June 5, 2016 Bulletin
June 5, 2016 Bulletin
CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH 245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977 JUNE - 5 - 2016 Served By Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Parochial Vicar: Parochial Vicar: Chaplain Malankara Indian Community: Weekend Associate: Deacon: Deacon: Parish Secretary: Evening Receptionist: PREP Director: PREP Asst. Director: RCIA Director: Director of Music: Rev. Levelt Germain Rev. Patrick Adekola Rev. Cyprien Emile Rev. Robert L. Rodriguez Bishop Naickamparambil Fr. Waclaw Swierzbiolek Rev. Mr. Jose Pena Rev. Mr. Peter Venezia Djena Abraham Mayra Vides Maureen Foley Alicia Lima Sr. Celia Cid Mark LaRosa Parish Office Address: 333 Sneden Place W. Spring Valley, New York, 10977 Office Hours: 9:00am-8:00pm(Monday-Friday) 9:00am-2:00pm(Saturday) 9:00am-2:00pm(Sunday) closed from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch Contact Us Rectory: Telephone: 845-356-0311 Fax: 845-352-8126 Main Church Email: [email protected] Music Director: [email protected] Parish Administrator: [email protected] Religious Education: [email protected] Mass Schedule Weekday: Monday –Friday 9:00am and 5:30pm in the Main Church Saturday : 9:00am in the Main Church Saturday Vigil Masses in the Church: 5:00pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday in the Church: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15 am (English) 1:15pm (Haitian) and 5:30 pm Sunday in the Chapel: 9:45 am (Polish) & 1:15 pm (English) Sunday in the Gym:: 11:00 am (Spanish) Indian Masses: Malankara Mass Sunday at 4:30pm (Chapel) PARISH WEBSITE www.stjosephspringvalley.org Devotions Monday: Miraculous Medal Novena 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena Wednesday: Saint Joseph Novena 9:00am Mass followed by the Novena Wednesday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena 8:00pm in the main Church Thursday Our Lady of Manaoag Novena / Exposition Our Lady of Manaoag Novena Following the 9:00 am daily Mass. Exposition from 8:00pm-10:00pm (Stone Chapel in Spanish) Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet After 9:00am Mass & 5:00pm Mass Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00am-5:00pm ending with Benediction Sacraments Baptism: Baptism Instruction Class for Parents and Godparents 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in English at 7pm in the Rectory 3rd Friday of the month in French/Creole at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel 4th Friday of the month at 7:30pm in the School Building Baptisms Celebrated On: The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month in English at 12:30pm The 3rd Saturday of the month in French/Creole at 12:30pm The 4th Saturday of the Month in Spanish at 2:00pm To schedule a baptism please contact the rectory office for more information at 845-356-0311. Reconciliation: Saturday 12:00pm, 4:30pm and 6:30pm in the Church. You may come to the Rectory Monday through Friday and request to speak to the Priest on duty. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the parish office at any time and make arrangements with one of our Priests. In cases of illness, please notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements. Marriage: Please contact our parish office at least 6 months prior to your scheduled wedding date and to schedule a meeting with one of our priests. Religious Education: Sacramental preparation for First Communion and Confirmation is offered for public school students in grades 1 through 10. All children should be registered before attending class. For further information please call 845-356-0054. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): A process of Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact our Parish Office. Mass Intentions Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:00am: +Lamercie J. Rochemond 5:00 pm: Erline Antoine 7:30 pm: Spanish Multiple Intentions Sunday, June 5, 2016 Tuesday, June 7, 2016 9:00am: +Menes Solide 5:30pm: +Roger & Marielle Pauld Wednesday, June 8, 2016 9:00am: +Martine Paul 5:30pm: Healing Mass for Fr. Germain Lectors Saturday Vigil: June 4, 2016 5:00pm: Olga Freeman Sunday, June 5, 2016 7:30am: Juana Billy 7:30am: Reyes & San Agustine Families (T) 9:00am: Avrore Francois 11:00am: Spanish Multiple Intentions 11:15am: +Christian Manazan 1:15pm: Erline Antoine (B) 1:15pm: Haitian Multiple Intentions 5:30pm: +Lamercie J. Rochemont Thursday, June 9, 2016 9:00am: Divine Mercy Members Birthday 5:30 pm: +Arnuflo & Benecio Manuel 1:15pm: Ernice Lecorps, Jean Marescot & Marie Mitane Chery 1:15pm (Chapel): Jean Marescot Monday, June 6, 2016 Saturday, June 11, 2016 5:30pm: Barbara Palmentiero 9:00am: +Varkey & Aley Varghese 5:30pm: Mardieurrick Gustave (T) 9:00am: +Varkey & Aley Varghese 5:30pm: +Jean B. Constant Creuyach Friday, June 10, 2016 May 21st and 22nd 2016: $14,357.00 Last Year: $11,890 (+$2,467.00) May 28h and 29th 2016: $14,313 Last Year: $13,808 (+$505.00) Thank you for your support and sacrifice. Let us keep up this great work and together we can make Saint Joseph, great! Helen Esposito 11:15am: Priscilla Baruc 9:00am: +Claudette Persona 5:00 pm: Rev. Father Patrick Adekola (T) Christian Mananzan Samuel Pena, Bill Schroeder, Brian Domtrovits II, Mirvil Touzin, Frida Carline, Lamercie Magloire, Olivena Fabre, Gloria Tandoc, Gerry Fraioli, Christina Daniello, Judth Pena, Nena Ireneo, Elza Delice, Lidia Jean, Joan DiMarzo, Marilyn LaRosa, Marie Mompoint, Juliette Jean Kernosaint, Smith Florvil, Junie Florvil, Judith and Shiline Bonasse, Gerarg Junior Janvier, Maud Cajuste, Leonar Cirus, Rigoberto Torres, Lucette Francois, Dominick Moment, Alice Tomelden Rosalinda Ancheta-Menor, Mariquit Tabudlo, Juliet Cruz, Lucy Mendoza , Boyet Dompor, James Tomelden, Ely Banes, Lucille Hynes, Lawrence Stromberg, Sandy Rivera, Ray Renart, Marie Ankner, Carline Antoine, Eden Azor, Keylin Belotte, Sasha Belotte, Samson Bernard, Lea Bellefleur, Ines Berjon, Frantz Bernadin Anne, Maddalena Del Vecchio, and all our homebound parishioners and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:6-8 9:00am: Eucharistic Ministers Saturday Vigil: June 4, 2016 5:00pm: Thomas Ridore & Philo Balin Sunday, June 5, 2016 7:30am: Christina Daniello & Jeanne Fongging 9:00am: Gerri Leote, Marie Morency & Wilhelmina Wolk 11:15am: Pinky Lavarino, Carlina Menor & Luis Guignard 1:15pm: Annette Frederique, Marthe St..Fleur & Jn. Claude Dubuisson 1:15pm (Chapel): Ketty Ciceron 5:30pm: Ernise Lecorps, Robin Ludan & Celeste Pena Parish Goal: $79,500 Pledged To Date: $18,461 Paid To Date: $13,571 This year we will focus on having more participants for the Cardinal's Appeal. Last year we had only 103 and this year we are asking for a goal of 500 participants. If you wish to give anonymously, you can do so, but please make sure that you use the envelope for Saint Joseph Church so we can get the credit. Lets see what we can do together. Gerry Leote, Marie Douyon, Anne Marie Dumel, Jacqueline Sanon , Annette Fredericque, Edwige Joseph, Thomas Ridore ,Jean-Claude Dubuisson, Wilhelmena Wolk and Chantal Thevenot PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine X Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: 1 Kings 17:17-24 The child of the mistress of the house where Elijah sojourned became ill and died. The woman pleaded with Elijah who took the son and prayed over him. When the child revived Elijah returned him to his mother who recognized Elijah as "a man of God." Second Reading: Galatians 1:11-19 Paul proclaims the gospel, not as human, but coming from the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul continues to acknowledge his own sinfulness and call to grace. Gospel: Luke 7:11-17 The gospel continues to recount the miracles and healing powers of Jesus. As Jesus neared the gates to the city of Nain, they came upon a deceased young man who was being carried out of the city. His mother, a widow, and a large crowd accompanying the body, met Jesus on the way. Compassionately, Jesus comforts the weeping mother and restores life to the dead man. Parish Events Thank you to those who are participating. We have 88 families who have donated and we thank you. However we are not out our participation goal of 500 