4th Sunday - St. Paul Church


4th Sunday - St. Paul Church
October 22 - 23, 2016
St. Paul Catholic Church
Bienvenidos a San Pablo
1410 Pine Street  Silverton, OR  97381
Pastor: Fr. Basil Lawrence, O.S.B.
[email protected]
Office Telephone: 503-873-2044
Parish Website: www.stpaulsilverton.com
Office Hours Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm
We welcome everyone who has come to celebrate the liturgy with us! You are
invited to participate in our parish activities and ministries. If you would like to
register at St. Paul Parish, or need to update your information,
please contact the Parish Office.
Mass Schedule / Misas los Domingos:
Sunday / Domingo
5:00 pm (English)
8:00 & 10:30 am
12:00 pm (Español)
Holy Days:
7:00 am & 7:00 pm
Daily Mass / Misa Diaria: Mon - Fri: 8 am
Morning Prayer: 7:30 am
Reconciliation / Confesiones:
Saturday / Sábado 4 – 4:45 pm
and by appointment
Parish Mission Statement
St. Paul Parish is a Eucharist-centered
faith community in the
Roman Catholic tradition
that strives to live the gospel of
Jesus Christ and share the gifts of
the Holy Spirit by
welcoming all to faith formation,
ministry, sacraments, and
XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Week Ahead
Dear friends in Christ,
Time for a light-hearted pastor’s corner.
My bulletin articles have admittedly been heavy
with information, updates, and “business” as of
late. So, something different to change the pace is
Recently someone approached me and
asked, “Father, I noticed you have a smartphone.
Do you have any recommended Catholic apps?”
For those who are of a technologically inclined
nature, I do indeed have some helpful, Catholic
apps on my phone. Here is a taste of what I use
and why:
Mon – Fri: Morning Prayer 7:30 a.m.; Daily Mass 8:00 am
S 23
M 24
T 25
W 26
Th 27
This app contains the entire Liturgy of the Hours,
which is nice so you don’t have to carry around a
book and you don’t have to set ribbons for each
day. An entire week can be downloaded at a time.
It also has all the Propers and Ordinaries for Mass,
the Mass readings, prayers, Rites, and other fun
liturgical tidbits. It’s also free, and donations go to
help maintain the app’s availability. It comes in
many languages as well. Fr. Basil rates this one
This app also has readings for Mass, but a less
expansive selection of the Divine Office. It also
offers some reflections and commentaries on
selected readings for each day. It’s not as
linguistically diverse as iBreviary. A solid choice for
simpler prayer. Also free. Fr. Basil rates it 8/10.
F 28
S 29
S 30
Mea Cupla
This is an excellent resource for those wishing to
examine their conscience before going to
Confession. On the fly or life is just busy before
you get in the Confession line? No problem! Just
run through this and make some mental notes to
share in the Confessional and you’re right as rain.
Fr. Basil rates this 9/10.
There is no shortage of apps out there –
only shortage of storage space on your mobile
device. In any event, these are just some of the
apps that I have or have used in the past. I am
sure there are other great apps out there to enliven
and enrich your faith! Happy and safe web surfing!
-Fr. Basil
8 & 10:30 am
After Masses
Faith Formation Pre-K - Gr 5 & Adults
After all Masses
9:15 am
Hisp. Faith Formation Classes
Spanish Mass
Confirmation Class
Hispanic Charismatic Group
10:30 am
12 pm
7 pm
Pastoral Council meeting
San Juan Diego Grp, Men
SPY Jr. High (Gr 6-8)
RCIA, PC Library
SPY (Gr. 9 – 12) at St. Paul’s
Adult Choir Practice
RCIA Classes, PC Library
San Juan Diego Grp, Women
The Wizard of Oz
Coffee & Donuts
7 pm
7 pm
3 - 5 pm
6:30 pm
7 pm
7 pm
6:30 pm
7 pm
6 pm
Faith Formation Pre-K - Gr 5 & Adults
9:15 am
10:30 am
12 pm
Hisp. Faith Formation Classes
Spanish Mass
4 – 4:45 pm
5 pm
8 & 10:30 am
After Mass
Mass Intentions
M 24
Priest’s Intentions
T 25
W 26
Th 27
F 28
S 29
+ Brian Dieker
+ Lawrence Nieland from Tom & Ethel Unger
+ Leopold Boehmann from Hildegard Linnebach
+ Brian Dieker from Paul & Claudette Dieker
S 30
The Pope App
This app is a direct news feed to the Vatican Office
for Social Communication. Stay current of all that
Pope Francis has to share with us! It’s the Pope,
so of course it gets a 10/10 rating from Fr. B.
