September 11, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church


September 11, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE:
EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 540-434-5549
OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti
September 11, 2016• 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11 de Septiembre de 2016 • 24to Domingo del Tiempo
Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia
Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith
Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav
Deacon Emeritus………………….Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina
Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton
Minister of Youth……………………...Mr. George Brunner
Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers
Spanish Ministry Coordinator ……… Mrs. Michelle Lopez
Business Manager ..................................... Mr. Bill Brennan
Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins
Parish Council Chair ................................... Mr. Bill Wyatt
Parish Council Vice-Chair………………….Mr. Wade Luhn
Parish Council Secretary…. ................ Dr. Arlene McCain
Parish Council Vice-Secretary…………...Mrs. Tara Witter
Finance Council Chair………………Mrs.Stacey Burzumato
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm
Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm
Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español)
Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm
Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español)
Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule.
Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment.
Communal Services in Advent and Lent.
Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano:
Sra. Michelle Lopez
[email protected]
Lunes—Viernes 9:00 am a 1:00 pm; Miercoles y Jueves,
4:00-8:30 pm
Parish Mission Statement
Blessed Sacrament Parish aspires to be a model Christian community, disciples of Christ, in communication with the Universal
Church, in service to each other and our greater community. We
speak with diverse and inclusive voices, united by our Catholic faith
and Eucharistic celebration.
Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be
emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are
subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be
edited for length.
For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Marianne & Scott Appel,
Donna Lee Carroll, Sharon Clement, Ed Comer, Randy Cosner,
Ginger Dee, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Pat DeStefani, Viola
Dickerson, Alex Dino-Murdo, Dominic Dorazio, Willie Gardner,
Augustin and Miguel Garibay-Alvarez, Lane Goodwin, Ryan
Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Carol Hanna, Georgia Haakinson,
Samantha Hans, Pat Harahan, Shirley Heatwole, Maren Clare
Heck, Arthur Hemann, Eileen Herald, Audrey Hereford, Christopher Hernandez Medina, Lisa Hilton, Diane Hulvey, David Kane,
Tucker Karl, Becky Keoki, Linda Layman, Phyllis Linka, Claire
Lovejoy, Edwin Marrah, JR Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Mary
McFadden, Garth Mills, Leon Mondelli, Madison Nisly, Danielle
Pack, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Anne Pirato, Jackie Price, Justin & Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Jeremy Ream, Thomas
Reilly, Cathy Renalds, Richard Rexrode, Kathy Rusch, Lillie Ryman, Art Saldana, Bill Sampson, Irene Sarnelle, Brian Saulsman,
David Schiefer, Deloris Shank, John Marvin Spencer, Joyce
Springmier, Diane Stander, Jean Sweigart, Mike Swymeler, Matthew Thomas, son of Marie Lippincott, Hannah Tringhese, Melissa Tydlaska, Baylee Wallace, and Hilda Ward.
Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Pete Adams, Martha Anderson, Bud Bernhardi, Susan Berry, Elena Cantor, Francis Cavoto, Vivian Cervantes, Catherine Constantino,
Beth Dalton, Lovell Dean, Cristobal Duque, David Durham,
Thomas Downing, Madge Eckenrode, Annie Farwell, Steve Ferguson, Juan Gutierrez, Jean Hammond, Kamilia Hanna, Betty
Hilson, Julie Iaconcig, Tony Jenkins, Carol Kagey, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis, Pablo Martinez, Jack Nicholson,
Muriel Nicosia, Mildred Norkus, Richard Pariseault, Lynn Picht,
Francis Reilly, Nicolas Reyes, Pat Saltzer, the Schwartz Family,
Emmy Murtaugh Showman, Paul Sullivan, Pam Welsh, Claire
Wirkus, Joseph Woefling, William Wright, all our homebound
parishioners and all who care for them.
Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially
Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Dane Geise, Joe
Gibson, Scott Hankes, Christopher Hulse, Gen. Peter James &
his battalion, Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, and Ryan Wilkes,
especially those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in harm’s way.
