education pack


education pack
Senior Phase suitable for S3 – S6
Curriculum for Excellence subjects:
Modern Languages (Spanish) / Global Citizenship / Health and Wellbeing
Social Studies / Religious and Moral Education / Expressive Arts
Written by Louisa MacInnes, Spanish Teacher
This resource is produced by the Glasgow Youth Film Festival by support from our partners:
Thanks to: Network Releasing
Año de Producción:
No aplica
Ficha Técnica:
Aaron Schock
Aaron Schock and Mark Becker
Jannat Gargi, Hecho a Mano Films y Independent Television Service
Mark Becker
Circo is documentary by first-time filmmaker Aaron Schock about a Mexican family who run a
travelling circus. They struggle to stay together despite mounting debt, dwindling audiences
and a simmering family conflict that threatens their once vibrant family tradition.
The film follows Tino, the ringmaster, driven by his dream to lead his parents' circus to success,
who corrals the energy of his whole family, including his four young children, towards this singular
goal. But his wife Ivonne is determined to make a change; feeling exploited by her in-laws, she
longs to return to her kids a childhood lost to labouring in the circus.
The Los Angeles Times called Circo a ‘marvel of a documentary, a clear-eyed and affectionate
film that tells a remarkable story with both visual and personal sensitivity.’ The film currently has
92% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Circo premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival 2010 and was released in the UK on DVD
by Network Releasing in September 2011.
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Actividad 1
a) Antes de ver la película Circo piensa un poco en lo que quiere decir un circo
para ti, en qué te hace pensar. Escribe 5 adjetivos, 5 nombres y 5 verbos.
(Se puede usar un diccionario). Apunta las palabras aquí.
Before watching the film Circo ask yourself what circuses make you think of.
Note down five adjectives, five nouns and five verbs (you may use a dictionary).
b) ¿Las palabras que has elegido tienen un sentido positivo, negativo o neutro?
Are the words you have chosen positive, negative or neutral?
c) Subraya las palabras positivas en rojo, las palabras neutras en verde y las
palabras negativas en azul.
Underline the positive words in red, the neutral ones in green and the negative ones
in blue.
d) ¿La imagen que tienes de un circo es positiva, negativa o indiferente?
Comenta tus ideas con un compañero.
Is the idea you have of a circus positive, negative or indifferent? Discuss your ideas
with a partner.
e) ¿Qué te hace llegar a esa conclusión? Por ejemplo, un libro que has leído,
información que has escuchado en la radio/ las noticias, información de una
pagina web, una película que has visto. Apunta tu respuesta aquí.
How did you form this idea about circuses? From a book you’ve read, a TV/radio
news report, information from a website, or from a film you’ve seen?
Write your answer below.
I can make comparisons and explore connections between spelling patterns in English and the language
I am learning. MLAN 2-11b
I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. MLAN 2-11a
I can use a bilingual dictionary independently to help me understand a new language. MLAN 3-11a
I can recognise features of words in the language I am learning and use them to make sense of vocabulary
and of the connections between words. MLAN 3-11b
Page 3
Actividad 2
Lee la sinopsis de la película (mira el apéndice) y rellena los huecos.
Read the synopsis of the film taken from a review written for the New York Times
(cf. Appendix 1 for the full review). Fill in the gaps with words from the list below.
La película está dirigida y producida por (1)
Tiene lugar en (2)
La película trata de una familia que lleva más de
trabajando en el circo. La película nos invita a pensar en las
condiciones bajo las cuales no solo (4)
sino también (5)
y niños trabajan.
Cien años
Aaron Schock
I work on my own and with others to read and research texts in the language I am learning. I can demonstrate my
understanding of different cultures and my appreciation of different ways of looking at the world in countries where
the language I am learning is spoken. MLAN 4-09a
Page 4
Actividad 3: Escuchar
Mientras ves la película piensa en lo siguiente
While you’re watching the film, think about the following:
a) ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre el acento mejicano y el acento español de la
What are the differences between a Mexican and a mainland Spanish accent?
b) Apunta alguna palabra que creas que puede ser propia de Méjico.