yet. If you wish to make a donation please do so with the appeal envelopes that were sent to you or provided by the church. This helps us with our participation goal. (Please use a check not cash.) On Sunday, June 5th at 6:30 pm we will have our Spaghetti Dinner here at the parish hosted by the Knights of Columbus. This is a great way to be social and catch up with everyone after the dinner dance gala! On Friday, June 10th at 7:30 pm the Rockland County Catholic Choir will present their spring concert “Songs of Love, Peace and Hope” at Saint Joseph in the Main Church. Please join us. A freewill offering will be taken during this event. On Tuesday June 14th at 7:30 pm we will have an open Parish Council Meeting with the entire parish. This will be the second open forum that we will have. Please keep note of the date to reserve it in your calendar. Pastors Corner: The summer season is finally here and I think we may want it just to be a little cooler out. This year we have had the strangest weather, 75 degrees during Christmas, freezing temperatures up until April and now a heat wave. I am just wondering if I should put my winter jackets and clothes away and break out shorts and polo shirts. You know, next week it could be in the 40’s! With that being said, I am going to ask you all to be a little more generous in the collection. The heating this year was a tremendous expense on our budget. This summer I feel it will be the same for cooling the church. The expected plan to have the chapel finished for daily Mass is not a reality this year. So we will continue to use the Main Church for Masses but I will need your generosity to keep it cool for everyone. If you could add just a little bit more in your collection this summer, this will go for the electric bill. As good stewards, if you see an open door to the church or the like close it please! I love the outdoors as much as the next person, but the A/C can not cool the surrounding area of the church. Starting next week, some of the new LED lights will be going into the chandeliers. This is just another way we are saving electricity and reducing our carbon footprint. Just a side note the Cathedral will be using geo-thermal technology to heat and cool the building! Next weekend will be a busy week here at the parish. We have a wonderful choral concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Church with the Rockland County Catholic Choir on Friday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. This music will be fantastic. A great way to celebrate our 122nd Anniversary. The next day, Saturday, June 11 at the 5:00 p.m. we will celebrate Fr. Patrick’s 40th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination followed by a reception in the school gym. The next day, June 12 at the 5:30 p.m., the newly ordained Fr. Christian Armah will offer a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving for this priestly ordination. So mark your calendars now! Finally don’t forget about Summer with Jesus here at the parish. Registration is still on going and you can see the CCD office during the week to sign up. Trips and activities are planned to keep your children active both mentally and spiritually. Aftercare is provided as well as homework help. Again, see the CCD office for more information. In Christ + Fr. Levelt Germain, Pastor X Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Mt 5:27-32 10ème dimanche du Temps Ordinaire 1ère lecture: 1 R 17, 17-24 Regarde, ton fils est vivant! Psaume: Ps 29 (30), 3-4, 5-6ab, 6cd.12, 13 R: Je t’exalte, Seigneur: tu m’as relevé. 