Mass – 2 Collection today
Coffee & Donuts
No morning Mass
+ Brian Dieker from Gary & Joyce Wolfard
--------St. Paul Parishioners
Parishioners are encouraged to donate one hour’s pay per week
to the parish, or 3% of income. The motive for this generosity is
thankfulness for God’s goodness to us.
Financial Stewardship
Needed Weekly: $ 7,313 / Monthly: $ 29,250
Oct. 2
$ 8,040
Oct. Parish Pay
$ 23,411
For he that loves God with his whole heart
neither fears death, nor punishment, nor
judgment, nor hell; because perfect love
gives secure access to God.
~Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, chapter 24
We Pray…
For those who are ill in body and spirit, may they feel
God’s healing in their lives. We pray especially for:
Cecelia Terlecki, Dwayne Edsinga, Tanya Little,
Linda Hamlin, Susan Mudrick, Adam Buhr, Marilyn Terhaar,
Andy & Marilyn Schemmel, Howie Wurdinger Jr.,
and all who have asked for our prayers
Names will be removed after 45 days unless otherwise updated.
For those receiving care at home or in a
Healthcare facility:
Cecelia Terlecki, Claudia Cunningham, Aurilie Olson, Elmira Boehmer,
Pauline Beals, Joyce Manahan, Carolyn Ilg, & Paul Buchheit,
Please call the Parish Office to place someone on the
Prayer List shown here in the bulletin. You may place
yourself or someone else on the Prayer Chain by
contacting Joani Steffen at 503-873-4995 or by email at
[email protected] . If someone is homebound for a
length of time and would like to receive Communion, also
please contact the Parish Office.
Who except God can give you peace?
Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?
~ St. Gerard Majella
Parish News & Events
Tuesday November 1, All Saints Day, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass times are 7 am and 7 pm
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the wonderful brothers and sisters at our parish who contributed so generously to the
Book and Bake Sale last weekend! Not only was it fun and profitable but it brought many people down to the
basement after Masses for friendly fellowship. That was a wonderful bonus. It is especially gratifying to know so
many people support our message of a pro-life culture. May God Bless you all.
~The Right to Life Committee
Adults who work with Youth four (4) or more times per year and have not yet taken the Called to Protect class may
attend the class being offered at Queen of Angels Monastery on Wednesday November 9 from either
9 am – 12 Noon OR 1 – 4 pm in their second floor meeting space. Questions? Call Annie at 503-873-2044 or
Sr. Marietta at 503-845-0905. You need only take this class one time, so if you have questions on whether or not
you have taken it, please call Annie.
Adult Forum” continues each Sunday at 9:15 am in the Youth Group Room upstairs in the school building. Grab your
coffee & donut and head upstairs for engaging presentations and discussion on relevant subjects.
Tickets will be available for our Parish Auction Dinner beginning November 6! Our Auction is scheduled a bit earlier
this year, on Saturday FEBRUARY 4. You may bring auction items to the Parish Office at any time. Donation slips
are available in the office.
Looking Forward / Upcoming:
Oktoberfest Appreciation Dinner for KC booth volunteers on October 22 at 6 pm
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT, Friday October 28, 6 pm. Join us to watch: The Wizard of Oz.
Snacks provided courtesy of Silverton Knights of Columbus.