Please pray for those who have died, especially Pedro Santos
Rivera, grandfather of Michelle Lopez, that they may be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom.
Please pray for peace throughout the world. Please pray for
those persecuted for their faith, especially in in the Middle East
and Africa. On this 15th anniversary of the 9-11-2001 attacks,
we pray for an end to terrorism and war. Pray especially for
those affected by the flooding in Louisiana and West Virginia and
the earthquake in Italy. Please pray that the right to life would be
respected and protected in our country and the world, from conception to natural death.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) starts THIS
Tuesday September 13 at 7 pm. All are invited to explore
the Catholic Church or gain further knowledge about Catholicism. Adults who are unbaptized are invited. Adults of
other Christian faiths can learn more of the Catholic faith.
Adults who wish to be confirmed may attend to prepare for
the Sacrament of Confirmation. Feel free to come without
prior registration or call the office for more information.
A welcoming committee is being formed to provide new comers
with a personal invitation to become actively involved parishioners. We have been making phone calls welcoming them to
Blessed Sacrament, but would also like to make home visits. We
would like to go bearing gifts. People who are new to our parish
are generally also new to Harrisonburg, and need to find a variety
of professional services, where the good restaurants are, etc. If
you have a business and have any sort of giveaways you use to
promote your business, please consider giving us some that we
can include in gift bags. If you have a restaurant or shop, perhaps you have discount coupons we could include. If you have
any questions, contact Carol Miller 867-5263 or [email protected]. Donations can be left in the church office.
Label them "Welcoming Committee".
Sat. Sept. 10, 5 pm, +Dominador Santos (requested by his family)
Sun. Sept. 11, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time; 8 am, In thanksgiving for Roy Chiwetalu Kwuelum (requested by Charles & Helen Kwuelum); 10 am, +Roger Doyle (requested by Melanie
Luhn); 1 pm, Misa pro populo
Mon. Sept. 12, NO MASS
Tues. Sept. 13 (St. John Chrysostom), 12:10 pm, +Mildred
Stanell (requested by Geri DeLazzari & Mary Ann Glova)
Wed. Sept. 14, (Exaltation of the Holy Cross), 6 pm, Intentions of
Jo Ann Coules
Thurs. Sept. 15 (Our Lady of Sorrows); 12:10 pm, +Mary Alexandre (requested by Polly Bush); 7 pm, +Juana Castillo
Fri. Sept. 16 (Ss. Cornelius & Cyprian); 12:10 pm, +Sam Adornato (requested by Betty Adornato)
Sat. Sept. 17, 5 pm +Fred McDavid (requested by Liz McDavid)
Sun. Sept. 18, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8 am, Misa pro
populo; 10 am, +Robert Ruth (requested by Sheila Paladino); 1
pm, +Jennet Susana
SEPTEMBER 11, 2016
RE Calendar August –September 2016
Our Children’s Church program is in great need of catechists
and aides for our program that runs during the school year during
the 10:00 mass (not holidays). Any teen or adult who may be
able to share 1-2 Sunday mornings a month with us and loves
children should consider this very rewarding ministry. Program
details are very simple and training is available (in one easy session). Please consider this super fun time of faith and sharing
with some of our youngest parishioners!! Contact Valerie for
more info!
9/11-Children’s Church Open House
9/11—VIRTUS offered at 2:30pm (no childcare available)
9/18—First Day of RE (Catechetical Sunday)
9/19—Registration reopens for RE classes
9/25—2nd Sunday of RE
Religious Education is in great need!!! Blessed Sacrament’s RE
programs are once again very large in number (currently over
300 students so far). Registration continues, but sadly we don’t
have nearly the number of volunteers we need to make this program run smoothly. In elementary, for example, the goal is to
have 4 teen/adult volunteers assigned to a classroom, and that
allows them some freedom to travel, be sick, or whatever comes
up, without impacting the children in the classroom. It allows
things to flow smoothly week after week. We are currently short
15 volunteers just for the elementary program Won’t you please
consider helping out. We still need catechists and aides in every
grade!!! Our programs can only be as strong as the people who
participate, and without your participation we will struggle to give
the children of our parish consistency, as well as give our current
volunteers some flexibility in their own schedules. The load
sounds heavy, but if we can get people to step forward to lighten
the load, it won’t heavily burden anyone!! Please contact Valerie
if you might be able to commit to 2 Sunday mornings a month.
