Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage


Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage
des Nations Unies
pour l’éducation,
la science et la culture
Forum University
and Heritage
21 February 2014
On International Day, UN urges support for
‘Mother Languages’, linguistic diversity
3 March 2013
Universitat Politècnica de
València. (UPV) Spain
Giovanni Boccardi
Ignacio Yusim
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Montse Martínez
Concha de Soto
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Marielle Richon
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1658
Polytechnic University of
Camino de Vera s/n.
46022 Valencia.
Tel. -34 96 387 77 80
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E-mail: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
Languages connect the world. Source: UNESCO
Isabel Tort Ausina
International Mother Language Day celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity
alongside multilingualism as a force for peace and sustainable development,
United Nations officials said today, marking the commemoration by calling on
countries to promote and protect local languages, “which are keys to global
citizenship and authentic mutual understanding.”
“Recognizing local languages enables more people to make their voices heard
and take an active part in their collective fate,” said Irina Bokova, DirectorGeneral of the UN Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO),
which in its work promotes the harmonious coexistence of the 7,000 languages
spoken worldwide.
The International Day was proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference
in 1999. In 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on
Member States “to promote the preservation and protection of all languages
used by peoples of the world”. By the same text, the Assembly proclaimed 2008
as the International Year of Languages, to promote unity in diversity and international understanding,
through multilingualism and multiculturalism.
The 2014 International Day, on the theme “Local languages
for global citizenship: spotlight on science”, shows how languages ensure access to knowledge, its transmission and its
plurality. “Contrary to popular wisdom, local languages are
perfectly capable of transmitting the most modern scientific
knowledge in mathematics, physics, technology, and so on,”
said Ms. Bokova in her message.
“Recognizing these languages also means opening the door
to a great deal of often overlooked traditional scientific
knowledge to enrich our overall knowledge base,” she continued, adding that local languages constitute the majority of
languages spoken worldwide in the field of science. They are
also the most endangered.
“Excluding languages means excluding those who speak them from their fundamental human right to
scientific knowledge,” Ms. Bokova said, stressing that in today’s “global village” the norm is to use at
least three languages, including one local language, one language of wider communication and one
international language to communicate at both the local and global levels.
“This linguistic and cultural diversity may be our best chance for the future: for creativity, innovation
and inclusion. We must not squander it,” she declared.
In his message, Secretary-General Ban ki-moon said the theme of the International Day will help
ensure that the latest scientific knowledge is more widely shared. “At the same time, it will help
deepen and enrich our global knowledge base with more traditional but often overlooked scientific
wisdom,” he added.
“Let us all join forces to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism as a key element in our efforts
to build a better world and a life of dignity for all,” the UN chief said, adding that language diversity
can encourage dialogue, mutual understanding, innovation and creativity. This in turn can help us
build more just and inclusive societies.
Quoting the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, he said: ‘If you talk to a man in a language he
understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language – that goes to his heart.’
+ info:
FUUH’s Newsletter -
The European Commission needs experts
Following the publication of the first calls under the new EU
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon
2020, the European Commission needs experts to evaluate the
first Horizon 2020 proposals, including in the fields of humanities,
social sciences and cultural heritage.
Assignments mainly concern research and innovation, falling
within the Horizon 2020 programme designed to address the
challenges Europe is facing through funding excellent science,
technology and innovation.
Who can be an expert?
You have a chance of being selected as an expert if you:
• have high-level of expertise in the relevant fields of research and innovation (see call for details
on types of expertise).
• can be available for occasional, short-term assignments
Registered experts
• Registered experts can complete or update their profile at any time by logging-in to their Portal
account (ECAS) and accessing My Expert Area.
• Your profile is only available to the Commission for consideration once it is complete and valid.
What do expert assignments involve?
Experts, as peer reviewers, assist in the:
• evaluation of proposals
• monitoring of actions
In addition, experts assist in the :
• preparation, implementation or evaluation of programmes and design of policies. This includes
the Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups.
Assignments mainly concern research and innovation, falling within the Horizon 2020 programme
designed to address the challenges Europe is facing through funding excellent science, technology
and innovation.
Take a look at the most recently funded projects.
In order to access the expert registration form, you are first asked to login with a valid Participant
Portal (ECAS) account. If you do not have it yet, it easy to create your Portal (ECAS) account.
+ info:
FUUH’s Newsletter -
Awards, Prizes, Fellowships, Competitions and Job Offers
Awards, Prizes, Fellowships, Competitions and Job Offers
Awards & Prix
Awards - IHBC Student Award 2013: results – 1 winner, 3 commended!
The judge for the 2013 IHBC Annual Gus Astley Student Awards, Jeremy Musson, architectural historian and writer, has selected
Sebastian Fry as the winner, for a thesis presented to the IHBC-recognised conservation course at the Architectural Association,
a work Musson describes as an ‘impressively wide-ranging study’ into Knight Hospitaller commanderies and associated parish
Three other submissions have been selected for commendation by Musson, all also made to courses fully recognised by the
Yuk Hong Ian Tan,
University of Edinburgh, on bridges in Singapore
Tim Lewis, Birmingham University, on a case study around post-War social housing
Lauren Ayers, Oxford Brookes University, on the conservation of the Edwardian terrace house.
2014 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline: 30 June 2014
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll
Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative
solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in
the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.
Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental
sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
+ info:
Premio Cossío, 2014. Patrimonio Histórico Educativo - Fecha límite: 30 abril 2014
La Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboración del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural
de España, convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOMÉ COSSÍO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la
dedicación a ese ámbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental finalidad: la protección, conservación, estudio e
investigación del patrimonio histórico-educativo, así como la promoción de acciones que estimulen tales tareas.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 30 de abril de 2014.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Álvarez Domínguez, Pablo (España / Spain / Espagne)
Sally Boasberg Founder's Fellowship Accepting Applications for 2014 - Deadline 31 March 2014
In 2012, The Cultural Landscape Foundation established the Sally Boasberg Founder’s Fellowship to honor TCLF founding
Co-Chairman Sally Boasberg's commitment to TCLF and to memorialize her dedication to landscape education and
stewardship. Her wisdom and passion shaped
the foundation from its inception, and the Founder’s Fellowship supports an
internship program for students and aspiring professionals to perpetuate her vision and ideals.
The Fellowship runs for 8-12 weeks during the summer, with flexible start and end dates, working in TCLF’s Washington, DC
office. Applications for the program are accepted from January to March 31st each year, with phone interviews and decisions
made in April. The position is paid and includes housing in the Boasberg home in Northwest Washington, DC.
+ info:
Fellowships - 2014 PhD Studentships: Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services
This project is an opportunity to produce new collaborative research on how and in what ways tourism, leisure and recreation activities can be a
catalyst for improving human health and wellbeing by using in a symbiotic and sustainable way natural resources and services provided by
ecosystems, as well as exploring the challenges of (e)valuation of such services.
The provision of ecosystem-based cultural services (which include recreation) and their role in supporting key constituents of wellbeing, such
as improved physical and mental health, are some of the least understood aspects of the ecosystem services research agenda…
+ info:
Advanced Training Fellowships in Ethnographic and Archaeological Object and Textile Conservation - Deadline: 15
March 2014
The NMAI’s Conservation Laboratory, located at the museum’s Cultural Resources Center in Suitland, Maryland (metro D.C.
area), is the primary work site and is accessible by metro or Smithsonian Employee Shuttle. Fellowships are for one year with a
possible renewal of a second year. Fellowships commence in the fall (September or October) and include a stipend and funds[03/03/2014 10:21:30]
Awards, Prizes, Fellowships, Competitions and Job Offers
for travel and research, plus health insurance. Candidates with the best qualifications will be those who are pursuing a career in
the conservation of material culture of the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. Applicants should have a
proven record of research, writing ability, and proficient English language skills (written and spoken)…
+ info:
"FILMER SA RECHERCHE" Date limite: 10 mars 2014
Le Festival du Film de Chercheur est organisé par le CNRS et l’Université de Lorraine.
Le concours « Filmer sa recherche » se fonde sur la philosophie du Festival qui est la suivante : «
Faire connaître et comprendre la démarche du chercheur »
Mettre en avant et faire connaître les films qui montrent les personnels des laboratoires dans le
quotidien de leur recherche. La spécificité du Festival du Film de Chercheur est donc de présenter la
science en train de se faire, en privilégiant les aspects humains et les impacts sociétaux de cette
création. Ce Festival se préoccupe des films qui ont un lien direct avec la recherche et les chercheurs qu’ils soient les réalisateurs, les
producteurs ou les partenaires dans les opérations de production/réalisation.
+ info:
Modalités de candidature au Prix SF2A HP-AMD - Date limite : 3 mars 2014
La SF2A poursuit sa tradition, établie depuis 1986, d’attribuer un Prix qui récompense chaque année un(e) jeune chercheur(se) âgé(e) de 36
ans au plus, reconnu(e) internationalement, dont les travaux scientifiques ont été remarqués pour leur qualité et leur originalité et dont
l’implication au service de la communauté astronomique est reconnue de tous.
Cette année et comme tous les deux ans, deux prix seront attribués, à un(e) chercheur(se) et à un(e) enseignant(e)-chercheur(se).
Les candidatures féminines, peu nombreuses les années précédentes, sont particulièrement encouragées. Les conditions d’obtention que nous
rappelons ci-dessous peuvent aussi être consultées sur le site web.
+ info:
Competition - Winning Submissions Envision Gateway for Abandoned Railway in Queens - New York State
The Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) committee of the AIA New York Chapter has announced the winners of
its 2014 biennial design ideas competition, QueensWay Connection: Elevating the Public Realm. In an effort to
imagine the ways in which The Trust for Public Land and Friends of the Queensway could transform an abandoned
railway in Central Queens into a vibrant urban greenway, entrants were challenged to design a vertical gateway for
the elevated viaduct portion of a 3.5 mile stretch along the rail.
Of the 120 submitted proposals from
28 countries, the jury selected the following winners to represent the diverse array of ideas generated…
+ info:
Job Offers
The European Commission needs experts
Following the publication of the first calls under the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon
2020, the European Commission needs experts to evaluate the first Horizon 2020 proposals, including in the fields of
humanities, social sciences and cultural heritage.
Assignments mainly concern research and innovation, falling within the Horizon 2020 programme designed to address the
challenges Europe is facing through funding excellent science, technology and innovation.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Pla Oset, Sofia (España / Spain / Espagne)
Research position in geomorphology and geoarchaeology at University of Lorraine - France
Le MCF recruté devra assurer son service à tous les niveaux en Licence et en Master. Son enseignement sera effectué en géographie
physique, en particulier en géomorphologie et en géoarchéologie, notamment en M2 PPE. Son enseignement s’étendra également aux SIG et
autres outils informatiques appliqués à la géographie.
Y compris les enseignements mutualisés avec le département d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie…
+ info:!
A 4-year postdoctoral research position in coastal paleoseismology at the Geological Survey of Belgium
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Geological Survey of Belgium, Brussels, invites applicants for a 4-year research fellow
(postdoctoral level) in coastal paleoseismology/Quaternary environmental change. Starting date: 1 June 2014.
The successful candidate will work in the framework of a 4-year research project, funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office:
‘QuakeRecNankai’ – Paleo-tsunami and earthquake records of ruptures along the Nankai Trough, offshore South-Central Japan .
The main goal of the QuakeRecNankai project is to generate a long time series of tsunami and megathrust earthquake recurrences, in order to
gain a better understanding of the complex recurrence patterns, both in space and in time…
+ info:
HRBA Job Vacancy - Brussels - Belgium
The Future for Religious Heritage, the only European Network of charities, governmental, religious and university
departments, which work to protect religious heritage buildings and interiors across Europe. is looking for a parttime Communications and Office Assistant, to be based in Brussels
+ info:
Conservation Research Scientist for Yale Art Conservation Research Center (USA)
In its continuing effort to support the conservation of cultural property through scientific research and innovation, the Art Conservation
Research Center (ACRC), a part of the Center for Conservation and Preservation at Yale’s West Campus, seeks a full-time scientist to perform[03/03/2014 10:21:30]
Awards, Prizes, Fellowships, Competitions and Job Offers
research into the effects of light on museum, library, and archival materials. The research will primarily involve the use and further development
of the micro-fading technique pioneered at the ACRC. The development would include evaluating the limitations of the technique and
establishing protocols for its application to photographic print materials and manuscript inks. Other investigations would explore the chemistry
of light-induced color changes and the dark chemistry of light-sensitive residues in photographic prints. These investigations could become
collaborations with other scientists at Yale, other universities, and museum laboratories. In addition to this laboratory research, this position
will utilize the micro-fading tester to provide diagnostic services, examining Yale collection objects for their vulnerability to light damage. This
position reports to the Director of the Art Conservation Research Center.
+ info:
Job Offers - Project Appointment - Associate Project Officer (P1/P2, 80%) - Division of Cultural Objects & Intangible Heritage - Culture
Sector - Paris, HQ - Closing date: 6 March 2014
Under the overall authority of the Chief of the Capacity Building and Heritage Policy Unit and the direct supervision of the concerned Regional
Officer within the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, and in close cooperation with the relevant Field Offices, the incumbent shall be charged
with the management and implementation of a regional programme in Lusophone African countries, namely Angola, cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau,
Mozambique and Sao Tome et Principe, funded by an earmarked contribution from Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund and within
the framework of the global capacity-building strategy for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through the effective implementation of the
2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage…
+ info:
Seeking applications for Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art - Deadline: 31 March 2014
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the world’s finest museums, seeks a specialist in twentieth- and twenty-firstcentury art of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. In this respect, the Curator will work
closely with the Chairman and will participate in active research, development, and management of the Modern and
Contemporary collection and the Breuer project, major special exhibitions, initiation of collection displays,
publications and interpretation, and all activities of the Department. Reports to the Chairman of Modern and
Contemporary Art.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:30]
UNESCO Director-General's activities in the field of cultural and natural heritage
UNESCO Director-General's activities in the field of cultural and natural heritage
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
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Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:32]
Archaeological Heritage
Archaeological Heritage
A Photographer’s Journey Through Zumthor Valley
Our friend and architectural photographer Felipe Camus recently embarked on an architectural pilgrimage to the valley of the
Rhein. Located in the Graubünden region in Switzerland, the valley boasts many of the seminal works of Pritzker Prize
Laureate Peter Zumthor, all within a 60-kilometer radius.
+ info:
Open-access journal PLoS One: Climate change seen behind ancient civilizations' fall
A cold, dry spell that lasted hundreds of years may have driven the collapse of Eastern Mediterranean civilizations in
the 13th century BC, researchers in France said Wednesday. In the Late Bronze Age, powerful kingdoms spanned
lands that are now Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Syria,
Turkey, Israel and the Palestinian territories, but they collapsed
suddenly around 1200 BC. Archeologists have long debated the reasons behind their fall, often citing economic
+ info:
Archaeologists find Sweden's largest Iron Age monument in a pre-Christian religious site
Swedish archaeologists said Friday they have discovered the country's largest Iron Age monument in Old Uppsala, a
pre-Christian religious site in central Sweden. The remains of two rows of wooden pillars appeared as researchers
dug before the construction of a new railway line.
+ info:
Archaeological dig outside of Cairo unearths 4,000 year old tomb of doctor to pharaohs - Egypt
Egyptian hieroglyphics on a 4,000 year old tomb which was discovered by archaeologists in Abusir on the outskirts
of the Egyptian capital, Cairo, containing what they believe are the remains of a prominent doctor to the pharaohs,
officials said. "This discovery is important because this is the tomb of one of the greatest doctors from the time of
the pyramid builders, one of the doctors closely tied to the king," Antiquities Minister Ibrahim Ali said in a statement.
+ info:
Archaeological Museum of Oviedo / PardoTapia Arquitectos - 2011 - Oviedo - Spain
A museum should empower the evocative capacity of the memory. In this purpose, the museum is a sum of parts where each
has its own value and its own characteristics. The museum becomes a platform to make visible what was invisible until now.
+ info:
Mexican archaeologists announce first finding of incipient agriculture in the state of Nuevo Leon - Mexico
The first finding of incipient agriculture for the state of Nuevo Leon (Mexico), practiced by collectors-hunters, such
as seeds, corncobs and corn leaves which are calculated to date back to 3500 or 3000 BC, was registered by
investigators from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of said entity.
+ info:
Archéologie et patrimoine industriels : l’espace gardois et ses marges du temps de Colbert aux années 1970 - France
Fondée afin de « susciter, d’encourager et de diffuser les recherches portant sur l’histoire de Nîmes et de sa région du XVIe
siècle à nos jours », la Société d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine de Nîmes et du Gard envisage d’organiser, au printemps
2012, un colloque sur le thème indiqué ci-dessus. À cette fin, nous lançons un appel à communication accompagné du texte de
présentation d’ensemble de cette manifestation dont nous espérons qu’il retiendra votre attention et vous incitera à venir
apporter votre contribution.
+ info:
The Flying Archaeologist
Archaeologist Ben Robinson flies over Wiltshire to uncover new discoveries in the stoneage landscape. Sites
found from the air have led to exciting new evidence about Stonehenge. The discoveries help to explain why the
monument is where it is, and reveal how long ago it was occupied by people.
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:36]
Archaeological Heritage
Hear The Epic of Gilgamesh Read in the Original Akkadian and Enjoy the Sounds of Mesopotamia
Long ago, in the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, Akkadian was the dominant language. And, for centuries, it remained the
lingua franca in the Ancient Near East. But then it was gradually squeezed out by Aramaic, and it faded into oblivion once
Alexander the Great Hellenized (Greekified) the region.
+ info:
Japanese diggers find pharaonic beer-maker tomb while cleaning the courtyard of another tomb - Egypt
Egypt said Friday a Japanese archaeological team has discovered the tomb of a leading beer producer from the
pharaonic period in the country's famed temple city of Luxor. The tomb of Khonso Em Heb, who lived 3,200 years
ago, was "one of the most important discoveries made in the city of Luxor... at the Thebes necropolis," said
Mohamed Ibrahim, Egypt's antiquities minister. The tomb has on its walls and ceilings landscapes and diverse
sculptures that "revealed many details of daily life during the ancient Egyptian times" including family relationships
religious rituals.
+ info:
Stonehenge Visitor Centre / Denton Corker Marshall - 2013 - Amesbury - United Kingdom
From the architect. Denton Corker Marshall’s new Stonehenge Visitor Centre opens its doors on 18th December,
inviting more than one million visitors every year to experience the transformed ancient site. Located 1.5 miles to
the west of the stone circle at Airman’s Corner, just within the World Heritage Site but out of sight of the
monument, the new visitor centre is designed with a light touch on the landscape – a low key building sensitive to
its environment.
+ info:
Un mystère vieux de 3.000 ans résolu avec du pollen
Les archéologues de l'Université de Tel-Aviv ont creusé sous le lac de Tibériade et la Mer Morte. Leurs trouvailles
permettent d'expliquer la chute des Empires du Levant à l'Age de Bronze.
+ info:
Geoglifos Of Pintados Visitor Center / William Obregon + Aldo I Testa - 2013 - Tarapacá Region, Chile
The word “nothing” is the informal term that we use to refer to the absence of content of a container or place. For
the architecture, probably for the most orthodox, it is the absence of artificial or natural references, where
everything is in the habit of being sustained almost acts. The desert is always a challenge for the architecture and
probably the most similar thing to nothing.
+ info:
Atelier Forma Urbis- Maquettes archéologiques
L'atelier Forma Urbis conçoit, fabrique et restaure des maquettes historiques à destination des professionnels de la culture afin
de modéliser et d'animer à n'importe quelle échelle des maquettes répondant à leur besoin scientifique et pédagogique :
restitution d'édifice, topographie, urbanisme, site archéologique et des maquettes démontables, pédagogiques et tactiles à
destination des publics handicapés.Formée en archéologie dans la restitution architecturale, l'équipe de l'atelier Forma Urbis
travaille de concert avec l'ensemble des intervenants du projet (archéologues, conservateurs, architectes, médiateur...) pour
formuler des hypothèses de restitutions fiables à partir de la documentation archéologique disponible et exploitable (plans de
fouilles, relevés archéologiques, photos,...).
+ info:!museographie%2Fc1mfc
Heritage For Peace
We are an international group of heritage workers who believe that cultural heritage is a common
ground for dialogue and a tool to build peace. Founded in February 2013, Heritage for Peace’s mission
is to support heritage workers as they work to protect their collections, monuments and archaeological
sites during armed conflict. We are an NGO based in Girona, Spain.
+ info:
Archaeologists discover a major church with a splendid mosaic from the Byzantine period - Israel
Israeli archaeologists excavate a 1500-year-old floor mosaic depicting the resurrection of Jesus Christ, in a newlydiscovered church dating back to the Byzantine era, in the village of Aluma in southern Israel on January 22, 2014.
Experts say the Christogram deliberately excluded human depiction of Jesus because of its position on the floor
where worshippers would tread.
+ info:
Half a million archeological items 'pillaged' annually in France
France, prized by tourists for its historical treasures, loses at least half a million buried archeological items to
pillagers each year, a group fighting the practice said Wednesday.
+ info:
Ancient Greek Dance[03/03/2014 10:21:36]
Archaeological Heritage
From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about
the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, and, when they have washed their tender bodies in
Permessus, or in the Horse’s Spring of Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with
vigorous feet.
+ info:
Appel aux dons pour révéler une ancienne tombe égyptienne
Dans un appel paru dans Gazeta Wyborcza, l'éminent archéologue et égyptologue Polonais Andrzej Niwinski, lance
un appel aux dons afin de mettre à jour ce qui pourrait être la tombe intacte d'un haut prêtre de l'Egypte ancienne.
+ info:
Découverte d'un tombeau égyptien
Un tombeau égyptien unique a été découvert dans le complexe de pyramides d'Abou Sir, à proximité du Caire, en Egypte.
Les archéologues, membres de l'Institut Tchèque d'Egyptologie de l'Université Charles de Prague, ont conduit cette
expédition dans une zone proche de celle où ils avaient mis à jour la tombe d'une princesse pharaonique en 2012.
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Proto-Aeolic Capital Associated with Judah’s Longest Spring Tunnel - Israel
The capital is part of an undoubtedly important archaeological site just over five miles from
Jerusalem’s City of David and four miles from Bethlehem. The find itself—a one-of-a-kind protoaeolic capital still attached to its base—is a rare-yet-iconic First Temple period type. The
iconography is familiar in Israel; proto-aeolic designs are etched on modern Israeli five-shekel coins.
The capital is associated with a 525-foot-long tunnel system, the largest and most impressively
hewn spring tunnel in the region of Jerusalem. This labor required to carve such a system opens
new questions regarding the Judahite administration and agriculture around Jerusalem.
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The Ancient Egyptian Economy
The economy of pharaonic Egypt has been called an ancient command economy, but one should always remember
that such modern definitions are not as apt as one would hope for. Still, there was a specialized bureaucracy which
monitored or controlled much of its activity, one of
the hallmarks of planned economies.
+ info:
Ancient Elis - Greece
Ancient Elis, the largest city and capital of the homonymous city-state, was built on the north banks of the Peneus
River, between the mountainous part of Elis (Akroreia) and its coastal lowlands (Elis Koile). The site was inhabited
almost continuously from the beginning of the Middle Palaeolithic (130/120,000) until the end of the Early Byzantine
period (seventh century AD), when the city was abandoned. Aetolos Oxylos is considered the city's mythical founder
(twelfth-eleventh centuries BC). He allegedly took advantage of the Dorian invasion in order to subordinate the area's
early inhabitants and founded the first settlement. The city thrived in the early historical period (eleventh-tenth
centuries BC), during the late Archaic and early Classical periods (sixth-fifth centuries BC), and in the Early Roman period (second century BC
- early third century AD).
+ info:
Une vitrine particulière pour conserver les momies - Italie
Après des siècles passés en sécurité dans leurs tombes, un ennemi invisible attend les momies quand elles sont exposées
dans les musées : les champignons et les bactéries, qui sont capables de les décomposer rapidement hors de
l'environnement dans lequel elles ont été maintenues pendant des années. Aujourd'hui, cependant, les chercheurs de
l'Istituto per le Mummie e l'Iceman dell'Eurac à Bolzano ont trouvé et breveté une solution. Il s'agit d'une vitrine étanche,
scellée par une base organique qui repousse les micro-organismes et défend les momies de l'humidité et de l'oxydation.
+ info:
Town of Paestum in Campania to Become Plastic-Free - Italy
Paestum, a town on the Tyrrhenian Sea in Campania, will become plastic-free from this spring. The local
authorities have banned sale of non-biodegradable plastics within 3 sq km of the archaeological area and 14km of
the coast front.
+ info:
Archaeological Pavilion / kadawittfeldarchitektur - 2013 - Aachen-- Germany
From the architect. In the heart of Aachen, within view of its famed cathedral, is the city’s most beloved innercity
park, the Elisen Garden. During extensive archeological excavations amazing discoveries were made: spanning from
the Neolithic period (4700 BC) to the high and late
Middle Ages (ca. 910-1500) there is evidence of all essential
periods of the history of settlement in Aachen from the birth of Christ to the present.
+ info:
Máster on-line de Diagnóstico del Estado de Conservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla (España)
Fecha límite de inscripción: Extranjeros hasta el 7 de marzo. Público en general del 1 julio al 25 agosto 2014
Este Máster, que se puede realizar completamente on-line (a excepción de la asignatura optativa de prácticas externas), tiene
como objetivo principal capacitar a los profesionales y formar a investigadores en las técnicas que permitan identificar, conocer
y diagnosticar el estado de conservación de los bienes muebles e inmuebles, con el fin de poder preservarlos para las futuras
Durante el Máster se ofrecerá la oportunidad de adquirir una visión actualizada y multidisciplinar de las técnicas y metodologías científicas
utilizadas durante la datación, catalogación, caracterización, prospección y diagnosis, así como de los avances en los conocimientos[03/03/2014 10:21:36]
Archaeological Heritage
metodológicos y tendencias más modernas en el seguimiento de la intervención y de la conservación…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ortiz Calderón, Pilar (España / Spain / Espagne)
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
19 - 21 March 2014
Tomar. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 jun 2013
+ info:
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 April - 16 May 2014
Paphos. Cyprus
Organizers: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 - 23 May 2014
Los Angeles. United States of America
Organizers: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
DEADLINE: 16 dic 2013
+ info:
Séminaire International 2014 : La conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques. Nouvelles pratiques et
26 - 29 May 2014. Grenoble, France
CRAterre; Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble dans le cadre du Festival Grains d’Isère 2014
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Call for abstracts - YOCOCU 2014 "Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage"
28 - 30 May 2014.
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizers: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 16 February 2014
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Curso - Turismo arqueológico: un nicho de turismo especializado en el mediterráneo
02 - 04 July 2014
Maó, Menorca. Spain
Organizers: UIMIR - Universitat Internacional de Menorca Illa del Rei
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference
08 - 12 September 2014
Gothenburg & Mariestad. Sweden
Organizers: hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 September 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizers: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
Egyptians Bronzes. Fondation Gandur pour l'Art
Robert Steven Bianchi With an essay by Christiane Ziegler[03/03/2014 10:21:36]
Archaeological Heritage
Till Schaap Edition, Bern, 2014
ISBN 978-3-03828-097-2
Year: 2014
This catalogue is the first in a series of volumes that will each focus on a period, movement or theme related to the
Foundation’s collections: archaeology (Egyptian, Classical and Near Eastern antiquities); 20th century paintings (post-war
European and American abstraction; narrative figuration); or the decorative arts (furniture, clocks and decorative objects from medieval to
modern times).
+ info:
Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE)
By Mantha Zarmakoupi
ISBN: 9780199678389
Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation
Year: 2014
This study explores Roman luxury villa architecture and the Roman luxury villa lifestyle to shed light on the villas' design as a
dynamic process related to cultural, social, and environmental factors. Roman villas expressed a novel architectural language
which was developed by designers appropriating the existing stylistic and thematic vocabularies of Hellenistic and Roman architecture.
Zarmakoupi seeks to describe and explain the ways in which this architecture accommodated the lifestyle of educated leisure and an
appreciation of the Roman landscape, and how, in doing so, it became a cultural phenomenon and a crucial element in the construction of
Roman cultural identity…
+ info:
Music, Language, and Human Evolution
Edited by Nicholas Bannan
ISBN: 9780199227341
Year: 2012
Why do human beings make music? No human society has ever existed without music, and people all around the world commit
considerable resources, including time, effort, and ingenuity, to musical participation and consumption. Yet until recently
archaeology has had little to say about the possible role of music in human evolution. This book examines the potential role of
musicality in human evolution and its consequences for human culture. Drawing on a growing body of research in archaeology, anthropology,
psychology, and musicology, it illustrates the inter-disciplinary necessity of accounting for the phenomenon of human music-making.
+ info:
Painted Caves - Palaeolithic Rock Art in Western Europe
By Andrew J. Lawson
ISBN: 9780199698226
Year: 2012
Painted Caves, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the oldest art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the
acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the
geographical distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy,
Romania, and Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures
found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air.
Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should rather
be related to their location and other evidence that might provide clues to their significance. Although many scholars have put forward ideas as
to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of his own experience in the
field and enduring fascination for the subject…
+ info:
Dilemas y realidades de la gestión turística del patrimonio arqueológico en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Artículo publicado en la Revista Estudios Digital, núm. 1
Year: 2013
Importantes hallazgos sobre la civilización maya producidos durante las investigaciones multidisciplinarias que se llevan a cabo en los sitios
arqueológicos de Guatemala, han contribuido a la difusión a nivel nacional e internacional de este patrimonio que, junto al contexto natural y la
riqueza socio-cultural local actual, constituye un atractivo con gran potencial para su gestión turística. Aunque continúa discutiéndose acerca
del impacto que puede provocar el turismo sobre el patrimonio cultural en general y la población adyacente, es innegable que hoy en día se ha
posicionado como una de las actividades económicas más relevantes en el mundo, por lo que debe aprovecharse como un mecanismo para la
puesta en valor (investigación, conservación y difusión) de esta riqueza histórica, cuya finalidad primordial es la de establecer un vínculo entre
el pasado y el presente, permitiéndole a los miembros de una sociedad comprender sus orígenes y construir una identidad.