Write down any words you think may be specifically from Mexico.
c) Mientras ves la película haz una lista de por lo menos 3 aspectos diferentes y 3
aspectos parecidos entre tu vida y la vida de los niños de la película.
Make a list of three similarities and three differences between your life and the lives of
the children in the film.
Cosas parecidas
Cosas diferentes
I can listen to and show understanding of language from a variety of sources, including unfamiliar speakers, where
the sentences are more complex, less predictable, and contain some unfamiliar language or known language used
in unfamiliar contexts. MLAN 4-01a
As I listen or watch, I can make notes and organise these to develop thinking, help retain and recall information,
explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 3-05a / LIT 4-05a
Page 5
Actividad 4: Reflexionar
In English, consider the following questions:
How do the young people in the circus feel about their life?
Do you agree / disagree with them?
To what extent would you agree with the following:
Write a number beside each statement between 1 and 5.
1 = I strongly agree 5 = I strongly disagree
The circus prepares young people for real life and work.
Life in the circus is easy.
The young people in the circus seemed happy.
The animals in the circus are well looked after.
It’s important to keep traditions such as the circus alive.
The Mexican government should stop children working at circuses.
The families of the children should have the right to decide whether
the children work at the circus.
Family life is important to the circus families in the film.
The parents care a lot about their children.
Discuss your answers in groups of three or four giving reasons for your opinions.
Page 6
Actividad 5: Leer y Escuchar
Empareja las frases en castellano con la frase que corresponde en inglés.
Match the Spanish with the English sentence. Can you remember who said the
sentence? In brackets we’ve noted the time when the sentence occurs in the film.
El circo es duro y bonito, es dos cosas. (10 mins 43)
No hay niños, no hay circo. (11 mins 51)
...son empleados, no hijos. (13 mins 52)
Tengo miedo. Cuando se van en los trailers, cuando hay sierra como el espinazo del
diablo, que se vaya a voltear un tráiler o algo, que nos pase un accidente o algo. (15 mins)
Educación, casi nada, ni escribir. (19 mins 15)
Aquí hay todo libertad. (21 mins 18)
Todo, todo, más duro todo, para el circo, el gobierno, los impuestos más caros,
los terrenos más caros. (26 mins)
En cada pueblo va dejando 2, 3 novias. (28 mins 50)
Yo era poca cosa para él. (31 mins 23)
Lo mejor no es lo material tampoco. (33 mins 31)
Se acostumbra uno y no es fácil estar aquí en la casa. (37 mins 50 )
Cuando andaba aquí los muchachos me chiflaban. (40 mins 55)
El circo antes que nada. (57 mins 50)
De coraje. (105 mins 38)
En las buenas y las malas, siempre el circo. (108 mins 50)
Here there’s all kinds of freedom.
He leaves behind two or three girlfriends in every town.
You get set in your ways and it’s not easy being here in a house.
Boys and girls don’t exist as children in the circus.
I wasn’t good enough for him.
Education, almost nothing at all, neither read nor write.
The circus is difficult and beautiful, both things.
Through the good and the bad the circus forever.
Material things are not what’s most important either.
When I was here the guys used to whistle.
Out of rage / in rage.
The circus before everything else.
They’re employees not children.
I get scared, when the trailers get going, when we go through the mountains, like the
devil’s backbone, I’m scared the trailer will topple over, or we’ll have an accident
or something.
Everything is more difficult for the circus, the government impose higher taxes,
renting land is more expensive.
Page 7
Actividad 6: Hablar
Con una pareja dedica quince minutos a discutir estas veinticuatro declaraciones llamadas ‘los
derechos del niño.’ Apunta el vocabulario desconocido.
With a partner take fifteen minutes to discuss these twenty-four declarations which are called
‘The Rights of a Child.’ Make a note of any new vocabulary.
En tu opinión cuáles son las cinco declaraciones más importantes y cuáles son las tres de las
declaraciones que la película discute.
In your opinion, which five of the declarations are the most important, and which three are
discussed in the film?
Los nos niños tienen derecho a la vida.
