Resurrection Catholic Church Jesus I trust in you


Resurrection Catholic Church Jesus I trust in you
Jesus I trust in you
Resurrection Catholic Church
Serving Others We Are Serving God
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00pm Spanish
9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish
7:30pm Portuguese
Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm or
Weekday Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish
Half hour before
all weekend Masses
Staffed by the Missionaries of
St. Charles /Scalabrinians
Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s.
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Robert Kurber
Fernando Fred Molina:
[email protected]
1211 Winter Garden Vineland
Rd., Winter Garden, Fl 34787
Office 407-656-3113
Fax 407-654-4935
[email protected]
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Page 2
“Tell all souls about
My Mercy while there
is still time.”
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 2
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Sunday, April 3
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
4:30 PM (Spanish)
7:30 PM
Monday, April 4
8:00 AM
Tuesday, April 5
Saturday within the Octave
of Easter
Dr. Khouzam’s family (First
Friday of the month)
+Vard Kirby
+Maria L. Betancurt Barrios
+Jose F. Bernard
+Santiago Bernard
Sunday of the Divine Mercy
John Michael Night (health)
+Rosalba Pardo
+Gely Rodriguez Lucena
Souls in Purgatory
+Mary & Dominick Leone
+Rodolfo Brown Valverde
+Susana Victorio Vazquez
Marlen Becerra (Birthday)
For all the Parishioners
The Annunciation of the Lord
+Carmen Ramos
St. Vincent Ferrer, Priest
+Ramon Barreto
Maria Peña de Peralta (health)
Easter Weekday
Souls in Purgatory
+Noe Donis
+Alfonso Bermundez
Souls in Purgatory
St. John Baptist de la Salle,
+Mildred Ricker
Easter Weekday
+Jose Martin Cassar
Easter Weekday
+Nora Fogarty
+Noe Donis
+Leoncio Batista
+Francisca Rodriguez
We welcome you to our Parish
Community. Please complete a registration form available
at the entrance of the church and put it in the collection
basket or stop by the church office Monday through Friday
Preparation classes are required for Baptism.
The classes are required for parents and Godparents. Parents must be registered, participating members of the
parish for at least two months, Godparents must be
practicing Catholics who have received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and if they are couples must
be married by the Catholic Church.
Please call the church office at least four to
six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is required. Call parish office for more information.
(Christian Initiation
for adults and children 7 years and older): For more
information please call at 407-656-3113.
Please notify us when you would like a hospital or
home visit.
Offertory 03/27/16…...…….…$26,313.13
Online Giving…………..$1,830.50
We believe that life long learning and growing is
healthy for all ages and stages. We also expect that
we as adults, youth or children will continue to grow
and learn our faith for our entire life. We encourage
all youth; Kindergarten to Grade 12 to participate in
Religious Education. Every child should be receiving
education in their faith every year. Every adult should
continue to read, study share the Scriptures, their
faith and their prayer with others.
We know that a relationship with Christ is so important that we require a minimum of one or two
years of Religious Education before preparing for the
Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Religious Education is for every year that our
child is in school, not just when they are preparing for
a sacrament.
If your child is not participating please call at 407-656
-3113 x4 or email Maryann McFerrin [email protected] to see how we can assist you with Religious Education. We will have registration for our 2016-
2017 Religious Education classes on Sunday, May 8 at
9:15am and 12:45pm.
Wednesday, April 6
8:00 AM
7:30 PM
Thurs., April 7
8:00 AM
Friday, April 8
8:00 AM
Saturday, April 9
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
“Well done my good and faithful servant”
Families contributing by
using envelopes………………..450
Sunday of the Divine Mercy
Page 3
One of the great scholars of the Renaissance, Erasmus of Rotterdam, told a mythical tale about Jesus’ return to heaven
after His time on earth. The angels gathered around Him to
learn what had happened. Jesus told them of His miracles, His
teaching, and then of His death and resurrection. When He
finished, Michael the archangel asked, “But Lord, what happens now?” Jesus answered, “I have left behind 11 faithful
men who will declare My message and express My love. These
faithful men will establish and build My church.” “But,” responded Michael, “what if these men fail? What then? Do you
have an alternative plan, a plan B, just in case?” And Jesus
answered, “I have no other plan. They must not fail!
A week ago we celebrated the successful conclusion of Jesus
mission on this earth. Today, second Sunday of Easter, indeed the continuation of the long day of Jesus’ resurrection, the liturgy invites us to be the church, to become the church that will be able to continue his mission on earth.
A mission of mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation.
Where do we begin? The Apostles were hiding behind locked doors. Why? They were afraid, but they were also
ashamed. They were not only trembling with fear, but also with shame, guilt, disgrace. Here they were in the very
place where they had last been with the Lord at the Last Supper. Here they had promised the Lord not to abandon
him, to follow him even unto death… and now here they were alone, having in fact run away and betrayed and denied the Lord at the moment of trial.