High School Youth Group will meet on November 2 from 5 – 7 pm at First Christian Church to
serve dinner at the Community Dinner.
Final Mercy Night for the Year of Mercy, Monday November 14.
Catholic Men’s Conference, December 16-17 at St. Joseph Church in Salem
Parish Auction: February 4, 2017 (You may bring in donations any time!)
Confirmation will be Thursday April 20 at 6 pm with Archbishop Sample at St. Paul Church
Youth group will meet at St. Paul's as usual on Oct. 26th and not at the FYBC for an XLT evening.
Youth group will meet at First Christian Church on Nov. 2nd to serve the evening meal from 5-7pm.
Youth Group Classes continue each Wednesday.
Grades 6 – 8 meet from 3 – 5 pm, and
High School age Youth meet from 7 – 8:30 pm
November 2 the High School Youth Group will meet from 5 – 7 pm at First Christian
Church to serve dinner at the Community Dinner.
Confirmation Classes will meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 2 – 3:30 p.m. in the Hall.
Visit our website at www.stpaulsilverton.com. From there you may register or update your parish
information, register for Faith Formation classes, and view dozens of movies
on the FORMED site (parish code: a28776).
In the Area
CRAFTERS BAZAAR at St. Agnes Mission at 99E and D Street in Hubbard, Saturday November 12
from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. There are many hand-crafted and Christmas décor items available.
Come and join us for lunch! Salad, chili, cornbread and dessert will be served.
Providence Benedictine Nursing Center presents: Movement Disorder Updates, presented by Dr. Joanna
O’Leary, M.D. on Wednesday Oct. 26 at 7 pm in the Prov. Benedictine Orchard House Community
Room. Dr. O’Leary will present the latest information on the evaluation and treatment of movement
disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia. Following the presentation there will
be time for questions from the audience. Refreshments provided.
Coats for Kids Drive
Cooler weather is here. Please donate new or gently used coats, jackets, sweatshirts, mittens,
scarves or hats for all ages! Donate by October 21. Drop off at barrel at St. Paul Church,
throughout town or at Silverton Together.
Theology on Tap meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 Brides Tap Room, 6:30 pm.
The next meeting will be Thursday November 10.
MARRIED COUPLES For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made;”
Celebrate the love of God for us and for each other by strengthening, renewing and rekindling our
marriages by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on February 17th - 19th, 2017
at Mt. Angel Abbey. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at
www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.
XXX Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
Oficina de la parroquia
Horario de Lunes a viernes 9:00am – 3:00pm
Teléfono: 503-873-2044
Coordinadora de Eucaristía: Sr Rocío Moreno
Coordinadora de Lectores: Sr Rocío Moreno
Ministerio Hispano: Sr. Rocío Moreno
Clases Pre-Bautismales: Sister Rocío 503-873-2044
Información sobre Matrimonio: llamar al Padre Basil
6 meses de anticipación o con Hermana Rocío
Confesiones: despue de la misa Domingo
Misas los Domingos 8 am & 10:30 am (Ingles)
12:00 pm (Español)
Misa diaria: De Lunes a Viernes a las 8 am
DOMINGO 30 de Octubre 2016
Ministros de Eucaristía:
1. Francisca y Pablo Gaspar
2. Pilar y Héctor Figueroa
Primera Lectura: Edsel Juárez
Segunda Lectura: José Robledo
1. Marco H. Vargas
2. Jazmin Romero
3. Christian Romero
Boletín: Niños
(supervisados por mayores )
Las clases se tomaran los 3
primeros domingos del mes,
6, 13, 20 a las 10:15am en el
Centro Parroquial.
Al terminar la clase, todos irán a la
Santa Misa que Inicia las 12:00pm.
Este es un REQUISITO.
Los Bautismos serán el domingo
27 de Noviembre 2016
Octubre 23, 2016
Si el afligido invoca al Señor, él lo escucha.”
