Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Mission Statement


Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 Mission Statement
St. Monica Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston
8421 West Montgomery Rd., Houston, TX 77088-7116
Fr. John Ayang, S.O.L.T., Pastor
Fr. Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T., Parochial Vicar
Dcn. John Lane, Pastoral Assistant
Dcn. Oscar Foster
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
Scripture Readings
Acts 11: 1-18
John 10: 1-10
Parish Life and Organization
Parish Numbers
Office—281-447-5837 Fax-281-447-8410
Acts 11: 19-26
John 10: 22-30
Acts 12: 24– 13: 5
John 12: 44-50
Acts 13: 13-25
John 13: 16-20
Acts 13: 26-33
John 14: 1-6
Acts 13: 44-52
John 14: 7-14
Acts 14: 21-27
Revelations 21: 1-5
John 13: 31-33, 34-35
Email — [email protected]
Website —
St. Vincent De Paul—281-447-3212
Choir Rehearsals
Youth Choir - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Voices of Praise - Tues. 7:00 p.m.
Gospel Choir - Thurs. 7:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Adult Faith Formation—Wed. 7:00 p.m.
Prayer & Sacramental Life
Confessions: Saturday, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. or by appointment.
Confesiones: Sábados, de 4:30-5:30 o por cita.
Marriages: Minimum 6 months preparation required. Contact Fr. John or Deacon
Lane before setting a wedding date.
Matrimonios: Preparación mínima requerida de 6 meses . Pongase en contacto
con el padre Lauro antes de fijar una fecha para la boda.
Baptisms: To register your child, please call the church office. All registration
must be submitted to the church office 1 week prior to the class date.
Bautismos: Para inscribir a su hijo, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia. ToSat. Vigil - 6:00 p.m.
dos los registros deben presentarse a la Oficina de la Iglesia 1 semana antes de
Sun. - 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; la fecha de la clase.
Mass Schedule:
1:30 p.m... (Spanish)
Mon.—6 pm
Tues., Wed., Thurs., &
Fri.—9:00 a.m.
Sat.—8:00 a.m.
Mission Statement
We, the people of St. Monica Catholic Church, recognize ourselves as a community of God’s
children called to holiness through Baptism and the Eucharist, to share the love of Christ
through the message of the Gospel. Our mission is to pray and worship, teach and share
Christ’s saving message as we evangelize, build up, and nurture communities of faith;
serving in Christ’s name as we journey with each other to the fullness of eternal life.
Please remember to pray for the sick & shut-in!
Elmore Breaux, Charles Egbuna, Hisae Casey, Charlene
Miles, Fr. Jim Flanagan, Andra
Harrison, Beverly Brewer, Alma
Siner, Lydia Kale, Serena Gann,
Della Green, Kenneth Prejean,
Courtney Matthews, Charles
Arceneaux, Sr., Pearl Syon, Joel
Rodriguez, Erma Ayala, Jesse
Fr. Joe Hadgkiss, Melvin
Nowlin, Rudy Herrera, Brandi
Irving, Shebra-Dean Jones,
Dorothy LeBlanc, Onezine LeBlanc, Deborah Heaggs, Mary
Jane Willard, Pauline Newman,
Mary Jane Thomas, Daisy
Joubert Pitre, Veda Rhodes,
Emory & Lorena Robertson,
Robert Connors, Ethel Moss.
Herbert McCullum, Barbara
Tatum, Joseph Malbreaux,
Madell Malonson, Robert
Malonson, Sr., Mary Samuels, Cindy Gonzalez, Lillie
Gobert, Christina Sandoval,
Marshella Bradford, Scott
Finkle, Carl Johnson, Carolyn Ozane, Vivian Celestine, Lucia Cazarez,
Leo Zerangue, Irvin Boudreaux,
Sr., Anita Mukolu, Elvia Coronado, Cynthia Hernandez, Stella
& Phillip Chambers, Margaret
Edwards, Maxine McDonald,
Arlene Steptoe, Vivian Williams,
Levolia Williams, Mary Bingley,
Maria Cooper, Victoria Cooper.
Shut-In: Rose Andrews, Gwen
Harper, Rosalinda Sanchez.
If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please call the church office at 281-447-5837.
Next Week Ministers of the Mass
(April 23rd & April 24th)
Ministros para la Misa de la proxima semana
(23rd De Abril & 24th De Abril )
Altar Servers
6:00 p.m. Jacqueline Everette & Demond Williams, Jr.