+ info:
Patrimonio arqueológico y turismo alternativo: la situación de El Mirador y otros sitios arqueológicos en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Ponencia presentada en "XXI Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya"
Year: 2013
Actualmente, el elemento cultural ha cobrado un extraordinario auge en la industria turística, enfocado principalmente en el contacto directo
con las sociedades actuales y el patrimonio derivado de su historia. Guatemala es parte de ello gracias a cuatro destinos considerados ya
tradicionales, no obstante, la riqueza cultural del país es mayor a la que se reconoce, desde lo prehispánico y colonial hasta lo republicano y
contemporáneo, constituyendo un vasto y diverso patrimonio arqueológico, cuya adecuada gestión permitiría complementar la oferta turística a
la vez que incidiría en su puesta en valor, tal es el caso particular de los sitios en la Cuenca Mirador y otros que están en la misma situación.
+ info:
Agenda Publications[03/03/2014 10:21:36]
The Lion in West Africa Is Critically Endangered
Henschel P, Coad L, Burton C, Chataigner B, Dunn A, et al. (2014)
The African lion has declined to <35,000 individuals occupying 25% of its historic range. The situation is most
critical for the geographically isolated populations in West Africa, where the species is considered regionally
endangered. Elevating their conservation significance, recent molecular studies establish the genetic distinctiveness
of West and Central African lions from other extant African populations. Interventions to save West African lions are
urgently required. However formulating effective conservation strategies has been hampered by a lack of data on the
species' current distribution, status, and potential management deficiencies of protected areas (PAs) harboring lions. Our study synthesized
available expert opinion and field data to close this knowledge gap, and formulate recommendations for the conservation of West African
+ info:
Bat populations recovering, according to largest ever European study
The EEA report on bats is the most comprehensive study yet made of European bat population trends, studying 16 of the 45 bat
species found across the continent. The study is the first to compile data from ten existing monitoring schemes in nine countries,
building a prototype European-scale indicator of bat population trends. Surveyors counted and catalogued bats hibernating at 6
000 sites in nine different countries. Overall these species appear to have increased by 43 % at hibernation sites between 1993
and 2011, with a relatively stable trend since 2003…
+ info:
Vers un plan européen contre les espèces exotiques envahissantes
"L'objectif est de s'attaquer aux espèces invasives sans mettre en danger les activités des citoyens", a déclaré Pavel Poc (S&D, CZ),
rapporteur du texte européen contre les espèces exotiques envahissantes. La commission de l'environnement du Parlement européen a donné
son feu vert à ce dernier, jeudi 30 janvier, par 49 voix contre 4 et 3 abstentions.
Avec ce texte, les espèces considérées comme préoccupantes pour l'Union devront être identifiées et ne pourront plus "ni être introduites,
transportées, placées sur le marché ni offertes, conservées
et élevées ou relâchées dans l'environnement" soulignent les députés. Pour eux,
cependant, cette liste doit rester ouverte pour inclure des espèces endémiques d'un pays de l'UE qui pourraient devenir invasives dans un
autre Etat membre…
+ info:
Ile-de-France : préserver la biodiversité en changeant les pratiques agricoles
Natureparif, dans son diagnostic de la biodiversité francilienne, souligne l'impact de l'agriculture
sur la faune et la flore ordinaires. La solution : diversifier les cultures et les pratiques, relancer
l'élevage extensif et créer des réserves.
Si l'Ile-de-France est la région la plus anthropisée de France, avec en son cœur une densité
record (8.600 hab/km2), elle reste néanmoins en grande partie rurale (79% du territoire).
Cependant, "les zones non directement affectées par les activités humaines sont inexistantes.
Des zones refuges de taille suffisante pour accueillir une biodiversité remarquable telles que celles dont sont dotées les régions montagneuses
de l'est et du sud de la France (forêts peu accessibles) n'existent pas en Ile-de-France", note l'agence régionale pour la nature et la
biodiversité Natureparif, dans son diagnostic de la biodiversité en Ile-de-France, publié en décembre…
+ info:
Jeux olympiques de Sotchi : le revers de la médaille
L'organisation des Jeux olympiques de Sotchi, qui se déroulent du 7 au 23 février, a engendré un chantier pharaonique qui a coûté la bagatelle
de 37 milliards d'euros. La facture environnementale est elle aussi salée.
360.000 tonnes d'équivalent CO2. C'est l'empreinte carbone
directe des Jeux olympiques de Sotchi, calculée par un groupe d'experts russes et
internationaux, indique le comité d'organisation (CO) dans un communiqué de presse publié le 4 février. Celui-ci s'était engagé, dans son
dossier de candidature, à réduire l'empreinte carbone liée aux préparations et au déroulement des jeux…
+ info:
Histoire Naturelle à l'âge du numérique
La Bibliothèque du Patrimoine de la biodiversité (BHL, Biodiversity Heritage Library), un consortium des
bibliothèques d'histoire naturelle et de botanique du monde entier, possède une collection de plus de 40 millions
de pages de texte décrivant l'organisation de la vie sur terre. C'est actuellement la seule source d'information
disponible gratuitement pour la majorité des espèces que nous connaissons sur notre planète.
+ info:
Our Sanctuary Shattered by Storms
Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary was hit by storms last night shattering monkey enclosure fencing and causing[03/03/2014 10:21:39]
thousands of pounds worth of damage. A large beech tree came crashing down onto one of the woolly monkeys’
enclosures at approximately 6pm. Luckily keepers were able to react quickly and monkeys were moved to safe areas
away from the damaged territory.
+ info:
Lorsqu'une espece devient rare, elle est plus exploitee
Alors que s'ouvre à Londres, ce 12 février le sommet sur la criminalité contre les espèces sauvages, Franck Courchamp,
directeur de recherche à l'Institut national d'écologie et environnement, revient sur les conclusions d'une de ses études :
qualifier une espèce comme rare accélère sa disparition.
+ info:
Threats to Orangutans
In 2014, the Orangutan Conservancy believes there are approximately only 40,000 orangutans remaining in
Borneo and Sumatra. Shockingly, the number was about 60,000 as recent as a decade ago.
Many experts estimate orangutans could be extinct in the wild in less than 25 years.
As shocking as the rapid loss of rainforests has been over these past few decades, nothing compares to the
amount of land being bulldozed by palm oil plantations in the 21st century. Each palm plantation that destroys
thousands of hectares in the pursuit of massive profits also takes with it the lives of many orangutans…
+ info:
Revue Patrimòni n°48
Year: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
World Heritage Review n°70 - Synergies to Protect Sites
Year: 2014
The conservation of World Heritage involves a complex network of partners. This issue will explore the complementarity and
synergies for sustainable development between the different designations for natural sites and cultural landscapes.
The articles will take a close look at how the World Heritage Convention and other programmes and conventions such as Man
and the Biosphere, Geoparks and Ramsar, work together to protect World Heritage sites, and showcase the complementarities
between UNESCO cultural landscapes and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas.
The issue will also feature an interview with Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:39]
Built Heritage
Built Heritage
Haydau / Störmer Murphy and Partners - 2013 - Fritzlar, Germany
From the architect. B. Braun Melsungen AG proposed a competition for an extension to the Haydau Cloister dating
form the 12th century with a hotel new build. The concept implicates the development of this historical location into
an overall modern conference and seminar centre. Our design, which was awarded the 1st prize, is an unmistakable
response to the existing urban context, in which the new build will reconstruct the original unity of the complex.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes new MSc in Architectural History & Theory - Edinburgh College of Art - Scotland (United Kingdom)
A new advanced masters degree in MSc Architectural History & Theory course has been launched by Edinburgh College of Art to commence in
September 2014.
Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) is offering a new course for the 2014 academic year, with advanced training in the methodological and
theoretical paradigms of architectural history. Through coursework, supervised dissertation research, and optional internships, students will
acquire both breadth of historical understanding and rigorous research practices…
+ info:
Should You Become a Global Architect?
Globalization has brought with it many things: the ability to travel, to recognize familiarity in any city, and, most importantly
for us, to create trans-continental opportunity in design. It has created a platform for young professionals that no other
generation has been fortunate enough to encounter at this scale. If you want to be a Global architect, to chase the awardwinning projects, to work side by side with inspiring people, to learn from them and be amongst those at the top of their
game, you have to be proactive and seek these people out; in essence, you have to be willing to be mobile.
+ info:
AD Classics: 2 Columbus Circle / Edward Durell Stone & Associates - 1964 - New York City - New York State USA
Located on a small and irregular shaped island at Columbus Circle, one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan, lies
2 Columbus Circle, formerly known as the Gallery of Modern Art. Famously described as a “die-cut Venetian palazzo
on lollipops” by Ada Louise Huxtable, the New York Times architecture critic at the time, the 10-story poured concrete
structure has been a source of consistent controversy and public response since the 1960s. Designed by Edward
Durell Stone, an early proponent of American modern architecture, 2 Columbus Circle represents a turning point in his
career. Uncharacteristic of Stone’s prior work, his use of ornament on an otherwise modern structure can be seen as an important precedent of
the development of the soon-to-emerge Postmodern movement.
+ info:
2014 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline: 30 June 2014
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll
Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative
solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in
the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.
Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental
sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
+ info:
El ‘moderno tropical’ de Luanda
En la capital de Angola se desarrolló una experiencia urbanística revolucionaria de 1950 a 1975 definida por su
funcionalidad, apertura a la tecnología, visión global y servicio a la sociedad.
Pilotis y rampas, pasadizos porticados para trabar conversación y curiosear las mercancías de los vendedores
ambulantes, el paso humano como medida, juegos de volúmenes y formas geométricas, brise soleis y celosías,
azulejos, murales, mestizaje y mezcla de clases, espacios privados y comunes interconectados, elementos
voladizos preparados para seguir la trayectoria del sol y hacer frente a las repentinas lluvias tropicales…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Núñez Martí, Paz (España / Spain / Espagne)
Máster on-line de Diagnóstico del Estado de Conservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla (España)
Fecha límite de inscripción: Extranjeros hasta el 7 de marzo. Público en general del 1 julio al 25 agosto 2014
Este Máster, que se puede realizar completamente on-line (a excepción de la asignatura optativa de prácticas externas), tiene
como objetivo principal capacitar a los profesionales y formar a investigadores en las técnicas que permitan identificar, conocer[03/03/2014 10:21:41]
Built Heritage
y diagnosticar el estado de conservación de los bienes muebles e inmuebles, con el fin de poder preservarlos para las futuras
Durante el Máster se ofrecerá la oportunidad de adquirir una visión actualizada y multidisciplinar de las técnicas y metodologías científicas
utilizadas durante la datación, catalogación, caracterización, prospección y diagnosis, así como de los avances en los conocimientos
metodológicos y tendencias más modernas en el seguimiento de la intervención y de la conservación…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ortiz Calderón, Pilar (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda 2014
Curso de Perfeccionamiento - Paisajes Urbanos Históricos "Al encuentro del genius loci"
24 - 28 February 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizers: CICOP Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bozzano, Jorge Néstor (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Cycle de conférences du DSA architecture & patrimoine "Le patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO"
25 February - 20 May 2014
Paris. France
Organizers: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
4th International Utzon Symposium 2014 - Architecture – City Making – Political Economy – Conservation
07 - 09 March 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizers: UNSW Australia, the Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University of Portsmouth,
UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 2 dic 2013
+ info:
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
19 - 21 March 2014
Tomar. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 jun 2013
+ info:
5º. Simposio Internacional Estudios Comparados de los Espacios Habitables en Iberoamérica "Procesos institucionales de su
producción, formación y conservación"
26 - 28 March 2014
Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico
Organizers: Red Universitaria Internacional Historia, Arquitectura y Ciudad
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 9 feb 2014
+ info:
Colloque (Des) Equilibres : Homme, nature, culture, quel équilibre ?
01 - 02 April 2014
Versailles. France
Organizers: L'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Brianso, Isabelle (Francia / France / France)
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Conference - Grand tour del terzo millennio (VI edizione) – CALL FOR PAPERS
08 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Roma
Contact: Prof. Giuseppe Bonaccorso: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 April 2014
Austin, Texas. United States of America[03/03/2014 10:21:41]
Built Heritage
Organizers: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
Construction History Society: First National Conference
11 - 12 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: University of Cambridge Department of Architecture at Queens' College, Cambridge
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
First National Conference on Construction History
11 - 12 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Queen's College
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ago 2013
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 June 2014
Hamburg. Belgium
Organizers: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Call for papers - Historical Lab 5 "Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art Nouveau architecture"
5 September 2014. Riga, Latvia
Organizers: Réseau Art Nouveau Network and the City of R īga in the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
Defence Heritage 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future
17 - 19 September 2014
Venice. Italy
Organizers: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Arsenale Di Venezia Spa, Italy; University IUAV, Italy
Contact: Belinda Lopez - [email protected]
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 September 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizers: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
III Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
25 - 27 September 2014
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic
Organizers: Red Internacional de Pensamiento Crítico sobre Globalización y Patrimonio Construido (RIGPAC) en asocio con la Universidad
Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo (UNIBE)
Contact: Prof. Dra. Mauricia Domínguez - [email protected][03/03/2014 10:21:41]
Built Heritage
DEADLINE: 4 jul 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Convegno internazionale: Carlo Fontana (1638–1714), Celebrato Architetto
22 - 23 October 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Roma 2 “Tor Vergata”
Contact: Giuseppe Bonaccorso - [email protected]; [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Publications Inheritance and identity of Cultural Heritage
Article in Advances in Literary Study
ISSN Print: 2327-4034
Year: 2014
Generally the community describe the “cultural heritage” such as historic, artistic, scientific and traditional. These definitions
often coincide with the attribution of “value” and “identity”. Many answers about what could be “cultural heritage” are explained
as a set together with their specific value, such as landscape and architecture of high artistic value and historic materials of scientific value. In
contrast it is not possible to rely on this generality of definitions. The reality shows that the definition of value of “cultural heritage” changes in
relation to the person, culture, geography, social and economic conditions. In other words, in relation to the person, the standpoint of value of
“cultural heritage” is different according to each category, such as ruins, works of art, historic cities and gardens, and it is rare that one
category simultaneously holds many of such values…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
La modernidad ignorada
México: Red de Investigación Urbana AC, 2014
ISSN 0187-8611
Year: 2014
CIUDADES es una revista trimestral monotemática y los temas se seleccionan en relación al debate que actualmente se está
desarrollando respecto al territorio y que son importantes para nuestro país (lo cual puede ser abordado en la coyuntura pero,
igualmente, de manera histórica). Estas cuestiones a veces son totalmente nacionales y muchas otras se engloban en procesos que afectan a
toda Latinoamérica o se definen mundialmente. La revista es monotemática porque eso nos permite profundizar más sobre un tema a partir de
ópticas diferentes y entradas diversas, respecto al mismo problema; cosa que no sería posible si se trataran múltiples temáticas en cada
+ info:
BOUNDARIES - New call for papers on Architectures for Emergencies - Deadline 21 March 2014
Year: 2014
We wish to deepen discussions and researches around the topic of architecture in emergencies situations, on which we started
working with Boundaries' issue n. 2.
Even if they are considered as special events – something rarely happening – emergencies are, in many cases, an everyday
reality around the globe : from natural to man-made disasters, architecture must face a broad variety of emergency
circumstances. Can we speak about “architecture” at a given historical moment or in certain geographic areas?
Which is the role and the status of architecture during the disaster – shelter, appropriation for other uses –, and after the emergency – in the
reconstruction of the city or a part of it, in the reorganization of the community for the future in the short and long term? How do architects
react to situations like: destruction – physical and/or of the memory –, presence of ruins, restoration and reconstruction, and how does all that
interacts with human perception of the environment?
Contributions on any aspect of these topics, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate, are encouraged.
All kinds of approaches
to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.
+ info:
50 años del Instituto de las Investigaciones Estéticas hoy Instituto Carlos Avelaes Camacho para el
patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano de Bogotá
Revista Gremiun nº 1
Restauro Compás y Canto S.A. de C.V., México D.F.
ISSN: En Trámite
Year: 2014
Con los primeros 50 años del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, hoy Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el
patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano en Bogotá, este artículo tiene como finalidad recorrer las etapas fundamentales del desarrollo de la cultura
de la restauración en Colombia gracias a la obra del profesor Carlos Arbeláez Camacho . Su obra se desarolló en un contexto cultural muy
complejo donde la práctica de la conservación del
patrimonio cultural no era de interés para la comunidad más interesada a la odernización del país. Sin embargo el trabajo de sensibilización
desarrollado por Carlos Arbeláez Camacho con sus alumnos ha puesto las bases por una cultura de la restauración, hoy con más de cincuenta
años de historia y de experiencias muy interesantes.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)[03/03/2014 10:21:41]
Climate Change Impacts on Heritage
Climate Change Impacts on Heritage
Open-access journal PLoS One: Climate change seen behind ancient civilizations' fall
A cold, dry spell that lasted hundreds of years may have driven the collapse of Eastern Mediterranean civilizations in
the 13th century BC, researchers in France said Wednesday. In the Late Bronze Age, powerful kingdoms spanned
lands that are now Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Syria,
Turkey, Israel and the Palestinian territories, but they collapsed
suddenly around 1200 BC. Archeologists have long debated the reasons behind their fall, often citing economic
+ info:
L'Himalaya a perdu 13% de ses glaciers en 40 ans
Environ 443 milliards de tonnes (Gt) de glaces auraient été perdues ces dernières années. Selon une étude d'Anil
V.Kulkarni et Yogesh Karyakarte, de l'Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bangalore), publiée dans Current Science, la
masse totale d'eau glaciaire serait désormais de 4000 milliards de tonnes. En se basant sur des études de terrain,
des images satellitaires, cartes, et bibliographie, les auteurs donnent une image globale de la chaine, passant en
revue 11.000 km2 carré de glaciers Himalayens.
+ info:
Une nouvelle expédition de chercheurs tchèques en Antarctique
Une nouvelle expédition de chercheur tchèques en Antarctique est partie début janvier. Seize personnes passeront 2 mois
dans la station Johann Gregor Mendel, située sur l'île James Ross. Les scientifiques étudieront, dans le cadre de projets à
long terme, le climat local de la partie nord de l'île, la vitesse de retrait des glaciers, le pergélisol (couche de glace
permanente) ainsi que les radiations UV qui atteignent la Terre lors de la déplétion annuelle de l'ozone stratosphérique de
+ info:
Nouveau programme russe de recherches en Antarctique
Le ministre des ressources naturelles Sergey Donskoï a réuni les principaux organismes impliqués dans la recherche
polaire : RosHydroMet, les deux principaux instituts d'océanographie (l'institut Zubov et l'institut Shirshov), ainsi que
les ministères concernés (science et éducation, ressources naturelles, développement économique, finances) afin de
discuter du financement des recherches scientifiques russes en Antarctique. Ce plan de recherches formait une partie
importante du programme fédéral ciblé "Océan mondial", dont la mise en place n'a pas été confirmée.
+ info:
El cambio climático se asocia con un incremento general de parásitos en las aves
Investigadores europeos han analizado los efectos del aumento de temperatura en las relaciones entre las
poblaciones de 24 especies de aves y 89 parásitos sanguíneos. Según sus resultados, el ascenso de temperatura
incrementa la prevalencia de estos parásitos y el cambio climático afecta a la reproducción y condición corporal de
las aves.
+ info:
Retour d'une nouvelle expédition scientifique en terre inexplorée de l’Antarctique
Une expédition scientifique de grande ampleur, entre la base française Dumont d’Urville et le point GC40 du bassin
Aurora en Antarctique, vient de se terminer dans le cadre du projet Aurora Basin North (ABN). Elle a permis la mise en
place d’une importante campagne de forage au point GC40 impliquant notamment le Centre de carottage et de forage
national (C2FN) français. La visite de cette région inexplorée de l’Antarctique par moyens terrestres résulte d’une
étroite collaboration entre l’IPEV, son homologue australien l’AAD et les scientifiques du Laboratoire de glaciologie et
géophysique de l’environnement.
+ info:
Irrigation et changement climatique en Inde du Sud
À quels impacts du changement climatique les agriculteurs du sud de l’Inde doivent-ils se préparer ? Des chercheurs
issus de trois laboratoires [Nouvelles ressources en eau et économie (NRE, BRGM), Géosciences environnement
Toulouse (GET/OMP, IRD / CNRS / CNES / UPS) et Centre d’études spatiales de la biosphère (CESBIO/OMP, IRD /
CNRS / CNES / UPS)] ont tenté de répondre à cette question en s’associant à une équipe indienne du Centre francoindien de recherche sur les eaux souterraines (CEFIRES, BRGM / NGRI(1)) et à des spécialistes français de la
télédétection (SIRS, Systèmes d'information à référence spatiale). Leur étude révèle que le changement climatique
prévu à l’horizon 2045 va avoir des effets contrastés sur la disponibilité de la ressource en eau souterraine au sein d’un même bassin versant.
Elle démontre ainsi la nécessité de prendre en compte les caractéristiques locales (aquifère, infrastructures et pratiques) pour évaluer l’impact[03/03/2014 10:21:43]
Climate Change Impacts on Heritage
du changement climatique sur les activités agricoles…
+ info:
Colloque (Des) Equilibres : Homme, nature, culture, quel équilibre ?
01 - 02 April 2014
Versailles. France
Organizers: L'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Brianso, Isabelle (Francia / France / France)
11th International Conference Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
13 - 16 April 2014
Prague. Czech Republic
Organizers: Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Meeting & Open Conference "The Future of Polar Heritage: Environmental challenges in
the face of climate change: detection and response"
25 - 28 May 2014
Copenhagen. Denmark
Organizers: The ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) and hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in association with
the Greenland National Museum.
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 nov 2013
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 - 18 June 2014
Izmir. Turkey
Organizers: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contact: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
The Emissions Gap Report 2013
Published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
ISBN: 978-92-807-3353-2
Year: 2013
Should the global community not immediately embark on wide-ranging actions to narrow the greenhouse gas emissions gap, the
chance of remaining on the least-cost path to keeping global temperature rise below 2°C this century will swiftly diminish and
open the door to a host of challenges.
The Emissions Gap Report 2013-involving 44 scientific groups in 17 countries and coordinated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)-is
released as leaders prepare to meet for the latest Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Warsaw.
It finds that although pathways exist that could reach the 2oC target with higher emissions, not narrowing the gap will exacerbate mitigation
challenges after 2020…
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:43]
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
First mission to Gao since end of military occupation of northern Mali takes stock of serious damage to the
city’s cultural heritage
UNESCO, Malian and international experts have completed the first assessment of damage to cultural heritage in Gao,
following the occupation by armed groups of parts of northern Mali. Their work addressed both sites and the cultural
practices of local people.
“Urgent measures are required to safeguard the Tomb of Askia World Heritage site before the next rainy season in
June,” said Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Director of UNESCO’s Office in Bamako, who took part in the mission…
+ info:
AESOP - A European and South African Partnership on Heritage and Past
The AESOP multidisciplinary and intersectorial Erasmus Mundus consortium co-coordinated
by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and the University of the Western Cape
(South Africa).The partnership is composed by 11 European and 9 South African university
partners, as well as six additional associate members. AESOP involves eight thematic fields
and encourages the collaboration between different sectors applied to cultural and natural
+ info:
Chinese culture is so enriched with allegorical imagery that one could almost say it is its very foundation. As with any world
culture, it is an osmotic accumulation of influences from outside and within China over millennia, manifesting itself in
ceremon8ial and decorative objects in combinations that are themselves often wonders in their own right. One particular object
is the result of a virtual metamorphosis of usages, beliefs, superstitions and myths; as an object it literally stands out of the
crowd of symbolic phenomena.
+ info:
Capela / Bruno Dias arquitectos - 2013 - Sarzedela, Ansião, Portugal
From the architect. Situated in a village near the town of Ansiao, is a chapel that after abandoned and abused,
continues to prove its soundness. Although he continued to be consumed by time resting in silence, waiting for a
guarantee of its maintenance and use.
+ info:
Mutual Cultural Heritage Newsletter December 2013
1 January 2013 marked the start of DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation. This is the new supporting
organisation of the Dutch international cultural policy and a merger of SICA, Trans Artists and Media DESK
Netherlands. On this page, as well as on our News page, we
will keep you updated about the developments related
to the merger. DutchCulture strengthens and stimulates international activities in the areas of culture, media and
heritage. The organisation connects, informs and advises the cultural sector, the international network of embassies,
governments and civil society. We are based in Amsterdam with 33 staff members (22 FTE) in the office.
+ info:
Restauratori Senza Frontiere Onlus Italia
Nasce ufficialmente “Restauratori Senza Frontiere”, una Onlus dedicata alla conservazione e al restauro del
patrimonio artistico in Italia e nel mondo: il giorno 24 gennaio p.v. si svolge a Roma (nella Sala Convegni della
casa dei Cappuccini, via Vittorio Veneto, 21) la prima riunione plenaria del comitato scientifico e dei soci onorari di
RSF. Restauratori Senza Frontiere promuove la tutela dei beni culturali e dell’arte coinvolgendo professionisti del
restauro e della conservazione. L’associazione si propone di intervenire ovunque venga messa in pericolo la
salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale, sia in tempi di pace sia incontesti di emergenza.
+ info:
Oil Plant Could Destroy 1614 Dutch Fort in Albany, New York - USA
A proposed facility to heat crude oil at the Port of Albany could forever destroy “Fort Nassau,” North America’s oldest
Dutch habitation built in January, 1614, say historians. But the structure could be saved, if the project is handled
Fort Nassau was constructed during a 1613 trading expedition for the Amsterdam Van Tweenhysen Company,
commanded by Captain Adriaen Block. In January 1614, Block remained in New York Bay but sent Hedrick
Christiaensen and his crew up the Hudson River (then called the “North River”) to build a trading post, named Fort[03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
+ info:
The European Institute of Restoration - Isola d'Ischia (Italy)
The Institute, based at the Aragonese Castle on the Island of Ischia, is a centre of excellence in the sector
of heritage conservation and restoration, operating in the fields of education, research and professional
Created through the collaboration of important partners in the culture and industry sectors, the European
Institute of Restoration is today an international point of reference. The Institute has been acquired and is
managed by the AAC, an association whose goal is the protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural
heritage; not only does the I.E.R. guarantee economic support, but it also provides technological and scientific assistance while fostering
research, conservation and restoration projects, as well as highly specialized training courses…
+ info:
Appel à projets de recherche 2014 du MCC sur les Pratiques interculturelles dans les processus de patrimonialisation - Date limite de
soumission : 31 mars 2014
Cet appel à projets de recherche lancé par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication le 04 février 2014 vise à mieux connaître la façon
dont les institutions patrimoniales (musées, centres d’archives, bibliothèques, services patrimoniaux de collectivités locales) et autres acteurs
concernés par des processus de patrimonialisation (muséums, centres culturels scientifiques et techniques, centres culturels de rencontre...)
prennent en compte la complexité des sociétés contemporaines et les changements culturels mondiaux…
+ info:
Restoration and construction of Touraine's historical buildings
Many castles, historical buildings and tourist sites in Touraine are currently undergoing, or are scheduled to undergo,
restoration works. Review with the castles of Amboise, Villandry and Gizeux, the Saint-Cosme Priory and the Veron
ecomuseum. Also of note is the opening of the Farm of the Future in Bourdaisiere, an experimental permaculture project.
In Amboise, the northern facing ramparts (on the Loire side) are currently undergoing restoration. The Louis-Philippe
stables located in the extension of the new ticket office will be opened to the public
on the 1st of July at the latest. A lift
will also be installed in the castle, on the Heurtault tower side, which will stop on three levels, for disabled access to all
of the castle’s facilities…
+ info:
IHBC on CITB skills update: ‘Great stats, but don’t hide the heritage data!’ - United Kingdom
The IHBC, the UK’s professional body for built and historic environment conservation specialists, has welcomed the
recent update from the construction industry training body, the CITB’s ‘Blueprint’ for 2014-18, but calls for more
heritage awareness in any future data analysis.
+ info:
The European Commission needs experts
Following the publication of the first calls under the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon
2020, the European Commission needs experts to evaluate the first Horizon 2020 proposals, including in the fields of
humanities, social sciences and cultural heritage.
Assignments mainly concern research and innovation, falling within the Horizon 2020 programme designed to address the
challenges Europe is facing through funding excellent science, technology and innovation.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Pla Oset, Sofia (España / Spain / Espagne)
The HerMan Project - January 2012 - December 2014
Moving from conservation to management: HerMan, acronym of “Management of Cultural Heritage in the
Central Europe Area”, intends to intensify the attractiveness and the competitiveness of the Central
Europe area through a sustainable use of the cultural heritage. To reach the principal goal of improving
the management and the valorisation of their cultural heritage, the project partners have defined three
different objectives: To jointly develop and test management strategies, models, procedures and
financial schemes. To identify, adapt and create innovative services and functions for underexploited
cultural heritage assets. These tools will aim to promote their protection and promotion. To strengthen management capacities of partner
+ info:
Resultado de la I Jornada COOPUAH / Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid (España) Investigación Aplicada a la Cooperación al
El Grupo de Investigación Multidisciplinar para el Desarrollo Humano en Países con bajo IDH (COOPUAH) celebró el pasado 21
de enero de 2014 la primera de sus Jornadas anuales dedicadas a la investigación aplicada a la cooperación al desarrollo.