El Señor está cerca de los atribulados, salva a los
Aquí en la Parroquia San Pablo. Todos los
lunes de las 7:00pm hasta las 9:00 pm
Tenemos música, cantos, alabanza y oración
para alabar a nuestro Padre Dios. Tenemos
también predicadores especiales que vienen
de lejos a proclamarnos la Palabra de Dios, y a
guiarnos en la oración y nos motivan todo el
tiempo en la Oración. Cada lunes venimos aquí
seguros de que hay alguien que nos espera
y va a escuchar nuestros problemas y
necesidades que tenemos. Sabemos que Dios
está presente escuchando y atendiendo las
suplicas de todos los que se acercan y lo
buscan. VEN, Búscale y pídele!*
Oremos unidos por los
Por la Paz del Mundo y
en especialmente por las
de nuestras familias.
LAS CLASES son de 10:30 am a 11:45am
Y al terminar las clases nos vamos todos
a la Santa Misa
Queridos amigos en Cristo,
Tiempo para la esquina de un pastor alegre.
Queridos amigos en Cristo,
Tiempo para la esquina de un pastor alegre. Mis artículos de boletín hay que reconocer que han sido cargados de
información, actualizaciones y "negocios" de la tarde. ¡Por lo tanto, algo diferente para cambiar el ritmo! Recientemente
alguien se me acercó y me preguntó: "padre, me di cuenta que tienen un smartphone. ¿Tienes algunas recomendaciones
católicas?" Para aquellos que son de carácter tecnológicamente de hecho tengo algunas aplicaciones útiles, católicas en
mi teléfono. Aquí es una muestra de que lo uso y por qué.
Esta aplicación contiene toda la liturgia de las horas, que es agradable por lo que no tienes que llevar un libro y no
tienes cintas para cada día. Una semana completa puede descargarse en un momento. También tiene los tiempos propios
y ordinarios para misa, la misa lecturas, oraciones, ritos y otras diversiones o golosinas litúrgicos. También es gratuito y
las donaciones se destinarán a ayudar a mantener la disponibilidad de la aplicación. Viene en muchos idiomas.
Esta aplicación también tiene lecturas de Misa, y una selección menos extensa del oficio divino. También ofrece
algunas reflexiones y comentarios de las lecturas seleccionadas para cada día. No es como lingüísticamente como
Breviario. Una elección sólida para la oración simple. También gratis.
El Papa App
Esta aplicación es una noticia directa de la oficina del Vaticano para la Comunicación Social. ¡Manténgase al día de todo
lo que el Papa Francisco tiene que compartir con nosotros!
MEA Cupla
Es un recurso excelente para aquellos que deseen examinar su conciencia antes de ir a confesión. ¿Si la vida es muy
ocupada antes de entrar en la línea de la confesión? ¡No hay problema! Sólo a través de esto y de hacer algunas notas
mentales para compartir en el confesionario y serás como lluvia.
No hay apps cortos, sólo falta de espacio de almacenamiento en tu dispositivo móvil. En cualquier caso, estas son sólo
algunas de las aplicaciones que tienen o han usado en el pasado. Estoy seguro de que hay unas otras aplicaciones para
animar y enriquecer tu fe! ¡Navegación web segura y feliz!
P. Basilio
REFLEXION: Lucas 18, 9-14
Jesús refiriéndose a algunos que se tenían por justos y
despreciaban a los demás, expone este parábola: “Dos hombres subieron al Templo para orar: uno era
fariseo y el otro, publicano. El fariseo, de pie, oraba en su interior de esta manera: “¡Oh Dios! Te doy gracias
porque no soy como los demás hombres, rapaces, injustos, adúlteros, ni tampoco como este publicano.
Ayuno dos veces por semana, doy el diezmo de todas mis ganancias.” En cambio el publicano,
manteniéndose a distancia, no se atrevía ni a alzar los ojos al cielo, sino que se golpeaba el pecho, diciendo:
“¡Oh Dios! ¡Ten compasión de mí, que soy pecador!” Os digo que éste bajó a su casa justificado y aquél no.