Los niños tienen derecho a jugar.
Los niños tienen derecho a la libertad y a compartir sus puntos de vista con otros.
Los niños tienen derecho a dar a conocer sus opiniones y manifestar sus ideas.
Los niños tienen derecho a una familia.
Los niños tienen derecho a protección durante los conflictos armados.
Los niños tienen derecho a la libertad de conciencia.
Los niños tienen derecho a la protección contra el descuido o trato negligente.
Los niños tienen derecho a la protección contra el trabajo infantil.
Los niños tienen derecho a la información adecuada.
Los niños tienen derecho a conocer y disfrutar de nuestra cultura.
Los niños tienen derecho a la protección contra las minas terrestres.
Los niños tienen derecho a la protección contra todas las formas de explotación.
Los niños tienen derecho a crecer en una familia que les dé afecto y amor.
Los niños tienen derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad.
Los niños tienen derecho a la alimentación y la nutrición.
Los niños tienen derecho a vivir en armonía.
Los niños tienen derecho a la diversión.
Los niños tienen derecho a la libertad.
Los niños tienen derecho a la paz mundial.
Los niños tienen derecho a la salud.
Los niños tienen derecho a no ser discriminados por sexo, creencia, etnia o ideología.
Los niños tienen derecho a la educación.
Page 8
Actividad 7: Debate / Hablar y escuchar
Divide la clase en dos grupos con un moderador (puede ser el/la profe).
Divide the class into two groups and a moderator (this could be the teacher).
Grupo 1: Las familias del circo deben tener el derecho a educar a sus hijos como quieran.
El Circo es una manera de vivir que debe ser respetada.
Circus families have the right to educate their own children as they see fit. The circus is a
way of life and should be respected. Prepare your arguments individually then discuss
your ideas as a group.
Grupo 2: El Estado tiene la responsabilidad de asegurar que cada niño va a una
escuela / un colegio e intervenir donde sea necesario.
The state has a responsibility to ensure that every child goes to school and should intervene
where appropriate. Prepare your arguments individually then discuss your ideas as a group.
Aquí tienes unas frases para ayudar a construir tu debate
(No) estoy de acuerdo contigo
I do (not) agree with you.
Lamentablemente no coincido contigo
en este/ ese punto
Unfortunately I don’t agree with you
on this point
En este/ ese punto me es imposible
coincidir contigo
I can’t agree with you on this point
(No) comparto tu opinión
I don’t share your opinion
Desde mi punto de vista
From my point of view
En mi opinión
In my opinion
A mi entender
In my opinion
Entiendo tu/ su postura pero no
la comparto
I understand your opinion but I don’t share it
Sobre este punto considero importante
señalar que...
On this point I think it is important to
note that…
As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept
the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others. HWB 4-09a
I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas
and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.
LIT 3-06a / LIT 4-06a
I can share my developing views about values such as fairness and equality and love, caring, sharing and human rights.
RME 2-05b
I can apply my knowledge about language, intonation and pronunciation to:
• ensure that others can understand me when I pronounce familiar and unfamiliar words and phrases;
• help me work out how to read aloud familiar and unfamiliar texts with accuracy and confidence. MLAN 4-07a
I can take part effectively in more detailed conversations using an extended range of language structures to exchange
information, experiences, feelings and opinions and by offering more detailed reasons for having these opinions.
MLAN 4-03a
I can gather and use information about forms of discrimination against people in societies and consider the impact
this has on people’s lives. SOC 2-16b
I can explain why a group I have identified might experience inequality and can suggest ways in which this inequality
might be addressed. SOC 3-16a
Through discussion, I have identified aspects of a social issue to investigate and by gathering information I can assess
its impact and the attitudes of the people affected. SOC 4-16b
Page 9
Actividad 8: Escribir o Hablar
Choose option A, B or C and write between 100 to 200 words. Options B and C require
knowledge of more complex grammatical structures therefore if you need quite a lot of
practice in writing start with option A. Remember these pieces of work can also be used as
oral pieces, recorded and made into a podcast, and would also be an excellent record of
your progress.