COOPUAH es un Grupo de investigación de reciente creación constituido por profesores de distintas disciplinas de la
Universidad de Alcalá que tiene en común el interés en trabajar en diversos aspectos de la investigación aplicada a la
cooperación al desarrollo, generando un enfoque transversal. Su propósito es colaborar con distintos grupos universitarios y/o
de otras instituciones que trabajen sobre temas comunes, participando tanto en proyectos de investigación y docencia como en la difusión del
conocimiento generado. Las líneas de investigación de COOPUAH dan cuenta
de su vocación integradora y se encuadran dentro de las
siguientes líneas de trabajo: Fortalecimiento institucional; Formación docente; Género y desarrollo; Agua, salud y medio ambiente; Hábitat y
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Monfort i Signes, Jaume (España / Spain / Espagne)
Premio Cossío, 2014. Patrimonio Histórico Educativo - Fecha límite: 30 abril 2014
La Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboración del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural
de España, convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOMÉ COSSÍO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la
dedicación a ese ámbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental finalidad: la protección, conservación, estudio e
investigación del patrimonio histórico-educativo, así como la promoción de acciones que estimulen tales tareas.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 30 de abril de 2014.
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
Posted by FUUH member: Álvarez Domínguez, Pablo (España / Spain / Espagne)
Getty and World Monuments Fund release Arches Software to help safeguard cultural heritage sites
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and World Monuments Fund (WMF) today announced the public release of Arches
(version 1.0), a user-friendly, open source information management software system built specifically to help heritage
organizations safeguard cultural heritage sites worldwide. Arches has been created to help inventory and manage heritage
places, and by incorporating a broad range of international standards, meets a critical need in terms of gathering, making
accessible and preserving key information about cultural heritage…
+ info:
Agenda 2014
VI Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo “Cultura y Economía”
05 - 07 February 2014
Medellín. Colombia
Organizers: Museo de Antioquia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
“Café on line” con Ángela Espinar del Máster en Arte Contemporáneo (MEGAC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
“Café on line” con Rosa Domínguez del Máster en Proyectos Culturales (MPC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
Workshop: A conceptual design proposal for implementation of cultural project in the open - air aereas
02 - 09 March 2014
Firenze. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism Events - Soc. Comi spa
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 22 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: DEL BIANCO, Paolo. Italy
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 March 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 sep 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
5º. Simposio Internacional Estudios Comparados de los Espacios Habitables en Iberoamérica "Procesos institucionales de su
producción, formación y conservación"
26 - 28 March 2014
Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico
Organizers: Red Universitaria Internacional Historia, Arquitectura y Ciudad
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 9 feb 2014
+ info:
2nd International Meeting Point for Cultural Managers.
03 - 04 April 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Tafter Journal e Loop Studies/Università di Barcellona
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 mar 2014
+ info:
First National Conference on Construction History
11 - 12 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Queen's College
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
DEADLINE: 15 ago 2013
+ info:
15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar
26 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: The Cambridge Heritage Research Group
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 - 30 April 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
International Congress - Authentification in Art
07 - 09 May 2014
The Hague. Netherlands
Organizers: The Authentication in Art Foundation (AiA)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Desarrollo y comercialización del Producto Turístico Cultural
09 May - 20 June 2014
Profesor: Luis Gustavo Patrucco
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host communities"
10 - 13 May 2014
Primošten. Croatia
Organizers: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
Encuentro Universitario del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
16 - 17 May 2014
Aculco. Mexico
Organizers: El Consejo Cultural y de Turismo Aculco
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Mancilla Porraz, Aimée (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Call for abstracts - YOCOCU 2014 "Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage"
28 - 30 May 2014.
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizers: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 16 February 2014
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
06 June - 18 July 2014
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 June 2014
Hamburg. Belgium
Organizers: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
3rd International Conference UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Culture, Tourism, Development” - Tourism and Gastronomy tourism:
Foodscapes, Culinary Heritage and Gastronomy Tourism Destinations
16 - 20 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: UNESCO-UNITWIN Network "Culture, Tourism and Development"
Contact: Jordi Tresserras Juan: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
20 June - 01 August 2014
Profesora: Karina Durand
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 - 24 June 2014
Canterbury. New Zealand
Organizers: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Labadi, Sophia. France
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 June - 08 July 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Russian Federation
Organizers: The European University at St Petersburg
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Rutgers University (USA) Summer programme: CHAPS Abroad
05 - 10 July 2014
Prague (Czech Republic) & Krakow (Poland )
Organizers: Rutgers’ Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies in collaboration with the Dartmore Institute
Contact: Dan Loughrey - [email protected]
+ info:
International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) 2014
07 - 19 July 2014
Cottbus. Germany
Organizers: The International Graduate School: Heritage Studies under the direction of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies. Under the
patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (tbc). And supported and
funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contact: Ms. Anca Claudia Prodan - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 - 23 August 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizers: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Call for papers - Historical Lab 5 "Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art Nouveau architecture"
5 September 2014. Riga, Latvia
Organizers: Réseau Art Nouveau Network and the City of Rī ga in the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
ICOM CC 17th Triennial Conference "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 September 2014
Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizers: International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 may 2013
+ info:
ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for the Arts: Is it just about money? Social, aesthetic and economic aspects of arts
management in the public and private sectors”.
17 - 20 September 2014
Brno. Czech Republic
Organizers: European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cogliandro, Giannalia (Bélgica / Belgium / Belgique)
2014 International Conference on Arts, Culture, Heritage and the National Development Plan: Vision for 2030
01 - 03 October 2014
Pretoria. South Africa
Organizers: Faculty of the Arts, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa.
Contact: Irene Botes - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cogliandro, Giannalia (Bélgica / Belgium / Belgique)
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
FLORENCE youth&heritage FESTIVAL "Heritage and intercultural dialogue: the role of youth"
10 - 13 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism & ICOMOS Italia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
18th ICOMOS General Assembly "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
10 - 14 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 Feb 2014
+ info:
Colloquium: Open Air Metal
04 - 05 December 2014
Paris. France
Organizers: ICOMOS France
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 28 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Barre, Anne-sophie (Francia / France / France)
Publications Revue Patrimòni n°48
Year: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.[03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Inheritance and identity of Cultural Heritage
Article in Advances in Literary Study
ISSN Print: 2327-4034
Year: 2014
Generally the community describe the “cultural heritage” such as historic, artistic, scientific and traditional. These definitions
often coincide with the attribution of “value” and “identity”. Many answers about what could be “cultural heritage” are explained
as a set together with their specific value, such as landscape and architecture of high artistic value and historic materials of scientific value. In
contrast it is not possible to rely on this generality of definitions. The reality shows that the definition of value of “cultural heritage” changes in
relation to the person, culture, geography, social and economic conditions. In other words, in relation to the person, the standpoint of value of
“cultural heritage” is different according to each category, such as ruins, works of art, historic cities and gardens, and it is rare that one
category simultaneously holds many of such values…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Inheritance and Identity of Cultural Heritage
Niglio, Olimpia
Advances in Literary Study 2014. Vol.2, No.1, 1-4
Published Online January 2014 in SciRes (
Year: 2014
Generally the community describes the “cultural heritage” such as historic, artistic, scientific and tradi-tional. These definitions often coincide
with the attribution of “value” and “identity”. Many answers about what could “cultural heritage” be are explained as a set together with their
specific value, such as landscape and architecture of high artistic value and historic materials of scientific value. In contrast it is not possible to
rely on this generality of definitions. The reality shows that the definition of value of “cul-tural heritage” changes in relation to the person,
culture, geography, social and economic conditions. In other words, in relation to the person, the standpoint of value of “cultural heritage” is
different according to each category, such as ruins, works of art, historic cities and gardens, and it is rare that one category simultaneously
holds many of such values. It is believed that there are no words or phrases that compre-hensively explain the various values that prescribe
“cultural heritage”. Therefore in defining “cultural heritage” its values not must be specifically expressed as historic, artistic, scientific and
others, but should be left in a way that can correspond also to the concept of a “cultural heritage” the significance of identity and of inheritance.
Define the value of cultural heritage means to analyze the identity of the site and its contents of inheritance. The concepts of value and
inheritance analyzed here are not related to economic considerations. Differently these concepts are analyzed with reference to scientific
theories of A. K. Sen, M. W. Feldman and L. Cavalli-Sforza. In fact this paper proposes a reflection on these concepts with the support of
interdisciplinary studies.
Keywords: Scientific Value; Identity; Inheritance; Knowledge; Cultural Proprieties
+ info:
A World in Decay? – a Case of Tram Cemetery in Wrocław (Poland)
Kobiałka, Dawid
Year: 2013
One of the many examples of material culture where materiality and memory are deeply interwoven is a certain tram cemetery in Wrocł aw
(Poland) (fig. 1). That is why I will shortly describe the history of the site, to focus later on interesting problems which confront us, such as
heritage sites as tram and/or car cemeteries. I refer also to cinema, where issues often discussed by archaeologists, like ruins, material
culture, heritage in becoming, etc. are staged in such a way that is worthy of closer attention.
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Abierto el plazo de envío de artículos para la revista EARI No 5 - hasta el 31 mayo
Editor: Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1695-8403 / e-ISSN: 2254-7592
Year: 2014
La revista EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación, editada por el Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones
Educativas de la Universitat de València, es una publicación de periodicidad anual, dirigida a especialistas, investigadores y
profesionales del campo de la educación artística, el arte y la creatividad.
EARI usa la plataforma OJS Open Journal Systems en la que se pueden gestionar los envíos. Solamente hay que darse de alta como usuario.
La revisión de los trabajos es por pares ciegos.
Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo
cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Heritage
Posted by FUUH member: Huerta Ramón, Ricard (España / Spain / Espagne)
Dilemas y realidades de la gestión turística del patrimonio arqueológico en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Artículo publicado en la Revista Estudios Digital, núm. 1
Year: 2013
Importantes hallazgos sobre la civilización maya producidos durante las investigaciones multidisciplinarias que se llevan a cabo en los sitios
arqueológicos de Guatemala, han contribuido a la difusión a nivel nacional e internacional de este patrimonio que, junto al contexto natural y la
riqueza socio-cultural local actual, constituye un atractivo con gran potencial para su gestión turística. Aunque continúa discutiéndose acerca
del impacto que puede provocar el turismo sobre el patrimonio cultural en general y la población adyacente, es innegable que hoy en día se ha
posicionado como una de las actividades económicas más relevantes en el mundo, por lo que debe aprovecharse como un mecanismo para la
puesta en valor (investigación, conservación y difusión) de esta riqueza histórica, cuya finalidad primordial es la de establecer un vínculo entre
el pasado y el presente, permitiéndole a los miembros de una sociedad comprender sus orígenes y construir una identidad.
+ info:
Patrimonio arqueológico y turismo alternativo: la situación de El Mirador y otros sitios arqueológicos en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Ponencia presentada en "XXI Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya"
Year: 2013
Actualmente, el elemento cultural ha cobrado un extraordinario auge en la industria turística, enfocado principalmente en el contacto directo
con las sociedades actuales y el patrimonio derivado de su historia. Guatemala es parte de ello gracias a cuatro destinos considerados ya
tradicionales, no obstante, la riqueza cultural del país es mayor a la que se reconoce, desde lo prehispánico y colonial hasta lo republicano y
contemporáneo, constituyendo un vasto y diverso patrimonio arqueológico, cuya adecuada gestión permitiría complementar la oferta turística a
la vez que incidiría en su puesta en valor, tal es el caso particular de los sitios en la Cuenca Mirador y otros que están en la misma situación.
+ info:
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Year: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:46]
Cultural Landscapes
Cultural Landscapes
Sally Boasberg Founder's Fellowship Accepting Applications for 2014 - Deadline 31 March 2014
In 2012, The Cultural Landscape Foundation established the Sally Boasberg Founder’s Fellowship to honor TCLF founding
Co-Chairman Sally Boasberg's commitment to TCLF and to memorialize her dedication to landscape education and
stewardship. Her wisdom and passion shaped
the foundation from its inception, and the Founder’s Fellowship supports an
internship program for students and aspiring professionals to perpetuate her vision and ideals.
The Fellowship runs for 8-12 weeks during the summer, with flexible start and end dates, working in TCLF’s Washington, DC
office. Applications for the program are accepted from January to March 31st each year, with phone interviews and decisions
made in April. The position is paid and includes housing in the Boasberg home in Northwest Washington, DC.
+ info:
Art Hopkins - Columbus - Indiana (USA)
I moved to Columbus, Indiana in 1979, and have been privileged to live among significant buildings by many notable
architects of the 20th century (and before). Eight American Institute of Architect's Gold Medal winners have designed
buildings here. There are also numerous landscapes—corporate, institutional, and public landscapes, as well as two
private residential landscapes—by Dan Kiley. Sadly, several of those have since been lost due to the cost of
maintenance and other factors.
In the late 1980s I studied landscape architecture at Cornell University, where the faculty were great Kiley enthusiasts.
In one class we even studied his Hamilton House landscape in Columbus. I returned to Columbus and work here now as a licensed Landscape
Architect. I also volunteer with environmental and Scout groups, and am past president of the Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society…
+ info:
The Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley - Washington, DC - USA
In conjunction with the 2013 Landslide® the National Building Museum will host the Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan
Kiley, a traveling photographic exhibition celebrating the life and career of Dan Kiley, one of the most important and
influential Modernist landscape architects of the 20th century. The exhibition features 45 vibrant photographs documenting
the current state of some of Kiley's most significant designs…
+ info:
Museum of Modern Art Sculpture Garden - New York City (USA)
In 1953, architect Philip Johnson and landscape architect James Fanning designed a Modernist sculpture garden for the
mid-town Manhattan museum, dedicated to patron Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. The rectangular, open-air courtyard was set on
two levels and paved in long, rectilinear slabs of Vermont marble. The western, upper platform comprised a dining terrace
shaded by a line of eight hornbeams. The lower terrace, sunken two-feet below grade, was incised by two water channels
spanned by marble platforms and planted with cryptomeria and
birch trees, which helped break up the space and control
visibility of the sculpture placed throughout the garden. An 18-foot high, gray brick wall with climbing ivy formed the
garden’s north edge, screening it from West 54th Street. Under Johnson’s aegis the garden was enlarged to the east in 1964, at which time
landscape architects Zion & Breen unified the planting scheme by replacing the cryptomerias with weeping beeches and planting additional
weeping birch trees to echo an existing cluster of trees in the west end…
+ info:
The letters of botanist Joseph Hooker are now online
Virginia Mills describes our new online collection of Joseph Hooker's Correspondence in which you can explore Hooker's letters
from India and the high Himalayas, and look at some of his expedition collections and the plant-hunting paraphernalia held here
at Kew.
Artefacts relating to Hooker’s Indian & Himalayan travels, from the Hooker Correspondence website. Items from Kew’s Library,
Art, Archive, Herbarium & Economic Botany collections all feature. From beautiful illustrations to poison arrows…
+ info:
Curso de Perfeccionamiento - Paisajes Urbanos Históricos "Al encuentro del genius loci"
24 - 28 February 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizers: CICOP Argentina[03/03/2014 10:21:49]
Cultural Landscapes
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bozzano, Jorge Néstor (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Workshop: A conceptual design proposal for implementation of cultural project in the open - air aereas
02 - 09 March 2014
Firenze. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism Events - Soc. Comi spa
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 22 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: DEL BIANCO, Paolo. Italy
4th International Utzon Symposium 2014 - Architecture – City Making – Political Economy – Conservation
07 - 09 March 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizers: UNSW Australia, the Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University of Portsmouth,
UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 2 dic 2013
+ info:
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
Symposium - Frederick Law Olmsted Jr.: Inspirations for the 21st Century
27 - 28 March 2014
Stanford, California. United States of America
Organizers: National Association for Olmsted Parks with support from the National Park Service and Stanford University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 23 mar 2014
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 April 2014
Austin, Texas. United States of America
Organizers: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 - 18 April 2014
Hiroshima. Japan
Organizers: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 - 30 April 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 - 11 May 2014
Murcia. Spain
Organizers: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"[03/03/2014 10:21:49]
Cultural Landscapes
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
VerSus 2014 - International Conference on the Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
11 - 13 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas, Fernando. España
International Conference on Irrigation Society Landscape
25 - 27 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat de València, la Universitat Politècnica de València y la Fundació Assut
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 28 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: SANMARTÍN
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte del PAISAJE "Paisajes Alternativos"
07 - 09 October 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. Mexico
Organizers: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C. y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
18th ICOMOS General Assembly "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
10 - 14 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 Feb 2014
+ info:
Navigations intérieures. Histoire de la batellerie de la préhistoire à demain
Par Bernard Le Sueur
EAN/ISBN : 9782723475167
Year: 2012
Après une longue éclipse, les rivières et les canaux de France ont fait leur retour au coeur de nos sociétés, et chacun d'entre
nous est aujourd'hui concerné par ce changement considérable en tant que citoyen, consommateur ou contribuable. Dans toutes
les régions, les fleuves et les canaux sont mis en avant et séduisent les acteurs de l'économie, du tourisme, du sport et
deviennent un lieu privilégié d'habitat. Ce profond mouvement de redécouverte et de réappropriation a défini une nouvelle manière de vivre
avec les cours d'eau : on décentralise, on aménage les rives urbaines, on reconstruit des bateaux à l'ancienne, on classe les bords de Seine,
de Loire et du canal du Midi au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Le Sueur, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
World Heritage Review n°70 - Synergies to Protect Sites
Year: 2014
The conservation of World Heritage involves a complex network of partners. This issue will explore the complementarity and
synergies for sustainable development between the different designations for natural sites and cultural landscapes.
The articles will take a close look at how the World Heritage Convention and other programmes and conventions such as Man
and the Biosphere, Geoparks and Ramsar, work together to protect World Heritage sites, and showcase the complementarities
between UNESCO cultural landscapes and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas.
The issue will also feature an interview with Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.[03/03/2014 10:21:49]
Cultural Landscapes
+ info:
Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE)
By Mantha Zarmakoupi
ISBN: 9780199678389
Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation
Year: 2014
This study explores Roman luxury villa architecture and the Roman luxury villa lifestyle to shed light on the villas' design as a
dynamic process related to cultural, social, and environmental factors. Roman villas expressed a novel architectural language
which was developed by designers appropriating the existing stylistic and thematic vocabularies of Hellenistic and Roman architecture.
Zarmakoupi seeks to describe and explain the ways in which this architecture accommodated the lifestyle of educated leisure and an
appreciation of the Roman landscape, and how, in doing so, it became a cultural phenomenon and a crucial element in the construction of
Roman cultural identity…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:49]
Cultural Routes & Itineraries
Cultural Routes & Itineraries, Linear Heritage (Routes, Canals, Railways, Rivers, etc.)
Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev (Israel)
The four Nabatean towns of Haluza, Mamshit, Avdat and Shivta, along with associated fortresses and agricultural
landscapes in the Negev Desert, are spread along routes linking them to the Mediterranean end of the incense and
spice route. Together they reflect the hugely profitable trade in frankincense and myrrh from south Arabia to the
Mediterranean, which flourished from the 3rd century BC until the 2nd century AD. With the vestiges of their
sophisticated irrigation systems, urban constructions, forts and caravanserai, they bear witness to the
way in which the
harsh desert was settled for trade and agriculture.
+ info:
Competition - Winning Submissions Envision Gateway for Abandoned Railway in Queens - New York State
The Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) committee of the AIA New York Chapter has announced the winners of
its 2014 biennial design ideas competition, QueensWay Connection: Elevating the Public Realm. In an effort to
imagine the ways in which The Trust for Public Land and Friends of the Queensway could transform an abandoned
railway in Central Queens into a vibrant urban greenway, entrants were challenged to design a vertical gateway for
the elevated viaduct portion of a 3.5 mile stretch along the rail.
Of the 120 submitted proposals from
28 countries, the jury selected the following winners to represent the diverse array of ideas generated…
+ info:
Reúnen a universidades del Caminio Real Tierra Adentro
Con el objetivo de conocer el pasado del Camino Real Tierra Adentro, declarado Patrimonio Mundial por la
UNESCO, saber qué se está haciendo hoy en día alrededor de los sitios que conforman esta ruta, y analizar
qué le espera a este histórico camino en el futuro, en mayo se llevará a cabo el "Encuentro Universitario del
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro".
Este evento cultural se realizará en un inmueble ubicado en el kilómetro 104 de la carretera AtlacomulcoPalmillas, Estado de México, en donde se pretende crear un Foro y "poner un museo con un área dedicada al
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro y otro con relación a la Batalla de Aculco durante la Independencia", explicó José Luis Navarro, fotógrafo,
promotor cultural y docente del Instituto Intercultural Navarro, quien dio a conocer, a través de una conferencia el pasado
20 de febrero, todos
los detalles de este encuentro que reunirá a universidades que forman parte de esta ruta…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Navarro Mondragón, José Luis (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Curso Intensivo Universitario sobre Gestión de Proyectos de Turismo religioso (on-line)
03 March - 30 June 2014
Organizers: Laboratorio de Patrimonio y Turismo Cultural; Universitat de Barcelona; Red Ibertur de patrimonio, turismo y desarrollo sostenible
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
Encuentro Universitario del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
16 - 17 May 2014
Aculco. Mexico
Organizers: El Consejo Cultural y de Turismo Aculco
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Mancilla Porraz, Aimée (México / Mexico / Mexique)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:21:53]
Cultural Routes & Itineraries
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Navigations intérieures. Histoire de la batellerie de la préhistoire à demain
Par Bernard Le Sueur
EAN/ISBN : 9782723475167
Year: 2012
Après une longue éclipse, les rivières et les canaux de France ont fait leur retour au coeur de nos sociétés, et chacun d'entre
nous est aujourd'hui concerné par ce changement considérable en tant que citoyen, consommateur ou contribuable. Dans toutes
les régions, les fleuves et les canaux sont mis en avant et séduisent les acteurs de l'économie, du tourisme, du sport et
deviennent un lieu privilégié d'habitat. Ce profond mouvement de redécouverte et de réappropriation a défini une nouvelle manière de vivre
avec les cours d'eau : on décentralise, on aménage les rives urbaines, on reconstruit des bateaux à l'ancienne, on classe les bords de Seine,
de Loire et du canal du Midi au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Le Sueur, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:53]
Geoglifos Of Pintados Visitor Center / William Obregon + Aldo I Testa - 2013 - Tarapacá Region, Chile
The word “nothing” is the informal term that we use to refer to the absence of content of a container or place. For
the architecture, probably for the most orthodox, it is the absence of artificial or natural references, where
everything is in the habit of being sustained almost acts. The desert is always a challenge for the architecture and
probably the most similar thing to nothing.
+ info:
Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev (Israel)
The four Nabatean towns of Haluza, Mamshit, Avdat and Shivta, along with associated fortresses and agricultural
landscapes in the Negev Desert, are spread along routes linking them to the Mediterranean end of the incense and
spice route. Together they reflect the hugely profitable trade in frankincense and myrrh from south Arabia to the
Mediterranean, which flourished from the 3rd century BC until the 2nd century AD. With the vestiges of their
sophisticated irrigation systems, urban constructions, forts and caravanserai, they bear witness to the
way in which the
harsh desert was settled for trade and agriculture.
+ info:
Education Kit on Combating Desertification
Publication co-ordinators: Thomas Schaaf (UNESCO) and Rajeb Boulharouf (UNCCD)
ISBN: 978-92-3-103892-1
Combating desertification both preserves the natural heritage of the world’s drylands and contributes to the
eradication of poverty, so that the development of today’s world does not harm future generations.
This education kit comprises a teacher’s guide, a series of case studies, an illustrated children’s book and a poster.
This kit is principally targeted at teachers and pupils at the top end of primary school and the beginning of secondary
school in countries affected by desertification. It has been conceived to enhance the school programme. Teachers can easily incorporate
elements of the kit into existing lesson plans.
The Education Kit on Combating Desertification includes: two books (98 and 100 pp.) illustrated with photos and maps + 3 copies of an
illustrated children’s book + 1 poster presented in a slipcase 30 × 21.5cm
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:54]
Disaster and Risk Mitigation and Management
Disaster and Risk Mitigation and Management
Un simulateur en mesure de prévoir les glissements de terrain
Un simulateur 3D capable d'évaluer le risque d'éboulements de parois rocheuses a été développé en Italie par des
chercheurs de l'Université de Milan-Bicocca. Le dispositif s'appelle HY-STONE et permet d'étudier les travaux
nécessaires pour endiguer les chutes de pierres afin de sauver les villes et prévenir les catastrophes.
+ info:
Une nouvelle méthodologie qui combine les données spatiales et terrestres pour mieux comprendre les volcans
L'utilisation conjointe de données satellitaires et de mesures au sol permet de mettre en évidence les possibles remontées
de magma avant la reprise de l'activité éruptive de l'Etna . Cette étude fruit de la collaboration fructueuse entre le Conseil
National des Recherches (CNR), l'Institut National de Géophysique et de Volcanologie (INGV) et l'Agence Spatiale Italienne
(ASI), a été récemment publiée dans la revue Scientific Reports de Nature.
+ info:
Seismic Ground Motion Assessment ( Sigma)
SIGMA is a research and development programme of characterization of seismic ground motion assessment in
France Northern Italy and nearby regions. The main goal is to improve knowledge on data, methods and tools to
better quantify uncertainties in seismic hazard estimates.
+ info:
Historic Timber Frames in Seismic Zones
The HISTORIC TIMBER FRAMES IN SEISMIC ZONES was established on 6th November 2013 during the
H.Ea.R.T.2013 technical visit in Mileto (Vv, Italy) by researchers from several world countries interested in
the study of Historic Timber Frames in Seismic Zones. The objectives
are to promote international
cooperation in the field of knowledge and conservation of Historic Timber Frames, providing a
multidisciplinary forum to exchange ideas and experience; coordinating existing studies; promoting further
research activities; promoting training programmes. The activities may include the organization of scientific
conferences, workshops, technical visits, training school and in general initiatives to gather and disseminate knowledge about Historic Timber
Frames in Seismic Zones.
+ info:
Oil Plant Could Destroy 1614 Dutch Fort in Albany, New York - USA
A proposed facility to heat crude oil at the Port of Albany could forever destroy “Fort Nassau,” North America’s oldest
Dutch habitation built in January, 1614, say historians. But the structure could be saved, if the project is handled
Fort Nassau was constructed during a 1613 trading expedition for the Amsterdam Van Tweenhysen Company,
commanded by Captain Adriaen Block. In January 1614, Block remained in New York Bay but sent Hedrick
Christiaensen and his crew up the Hudson River (then called the “North River”) to build a trading post, named Fort
+ info:
Plan Loire IV (2014-2020) - Val de Loire (France)
Les plans Loire I à III auront permis de conduire dans le bassin de la Loire une politique cohérente en
matière de prévention du risque d’inondation, de préservation des milieux aquatiques, de mise en valeur
du patrimoine. Le plan Loire IV s’inscrit dans une nouvelle ambition qui correspond à une stratégie à
horizon de vingt ans, soit 2035, c’est-à-dire trois plans sur sept ans. Il est l’instrument d’une politique
partagée entre l’État, les collectivités et les acteurs institutionnels ou associatifs, portant sur le bassin de la Loire…
+ info:
IHBC members: Help needed for research into crimes against heritage
IHBC members and other heritage professionals are being asked by Mark Harrison, National Policing and Crime Advisor for
English Heritage, to help develop research into detecting crimes committed against heritage by completing a short online
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:57]
Disaster and Risk Mitigation and Management
WWF - Let’s draw a line no one should cross (Virunga)
Oil company Soco International PLC is exploring for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Virunga is Africa’s oldest
and most biodiverse park, it sustains local communities, and is home to 3 species of great apes. The region is home to other
216 species that are not found anywhere else on Earth.
In August 2013 around 95,000 people joined us. Today, we are more than 560,000 and with one voice, we can be heard.
Some lines shouldn’t be crossed, and exploring for oil in Virunga is one of them. Add your name to draw the line:
+ info:
Our Sanctuary Shattered by Storms
Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary was hit by storms last night shattering monkey enclosure fencing and causing
thousands of pounds worth of damage. A large beech tree came crashing down onto one of the woolly monkeys’
enclosures at approximately 6pm. Luckily keepers were able to react quickly and monkeys were moved to safe areas
away from the damaged territory.
+ info:
Pakistan's Mohenjo Daro ruins 'threatened by festival'
Conservationists in Pakistan have asked Unesco to stop part of a cultural event being held on a World Heritage
site. The group of scholars and archaeologists say the opening ceremony of the Sindh cultural festival could
damage the ruins of Mohenjo Daro. It is the world's oldest surviving city and dates back to the pre-Hindu Indus
Valley civilisation.
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Jornada - Patrimonio en peligro y desarrollo sostenible
15 - 17 May 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Laura Gilabert - [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Gilabert Sansalvador, Laura (España / Spain / Espagne)
VerSus 2014 - International Conference on the Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
11 - 13 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas, Fernando. España
ICOM CC 17th Triennial Conference "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 September 2014
Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizers: International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 may 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:21:57]
Disaster and Risk Mitigation and Management
Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)
14 - 18 March 2015
Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Japan
Organizers: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) hosted by the Government of Japan
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
The 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM'2014)
24 - 25 March 2014
Algiers. Algeria
Organizers: Centre de Recherche sur l'information scientifique et technique, Algeria
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 dic 2013
+ info:
Plan de seguridad en bibliotecas: la protección del patrimonio documental
By Juan José Prieto Gutiérrez, Librarian in Complutense University of Madrid and Ph.D. in Documentation and Library Science
and Documentation.
ISBN. 978-84-9704-696-1
Year: 2013
The growing trickle of unfortunate events, many times intentioned, on certain documentary collections generated missing and
destruction of heritage, sometimes unique and irreparable.
Reading the book provides alternatives and solutions through the implementation of programs adapted to the needs of each institution. For that
purpose, it presents a security model plan that the institutions should commit to implement and it can be adjusted and used by other cultural
institutions, such as archives, museums and documentation centers.
The monograph is divided into five chapters: i. Elements to be protected. ii. General security systems. iii. Bibliographic heritage protection. iv.
Security plan for document. v. Electronic documents security.
The prologuist of the book, Arsenio Sánchez Hernampérez, National Library of
Spain, confirms the need to protect the documentary heritage,
increasingly ephemeral, fragile and wanted.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prieto Gutiérrez, Juan José (España / Spain / Espagne)
BOUNDARIES - New call for papers on Architectures for Emergencies - Deadline 21 March 2014
Year: 2014
We wish to deepen discussions and researches around the topic of architecture in emergencies situations, on which we started
working with Boundaries' issue n. 2.
