BAUTIZOS Next Sunday`s Readings


BAUTIZOS Next Sunday`s Readings
Solemnity of Pentecost
Domingo de Pentecostés
24 de Mayo, 2015
Next Sunday’s Readings
Lecturas para el próximo domingo
First Reading:
Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40
Second Reading: Romans 8:1-17
May 24, 2015
Matthew 28:16-20
Mass Intentions
Intenciones para las Misas
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Sharon Stahl +
Saturday-Sábado, 7:00pm
Alicia Fuentes +
Sunday-Domingo, 8:00am
Josephine Mensi
Sunday-Domingo, 11:00am
People of St. Michael
Sunday-Domingo, 1:00pm
Maria Cortes +
Monday-Lunes, 8:15am
John T. Lytle +
Monday-Lunes, 5:30pm
Tuesday-Martes, 8:15am
Rev. John V. Scola +
Tuesday-Martes, 5:30pm
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday-Miércoles, 8:15am Menna Scola+
Wednesday-Miércoles, 12:00pm Loftus Family intentions
Wednesday-Miércoles, 5:30pm Frances Harley+
Thursday-Jueves, 8:15am
William Gray +
Thursday-Jueves, 5:30pm
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Friday-Viernes, 8:15am
Intentions of C.V.
Friday-Viernes, 5:30pm
Mary Harley +
Saturday-Sábado, 8:15am
Cecilia Neal +
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Harold, Gertrude, George, John,
Laura, Peter & baby John Schaefgen+
Saturday-Sábado, 7:00pm
Carmen Benitez
Sunday, 5/17/15
English Masses.........................................$ 3,832.42
Misas en Español..………………..……….......…$ 4,233.21
Total…..………..………………….……….…...…..$ 8,065.63
Facilities Improvement Fund/
Fondos para mejora de Inmuebles….….…..$ 317.00
Communication Campaign/
Campaña de Comunicación……………….…..$ 324.21
Donations have been made to St. Michael Church in
memory of Andy Glankler from John & Faye Bevelhimer,
Echo Health Inc., Beth Hall, Carl Sollee, Barney Rolfes, Jr.,
Gigi & Palmer Rolfes, and Mary Wooton and in memory of
Jennie Grant from Donna Byrnes & Family.
Thanks to our parishioners who have made their gift to the
2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We are 45% towards our goal
of $35,000. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please
do so and return it to the Church Office.
Please pray for the sick/por favor oremos por los
enfermos: Maria Dayana Acosta, Olse Ann Annaratone,
Arturo Arellano, Chiquinquira Benitez, Claire Coleman,
Rafael Coronado, Rose Marie Cross, Michael Elam,
Susan Elam, Erika Espinoza, Guadalupe Nava Elizalde,
Maria de la Luz Reyes Espinoza, Clara Flores, Mohan
Gehi, Adriana Gonzalez, Imelda Gonzalez, Judd Grisanti,
Allison Guzman, Ursula Hannaford, Dot & Leo Hartweck,
Greg Hein, Conner Heros, Verna Higgins, Clifford Hill,
David Hill, Teresa Howell, Joann Hudson, Jim Liles,
Anastasio Lopez, Ruth Marcella, Zachary Marcella, John
Michael Martinez, Marissabel Mazon, Barbara McGrath,
Bobby McKinney, Myrna Mendez, Gene Michalski,
Enrique Montiel, Judy Nabors, Magally & Marshal
Ohman, Sandra Parker, Melanie L. Reyes, Leobardo
Robledo, Aura Esperanza Rodas, Barbara & Fred
Rutschman, Mary Ruiz, Mary Sammons, Bill Sampson,
Rosemarie Scola, Patricia Sitter, Doris Sonneborn, Linda
Theriot, Troxclair Family, Mary Lou Thompson, Polo
Venzor, Zulema Vergaray, Lynn Walker, and Joyce R.
Los bautizos en San Miguel son los sábados. Si usted
está interesado en bautizar, venga a la oficina a
registrarse como miembro de la parroquia. Se requiere
tres meses de anticipación para apartar la fecha del
bautismo. Debe estar registrado como miembro para
cualquier trámite en la parroquia.
Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que han hecho su
donación a la Campaña Anual del Obispo para el 2015.
Estamos en el 45% de nuestra meta de $35,000. Si usted
aún no ha hecho un regalo o promesa, por favor haga su
promesa y traiga su sobre a la oficina de la iglesia.
Tarjetas adicionales están situadas en la parte posterior de
la iglesia. Gracias.
The parish office will be
closed Monday, May 25,
for Memorial Day. There
will not be evening Mass.
La oficina Parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 25 de
mayo por la Conmemoración al Día de los Caídos.
No tendremos Misa a las 5:30pm.
Check out our Facebook Page: 4832
Visite nuestra página de Facebook:
Our Food Pantry needs canned
vegetables for the families we serve.
Nuestro Dispensario necesita verduras
enlatadas para las familias que servimos.
Congratulations to our 110 youth parishioners who
were confirmed by Bishop Steib May 20.
Felicitaciones a nuestros jóvenes feligreses que fueron
confirmados por el Obispo Steib el 20 de mayo.
St. Michael Altar Society
The Altar Society will hold its final meeting for
the year at 12noon, Friday, May 29 in the Parish
Center with a potluck lunch; coffee and tea will
be provided. All ladies of the parish are invited.
La Sociedad del Altar celebrará su última reunión
del año el Viernes, 29 de mayo a las 12 del
mediodía en el Centro Parroquial. Tendremos café
y el té, traiga un platillo para compartir. Se invita a
todas las damas de la parroquia.
English-speaking Catechists are needed for
religious education classes. Please call Paula
Witek at the Parish Office if you can help.
The next casino bus trip is to Resorts Tuesday,
June 9. To reserve your seat, call Dot Hartweck
at 682-2575 or Donna Oxner at 758-1960.
The next SMILE breakfast is Tuesday, June 16
at 9:00AM at Shoney’s on Covington Pike.
St. Agnes Academy upper school is enrolling for the
2015-16 school year. “Tour Tuesday” June 2-28,
includes a tour and Admissions meeting. Call 435-5819,
email [email protected], at
Mid-South Area Association of Catholic Nurses present
Natural Procreative Technology, a natural approach to
women’s health care. Speaker is Dr. Michael Podraza,
medical director of St. Francis Women’s Health &
Fertility Tuesday, June 2, 6:00–8:00pm in Bishop’s
Conference Room, Catholic Center, 5825 Shelby Oaks
Dr. Evening begins with a pot luck dinner. RSVP to Kathy
Mayhew at 685-9490 or at [email protected].
Beginning Experience is a retreat for widowed,
separated and divorced men and women, June 5-7 at Our
Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center. For more
information, contact Alma Abuelouf at 373-1224 or
[email protected].
Annual Liturgy & Celebration for People with
Disabilities and Special Needs and their families
10:30am, Sunday, June 7 at St. Mary Church, 257 N.
Third St. Reception at the Family Life Center. RSVP to
Pam Ray, 373-1237 or [email protected].
Natural Family Planning classes begin Tuesday,
June 9 at 6:30pm at the Catholic Center, 5825
Shelby Oaks Dr. $75/couple for instructions
and follow-up. Pre-register at or
call Mary Pat Van Epps 373-1285 for more info.
CBHS Football Camp for grades 4-9, June 8-12, 9am12pm. Go to, to summer camps for
football or contact Coach McDaniel @ 261-4926 or
[email protected].
CBHS Soccer Camps 8:30-11:30am in June for students
in grades 3-8. Visit or email [email protected].
Catholic Charities needs volunteers for the No Hungry
Senior program to pick up grocery boxes from MIFA and
deliver them to pre-screened clients. Contact Lucie
Johnson at 722-4794 if you can help.
Italy Pilgrimage with Msgr. John McArthur, October 616. $4,253 from Memphis includes meals, airfare, taxes
and hotels. For reservations call Jeannie Presley at 901335-4563 or email [email protected].

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