o allah, make us among the mossaddiqeen


o allah, make us among the mossaddiqeen
mada II 1431
Issue 36
W W W. M O S Q U E F O U N D AT I O N . O R G
April 2016 – Jumada II - Rajab 1437 Issue 102
Message From The Imam
Sh. Jamal Said
There are many windows of opportunities in this life, especially placed by Allah
(SWT), to purify our souls and gain forgiveness for our sins. These opportunities
are open to every single believing individual, young and old, poor and wealthy, ill
and healthy, educated and illiterate, it matters not. Some take advantage of these
windows, seeking them with every turn and twist in the life of this donya (worldly
life), both in happiness and in calamity. For these people called al-Mossaddiqeen,
Allah has created a special manzilah, or level, in the heavens for those who give
sadaqa consistently. It is the quality for which they are most recognized and is
what will witness for them on the Day when nothing can attest for them but their
It is this group of people who are the best at finding the best bargains and offers,
constantly searching and consumed with the Best Deal. The deal granted by He
Who created us and assigned for us provisions. Allah (SWT) says, “Who will loan
Allah a lofty loan which Allah will double unto his credit and
multiply many times?” (2:245). The Mossaddiqeen grasped
this deal because they recognized it is like no other that can be
granted in this worldly life. My brothers and sisters, Allah has
granted us provisions, and He asks that we give from what He
has granted us so that He may give us more; how generous is
Our Creator (SWT).
So even in times when it is difficult to give Sadaqa, the Mossaddiqeen remember that it does not decrease their wealth.
The Prophet (S) was reported to have stated, “Charity does not
decrease wealth, and the servant who forgives, Allah makes
him more respected; and the one who shows humility, Allah
elevates him in the eyes of the people.”(Muslim)
For this reason, the Mosque Foundation community’s perception of sadaqa has gained it great regard and esteem by other
communities. Your sincere commitment to the House of Allah has placed great baraka (blessings) in your wealth and
possessions and protects your families and will continue to
bi’thinillah. To spend in the cause of Allah by way of propagating His religion is a charity with high merit and great reward.
The one who spends in the cause of Allah will continue to be
rewarded even after his death. He or she is providing a place
to pray, a place for one to learn about their religion, and seek
counsel. What is spent on the House of Allah will be rewarded
with a house in heaven, as Prophet Muhammad (S) was reported to have stated, “Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Paradise.” (Bukhari)
continue on page 2
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To ensure that our sadaqat are being accepted we must consider several requirements. First of all,
sadaqa must be given from money that is earned in a lawful way. Allah SWT says, “Oh you who
believe, spend from what you (lawfully) earned,” (2: 267).
1. Oussama Jammal
2. Safaa Zarzour
3. Abdallah M. Shuaibi
4. Ahmed Kamni
5. Habes Abdallah
6. Banan Said
7. Kalid Baste
8. Aisheh Said
9. Kamal Eldeirawi
10. Jafar Ahmad
11. Jamal Said
12. Jehad Matariyeh
13. Karen Danielson
14. Mohamed Aduib
15. Montaha Salem
16. Muin Abusharara
17. Hussein Ata
Second, when giving sadaqa, the believer must purify his intention and make his purpose just for
the sake of gaining Allah’s pleasure and reward. The Prophet (S) said, “All deeds are based on
intention and everyone will be rewarded according to what he intended.” (Bukhari)
Third, the believer should haste in giving sadaqa and should not delay it without a valid reason.
It is also much better for the Muslim to give sadaqa during his life when in need of money, than
to wait until death comes to him. Prophet Muhammad (S) was once asked about the best of all
charities to which he replied, “The best charity is what you give during your life while you are in
need of it.’”
Fourth, it is more befitting for a Muslim to give sadaqa from his best possessions; that which
he loves most. Allah (SWT) says, “By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give
(freely as a charity) from that which you love; and whatever you spend Allah knows it well,” (3:
92). However, this does not mean that one should lessen the value of his sadaqa if he only has
little to give. Prophet Muhammad (S) once said to his companions, “One Dirham could be better
in reward than one hundred thousand Dhirhams.” A man asked, “And how is that oh Messenger
of Allah?” He (S) replied, “A wealthy man takes one hundred thousand Dirhams which is one part
of his wealth and gives it as a charity, while a poor man who only has two Dirhams pays one of
them as a charity.”
The Mosque Foundation calls upon its generous community to continue its support to your Masjid.
You have and, we are confident, will continue to answer this call with sincerity and generosity, and
we will, by Allah’s Will, continue in our joint efforts to answer Allah’s call upon us.
Oussama Jammal
Sh. Jamal Said
Sh. Ahmed Arafat
Tareq Abu-Ammer
Aisheh Said
Mohamad Chehade
Banan Said
Abdel Baset Hamayel
A p r i l 2 0 1 6 Vol. 06, Issue 102
Copyright © 2015 by The Mosque
Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction without permission is
strictly prohibited. Community Pulse
is published monthly in the United
States by The Mosque Foundation.
Editorial and executive offices are
located at 7360 W. 93rd Street,
Bridgeview, IL 60455. Subscription
rates in U.S. and possessions: 1
year (12 issues) FREE. Send address
changes to: The Mosque Foundation,
7360 W. 93rd Street. Bridgeview, IL
60455. Printed in U.S.A.
April 2016 – Jumada II - Rajab 1437
“Oh you who believe,
spend from what you
(lawfully) earned,
(2: 267)
April 2016 – Jumada II - Rajab 1437
MFCC girls dedicated their sincere intentions, time and efforts on Sunday, March
6, 2016 to participate in one of the many
Helping Hands programs. Thirty-five girls
chose to spend a good part of their weekend answering the call of their brothers
and sisters by packaging boxes of clothing
to be shipped to those in need.