Jesus appeared in the midst of them and greeted them three times: “Peace be with you! Shalom!” It took three
times for them to accept the gift of peace, to let that forgiveness seep in. You see, it is difficult to forgive, but it is
also difficult to accept forgiveness. “How can you forgive me, give me peace of heart, if I betrayed you, denied you,
abandoned you?” Yet Jesus insists: “Peace be with you. Shalom!” Then he entrusted them the mission to spread
peace, to share mercy with those who long for it: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven
them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”
He came, as he still comes every first day of the week, every Sunday, to give us mercy and peace. And to transform
us into the Church that will continue his mission to bring mercy to the world. Let the gift of Divine Mercy touch your
heart and motivate you to be “merciful like the Father”.
Fr Vincenzo, CS
Thank you for your generous response to Our Catholic Appeal, 2016. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we are seven
eights of the way in making our assessment. For those who
have not had the opportunity to make a pledge, envelopes
are in the back of the church and side tables so that you
can contribute to the important programs and ministries
supported by Our Catholic Appeal. Pledges from our letters are being returned.
Next week (April 11-15, 2016) the priest won’t be
here celebrating the weekly 8:00 am Mass in English
and neither 7:30 pm in Spanish. They will be out of
the parish at the annual Provincial Assembly, New
York. In these days there will only reading of the gospel and the distribution of the Eucharist by Deacon
Fred Molina or Sister Patricia.
To date only 54% of our parish family
has responded to this important campaign Please consider making your
commitment today to help us achieve
our goal.
Only 54% of our Families have Contributed.
We have reached 84%
of our $163,982
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Page 4
at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am
Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of
the month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light
meal served at 6:30pm before the meeting.
Second Sundays of the months
Scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes,
biscuits and gravy, fruit, pastries,
unlimited coffee and orange juice.
Adults: $5.00; Kids: $2.00; Families $ 15.00
Omelets made to order: $2.00 extra
Time: 9:00am-10:30am. Thank you for your support!
Our Bible Study will begin our studies of he Gospel of
Luke. All parishioners are invited to join us. Come Monday’s at 1:00pm in room number 10.
Are you inspired by Pope Francis’s commitment to the “freshness and fragrance of the Gospel”? Do you want to
better answer the call to holiness in
everyday life and bring disciplined study
to your Catholic faith? Come and see about master’s degrees and certificates in theology and ministry offered in
Orlando by the Loyola University Institute for Ministry in
New Orleans. They combine in–person study (commonly
known as LIMEX) with online learning. New this year is a
Certificate Program offered in the Spanish Language. The
Diocese of Orlando has had a relationship with Loyola
that spans several decades and has formed ecclesial professionals and others in graduate degree and certificate
programs pertinent for ministry. An information session is
scheduled at Catholic Church of the Resurrection on
Tuesday April 12 and Tuesday April 19 at 7 PM. On April
12, the session will be facilitated in Spanish and April 19
will focus on English courses.
For more information, please see
Where: In Room 2 (Two) at: Resurrection Catholic
Church, 1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd., Winter Garden, FL 34787 phone: 407-656-3113 - fax: 407-654-4935.
For directions to the parish go to:
Today day of Divine Mercy is the fixed
day to deliver rice bowls. We would appreciate if they could return to the
church. Thank you!
The Knights of Columbus will be
sponsoring their annual Children’s
Easter Egg Hunt the Sunday after
Easter, April 3rd, following the
8:00am Mass. It will be located in
two separate areas on the church
grounds– one area for children between the ages of 1-6 and the second area is for children between the
ages 7 and up. Hope to see you on
the 3rd with your Easter baskets!
Sunday of the Divine Mercy
Page 5
Jesus ressuscitado aparece aos discípulos, mas Tomé
não estava presente. As dúvidas tomam espaço em seu
coração. Longe da comunidade, Tomé tem dificuldade em
acreditar no encontro com Jesus ressuscitado. Ele quer ver
para crer. Percebemos que é em comunidade que a fé cristã
adquire significado e profundidade. Longe, a fé enfraquece.
Mas quando estamos juntos, se fortalece.
Séculos se passaram, mas Jesus continua presente de
muitas formas entre nós, principalmente na Eucaristia. Ao final da cada Santa
Missa, com fé renovada, somos enviados em missão para levar ao mundo a
esperança e fé em Cristo Ressuscitado, com a certeza de que Ele caminha
Há um longo caminho para viver a fé. Precisamos
constantemente reavivar a chama recebida no batismo.
