An airplane doesn't care where you were last night.
You can change the looks of an airplane.
Airplanes don't care about how many other airplanes you have
Airplanes come with manuals to explain their operation.
flown before.
Airplanes don't scream.
Airplanes don't cost as much money.
Women have more drag than lift.
Airplanes don't take forever to warm up.
An airplane's payload can be calculated.
Airplanes don't spend hours in front of a mirror.
Airplanes have strict weight and balance limits.
Airplanes won't keep you waiting.
Sometimes you can ride airplanes for free
Airplanes don't cry when you break up with them.
It's easier to understand what an airplane needs.
Airplanes don't talk back.
Airplanes don't come with in-laws.
Airplanes don't get headaches.
Airplanes don't whine unless something is really wrong
Airplanes don't take half of everything (well, maybe they do).
Airplanes don't mind if you look at other airplanes, or if you buy
Airplanes never stand you up.
airplane magazines
An airplane is cheaper to maintain.
It's always OK to use tie downs on your airplane
You can keep an airplane from stalling.
However, when airplanes go quiet, just like women,
Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.
it's a bad thing.
An airplane won't slap you for being a "bush pilot".
You can easily leave an airplane before sunrise.
Airplanes lose weight faster.
An airplane does not get mad if you "touch and go".
An airplane will not get mad if you “fly” someone else's airplane.
You can calculate the peak performance of an airplane.
The 1st Annual EVA Night Fly Event held on June 15th was a
roaring success. We started the fun with an old fashion summer
evening BBQ followed by LOTS of great dusk and dark time
flying. What a blast and turnout! A little breezy to start
but perfect weather once the sun went down. 35 people came out
despite the high earlier temperatures and winds that day. Of the
group that attended, we had over a dozen pilots show off their
night vision capabilities. No fly aways or crashes throughout the
entire event. Those that didn't fly this year (but will next year,
right?) seemed to really enjoy the show.
Now the question when to hold the next one? Should we have
one during the winter visitor season? Let us know by posting a
message to the club on the website.
Special thanks to head chef Gene Coleman, bartender Verlin
Boeder, and photo journalist Eric Gagnon. Also thanks to Ignacio and Bruno Godinez for the home made brownies and eveyone else who brought side dishes to share
EVA Calendar of Events
The BOD has developed our 2014 -2015 Event Schedule and this is a draft for your information. We have put together a full
year of events that we hope you’ll look forward to and participate in. We have many of the traditional events as well as a few
new ones. The BOD will meet in August to finalize this schedule. The schedule will be posted on the website as well as at the
field bulletin board. We welcome your comments.
September 14
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
October 4
Membership Meeting
EVA Field @ TBD
October 12
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
October 25
Ironwood Clean Up
EVA Field @ TBD
EVA Fall Night Fly & BBQ
EVA Field @ TBD
November 8
EVA Swap Meet & Lunch
EVA Field @ TBD
November 16
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
November 29
Turkey Fry & Fly
EVA Field @ TBD
December 3
Membership Meeting
December 14
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
December 27
Field Cleanup
EVA Field @ TBD
First Day Fly-In & Breakfast
EVA Field @ TBD
Membership Meeting
Superstition Challenge IMAC
EVA Field @ TBD
January 1, 2015
January 7
January 17-18
January 25
February 4
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
Membership Meeting
EVA Winter Night Fly & BBQ
EVA Field @ TBD
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
Desert Pattern Challenge
EVA Field @ TBD
March 11
Membership Meeting
March 14 - 15
Cactus Classic IMAC
EVA Field @ TBD
March 21
EVA Swap Meet & Lunch
EVA Field @ TBD
March 22
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
April 19
.25/T-28 Racing
EVA Field @ TBD
Membership Meeting
EVA Field @ TBD
February 15
February 28 - March 1
May 2