You may use a dictionary. Remember to plan your piece of writing and check it at least
three or four times: once for gender errors and spelling, once for singular and plural
mistakes, once for verb endings and once for luck. Try to check for each aspect individually
and you are less likely to make mistakes.
Option A
Te apuntaste para trabajar de voluntario en un festival de música en el norte de Escocia y
te han elegido a ti y a un amigo de tu clase de español. Como hay un puesto de cine, el
coordinador os ha pedido a ti y a tu amigo que escribáis 120 palabras en español sobre la
película Circo para la publicidad del festival. Debes incluir detalles de dónde tiene lugar la
película, el tipo de película que es y por qué te ha gustado. Las frases siguientes pueden
serte útiles. Usa también internet para buscar criticas de cine en español y ejemplos de
estructuras de criticas. Se puede usar tu critica de la película para crear y grabar un
podcast que también es una buena forma de apuntar tu progreso.
You volunteered to work at a music festival in the north of Scotland. You and your friend
from your Spanish class have been chosen. As the music festival is hosting a film tent the
festival organiser has asked you and your friend to prepare a 120-word review of the film
Circo in Spanish for their printed advertising materials. Your account should give details of
where the film takes place, the type of film it is and why you enjoyed it. The phrases below
will be helpful. Use the internet to look for film reviews in Spanish – this will give you ideas
about how to structure your film review. You could also use your film review to create a
podcast, which is also a great way to keep a record of your progress.
La película tiene lugar en…
The film takes place in…
Es dirigida por…
It’s directed by…
Es un documental
It’s a documentary
Es diferente a las pelis que suelo ver
It’s different from the films I usually watch…
Me hizo pensar en…
It made me think about…
La película merece la pena porque…
The film is worthwhile because…
Me gustaría ver otras películas de
este director.
I would like to see other films by this director.
Aconsejaría a la gente ver esta
película porque…
Esta película interesará sobre todo
a gente que…
I would advise people to see this film because…
This film will appeal especially to…
I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different learning contexts across the curriculum. TCH 3-04a
I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information
in creative and engaging ways. TCH 2-04b
Page 10
Option B
Imagine you are a Human Rights worker for children. Write a report in Spanish to be
presented to UN agency on the life of a child living and working in a circus. You may use
supplementary news articles etc. Any facts must be attributed to their source, i.e.
you must say where you got your information from.
Option C
You are a social worker working with travelling people and their families. Write a letter on
behalf of the families applying for funding for a teacher to accompany the young people
working at the circus.
Helpful Phrases
En primer/segundo lugar
In the first/second place
En consecuencia
En principio
In principle
Por otra parte
On the other hand
In addition
Debido a esto
Due to this
Dicho de otro modo
In other words
Es decir
That is to say
Esto explica por qué
This explains why
Se trata de
It concerns
Sin embargo
En realidad
Y por si fuera poco
And as if that weren’t enough
No estoy ni a favor ni en contra de
I’m neither for nor against
Es cierto que + indicative
It’s true that
Hay que tener en cuenta que
One must remember that
Hay que subrayar
Must be emphasised
la importancia de …
One must highlight/stress the importance of
No creo que + subjunctive
I don’t think that
Las cifras demuestran que
Statistics show that
No cabe duda de que
There is no doubt that
A corto plazo/A largo plazo
In the short/long term
I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my choice to help me plan my writing in ways that
engage my reader, using ICT when appropriate. MLAN 2-12a / MLAN 3-12a / MLAN 4-12a
I can write more extensively over a widening range of topics in a range of formats, using some variety of structures, tenses
and linking words. MLAN 4-13a
I can write about experiences, feelings and opinions and can offer reasons for having those opinions. MLAN 4-13b
I can use my knowledge about language, including structure, spelling and punctuation, using success criteria to take
responsibility for the accuracy of my writing. MLAN 4-14a
Page 11
Activiidad 8: Reading, Writing and Speaking
(Options for Beginners)
Choose option A or B.
Option A
Diseña un poster para Circo, como una manera de publicar un evento de cine que tendrá
lugar en tu comunidad de la película. Debe ser en español.