2ème lecture: Ga 1, 11-19 Dieu a trouvé bon de révéler en moi son Fils, pour que je l’annonce parmi les nations. Evangile: Lc 7, 11-17 Jeune homme, je te l’ordonne, lève-toi Le temps de la compassion Nous renouons aujourd’hui avec les dimanches du temps ordinaire. Loin d’être routiniers, ils permettent au mystère de la mort et de la résurrection du Christ de s’inscrire dans le temps et à l’histoire du Salut de rythmer nos existences. Dieu vient dans l’ordinaire de nos vies et chacun de ces dimanches est « un jour de fête primordial » (Sacrosanctum Concilium § 106). Chacun est un jour de rencontre de Dieu et d’accueil de l’inattendu de son évangile. Car cette Bonne Nouvelle n’est pas une invention humaine. Paul nous rappelle que nous ne sommes pas à l’origine de tout. Dieu n’est pas le fruit de l’imagination humaine. Les hommes en quête d’un sauveur l’auraient-ils imaginé si vulnérable à la souffrance humaine, atteint au plus profond de lui-même, au fond si humain ? Comme le Samaritain dont Luc, quelques chapitres plus loin, décrira l’attitude compatissante, comme le père miséricordieux accueillant son fils, Jésus est « pris de pitié » devant la souffrance d’une femme, d’une veuve, d’une mère pleurant son fils unique. Jésus est littéralement « ébranlé au plus profond de ses entrailles ». Personne n’a inventé cela. Alors que le mal, la souffrance, la mort perdurent malgré tant de progrès et ne cessent de questionner l’être humain sur le sens de son existence, Dieu ne cesse de révéler avec patience qu’il est d’abord et surtout un Dieu dont le coeur bat avec les pauvres, écrit le cardinal Kasper, un Dieu vulnérable à la souffrance de sa Création entière, à l’écoute des cris, ébranlé avec et pour nous. Non, nul homme n’a pu inventer cela. Neuvaine a Notre Dame du Perpetuel Secours Samedi 18 – Dimanche 26 Juin 2016 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Le Coin du Pasteur: C'est déjà la saison estivale et je pense que nous pourrions espérer plus de fraicheur. Cette année, la météo est vraiment étrange: 75 degrés pendant les fêtes de Noël, des températures de congélation jusqu'à avril et maintenant une vague de chaleur. Je me demande si je devrais mettre de côté mes vêtements. Vous le savez, la semaine prochaine, il pourrait être 40 degrés ! Cela étant dit, je vais demander à vous tous d'être un peu plus généreux dans la collection. Le chauffage cette année a pesé lourd sur notre budget. Cet été, j'estime qu'il sera le même pour le système d'air conditionné. Notre prévision d'avoir la chapelle prête pour les messes quotidiennes ne sera pas réelle cette année. Nous allons donc continuer à utiliser l'église principale, mais j'aurai besoin de votre générosité pour la garder fraiche. En bon gestionnaire, si vous voyez une porte ouverte à l'église fermez-la s'il vous plaît! À partir de la semaine prochaine, les ampoules des chandeliers seront remplacées par des LED; c'est juste une autre façon d'économiser en énergie électrique. Nous avons un programme assez riche le week-end prochain qui commence avec un concert, le vendredi 10 juin à 7 h 30 à l'église principale avec la chorale catholique du Comté de Rockland; Une autre manière de célébrer notre 122e anniversaire. Le lendemain, samedi, Juin 11 à 5:00 h nous célébrerons le 40e anniversaire de l'Ordination sacerdotale de Fr. Patrick, à cette occasion, une réception sera donnée à l'auditorium. Le surlendemain, le 12 juin, à 5 h 30, Fr. Christian Armah offrira une Messe solennelle en action de grâce pour son ordination sacerdotale. Alors marquez vos calendriers dès maintenant ! Enfin, n'oubliez pas de l'été avec Jésus ici à la paroisse. Les inscriptions sont en cours au bureau de CCD. Des voyages et activités sont prévus pour tenir vos enfants actifs mentalement et spirituellement. Encore une fois, consultez le bureau de CCD pour plus d'informations. Dans le Christ, Pere Levelt Germain, Cure Décimo Domingo En Tiempo Ordinario Primera Lectura: 1 Reyes 17:17-24 El hijo de la dueña de la casa en donde Elías se alojaba enfermó y murió. La mujer, que era viuda, le rogó a Elías, quien tomó al niño y oró sobre él. El niño revivió y Elías se lo devolvió a su madre quien reconoció que Elías era “un hombre de Dios”. Segunda Lectura: Gálatas 1:11-19 Pablo proclama el evangelio, no como humano, sino viniendo de la revelación de Jesucristo. Pablo continúa, aceptando su propio pecado y llamado a la gracia. Evangelio: San Lucas 7:11-17 El evangelio continúa contando sobre los milagros y curaciones que Jesús hace. Cuando Jesús se aproxima a las puertas de un pueblo llamado Naín, vió que llevaban a enterrar a un muerto. Su madre viuda y una multitud acompañaban el cuerpo. Lleno de compasión, Jesús consuela a la madre y le devuelve la vida al hombre muerto. “‘¡Señor, Dios mío, que vuelve la vida a este niño!’