***There is also a need for Children’s Church volunteers (during
10:00 mass, about 1x a month), and our middle and high school
programs. Please consider sharing 1-2 hours of your week with
the future of our church!!
Registration for Religious Ed classes is on hold until after September 18. We will be able to place your child once we confirm
we have space. Please feel free to send in your registrations.
You will be contacted after your registration has been processed.
Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry
A Message from George
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for welcoming me into your family. I also want to thank Fr. Silvio, Fr. Joe,
and Victoria for all the wonderful work they have done with our
youth. I am thrilled to minister to the youth of our parish. I ask
that you please keep me and my family in your prayers as we
make this exciting transition.
HS & MS Youth Ministry & CP
The school year is right around the corner—and that means it’s
time for High School and Middle School Youth Ministry (HS &
MS YM) and Confirmation Preparation (CP)! Without our team
of catechists, small group facilitators, and aides, we could not
provide our youth with this amazing opportunity for fellowship
and learning!
TODAY! September 11, 2:30, walk ins welcome (no childcare)
Sunday, Oct. 9th @ 2:30pm
Saturday, Nov. 19 @ 9:00am
What is VIRTUS?
VIRTUS is a program created by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group in the United States with a "Protecting God's Children" component that combats sexual abuse of children in the
Church. It is currently in use in over 80 dioceses in the United
Thinking about getting involved? Curious about learning what
these programs are all about? E-mail our new youth minister,
George Brunner, at [email protected]!
We will be switching all our e-mail and text communications
over to Remind. Remind is a messaging tool that is completely
safe for parents and youth—we will never see your phone or email and you will never see ours.
focuses on educating teachers, parents, and other
adults who interact with children about sexual abuse and providing them with information to help prevent abuse. This takes
place in 'awareness sessions' led by trained facilitators. The
awareness sessions consist of videos, worksheets, and discussions. The videos incorporate interviews with both victims and
convicted perpetrators.
We’ll have three main Remind groups (sign up for any that
Youth Ministry: Join this to receive updates on social &
service events, and retreats. You can sign up at
High School & Middle School Religious Education: Join
this if you are a youth in MS or HS RE or a parent of a
youth in either program. You can sign up at
Confirmation Prep: Join this if your youth will be doing CP
this year. You can sign up at
VIRTUS is a required element for anyone who plans to become
involved in a ministry that comes in contact with children or
youth. It is also a great resource for parents and grandparents!!!
To register go to and follow the prompts.
There is no cost for the program and free childcare can be pro-
Just confirmed? Join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship in the
couch room (Room #6) in Johnston Hall during Religious Ed.
(11:30-12:40pm) on September 25th
and/or October
2nd . This room and time will be set aside for 11th and 12th
graders. No formal teaching, just a chance to catch up with
your old confirmation friends with coffee and donuts. If you are
a parent interested in sponsoring donuts for one of these
weeks, text Carey Wyatt at 540-476-2695.
HELP !!!
Please consider volunteering at our Food Pantry !!
We desperately need some help on the Thursday afternoon shift from 11:50 AM until 3:00 PM.
If you can give some time to this worthwhile parish ministry
of helping those in need, we would be most grateful for
your help.
Please contact Barb Warns ([email protected]) 540
564 2515
Sept. 11, Contingency
Sept. 18, Religious Education program
Sept. 25, National Retired Religious Collection
October 2, Twin parish in Haiti
Special thanks to all the nice "farmers" who have shared
their bounty with us !!
