August 14, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral


August 14, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
August 14, 2016
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 3280
Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
School Principal:
Dawn Helwig
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Serge Pardo
Rev. Martin Nguyen
I have been told all my life that our Heavenly Father will always provide for His children.
Besides, the Our Father reminds us that for sure we will receive our daily bread. So how and
why do children not eat breakfast at home, get backpacks filled with food on weekends or why
does ANYONE go to bed hungry in our United States? Has God forgotten His people or His
promise? The answer, I believe, is more simple than the question. I must look myself in the
mirror. This morning I read online from BBC Europe, that in the town of Sete in the wine
producing area of France, some members of a protest group smashed open a vat of wine,
pouring thousands of liters of red wine into the street and almost flooding an underground
parking garage. They are upset that cheaper wines are now available throughout the European
Union. This is not a new phenomenon in the European Union. Farmers have in the past
blocked highways with hundreds of pigs, sheep and cattle or poured milk onto the streets. In
our hemisphere, we have seen coffee beans and bananas suffer the same fate dumped into the
ocean. Food is often used, quite sadly, as a financial tool to maintain market prices. We have
also seen food being used as a weapon of war from Syria to Turkey, Biafra to the Democratic
Republic of Congo, where one military group will block necessary food or medicines from the
other side. There are vast areas of land left undeveloped in lieu of price control and
production. For those of us who drive our cars, try finding a reasonable explanation as to the
fluctuation of gas prices! People stand on street corners, approach parishioners or cathedral
staff looking for cash to get something to
eat, yet our parish participates with other
downtown churches providing two hot
meals on a daily basis six days a week at
Daily Bread. There is some glamour to
being a story on the six o’clock news or
BBC Europe, but there is more honesty
and truth by checking human behavior by a
glance in the mirror. How many of us have
more than once listened to the old adage
from grandma, “waste not, want not!”
God Bless,
Fr. John
Outreach Love, a tutoring and
mentoring group, is looking
for people who want to save
the world one kid at a
time. We have those kids in
our program, hey live right down the street. Now
we need you. Each of you has a talent to bring to
our program. The requirements are simple but
important: we ask that you be able to commit three
hours to tutoring a child every other Saturday
morning during the school year and that you have a
desire to make a difference in that child’s life. If you
can do these two things then you are just the person
we need. For more information, please stop in the
atrium after Masses on August 27 & 28 or contact
Roz at 407-342-0029.
Our St. Vincent de Paul featured on EWTN
The Diocese of Orlando Council for the
St. Vincent de Paul Society will be
featured in one segment of the new “Our
Faith In Action” show on EWTN. The
segment will show how SVDP is having
an astounding 96% success rate in preventing
recidivism by helping men find jobs, housing, food and
transportation when they leave Central Florida prisons.
The show debuts August 16 at 6:30 PM.
All children not in Catholic
school should be registered for
religious education classes.
Registration will be held in the
Atrium following all morning Masses today. A
copy of a baptismal record will be needed for
new students.
Journey Into Faith
Are you feeling called to
Christ? Are you in need
of Baptism? The RCIA
program begins
Sunday, September
18. Registration is
required. For more information, call Steve at
407-422-2005 ext. 123 or e-mail
[email protected].
The Solemnity of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Monday, August 15 is NOT a holy
day of obligation this year. We
will follow our normal Mass
schedules that day.
Please consider volunteering at
the IDignity event on
Thursday August 18 at
Orlando Union Rescue Mission, 410 West Central
Blvd. Orlando FL 32801. Volunteers are supplied
an IDignity t-shirt, light breakfast and a full lunch.
Register online at In order
to place you in the best volunteer position, the
volunteer registration form provides an overview of
positions and allows you to indicate preferences for
service. If you are unable to volunteer but would like
to learn more about this ministry, please email
[email protected] to request a tour. If you have any
questions, call Glenda at 407-375-4929.
Saints On A Road 7-12 grade students
August 14 SOAR Youth Ministry Registration
following the 9 and 10:30 AM Masses. Forms
can be found on the website. Cost is $25. If
you have any questions, email
[email protected].
Saturday September 10 ROCK THE UNIVERSE!