Even if they are considered as special events – something rarely happening – emergencies are, in many cases, an everyday
reality around the globe : from natural to man-made disasters, architecture must face a broad variety of emergency
circumstances. Can we speak about “architecture” at a given historical moment or in certain geographic areas?
Which is the role and the status of architecture during the disaster – shelter, appropriation for other uses –, and after the emergency – in the
reconstruction of the city or a part of it, in the reorganization of the community for the future in the short and long term? How do architects
react to situations like: destruction – physical and/or of the memory –, presence of ruins, restoration and reconstruction, and how does all that
interacts with human perception of the environment?
Contributions on any aspect of these topics, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate, are encouraged.
All kinds of approaches
to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:57]
Documentary/Audiovisual Heritage & Archives
Documentary/Audiovisual Heritage & Archives
The letters of botanist Joseph Hooker are now online
Virginia Mills describes our new online collection of Joseph Hooker's Correspondence in which you can explore Hooker's letters
from India and the high Himalayas, and look at some of his expedition collections and the plant-hunting paraphernalia held here
at Kew.
Artefacts relating to Hooker’s Indian & Himalayan travels, from the Hooker Correspondence website. Items from Kew’s Library,
Art, Archive, Herbarium & Economic Botany collections all feature. From beautiful illustrations to poison arrows…
+ info:
Histoire Naturelle à l'âge du numérique
La Bibliothèque du Patrimoine de la biodiversité (BHL, Biodiversity Heritage Library), un consortium des
bibliothèques d'histoire naturelle et de botanique du monde entier, possède une collection de plus de 40 millions
de pages de texte décrivant l'organisation de la vie sur terre. C'est actuellement la seule source d'information
disponible gratuitement pour la majorité des espèces que nous connaissons sur notre planète.
+ info:
New University Library in Cayenne / rh+ architecture - 2013 - Guyane - France
From the architect. A coordinating facility, open to the University: The building of the University Library, located at
the heart of the Guyanese University Campus has to be a driving force within the University and contribute to its
regional radiance. It is a structuring facility for all the
buildings that constitute the Guyanese University Campus: its
vocation is to gather books and readers in a unique place dedicated to knowledge, an open and generous place
within the University. It is about providing a cultural and documentary service of quality and also materialise the
image of the regional community, therefore one of the main issues is to give to the building of the University Library
a physical, social and symbolic identity that will impact the one of the neighbourhood and of the city.
+ info:
Exhibition -Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris
29 January - 04 May 2014
New York City. United States of America
Organizers: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 March 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 sep 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 June 2014
Hamburg. Belgium
Organizers: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
80th IFLA General Conference and Assambly "Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge"
16 - 22 August 2014
Lyon. France
Organizers: International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
10th Islamic Manuscript Conference[03/03/2014 10:21:59]
Documentary/Audiovisual Heritage & Archives
31 August - 02 September 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 11 nov 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Plan de seguridad en bibliotecas: la protección del patrimonio documental
By Juan José Prieto Gutiérrez, Librarian in Complutense University of Madrid and Ph.D. in Documentation and Library Science
and Documentation.
ISBN. 978-84-9704-696-1
Year: 2013
The growing trickle of unfortunate events, many times intentioned, on certain documentary collections generated missing and
destruction of heritage, sometimes unique and irreparable.
Reading the book provides alternatives and solutions through the implementation of programs adapted to the needs of each institution. For that
purpose, it presents a security model plan that the institutions should commit to implement and it can be adjusted and used by other cultural
institutions, such as archives, museums and documentation centers.
The monograph is divided into five chapters: i. Elements to be protected. ii. General security systems. iii. Bibliographic heritage protection. iv.
Security plan for document. v. Electronic documents security.
The prologuist of the book, Arsenio Sánchez Hernampérez, National Library of
Spain, confirms the need to protect the documentary heritage,
increasingly ephemeral, fragile and wanted.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prieto Gutiérrez, Juan José (España / Spain / Espagne)
Hungarian lowland in the first half of the 19th century: The autobiography of Varga József in poetry
Edited by Maria Bostenaru Dan
ISBN: 9783954044580
Year: 2013
Through this work we publish in edited mode a 19th century manuscript. The manuscript is a poetry piece, about 90 pages. The
manuscript describes mainly the peasant life. At the end of each part there are so-called „songs”. Characteristic for the
manuscript is the description of the participation in the 1848 revolution, on horseback, which the author liked. Varga József, my
ancestor, was born in 1813, so it is timely to publich this year, at the 200th anniversary, this manuscript. The history about it talks happened in
the vicinity of Kiskunfélegyháza city, in a locality where the author lived most of his life (Galambos farm). In the introduction we talk about the
family history as well as about the history of the city. The poetry itself is available in original, in transcription according to today’s grammar as
well as in English, opposite to the scanned manuscript. In the preface a link to the audio-visual youtube version is mentioned. The book has
been submitted to the Ithaka programme to bring Hungarian immaterial movable heritage to archives and museums.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bostenaru Dan, Maria. Romania
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:21:59]
Earthen Architecture
Earthen Architecture
Auroville Earth Institute (AVEI) Newsletter, January 2014
The Auroville Earth Institute is researching, developing, promoting and transferring earth-based
technologies, which are cost and energy effective. These technologies are disseminated through
training courses, seminars, workshops, manuals and documents. The Institute is also offering
various services, and provides consultancy within and outside India.
The emphasis is focused on the research and development of earth based technologies and their
dissemination through training courses. The most promoted technology today is Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB).
One of the aims of the Auroville Earth Institute is to give people the possibility to create and build for themselves their own habitat, while using
earth techniques.
+ info:
World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP)
Earthen architecture is one of the most original and powerful expressions of our ability to create a built environment
with readily available resources. It includes a great variety of structures, ranging from mosques, palaces and
granaries, to historic city centres, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. Its cultural importance throughout the
world is evident and has led to its consideration as a common heritage of humankind, therefore deserving protection
and conservation by the international community. In 2011, over 10% of the World Heritage properties incorporate
earthen structures. The availability and economic quality of the material mean it bears great potential to contribute to
poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
+ info: began February 22, 2003 as the online research of Ronald Rael—an architect and Assistant Professor at the University of
California Berkeley. The compilation of the research on the earth architecture website led to the publication of Earth Architecture (Princeton
Architectural Press, 2008, paperback edition, 2010), which examines the contemporary history of the oldest and most widely used building
material on the planet—dirt. The research was funded by the Graham Foundation for Constructed Topographies: Earth Architecture in the
Landscape of Modernity, and the Architectural League of New York's Deborah Norden Competition for Wadi Hadramut: Cities of Earth.
+ info:
Taller - Arquitectura de Tierra: Técnica Constructiva y Restauración
27 February - 01 March 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de Tierra
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas López-Manzanares, Fernando (España / Spain / Espagne)
International Conference on Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage
20 - 23 May 2014
Gongju. Republic of Korea
Organizers: ICOMOS-ISCS
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 ago 2013
+ info:
Séminaire International 2014 : La conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques. Nouvelles pratiques et
26 - 29 May 2014. Grenoble, France
CRAterre; Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble dans le cadre du Festival Grains d’Isère 2014
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:00]
Earthen Architecture
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
VerSus 2014 - International Conference on the Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
11 - 13 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas, Fernando. España
Earth Architecture
By Ronald Rael
ISBN 9781568987675
University of California, Berkeley
Year: 2008
Currently it is estimated that one half of the world's population--approximately three billion people on six continents--lives or
works in buildings constructed of earth. And while the vast legacy of traditional and vernacular earthen construction has been
widely discussed, little attention has been paid to the contemporary tradition of earth architecture. Author Ronald Rael, founder of provides a history of building with earth in the modern era, focusing particularly on projects constructed in the last few
decades that use rammed earth, mud brick, compressed earth, cob, and several other interesting techniques. Earth Architecture presents a
selection of more than 40 projects that exemplify new, creative uses of the oldest building material on the planet…
+ info:
Earthen architecture in today’s world. Proceedings of the UNESCO International Colloquium on the Conservation of
World Heritage Earthen Architecture, 17-18 December 2012
France: UNESCO, 2013
271 p. (World Heritage Paper Series /Cahiers du patrimoine mondial N°36)
ISBN 978-92-3-001236-6
Year: 2013
This publication, which brings together more than 35 experts’ articles, is testimony to this event. The first part is dedicated to a
review of proposed solutions to the various problems encountered with earthen architecture in historic cities, archaeologicl sites and cultural
landscapes around the world. Here you will travel from the ‘“Rome of the East”: Churches and Convents of Velha Goa’ in India to the ‘Coffee
Cultural Landscape’ of Colombia to the ‘Ruins of Loropéni’ in Burkina Faso…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:00]
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
AESOP - A European and South African Partnership on Heritage and Past
The AESOP multidisciplinary and intersectorial Erasmus Mundus consortium co-coordinated
by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and the University of the Western Cape
(South Africa).The partnership is composed by 11 European and 9 South African university
partners, as well as six additional associate members. AESOP involves eight thematic fields
and encourages the collaboration between different sectors applied to cultural and natural
+ info:
The European Institute of Restoration - Isola d'Ischia (Italy)
The Institute, based at the Aragonese Castle on the Island of Ischia, is a centre of excellence in the sector
of heritage conservation and restoration, operating in the fields of education, research and professional
Created through the collaboration of important partners in the culture and industry sectors, the European
Institute of Restoration is today an international point of reference. The Institute has been acquired and is
managed by the AAC, an association whose goal is the protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural
heritage; not only does the I.E.R. guarantee economic support, but it also provides technological and scientific assistance while fostering
research, conservation and restoration projects, as well as highly specialized training courses…
+ info:
IHBC welcomes new MSc in Architectural History & Theory - Edinburgh College of Art - Scotland (United Kingdom)
A new advanced masters degree in MSc Architectural History & Theory course has been launched by Edinburgh College of Art to commence in
September 2014.
Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) is offering a new course for the 2014 academic year, with advanced training in the methodological and
theoretical paradigms of architectural history. Through coursework, supervised dissertation research, and optional internships, students will
acquire both breadth of historical understanding and rigorous research practices…
+ info:
Les formations de l’IRPA Bretagne – Tenez-vous au courant du programme 2013-2014 !
L’Institut régional du patrimoine de Bretagne organise toute l’année des actions de formation et de sensibilisation à la protection et la mise en
valeur du patrimoine naturel, architectural et immatériel dans une démarche constante de développement durable.
+ info:
Should You Become a Global Architect?
Globalization has brought with it many things: the ability to travel, to recognize familiarity in any city, and, most importantly
for us, to create trans-continental opportunity in design. It has created a platform for young professionals that no other
generation has been fortunate enough to encounter at this scale. If you want to be a Global architect, to chase the awardwinning projects, to work side by side with inspiring people, to learn from them and be amongst those at the top of their
game, you have to be proactive and seek these people out; in essence, you have to be willing to be mobile.
+ info:
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia
by Andy Gamlin – 2002/2 Churchill Fellow
Purpose of fellowship: to visit wooden boat centres to learn about organisational structures, funding sources, operations, education
programmes, boat building methods, promotion techniques and tourism aspects.
+ info:
Premio Cossío, 2014. Patrimonio Histórico Educativo - Fecha límite: 30 abril 2014
La Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboración del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural
de España, convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOMÉ COSSÍO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la
dedicación a ese ámbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental finalidad: la protección, conservación, estudio e
investigación del patrimonio histórico-educativo, así como la promoción de acciones que estimulen tales tareas.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 30 de abril de 2014.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Álvarez Domínguez, Pablo (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda[03/03/2014 10:22:02]
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
VI Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo “Cultura y Economía”
05 - 07 February 2014
Medellín. Colombia
Organizers: Museo de Antioquia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Cycle de conférences du DSA architecture & patrimoine "Le patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO"
25 February - 20 May 2014
Paris. France
Organizers: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
“Café on line” con Ángela Espinar del Máster en Arte Contemporáneo (MEGAC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
“Café on line” con Rosa Domínguez del Máster en Proyectos Culturales (MPC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 March 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 sep 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
Conference “Teaching Conservation-Restoration” and General Assembly - ENCORE (European Network for Conservation-Restoration
26 - 28 March 2014
Liège. Belgium
Organizers: École Supérieure des Arts Saint Luc in Liège, Belgium” in association with the Centre Européen d’Archéométrie de l’Université de
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 dic 2013
+ info:
5º. Simposio Internacional Estudios Comparados de los Espacios Habitables en Iberoamérica "Procesos institucionales de su
producción, formación y conservación"
26 - 28 March 2014
Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico
Organizers: Red Universitaria Internacional Historia, Arquitectura y Ciudad
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 9 feb 2014
+ info:
Colloque (Des) Equilibres : Homme, nature, culture, quel équilibre ?
01 - 02 April 2014
Versailles. France
Organizers: L'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Brianso, Isabelle (Francia / France / France)
Curso On-line - Interacciones de calidad: La experiencia educativa del museo
11 April - 23 May 2014
Profesor: Ricardo Rubiales
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 April - 16 May 2014
Paphos. Cyprus
Organizers: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
16th International Course On Wood Conservation Technology - ICWCT 2014
21 May - 27 June 2014
Oslo. Norway
Organizers: ICCROM; Riksantikvaren - The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway NTNU and Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Norway[03/03/2014 10:22:02]
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 sep 2013
+ info:
Call for abstracts - YOCOCU 2014 "Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage"
28 - 30 May 2014.
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizers: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 16 February 2014
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
08 - 20 June 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Iceland
Organizers: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
20 June - 01 August 2014
Profesora: Karina Durand
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 June - 08 July 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Russian Federation
Organizers: The European University at St Petersburg
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Rutgers University (USA) Summer programme: CHAPS Abroad
05 July - 10 July 2014
Prague (Czech Republic) & Krakow (Poland )
Organizers: Rutgers’ Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies in collaboration with the Dartmore Institute
Contact: Dan Loughrey - [email protected]
+ info:
International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) 2014
07 - 19 July 2014
Cottbus. Germany
Organizers: The International Graduate School: Heritage Studies under the direction of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies. Under the
patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (tbc). And supported and
funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contact: Ms. Anca Claudia Prodan - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Summer School IDEAL Tourism: Information and communication technologies for promotion and development of sustainable tourism
around cultural and natural destinations. The case of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
25 August - 05 September 2014
Lugano. Switzerland
Organizers: UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites & Università della Svizzera italiana (USI
Lugano, Switzerland)
Contact: Asta Adukaite - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cantoni, Lorenzo (Italia / Italy / Italie)
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
25 August - 12 September 2014
Tokyo. Japan
Organizers: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, (Tokyo) & ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and
Restoration of Cultural Property)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte del PAISAJE "Paisajes Alternativos"[03/03/2014 10:22:02]
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
07 - 09 October 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. Mexico
Organizers: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C. y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Convegno internazionale: Carlo Fontana (1638–1714), Celebrato Architetto
22 - 23 October 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Roma 2 “Tor Vergata”
Contact: Giuseppe Bonaccorso - [email protected]; [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Publications Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
The International mobility of students in Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand: UNESCO Office Bangkok, 2013
ISBN 978-92-9223-459-1
UNESCO publication
Year: 2013
[…] The mobility of students across borders has given rise to many concerns from policy makers and educators alike. The issues
are complex and extend beyond the realm of education.
In response to these concerns, this publication presents the results of a study conducted by members of the Education Research Institute
Network (ERI-net) in 2011. Following a common research framework, researchers from Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Thailand examined the drivers, consequences and implications of increased international student
mobility in their country. The reports shed light on many issues including the domestic and external factors affecting student mobility, countries
as popular study destinations or senders of students, the role of governments in shaping higher education and student mobility, rules and
regulations governing private and public education providers, modes of delivery of education, student financial aid and visa requirements. […]
+ info:
Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE)
By Mantha Zarmakoupi
ISBN: 9780199678389
Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation
Year: 2014
This study explores Roman luxury villa architecture and the Roman luxury villa lifestyle to shed light on the villas' design as a
dynamic process related to cultural, social, and environmental factors. Roman villas expressed a novel architectural language
which was developed by designers appropriating the existing stylistic and thematic vocabularies of Hellenistic and Roman architecture.
Zarmakoupi seeks to describe and explain the ways in which this architecture accommodated the lifestyle of educated leisure and an
appreciation of the Roman landscape, and how, in doing so, it became a cultural phenomenon and a crucial element in the construction of
Roman cultural identity…
+ info:
Abierto el plazo de envío de artículos para la revista EARI No 5 - hasta el 31 mayo
Editor: Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1695-8403 / e-ISSN: 2254-7592
Year: 2014
La revista EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación, editada por el Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones
Educativas de la Universitat de València, es una publicación de periodicidad anual, dirigida a especialistas, investigadores y
profesionales del campo de la educación artística, el arte y la creatividad.
EARI usa la plataforma OJS Open Journal Systems en la que se pueden gestionar los envíos. Solamente hay que darse de alta como usuario.
La revisión de los trabajos es por pares ciegos.
Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo
cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Huerta Ramón, Ricard (España / Spain / Espagne)
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)[03/03/2014 10:22:02]
Education, Training, Youth and Volunteers
Cairo University
Year: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:02]
Global Forest Watch website reveals disturbing deforestation in ‘near-real time’
Data from the University of Maryland and Google reveal that the world lost 2.3 million square kilometers of tree
cover from 2000 to 2012.
The World Resources Institute (WRI), Google and more than 40 other partners launched the Global Forest
Watch (GFW) website on Wednesday. GFW brings together the latest satellite technology, open data and
crowdsourcing to produce “near-real time, reliable, and actionable data” about what is taking place in forests
worldwide. According to the BBC News, the WRI spearheaded the development of GFW using millions of highresolution photos from NASA’s Landsat program…
+ info:
Threats to Orangutans
In 2014, the Orangutan Conservancy believes there are approximately only 40,000 orangutans remaining in
Borneo and Sumatra. Shockingly, the number was about 60,000 as recent as a decade ago.
Many experts estimate orangutans could be extinct in the wild in less than 25 years.
As shocking as the rapid loss of rainforests has been over these past few decades, nothing compares to the
amount of land being bulldozed by palm oil plantations in the 21st century. Each palm plantation that destroys
thousands of hectares in the pursuit of massive profits also takes with it the lives of many orangutans…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:04]
Genealogy & Heraldry
Genealogy & Heraldry
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:05]
Geological Heritage
Geological Heritage
Une nouvelle méthodologie qui combine les données spatiales et terrestres pour mieux comprendre les volcans
L'utilisation conjointe de données satellitaires et de mesures au sol permet de mettre en évidence les possibles remontées
de magma avant la reprise de l'activité éruptive de l'Etna . Cette étude fruit de la collaboration fructueuse entre le Conseil
National des Recherches (CNR), l'Institut National de Géophysique et de Volcanologie (INGV) et l'Agence Spatiale Italienne
(ASI), a été récemment publiée dans la revue Scientific Reports de Nature.
+ info:
Un simulateur en mesure de prévoir les glissements de terrain
Un simulateur 3D capable d'évaluer le risque d'éboulements de parois rocheuses a été développé en Italie par des
chercheurs de l'Université de Milan-Bicocca. Le dispositif s'appelle HY-STONE et permet d'étudier les travaux
nécessaires pour endiguer les chutes de pierres afin de sauver les villes et prévenir les catastrophes.
+ info:
Seismic Ground Motion Assessment ( Sigma)
SIGMA is a research and development programme of characterization of seismic ground motion assessment in
France Northern Italy and nearby regions. The main goal is to improve knowledge on data, methods and tools to
better quantify uncertainties in seismic hazard estimates.
+ info:
A 4-year postdoctoral research position in coastal paleoseismology at the Geological Survey of Belgium
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Geological Survey of Belgium, Brussels, invites applicants for a 4-year research fellow
(postdoctoral level) in coastal paleoseismology/Quaternary environmental change. Starting date: 1 June 2014.
The successful candidate will work in the framework of a 4-year research project, funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office:
‘QuakeRecNankai’ – Paleo-tsunami and earthquake records of ruptures along the Nankai Trough, offshore South-Central Japan .
The main goal of the QuakeRecNankai project is to generate a long time series of tsunami and megathrust earthquake recurrences, in order to
gain a better understanding of the complex recurrence patterns, both in space and in time…
+ info:
Research position in geomorphology and geoarchaeology at University of Lorraine - France
Le MCF recruté devra assurer son service à tous les niveaux en Licence et en Master. Son enseignement sera effectué en géographie
physique, en particulier en géomorphologie et en géoarchéologie, notamment en M2 PPE. Son enseignement s’étendra également aux SIG et
autres outils informatiques appliqués à la géographie.
Y compris les enseignements mutualisés avec le département d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie…
+ info:!
Virginia Rocks! Geologic Selections from the Collection
24 January - 12 June 2014
Richmond, Virginia. United States of America
Organizers: University of Richmond Museums
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte del PAISAJE "Paisajes Alternativos"[03/03/2014 10:22:06]
Geological Heritage
07 - 09 October 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. Mexico
Organizers: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C. y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Year: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:06]
Heritage Conservation in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
Heritage Conservation in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
First mission to Gao since end of military occupation of northern Mali takes stock of serious damage to the
city’s cultural heritage
UNESCO, Malian and international experts have completed the first assessment of damage to cultural heritage in Gao,
following the occupation by armed groups of parts of northern Mali. Their work addressed both sites and the cultural
practices of local people.
“Urgent measures are required to safeguard the Tomb of Askia World Heritage site before the next rainy season in
June,” said Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Director of UNESCO’s Office in Bamako, who took part in the mission…
+ info:
Heritage For Peace
We are an international group of heritage workers who believe that cultural heritage is a common
ground for dialogue and a tool to build peace. Founded in February 2013, Heritage for Peace’s mission
is to support heritage workers as they work to protect their collections, monuments and archaeological
sites during armed conflict. We are an NGO based in Girona, Spain.
+ info:
Restauratori Senza Frontiere Onlus Italia
Nasce ufficialmente “Restauratori Senza Frontiere”, una Onlus dedicata alla conservazione e al restauro del
patrimonio artistico in Italia e nel mondo: il giorno 24 gennaio p.v. si svolge a Roma (nella Sala Convegni della
casa dei Cappuccini, via Vittorio Veneto, 21) la prima riunione plenaria del comitato scientifico e dei soci onorari di
RSF. Restauratori Senza Frontiere promuove la tutela dei beni culturali e dell’arte coinvolgendo professionisti del
restauro e della conservazione. L’associazione si propone di intervenire ovunque venga messa in pericolo la
salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale, sia in tempi di pace sia incontesti di emergenza.
+ info:
IHBC members: Help needed for research into crimes against heritage
IHBC members and other heritage professionals are being asked by Mark Harrison, National Policing and Crime Advisor for English Heritage, to
help develop research into detecting crimes committed against heritage by completing a short online survey.
The research is being
carried out by Loughborough University, as Richard Wilson, PhD researcher there, aims to link his skills as a chemist to
develop new and exciting methods of crime prevention and detection, with a specific focus on those crimes committed against heritage sites,
buildings and cultural property…
+ info:
IHBC members: Help needed for research into crimes against heritage
IHBC members and other heritage professionals are being asked by Mark Harrison, National Policing and Crime Advisor for
English Heritage, to help develop research into detecting crimes committed against heritage by completing a short online
+ info:
Curso - Intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico. El plan de autoprotección y emergencias en obras de rehabilitación
07 February - 15 February 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: [email protected]
Prof. Marcel.lí Rosaleny Romero
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 - 24 June 2014
Canterbury. New Zealand
Organizers: Centre for Heritage at Kent[03/03/2014 10:22:07]
Heritage Conservation in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Labadi, Sophia. France
XXXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium "New Views on Old Instruments"
25 - 29 August 2014
Tartu. Estonia
Organizers: Scientific Instrument Commission (SIC) in collaboration with the University of Tartu Museum
Contact: Janet Laidla: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Lourenço, Marta (Portugal / Portugal / Portugal)
ICOM CC 17th Triennial Conference "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 September 2014
Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizers: International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 may 2013
+ info:
BOUNDARIES - New call for papers on Architectures for Emergencies - Deadline 21 March 2014
Year: 2014
We wish to deepen discussions and researches around the topic of architecture in emergencies situations, on which we started
working with Boundaries' issue n. 2.
Even if they are considered as special events – something rarely happening – emergencies are, in many cases, an everyday
reality around the globe : from natural to man-made disasters, architecture must face a broad variety of emergency
circumstances. Can we speak about “architecture” at a given historical moment or in certain geographic areas?
Which is the role and the status of architecture during the disaster – shelter, appropriation for other uses –, and after the emergency – in the
reconstruction of the city or a part of it, in the reorganization of the community for the future in the short and long term? How do architects
react to situations like: destruction – physical and/or of the memory –, presence of ruins, restoration and reconstruction, and how does all that
interacts with human perception of the environment?
Contributions on any aspect of these topics, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate, are encouraged.
All kinds of approaches
to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:07]
Heritage Economics
Heritage Economics
Mutual Cultural Heritage Newsletter December 2013
1 January 2013 marked the start of DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation. This is the new supporting
organisation of the Dutch international cultural policy and a merger of SICA, Trans Artists and Media DESK
Netherlands. On this page, as well as on our News page, we
will keep you updated about the developments related
to the merger. DutchCulture strengthens and stimulates international activities in the areas of culture, media and
heritage. The organisation connects, informs and advises the cultural sector, the international network of embassies,
governments and civil society. We are based in Amsterdam with 33 staff members (22 FTE) in the office.
+ info:
IHBC & partners lead on advocating VAT reductions for repairs etc. - United Kingdom
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) has joined forces with lead bodies such as the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) to
present new and updated research to MPs at a Parliamentary reception co-sponsored by the IHBC on Monday 3 March 2014 at the House of
Commons, sponsored by Bill Esterson, Labour MP for Sefton Central.
IHBC Chair Mike Brown said: ‘It’s great to be the professional body leading this important initiative for the ‘Cut the VAT’ campaign. The
campaign’s diverse membership reflects the huge impact a simple change in fiscal policy could have on our industry, and well as on our historic
and natural environments.’…
+ info:!
Appel aux dons pour révéler une ancienne tombe égyptienne
Dans un appel paru dans Gazeta Wyborcza, l'éminent archéologue et égyptologue Polonais Andrzej Niwinski, lance
un appel aux dons afin de mettre à jour ce qui pourrait être la tombe intacte d'un haut prêtre de l'Egypte ancienne.
+ info:
The Ancient Egyptian Economy
The economy of pharaonic Egypt has been called an ancient command economy, but one should always remember
that such modern definitions are not as apt as one would hope for. Still, there was a specialized bureaucracy which
monitored or controlled much of its activity, one of
the hallmarks of planned economies.
+ info:
Premiers resultats 2013 de la Fondation du patrimoine - France
Lors de son assemblée générale qui s’est tenue à Paris le 29 janvier dernier, la Fondation du patrimoine a
présenté ses résultats 2013 à ses adhérents.
La Fondation se félicite d’une collecte record de 12,2 millions d’euros ! C’est le meilleur résultat jamais obtenu
depuis le lancement de sa toute première souscription en 1999, en faveur de la sauvegarde et de la valorisation
du patrimoine public et associatif. Elle remercie les 41 000 donateurs qui ont répondu à cet appel au mécénat
populaire, et se sont mobilisés en faveur des 2 500 souscriptions menées sous l’égide de la Fondation ouvertes
actuellement au don, dont 802 lancées en 2013.
Les résultats provisoires présentés aux adhérents, repris sur cette page, seront consolidés dans le rapport d'activité qui sera publié à la fin du
printemps 2014.
+ info:
4th International Utzon Symposium 2014 - Architecture – City Making – Political Economy – Conservation
07 - 09 March 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizers: UNSW Australia, the Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University of Portsmouth,
UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:22:10]
Heritage Economics
DEADLINE: 2 dic 2013
+ info:
2nd International Meeting Point for Cultural Managers.
03 - 04 April 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Tafter Journal e Loop Studies/Università di Barcellona
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 mar 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 - 30 April 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 - 18 June 2014
Izmir. Turkey
Organizers: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contact: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for the Arts: Is it just about money? Social, aesthetic and economic aspects of arts
management in the public and private sectors”.
17 - 20 September 2014
Brno. Czech Republic
Organizers: European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cogliandro, Giannalia (Bélgica / Belgium / Belgique)
III Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
25 - 27 September 2014
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic
Organizers: Red Internacional de Pensamiento Crítico sobre Globalización y Patrimonio Construido (RIGPAC) en asocio con la Universidad
Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo (UNIBE)
Contact: Prof. Dra. Mauricia Domínguez - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 4 jul 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
The Micro Geopolitics of (Eco)Tourism: Competing Discourses in New Zealand and Brazil
Lima, Ismar Borges de
ISBN 978-85-912426-2-7 (pbk.)
e-ISBN 978-85-912426-3-4
Year: 2011
This book clearly presents the complex and often contradictory subject of ecotourism. Early on, ecotourism was held in a highly[03/03/2014 10:22:10]
Heritage Economics
favorable light as being the ideal alternative to mass tourism. It was purported to have minimal impact on the natural
environment, cultural resources, and indigenous communities while simultaneously it provided economic benefit to local economies. Whereas
ecotourism can and does achieve many of these benefits, which are not mutually exclusive, it is not without its faults because research has
shown that even the low-impact approach of ecotourism can still inflict changes. These changes include physical impacts by visitors to natural
resources such as erosion on trail surfaces, disturbance of fragile cultural resources, disruption and/or displacement of wildlife from their
habitat, and social changes to local indigenous cultures. That said, ecotourism is not necessarily a bad thing. It does provide a means for local
cultures to take advantage of interest in local resources by outside visitors; much of the revenue associated with ecotourism remains at the
point of designation.
