Bulletin (3-02-2014) - St. Monica`s Catholic Church


Bulletin (3-02-2014) - St. Monica`s Catholic Church
2001 N. Western Ave., Edmond, OK 73012
Office: 405-359-2700 ● Fax: 405-341-0023 ● Rectory: 405-330-2699
Rev. Stephen Hamilton - Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Cory Stanley - Parochial Vicar
Youth Director
[email protected]
Jerry Rakosky - Deacon
[email protected]
Katie Gordy - Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education, Spiritual Counseling
[email protected]
Stacy Sample - Bulletin Editor/Office Manager
[email protected] 359-2700
Sheryl Lacy - Facility Manager
[email protected]
Carmen Snow - Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Marie Connolly - Music Director
[email protected]
Melani Roewe - Music Director
[email protected]
Kenneth & Kelly Hughes - Saturday Choir 341-6549
[email protected]
Kelli Pereira - RCIA Director
[email protected]
24 hours/7days a week
Tuesday, Thursday
By Appointment
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
8,10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Spanish
4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
WEDDINGS Contact church office six months in
BAPTISMS Contact the Church Office at 359-2700
Noon Monday
Bobby Burger, Knights of Columbus
Taylor McGarry, Pastoral Council
St. Vincent de Paul
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
March 2, 2014
Is 49:14-15/1 Cor 4:1-5/Mt 6:24-34
1 Pt 1:3-9/Mk 10:17-27
1 Pt 1:10-16/Mk 10:28-31
Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Mt 6:1-6,
Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32
Next Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7/Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12,
17-19/Mt 4:1-11
Saturday, March 1
5 p.m.
People of the Parish
Sunday, March 2
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
† Paul Seiter
1 p.m.
Tuesday, March 4
5:30 p.m.
Children/Grandchildren of Andy &
†Mary Cobb
Wednesday, March 5 - Ash Wednesday
7 a.m.
Prayer Service with Ashes
12:15 p.m.
Mass/Distribution of Ashes
7 p.m.
Mass/Distribution of Ashes
Thursday, March 6
7:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jim & Janet Hatcher
Friday, March 7
7:30 a.m.
Saturday, March 8
5 p.m.
John Kimball
Sunday, March 9
8 a.m.
People of the Parish
10:30 a.m.
1 p.m.
† Andres Elio Arias
February 22, 23
Sunday Offering .............................. $16,867.00
Electronic Funds Offering ............. $2,340.00
Total Offering ................................ $19,207.00
Less Charity 10% ............................ $1,920.70
Parish Offering ............................. $17,286.30
All St. Monica parishioners are asked to
contribute 8% of their weekly income to the parish.
Give electronically at www.stmonica-edmond.org
and select “online giving.”
2 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Sunday, March 2
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education
9 a.m. - Sunday Donuts
9:05 a.m. - Bible Study - Mother Teresa
2 p.m. - Hispanic Ministry - Parish Hall
4:30 p.m. - Jr. High Youth - Youth Rm.
5:30 p.m. - Orchestra Rehearsal - Church
6 p.m. - Catholic Heart Work Camp Meeting - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - High School Youth - Youth Rm.