A night of soul-stirring songs from Christian music’s
hottest stars, alongside awesome rides and attractions
at Universal Studios. Tickets are $90 and include
admission and a fast pass. Annual passes are blacked
out. Tickets without a fast pass are $65. RSVP to
[email protected] by August 26.
Sunday, September 25 SOAR KICK-OFF! Save
the date!
Follow us on Instagram at sjcsoar
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Jose Uscategui, Marie I. Alexandre,
Anne Dore, Clarita Grace Samala
St. James Cathedral is now
accepting registrations for
boys and girls entering
grades 1st – 4th for the
Children’s Choir, and those
entering grades 5th and up
for Jubilate Youth Choir.
The Choirs sing approximately once per month and
lead the singing at Mass. In addition to preparing the
music for Mass at their weekly rehearsals, the
Children and Youth Choirs use the curriculum of the
world-renowned Royal School of Church Music,
whose purpose is to foster good choral and
individual singing. The students have the option to
earn achievement medals as they follow RSCM’s
Curriculum. You can find the registration in the
Parish Office or online.
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“Do you think I have come to give you peace on Earth? No, I
tell you, but rather division.”
Luke 12:51
Living a stewardship lifestyle means stepping out of
our comfort zone when needed. Many of us like to
play it safe, not cause waves, stay in the middle of the
road. In today’s world we are called to be informed
and take a stance for life, marriage and religious liberty.
Stewardship August 6 & 7 $27,692.03
St. Vincent de Paul $ 1,364.00
For your convenience, electronic fund transfers and credit
card giving is available at
Thank you for placing God first!
Monday, August 15
7:00 AM Joshua Ramsey
12:10 PM Jean & Paul Palisin †
Tuesday, August 16
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Jesus T. Ho †
Wednesday, August 17
7:00 AM Malik Joseph Myles
12:10 PM Walter & Sue Rutledge
Thursday, August 18
7:00 AM Frank Farnsworth
12:10 PM Abeba Teklemariam †
Friday, August 19
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Manuel Angel Rivera †
Saturday, August 20
8:00 AM Connie Dauber †
4:00 PM Frank Sevick †
Sunday, August 21
7:30 AM Drew Leinonen & Juan Geurrero
9:00 AM Joseph J. Groom †
10:30 AM Maria Begona Cid †
12:15 PM Maria Begona Cid †
5:00 PM June Condron †
St. James Cathedral is a Catholic grade
school (accredited by the Florida
Catholic Conference) across from
beautiful Lake Eola. They have a
dedicated staff and offer a challenging
curriculum in a Christian environment.
We are proud of the small class sizes
with a maximum of 27 students per class in grades
kindergarten through 8th. We believe that each child
has the unlimited potential to live in the fullness of the
human spirit, and we are dedicated to assisting each
child in realizing that potential.
Learn more about our Cathedral School at
505 East Ridgewood Street, Orlando. FL 32803
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
A Ministry Minute
We have a variety of ministries at the Cathedral, and each and every one is in need of volunteers.
We plan to highlight at least one ministry a month here in the bulletin, and we hope that this will
be a calling to YOU to volunteer and get involved in Parish life.
STEWARDSHIP, Help us Build Community in our Parish!
The Stewardship committee comes together once a
month to assist in determining what is needed in the
parish. The committee is formed of individuals with
unique characteristics including lifelong parishioners,
new comers, young adults, young families, and school
parents. This group comes together to meet and
establish goals formed from parishioner based ideas to
bring more community and ownership from within the
parish. Past and future committee goals include:
revamping new parishioner welcome program, children’s stewardship, parish
wide events with the Cathedral school, new programs with Compass ministries,
small parish communities, growth of the endowment, and putting the HOME
We Want You
Are you looking for ways to become more involved in your Parish? The Church calls us to be good stewards with all of
our treasures; this includes your TIME. Call 407-422-2005. Help is needed in the following areas:
Ushers Greet and assist parishioners to their seats, assist in helping the Mass go smoothly
Lectors Proclaim the readings for the day
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion Distribute the body & blood of Christ
Reception desk Assist nights and weekends answering the phones and directing parishioners and guests
Religious Education Assist the catechists
Marriage preparation Help couples as they are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Altar Servers Assist the priest at Mass
Coffee and Donuts Help to serve coffee and donuts following Sunday morning Masses
Ministry to the Sick Visit the sick with the Eucharist
Bereavement Setting up and assisting at funerals
Stewardship Committee Promoting Cathedral ministry with your time, talent and treasure.