8:00 a.m. Braila Adams & Alex King-Davis
11:00 a.m. Tray’Lee Ashley, Melody King, Kayla Clayton
1:30 p.m. TBD
6:00 p.m. Reggie Steward & Alicia Sebastien
8:00 a.m. Leona Lane & Freddie Buckner
11:00 a.m. Bruce & Connie Steward
1:30 p.m. TBD
Money Counters
6:00 p.m. Team 2
11:00 a.m. Team 2
8:00 a.m. Team 2
1:30 p.m. Team 2
Extraordinary Ministers
6:00 p.m. Alvin & Georgia Broussard, Wayne Jones,
Jennifer Sims
8:00 a.m. Carolyn Parker, Sidney Brewer, Clara Malone,
Michael & Gwendolyn Berry
11:00 a.m. David Batiste, Lille Gobert, Ursula Johnson,
James Rosemond, Marcus Washington
1:30 p.m. TBD
Hospitality Ministries
6:00 p.m. Cathy Johnson
8:00 a.m. Connie Steward
11:00 a.m. Betty Williams & Gwen Wilson
1:30 p.m. TBD
Food for Thought
In all circumstances, we can give thanks that God has not
left us on our own.
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de misa
6:00 p.m.
+ James Thompson
Requested by Darcy Thompson
8:00 a.m.
In Thanksgiving for Kayla Clayton’s 13th Birthday
Requested by her mother Kimberly Fleeks
+ James Landry
Requested by Mary Landry
+ Jay Allen Henes
Requested by Connie Davis
+ James Thompson
Requested by Darcy Thompson
+ Willie Malone, Sr.
Requested by Clara Malone
11:00 a.m.
For the People of the Parish
1:30 p.m.
For the People of the Parish
9:00 a.m.
+ Sam Lewis
Requested by Isabella Jones
9:00 a.m.
+ John Arceneaux, Jr.
Requested by His Mother
Eucharistic Adoration
Our weekly Eucharistic Adoration is on Wednesday and Friday mornings after the weekday Masses.
Bible Study
Bible Study is every Wednesday @ 7:00PM. We are still exploring the book of Numbers. All are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
The ensuing baptism will take place on May 8th immediately after the 8:00am Mass.
Bazaar 2016
All future bazaar meetings are scheduled for every third Sunday (commitment weekend) after the 11:00 AM
Month of April 2016 Special Collections
April 17, 2016—Commitment Sunday (2nd Collection)
April 24, 2016—Home Missions Collection (2nd Collection)
St. Monica Samaritan Ministry
Obituary / Obituario de St Monica
Ministerio Samaritano
Let us continue to pray for The Roque and Steward family for the lost of their beloved Todd Roque and
all the deceased members of our parish and their families.
Sigamos orando por la familia Roque y Steward en la pérdida de nuestro querido, Todd Roque y todos
los miembros difuntos de nuestra parroquia y sus familias.
Sick and Homebound
Parishioners, if you know of anyone sick at home or in the hospital, contact Fr. John or Fr.
Lauro. Please leave the person’s name, phone number, home address or name of hospital.
Enfermo y en casa
Parroquianos si usted sabe de alguien enfermo en casa o en el hospital, comuníquese con el
Padre John o Padre Lauro. Por favor deje su nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de la
casa de la persona o el nombre del hospital.
Silver Steppers
The Silver Steppers invite YOU (male & female, 55 years or older) to join us in membership for a relaxing afternoon of fellowship, fun and spirituality. We meet the fourth Sunday of each month after the 11:00AM Mass
in the Parish Hall. A representative will be outside of the church to sign up those interested. For additional information please contact Gwen Wilson, President or Olivia Henderson, Vice President. WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR PARTICIPATION!
Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary, Court & Council
Mother’s Day Gift Baskets
Need a gift for your Mother for Mother’s Day? We have great gift ideas for that special mom in
your life. Set 1 – Scarf, earrings and necklace. Set 2 – bracelet, earrings, and wallet. Set 3 – scarf, scarf pendent and earrings. There will be gift baskets on sale the weekends of April 24th and May 8th. The baskets are only $5, $ 10 or $30 for
a complete set. Please come to the tent set up in the parking lot or see any member of the Ladies Auxiliary Court # 151
or contact Brianna Batiste for pre-orders.