The girls shared many moments during
the program to reflect upon their sense
of humility, gratitude, and feelings of joy
for having the opportunity to serve others.
The day culminated with stronger a bond
of sisterhood and smiles over pizza.
The relationship between a mother and her
daughter is like no other. To foster healthy
mother-daughter relationships, the MFCC
was pleased to hold its 3rd Annual Mother
Daughter Dinner on Saturday, March 12,
2016. An inspiring Quran recitation of
verses from Surat Luqman began the program serving as a reminder of the significance our faith places on relationships with
our parents. The reading was followed by
a moving presentation by Sister Amal Ali
who called upon daughters to strengthen
their bonds with their mothers including being compassionate and grateful and
maintaining respect during times of disagreement and conflict. Mothers wrote letters to their daughters during this time to
communicate their thoughts and feelings.
Sister Amal discussed with mothers the importance of communicating with daughters and creating a safe environment that allows for positive and
affectionate exchange of feelings and thoughts. Daughters also engaged in writing letters of appreciation and gratitude to their mothers during this
Attendees joined in laughter and fun over dinner and dessert followed by a dabkah performance prepared by the girls for this event. The event concluded with a warm exchange of letters and a reflection upon the importance of establishing strong bonds within families.
Overall, the event was truly a success. Many parents and children expressed their appreciation for the program and looking forward to attending
next year’s Mother-Daughter Dinner.
Queridos hermanos de fe, tenemos que invocar al Todopoderoso, a nuestro
Gran Creador que nos ayude a tener paciencia y a poner nuestra confianza
en EL(SWAT). Esta vida es temporal pero a la misma vez esta repleta de
infinitas pruebas. Algunas son faciles y otras nos llevan casi a la locura,
la desesperacion. Es humano sentirse de ese modo y es ahi cuando realmente nos sometemos enteramente y sinceramente a Allah (SWAT).En
el Capitulo27:62, Allah(SWAT) dice; Acaso Quien responde al afligido
cuando Le invoca, alivia los pesares y hace que vosotros os sucedais unos
a otros en la tierra? Sabemos que la fe, la creencia de El Todopoderoso
nos ayudara a calmar nuestras almas de lo que estamos viviendo en ese
momento, a desarrollar la paciencia. Debemos de reconocer que estamos
en prueba por esa fe que decimos tener. Allah (SWAT) nos dice en el
Sagrado Coran;Capitulo 29:2-3 Acaso piensan los hombres que se les dejara decir: !Creemos! sin ser puestos a prueba? Por cierto que probamos
a quienes les precedieron, y Allah bien sabe quienes son los sinceros y
quienes los mentirosos. Todo ser humano atenido en una forma u otra; directa o indirectamente pruebas, ejemplos de algunas de las pruebas son las
enfermedades,las calmidades,los bienes, los hijos, la familia,y la muerte
de alguien querido. En el Capitulo 21:35 Allah(SWAT) dice; Ciertamente
toda alma probara la muerte. Os pondremos a prueba a traves de todo lo
malo y bueno que os acontezca, y que comparecereis ante Nosotros.
Las pruebas de la vida son en si una ayuda para el creyente pues es asi
como el creyente fortalece su fe y se acerca al Creador. Esta suplica es
buena de decir si somos sorprendidos por una desgracia,” Qaddara Allahu
ma sha-a fa’ala” “Asi lo decreto Allah y El hace lo que desea”. “El creyente fuerte es mejor y mas amado por Allah que el creyente debil, aunque
en los dos hay bien.” Esforzaos en lo que os beneficia, buscad ayuda de
Allah y no desespereis, si os sucediera una desgracia entonces no digais:
si hubiera hecho tal cosa...habria ocurrido” sino decid ,”Qaddara Allahu
ma sha-a fa’ala”, porque ciertamente las palabras”si hubiera hecho esto o
aquello....”le abren las puertas a Sheitan.” Muslim 4/2052
Tenemos que aprender a depositar esta confianza con Allah, Exaltado
Sea, pues asi podremos atener esa paz y tranquilidad espiritual que tanto
necesitamos, cuando estas pruebas son puestas en nuestras vidas.El creyente debe saber que Allah,El Misericordioso siempre le dara la fortaleza,
la paciencia y la solucion a todas las pruebas y que en Su Sabia Sabiduria
siempre el creyente recibira un bien al termino de cada prueba. En una
hadiz qudsi Abu Umamah(raa)narra que El Profeta(saws)dice,”Allah,
Glorificado Sea dice,”Oh hijos de Adam, si se mantienen pacientes y con
la esperanza de Mi recompensa en la primera calamidad, Yo no estare mas
satisfecho con cualquier recompenza exepto El Paraiso.”(Ibn Majah # 60)
Hermanos de fe, no nos demos por vencidos por las pruebas de esta vida
pues son temporal como este mundo. Alabado Sea Allah que nos ha dado
este bello regalo que es la fe, un instrumento interno con mucho poder cual
proviene de El Todopoderoso, Allah!
Su hermana en Islam
Celia Snowber
April 2016 – Jumada II - Rajab 1437
April 2016 – Jumada II - Rajab 1437
Thank you for your
$860,000 Raised

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