Monday, March 3
7 p.m. - Confirmation Parents - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Knights of Columbus - St. Michael
Tuesday, March 4
7 a.m. - Election - Parish Hall
9 a.m. - Spanish Cursillo - Mother Teresa
9:30 a.m. - Bible Study - St. Michael
4:15-5:30 p.m. - Religious Education
6 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Patrick/Mother Teresa
6:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Boy Scouts - St. Michael
7 p.m. - Spiritual Book Club - St. Elizabeth
Wednesday, March 5 - Ash Wednesday
No Religious Education
7 a.m. - Prayer Service with Ashes - Church
9:45 a.m. - Acts Bible Study - St. Michael
12:15 p.m. - Mass/Distribution of Ashes - Church
7 p.m. - Mass/Distribution of Ashes - Church
Thursday, March 6
9:30 a.m. - Artist Way Class - St. Michael
4 p.m. - Medjugorje Prayer Group - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Breaking Open the Word - Mother Teresa
7 p.m. - Choir (Spanish) - Church
7 p.m. - Talleres de Oracion - St. Michael
Friday, March 7
5:30 a.m. - That Man is You - Hall/Kitchen
6 p.m. - Lenten Dinner - Hall/Kitchen
7 p.m. - Stations of the Cross - Church
7 p.m. - Familias Para Cristo - St. Michael
7:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
Saturday, March 8
12 a.m.-2 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
8:30 a.m. - Cleaners - Church/Parish Center
1 p.m. - RICA (Spanish) - St. Anthony
6 p.m. - Parents of Young Children - Youth Building
Sunday, March 9
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education
9 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast - Hall/Kitchen
9:05 a.m. - Bible Study - Mother Teresa
2 p.m. - Eagle Court of Honor - Parish Hall
5:30 p.m. - Orchestra Rehearsal - Church
March 2, 2014
Join Father Stephen Hamilton on Sunday, March 16,
after the 10:30 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall for a gathering with new members of St.
Monica. This will be an opportunity
to ask questions, meet other new
members and share refreshments and
fellowship. Father Hamilton will explain what it means to be a stewardship parish at St. Monica, how the parish was built,
outline Religious Education programs, review parish
committees and councils and much more.
Children are also invited to attend the meeting and
supervision will be provided. For more information
contact Mary Weber 562-3765 prior to the meeting
so accommodations for childcare may be made.
Spiritual Book Club - Evening
The Spiritual Book Club will meet on Tuesday,
March 4, at 7 p.m. in the St. Elizabeth Room to discuss
The Everlasting Man, by G.K. Chesterton, which rebuts
the evolutionary materialism and atheistic humanism
of the twentieth century, and is more timely than ever
today. "Those who say that Christ stands side by side
with similar myths, and his religion side by side with
similar religions, are only repeating a very stale formula contradicted by a very striking fact.” For more
information, call Ali Howard at 330-6618.
Lenten Observances
Lenten Dinners, served by
the Knights of Columbus, on
Fridays of Lent at 6 p.m. in the
Parish Hall. Sign up sheets are
in the Narthex.
Stations of the Cross - At-
tend the ancient prayer of the
Church called the Way of the
Cross or Stations of the Cross. We will gather on the
Fridays of Lent at 7 p.m. in the Church to make the
Way of the Cross. Prayers usually last approximately
30 minutes.
Mark your calendars for the Lenten Penance Rite to
be held on Wednesday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Church. Several visiting priests will be present to hear
confessions so that we might prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection at Easter.
Mass Schedule During Lent
Daily Masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays
7:30 a.m. AND 5:30 p.m.
Confessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday at 4:15 p.m., Saturday at 3 p.m.
Our Special Lenten Presentation
Ash Wednesday is March 5
7 a.m. - Prayer Service with Ashes
12:15 p.m. - Mass and Distribution of Ashes
7 p.m. - Mass and Distribution of Ashes
Bulletin Supporter of the Week
Kirkpatrick Bank
Please Patronize our Sponsors. Their
generosity makes this publication
available to you
at no cost to the parish
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Joy of the Gospel
All Year Long!
Presented by Pedro Moreno,
Director of Hispanic Ministry, Archdiocese
of Oklahoma City
Saturday, March 22
Following a Baked-Potato Lenten Supper
after the 5 P.M. Mass
Sign up in the narthex for the supper
or come for the presentation
scheduled for 7 P.M.
For Adult and High School Students
Baby sitting will be provided for children 12
and under with reservations
Congratulations to St. Monica’s 2014 Woman of
Achievement, Laura Darling. All are invited to a Mass
and luncheon on Saturday, March 22, to honor all
Women of Achievement in the Oklahoma City area.
Mass and lunch will be at St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church, 5024 N. Grove, Oklahoma City,
OK. Registration starts at 10 a.m., Mass is at 11 a.m.,
followed by the luncheon.