. El Señor escuchó el clamor de Elías: el aliento vital volvió al niño, y éste revivió. La mujer dijo entonces a Elías: ‘Ahora sí reconozco que tú eres un hombre de Dios y que la palabra del Señor está verdaderamente en tu boca’… ‘Un gran profeta ha aparecido en medio de nosotros y Dios ha visitado a su Pueblo.’” Utilizamos muchas expresiones relacionadas a nuestra respiración. Nos ‘quedamos sin aliento’, experimentamos respiraciones ‘pesadas’, y a veces al estar sorprendidos ‘nos falta el aire’. RCP se emplea para restaurar un proceso de respiración normal. Leemos que Jesús sopló sobre sus discípulos cuando les dio el poder para perdonar los pecados. Recordamos que hace pocas semanas, el Espíritu vino sobre la iglesia durante Pentecostés. La primera historia de creación describe a Dios ofreciendo Su aliento, el ‘ruah Yahweh’ cuando Dios dio a Adán su alma viviente. Hoy la Palabra de Dios revela dos viudas, ambas sufriendo la muerte de sus hijos. La compasión del profeta y la preocupación de Jesús restauran vida a los cuerpos inertes. Ambos son retornados a sus madres. ¿Se ha preguntado cómo ellos contaron su experiencia a sus madres, como el popular libro de nuestros tiempos? Jesús continúa restaurando vida a través de la sanación en los sacramentos de reconciliación y en el de la unción de los enfermos. Ambos son obvias señales de Su misericordia, ofreciendo salud, fuerza y resistencia contra el mal. Rincón del Párroco: La temporada de verano está finalmente aquí y creo que nos quieren sólo para ser un poco más frescas. Este año hemos tenido el extraño clima, 75 grados durante Navidad, temperaturas de congelación hasta abril y ahora una ola de calor. Yo me pregunto si debo poner mis chaquetas de invierno y ropa lejos y romper pantalones cortos y camisetas polo. Sabe usted, la próxima semana podría estar en los 40's! Con dicho esto, voy a pedirles a todos ustedes que sean un poco más generosos en la colección. La calefacción de este año fue un tremendo gasto en nuestro presupuesto. Este verano creo que será el mismo para el enfriamiento de la iglesia. El plan espera haber terminado la capilla para la Misa diaria no es una realidad este año. Por lo tanto, continuaremos a usar la iglesia principal para masas pero necesitaré su generosidad para mantenerlo fresco para todos. Si pudiera agregar un poco más en tu colección este verano, ésta pasará por la factura de electricidad. Como buenos administradores, si ve una puerta abierta a la iglesia o el como cerrarlo por favor! Me encanta la naturaleza tanto como la persona siguiente, pero el A/C no puede enfriar la zona de los alrededores de la iglesia. A partir de la próxima semana, algunas de las nuevas luces LED se incorporarán a las arañas. Esto es sólo otra forma de ahorrar energía y reducir nuestra huella de carbono. Sólo una nota al margen de la catedral estará utilizando geo-tecnología térmica para calentar y enfriar el edificio! El próximo fin de semana será una semana de mucho trabajo aquí en la parroquia. Tenemos un maravilloso concierto coral a las 7:30 p.m. en la iglesia principal, con la Rockland County Coro Católico el viernes, 10 de junio a las 7:30 p.m. esta música será fantástico. Una gran manera de celebrar nuestro 122º aniversario. Al día siguiente, sábado, 11 de junio a las 5:00 p.m. celebraremos Fr. Patrick el 40º aniversario de la ordenación sacerdotal, seguida de una recepción en el gimnasio de la escuela. Al día siguiente, 12 de junio a las 5:30 p.m., el padre recién ordenados. Christian Armah ofrecerá una solemne misa de acción de gracias por esta ordenación sacerdotal. Así que marquen sus calendarios ahora! Por último, no se olvide de verano con Jesús aquí en la parroquia. La inscripción se encuentra todavía en curso y puede ver el CCD oficina durante la semana para inscribirte. Excursiones y actividades están planeadas para mantener a sus hijos activos tanto mental y espiritualmente. Se proporciona cuidado así como ayuda con la tarea. De nuevo, consulte la oficina de CCD para obtener más información. En