Blood Drive—Thank You!
Thank you to all who participated in our Spring Blood Drive and Health Fair on April 3, 2016. Our lifesaving and worthwhile events were a great success. A total of 204 lives were saved. We would like to extend a special thank you to Frank
Montigue, our volunteers, participants and healthcare professionals. A total of 39 people received an Oral Cancer Screening from Dr. Alison Scott Cullier and The Lasting Impression Dental Group and 16 flu shots were administered by
Walgreens. Our next Blood Drive is scheduled for September 2016. Please continue to eat healthy. We appreciate your
support to this life saving cause.
Bulletin, Live/Microphone Announcements
Anuncios en el Boletín/ Anuncios por micrófono
Deadline - Mon. 12 p.m.
Fecha límite - lunes 12 p.m.
In writing, email to Kimberly @
Por escrito, correo electrónico a Kimberly @
([email protected])
([email protected])
or by fax (281-447-8410). No announcements will be o por fax (281-447-8410). No se tomaran anuncios
taken over the phone. Live announcements will need
por teléfono. Anuncios en vivo necesitarán la
prior approval by Fr. John by the deadline. No
aprobación previa por el P. Juan. No hay excepexceptions!
Week ending: April 9, 2016
Black Bag
Commitment Sunday
Annunciation of the Lord
Burial Assistance
$11, 423.26
Expenses paid to Archdiocese ending April 9th
General Parish
Plant Operations
DS&L-Food Pantry
DSF Pledge Payments
$15, 349.16
Remaining Balance after expenses ($3,925.90)
Please prayerfully consider increasing your giving to help our parish meet our financial obligations.
The Washington Family will be offering a scholarship to qualifying high school graduates who identify as an
African American/Black male for the First Annual Marcus Ronnell Washington Scholarship. A committee
will review the application and determine the recipient of the scholarship. The award amount of $500 will be
made available to the student upon verifying proof of enrollment. Please submit your application online at: The deadline to apply is April 22, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Whitney
Washington at [email protected].
From the Pastors Desk: This Sunday was always known as Good Shepherd Sunday because of the Gospel reading in
which Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd. Jesus used this image because the people of his day were familiar with
shepherds who raised sheep and gave them tender loving care.
We are like sheep. Jesus is the shepherd who gives us tender loving care. He gives himself to us in consecrated bread and
wine, provides us ways to touch him through the sacraments we celebrate, and he guides us through his word read and
preached to us.
When the shepherd calls, the sheep usually respond. What meaning does the image of Jesus as a shepherd bring to you?
How do you respond to the call of Jesus to follow him? A good shepherd deserves good sheep. Let us pray today that
God may make us a good and obedient flock that follows the voice of their Master, Jesus.
Please, continue to pray for all our shut-ins and afflicted brethren. God bless you today and every day.
Fr. John Ayang, SOLT
Del Escritorio de Pastor: Este Domingo siempre fue conocido como el Domingo del Buen Pastor por la lectura en la
cual Jesús se llama a si mismo El Buen Pastor. Jesús usó esta imagen porque la gente de su época era familiar con los
Pastores que pastoreaban ovejas y les daban amor y ternura.
Nosotros somos como las ovejas. Jesús es el Pastor que nos da ternura y cuidado amoroso. Él se nos da en el pan y el
vino consagrados, nos da maneras de tocarlo mediante los sacramentos que celebramos, y él nos guia a través de su palabra que se nos predica.
Cuando el Pastor llama, usualmente las ovejas responden. ¿Que significado te trae la imagen de Jesús como Pastor?
¿Como respondes al llamado de Jesús para seguirlo? Un buen pastor merece buenas ovejas. Oremos hoy para que Dios
nos haga un rebaño bueno y obediente que sigue la voz de su Amo, Jesús.
Por favor, continúen orando por todos nuestro hermanos enfermos y afligidos. Dios los bendiga hoy y siempre.
Padre John Ayang, S.O.L.T.
Announcements that are submitted for the bulletin may run 3 weekends prior to the event date only.
Announcements that are submitted to be read by the lector may be read 3 weekends only, including the weekend of the
Announcements that request to be pitched from the podium can be done the 3rd weekend after it has been read twice on
the lector sheet, again however, keep in mind it will be removed from the lector sheet after two weekends. When given
the permission to do a pitch, please do not go to the microphone to read a book or preach. Summarize your pitch not to
go beyond 2 minutes
When submitting announcements, inform the office if you are interested in conducting a microphone pitch keeping in
mind you must call the office 2 weeks prior to.