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley will be the speaker, and
will present each Woman of Achievement with her
medal at the luncheon. This is a great way to show
our appreciation for Laura and all she does for the
parish. Cost for lunch is $20 and reservations should
be in by Monday, March 3. Leave reservations and
payment at the reception desk in the church office.
Please call Jeanne Ferguson at 204-1201, should you
have any questions.
Parents of Young Children
Save the date! Every second Saturday of the month,
the St. Monica Parents of Young Children group gathers for a little grown-up fun. The next gathering is
scheduled for Saturday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. If you'd
like to join us, please email [email protected]
with the ages of any children needing childcare by
Monday, March 3. We will participate in Stations of
the Cross as a group, followed by a Cajun themed
potluck dinner in the Youth Building. An email with
additional details will be sent closer to the date. If you
have any questions, please email. We always have a
great time. Hope you can make it.
Thank You to all who made my Woman of Achievement award a sweet surprise. I appreciate the Women’s
Society for hosting the lovely reception. My family, friends
and I enjoyed the celebration.
Laura Darling
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Is not life more than food and the body more than
clothing?" The anti-anxiety message Jesus gives us today is not just ancient pop psychology. The point of
this passage isn't to give us a "strategy" for coping
with our fears. Jesus is proposing something much
more profound. He is teaching us how to eliminate
our fears altogether. To put it simply, he tells us to
get our priorities straight. This whole reflection on
worrying culminates in the instruction to "seek first
the kingdom of God and his righteousness." That's
where our freedom lies. When we concern ourselves
with being in right relationship with God, our other
concerns melt away.
Deep down, we know that this life isn't about bodily
health or comfort. Those things don't last anyway. But
freedom from fretting is more than simply thinking
about how it'll all work out--eventually--in heaven.
No. Jesus offers us more. He insists that our heavenly
Father will provide for us, here and now. We only
need to take him at his word. That means sticking to
our part of the bargain by putting God first.
What does this look like, this seeking God and not
worrying about the rest? It looks like Mother Teresa
giving up every material possession, living amongst the
poor without any dependable income, and watching
truckloads of food appear at her doorstep unannounced. It looks like a check showing up in the mailbox of two struggling parents to cover the medical
bills for their sick baby. It looks like the couple that
tithes to its parish month after month, and still finds it
has plenty to cover its expenses. In a word, it looks
like trust. Trust in the divine providence of a Father
who loves his children.
4 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Youth Schedule
Sunday, March 2, 6 p.m. - Mandatory Catholic
Heart Work Camp Meeting - Parish Hall.
Sunday, March 2, 7 p.m. - Mardi Gras Party - Youth
Friday, March 7, 6 p.m. - Lenten dinner in Parish
Hall with Stations of the Cross to follow.
Sunday, March 9 - No Youth.
Friday, March 14, 6 p.m. - Lenten dinner/Stations
Sign up for Text Messages:
send text to: 405-703-6368
with message: @smc2013
Sunday, March 2, 4:30 p.m. - Mardi Gras partyYouth Rm.
Friday, March 7, 6 p.m. - Lenten dinner in Parish
Hall, with Stations of the Cross to follow.
Sunday, March 9 - No Youth.
Friday, March 14, 6 p.m. - Lenten dinner/Stations
Sign up for Text Messages:
send text to: 405-703-6368
with message: @jhyg2013
Youth Director - Rev. Cory Stanley - 359-2700
[email protected]
March 2, 2014
Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. On Ash
Wednesday Catholics across the Universal Church
abstain from eating meat (fish is allowed) and also fast
from food. Fasting basically means we take one normal-sized meal that day. If one chooses to take some
nourishment at what would be the other two standard meal times, the amount consumed (taken together) should not equal or surpass the amount of
food eaten at the one normal meal that day. Snacking
and eating between meals is also forbidden. All
Catholics must do penance proper to their age and
ability. Church law (Canons 1249-1252) about Lent
and Ash Wednesday observances requires abstaining
from meat for those who are 14 years old and older.