Hoje, dia em que celebramos a FESTA DA DIVINA
MISERÍCÓRDIA, reconhecemos que Jesus deseja nos
transformar, perdoar as nossas faltas e envolver-nos em
seu infinito amor, tornando-nos verdadeiros discípulos.
Digamos como Santa Faustina; “Jesus, eu confio em
vós”. Tenhamos a fé que confia em Jesus Ressuscitado e
Misericordioso. Assim, nós veremos nossas vidas
transformadas para sermos testemunhas fiéis de Cristo.
A Universidade Loyola de New Orleans oferece cursos de
extensão de mestrado e certificados de teologia pastoral e educação
religiosa (LIMEX). As aulas são compostas em parte por encontros
face a face realizadas em Orlando e em parte por estudos online.
A novidade este ano é que o programa de certificado será
oferecido também em espanhol, além de inglês.
Aqui na Igreja Ressurreição, teremos duas sessões de informações, para falar
sobre o programa e tirar dúvidas dos interessados: 12 de abril (em espanhol) e 19 de
abril (em inglês), às 7pm, na sala 2 do centro paroquial.
Você pode acessar informação sobre o programa pelo website: Para mais detalhes, fale com a Glória.
Quer se tornar
Cadastre-se com a
pastoral do dízimo
durante o cafezinho.
Vanessa McCarthy, advogada do Catholic Charities Immigration Services, vai começar oferecer consultas de imigração aqui na nossa paróquia.
Ela fala Inglês, Português e Espanhol.
A primeira data de atendimento aqui na paróquia será dia 7 de maio. Precisa marcar consulta
antecipadamente. Para marcar consulta para este dia, os interessados precisam preencher um formulário,
disponível no escritório paroquial, com a pastoral do imigrante ou online (
O formulário preenchido deve ser enviado para:
Catholic Charities of Central Florida, INC.
Immigration and Refugee Services
171 N Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807
Junto com o formulário, precisa enviar uma taxa em forma de Money Order de $60.00 para Catholic Charities of Central Florida. Uma vez que
eles recebem o fomulário e a taxa (Money Order), um funcionário do Catholic Charities vai ligar para confirmar o horário individual. A partir do êxito
desta primeira experiência, a intensão é ter um dia de consultas na paróquia mensalmente (data conforme a disponibilidade da advogada).
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Page 6
Uno de los grandes eruditos del Renacimiento, Erasmo de
Rotterdam, contó una historia mítica sobre el regreso de
Jesús al cielo después de su tiempo en la tierra. Los ángeles se reunieron a su alrededor para aprender lo que había
sucedido. Jesús les dijo de sus milagros, su enseñanza, y
después de su muerte y resurrección. Cuando terminó,
Michael el arcángel pregunto, "Pero Señor, ¿qué va a pasar
ahora?" Jesús respondió: "He dejado atrás 11 hombres fieles que declararan mi mensaje y expresaran mi amor. Estos hombres fieles van a establecer y construir mi iglesia.
"" Pero ", respondió Miguel," ¿y si estos hombres fallan?
¿Entonces qué? ¿Tienes un plan alternativo, un plan B, por
si acaso? "Y Jesús respondió:" No tengo otro plan. ¡Ellos no
pueden fallar!
Hace una semana celebramos la conclusión exitosa de la
misión de Jesús en la tierra. Hoy, segundo domingo de Pascua, de hecho, la continuación del largo día de la resurrección de Jesús, la liturgia nos invita a ser la iglesia, para convertirse en la iglesia que será capaz de continuar su
misión en la tierra. Una misión de misericordia, de perdón,
de reconciliación.
¿Por dónde comenzamos? Los Apóstoles estaban escondidos
detrás de las puertas cerradas. ¿Por qué? Tenían miedo,
pero también se avergonzaban. Ellos no sólo temblaban de
miedo, pero también de vergüenza, culpa, desgracia. Aquí
estaban en el mismo lugar donde el pasado habían estado
con el Señor en la Última Cena. Aquí habían prometido al
Señor que no le abandonarían, y que le seguirían hasta la
Hoy dia de la Divina Miseriordia es el
dia fijo para entregar los rice bowls.
Les agradeceriamos si los pudieran
regresar a la iglesia.
muerte ... y ahora aquí que
estaban solos, habiendo huido, traicionado y negado al
Señor en el momento de la
Jesús se apareció en medio de
ellos y los saludó tres veces:
"La paz esté con ustedes! Shalom! "Tomó tres veces para
ellos aceptar el don de la
paz, para permitir que se filtraran en el perdón. Como
ustedes ven, es difícil perdonar, pero también es difícil
de aceptar el perdón. "¿Cómo
puedes perdonarme, darme la
paz del corazón, si yo te traicioné, si te negué, te abandoné?" Sin embargo, Jesús insiste: "La paz sea contigo. Shalom "Entonces les encomendó la misión de difundir la paz,
para compartir la misericordia a los que mucho tiempo la
buscaban:" Recibid el Espíritu Santo. A quienes perdonéis
los pecados les quedan perdonados, y a los que se los retengáis serán retenidos ".