+ info:
Patrimonio arqueológico y turismo alternativo: la situación de El Mirador y otros sitios arqueológicos en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Ponencia presentada en "XXI Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya"
Year: 2013
Actualmente, el elemento cultural ha cobrado un extraordinario auge en la industria turística, enfocado principalmente en el contacto directo
con las sociedades actuales y el patrimonio derivado de su historia. Guatemala es parte de ello gracias a cuatro destinos considerados ya
tradicionales, no obstante, la riqueza cultural del país es mayor a la que se reconoce, desde lo prehispánico y colonial hasta lo republicano y
contemporáneo, constituyendo un vasto y diverso patrimonio arqueológico, cuya adecuada gestión permitiría complementar la oferta turística a
la vez que incidiría en su puesta en valor, tal es el caso particular de los sitios en la Cuenca Mirador y otros que están en la misma situación.
+ info:
Dilemas y realidades de la gestión turística del patrimonio arqueológico en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Artículo publicado en la Revista Estudios Digital, núm. 1
Year: 2013
Importantes hallazgos sobre la civilización maya producidos durante las investigaciones multidisciplinarias que se llevan a cabo en los sitios
arqueológicos de Guatemala, han contribuido a la difusión a nivel nacional e internacional de este patrimonio que, junto al contexto natural y la
riqueza socio-cultural local actual, constituye un atractivo con gran potencial para su gestión turística. Aunque continúa discutiéndose acerca
del impacto que puede provocar el turismo sobre el patrimonio cultural en general y la población adyacente, es innegable que hoy en día se ha
posicionado como una de las actividades económicas más relevantes en el mundo, por lo que debe aprovecharse como un mecanismo para la
puesta en valor (investigación, conservación y difusión) de esta riqueza histórica, cuya finalidad primordial es la de establecer un vínculo entre
el pasado y el presente, permitiéndole a los miembros de una sociedad comprender sus orígenes y construir una identidad.
+ info:
Boletin HORIZONTES - Edicion conmemorativa Noviembre 2013
Congreso Mundila OPCM, 18-22 de noviembre de 2013
EDITORIAL: Arq. M.A Pastor Alfonso Sánchez Cruz.
Year: 2013
Edición dedicada a las actividades a desarrollar en el XII CONGRESO MUNDIAL DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LAS
CIUDADES DEL PATRIMONIO MUNDIAL OAXACA 2013, que se llevará a cabo del 18 al 22 de noviembre en la ciudad de
Oaxaca de Juárez, con el tema ciudades patrimonio, ciudades sustentables, magno evento que reunirá a alcaldes,
responsables, políticos y expertos de los cinco continentes, para discutir la problemática de sus ciudades y plantear estrategias con el
propósito de proteger el patrimonio y fomentar el desarrollo humano en sus
localidades. De igual forma les compartimos artículos de expertos
en los ejes temáticos del Congreso…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Olimpia Niglio, Italia
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:10]
Heritage Communities
Heritage Communities
Resultado de la I Jornada COOPUAH / Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid (España) Investigación Aplicada a la Cooperación al
El Grupo de Investigación Multidisciplinar para el Desarrollo Humano en Países con bajo IDH (COOPUAH) celebró el pasado 21
de enero de 2014 la primera de sus Jornadas anuales dedicadas a la investigación aplicada a la cooperación al desarrollo.
COOPUAH es un Grupo de investigación de reciente creación constituido por profesores de distintas disciplinas de la
Universidad de Alcalá que tiene en común el interés en trabajar en diversos aspectos de la investigación aplicada a la
cooperación al desarrollo, generando un enfoque transversal. Su propósito es colaborar con distintos grupos universitarios y/o
de otras instituciones que trabajen sobre temas comunes, participando tanto en proyectos de investigación y docencia como en la difusión del
conocimiento generado. Las líneas de investigación de COOPUAH dan cuenta
de su vocación integradora y se encuadran dentro de las
siguientes líneas de trabajo: Fortalecimiento institucional; Formación docente; Género y desarrollo; Agua, salud y medio ambiente; Hábitat y
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Monfort i Signes, Jaume (España / Spain / Espagne)
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
19 - 21 March 2014
Tomar. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 jun 2013
+ info:
5º. Simposio Internacional Estudios Comparados de los Espacios Habitables en Iberoamérica "Procesos institucionales de su
producción, formación y conservación"
26 - 28 March 2014
Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico
Organizers: Red Universitaria Internacional Historia, Arquitectura y Ciudad
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 9 feb 2014
+ info:
Museum Ethnographers Group conference "Collections, Collaboration and Communities"
07 - 08 April 2014
Aberdeen. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: University of Aberdeen
Contact: Neil Curtis at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 - 30 April 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society[03/03/2014 10:22:11]
Heritage Communities
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 - 18 June 2014
Izmir. Turkey
Organizers: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contact: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 - 05 September 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
ICOM CC 17th Triennial Conference "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 September 2014
Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizers: International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 may 2013
+ info:
FLORENCE youth&heritage FESTIVAL "Heritage and intercultural dialogue: the role of youth"
10 - 13 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism & ICOMOS Italia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:11]
Heritage Legislation, Conventions, Recommendations, Charters & Declarations
Heritage Legislation (National & International), Conventions, Recommendations, Charters &
Loi Littoral : le principe de précaution paralyse son application - France
Un rapport du Sénat appelle à revenir à l'esprit d'origine de la loi Littoral devenue qu'une loi de
protection de l'environnement sans vision de développement équilibré des territoires. Il pointe
une application excessive du principe de précaution.
Si la loi Littoral, adoptée en 1986,
a permis de freiner "le bétonnage des côtes", elle connaît
encore des difficultés de mise en œuvre pour les élus locaux, critique un rapport d'information du
Sénat présenté le 29 janvier à la presse…
+ info:
Agenda 2014
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
19 - 21 March 2014
Tomar. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 jun 2013
+ info:
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 - 18 April 2014
Hiroshima. Japan
Organizers: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
International Conference on 'Authentification in Art'
07 - 09 May 2014
The Hague. Netherlands
Organizers: Authentication in Art foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 13 sep 2013
+ info:
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
06 June - 18 July 2014
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation[03/03/2014 10:22:12]
Heritage Legislation, Conventions, Recommendations, Charters & Declarations
to heritage’
23 - 24 June 2014
Canterbury. New Zealand
Organizers: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Labadi, Sophia. France
International Conference: The implementation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage Legal and practical evaluation of the management of Cultural World Heritage Sites
14 - 17 January 2015
Kent. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Research Network on the protection of Cultural World Heritage Sites funded by the AHRC. University of Kent
Contact: Dr Sophie Vigneron at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 nov 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vigneron, Sophie (Francia / France / France)
La protection juridique des cours d'eau : Contribution à une réflexion sur l'appréhension des objets complexes
Farinetti, Aude
Editions Johanet, 2012
ISBN 979-1091089012
Year: 2012
Partant de la mise en évidence par les sciences de la nature du caractère d’écosystème complexe des cours d’eau, cet ouvrage,
récompensé du prix de thèse 2010 de l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, confronte l’arsenal juridique aux défis que lui lance leur
protection. Il montre d’abord que face à leur traditionnelle appréhension juridique fragmentaire, ignorante des interactions unissant leurs
multiples composantes, divers instruments de droit public (la domanialité publique fluviale, la police ou les servitudes administratives) ont été
mobilisés afin de restaurer en droit l’unité écologique des cours d’eau et d’améliorer leur protection. Un cadre territorial adapté à
l’hydrosystème fluvial a ainsi été recherché dans le recours à la technique des réseaux ou aux territoires hydrographiques. Il montre ensuite
qu’à partir de ce socle spatial réunifié, le droit a développé une appréhension plus globale de l’hydrosystème fluvial…
+ info:
Resource Manual - Managing Cultural World Heritage
ISBN: 978-92-3-001223-6
Year: 2013
This manual provides guidance for States Parties and all those involved in the care of World Heritage cultural properties on how
to comply with the requirements of the World Heritage Convention. It also aims to help States Parties to ensure that heritage has
a dynamic role in society and harnesses, but also delivers to others, the mutual benefits that such a role can create.
This manual is intended as a tool for capacity-building for the effective management of heritage, and for World Heritage properties in
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:12]
Historic Centres & Cities, Historic Urban Landscapes
Historic Centres & Cities, Historic Urban Landscapes
Renzo Piano-Designed Residential Tower Planned to Neighbor the Shard - London - United Kingdom
Sellar Property Group has announced plans to commission yet another Renzo Piano-designed tower in London at the
base of The Shard. Replacing the current Fielden House, a 1970s office building located on London Bridge Street,
the new 27-story residential tower plans to provide
150 apartments, retail space and roof garden. As part of the
area’s regeneration plan, the project will be the third Piano-designed building on the block.
+ info:
World’s Tallest Buildings of 2013 Dominated by Asia
According to the latest Tall Trends Report, 73 buildings in excess of 200 meters were completed in 2013
worldwide, the second highest total only behind 2011 with 81 completions. The increase of completions from
2012 to 2013 continues a significant upward trend that, since 2000, has seen an astounding 318 percent increase
in tall buildings.
+ info:
Haydau / Störmer Murphy and Partners - 2013 - Fritzlar, Germany
From the architect. B. Braun Melsungen AG proposed a competition for an extension to the Haydau Cloister dating
form the 12th century with a hotel new build. The concept implicates the development of this historical location into
an overall modern conference and seminar centre. Our design, which was awarded the 1st prize, is an unmistakable
response to the existing urban context, in which the new build will reconstruct the original unity of the complex.
+ info:
Strasbourg : la Neustadt au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco ?
Tous les recoins de la nouvelle ville de Strasbourg, le quartier de la Neustadt, sont analysés au peigne fin : un audit du
quartier est en cours – il devrait durer jusqu’en 2016 – en vue d’une inscription future au patrimoine mondial de
Alors que la Grande-Île de Strasbourg figure déjà sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco depuis 1988 –
notamment pour sa cathédrale, son ensemble urbain caractéristique de l’Europe moyenne et son architecture
domestique rhénane des XVe et XVIe siècles -, la ville et la communauté urbaine de Strasbourg ainsi que la Région
Alsace souhaitent maintenant, au terme de cet inventaire, déposer la candidature de cette extension urbaine de la capitale régionale à figurer
sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO…
+ info:
London Calling: The ‘Practical’ Architect
Recently the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne pledged £30 million towards Thomas Heatherwick’s
Garden Bridge over the Thames. It was an easy offer to make towards a conspicuous piece of design by the author
of the 2012 Olympic flame.
+ info:
Should You Become a Global Architect?
Globalization has brought with it many things: the ability to travel, to recognize familiarity in any city, and, most importantly
for us, to create trans-continental opportunity in design. It has created a platform for young professionals that no other
generation has been fortunate enough to encounter at this scale. If you want to be a Global architect, to chase the awardwinning projects, to work side by side with inspiring people, to learn from them and be amongst those at the top of their
game, you have to be proactive and seek these people out; in essence, you have to be willing to be mobile.
+ info:
What the Guggenheim Should Consider Before Building in Helsinki - Finland
The Guggenheim is planning a new museum in Helsinki. The site is in the heart of the city, next door to the late 19th
Century market hall and open-air market place, two minutes from Helsinki Cathedral. The project, therefore, has
great landmark potential for the city. And many Finns are lured by this very potential, wanting to increase tourism
and put their capital city more evidently on the world map. There has also been discussion in the country’s main
newspaper Helsingin Sanomat about how Finns should welcome a more joyous and fun architecture.
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:14]
Historic Centres & Cities, Historic Urban Landscapes
Agenda 2014
Exhibition -Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris
29 January - 04 May 2014
New York City. United States of America
Organizers: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - "The image of the European city: From Renaissance to Enlightenment"
08 February - 18 May 2014
Venice. Italy
Organizers: Museo Correr
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso de Perfeccionamiento - Paisajes Urbanos Históricos "Al encuentro del genius loci"
24 - 28 February 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizers: CICOP Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bozzano, Jorge Néstor (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Workshop: A conceptual design proposal for implementation of cultural project in the open - air aereas
02 - 09 March 2014
Firenze. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism Events - Soc. Comi spa
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 22 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: DEL BIANCO, Paolo. Italy
Congresso internacional "Os Centros Históricos no Novo Paradigma Urbano"
02 - 05 April 2014
Lisboa. Portugal
Organizers: LABART/Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias; Instituto de História de Arte Faculdade Letras Universidade
Lisboa; PROARQ/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 12 dec 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ramírez Blanco, Manuel. España
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 April 2014
Austin, Texas. United States of America
Organizers: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
XI Encuentro sobre Manejo y Gestión de Centros Históricos "Ciudades Creativas, Ciudades del siglo XXI"
20 - 23 May 2014
La Habana. Cuba
Organizers: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana en colaboración con la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación
(COSUDE), y el apoyo de la UNESCO y el PNUD
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 September 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizers: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"[03/03/2014 10:22:14]
Historic Centres & Cities, Historic Urban Landscapes
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 - 29 November 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizers: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contact: David Newsome: [email protected]
+ info:
Publications La modernidad ignorada
México: Red de Investigación Urbana AC, 2014
ISSN 0187-8611
Year: 2014
CIUDADES es una revista trimestral monotemática y los temas se seleccionan en relación al debate que actualmente se está
desarrollando respecto al territorio y que son importantes para nuestro país (lo cual puede ser abordado en la coyuntura pero,
igualmente, de manera histórica). Estas cuestiones a veces son totalmente nacionales y muchas otras se engloban en procesos que afectan a
toda Latinoamérica o se definen mundialmente. La revista es monotemática porque eso nos permite profundizar más sobre un tema a partir de
ópticas diferentes y entradas diversas, respecto al mismo problema; cosa que no sería posible si se trataran múltiples temáticas en cada
+ info:
World Heritage Review n°70 - Synergies to Protect Sites
Year: 2014
The conservation of World Heritage involves a complex network of partners. This issue will explore the complementarity and
synergies for sustainable development between the different designations for natural sites and cultural landscapes.
The articles will take a close look at how the World Heritage Convention and other programmes and conventions such as Man
and the Biosphere, Geoparks and Ramsar, work together to protect World Heritage sites, and showcase the complementarities
between UNESCO cultural landscapes and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas.
The issue will also feature an interview with Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:14]
Illicit Traffic of Cultural Properties and Fauna/Flora
Illicit Traffic of Cultural Properties and Fauna/Flora
Half a million archeological items 'pillaged' annually in France
France, prized by tourists for its historical treasures, loses at least half a million buried archeological items to
pillagers each year, a group fighting the practice said Wednesday.
+ info:
US museums' about-face on restitution
Institutions take a proactive approach to problem antiquities, but critics want to see more information online
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science repatriated 30 memorial totems to the National Museums of Kenya last month. The
restitution, which was initiated and funded by the Colorado institution, represents a larger shift in the way US museums approach
objects with questionable provenance. Such a proactive approach would have been unimaginable two decades ago…
+ info:
Khachkars and Icons: Looting in pre- and post-Soviet Armenia
Located on the piedmont of the Caucasus mountain range, the country of Armenia illustrates an interesting paradox. It is, on one
hand, a nation-state born out of, and partly modeled by, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, it is also a country
that dogmatically identifies itself with civilizations more than 2000 years-old, and defends the idea of an evolving yet continuous
Armenian identity.
+ info:
Agenda 2014
Curso on-line - Acciones para combatir el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales
14 March - 25 April 2014
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 - 24 June 2014
Canterbury. New Zealand
Organizers: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Labadi, Sophia. France
Publications News
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:16]
ICTs (Information & Communication Technologies) for Heritage
ICTs (Information & Communication Technologies) for Heritage
Conference - The Connected Audience- Berlin - Germany - 27-28 February 2014
Our society has been transformed by new technology and its use by museums have far-reaching implications
in the way we experience museums, how museums themselves communicate with us, but also in how audience
research can be designed and undertaken. This 2-day conference will examine innovative audience research
projects which use digital media and web-based technology to better understand visitor behaviour and will
explore how new technology can help visitors to have a fulfilling museum experience. A series of best practice
examples, 'pecha-kucha' presentations and high profile key-note speakers such as the leading expert John H.
Falk (USA), will provide an exceptional get-together of international audience research experts and those who are keen to learn more about the
use and evaluation of new
technology in audience research projects…
+ info:
Histoire Naturelle à l'âge du numérique
La Bibliothèque du Patrimoine de la biodiversité (BHL, Biodiversity Heritage Library), un consortium des
bibliothèques d'histoire naturelle et de botanique du monde entier, possède une collection de plus de 40 millions
de pages de texte décrivant l'organisation de la vie sur terre. C'est actuellement la seule source d'information
disponible gratuitement pour la majorité des espèces que nous connaissons sur notre planète.
+ info:
Getty and World Monuments Fund release Arches Software to help safeguard cultural heritage sites
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and World Monuments Fund (WMF) today announced the public release of Arches
(version 1.0), a user-friendly, open source information management software system built specifically to help heritage
organizations safeguard cultural heritage sites worldwide. Arches has been created to help inventory and manage heritage
places, and by incorporating a broad range of international standards, meets a critical need in terms of gathering, making
accessible and preserving key information about cultural heritage…
+ info:
Agenda 2014
4th International Utzon Symposium 2014 - Architecture – City Making – Political Economy – Conservation
07 - 09 March 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizers: UNSW Australia, the Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University of Portsmouth,
UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 2 dic 2013
+ info:
The 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM'2014)
24 - 25 March 2014
Algiers. Algeria
Organizers: Centre de Recherche sur l'information scientifique et technique, Algeria
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 dic 2013
+ info:
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 March 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 sep 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 - 04 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[03/03/2014 10:22:18]
ICTs (Information & Communication Technologies) for Heritage
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
WorldCIST'14 - World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
15 - 18 April 2014
Madeira Island. Portugal
Organizers: WorldCIST Secretariat
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 nov 2013
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
9ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información CISTI'2014
18 - 21 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Asociación Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información; La Salle Universitat Ramon Llull; la Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya (UPC) y La Salle Open University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Summer School IDEAL Tourism: Information and communication technologies for promotion and development of sustainable tourism
around cultural and natural destinations. The case of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
25 August - 05 September 2014
Lugano. Switzerland
Organizers: UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites & Università della Svizzera italiana (USI
Lugano, Switzerland)
Contact: Asta Adukaite - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cantoni, Lorenzo (Italia / Italy / Italie)
APT 2014 Conference "Métissage"
26 - 30 October 2014
Quebec. Canada
Organizers: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contact: Liz Fogt, [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Publications Experiencing Augmented Reality as an Accessibility Resource in the UNESCO Heritage Site called "La Lonja", Valencia
Autor: Marina Puyuelo, José Luís Higón, Lola Merino, Mónica Val, Manuel Contero
Editor: Procedia Science Direct
ISBN-ISSN ISSN 1877-0509
Year: 2013
This paper presents the design of an augmented reality application for the Gothic Silk Market Building called the "Lonja de la Seda"
in Valencia (UNESCO Monument Heritage Site, 1996) and the results of the experiments carried out "in-situ" to observe its usability
as an accessibility resource. The objective of this project has been to use and validate augmented reality (AR) as a tool to increase the
accessibility to the architectural elements of this monumental setting. The AR application aims to resolve the perception issues derived from
poor lighting, the distance in relation to the multiple details, access, etc. 145 individuals of different ages and diverse origin, making the visit to
the monument with or without guide used the AR application. When visitors had used the application as they wished, interviews were conducted
individually in order to receive their feedback about the AR experience. Users enjoyed identifying and selecting the motifs they were going to
visualize with the AR tool. In general, the experience was very positively evaluated by participants, promoting a favourable and renewed image
of the monument.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Marina Puyuelo. España[03/03/2014 10:22:18]
Industrial, Technological, Astronmical & Scientific Heritage
Industrial, Technological, Astronmical & Scientific Heritage
Archéologie et patrimoine industriels : l’espace gardois et ses marges du temps de Colbert aux années 1970 - France
Fondée afin de « susciter, d’encourager et de diffuser les recherches portant sur l’histoire de Nîmes et de sa région du XVIe
siècle à nos jours », la Société d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine de Nîmes et du Gard envisage d’organiser, au printemps
2012, un colloque sur le thème indiqué ci-dessus. À cette fin, nous lançons un appel à communication accompagné du texte de
présentation d’ensemble de cette manifestation dont nous espérons qu’il retiendra votre attention et vous incitera à venir
apporter votre contribution.
+ info:
Un mystère vieux de 3.000 ans résolu avec du pollen
Les archéologues de l'Université de Tel-Aviv ont creusé sous le lac de Tibériade et la Mer Morte. Leurs trouvailles
permettent d'expliquer la chute des Empires du Levant à l'Age de Bronze.
+ info:
Cadiz Central Market, Rehabilitation and Extension / Carlos de Riaño Lozano 2010- Cadiz - Spain
From the architect. It is one the first buildings built in Spain to regulate and house the sale of perishable products, until then
in the hands of street vendors. It is a contemporary of the Encarnación market in Seville and the Puerto Real market, and
previous to the markets that were built in Madrid, Barcelona and Santander after 1840. The building is a transition between
the open square and what later would be covered market squares. With that massive inner structure that alienated the
original architecture and hid its values, it was difficult to distinguish the two periods. After going up to the roof, all doubts
were cleared upon seeing four splendid doors, one in each facade, imperceptible from the street level, in a building
overturned to the interior.
+ info:
Concours - Modalités de candidature au Prix SF2A HP-AMD - Dare limite : 3 mars 2014
La SF2A poursuit sa tradition, établie depuis 1986, d’attribuer un Prix qui récompense chaque année un(e) jeune chercheur(se) âgé(e) de 36
ans au plus, reconnu(e) internationalement, dont les travaux scientifiques ont été remarqués pour leur qualité et leur originalité et dont
l’implication au service de la communauté astronomique est reconnue de tous.
Cette année et comme tous les deux ans, deux prix seront attribués, à un(e) chercheur(se) et à un(e) enseignant(e)-chercheur(se).
Les candidatures féminines, peu nombreuses les années précédentes, sont particulièrement encouragées. Les conditions d’obtention que nous
rappelons ci-dessous peuvent aussi être consultées sur le site web.
+ info:
AD Classics: Pennsylvania Station / McKim, Mead & White - New York City - New York State - USA
New York City’s original Pennsylvania Station was a monument to movement and an expression of American
economic power. In 1902, the noted firm McKim, Mead and White was selected by the President of the Pennsylvania
Railroad to design its Manhattan terminal. Completed
in 1910, the gigantic steel and stone building covered four city
blocks until its demolition in 1963, when it ceded to economic strains hardly fifty years after opening.
+ info:
SCAD Museum of Art / Sottile & Sottile + Lord Aeck + Dawson Architects - Savannah - Georgia - USA
From the architect. Resurrecting the ruins of the nation’s only surviving antebellum railroad complex, the Savannah
College of Art and Design transformed a National Historic Landmark. The design process emphasized an artistically
manual approach, honoring the humanity and integrity of the site’s heritage.
+ info:
Il Villaggio operaio di Crespi d’Adda – sito Unesco - Italy
Il villaggio di Crespi d’Adda, in provincia di Bergamo in Lombardia, racconta di un villaggio ideale del
lavoro: un piccolo feudo dove il castello del padrone era simbolo sia dell’autorità che della benevolenza,
verso i lavoratori e le loro famiglie.
+ info:
L’Archivio storico delle Acciaierie di Terni - Italy[03/03/2014 10:22:20]
Industrial, Technological, Astronmical & Scientific Heritage
L’Archivio storico delle Acciaierie di Terni (ASAT) conserva la documentazione prodotta dall’impresa siderurgica fondata il
10 marzo 1884 con il nome di Società degli Alti Forni, Fonderie ed Acciaierie di Terni e che nel tempo ha visto cambiare più
volte la propria denominazione sociale fino all’attuale Acciai Speciali Terni.
+ info:
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
19 - 21 March 2014
Tomar. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 jun 2013
+ info:
Séminaire "Mettre en tourisme le patrimoine industriel"
22 March 2013
Paris. France
Organizers: La Région Île-de-France et l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: PIERROT, Nicolas
Colloque (Des) Equilibres : Homme, nature, culture, quel équilibre ?
01 - 02 April 2014
Versailles. France
Organizers: L'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Brianso, Isabelle (Francia / France / France)
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 - 11 May 2014
Murcia. Spain
Organizers: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
Summer Course - Industrial Heritage at Medalta
02 - 07 June 2014
Medicine Hat, Alberta. Canada
Organizers: University of Victoria, Canada
Contact: Tusa Shea, directly at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 2 may 2014
+ info:
I Seminario/Taller Vivienda Obrera "Espacio Urbano, Estrategias Habitación y Regeneración Patrimonio Industrial"
19 - 21 June 2014
Parla, Madrid. Spain
Organizers: TICCIH- ESPAÑA (Comité Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio Industrial) Colaboran: Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia ( UNED) y Ayuntamiento de Parla
Contact: [email protected] - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 may 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Álvarez Areces, Miguel Ángel (España / Spain / Espagne)
The 41st ICOHTEC Symposium
29 July - 02 August 2014
Brasov. Romania
Organizers: International Committee for the History of Technology – ICOHTEC
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 feb 2014
+ info:
L'industrie minière de l'antimoine et du tungstène. Émergence, prospérité et disparition des exploitations de France
métropolitaine aux XIXe et XXe siècles
Par Pierre-Christian Guiollard
Mémorie de thèse soutene le 11 décembre 2009 à l’Université de Haute-Alsace à Mulhouse.
Directeurs de thèse : Nicolas Stoskopf et Pierre Fluck (CRESAT)
Atlantica Éditions
ISBN: 9782758803737
Year: 2009
Antimoine et tungstène, deux « petits métaux » d’alliage qui, chacun à des époques différentes, eurent une importance stratégique liée à
l’industrialisation et à l’armement. L’antimoine dont l’existence est connue depuis l’Antiquité, fut exploité en France depuis le XVIe siècle, mais
c’est véritablement au cours des XIXe et Xxe siècles qu’il fit l’objet d’une exploitation importante en de nombreux points du territoire français.
Le tungstène est de découverte plus récente, même si ses principaux minerais, la wolframite et la scheelite, sont connus depuis longtemps des[03/03/2014 10:22:20]
Industrial, Technological, Astronmical & Scientific Heritage
minéralogistes et des chimistes, ses applications industrielles datent seulement de la dernière décennie du XIXe siècle.
+ info:
Reusing the Industrial Past by the Tammerkoski Rapids: Discussions on the Value of Industrial Heritage
Editor: Miia Hinnerichsen, 2011
Publisher: City of Tampere, Museum Services, Pirkanmaa Provincial Museum
ISBN 978-951-609-485-7 (paperback)
ISBN 978-951-609-486-4 (PDF)
Year: 2011
The publication contains essays that approach the issues of evaluation of industrial heritage and the criteria for good reuse
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:20]
Intangible Heritage
Intangible Heritage
Job Offers - Project Appointment - Associate Project Officer (P1/P2, 80%) - Division of Cultural Objects & Intangible Heritage - Culture
Sector - Paris, HQ - Closing date: 6 March 2014
Under the overall authority of the Chief of the Capacity Building and Heritage Policy Unit and the direct supervision of the concerned Regional
Officer within the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, and in close cooperation with the relevant Field Offices, the incumbent shall be charged
with the management and implementation of a regional programme in Lusophone African countries, namely Angola, cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau,
Mozambique and Sao Tome et Principe, funded by an earmarked contribution from Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund and within
the framework of the global capacity-building strategy for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through the effective implementation of the
2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage…
+ info:
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 - 13 May 2014
Primošten. Croatia
Organizers: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
3rd International Conference "Tourism and Gastronomy Heritage: Foodscapes, Gastroregions and Gastronomy Tourism"
16 - 20 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: UNESCO Chair Culture, Tourism, Development and its UNITWIN Network, IREST - Université de Paris 1 Panthéón Sorbonne &
Universitat de Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan (España / Spain / Espagne)
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
ENCATC Annual Conference “New Challenges for the Arts: Is it just about money? Social, aesthetic and economic aspects of arts
management in the public and private sectors”.[03/03/2014 10:22:21]
Intangible Heritage
17 - 20 September 2014
Brno. Czech Republic
Organizers: European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cogliandro, Giannalia (Bélgica / Belgium / Belgique)
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 September 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizers: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
FLORENCE youth&heritage FESTIVAL "Heritage and intercultural dialogue: the role of youth"
10 - 13 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism & ICOMOS Italia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Music, Language, and Human Evolution
Edited by Nicholas Bannan
ISBN: 9780199227341
Year: 2012
Why do human beings make music? No human society has ever existed without music, and people all around the world commit
considerable resources, including time, effort, and ingenuity, to musical participation and consumption. Yet until recently
archaeology has had little to say about the possible role of music in human evolution. This book examines the potential role of
musicality in human evolution and its consequences for human culture. Drawing on a growing body of research in archaeology, anthropology,
psychology, and musicology, it illustrates the inter-disciplinary necessity of accounting for the phenomenon of human music-making.
+ info:
Hungarian lowland in the first half of the 19th century: The autobiography of Varga József in poetry
Edited by Maria Bostenaru Dan
ISBN: 9783954044580
Year: 2013
Through this work we publish in edited mode a 19th century manuscript. The manuscript is a poetry piece, about 90 pages. The
manuscript describes mainly the peasant life. At the end of each part there are so-called „songs”. Characteristic for the
manuscript is the description of the participation in the 1848 revolution, on horseback, which the author liked. Varga József, my
ancestor, was born in 1813, so it is timely to publich this year, at the 200th anniversary, this manuscript. The history about it talks happened in
the vicinity of Kiskunfélegyháza city, in a locality where the author lived most of his life (Galambos farm). In the introduction we talk about the
family history as well as about the history of the city. The poetry itself is available in original, in transcription according to today’s grammar as
well as in English, opposite to the scanned manuscript. In the preface a link to the audio-visual youtube version is mentioned. The book has
been submitted to the Ithaka programme to bring Hungarian immaterial movable heritage to archives and museums.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bostenaru Dan, Maria. Romania
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:21]
Languages & Toponymy
Languages & Toponymy
Hear The Epic of Gilgamesh Read in the Original Akkadian and Enjoy the Sounds of Mesopotamia
Long ago, in the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, Akkadian was the dominant language. And, for centuries, it remained the
lingua franca in the Ancient Near East. But then it was gradually squeezed out by Aramaic, and it faded into oblivion once
Alexander the Great Hellenized (Greekified) the region.