Save the date: Saturday, April 30th (NAMI)
Join the St Monica Steppers for our 11 th Annual walk for Mental Illness Awareness with NAMI (National
Alliance on Mental Illness), Saturday, April 30, 2016 @ Sam Houston Park @ Allen Parkway, 1100 Bagby
St. Houston, TX 77002. Check-in time 7:00 am and Start time 8:00 am. The DISTANCE: 5.2 Kilometers/3
Miles. For sign-up information, donations, or to become a sponsor contact Carolyn Parker —281-447-6345
or Bonnie Sessions—281-379-2173.
Adoracion Eucaristica
Nuestra adoración Eucarística semanal es miércoles y viernes por la mañana después de la Misa .
Si le gustaría añadir o quitar a alguien de la lista del rezo, por favor llame la oficina de la iglesia al 281-447-5837.
Colectas especiales para el Mes de Abril 2016
Abril 17, 2016---Domingo de Compromiso (2nda Colecta)
Abril 24, 2016--- Misiones de Casa (2nda Colecta)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Sociedad de S`an Vincente de Paul
Today, we celebrate “Good shepherd Sunday” where we El día de hoy, celebramos “El Domingo del Buen Pastor”,
reflect on Jesus’ care and love of us.
en donde Reflexionamos en el gran cuidado y amor de
Jesús hacia nosotros.
Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show
that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus, the Good Shep- Su regalo para la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul
herd, as it will bring your love to those who live in fear nos enseña que en verdad usted es discípulo de Jesús.
and doubt, loneliness and dread.
Como El Buen Pastor, usted lleva
amor a
quienes viven con miedo, dudas y el terror de la soledad.
Stewardship Reflection.
Reflexion de Mayordomia
“The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.”
"Los discípulos se llenaron de gozo y del Espíritu Santo"
Acts 13:52
Hechos 13:52
Because the disciples heard Our Lord’s call, they were able
to spread the Gospel message with strength and vitality.
We, too, can experience that same joy if we take time to
open our hearts, listen to God, ask for His direction and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives and our decisions.
Porque los discípulos oyeron la llamada de Nuestro Señor, fueron capaces de esparcir el mensaje del Evangelio
con fuerza y vitalidad. Nosotros también podemos experimentar la misma alegría si nos tomamos el tiempo para
abrir nuestros corazones, escuchar a Dios, pedir Su dirección y permitir que el Espíritu Santo guie nuestras vidas y
nuestras decisiones.
22nd Annual Recognition Scholarship Luncheon
Saturday, May 14th Our Mother of Perpetual Help/St. Benedict de Moor council and court # 72 will host it’s 22nd Annual Recognition Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Show Gala. Our very own The Honorable Amanda Edwards will
be one of the recipients this year. The event is to raise funds for out educational scholarship, charitable works of our
local unit and pay tribute to Pioneers in our communities. This Event will be held at Brady’s Landing, 8505 Cypress
Street, Houston beginning at 11:30am. Donation is $45.00 per person or you may purchase a table of ten for $450.00.
Should you have any further questions, please contact Paul H. Ledet, Jr. @ 832-971-3456 or Maggie Broussard @ 281
Please do not eat candy or chew
gum during Mass.
Please do not stick gum
under the pews.
Office Hours
Horas de oficina
Monday - Friday
Lunes - Viernes
Por favor, no comer dulces o masticar chicle durante la misa.
Por favor, no peguen chicles
bajo las bancas.
Sunday Spiritual Thoughts Shepherding had been the main work of many people in Israel back in old times especially for the nomads; it was one of the major sources of livelihood by a family from the time of Jacob, Moses and David.
The shepherd had to take care of his sheep up to laying down his precious time and life to protect and lead his sheep to
greener pastures and cleanest water, which were very rare in the deserted place. The sheep therefore had to listen and
follow carefully the shepherd’s voice, for he knew better where the greener pastures and cleanest water were located.