Church law requires fasting from food for adults up to
the beginning of their sixtieth year. However, even
those who strictly speaking may not be obligated on
this are still encouraged to observe these Ash
Wednesday practices of the whole Church. In fact,
this is commonly done within families where children
too participate in the penance of the Church. All Fridays throughout the year are to be days of penance.
On Fridays of Lent we maintain abstinence from meat.
Parents should especially alert your children to this as
regards meals when they may be away from you: at
school or a friend’s house. School lunch is not a legitimate excuse for a teenager to avoid the regulations
of fast and abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Fridays
of Lent.
On Ash Wednesday we will have three services with
distribution of ashes: one is simply a prayer service,
and the other two are Masses. On Ash Wednesday
at 7:00 a.m. in church there will be a Liturgy of the
Word prayer service with ashes. This service is designed specifically with the working crowd in mind
who may need a morning service but who need to get
to work quickly. The prayer service is thus shorter
than Mass. Two Masses are available that day in
church: 12:15 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Anyone of any age,
fully Catholic or not, is able to come forward to receive ashes.
Each Friday of Lent we have a simple Lenten meal in
the hall and then Stations of the Cross in church. I do
hope you will make plans to attend this gathering and
to experience the traditional Lenten prayer form of
Stations of the Cross.
Try to incorporate more daily Mass and individual
confession into your Lenten practices. Recall that
with the start of Lent we will add two more daily
Masses each week and still more confession opportunities in the St. Augustine Chapel.
Sincerely in Christ
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Help Save Lives - 40 Days for Life
Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers
and babies, March 5 - April 14. 40 Days for Life is a
peaceful, prayerful pro-life campaign that is embraced
by more than half a million people, saved 8,245 lives
from abortion, led to the conversion of 88 abortion
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
workers and seen 44 abortion facilities close.
St. Monica is covering Tuesdays during the 40 days.
Please consider signing up in the Narthex for a recurring hour. Visit www.40daysforlife.com/oklahomacity
and learn more. Contact Karen at [email protected] or 405-471-9604.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Knights 4th Annual Food and Funds Drive
Sick and Suffering: Sharron Masterson, Ken
Biddle, John Ruffner, Mary LeGrand, Pedro Gamonal
Ruiz, Ron Stump, Debbie Drury, Ethel Schraad, Rachel T., Logan McDaniel, Andra Legere, Linda Krist,
Grant Keener, Coleen & Matt DePasse, Ron & Cathy
Karpillo, Jill Thomas, George & Rosemary Wizda,
Bobbie Filippo, Georgia Lamirand, Jim and Janet
Hatcher, Lori Ackman, Janice Hardie, Art Hardie,
Victoria Brown, Alex Boyd, Judy Townsend, Charles
Neal, Marlena Chenault, Deanna Biddle, Gail Norris,
Micah Calise, Mike Kenny, Mary Durand, Donna
Miner, Fayelene O’Connell, Rita Lawrence, Keaton
Barron, Brock Hart, Dick and Peg Feuerborn, Faye
Norton, Anne Foreman, Pat Lenhart, Emilyn Killough, Jeanette Bollman, Lisa McLaughlin, Debbie
Yandell, Laura O’Hara, Doug & Marla Robinson.
St. Monica Seminarians: Kelly Edwards, Jerome
Krug, Tomas Sandoval.
Military Overseas: Steve Reny, J.R. DeLeon,
Daniel Broda, Jacob Seibold, Jeremy Easley, George
Perry Jr.
“Let us leave a spare place at our table: a place for those
who lack the basics, who are alone.” – Pope Frances
2014 Archdiocesan Development Fund
(ADF) Appeal Update
(as of 2/21/2014)
Target: $98,235
Amount Pledged: $86,191
Pledge Balance: $50,360
Pledge Payments: $12,150
Total Cash: $23,481
St. Monica’s Knights of Columbus will sponsor the
4 Annual Food and Funds Drive which supports the
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma during the Lenten
season, which begins March 5. Parishioners are asked
to place canned goods in
designated collection
Hunger is a growing
problem across the nation
and, in particular, in Oklahoma. Over 600,000 Oklahomans deal with lack of
food on a daily basis which includes one in every four
children, as well as a disproportionately high number
of senior citizens and veterans.