+ info:
On International Day, UN urges support for ‘Mother Languages’, linguistic diversity
21 February 2014 – International Mother Language Day celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity alongside
multilingualism as a force for peace and sustainable development, United Nations officials said today, marking the
commemoration by calling on countries to promote and protect local languages, “which are keys to global citizenship
and authentic mutual understanding.”
+ info:
Music, Language, and Human Evolution
Edited by Nicholas Bannan
ISBN: 9780199227341
Year: 2012
Why do human beings make music? No human society has ever existed without music, and people all around the world commit
considerable resources, including time, effort, and ingenuity, to musical participation and consumption. Yet until recently
archaeology has had little to say about the possible role of music in human evolution. This book examines the potential role of
musicality in human evolution and its consequences for human culture. Drawing on a growing body of research in archaeology, anthropology,
psychology, and musicology, it illustrates the inter-disciplinary necessity of accounting for the phenomenon of human music-making.
+ info:
Language. A Reader for Writers
By Gita DasBender
Year: 2013
Language: A Reader for Writers focuses on the central and complex topic of language, exploring the reality of our multilingual
world and the complexities of writing in a multilingual college classroom. It takes on key issues including the nature of language;
the effects of globalization; endangered languages; multilingualism and language diversity; language, politics, and power;
language and writing; language correctness; and the ways in which language shapes identity. The articles embody a range of
experiences, ideas, and strategies-from scientific research and powerful arguments to poetic reflection and playful celebration.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:23]
Marine & Coastal Biodiversity
Marine & Coastal Biodiversity
La population de thon rouge sur le déclin selon les experts
La consommation grandissante de thon rouge engendre l'épuisement des stocks et les responsables de la gestion des pêches
n'arrivent pas à prendre des mesures concrètes pour enrayer le phénomène selon les experts.
+ info:
Une modélisation de l'écosystème du golf de Cadiz pour y permettre une gestion durable de la pêche Espagne
Des chercheurs de l'Institut Espagnol d'Océanographie ont développé un premier modèle écosystémique du
golfe de Cadiz, qui caractérise son réseau trophique, analyse les flux d'énergie entre les différents groupes
fonctionnels, identifie les espèces clés de la chaine trophique et y quantifie l'impact de la pêche. Cet outil
permettra de mettre en place un nouveau mode de gestion de la pêche dans le golf de Cadiz, en prenant en
compte le plus grand nombre de possible de facteurs affectant chacune des populations marines exploitées.
+ info:
Mieux comprendre le cycle saisonnier du phytoplancton dans l’océan Austral
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire d’océanographie microbienne (LOMIC/OOB, CNRS / UPMC), du Laboratoire
d’océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/OOV, CNRS / UPM) et du Centre d'études biologiques de Chizé (CEBC,
CNRS) ont utilisé des éléphants de mer équipés d’instruments miniaturisés pour mesurer simultanément, dans
l’océan Austral, les variations saisonnières de deux paramètres physiques (température et salinité) et de la
chlorophylle. Ces mesures leur ont permis de comprendre le lien entre cycle saisonnier du phytoplancton et
disponibilité en lumière. Ces résultats vont contribuer à mieux prédire la réponse biologique de l’océan Austral aux
futurs changements climatiques dans ces régions.
+ info:
Nouveau programme russe de recherches en Antarctique
Le ministre des ressources naturelles Sergey Donskoï a réuni les principaux organismes impliqués dans la recherche
polaire : RosHydroMet, les deux principaux instituts d'océanographie (l'institut Zubov et l'institut Shirshov), ainsi que
les ministères concernés (science et éducation, ressources naturelles, développement économique, finances) afin de
discuter du financement des recherches scientifiques russes en Antarctique. Ce plan de recherches formait une partie
importante du programme fédéral ciblé "Océan mondial", dont la mise en place n'a pas été confirmée.
+ info:
Responsible snorkeling
The Surin Islands have great snorkeling and marine life. To preserve this marine life and enjoy your time on the water
even more – here are some tips for responsible snorkeling practices:
+ info:
Quand les phoques aident à mieux observer et comprendre l’océan Austral
Une équipe internationale, impliquant des chercheurs de 8 pays différents dont des chercheurs français du Centre
d’études biologiques de Chizé (CEBC, CNRS / Université de la Rochelle) et du Laboratoire d’océanographie et du
climat : expérimentations et approches numériques (LOCEAN/IPSL, UPMC / CNRS / MNHN / IRD), a collecté un
grand nombre de profils de température et salinité dans un vaste secteur de l’océan Austral en utilisant des phoques
antarctiques équipés d’une nouvelle génération de balises océanographiques. Ces chercheurs ont démontré
l’importance de la contribution de ces nouvelles données à la compréhension du comportement de l’océan Austral.
+ info:
Loi Littoral : le principe de précaution paralyse son application - France
Un rapport du Sénat appelle à revenir à l'esprit d'origine de la loi Littoral devenue qu'une loi de
protection de l'environnement sans vision de développement équilibré des territoires. Il pointe
une application excessive du principe de précaution.
Si la loi Littoral, adoptée en 1986,
a permis de freiner "le bétonnage des côtes", elle connaît
encore des difficultés de mise en œuvre pour les élus locaux, critique un rapport d'information du
Sénat présenté le 29 janvier à la presse…
+ info:
Recherche maritime : le Gouvernement installe un comité spécialisé -France
Le comité spécialisé pour la recherche marine, maritime et littorale (Comer) a été installé le 31 janvier 2014, indique un communiqué des[03/03/2014 10:22:25]
Marine & Coastal Biodiversity
ministres chargés de la recherche et de la mer.
Le Comer est composé de douze membres du Conseil national de la mer et des littoraux (CNML) et de onze personnalités qualifiées issues du
Parlement, des collectivités territoriales, des acteurs économiques, des représentants des personnels, des établissements publics concernés et
des associations. Le comité a élu Sylviane Alaux, députée socialiste des Pyrénées-
Atlantiques, et Françoise Gaill, conseillère scientifique à la
direction du CNRS, comme coprésidentes…
+ info:
Lorsqu'une espece devient rare, elle est plus exploitee
Alors que s'ouvre à Londres, ce 12 février le sommet sur la criminalité contre les espèces sauvages, Franck Courchamp,
directeur de recherche à l'Institut national d'écologie et environnement, revient sur les conclusions d'une de ses études :
qualifier une espèce comme rare accélère sa disparition.
+ info:
How we all kill whales By Michael Moore
Oxford University Press
My first job after veterinary school in 1983 was for the International Whaling
Commission examining the efficacy of explosive harpoons for killing fin whales on
an Icelandic whaling vessel. Later, I encountered a very different way of killing
whales. A North Atlantic right whale was first sighted entangled in fishing gear in
May of 1999. Five months later it was dead off Cape May, New Jersey. The
entangling rope and gillnet, bound around both armpits, and tightly stretched over its back, had dissected off the blubber leaving a massive
wound (below) while it was still alive…
+ info:
Tara Ocean - Interview with Etienne Bourgois : Mediterranean 2014
What can we wish for this new year?
I hope the treasure trove of data from the Tara Oceans and Tara Oceans Polar Circle expeditions will yield fruitful
results, even beyond our expectations. Numerous scientific publications will be published in the coming months. I
hope our engagement over the past 4 years will contribute to advancing knowledge. Thanks to Eric Karsenti,
Christian Sardet, Chris Bowler, Gaby Gorsky, Colomban de Vargas, Patrick Wincker, Francesca Benzoni, and all the
scientists and research centers (CNRS, EMBL, CEA- Genoscope) who conceived and participated in these two recent
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 June - 08 July 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Russian Federation
Organizers: The European University at St Petersburg
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Mondes marins : Voyage insolite au coeur des océans
DAVID, Bruno; OZOUF, Catherine. Préface : Isabelle AUTISSIER
Collection Beaux Livres
ISBN 978-2-7491-3395-9
Year: 2014
Des spécialistes des mondes marins issus des laboratoires du CNRS, des universités et d'autres organismes de recherche
français dressent un état des lieux des océans en présentant les travaux menés dans ce domaine et tracent les voies
prospectives de recherche pour les années à venir. Un livre pour tous les amoureux de l'océan !
Un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Bruno David et Catherine Ozouf-Costaz et Marc Troussellier
Institut écologie et environnement (INEE) du CNRS.
+ info:
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology
Edited by Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton
ISBN: 9780199336005
Year: 2013
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology is a comprehensive survey of the field as seen through the eyes of nearly fifty
scholars at a time when maritime archaeology has established itself as a mature branch of archaeology. This volume draws on[03/03/2014 10:22:25]
Marine & Coastal Biodiversity
many of the distinct and universal aspects of maritime archaeology, bringing them together under four main themes: the research
process, ships and shipwrecks, maritime and nautical culture, and issues of preservation and management…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:25]
Military/Defense and Maritime Cultural Heritage
Military/Defense and Maritime Cultural Heritage
Oil Plant Could Destroy 1614 Dutch Fort in Albany, New York - USA
A proposed facility to heat crude oil at the Port of Albany could forever destroy “Fort Nassau,” North America’s oldest
Dutch habitation built in January, 1614, say historians. But the structure could be saved, if the project is handled
Fort Nassau was constructed during a 1613 trading expedition for the Amsterdam Van Tweenhysen Company,
commanded by Captain Adriaen Block. In January 1614, Block remained in New York Bay but sent Hedrick
Christiaensen and his crew up the Hudson River (then called the “North River”) to build a trading post, named Fort
+ info:
Maison de la Batellerie / Jean-Baptiste Lacoudre Architecture - 2012 - Paris - France
From the architect. The skippers house is part of a group of buildings that form an urban façade on the seine. The strategic
location of this “house” between the seine and quai, fantastic views, but various changes have removed this permeability. In
addition in 1970, a heightening of
the room award was made by a “pastiche” of corrugated sheets imitating concrete façade. This
addition makes “heavy mass” in the volume growth.
+ info:
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia
by Andy Gamlin – 2002/2 Churchill Fellow
Purpose of fellowship: to visit wooden boat centres to learn about organisational structures, funding sources, operations, education
programmes, boat building methods, promotion techniques and tourism aspects.
+ info:
15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar
26 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: The Cambridge Heritage Research Group
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 June - 08 July 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Russian Federation
Organizers: The European University at St Petersburg
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Defence Heritage 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future
17 - 19 September 2014
Venice. Italy
Organizers: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Arsenale Di Venezia Spa, Italy; University IUAV, Italy
Contact: Belinda Lopez - [email protected]
+ info:
Vauban, architecte de la modernité ?
Sous la direction de Thierry Martin et Michèle Virol
Presses Univ. Franche-Comté, 2008 - 301 pages
Collection : Cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux
ISBN 978.2.84867.232.8
ISSN 1956-0222
Year: 2008
L’oeuvre de Vauban (1633-1707) peut être considérée comme une contribution essentielle à l’édification de la modernité, en comprenant celle-[03/03/2014 10:22:27]
Military/Defense and Maritime Cultural Heritage
ci comme l’époque où la rationalité, dans les différents domaines où elle s’investit, vient occuper une place prépondérante. C’est cette
modernité de l’oeuvre de Vauban qui est ici interrogée à la fois sous sa forme politique et économique, où elle prend place dans le mouvement
de rationalisation de l’action politique qui marquera les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, et dans ses applications à
l’architecture militaire et aux fortifications. Ce faisant, ce sont à la fois les influences subies et exercées par Vauban sur ses contemporains,
anglais et allemands mais aussi américains et canadiens, tout comme son éventuelle actualité qui sont ici présentées et étudiées.
Des historiens, des philosophes et des spécialistes de la fortification et de l’urbanisme, européens et américains, se proposent d’évaluer
l’apport de Vauban à la construction des temps modernes
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Modern & Contemporary Heritage
Modern & Contemporary Heritage
A Photographer’s Journey Through Zumthor Valley
Our friend and architectural photographer Felipe Camus recently embarked on an architectural pilgrimage to the valley of the
Rhein. Located in the Graubünden region in Switzerland, the valley boasts many of the seminal works of Pritzker Prize
Laureate Peter Zumthor, all within a 60-kilometer radius.
+ info:
Happy Birthday Alvar Aalto
Alvar Aalto, born February 3,1898, would have turned 116 years old today. Known for his humanistic approach to
modernism, Aalto was concerned about creating a total work of art. He did not simply design buildings but also paid
close attention to their interior features, including furniture, lamps, and glassware design.
+ info:
A Master Architect’s Surprising Obsession
Frank Lloyd Wright—perhaps the most influential American architect of the 20th century—was deeply
ambivalent about cities. For decades, Wright was seen as the prophet of America’s post-World War II
suburban sprawl, yet the cities he imagined were also carefully planned, and very different from the
disorganized landscapes that were often developed instead. Paradoxically, Wright was also a lifelong
prophet of the race for height (think skyscrapers) that played, and continues to play, out around the world.
+ info:
AD Classics: 2 Columbus Circle / Edward Durell Stone & Associates - 1964 - New York City - New York State USA
Located on a small and irregular shaped island at Columbus Circle, one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan, lies
2 Columbus Circle, formerly known as the Gallery of Modern Art. Famously described as a “die-cut Venetian palazzo
on lollipops” by Ada Louise Huxtable, the New York Times architecture critic at the time, the 10-story poured concrete
structure has been a source of consistent controversy and public response since the 1960s. Designed by Edward
Durell Stone, an early proponent of American modern architecture, 2 Columbus Circle represents a turning point in his
career. Uncharacteristic of Stone’s prior work, his use of ornament on an otherwise modern structure can be seen as an important precedent of
the development of the soon-to-emerge Postmodern movement.
+ info:
Maison de la Batellerie / Jean-Baptiste Lacoudre Architecture - 2012 - Paris - France
From the architect. The skippers house is part of a group of buildings that form an urban façade on the seine. The strategic
location of this “house” between the seine and quai, fantastic views, but various changes have removed this permeability. In
addition in 1970, a heightening of
the room award was made by a “pastiche” of corrugated sheets imitating concrete façade. This
addition makes “heavy mass” in the volume growth.
+ info:
2014 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline: 30 June 2014
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll
Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative
solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in
the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.
Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental
sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
+ info:
El ‘moderno tropical’ de Luanda
En la capital de Angola se desarrolló una experiencia urbanística revolucionaria de 1950 a 1975 definida por su
funcionalidad, apertura a la tecnología, visión global y servicio a la sociedad.
Pilotis y rampas, pasadizos porticados para trabar conversación y curiosear las mercancías de los vendedores
ambulantes, el paso humano como medida, juegos de volúmenes y formas geométricas, brise soleis y celosías,
azulejos, murales, mestizaje y mezcla de clases, espacios privados y comunes interconectados, elementos
voladizos preparados para seguir la trayectoria del sol y hacer frente a las repentinas lluvias tropicales…[03/03/2014 10:22:28]
Modern & Contemporary Heritage
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Núñez Martí, Paz (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda 2014
“Café on line” con Ángela Espinar del Máster en Arte Contemporáneo (MEGAC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
4th International Utzon Symposium 2014 - Architecture – City Making – Political Economy – Conservation
07 - 09 March 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizers: UNSW Australia, the Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) and the Utzon Research Center (URC), the University of Portsmouth,
UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 2 dic 2013
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 April 2014
Austin, Texas. United States of America
Organizers: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Publications Ponencias del Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura Contemporánea en Ciudades Históricas, Sevilla 17-19 de septiembre de 2013
Year: 2014
Del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2013 tuvo lugar en Sevilla el Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura Contemporánea en Ciudades Históricas,
que reunió a un significativo número de académicos del más alto nivel, profesionales de diversos campos, responsables políticos y críticos
para ofrecer todas las perspectivas de esta problemática y plantear nuevos instrumentos y herramientas que puedan permitir la toma de
decisiones a los profesionales del urbanismo, la arquitectura y la conservación del patrimonio de una forma más racional y objetiva. Las
ponencias presentadas pueden consultarlas directamente en la web del Encuentro .
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: GARCÍA VICENTE, José Javier. España
Interwar architecture with reinforced concrete structure exposed to multihazard in European context - Intervention in the
Romanian and Italian context
Author: Maria Bostenaru Dan
ISBN: 978-3-643-90366-2
Year: 2013
The theme of this work is between the response to environmental hazards such as earthquakes of housing of the so-called "other
Modernism" , over issues of conservation of historical materials in the final investigation of this kind of sustainable urban[03/03/2014 10:22:28]
Modern & Contemporary Heritage
development, including inhabitant's participation. It is important to preserve memory, and we used the knowledge of art, a multimedia
installation, and the role of photography as an example of virtual witness. We put in dialogue traditional earthquake resistant natural materials
with modern construction. From here we learn lessons for retrofit.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bostenaru Dan, Maria. Romania
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:28]
Mountains and Glaciers
L'Himalaya a perdu 13% de ses glaciers en 40 ans
Environ 443 milliards de tonnes (Gt) de glaces auraient été perdues ces dernières années. Selon une étude d'Anil
V.Kulkarni et Yogesh Karyakarte, de l'Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bangalore), publiée dans Current Science, la
masse totale d'eau glaciaire serait désormais de 4000 milliards de tonnes. En se basant sur des études de terrain,
des images satellitaires, cartes, et bibliographie, les auteurs donnent une image globale de la chaine, passant en
revue 11.000 km2 carré de glaciers Himalayens.
+ info:
Nouveau programme russe de recherches en Antarctique
Le ministre des ressources naturelles Sergey Donskoï a réuni les principaux organismes impliqués dans la recherche
polaire : RosHydroMet, les deux principaux instituts d'océanographie (l'institut Zubov et l'institut Shirshov), ainsi que
les ministères concernés (science et éducation, ressources naturelles, développement économique, finances) afin de
discuter du financement des recherches scientifiques russes en Antarctique. Ce plan de recherches formait une partie
importante du programme fédéral ciblé "Océan mondial", dont la mise en place n'a pas été confirmée.
+ info:
Une nouvelle expédition de chercheurs tchèques en Antarctique
Une nouvelle expédition de chercheur tchèques en Antarctique est partie début janvier. Seize personnes passeront 2 mois
dans la station Johann Gregor Mendel, située sur l'île James Ross. Les scientifiques étudieront, dans le cadre de projets à
long terme, le climat local de la partie nord de l'île, la vitesse de retrait des glaciers, le pergélisol (couche de glace
permanente) ainsi que les radiations UV qui atteignent la Terre lors de la déplétion annuelle de l'ozone stratosphérique de
+ info:
Retour d'une nouvelle expédition scientifique en terre inexplorée de l’Antarctique
Une expédition scientifique de grande ampleur, entre la base française Dumont d’Urville et le point GC40 du bassin
Aurora en Antarctique, vient de se terminer dans le cadre du projet Aurora Basin North (ABN). Elle a permis la mise en
place d’une importante campagne de forage au point GC40 impliquant notamment le Centre de carottage et de forage
national (C2FN) français. La visite de cette région inexplorée de l’Antarctique par moyens terrestres résulte d’une
étroite collaboration entre l’IPEV, son homologue australien l’AAD et les scientifiques du Laboratoire de glaciologie et
géophysique de l’environnement.
+ info:
ForumAlpinum 2014
17 - 19 September 2014
Darfo Boario Terme, Brescia. Italy
Organizers: ISCAR - Comité scientifique international recherche alpine; Università della Montagna & Associazione per la Valorizzaziones del
Territorio Montano
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
L'UICN publie une brochure sur le développement des énergies renouvelables dans les écosystèmes montagneux
Rédaction : Marion Péguin sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps et de Michel Fourcade puis Hélène Denis.
ISBN : 978-2-918105-34-3
Year: 2013
La brochure de 44 pages fait ainsi le tour des énergies renouvelables disponibles en montagne et leur potentiel : solaire, éolien,
hydroélectricité, bioénergies et géothermie. Les auteurs soulignent ici l'importance d'un développement encadré de ces énergies[03/03/2014 10:22:30]
qui peut influer sur les milieux naturels fragiles de la montagne. Et de préciser que « cette exploitation peut provoquer des
impacts potentiels importants, comme le déboisement pour la production de bois, les atteintes aux écosystèmes et aux espèces que certaines
installations hydroélectriques entraînent, les dérangements causés par les éoliennes sur la faune et leur impact sur les paysages, et de
manière plus générale, un processus de consommation d'espace ».
Pour chacune des sources d'énergie renouvelable, l'UICN évalue ses points forts et ses points faibles et en tire des recommandations pour
préserver l'environnement montagnard, en particulier la biodiversité et les paysages.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:30]
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
Archaeological Museum of Oviedo / PardoTapia Arquitectos - 2011 - Oviedo - Spain
A museum should empower the evocative capacity of the memory. In this purpose, the museum is a sum of parts where each
has its own value and its own characteristics. The museum becomes a platform to make visible what was invisible until now.
+ info:
Towards a Postcolonial Practice for Ethnographic Museums
In the past few years New Zealand Maoris, Malian Dogon, Surinam and Brazil Wayana, Trio, Karina, and Tupari
Indians, Australian Aborigines, Indonesian Governors, Japanese Princes, Korean and Saudi businessmen stood
on the doorsteps of Dutch Ethnographic museums and heritage institutions to access to their own heritage. Their
heritage lies partly in depots of European institutions and is often poorly preserved in the source countries.
Inspired by a post-colonial discourse in the “90 many disputes over heritage matters ultimately ended up before
court. This rarely resulted in a constructive outcome. Rather than seeking pragmatic alternatives which could
offer solutions for both parties, matters are stuck in timely legal matters over ownership and endless polemics between nation states,
institutions and indigenous peoples. In the current millennium Ethnographic Museums have been trying to develop a Postcolonial Practice. This
practice is rooted in Foucault, Said, Spivak and Latour who developed this postcolonial discourse. Postcolonial practices consist of a search for
a pragmatic approach to achieve constructive results for all stakeholders, which offer more than a one-dimensional view of the exotic other.
+ info:!
Chinese culture is so enriched with allegorical imagery that one could almost say it is its very foundation. As with any world
culture, it is an osmotic accumulation of influences from outside and within China over millennia, manifesting itself in
ceremon8ial and decorative objects in combinations that are themselves often wonders in their own right. One particular object
is the result of a virtual metamorphosis of usages, beliefs, superstitions and myths; as an object it literally stands out of the
crowd of symbolic phenomena.
+ info:
Stonehenge Visitor Centre / Denton Corker Marshall - 2013 - Amesbury - United Kingdom
From the architect. Denton Corker Marshall’s new Stonehenge Visitor Centre opens its doors on 18th December,
inviting more than one million visitors every year to experience the transformed ancient site. Located 1.5 miles to
the west of the stone circle at Airman’s Corner, just within the World Heritage Site but out of sight of the
monument, the new visitor centre is designed with a light touch on the landscape – a low key building sensitive to
its environment.
+ info:
Knowledge for Collections
The Knowledge Centre of Movable Heritage of the RCE develops, collects and disseminates knowledge in the
fields of Valuation, Conservation Management, Collection Risk Management, Museometry and Accessibility, for
collection managers and the general public .
+ info:
Tsing Tao Pearl Hill Visitor Center / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - 2012 - Qingdao, Shandong, China
From the architect. The visitor center represents an international collaboration to reintroduce wood construction in China. The
showcase structure reinterprets historic precedent using modern materials and innovation to accommodate current Chinese
Independent lectures by both the architect and engineer at a respected Chinese University advocating the potential of wood
design led to the initial contact for the project. The primary interest in reintroducing timber into Chinese construction typologies
was based on wood being a renewable material and sustainable strategy.
+ info:
Geoglifos Of Pintados Visitor Center / William Obregon + Aldo I Testa - 2013 - Tarapacá Region, Chile
The word “nothing” is the informal term that we use to refer to the absence of content of a container or place. For
the architecture, probably for the most orthodox, it is the absence of artificial or natural references, where
everything is in the habit of being sustained almost acts. The desert is always a challenge for the architecture and
probably the most similar thing to nothing.
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:36]
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
Pharmacy Museum / Site Specific Arquitectura - 2010 - Porto - Portugal
From the architect. The project of the Pharmacy Museum is the result of the close relationship between the
architecture and the museography since the beginning. The Museum is at the basement of an existing building,
contemporary and multifunctional. The definition of the exhibition space starts from the aim of keeping visible the
mesh of the existing structural slab above, creating a geometric reference which together with a white and bright
ambience reinforce the concept of limit.
+ info:
Une vitrine particulière pour conserver les momies - Italie
Après des siècles passés en sécurité dans leurs tombes, un ennemi invisible attend les momies quand elles sont exposées
dans les musées : les champignons et les bactéries, qui sont capables de les décomposer rapidement hors de
l'environnement dans lequel elles ont été maintenues pendant des années. Aujourd'hui, cependant, les chercheurs de
l'Istituto per le Mummie e l'Iceman dell'Eurac à Bolzano ont trouvé et breveté une solution. Il s'agit d'une vitrine étanche,
scellée par une base organique qui repousse les micro-organismes et défend les momies de l'humidité et de l'oxydation.
+ info:
Appel à projets de recherche 2014 du MCC sur les Pratiques interculturelles dans les processus de patrimonialisation - Date limite de
soumission : 31 mars 2014
Cet appel à projets de recherche lancé par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication le 04 février 2014 vise à mieux connaître la façon
dont les institutions patrimoniales (musées, centres d’archives, bibliothèques, services patrimoniaux de collectivités locales) et autres acteurs
concernés par des processus de patrimonialisation (muséums, centres culturels scientifiques et techniques, centres culturels de rencontre...)
prennent en compte la complexité des sociétés contemporaines et les changements culturels mondiaux…
+ info:
US museums' about-face on restitution
Institutions take a proactive approach to problem antiquities, but critics want to see more information online
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science repatriated 30 memorial totems to the National Museums of Kenya last month. The
restitution, which was initiated and funded by the Colorado institution, represents a larger shift in the way US museums approach
objects with questionable provenance. Such a proactive approach would have been unimaginable two decades ago…
+ info:
Conference - The Connected Audience- Berlin - Germany - 27-28 February 2014
Our society has been transformed by new technology and its use by museums have far-reaching implications
in the way we experience museums, how museums themselves communicate with us, but also in how audience
research can be designed and undertaken. This 2-day conference will examine innovative audience research
projects which use digital media and web-based technology to better understand visitor behaviour and will
explore how new technology can help visitors to have a fulfilling museum experience. A series of best practice
examples, 'pecha-kucha' presentations and high profile key-note speakers such as the leading expert John H.
Falk (USA), will provide an exceptional get-together of international audience research experts and those who are keen to learn more about the
use and evaluation of new
technology in audience research projects…
+ info:
Archaeological Pavilion / kadawittfeldarchitektur - 2013 - Aachen-- Germany
From the architect. In the heart of Aachen, within view of its famed cathedral, is the city’s most beloved innercity
park, the Elisen Garden. During extensive archeological excavations amazing discoveries were made: spanning from
the Neolithic period (4700 BC) to the high and late
Middle Ages (ca. 910-1500) there is evidence of all essential
periods of the history of settlement in Aachen from the birth of Christ to the present.
+ info:
SCAD Museum of Art / Sottile & Sottile + Lord Aeck + Dawson Architects - Savannah - Georgia - USA
From the architect. Resurrecting the ruins of the nation’s only surviving antebellum railroad complex, the Savannah
College of Art and Design transformed a National Historic Landmark. The design process emphasized an artistically
manual approach, honoring the humanity and integrity of the site’s heritage.
+ info:
What the Guggenheim Should Consider Before Building in Helsinki - Finland
The Guggenheim is planning a new museum in Helsinki. The site is in the heart of the city, next door to the late 19th
Century market hall and open-air market place, two minutes from Helsinki Cathedral. The project, therefore, has
great landmark potential for the city. And many Finns are lured by this very potential, wanting to increase tourism
and put their capital city more evidently on the world map. There has also been discussion in the country’s main
newspaper Helsingin Sanomat about how Finns should welcome a more joyous and fun architecture.
+ info:
MoMA to Preserve Folk Art Facade - New York City - New York State - USA
Though it has been confirmed that Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s Museum of Modern Art expansion will result in the
demise of Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects’ American Folk Art Museum, the New York Times has confirmed
that the beloved copper-bronze facade will be preserved.
+ info:
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia
by Andy Gamlin – 2002/2 Churchill Fellow
Purpose of fellowship: to visit wooden boat centres to learn about organisational structures, funding sources, operations, education
programmes, boat building methods, promotion techniques and tourism aspects.
+ info:
Reúnen a universidades del Caminio Real Tierra Adentro
Con el objetivo de conocer el pasado del Camino Real Tierra Adentro, declarado Patrimonio Mundial por la[03/03/2014 10:22:36]
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
UNESCO, saber qué se está haciendo hoy en día alrededor de los sitios que conforman esta ruta, y analizar
qué le espera a este histórico camino en el futuro, en mayo se llevará a cabo el "Encuentro Universitario del
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro".
Este evento cultural se realizará en un inmueble ubicado en el kilómetro 104 de la carretera AtlacomulcoPalmillas, Estado de México, en donde se pretende crear un Foro y "poner un museo con un área dedicada al
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro y otro con relación a la Batalla de Aculco durante la Independencia", explicó José Luis Navarro, fotógrafo,
promotor cultural y docente del Instituto Intercultural Navarro, quien dio a conocer, a través de una conferencia el pasado
20 de febrero, todos
los detalles de este encuentro que reunirá a universidades que forman parte de esta ruta…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Navarro Mondragón, José Luis (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Seeking applications for Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art - Deadline: 31 March 2014
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the world’s finest museums, seeks a specialist in twentieth- and twenty-firstcentury art of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. In this respect, the Curator will work
closely with the Chairman and will participate in active research, development, and management of the Modern and
Contemporary collection and the Breuer project, major special exhibitions, initiation of collection displays,
publications and interpretation, and all activities of the Department. Reports to the Chairman of Modern and
Contemporary Art.