No wonder why the image of the good shepherd came to us as biblical symbol for good leadership in the pastoral life
of the church that Saint John reminds us of about Christ who is the good Shepherd himself to His flock; He is the only
Shepherd who provides us eternal life and the only one who gives us hope to eternal life, because he himself has conquered death and risen on the third day. The Israelites were led by leaders who were like Shepherd themselves that dealt
with them with love and care; they were guided to live according to justice and peace; they were taught to be holy and
faithful to God. But Jesus, who is the revelation to us by the invisible Father, teaches us by his life, for He himself is just
and peace, love and hope. Jesus Himself is our salvation; He himself who ministered to us to inherit the shelter of heaven, as the second reading tells us. Whose voice do we listen to and follow?
Jesus himself is the only Shepherd, who offers himself for the well being of his Sheep. Do we follow Jesus as the only Shepherd? Jesus made us a light to the people, and He invites to be light to the ends of earth. How often do try to be a
light to others? Saint Paul and Barnabas is telling us that in order to follow Christ we need to be ready to endure persecutions and hardship. Over and above, we need to be in Christ, for He himself is a minister and shelter to us all who listen
to Jesus Himself, the only good Shepherd, Amen.
Fr. Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T, Parochial Vicar
Pensamientos Espirituales del Domingo: El pastoreo ha sido la obra principal de muchas personas en Israel en
tiempos antiguos especialmente para los nómadas; era una de las Fuentes principales de sustento para las familias a partir del tiempo de Jacob, Moisés y David. El pastor tiene que cuidar de sus ovejas hasta posar su vida y tiempo precioso
para proteger y llevar a sus ovejas a pastos más verdes y agua más limpia, que eran muy raros en el lugar desierto. Las
ovejas por su parte tenían que escuchar y seguir cuidadosamente la voz de los pastores, ya que ellos sabían mejor donde
estaban los mejores pastos y el agua más limpia.
No es de extrañar el por qué la imagen del buen pastor vino a nosotros a través de un símbolo biblico para un buen
liderazgo en la vida pastoral de la iglesia que San Juan nos recuerda que Cristo es el buen pastor de su rebaño; Él es el
único pastor que nos da vida eterna y el único que nos da esperanza para la vida eterna, porque él mismo a vencido la
muerte y a resucitado al tercer día. Los Israelitas fueron conducidos por líderes que eran como Pastores que los trataban
con cuidado y amor; ellos eran guiados para vivir en paz y justicia; ellos fueron enseñados a vivir en santidad y fieles a
Dios. Pero Jesús, quien se nos revela por medio del Padre invisible, nos enseña con su vida, que él mismo es paz y justicia, amor y esperanza. Jesús mismo es nuestra salvación; Él mismo quien se nos dio a nosotros para heredar el Reino,
como la segunda lectura nos dice. ¿Esuchamos y seguimos la voz de quien?
Jesús mismo es el único pastor, quien se ofreció el mismo para el bien de sus ovejas. ¿Seguimos a Jesús como al único Pastor? Jesús nos hizo luz para otros, y Él nos invita a nosotros a ser luz hasta el final de la tierra. ¿Que tan seguido
tratamos de ser luz para otros? San Pablo y Bernabé nos dicen que para seguir a Cristo necesitamos estar listos para soportar las dificultades y persecuciones. Por encima de todo, tenemos que estar en Cristo, ya que Él mismo es un ministro
y refugio para nosotros que escuchamos a Jesús, el único buen Pastor. Amén.
Padre Lauro Bejo, S.O.L.T, Vicario Parroquial
Married couples deserve this time together!! Whether you have been married 50 days or 50
years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a weekend full of fresh love, rebirth and new
beginnings. All married couples deserve a richer, fuller life together. The next scheduled weekend is Apr. 29 to May 1, 2016. Find out more or sign up at: or call (713)
In Loving memory of my deceased
family members.
Joseph, Florence, Sam, Geraldine &
Howard Paul Lewis, Ronald Jones.
~Isabella Jones~
St. Monica
Religious Store is
Open Weekends
After All Masses’
6pm Mass
8am Mass
11am Mass
1:30pm Mass
Be thoughtful, be silent, be
reverent, for this is the
House of the Lord.
BEFORE Mass, speak to
the Lord
DURING Mass, let the Lord
speak to you
AFTER Mass, speak to each
Things to Remember:
Please link your Randall’s Remarkable Card to 3614
Please use your Kroger Share Card.
Please support our Recycling Program.
Please bring non-perishable food items for our Food
Please check out the literature rack in the vestibule.
There are some useful resources that might be helpful to you..

Documentos relacionados

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