Due to their arrangements with food suppliers, the
Food Bank is able to provide five meals for every dollar donated. All food and monetary contributions will
be given directly to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. Cash donations are welcomed and those who
would like to donate in this way should make checks
payable to the Regional Food Bank. Please give your
check to one of the Knights of Columbus, or leave it
in the Knights mailbox in the Parish Office.
In 2013, St. Monica collected 3,152 pounds of food
and $4,515 in cash. We are optimistic that we will be
able to exceed these goals this year.
For more information contact Ralph Wheeler at
341-9518/email: [email protected] or visit Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma’s website at
Birth Choice - Life of the Party is March 29
This Week’s Title: Use Money for Formation
All men of St. Monica Parish are invited to the That
Man Is You on Fridays, at 6 a.m. Doors open for a
free light breakfast at 5:30 a.m.
This nationally acclaimed program is open to all
men, regardless of marital status, who are committed
to upholding the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding the sanctity of marriage and family.
Join us each week for men’s fellowship with all new
material. For more information contact David
Lassiter at 924-6661 or Jerry Krittenbrink at 3178635.
6 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
A Gala Fundraiser event with Dinner and Auction will
be held Saturday, March 29, at the Skirvin Hilton, in
downtown Oklahoma City. Tickets are $100 each.
There are many options for corporate tables. Some of
the live auction items include a trip to a beach house
in Destin, Florida and a trip to a lake house in ShangriLa, Grand Lake. For more information call Birth
Choice at 606-8428.
Pray the
Before all Weekend Masses
March 2, 2014
Horario de Ministerios 9 de marzo, 2014
Proclamadores de la Palabra: Berenice Esparza, Ventura Perez
Ministro de Eucaristía: Adriana Chaves
Monaguillos: Jose Esparza, Edgar Esparza, Cristobal Jiménez
8˚ domingo del tiempo ordinario
Tema: Dios siempre está presente en nuestras vidas.
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
En este pasaje se mencionan el alimento, la bebida y la ropa. ¿Qué angustias sienten cuando dejan el control de estas
cosas y ponen su confianza en Dios?
Paso dos: Examinar su vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿De qué se preocupan? ¿Qué pueden hacer para dejar de preocuparse y depender de Dios?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Sirven a dos amos? De ser así,
¿qué pueden hacer para solo servir a un amo?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Quién es realmente el maestro
de sus vidas?
Miércoles de Ceniza 5 de marzo
7:00 am - Imposición de Cenizas
12:15 pm - Misa e Imposición de Cenizas
7:00 pm - Misa e Imposición de Cenizas
Domingo 23 de marzo - después de la misa
Presentación de Cuaresma con Pedro Moreno, Director
del Ministerio Hispano de la Arquidiócesis.
Domingo 6 de abril- después de la misa
Retiro Cuaresmal para mujeres con la
hermana María Elena Gonzalez
para jovencitas de 14 a 17 años de edad.
Viernes 14 - Domingo 16 de marzo, 2014
en la Iglesia Santa Maria, Clinton, OK
Padres de familia registren a sus hijas lo mas pronto possible. El cupo para este ‘retiro’ es limitado.