Porque todo el que se ensalce, será humillado; y el que se humille, será ensalzado. ”. Con esta parábola,
Jesús invita a discernir la actitud con la cual cada ser humano se acerca a entablar una relación con Dios, a
través de la oración, pues uno se acerca a orar a Dios, pues nótese que la oración del fariseo, tenía su
centro en su propio yo, su autosuficiencia, su vanagloria, daba gracias no para alabar a Dios sino para
alabarse a sí mismo, condenando y despreciando a los demás. Siendo con Dios autosuficiente y con los
hermanos un acusador. Mientras la oración del publicano, tenía como centro al Dios de la Misericordia que
purifica y redime el pecado, reconocía su pecado, su propia indignidad ante Dios, demostrando
arrepentimiento y su necesidad absoluta de Dios, que brotaba de lo profundo de su ser, es decir, era una
actitud humilde de corazón y con fe plena en Dios.
Por eso Jesús termina diciendo: “Os digo que éste bajó a su casa justificado y aquél no. Porque
todo el que se ensalce, será humillado; y el que se humille, será ensalzado.»” Así las cosas, lo que justifica
a una persona delante de Dios no son sus propias obras sino la apertura, la confianza, el reconocerse
pescador, necesitado de Dios, esto es acoger la salvación que el Padre ofrece gratuitamente en su Hijo
Jesucristo, en la medida que frente a los actos y las obras que realice sea humille y no se ensalce ante Dios,
al contrario denote su necesidad de la ayuda imperiosa del mismo Dios. ¡Jesús, en Ti confío!
Piedad de mí, oh Dios, por tu bondad,
por tu inmensa ternura borra mi delito,
lávame a fondo de mi culpa,
purifícame de mi pecado.
Readings for the Week
Pastoral Council
Mary Dunbar
Mindy Doeden
Katie Edmonds*
Laura Salgado
Mary Fogarty
Clarissa Bay
Jenelle Gasper
Annmarie Hare
Evelin Vazquez
Finance Council:
Phil Appleton
Jon Edmonds
Judy Lowery
Kathy Beutler*
Tom Unger
Chris Fleshman
*Council Chair
Ephesians 4:312 – 5:8
Luke 13:10-17
Ephesians 5:21-33
Luke 13:18-21
Ephesians 6:1-9
Luke 13:22-30
Ephesians 6:10-20
Luke 13:31-35
Ephesians 2:19-22
Luke 6:12-16
Philippians 1:18b-26
Luke 14:1, 7-11
Wisdom 111:22 – 12:2
2 Thess. 1:11 – 2:2
Luke 19:1-10
Come and enjoy another great Turkey Dinner on
We will be serving dinner from 6 – 7 pm
Youth/Adults age 12 – 64: $6
Adults 65+: $4
Children 4 – 11: $4
Immediate Family: $25
Featuring all of your
After you’ve had your fill, stay
and enjoy a family movie!
Turkey & Dressing
Mashed potatoes & gravy
Green beans, coleslaw
Roll & beverage
Prayers for Our Military: Please pray for our parishioners, relatives, and friends of our
parish family who are serving their country in the Armed Forces.
We thank the advertisers shown on the back page for their generosity in allowing our bulletin to be printed
M weekly
1 Maccabees
at no cost
to our
of them we are able to enjoy this new expanded bulletin !
Luke 18:35-43
2 Maccabees 6:18-31
Luke 19:1-10
2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31
Luke 19:11-28
1 Maccabees 2:15-29
Luke 19:41-44
1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59
Luke 19:45-48
1 Maccabees 6:1-13
Luke 20:27-40
Daniel 7:13-14
Revelation 1:5-8
John 18:33b-37
I am
a new
me mudé
a laarezona.
for parishioner,
Our Military Please
for our parishioners,
and friends of our parish
family who
their country in the Armed Forces.
Name __________________________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________ cell # _____________________________________
e-mail _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________
City / State / Zip code _____________________________________________________________

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