It all has been most appreciated by our clients !!
Early bulletin deadline due to Labor Day holiday; Financial Box Score was not available at press time. It will return next week.
Come hear personal testimonies from courageous participants in the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.
New bimonthly envelope sets have been mailed; debt
reduction envelope was inadvertently overlooked and will
be arriving separately. In the future, it will be included in
the set.
THIS Thursday evening September 15th at 7pm in the
Wolfe St. building.
Silent No More Awareness is a Campaign whereby Christians make the public aware of the devastation abortion
brings to women and men. The campaign seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the
emotional and physical pain of abortion.
FELLOWSHIP WEEKEND this weekend!. Your Parish
Council is hosting a fellowship weekend after all masses. Weather permitting, we will gather in the parking lot
by the new steps for some light refreshments and fellowship. Please join us and spend a few moments getting to
know your council and your Blessed Sacrament family.
MOMS’ GROUP: Motherhood is a beautiful vocation. Beautiful doesn't mean it is always easy. If you are
struggling, if you are thriving, if that changes from hour to
hour, we invite you to come join our community of mothers. We support each other as we raise our children to
know and love our Catholic faith. We meet weekly in the
church nursery from 10-11:30 on Thursdays. The children
have free play time while we chat and relax. All moms and
moms to be are welcome. This fall we have other events in
the work including a tour of the church, a book swap and
our annual Saints Day party. If you are not able to attend
the weekly gatherings, we still want you to be part of our
community. Please call or email Meg Layman at (253) 6911518 or [email protected]
Westover Park, Shelters #1 & #2. 2:00 to 6:00 pm, Meat
and drinks provided. Please bring blankets and/or folding
chairs and food to share. Games, fellowship, fun!
The spotlight this week shines on
The Center for Hand & Physical
Please patronize this advertiser.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2016
1:00 pm, Wedding
3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions
4:30 pm, Rosary
5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday
Fellowship after Mass
Contingency Collection
Fellowship after Masses
8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses
10:00 am, Nursery
11:00 am, Children’s Church Open House, basement
12:30 pm, Rosario
1:00 pm, Misa en Español
2:30-5:00 pm, VIRTUS Training, Johnston Hall (NO childcare available)
4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria
6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma
Blessed Sacrament has the week of Thanksgiving to provide overnight shelter for the homeless in our community in the local OPEN DOORS shelter. (Monday Nov 21
thru Sunday Nov 27). The shelter will be using all
of Johnston Hall for the week. This is your chance to
help this ministry by spending the night as a volunteer to
assist the shelter staff person. Our volunteers do NOT
have to stay awake all night – but they do need to be
available in case of emergency to assist the Shelter
staff. We have a room set aside for our volunteers to
sleep after “lights out” @ 10pm. The volunteer helps the
staff person to monitor the smoke break each evening,
and to plug in the coffee pot in the morning. Please say
YES, and contact Patty Huffman (434-1179 or [email protected]) to volunteer. We usually have two per
night. On behalf of the homeless in Harrisonburg we
thank you – AND we thank all of you who have already
said YES to helping our parish provide shelter this week
of Thanksgiving.
6:45 pm, Choir Practice
11:30 am, Rosary
12:10 pm, Daily Mass
6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall
7:00 pm, RCIA Class, basement
4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen
6:00 pm, Daily Mass
6:30-7:30 pm, Holy Hour
7:30 pm, Hispanic Choir Practice
10:30 pm, Lectionary Bible Study, basement
11:00 am, Friendship House
12:10 pm, Daily Mass
6:30 pm, English Baptism Class, basement
7:00 pm, Silent No More program, 2 E. Wolfe meeting room
7:00 pm, Misa en Español
12:10 pm, Daily Mass
11:00 am, English Baptisms
1:00 pm, Wedding
3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions
4:30 pm, Rosary
5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday
5:30 pm, Clase por bautismo en Español
2016 Men's Cursillo Weekend: Thursday, October 20 Sunday, October 23th at Camp Overlook near Harrisonburg. Catholic men are invited to spend an inspiring
long weekend with other men who want to deepen their
relationship with God and enrich the way each lives out his
faith every day. The weekend will be led by a team Catholic men who have made a Cursillo weekend before, along
with spiritual directors including a priest. Mass will be held
each day, along with engaging reflection times and talks on
specific issues of Catholic Christian living. Great food and
fun included. Cost: $60.00 (donations will be accepted at
the end of the weekend to allow others to go on
a Cursillo Weekend). For information and downloadable
Valley Cursillo website:
Application due date: Wednesday, October 12th.