Cristo +, Fr. Levelt Germain, Pastor Parish Calendar: . June 6, 2016 - Monday 11:00 a.m. - Funeral mass for Jean Charles (Church) 3:00 p.m. - Afterschool Program (Café / Aud) 7:30 p.m. - English Prayer Group (CR1) 8:00 p.m. - Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CR 12) June 7, 2016 - Tuesday 3:00 p.m. - Afterschool Program (Café / Aud) 7:00 p.m. - Women’s Group (CR 9) 8:00 p.m. - Spanish Charismatic Group Planning (CR 1) 8:00 p.m. - Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CR 12) June 8, 2016 - Wednesday (St. Joseph Novena) 3:00 p.m. - Afterschool Program (Café / Aud) 6:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary, English (Rectory Basement) 7:00 p.m. - English Baptism Class (Café / Aud.) 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study French Creole (Café / Aud.) 7:00 p.m. - Wedding Rehearsal (Main Church) 8:00 p.m. - Kerygma Planning Group (CR1) 8:00 p.m. - Novena / Benediction OLPH (Church) June 9, 2016 - Thursday (O.L. Manaoag) 3:00 p.m. - Afterschool Program (Café / Aud) 7:00 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 14) 7:30 p.m. - Parish and Chancel Choir Reh. (CR 12) 7:30 p.m. - St. Jerome Bible Study (CR 15) 8:00 p.m. - Spanish Exposition / Adoration (Church) 8:00 p.m. - Kerygma Soccer (Café / Aud) June 10, 2016 - Friday (Divine Mercy Chaplet) 3:00 p.m. - Afterschool Program (Café / Aud) 9:30 a.m. - Exposition (Church) 4:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary, French (Rectory Basement) 5:00 p.m. - Spanish Choristers Reh (CR 8) 5:00 p.m. - Benediction (Church) 5:00 p.m. - YOUTH for Jesus (CR 12 and 11) 7:30 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 12) 7:30 p.m. - Rockland Catholic Choir Concert (Church) June 11, 2016 - Saturday 9:30 a.m. - Legion of Mary, French (Rectory CFR) 12:00 p.m.- Confessions English (Church) 12:30 p.m.- English Baptism (Church) 2:30 p.m. - Spanish Wedding(Café / Aud) 4:00 p.m. - YOUTH for Jesus (CR 12 and 11) 4:30 p.m. - Confession English (Church) 5:00 p.m. - Keyrgma Meeting (School Basement) 6:00 p.m. - Father Patrick Reception (Church) 6:30 p.m. - Confession Spanish (Church) 7:00 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 12) June 12, 2016 - Sunday 5:30 p.m. - Mass of Thanksgiving for Fr. Armah 6:00 p.m. - Spanish Father’s Day Dance (Café / Aud) 7:00 p.m. - Groupe de la Louange (Church) Banns of Marriage: I / II Miguel Tambriz Tahoy / Marlene Sanchez Cifentes Upcoming Parish Events Reserve the Date Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner June 5, 2016 6:30 p.m. in the School Cafeteria Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving for the 40th Anniversary of Fr. Patrick June 11, 2016 5:00 p.m. Mass at Saint Joseph Church Reception to follow after Mass. Fr. Christian’s First Mass at Saint Joseph June 12, 2016 Sunday 5:30 p.m. in the Main Church Parish Confirmation with Bishop Lagonergo June 25, 2016 11:00 a.m in the Main Church This is a ticketed event. Happenings Around Rockland On Friday, June 10th at 7:30 pm the Rockland County Catholic Choir of Rockland will present their spring concert “Songs of Love, Peace and Hope” at Saint Joseph in the Main Church. Please join us. A freewill offering will be taken during this event. Standing Council Meetings Finance Council -Every 3rdMonday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Rectory Conference Room 13 Parish Council - Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in School Conference Room 13 Comite Pastoral de Guia - Every 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13 Comite Pastoral de Liason: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13 Knights of Columbus Council: 2nd and 4rd Monday of the Month at 7:30 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13 Filipino Steering Committee: Last Sunday of the Month
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June 12, 2016 Bulletin
Joan and John Oster, Dennis Murphy, Christian Mananzan Samuel Pena, Bill Schroeder, Brian Domtrovits II, Mirvil Touzin, Frida Carline, Lamercie Magloire, Olivena Fabre, Gloria Tandoc, Gerry Fraioli...
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