El vino, y todavía sigue viniendo cada primer día de la semana, todos los domingos, para darnos la misericordia y la
paz. Y para transformarnos en la Iglesia, que continuará su
misión de llevar la misericordia para el mundo. Deje que
el don de la Divina Misericordia toque su corazón y lo motive a ser "misericordioso como el Padre".
Padre Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Le damos la mas cordial bienvenida al nuestro nuevo diacono de
habla hispana, Jose Naveo y esposa Eduarda Naveo. Original de
la Republica Dominicana. Ordenado el 1ro de Octubre del 1995
por la Diocesis de Boston. Establecido en la Diocesis de Orlando
desde el año 2007. !Bienvenido a su nueva casa y que Dios le
colme de muchas bendiciones!
¿Está inspirado por el compromiso del Papa Francisco a la "Frescura y Fragancia del Evangelio"? ¿Quieres una mejor respuesta a la llamada de la santidad en la vida cotidiana y a traer
estudios disciplinados a su fe católica? Venga y vea acerca de títulos y certificados de maestría en teología y ministerios que se ofrecen en Orlando por el Instituto de la Universidad de
Loyola para el ministerio en Nueva Orleans. Ellos combinan el estudio personalmente
(comúnmente conocido como LIMEX) con el aprendizaje en línea. La novedad de este año es
de un programa de certificación que se ofrece en el idioma español. La Diócesis de Orlando ha tenido una
relación con Loyola la cual se ha extendido por varias décadas formado profesionales eclesiásticos y a otros
certificándolos en programas con títulos de posgrado pertinentes a ministerios. Una sesión de información
será llevada a cabo aquí en nuestra iglesia Católica de la Resurrección el martes 12 de abril y martes 19
abril a las 7 PM. El 12 de abril, la sesión será llevada a cabo en español y 19 de abril se llevará a cabo en
Lugar: salón # 2 (dos) Iglesia Católica de la Resurrección, 1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Winter Garden,
FL 34787 Teléfono: 407-656-3113 - Fax: 407-654-4935.
Para obtener más información, consulte
Direcciones para llegar a la parroquia:
Sunday of the Divine Mercy
Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes
de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos
están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo
lo encontrareis meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para
más information llamar a Juan Carlos Hernández al
El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a las 7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Para más información favor llamar la
Sr. Helton Blanco al 407-936-8655.
Page 7
Exposición al Santísimo Sacramento
Todos están cordialmente invitados!
La proxima semana (11-15 de abril, 2016) los padres no
celebraran la Misa semanal de 8:00am en Ingles y
tampoco la de las 7:30pm en Español. Ellos estaran fuera de la parroquia en la anual Asamblea Provincial,
New York. En estos dias solo habra la lectura del evangelio y la reparticion de la Eucaristia por El Diacono
Fred Molina o la Hermana Patricia.
Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en
aprender sobre la humildad y servicio de
Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a que asistan a
las reuniones que se llevan a cabo los miércoles de 5:30pm a 7:00pm en el salón numero 2. Para más información favor de comunicarse con
la Sra. Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620.
El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a
las 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Cruz Sánchez al teléfono 321297-0693.
Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se
reúnen en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para
rezar el rosario de la Divina Misericordia. Para más
información favor de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al
McCharthy, miembro de Caridades
Catolicas para el Servicio de Inmigrantes, va a comenzar a ofrecer
consultas de inmigracion en nuestra
parroquia. Ella habla Ingles, Portugues y Español.
Para marcar una cita con ella tiene que obtener un
formulario, disponible en la oficina parroquial o
entrando al website de la Pastoral de Inmigrantes:
formulario tiene que ser enviado por usted a: Catholic Charities of Central Florida, INC., Immigration
and Refugee Services, 1771 N Semoran Blvd, Orlando, Fl 32807. Junto con el formulario tiene que
enviar un giro postal de $60 dirigido a Catholic
Charities of Central Florida. Una vez que ellos reciban toda su informacion, ellos le daran una llamada
para marcar una cita con usted dentro del horario
de sus consultas. Para mas informacion comuniquese al telefono: (407) 658-010.
62 grandes carteles en pantalla que muestra imágenes de
diferentes Milagros Eucarísticos a través de los siglos y sus
historias. Habrá carteles en inglés y español, también para
los niños. Vengan a ver estos auténticos milagros aprobados por el Vaticano. Escuche las historias de aquellos que
dudaron de la presencia real de Jesús y lo que ocurrió.
Fortalezca su creencia de que usted está recibiendo verdaderamente el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús.

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