Office assistance Occasional need for mailing, filing and general office work
St. Vincent de Paul meet with people in need on Friday mornings for assistance
Youth Ministry Making meals, chaperones and office work
please call Nancy at 407-422-2005 or email [email protected].
El espejo puede ayudar
Toda la vida se me ha dicho que nuestro Padre Celestial siempre proveerá para sus hijos. Además, el
Padre Nuestro nos recuerda que recibiremos el pan de cada día. ¿Entonces por qué y cómo hay niños
que no desayunan en su casa, no tienen mochilas llenas de comida en el fin de semana o porque hay
personas en Estados Unidos que se van a la cama con hambre? ¿Se ha olvidado Dios de estas personas
o de su compromiso? La respuesta, creo, es más simple que la pregunta, debo mirarme en el espejo. Esta mañana leí en la BBC Europa en línea, que en el pueblo de Sete en el área de producción de vino en
Francia, algunos de los miembros del grupo en protesta rompieron un barril de vino y miles de litros de
vino tinto se derramaron en la calle casi inundando un estacionamiento. Están molestos con vinos más
baratos que ahora están disponibles en la Unión Europea. Esto no es un fenómeno nuevo en la Unión
Europea. En el pasado, agricultores han bloqueado carreteras con cientos de cerdos, ovejas, ganado y
leche derramada en las calles. En nuestro hemisferio hemos visto granos de café y bananas sufrir el mismo destino y ser arrojadas al océano. Tristemente, los alimentos son utilizados como herramientas financieras para mantener los precios del mercado. También hemos visto cómo se ha utilizado la comida
como un arma en la guerra entre Siria y Turquía, Biafra y la República Diplomática del Congo, donde
un grupo militar bloquea los alimentos o medicinas al otro lado. Hay grandes áreas de tierra que se dejan sin desarrollar a cambio del control de precio y producción. Para aquellos de nosotros que manejamos nuestros autos, tratamos de encontrar una explicación razonable a la fluctuación del precio del gas.
Las personas se paran en las esquinas, se acercan a los parroquianos o al personal de la catedral pidiendo dinero para comer, a pesar de que nuestra parroquia participa junto a otras iglesias del downtown
proveyendo dos comidas calientes todos los días, seis días a la semana en Daily Bread. El aparecer en la
edición de las seis de las noticias o BBC Europa parece tener su encanto, pero es más honesto y cercano a la verdad el ver el comportamiento humano al echar un vistazo en el espejo. Cuantos de nosotros hemos escuchado más de una vez el antiguo adagio de abuela, ‘las migajas no las quiero’.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
El Coro Hispano de la catedral vuelve a cantar en la
misa dominical el 28 de Agosto a las 12:15. Queremos
invitar a los que tienen talento musical a formar parte
del coro. Los ensayos son solamente el segundo jueves
y el quarto jueves del mes. El primer ensayo será el 25
de Agosto en el salón del coro que se encuentra en el
piso más bajo del edificio de las oficinas. Si quiere
asistir, llame por favor a la Directora, la Sr. Elizabeth
Jennings, al 407-461-7510; o si prefiere puede hablar
con ella inmediatamente después de la misa.
Cantemos al Señor un cantico nuevo!
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 7 de agosto……$1,566.59
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!
Todo niño que no atienda una
escuela católica o que desee
prepararse para recibir la Primera
Comunión o la Confirmación debe
registrarse en clases de Educación
Religiosa. Tendremos información
y formas de registro después de las
Misas domingo, 14 de agosto. Proveemos clases
desde los 3 años hasta el grado 12vo. Para más
información favor de llamar a René al 407-4222005. Todos los estudiantes nuevos necesitan traer
una copia de su Certificado de Bautismo.

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