+ info:
Agenda 2014
Exhibition -Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris
29 January - 04 May 2014
New York City. United States of America
Organizers: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
VI Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo “Cultura y Economía”
05 - 07 February 2014
Medellín. Colombia
Organizers: Museo de Antioquia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Exhibition - "The image of the European city: From Renaissance to Enlightenment"
08 February - 18 May 2014
Venice. Italy
Organizers: Museo Correr
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 March 2014
Roma. Italy
Organizers: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 sep 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
Curso on-line - Guionismo para Exposiciones
28 March - 09 May 2014
Profesor: Carlos Vázquez Olvera
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 - 04 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Museum Ethnographers Group conference "Collections, Collaboration and Communities"
07 - 08 April 2014
Aberdeen. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: University of Aberdeen
Contact: Neil Curtis at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
Curso On-line - Interacciones de calidad: La experiencia educativa del museo
11 April - 23 May 2014
Profesor: Ricardo Rubiales
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:22:36]
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
+ info:
Call for Papers - 15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar
26 April 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Cambridge Heritage Research Group at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host communities"
10 - 13 May 2014
Primošten. Croatia
Organizers: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
WFFM 2014 - XVth World Congress of the World Federation of Friends of Museums
15 - 18 May 2014
Berlin. Germany
Organizers: German Federation of Friends of Museums of Fine Arts (GFFM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Encuentro Universitario del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
16 - 17 May 2014
Aculco. Mexico
Organizers: El Consejo Cultural y de Turismo Aculco
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Mancilla Porraz, Aimée (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
06 June - 18 July 2014
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 June 2014
Hamburg. Belgium
Organizers: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 - 24 June 2014
Canterbury. New Zealand
Organizers: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Labadi, Sophia. France
International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) 2014
07 - 19 July 2014
Cottbus. Germany
Organizers: The International Graduate School: Heritage Studies under the direction of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies. Under the
patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (tbc). And supported and
funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contact: Ms. Anca Claudia Prodan - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
XXXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium "New Views on Old Instruments"
25 - 29 August 2014
Tartu. Estonia
Organizers: Scientific Instrument Commission (SIC) in collaboration with the University of Tartu Museum
Contact: Janet Laidla: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Lourenço, Marta (Portugal / Portugal / Portugal)
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 - 05 September 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
ICOM CC 17th Triennial Conference "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 September 2014
Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizers: International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC)
Contact: [email protected][03/03/2014 10:22:36]
Museums, Museology, Interpretation & Moveable Heritage
DEADLINE: 3 may 2013
+ info:
III Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
25 - 27 September 2014
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic
Organizers: Red Internacional de Pensamiento Crítico sobre Globalización y Patrimonio Construido (RIGPAC) en asocio con la Universidad
Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo (UNIBE)
Contact: Prof. Dra. Mauricia Domínguez - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 4 jul 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
14th International Conference Communicating the Museum "Optimism"
04 - 08 November 2014
Sydney and Melbourne, New South Wales. Australia
Organizers: Agenda - Cultural communications specialists based in Paris
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 may 2014
+ info:
Egyptians Bronzes. Fondation Gandur pour l'Art
Robert Steven Bianchi With an essay by Christiane Ziegler
Till Schaap Edition, Bern, 2014
ISBN 978-3-03828-097-2
Year: 2014
This catalogue is the first in a series of volumes that will each focus on a period, movement or theme related to the
Foundation’s collections: archaeology (Egyptian, Classical and Near Eastern antiquities); 20th century paintings (post-war
European and American abstraction; narrative figuration); or the decorative arts (furniture, clocks and decorative objects from medieval to
modern times).
+ info:
Plan de seguridad en bibliotecas: la protección del patrimonio documental
By Juan José Prieto Gutiérrez, Librarian in Complutense University of Madrid and Ph.D. in Documentation and Library Science
and Documentation.
ISBN. 978-84-9704-696-1
Year: 2013
The growing trickle of unfortunate events, many times intentioned, on certain documentary collections generated missing and
destruction of heritage, sometimes unique and irreparable.
Reading the book provides alternatives and solutions through the implementation of programs adapted to the needs of each institution. For that
purpose, it presents a security model plan that the institutions should commit to implement and it can be adjusted and used by other cultural
institutions, such as archives, museums and documentation centers.
The monograph is divided into five chapters: i. Elements to be protected. ii. General security systems. iii. Bibliographic heritage protection. iv.
Security plan for document. v. Electronic documents security.
The prologuist of the book, Arsenio Sánchez Hernampérez, National Library of
Spain, confirms the need to protect the documentary heritage,
increasingly ephemeral, fragile and wanted.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prieto Gutiérrez, Juan José (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:36]
Natural Heritage & Environment
Natural Heritage & Environment
The Spanish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, and the MAB Programme officially certified
three new Spanish biosphere reserves
On 5 February 2014 the Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment of Spain, Miguel Arias Cañete, presided
over a ceremony, held in Madrid, at which the Man and the Biosphere programme granted official certification to
three new Spanish biosphere reserves: Terras de l’Ebre, Real Sitio de San Ildefonso–El Espinar, and Marinas
Coruñesas and Terras de Mandaean. These three new reserves were nominated in May 2013 by the International
Coordinating Council of the MAB Programme…
+ info:
Les îles Kerama deviennent le 31ème parc national japonais
Le ministre de l'Environnement Nobuteru Ishihara a annoncé qu'il désignera 31ème parc national du Japon les îles Kerama
d'Okinawa. Il s'agit de la première désignation depuis celle de 1987 pour le parc national de Kushiro Marshland à Hokkaido.
Les îles Kerama sont composées d'une trentaine d'ilots, à 40 km de Naha, et sont célèbres pour leur eau claire et la
diversité du récif corallien. Les eaux à 30km de leurs côtes seront également désignées parc maritime national.
+ info:
Les lacs du Grand-Sud néocalédoniens classés zone humide d'importance internationale
A l'occasion de la journée mondiale des zones humides, les ministres chargés de l'écologie et des outre-mer ont annoncé l'inscription de la
région des lacs du Grand Sud néo-calédonien sur la liste des sites Ramsar.
La convention sur les zones humides d'importance internationale, appelée "convention de Ramsar", sert de cadre à l'action nationale et à la
coopération internationale pour la conservation et l'utilisation rationnelle des zones humides et de leurs ressources. La liste des zones humides
d'importance internationale permet de constituer un réseau international de zones humides, avec comme objectif de conserver la diversité
biologique mondiale.
+ info:
WWF - Let’s draw a line no one should cross (Virunga)
Oil company Soco International PLC is exploring for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Virunga is Africa’s oldest
and most biodiverse park, it sustains local communities, and is home to 3 species of great apes. The region is home to other
216 species that are not found anywhere else on Earth.
In August 2013 around 95,000 people joined us. Today, we are more than 560,000 and with one voice, we can be heard.
Some lines shouldn’t be crossed, and exploring for oil in Virunga is one of them. Add your name to draw the line:
+ info:
Jeux olympiques de Sotchi : le revers de la médaille
L'organisation des Jeux olympiques de Sotchi, qui se déroulent du 7 au 23 février, a engendré un chantier pharaonique qui a coûté la bagatelle
de 37 milliards d'euros. La facture environnementale est elle aussi salée.
360.000 tonnes d'équivalent CO2. C'est l'empreinte carbone
directe des Jeux olympiques de Sotchi, calculée par un groupe d'experts russes et
internationaux, indique le comité d'organisation (CO) dans un communiqué de presse publié le 4 février. Celui-ci s'était engagé, dans son
dossier de candidature, à réduire l'empreinte carbone liée aux préparations et au déroulement des jeux…
+ info:
Our Sanctuary Shattered by Storms
Wild Futures’ Monkey Sanctuary was hit by storms last night shattering monkey enclosure fencing and causing
thousands of pounds worth of damage. A large beech tree came crashing down onto one of the woolly monkeys’
enclosures at approximately 6pm. Luckily keepers were able to react quickly and monkeys were moved to safe areas
away from the damaged territory.
+ info:
Resultado de la I Jornada COOPUAH / Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid (España) Investigación Aplicada a la Cooperación al
El Grupo de Investigación Multidisciplinar para el Desarrollo Humano en Países con bajo IDH (COOPUAH) celebró el pasado 21
de enero de 2014 la primera de sus Jornadas anuales dedicadas a la investigación aplicada a la cooperación al desarrollo.
COOPUAH es un Grupo de investigación de reciente creación constituido por profesores de distintas disciplinas de la
Universidad de Alcalá que tiene en común el interés en trabajar en diversos aspectos de la investigación aplicada a la
cooperación al desarrollo, generando un enfoque transversal. Su propósito es colaborar con distintos grupos universitarios y/o
de otras instituciones que trabajen sobre temas comunes, participando tanto en proyectos de investigación y docencia como en la difusión del
conocimiento generado. Las líneas de investigación de COOPUAH dan cuenta
de su vocación integradora y se encuadran dentro de las[03/03/2014 10:22:39]
Natural Heritage & Environment
siguientes líneas de trabajo: Fortalecimiento institucional; Formación docente; Género y desarrollo; Agua, salud y medio ambiente; Hábitat y
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Monfort i Signes, Jaume (España / Spain / Espagne)
Threats to Orangutans
In 2014, the Orangutan Conservancy believes there are approximately only 40,000 orangutans remaining in
Borneo and Sumatra. Shockingly, the number was about 60,000 as recent as a decade ago.
Many experts estimate orangutans could be extinct in the wild in less than 25 years.
As shocking as the rapid loss of rainforests has been over these past few decades, nothing compares to the
amount of land being bulldozed by palm oil plantations in the 21st century. Each palm plantation that destroys
thousands of hectares in the pursuit of massive profits also takes with it the lives of many orangutans…
+ info:
How we all kill whales By Michael Moore
Oxford University Press
My first job after veterinary school in 1983 was for the International Whaling
Commission examining the efficacy of explosive harpoons for killing fin whales on
an Icelandic whaling vessel. Later, I encountered a very different way of killing
whales. A North Atlantic right whale was first sighted entangled in fishing gear in
May of 1999. Five months later it was dead off Cape May, New Jersey. The
entangling rope and gillnet, bound around both armpits, and tightly stretched over its back, had dissected off the blubber leaving a massive
wound (below) while it was still alive…
+ info:
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
11th International Conference Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
13 - 16 April 2014
Prague. Czech Republic
Organizers: Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host communities"
10 - 13 May 2014
Primošten. Croatia
Organizers: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
International Congress Architecture, Education and Society
04 - 06 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
08 - 20 June 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Iceland
Organizers: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
20 June - 01 August 2014
Profesora: Karina Durand[03/03/2014 10:22:39]
Natural Heritage & Environment
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 June - 08 July 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Russian Federation
Organizers: The European University at St Petersburg
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage (ISAC) 2014
07 - 19 July 2014
Cottbus. Germany
Organizers: The International Graduate School: Heritage Studies under the direction of the UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies. Under the
patronage of the German Commission for UNESCO and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (tbc). And supported and
funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contact: Ms. Anca Claudia Prodan - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 - 23 August 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizers: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Cultural Heritage Thinking 2014 "Tradition and Contemporaneity"
04 - 05 September 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizers: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 7 abr 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte del PAISAJE "Paisajes Alternativos"
07 - 09 October 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. Mexico
Organizers: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C. y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
18th ICOMOS General Assembly "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
10 - 14 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 Feb 2014
+ info:
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 - 29 November 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizers: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contact: David Newsome: [email protected]
+ info:
World Heritage Review n°70 - Synergies to Protect Sites
Year: 2014
The conservation of World Heritage involves a complex network of partners. This issue will explore the complementarity and
synergies for sustainable development between the different designations for natural sites and cultural landscapes.
The articles will take a close look at how the World Heritage Convention and other programmes and conventions such as Man
and the Biosphere, Geoparks and Ramsar, work together to protect World Heritage sites, and showcase the complementarities
between UNESCO cultural landscapes and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas.
The issue will also feature an interview with Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010[03/03/2014 10:22:39]
Natural Heritage & Environment
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Year: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:39]
Research on Materials Conservation and Mechanics
Research on Materials Conservation and Mechanics
French fall-out over restoration - Colmar - France
Museum’s treatment of Isenheim Altarpiece exposes rifts in French attitudes towards the care of the country’s cultural
+ info:
Quantitative evaluation of the effect of electrochemical cleaning of silver artifacts
Electrochemical treatments have been in use for cleaning silver artifact for many years. However, there has not been a
systematic study of the effect of these treatments on the surface of the metal and its resistance to re-tarnishing after
treatment. Under the CREMEL project (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), the effect of
different cleaning methods (electrochemical, chemical and mechanical) will be evaluated.
Cleaning treatments will be carried out by professional conservators-restorers, on both metal coupons and real objects,
and will be evaluated using surface characterization techniques (atomic force microscopy, AFM; scanning electron
microscopy, SEM; and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) and the corrosion rate and base metal removed by different treatments will be
measured gravimetric techniques.
+ info:!
Historic Timber Frames in Seismic Zones
The HISTORIC TIMBER FRAMES IN SEISMIC ZONES was established on 6th November 2013 during the
H.Ea.R.T.2013 technical visit in Mileto (Vv, Italy) by researchers from several world countries interested in
the study of Historic Timber Frames in Seismic Zones. The objectives
are to promote international
cooperation in the field of knowledge and conservation of Historic Timber Frames, providing a
multidisciplinary forum to exchange ideas and experience; coordinating existing studies; promoting further
research activities; promoting training programmes. The activities may include the organization of scientific
conferences, workshops, technical visits, training school and in general initiatives to gather and disseminate knowledge about Historic Timber
Frames in Seismic Zones.
+ info:
Cleaning of Acrylic Painted Surfaces
Works of art, both two- and three-dimensional, made with modern acrylic paints
can present difficult technical problems for conservators if a cleaning treatment
is necessary. Because of the physical properties and composition of acrylic
paints, dirt or grime can become tenaciously
adhered to the surface. Most
artists' acrylic paints, even when dried and aged, can be very sensitive to
aqueous cleaning solutions, while non-polar organic solvents are often lacking
in cleaning efficacy. In addition, there are a number of areas of uncertainty in the field related to the degree and significance of the effect of
cleaning treatments on the original paint components.
+ info:
Máster on-line de Diagnóstico del Estado de Conservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla (España)
Fecha límite de inscripción: Extranjeros hasta el 7 de marzo. Público en general del 1 julio al 25 agosto 2014
Este Máster, que se puede realizar completamente on-line (a excepción de la asignatura optativa de prácticas externas), tiene
como objetivo principal capacitar a los profesionales y formar a investigadores en las técnicas que permitan identificar, conocer
y diagnosticar el estado de conservación de los bienes muebles e inmuebles, con el fin de poder preservarlos para las futuras
Durante el Máster se ofrecerá la oportunidad de adquirir una visión actualizada y multidisciplinar de las técnicas y metodologías científicas
utilizadas durante la datación, catalogación, caracterización, prospección y diagnosis, así como de los avances en los conocimientos
metodológicos y tendencias más modernas en el seguimiento de la intervención y de la conservación…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ortiz Calderón, Pilar (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda[03/03/2014 10:22:41]
Research on Materials Conservation and Mechanics
Taller - Arquitectura de Tierra: Técnica Constructiva y Restauración
27 February - 01 March 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de Tierra
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas López-Manzanares, Fernando (España / Spain / Espagne)
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Aluminum: History, Technology and Conservation Conference
07 - 09 April 2014
Washington DC. United States of America
Organizers: The Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, in partnership with the Lunder Conservation Center, Smithsonian
National Air and Space Museum, and the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 - 23 May 2014
Los Angeles. United States of America
Organizers: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
DEADLINE: 16 dic 2013
+ info:
Call for abstracts - YOCOCU 2014 "Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage"
28 - 30 May 2014.
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizers: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 16 February 2014
+ info:
08 - 20 June 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Iceland
Organizers: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
VerSus 2014 - International Conference on the Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
11 - 13 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas, Fernando. España
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Colloquium: Open Air Metal
04 - 05 December 2014
Paris. France[03/03/2014 10:22:41]
Research on Materials Conservation and Mechanics
Organizers: ICOMOS France
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 28 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Barre, Anne-sophie (Francia / France / France)
Publications Color Science in the Examination of Museum Objects: Nondestructive Procedures
Johnston-Feller, Ruth
The Getty Conservation Institute, 2001 (Tools for Conservation)
ISBN 0-89236-586-2
Year: 2001
This volume presents the life work of the late Ruth Johnston-Feller, one of the nation's leading color scientists. It combines an
overview of basic theoretical concepts with detailed, hands-on guidance for the professional conservator and conservation
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:41]
Restoration & Conservation Techniques
Restoration & Conservation Techniques
Can Fogarada / Miel Arquitectos - 2012 - Palma de Mallorca - Spain
From the architect. CAN FOGARADA is an exercise of dialog between the layers of time that have been settling
throughout 300 years and that have managed to form this Rural Mallorquin House. The presence of new inhabitants
its announced through a technical carpet that reorganizes the space and reinterprets his materiality without hurting
+ info:
Cadiz Central Market, Rehabilitation and Extension / Carlos de Riaño Lozano 2010- Cadiz - Spain
From the architect. It is one the first buildings built in Spain to regulate and house the sale of perishable products, until then
in the hands of street vendors. It is a contemporary of the Encarnación market in Seville and the Puerto Real market, and
previous to the markets that were built in Madrid, Barcelona and Santander after 1840. The building is a transition between
the open square and what later would be covered market squares. With that massive inner structure that alienated the
original architecture and hid its values, it was difficult to distinguish the two periods. After going up to the roof, all doubts
were cleared upon seeing four splendid doors, one in each facade, imperceptible from the street level, in a building
overturned to the interior.
+ info:
The Number 6 / Building - 2013 - Turin - Italy
From the architect. The Number 6, the renovation of Palazzo Valperga Galleani, is one of the best representations of
architectural salvage, respect for cultural heritage, technology, elegance and sense of beauty. The restoration and
development, carried out by Building Engineering, intended to dramatically re-functionalize an important historical
and architectonic property, that in spite of its disfiguration during the last century that led to the loss of its original
residential aim.
+ info:
The European Institute of Restoration - Isola d'Ischia (Italy)
The Institute, based at the Aragonese Castle on the Island of Ischia, is a centre of excellence in the sector
of heritage conservation and restoration, operating in the fields of education, research and professional
Created through the collaboration of important partners in the culture and industry sectors, the European
Institute of Restoration is today an international point of reference. The Institute has been acquired and is
managed by the AAC, an association whose goal is the protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural
heritage; not only does the I.E.R. guarantee economic support, but it also provides technological and scientific assistance while fostering
research, conservation and restoration projects, as well as highly specialized training courses…
+ info:
Restoration and construction of Touraine's historical buildings
Many castles, historical buildings and tourist sites in Touraine are currently undergoing, or are scheduled to undergo,
restoration works. Review with the castles of Amboise, Villandry and Gizeux, the Saint-Cosme Priory and the Veron
ecomuseum. Also of note is the opening of the Farm of the Future in Bourdaisiere, an experimental permaculture project.
In Amboise, the northern facing ramparts (on the Loire side) are currently undergoing restoration. The Louis-Philippe
stables located in the extension of the new ticket office will be opened to the public
on the 1st of July at the latest. A lift
will also be installed in the castle, on the Heurtault tower side, which will stop on three levels, for disabled access to all
of the castle’s facilities…
+ info:
FREE “Restoration & Remediation” MAGAZINE Subscription
Restoration & Remediation magazine is a unique, all-inclusive resource for reaching professionals engaged in water damage
and structural drying; fire and smoke damage; contaminant and pollutant abatement, mitigation and remediation; reconstruction;
disaster response and more! Targeting more restoration and remediation contractors than any other publication and bringing the
insurance claims and restoration industries together, Restoration & Remediation’s circulation of 25,000 makes it the most
comprehensive and effective platform in the restoration and remediation industry.
+ info:
Unesco stops unauthorised reconstruction of Bamiyan Buddhas - Afghanistan
Organisation says actions of German archaeologists who have partially rebuilt one of the statues “border on the
The international community has reacted furiously to news that a German-led team of archaeologists has been
reconstructing the feet and legs of the smaller of the two Bamiyan Buddhas, the monumental Afghan sculptures blown[03/03/2014 10:22:43]
Restoration & Conservation Techniques
up by the Taliban in 2001. News of this reconstruction, which has taken place without Unesco’s knowledge or
permission, was revealed during the 12th meeting of Unesco’s Bamiyan working group, in Orvieto, Italy, in December.
A team of archaeologists from the German branch of Icomos (the International Council on Monuments and Sites), led by Michael Petzet, who
himself served as the head of Icomos from 1999 to 2008, spent most of last year rebuilding the smaller Buddha’s lower appendages with iron
rods, reinforced concrete and bricks, an operation that Francesco Bandarin, Unesco’s assistant director-general for culture, describes as
“wrong on every level”. He says: “Unesco has nothing to do with this project. It was undertaken without the consent of the Afghan government
and has now been stopped.”…
+ info:
SCAD Museum of Art / Sottile & Sottile + Lord Aeck + Dawson Architects - Savannah - Georgia - USA
From the architect. Resurrecting the ruins of the nation’s only surviving antebellum railroad complex, the Savannah
College of Art and Design transformed a National Historic Landmark. The design process emphasized an artistically
manual approach, honoring the humanity and integrity of the site’s heritage.
+ info:
MoMA to Preserve Folk Art Facade - New York City - New York State - USA
Though it has been confirmed that Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s Museum of Modern Art expansion will result in the
demise of Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects’ American Folk Art Museum, the New York Times has confirmed
that the beloved copper-bronze facade will be preserved.
+ info:
Maison de la Batellerie / Jean-Baptiste Lacoudre Architecture - 2012 - Paris - France
From the architect. The skippers house is part of a group of buildings that form an urban façade on the seine. The strategic
location of this “house” between the seine and quai, fantastic views, but various changes have removed this permeability. In
addition in 1970, a heightening of
the room award was made by a “pastiche” of corrugated sheets imitating concrete façade. This
addition makes “heavy mass” in the volume growth.
+ info:
Máster on-line de Diagnóstico del Estado de Conservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla (España)
Fecha límite de inscripción: Extranjeros hasta el 7 de marzo. Público en general del 1 julio al 25 agosto 2014
Este Máster, que se puede realizar completamente on-line (a excepción de la asignatura optativa de prácticas externas), tiene
como objetivo principal capacitar a los profesionales y formar a investigadores en las técnicas que permitan identificar, conocer
y diagnosticar el estado de conservación de los bienes muebles e inmuebles, con el fin de poder preservarlos para las futuras
Durante el Máster se ofrecerá la oportunidad de adquirir una visión actualizada y multidisciplinar de las técnicas y metodologías científicas
utilizadas durante la datación, catalogación, caracterización, prospección y diagnosis, así como de los avances en los conocimientos
metodológicos y tendencias más modernas en el seguimiento de la intervención y de la conservación…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ortiz Calderón, Pilar (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda 2014
Curso de Perfeccionamiento - Paisajes Urbanos Históricos "Al encuentro del genius loci"
24 - 28 February 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizers: CICOP Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bozzano, Jorge Néstor (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
5º. Simposio Internacional Estudios Comparados de los Espacios Habitables en Iberoamérica "Procesos institucionales de su
producción, formación y conservación"
26 - 28 March 2014
Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico
Organizers: Red Universitaria Internacional Historia, Arquitectura y Ciudad
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 9 feb 2014
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 - 04 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Congresso internacional "Os Centros Históricos no Novo Paradigma Urbano"
02 - 05 April 2014
Lisboa. Portugal
Organizers: LABART/Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias; Instituto de História de Arte Faculdade Letras Universidade[03/03/2014 10:22:43]
Restoration & Conservation Techniques
Lisboa; PROARQ/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 12 dec 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Ramírez Blanco, Manuel. España
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 - 04 April 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizers: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 April - 16 May 2014
Paphos. Cyprus
Organizers: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 - 09 May 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italy
Organizers: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 - 11 May 2014
Murcia. Spain
Organizers: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
Jornada - Patrimonio en peligro y desarrollo sostenible
15 - 17 May 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Laura Gilabert - [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Gilabert Sansalvador, Laura (España / Spain / Espagne)
Call for abstracts - YOCOCU 2014 "Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage"
28 - 30 May 2014.
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizers: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 16 February 2014
+ info:
08 - 20 June 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Iceland
Organizers: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Experimental Mechanics in Art and Conservation
07 - 11 July 2014
Cambridge. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: The British Society for Strain Measurement on behalf of the European Society for Experimental Mechanics
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 nov 2013
+ info:
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
25 August - 12 September 2014
Tokyo. Japan
Organizers: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, (Tokyo) & ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and
Restoration of Cultural Property)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:43]
Restoration & Conservation Techniques
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 September 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizers: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 October - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Colloquium: Open Air Metal
04 - 05 December 2014
Paris. France
Organizers: ICOMOS France
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 28 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Barre, Anne-sophie (Francia / France / France)
Publications Inheritance and identity of Cultural Heritage
Article in Advances in Literary Study
ISSN Print: 2327-4034
Year: 2014
Generally the community describe the “cultural heritage” such as historic, artistic, scientific and traditional. These definitions
often coincide with the attribution of “value” and “identity”. Many answers about what could be “cultural heritage” are explained
as a set together with their specific value, such as landscape and architecture of high artistic value and historic materials of scientific value. In
contrast it is not possible to rely on this generality of definitions. The reality shows that the definition of value of “cultural heritage” changes in
relation to the person, culture, geography, social and economic conditions. In other words, in relation to the person, the standpoint of value of
“cultural heritage” is different according to each category, such as ruins, works of art, historic cities and gardens, and it is rare that one
category simultaneously holds many of such values…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:43]
Rock art and Prehistoric Heritage
Rock art and Prehistoric Heritage
Archaeologists find Sweden's largest Iron Age monument in a pre-Christian religious site
Swedish archaeologists said Friday they have discovered the country's largest Iron Age monument in Old Uppsala, a
pre-Christian religious site in central Sweden. The remains of two rows of wooden pillars appeared as researchers
dug before the construction of a new railway line.
+ info:
AESOP - A European and South African Partnership on Heritage and Past
The AESOP multidisciplinary and intersectorial Erasmus Mundus consortium co-coordinated
by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and the University of the Western Cape
(South Africa).The partnership is composed by 11 European and 9 South African university
partners, as well as six additional associate members. AESOP involves eight thematic fields
and encourages the collaboration between different sectors applied to cultural and natural
+ info:
Des « oiseaux de terreur » présents en Europe, il y a 42 millions d’années
Une étude publiée dans la revue PLoS ONE par un groupe de chercheurs du Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon-Terre, Planète,
Environnement (CNRS/ENS Lyon/ Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1) et du Laboratoire de Géologie de l’Ecole Normale
Supérieure (CNRS/ENS Paris) montre que les oiseaux géants Phorusrhacidae, jusque là connus sur le continent américain et en
Algérie, ont dû peupler l’Europe pendant un laps de temps sans doute assez bref, il y a environ 42 millions d’années. Cette étude
a été menée sur des spécimens de collection mal identifiés antérieurement, dans le cadre d’un projet du programme de l’INSU du
+ info:
Neanderthals buried their dead, new research concludes
Neanderthals buried their dead, an international team of archaeologists has concluded after a 13-year study of
remains discovered in southwestern France. Their findings, which appear in the journal Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, confirm that burials took place
in western Europe prior to the arrival of modern humans.
+ info:
La pintura en la prehistoria no cambió en miles de años
Los primeros agricultores y ganaderos pintaban con los mismos pigmentos que sus antepasados cazadoresrecolectores. Esta es una de las conclusiones a las que ha llegado un estudio liderado por la Universidad
Nacional de Educación a Distancia, con la participación de investigadores del Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas, que ha analizado por primera vez dos figuras rupestres de abrigos rocosos
situados en el conjunto de Minateda en Hellín (Albacete), de estilos diferentes y separadas por varios milenios
en el tiempo…
+ info:
Datation du plus vieil hominidé de Turquie, le chaînon manquant entre l’Europe et l’Afrique?
Une équipe franco-turque, codirigée par le Centre de Recherche en Géosciences de l'Environnement (CNRS, Université
Aix Marseille Aix en Provence), le laboratoire Histoire naturelle de l'Homme Préhistorique (CNRS, MNHN) et l’Institut
de paléontologie humaine (Paris) a pu dater à plus de 1 à 1,1 millions d’années les dépôts renfermant l’homme de
Kocabas, le plus vieux fossile d’hominidé découvert en Turquie. Ce résultat précise l’histoire de la dispersion des
hominidés. Une étude parue dans la revue Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
+ info:
Un trésor bien caché : existe-il une autre – et inconnue – grotte ornée près de Lascaux ?
En août dernier, le maire de Montignac a reçu la visite d’une habitante de la commune venue lui révéler un
secret gardé depuis 51 ans : en 1962, ses défunts mari et beau-frère ont découvert une cavité, qui, à la
lueur de leur lampe torche, présentait des ornements similaires à ceux de la grotte de Lascaux. Par peur de
se voir saisir le terrain et « pour ne pas être embêtés » lit-on, ils ont rebouché et tut leur trouvaille.
Après avoir fait un temps la sourde oreille, la commune a pris la décision de prendre ce récit en
considération et a commencé des recherches « dans une zone relativement précise », convaincu par le
recoupement d’informations…
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:46]
Rock art and Prehistoric Heritage
Des fossiles de mouche pour mieux comprendre la grande révolution écologique
Les Prof. Bruce Archibald et Rolf Mathewes de l'Université Simon Fraser font partie d'une équipe de biologistes qui a
découvert trois nouvelles espèces disparues de fossiles de mouches à grosse tête. Selon leurs recherches, publiées
dans The Canadian Entomologist, ces fossiles présentent une évolution précoce qui irait de pair avec une révolution
écologique, celle qui a formé nos communautés naturelles modernes.