Parish Religious Education Program Collection
Religious Education Opening Day
8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses
10:00 am, Children’s Church & Nursery
11:30 am-12:40 pm, Elementary, MS & HS Rel Ed
12:30 pm, Rosario
1:00 pm, Misa en Español
2:00-6:00 pm, Parish Picnic, Shelters 1 & 2, Westover Park
La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament
¡Lo invitamos a participar!
Legión de María se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30
y martes a las 6:30pm.
En el salón #5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia
Realizamos trabajos como:
Evangelización puerta a puerta,
Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares
Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas
alejadas de la Iglesia
Visitas a personas enfermas
Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón,
Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista,
Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión
de María.
GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza
Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma,
es por medio de cantos,
oraciones y reflexiones.
Y se reúnen las tardas de los
domingos de 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario.
¡Todavía hay una necesidad enorme de voluntarios! Educación Religiosa está a la vuelta de la esquina y hemos
entrado en modo de reclutamiento, buscando personas
(adolescentes y mayores) que estén interesados en compartir su fe con los niños y jóvenes de nuestra parroquia.
¿Ha estado usted pensando en ello? ¡¡Tal vez este es su
año!! Tenemos mesas puestas en el pasillo para algún
interesado en saber más sobre ser voluntario para nuestro programa de ER. ¡¡Hay muchas formas en las que
usted puede ayudar!! ¡Por favor acérquese y haga
preguntas! ¡Descubra como pueden ayudar! ¡Diga “si” a
esta maravillosa forma de invertir en el futuro de nuestra
ER Calendario Septiembre 2016
9/11-Iglesia de Niños Casa Abierta
9/11—VIRTUS ofrecido a las 2:30pm (no cuidados de
niños disponibles)
9/18—Primer Días de ER (Domingo Catequético)
9/19—Re abren las registraciones para clases de ER
9/25—2do Domingo de ER
Declaración de la Misión Parroquial
La Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament aspira a ser Discípulos de
Cristo, y un modelo Cristiano para la Comunidad, y estar en
Comunión con la Iglesia Universal, en server uno al otro y que
así nuestra comunidad crezca. Nosotros inclusive hablamos en
diversas lenguas vocas, unidos en nuestra Fe Católica y en la
celebracion de la Eucaristía
Nuestro programa de Iglesia de Niños está en gran necesidad de catequistas y ayudantes para nuestro programa
SEPTEMBER 11, 2016
La Diócesis de Richmond pide que la pareja que desea
contraer matrimonio Religiosa, tenga los Sacramentos de
Bautizo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, y haga cita 6
meses antes de al celebración de la Boda, traer a la primera cita con el sacerdote, la Fe o Certificado de Bautizo
renovada y que diga que es válida para
matrimonio, copias de Cert. de Confirmación de los dos,
asistir a un Encuentro Pre-matrimonial, si alguno de los
dos no tiene algún sacramento aquí hay preparación para
hacer el Sacramento que la hace falta, para mayor información llame a la oficina.
Se invita a Participar en el Coro Hispano para las Misas
en espanol del Jueves 7 de la noche y Domingos a la 1
de la Tarde. La Practica para el Coro es todos los
Miercoles despues de la Hora Santa 7:30pm.
Las charlas de bautismos, 1, 22 y 29 de octubre
Fechas para Bautismo:
•24 de septiembre

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