Aplicaciones disponibles en el atrio (lado noreste) de la
Todos los viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Salón Parroquial ~
¡Los esperamos! ( Cuidado gratis de niños.)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
La Cuaresma comienza esta semana con el Miércoles de
Ceniza. El Miércoles de Ceniza los católicos a través de la
Iglesia Universal nos abstenemos de comer carne (se permite el pescado) y también ayunamos de la comida. El ayuno significa básicamente comer una comida de tamaño normal ese día. Si opta por comer a la hora usual de las otras
comidas, (la cantidad consumida de alimentos de esas comidas) no debe igualar o superar la cantidad de alimentos
ingeridos en la comida normal de ese día. Refrigerios
(botanas) y comer entre comidas está prohibido. Todo
católico debe hacer penitencia adecuada a su edad y capacidad. La Ley de la Iglesia (Regla Canónica 1249-1252) sobre
la Cuaresma y el Miércoles de Ceniza requiere no comer
carne aquellas personas de 14 años de edad y mayores. La
Ley de la Iglesia requiere ayuno de alimentos para los adultos hasta la edad de 60 años. Sin embargo, incluso los que
en sentido estricto no están obligados a esto se les recomienda seguir estas prácticas de Miércoles de Ceniza de
toda la Iglesia. De hecho, esto se hace comúnmente en
familias donde los niños también participan en la penitencia
de la Iglesia. Todos los viernes durante todo el año son
días de penitencia. Los viernes de Cuaresma mantenemos
la abstinencia de carne. Los padres de familia deben alertar
a sus hijos sobre todo esto con respecto a las comidas
cuando están en otros lugares: en la escuela o la casa de un
amigo. El almuerzo escolar no es una excusa legítima para
un adolescente para evitar las regulaciones de ayuno y abstinencia el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes de Cuaresma.
El Miércoles de Ceniza tendremos tres servicios con imposición de la ceniza: uno es simplemente un servicio de oración, y los otros dos son misas con imposición de ceniza. El
Miércoles de Ceniza a las 7 am en la iglesia habrá una Liturgia de la Palabra con oración e imposición de cenizas. Este
servicio está diseñado tomando en mente las personas
que trabajan y que necesitan llegar a su trabajo a tiempo. El
servicio de oración es, pues, más corto que la misa. Tendremos dos misas ese día en la iglesia: 12:15 pm y 7 pm.
Cualquier persona de cualquier edad, católico o no, puede
recibir la ceniza.
Todos los viernes de Cuaresma tendremos una sencilla
comida de cuaresma en el salón parroquial continuando
con el Vía Crucis en la iglesia. Yo espero que usted haga
planes para asistir y experimentar la forma de oración cuaresmal tradicional del Vía Crucis.
Trate de incorporar una Misa más a diario y confesión en
sus prácticas cuaresmales. Recordemos que con el inicio de
la Cuaresma vamos a añadir dos misas diarias cada semana
y aún más oportunidades de confesión en la capilla de San
Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Hamilton
Communion to the Homebound
Church Cleaner Coordinator Needed
A volunteer is needed to coordinate and schedule
church cleaners. Call the Parish Office at 359-2700.
Nursery Volunteers Needed
Nursery volunteers are needed during the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass. Please remember if your child uses
the Nursery, you need to volunteer your time and
talent to help out in that ministry. To sign up, see a
volunteer in the Nursery.
Silent Retreat
"Silence is God's Music." Come away for a weekend Silent Retreat where you can develop your creativity, work on a project, discern your path, get closer
to God or just rest. The dates are Friday, April 11,
beginning at 9 a.m. through Sunday, April 13, at Noon.
The retreat is at the Pastoral Center and is facilitated by Katie Gordy, who will give three talks on the
role of creativity in our spirituality. Men and women
are welcome. To register or to ask questions, call
Katie at 405-627-6954 or email her at
[email protected].
Holy Innocents Perpetual Adoration Chapel is
accepting committed adorers and substitutes. The
Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament next
to the abortion clinic is the ultimate “good” in the
battle with “evil” being waged every day. For further
information contact Toni Harrelson
@[email protected]. Holy Innocents Foundation and Adoration Chapel are located at
6114 NW 63rd St., Oklahoma City, 73132.
Volunteer Nurses Needed
St. Monica’s Good Samaritan Health Clinic
needs Registered Nurses to triage patients having no
health insurance at the Mercy facility at Memorial
Road and Eastern. Volunteer according to your schedule any Saturday morning from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. Visit
goodsamaritanofedmond.com for more information.