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Arte Rupestre
10 - 12 September 2014
Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina
Organizers: Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Fátima Rut SOLOMITA BANFI. Argentina
Painted Caves - Palaeolithic Rock Art in Western Europe
By Andrew J. Lawson
ISBN: 9780199698226
Year: 2012
Painted Caves, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the oldest art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the
acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the
geographical distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy,
Romania, and Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures
found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air.
Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should rather
be related to their location and other evidence that might provide clues to their significance. Although many scholars have put forward ideas as
to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of his own experience in the
field and enduring fascination for the subject…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:46]
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
A Photographer’s Journey Through Zumthor Valley
Our friend and architectural photographer Felipe Camus recently embarked on an architectural pilgrimage to the valley of the
Rhein. Located in the Graubünden region in Switzerland, the valley boasts many of the seminal works of Pritzker Prize
Laureate Peter Zumthor, all within a 60-kilometer radius.
+ info:
Haydau / Störmer Murphy and Partners - 2013 - Fritzlar, Germany
From the architect. B. Braun Melsungen AG proposed a competition for an extension to the Haydau Cloister dating
form the 12th century with a hotel new build. The concept implicates the development of this historical location into
an overall modern conference and seminar centre. Our design, which was awarded the 1st prize, is an unmistakable
response to the existing urban context, in which the new build will reconstruct the original unity of the complex.
+ info:
Responsible snorkeling
The Surin Islands have great snorkeling and marine life. To preserve this marine life and enjoy your time on the water
even more – here are some tips for responsible snorkeling practices:
+ info:
Town of Paestum in Campania to Become Plastic-Free - Italy
Paestum, a town on the Tyrrhenian Sea in Campania, will become plastic-free from this spring. The local
authorities have banned sale of non-biodegradable plastics within 3 sq km of the archaeological area and 14km of
the coast front.
+ info:
Fellowships - 2014 PhD Studentships: Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services
This project is an opportunity to produce new collaborative research on how and in what ways tourism, leisure and recreation activities can be a
catalyst for improving human health and wellbeing by using in a symbiotic and sustainable way natural resources and services provided by
ecosystems, as well as exploring the challenges of (e)valuation of such services.
The provision of ecosystem-based cultural services (which include recreation) and their role in supporting key constituents of wellbeing, such
as improved physical and mental health, are some of the least understood aspects of the ecosystem services research agenda…
+ info:
Sustainability saves costs and attracts eco-intelligent travellers
Tourism has become one of the leading players within the world of international business, featuring a turnover that equals
or, even surpasses that of oil exports, foodstuffs or cars. However, this business must also be sustainable and must respect
the environment. In this respect, today we can witness a growing demand for trips, hotels and means of transport that take
environmental factors into account, with an increasing number of travellers refusing to entrust their trips to brands and
companies that are unable to provide any guarantees in this respect. These individuals are known as eco-intelligent
+ info:
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia
by Andy Gamlin – 2002/2 Churchill Fellow
Purpose of fellowship: to visit wooden boat centres to learn about organisational structures, funding sources, operations, education
programmes, boat building methods, promotion techniques and tourism aspects.
+ info:
Reúnen a universidades del Caminio Real Tierra Adentro
Con el objetivo de conocer el pasado del Camino Real Tierra Adentro, declarado Patrimonio Mundial por la
UNESCO, saber qué se está haciendo hoy en día alrededor de los sitios que conforman esta ruta, y analizar
qué le espera a este histórico camino en el futuro, en mayo se llevará a cabo el "Encuentro Universitario del
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro".
Este evento cultural se realizará en un inmueble ubicado en el kilómetro 104 de la carretera AtlacomulcoPalmillas, Estado de México, en donde se pretende crear un Foro y "poner un museo con un área dedicada al[03/03/2014 10:22:51]
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro y otro con relación a la Batalla de Aculco durante la Independencia", explicó José Luis Navarro, fotógrafo,
promotor cultural y docente del Instituto Intercultural Navarro, quien dio a conocer, a través de una conferencia el pasado
20 de febrero, todos
los detalles de este encuentro que reunirá a universidades que forman parte de esta ruta…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Navarro Mondragón, José Luis (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Curso de Perfeccionamiento - Paisajes Urbanos Históricos "Al encuentro del genius loci"
24 - 28 February 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizers: CICOP Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Bozzano, Jorge Néstor (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
“Café on line” con Rosa Domínguez del Máster en Proyectos Culturales (MPC)
27 February 2014
Organizers: Cámara de Toledo y Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Domínguez González, Rosa (España / Spain / Espagne)
Workshop: A conceptual design proposal for implementation of cultural project in the open - air aereas
02 - 09 March 2014
Firenze. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism Events - Soc. Comi spa
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 22 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: DEL BIANCO, Paolo. Italy
Curso Intensivo Universitario sobre Gestión de Proyectos de Turismo religioso (on-line)
03 March - 30 June 2014
Organizers: Laboratorio de Patrimonio y Turismo Cultural; Universitat de Barcelona; Red Ibertur de patrimonio, turismo y desarrollo sostenible
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 - 04 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 - 30 April 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia
Organizers: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 - 11 May 2014
Murcia. Spain
Organizers: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Desarrollo y comercialización del Producto Turístico Cultural
09 May - 20 June 2014
Profesor: Luis Gustavo Patrucco
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 - 13 May 2014
Primošten. Croatia
Organizers: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"[03/03/2014 10:22:51]
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l’EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
Jornada - Patrimonio en peligro y desarrollo sostenible
15 - 17 May 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Laura Gilabert - [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Gilabert Sansalvador, Laura (España / Spain / Espagne)
Encuentro Universitario del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
16 - 17 May 2014
Aculco. Mexico
Organizers: El Consejo Cultural y de Turismo Aculco
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Mancilla Porraz, Aimée (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
06 June - 18 July 2014
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
3rd International Conference "Tourism and Gastronomy Heritage: Foodscapes, Gastroregions and Gastronomy Tourism"
16 - 20 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: UNESCO Chair Culture, Tourism, Development and its UNITWIN Network, IREST - Université de Paris 1 Panthéón Sorbonne &
Universitat de Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 17 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan (España / Spain / Espagne)
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 - 18 June 2014
Izmir. Turkey
Organizers: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contact: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
20 June - 01 August 2014
Profesora: Karina Durand
Organizers: Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso - Turismo arqueológico: un nicho de turismo especializado en el mediterráneo
02 - 04 July 2014
Maó, Menorca. Spain
Organizers: UIMIR - Universitat Internacional de Menorca Illa del Rei
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 - 23 August 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizers: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:51]
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
Summer School IDEAL Tourism: Information and communication technologies for promotion and development of sustainable tourism
around cultural and natural destinations. The case of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
25 August - 05 September 2014
Lugano. Switzerland
Organizers: UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites & Università della Svizzera italiana (USI
Lugano, Switzerland)
Contact: Asta Adukaite - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cantoni, Lorenzo (Italia / Italy / Italie)
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 - 05 September 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
III Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
25 - 27 September 2014
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic
Organizers: Red Internacional de Pensamiento Crítico sobre Globalización y Patrimonio Construido (RIGPAC) en asocio con la Universidad
Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo (UNIBE)
Contact: Prof. Dra. Mauricia Domínguez - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 4 jul 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte del PAISAJE "Paisajes Alternativos"
07 - 09 October 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. Mexico
Organizers: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C. y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 - 08 November 2014
Limassol. Cyprus
Organizers: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
FLORENCE youth&heritage FESTIVAL "Heritage and intercultural dialogue: the role of youth"
10 - 13 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: Life Beyond Tourism & ICOMOS Italia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 - 29 November 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizers: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contact: David Newsome: [email protected]
+ info:
Abordagens Turísticas na Amazônia. Compêndio monográfico sobre o turismo em Roraima
Lima, Ismar Borges de (Organizador & Coautor) & Autores.
Caracaraí/Boa Vista, 2014
ISBN 978-85-912426-4-1
Year: 2014
Este livro é uma obra de vários autores e, portanto, este espaço deve ser destinado a um agradecimento coletivo que reflita
aquilo que todos eles escreveram em suas monografias, em um gesto de reconhecimento às pessoas que diretamente ou
indiretamente contribuíram para que a pesquisa fosse realizada. Assim, os agradecimentos vão primeiramente a Deus por abençoar o trabalho
dos autores e iluminar a trajetória acadêmico-prossifional deles; em segundo, os agradecimentos vão para todos os professores da
Universidade Estadual de Roraima, UERR, e de outras Instituições de Ensino, que tiveram sua parcela de contribuição na formação
+ info:
The Micro Geopolitics of (Eco)Tourism: Competing Discourses in New Zealand and Brazil
Lima, Ismar Borges de
ISBN 978-85-912426-2-7 (pbk.)[03/03/2014 10:22:51]
Tourism: Heritage Managing & Ecotourism
e-ISBN 978-85-912426-3-4
Year: 2011
This book clearly presents the complex and often contradictory subject of ecotourism. Early on, ecotourism was held in a highly
favorable light as being the ideal alternative to mass tourism. It was purported to have minimal impact on the natural
environment, cultural resources, and indigenous communities while simultaneously it provided economic benefit to local economies. Whereas
ecotourism can and does achieve many of these benefits, which are not mutually exclusive, it is not without its faults because research has
shown that even the low-impact approach of ecotourism can still inflict changes. These changes include physical impacts by visitors to natural
resources such as erosion on trail surfaces, disturbance of fragile cultural resources, disruption and/or displacement of wildlife from their
habitat, and social changes to local indigenous cultures. That said, ecotourism is not necessarily a bad thing. It does provide a means for local
cultures to take advantage of interest in local resources by outside visitors; much of the revenue associated with ecotourism remains at the
point of designation.
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Dilemas y realidades de la gestión turística del patrimonio arqueológico en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Artículo publicado en la Revista Estudios Digital, núm. 1
Year: 2013
Importantes hallazgos sobre la civilización maya producidos durante las investigaciones multidisciplinarias que se llevan a cabo en los sitios
arqueológicos de Guatemala, han contribuido a la difusión a nivel nacional e internacional de este patrimonio que, junto al contexto natural y la
riqueza socio-cultural local actual, constituye un atractivo con gran potencial para su gestión turística. Aunque continúa discutiéndose acerca
del impacto que puede provocar el turismo sobre el patrimonio cultural en general y la población adyacente, es innegable que hoy en día se ha
posicionado como una de las actividades económicas más relevantes en el mundo, por lo que debe aprovecharse como un mecanismo para la
puesta en valor (investigación, conservación y difusión) de esta riqueza histórica, cuya finalidad primordial es la de establecer un vínculo entre
el pasado y el presente, permitiéndole a los miembros de una sociedad comprender sus orígenes y construir una identidad.
+ info:
Patrimonio arqueológico y turismo alternativo: la situación de El Mirador y otros sitios arqueológicos en Guatemala
Por Laura Velásquez Fergusson
Ponencia presentada en "XXI Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya"
Year: 2013
Actualmente, el elemento cultural ha cobrado un extraordinario auge en la industria turística, enfocado principalmente en el contacto directo
con las sociedades actuales y el patrimonio derivado de su historia. Guatemala es parte de ello gracias a cuatro destinos considerados ya
tradicionales, no obstante, la riqueza cultural del país es mayor a la que se reconoce, desde lo prehispánico y colonial hasta lo republicano y
contemporáneo, constituyendo un vasto y diverso patrimonio arqueológico, cuya adecuada gestión permitiría complementar la oferta turística a
la vez que incidiría en su puesta en valor, tal es el caso particular de los sitios en la Cuenca Mirador y otros que están en la misma situación.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:51]
Underwater Cultural Heritage/Archaeology
Underwater Cultural Heritage/Archaeology
How we all kill whales By Michael Moore
Oxford University Press
My first job after veterinary school in 1983 was for the International Whaling
Commission examining the efficacy of explosive harpoons for killing fin whales on
an Icelandic whaling vessel. Later, I encountered a very different way of killing
whales. A North Atlantic right whale was first sighted entangled in fishing gear in
May of 1999. Five months later it was dead off Cape May, New Jersey. The
entangling rope and gillnet, bound around both armpits, and tightly stretched over its back, had dissected off the blubber leaving a massive
wound (below) while it was still alive…
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Congress Ikuwa V “Heritage for Humanity”
15 - 19 October 2014
Cartagena. Spain
Organizers: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y el Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática (ARQUA)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 oct 2013
+ info:
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology
Edited by Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton
ISBN: 9780199336005
Year: 2013
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology is a comprehensive survey of the field as seen through the eyes of nearly fifty
scholars at a time when maritime archaeology has established itself as a mature branch of archaeology. This volume draws on
many of the distinct and universal aspects of maritime archaeology, bringing them together under four main themes: the research
process, ships and shipwrecks, maritime and nautical culture, and issues of preservation and management…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:52]
Vernacular Heritage
Vernacular Heritage
Capela / Bruno Dias arquitectos - 2013 - Sarzedela, Ansião, Portugal
From the architect. Situated in a village near the town of Ansiao, is a chapel that after abandoned and abused,
continues to prove its soundness. Although he continued to be consumed by time resting in silence, waiting for a
guarantee of its maintenance and use.
+ info:
Can Fogarada / Miel Arquitectos - 2012 - Palma de Mallorca - Spain
From the architect. CAN FOGARADA is an exercise of dialog between the layers of time that have been settling
throughout 300 years and that have managed to form this Rural Mallorquin House. The presence of new inhabitants
its announced through a technical carpet that reorganizes the space and reinterprets his materiality without hurting
+ info:
Curso Intensivo Universitario sobre Gestión de Proyectos de Turismo religioso (on-line)
03 March - 30 June 2014
Organizers: Laboratorio de Patrimonio y Turismo Cultural; Universitat de Barcelona; Red Ibertur de patrimonio, turismo y desarrollo sostenible
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 - 11 May 2014
Murcia. Spain
Organizers: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
08 - 20 June 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Iceland
Organizers: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
17ème édition des Journées du Patrimoine de Pays et des Moulins
14 - 15 June 2014
Organizers: FFAM (Fédération Française des Associations de sauvegarde des Moulins)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:54]
Vernacular Heritage
International Conference on Irrigation Society Landscape
25 - 27 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat de València, la Universitat Politècnica de València y la Fundació Assut
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 28 feb 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: SANMARTÍN
3rd International Conference UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Culture, Tourism, Development” - Tourism and Gastronomy tourism:
Foodscapes, Culinary Heritage and Gastronomy Tourism Destinations
16 - 20 June 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: UNESCO-UNITWIN Network "Culture, Tourism and Development"
Contact: Jordi Tresserras Juan: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 - 05 September 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizers: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
VerSus 2014 - International Conference on the Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture
11 - 13 September 2014
Valencia. Spain
Organizers: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal)
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vegas, Fernando. España
Publications Revue Patrimòni n°48
Year: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE)
By Mantha Zarmakoupi
ISBN: 9780199678389
Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation
Year: 2014
This study explores Roman luxury villa architecture and the Roman luxury villa lifestyle to shed light on the villas' design as a
dynamic process related to cultural, social, and environmental factors. Roman villas expressed a novel architectural language
which was developed by designers appropriating the existing stylistic and thematic vocabularies of Hellenistic and Roman architecture.
Zarmakoupi seeks to describe and explain the ways in which this architecture accommodated the lifestyle of educated leisure and an
appreciation of the Roman landscape, and how, in doing so, it became a cultural phenomenon and a crucial element in the construction of
Roman cultural identity…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Go to the top[03/03/2014 10:22:54]
World Heritage
World Heritage
Fish Market in Bergen / Eder Biesel Arkitekter - 2012 - Bergen - Norway
From the architect. Bergen´s fish market has had a long and important presence in Bergen. As a lively market place it
is leaving it´s mark upon the city just as well as does the historic monuments that are significant tourist attractions.
Our contribution to the design competition intends to carry on telling this story in the future. For that reason we chose
the title “History Continued”.
+ info:
Stonehenge Visitor Centre / Denton Corker Marshall - 2013 - Amesbury - United Kingdom
From the architect. Denton Corker Marshall’s new Stonehenge Visitor Centre opens its doors on 18th December,
inviting more than one million visitors every year to experience the transformed ancient site. Located 1.5 miles to
the west of the stone circle at Airman’s Corner, just within the World Heritage Site but out of sight of the
monument, the new visitor centre is designed with a light touch on the landscape – a low key building sensitive to
its environment.
+ info:
Geoglifos Of Pintados Visitor Center / William Obregon + Aldo I Testa - 2013 - Tarapacá Region, Chile
The word “nothing” is the informal term that we use to refer to the absence of content of a container or place. For
the architecture, probably for the most orthodox, it is the absence of artificial or natural references, where
everything is in the habit of being sustained almost acts. The desert is always a challenge for the architecture and
probably the most similar thing to nothing.
+ info:
Town of Paestum in Campania to Become Plastic-Free - Italy
Paestum, a town on the Tyrrhenian Sea in Campania, will become plastic-free from this spring. The local
authorities have banned sale of non-biodegradable plastics within 3 sq km of the archaeological area and 14km of
the coast front.
+ info:
Strasbourg : la Neustadt au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco ?
Tous les recoins de la nouvelle ville de Strasbourg, le quartier de la Neustadt, sont analysés au peigne fin : un audit du
quartier est en cours – il devrait durer jusqu’en 2016 – en vue d’une inscription future au patrimoine mondial de
Alors que la Grande-Île de Strasbourg figure déjà sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco depuis 1988 –
notamment pour sa cathédrale, son ensemble urbain caractéristique de l’Europe moyenne et son architecture
domestique rhénane des XVe et XVIe siècles -, la ville et la communauté urbaine de Strasbourg ainsi que la Région
Alsace souhaitent maintenant, au terme de cet inventaire, déposer la candidature de cette extension urbaine de la capitale régionale à figurer
sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO…
+ info:
Plan Loire IV (2014-2020) - Val de Loire (France)
Les plans Loire I à III auront permis de conduire dans le bassin de la Loire une politique cohérente en
matière de prévention du risque d’inondation, de préservation des milieux aquatiques, de mise en valeur
du patrimoine. Le plan Loire IV s’inscrit dans une nouvelle ambition qui correspond à une stratégie à
horizon de vingt ans, soit 2035, c’est-à-dire trois plans sur sept ans. Il est l’instrument d’une politique
partagée entre l’État, les collectivités et les acteurs institutionnels ou associatifs, portant sur le bassin de la Loire…
+ info:
Restoration and construction of Touraine's historical buildings
Many castles, historical buildings and tourist sites in Touraine are currently undergoing, or are scheduled to undergo,
restoration works. Review with the castles of Amboise, Villandry and Gizeux, the Saint-Cosme Priory and the Veron
ecomuseum. Also of note is the opening of the Farm of the Future in Bourdaisiere, an experimental permaculture project.
In Amboise, the northern facing ramparts (on the Loire side) are currently undergoing restoration. The Louis-Philippe
stables located in the extension of the new ticket office will be opened to the public
on the 1st of July at the latest. A lift
will also be installed in the castle, on the Heurtault tower side, which will stop on three levels, for disabled access to all
of the castle’s facilities…
+ info:
Un trésor bien caché : existe-il une autre – et inconnue – grotte ornée près de Lascaux ?[03/03/2014 10:22:59]
World Heritage
En août dernier, le maire de Montignac a reçu la visite d’une habitante de la commune venue lui révéler un
secret gardé depuis 51 ans : en 1962, ses défunts mari et beau-frère ont découvert une cavité, qui, à la
lueur de leur lampe torche, présentait des ornements similaires à ceux de la grotte de Lascaux. Par peur de
se voir saisir le terrain et « pour ne pas être embêtés » lit-on, ils ont rebouché et tut leur trouvaille.
Après avoir fait un temps la sourde oreille, la commune a pris la décision de prendre ce récit en
considération et a commencé des recherches « dans une zone relativement précise », convaincu par le
recoupement d’informations…
+ info:
Unesco stops unauthorised reconstruction of Bamiyan Buddhas - Afghanistan
Organisation says actions of German archaeologists who have partially rebuilt one of the statues “border on the
The international community has reacted furiously to news that a German-led team of archaeologists has been
reconstructing the feet and legs of the smaller of the two Bamiyan Buddhas, the monumental Afghan sculptures blown
up by the Taliban in 2001. News of this reconstruction, which has taken place without Unesco’s knowledge or
permission, was revealed during the 12th meeting of Unesco’s Bamiyan working group, in Orvieto, Italy, in December.
A team of archaeologists from the German branch of Icomos (the International Council on Monuments and Sites), led by Michael Petzet, who
himself served as the head of Icomos from 1999 to 2008, spent most of last year rebuilding the smaller Buddha’s lower appendages with iron
rods, reinforced concrete and bricks, an operation that Francesco Bandarin, Unesco’s assistant director-general for culture, describes as
“wrong on every level”. He says: “Unesco has nothing to do with this project. It was undertaken without the consent of the Afghan government
and has now been stopped.”…
+ info:
WWF - Let’s draw a line no one should cross (Virunga)
Oil company Soco International PLC is exploring for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Virunga is Africa’s oldest
and most biodiverse park, it sustains local communities, and is home to 3 species of great apes. The region is home to other
216 species that are not found anywhere else on Earth.
In August 2013 around 95,000 people joined us. Today, we are more than 560,000 and with one voice, we can be heard.
Some lines shouldn’t be crossed, and exploring for oil in Virunga is one of them. Add your name to draw the line:
+ info:
The letters of botanist Joseph Hooker are now online
Virginia Mills describes our new online collection of Joseph Hooker's Correspondence in which you can explore Hooker's letters
from India and the high Himalayas, and look at some of his expedition collections and the plant-hunting paraphernalia held here
at Kew.
Artefacts relating to Hooker’s Indian & Himalayan travels, from the Hooker Correspondence website. Items from Kew’s Library,
Art, Archive, Herbarium & Economic Botany collections all feature. From beautiful illustrations to poison arrows…
+ info:
Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev (Israel)
The four Nabatean towns of Haluza, Mamshit, Avdat and Shivta, along with associated fortresses and agricultural
landscapes in the Negev Desert, are spread along routes linking them to the Mediterranean end of the incense and
spice route. Together they reflect the hugely profitable trade in frankincense and myrrh from south Arabia to the
Mediterranean, which flourished from the 3rd century BC until the 2nd century AD. With the vestiges of their
sophisticated irrigation systems, urban constructions, forts and caravanserai, they bear witness to the
way in which the
harsh desert was settled for trade and agriculture.
+ info:
Pakistan's Mohenjo Daro ruins 'threatened by festival'
Conservationists in Pakistan have asked Unesco to stop part of a cultural event being held on a World Heritage
site. The group of scholars and archaeologists say the opening ceremony of the Sindh cultural festival could
damage the ruins of Mohenjo Daro. It is the world's oldest surviving city and dates back to the pre-Hindu Indus
Valley civilisation.
+ info:
Il Villaggio operaio di Crespi d’Adda – sito Unesco - Italy
Il villaggio di Crespi d’Adda, in provincia di Bergamo in Lombardia, racconta di un villaggio ideale del
lavoro: un piccolo feudo dove il castello del padrone era simbolo sia dell’autorità che della benevolenza,
verso i lavoratori e le loro famiglie.
+ info:
Reúnen a universidades del Caminio Real Tierra Adentro
Con el objetivo de conocer el pasado del Camino Real Tierra Adentro, declarado Patrimonio Mundial por la
UNESCO, saber qué se está haciendo hoy en día alrededor de los sitios que conforman esta ruta, y analizar
qué le espera a este histórico camino en el futuro, en mayo se llevará a cabo el "Encuentro Universitario del
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro".
Este evento cultural se realizará en un inmueble ubicado en el kilómetro 104 de la carretera AtlacomulcoPalmillas, Estado de México, en donde se pretende crear un Foro y "poner un museo con un área dedicada al
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro y otro con relación a la Batalla de Aculco durante la Independencia", explicó José Luis Navarro, fotógrafo,
promotor cultural y docente del Instituto Intercultural Navarro, quien dio a conocer, a través de una conferencia el pasado
20 de febrero, todos
los detalles de este encuentro que reunirá a universidades que forman parte de esta ruta…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Navarro Mondragón, José Luis (México / Mexico / Mexique)[03/03/2014 10:22:59]
World Heritage
Agenda 2014
Cycle de conférences du DSA architecture & patrimoine "Le patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO"
25 February - 20 May 2014
Paris. France
Organizers: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
International Conference on UNESCO Conventions "Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development"
24 - 26 March 2014
Bergen. Norway
Organizers: University of Bergen
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 - 04 April 2014
Rome. Italy
Organizers: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 - 18 April 2014
Hiroshima. Japan
Organizers: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 May 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canada
Organizers: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
Encuentro Universitario del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
16 - 17 May 2014
Aculco. Mexico
Organizers: El Consejo Cultural y de Turismo Aculco
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 25 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Mancilla Porraz, Aimée (México / Mexico / Mexique)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 - 14 June 2014
Capri. Italy
Organizers: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 - 23 August 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizers: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Summer School IDEAL Tourism: Information and communication technologies for promotion and development of sustainable tourism
around cultural and natural destinations. The case of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
25 August - 05 September 2014
Lugano. Switzerland
Organizers: UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites & Università della Svizzera italiana (USI
Lugano, Switzerland)
Contact: Asta Adukaite - [email protected]
DEADLINE: 31 mar 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Cantoni, Lorenzo (Italia / Italy / Italie)
The Gaudí 1st World Congress
06 October - 10 October 2014
Barcelona. Spain
Organizers: Gaudí Research Institute and the University of Barcelona
Contact: [email protected]
+ info:[03/03/2014 10:22:59]
World Heritage
18th ICOMOS General Assembly "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values"
10 - 14 November 2014
Florence. Italy
Organizers: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 10 Feb 2014
+ info:
International Conference: The implementation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage Legal and practical evaluation of the management of Cultural World Heritage Sites
14 - 17 January 2015
Kent. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organizers: Research Network on the protection of Cultural World Heritage Sites funded by the AHRC. University of Kent
Contact: Dr Sophie Vigneron at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 1 nov 2014
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Vigneron, Sophie (Francia / France / France)
Publications 3rd edition of ‘The World’s Heritage’ by UNESCO Publishing and Collins features all 981 sites
The third edition of The World’s Heritage is available now, published by UNESCO Publishing and Collins. Featuring all 981
entries on the UNESCO World Heritage List, with all the new sites inscribed onto the list by the World Heritage Committee in
The 981 entries now come from 160 countries and from every continent, and the beauty and diversity of these sites is reflected
in over 650 specially selected photographs. As well as being translated into 5 languages, the third edition of The World’s
Heritage is also available as an app: your perfect on-the-go reference resource.
+ info:
Navigations intérieures. Histoire de la batellerie de la préhistoire à demain
Par Bernard Le Sueur
EAN/ISBN : 9782723475167
Year: 2012
Après une longue éclipse, les rivières et les canaux de France ont fait leur retour au coeur de nos sociétés, et chacun d'entre
nous est aujourd'hui concerné par ce changement considérable en tant que citoyen, consommateur ou contribuable. Dans toutes
les régions, les fleuves et les canaux sont mis en avant et séduisent les acteurs de l'économie, du tourisme, du sport et
deviennent un lieu privilégié d'habitat. Ce profond mouvement de redécouverte et de réappropriation a défini une nouvelle manière de vivre
avec les cours d'eau : on décentralise, on aménage les rives urbaines, on reconstruit des bateaux à l'ancienne, on classe les bords de Seine,
de Loire et du canal du Midi au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Le Sueur, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
World Heritage Review n°70 - Synergies to Protect Sites
Year: 2014
The conservation of World Heritage involves a complex network of partners. This issue will explore the complementarity and
synergies for sustainable development between the different designations for natural sites and cultural landscapes.
The articles will take a close look at how the World Heritage Convention and other programmes and conventions such as Man
and the Biosphere, Geoparks and Ramsar, work together to protect World Heritage sites, and showcase the complementarities
between UNESCO cultural landscapes and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas.
The issue will also feature an interview with Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
+ info:
Fontevraud-l’Abbaye et Montsoreau : un regard sur le saumurois
303 « arts, recherches, créations », la revue culturelle de la région des Pays de la Loire.
Collection Images du patrimoine, nº 283
112 pages, 18 €
Year: 2013
Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’un inventaire topographique mené sur les communes de Fontevraud-l’Abbaye et de Montsoreau
(Maine-et-Loire). S’appuyant sur une présentation des édifices majeurs que sont l’abbaye et le château, il se propose de mettre
ces monuments en contexte et d’explorer les nombreux autres éléments qui participent du riche patrimoine que ces territoires donnent à
L’angle de vue s’élargit ainsi pour leur associer les édifices publics et les aménagements, l’habitat dont les demeures troglodytiques ou encore
les bâtiments et sites liés aux activités, notamment à la viticulture et à l’extraction du tuffeau…
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Year: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness[03/03/2014 10:22:59]
World Heritage
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Earthen architecture in today’s world. Proceedings of the UNESCO International Colloquium on the Conservation of
World Heritage Earthen Architecture, 17-18 December 2012
France: UNESCO, 2013
271 p. (World Heritage Paper Series /Cahiers du patrimoine mondial N°36)
ISBN 978-92-3-001236-6
Year: 2013
This publication, which brings together more than 35 experts’ articles, is testimony to this event. The first part is dedicated to a
review of proposed solutions to the various problems encountered with earthen architecture in historic cities, archaeologicl sites and cultural
landscapes around the world. Here you will travel from the ‘“Rome of the East”: Churches and Convents of Velha Goa’ in India to the ‘Coffee
Cultural Landscape’ of Colombia to the ‘Ruins of Loropéni’ in Burkina Faso…
+ info:
Painted Caves - Palaeolithic Rock Art in Western Europe
By Andrew J. Lawson
ISBN: 9780199698226
Year: 2012
Painted Caves, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the oldest art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the
acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the
geographical distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy,
Romania, and Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures
found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air.
Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should rather
be related to their location and other evidence that might provide clues to their significance. Although many scholars have put forward ideas as
to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of his own experience in the
field and enduring fascination for the subject…
+ info:
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Year: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Posted by FUUH member: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
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