Design a poster for a cinema screening in your local area of Circo.
The poster should be in Spanish.
Debe incluir:
¿Dónde tiene lugar?
¿A qué hora es? A qué hora empieza y termina?
¿Quién lo organiza y por qué?
¿Cuánto cuestan las entradas?
¿Dónde se pueden comprar las entradas?
Option B
Crea un podcast de 20 – 30 segundos máximo para publicar en la radio un evento sobre la
película que tendrá lugar en tu comunidad de la película. Debe ser en ingles y español.
Create a radio podcast advertising a screening of Circo in your local area. It should last no
longer than 20 – 30 seconds.
Debe incluir:
¿Dónde tiene lugar?
¿A qué hora es? A qué hora empieza y termina?
¿Quién lo organiza y por qué?
¿Cuánto cuestan las entradas?
¿Dónde se pueden comprar las entradas?
I can use the visual elements and concepts with sensitivity to express qualities and relationships and convey information,
thoughts and feelings. I can use my skills and creativity to generate original ideas in my expressive and design work.
EXA 4-03a
I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language.
MLAN 2-08b
I can use a bilingual dictionary independently to help me understand new language. MLAN 3-11a
I can recognise features of words in the language I am learning and use them to make sense of vocabulary
and of the connections between words. MLAN 3-11b
Page 12
Review of Circo published in the New York Times
of 31 March 2011
Accessed at:
_fd qlm ^p c^jfiv _rpfkbpp
Paralleling the death throes of a marriage and a 100-year-old tradition, Circo
takes to the earthen roads of rural Mexico to document one of the Ponce
family’s many traveling circuses.
Known as the Gran Circo Mexico, this struggling caravan of lions, llamas,
clowns and contortionists is constantly on the move. Stopping for only one
or two days at a time, the 10-person outfit (5 adults and 5 children) toils in
an endless cycle of loading and offloading, erecting and disassembling.
For Tino Ponce, the ringmaster and jack of all trades, there is no other possible
life, and his fierce love for the business is ample consolation for his lack of literacy.
But his wife, Ivonne – who married into the circus – feels differently.
‘They give us too much,’ she says, watching her young children juggle, contort
and swing from silk streamers. The daily grind of chores, rehearsals and
performances leaves little time for school, and Ivonne resents their unrelentingly
laborious life and her father-in-law’s monopoly on their earnings. And though
her children seem mostly content – while marveling that their peers in the
towns they pass through do nothing but ‘go to school and play’ – it soon
becomes clear that the animals are not the only ones who are caged.
The first feature from Aaron Schock (who also shot the film’s soft, smudged
images), Circo offers a touching chronicle of a dying culture harnessed to
ambitions that remain very much alive. Never mind the declining attendance,
collapsing economy, backbreaking debt and intra-familial tensions;
to Tino his circus is still the greatest show on earth.
Page 13
Circo is available to buy online on DVD. All of these titles are also available to purchase
in the UK.
I’m Gonna Explode by Geraldo Naranjo, 2008
Sin Nombre by Cary Fukunaga, 2009
The Motorcycle Diaries by Walter Salles, 2004
Pan’s Labyrinth by Guillermo del Torro, 2006
Butterfly’s Tongue
Manuel Lozano
Cert: 15
Bombón, El Perro
Carlos Sorin
Cert: 15
I’m Gonna Explode
Geraldo Naranjo
Cert: 15
Innocent Voices
Carlos Padilla
Cert: 15
Andrés Wood
Cert: 15
The Motorcycle Diaries
Walter Salles
Cert: 15
Pan’s Labyrinth
Guillermo del Toro
Cert: 15
Sin Nombre
Cary Fukunaga
Cert: 15
Spirit of The Beehive
Víctor Erice
Cert: PG
Alejandro Agresti
Cert: PG
Circo on Internet Movie Database
Circo reviews on Rotten Tomatoes
Interviews with Aaron Schock, director of Circo
Languages on Screen
Educational resource for learning Modern Languages with film
Moving Image Education
Educational resource for analysing and creating films
Page 14

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