Contact Deacon Lee Hunt at [email protected].
8 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital,
homebound or not able to get to Mass because of circumstances beyond their control, call the church office at 359-2700 so a Homebound Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion may bring them Communion.
Lighthouse Catholic Media CD Highlights
Evangelizing Catholics: The Bible, the Eucharist, and
the New Evangelization" is Dr. Scott Hahn's dynamic
presentation of why the New Evangelization is the
greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how
we are all called to share our faith. He shows how
the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and
resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's call for a
New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist.
Glimpses Along the Way of the Cross: Fr. James Shea
guides us along the Stations of the Cross, teaching us
how to better open our hearts to the suffering of Jesus on His way to Calvary. Weaving together the insights of keen believers like Caryll Houselander,
Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Dr. James Edwards,
these meditations take us into the depths of Christ's
agony, and back out again into the relief and joy of
what His sacrifice means for us.
Lenten Mission at St. John the Baptist in Edmond,
“Becoming Disciples,” will be held March 24-26, from
7-8:30 p.m. Mark Shea, nationally known speaker, will
speak on various issues. For more information call
An Extra Special Thank You to all of the wonderful
ladies of St Monica Church Women’s Society, for eagerly and enthusiastically hand-tying 20 baby quilts,
given to Birth Choice. Job well done and lots of
shared fun.
Women’s Society to Help with Lenten Soup Meal
Our next service project will be Friday, March 14.
Any lady wishing to bring a meatless soup for the
Lenten dinner may contact Joyce Greenlee at 4711859 or Patty Christian at 580-774-4652, indicating
your plan to bring a soup or help with set up and/or
clean up.
Upcoming Event
Mark your calendars - Saturday, April 5. We plan to
help at the Regional Food Bank. Details will follow in
the near future regarding car pooling and time to
meet at the church. Hope you can join us.
March 2, 2014
Children’s Corner
Altar Boys
Lectors Time/Date
SAT March 8
SUNDAY, March 9
Robert O’Connor Larry Winterscheidt
Don Deason
Abigail Melssen
Linda Winterscheidt
Elizabeth Gorman
Mark Cooper
Pat Leehan
Tom Duchene
Don Hoffman
Annita Leehan
Tammy Duchene
Diane Hoffman
Daniel Hufnagel
Robert/Anna Noll
Need volunteer
Kathleen Hufnagel
Melissa Onyekuru
Chris Evans
Nick Caporale
Jerry Krittenbrink
R Fredrickson
Fonda Brousseau
Cathy Krittenbrink
D Fredrickson
Tony Orel
Jim Howard
Sue McGinley
Chris Landolt
Heather Barry
Wayne Cooper
Tina Moore
Alisa Zelnicek
Becky Cooper
Katie Krug
Need volunteer
Carma Reagan
Chance Anderson McCann Bell
Colton Edelen
Austin Sykora
Jacob Landolt
Martin Samwel
Corbin Lacy
Nicholas Haragsim
Colby Onyekueu
Eddie Ifill
The Central Region, ACCW will hold its genGrowing in Faith
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week of March 2
God is always present in our life
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing:
Today’s Gospel Reading
Step One: Listen to the Word. Food, drink, clothing are mentioned in this passage. What anxieties do
you feel when you release control of these things and
put your trust in God?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: What do you worry about?
What can you do to stop worrying and rely on God?
Question for Youth: Do you serve two masters? If so,
what can you do to stop and serve only God?
Question for Adults: Who really is the master of your
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
eral quarterly meeting on Saturday, March 15, at the
Catholic Pastoral Center. Registration is at 9 a.m.,
meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. Deacon Bill King of St.
Charles Parish will present a reflection on Lent. We
also will hold a silent auction, to benefit the new
Women's Sanctuary in Norman. All are invited to
have some fun, and to start preparing for Lent.
Families, couples and single persons
are welcome and encouraged to
spend time before the
Blessed Sacrament
To sign up for a Holy Hour,
contact Toni Harrelson at 341-2199
or [email protected]

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