
Authors: María Leal Barquero, Marcos Lamas Sánchez, María Muñiz Pérez, Gloria
Tendero Roldán, Lucía De los Ríos Gestoso Cayetana Malo Aso , Ulises Salgado
Carvallo, Daniel Lubián López.
Affiliations: Obstetrics and Gynecology Service from University Hospital of Puerto Real, Cádiz
It is every woman’s right to be accompanied by her partner or another person during
The accompaniment of the partner during childbirth has important psychological effects;
besides fulfill the desire of woman to be accompanied, provides increased satisfaction in
relation to the experience of childbirth.
Women who have such support have increased perception of control during labor, greater
satisfaction with the process of birth and higher level of self-esteem. At the same time, they
have lower levels of anxiety and less pain.
Main Objective:
To establish the benefits of the mother being accompanied by her partner during childbirth.
A bibiliographical search was conducted during January 2016 in the data bases Cuiden Plus,
CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, Cochrane and IME.
Key words used: accompaniment and childbirth.
Preliminary results:
Pregnant women who enjoy of the accompaniment during childbirth express to feel more
satisfied with the experience of childbirth. In addition, they experience less anxiety and fear
during the process. Also, the average rate of the pain is significantly less, so that there is a
decrease in consumption of analgesics to alleviate the pain caused by childbirth.
On the other hand, continuous support for labor increased the possibility of spontaneous
vaginal birth and it did not have side effects.
Conclusions or comments:
The accompaniment improves the quality of labor process.
The accompaniment during childbirth by the partner brings multiple benefits, it increases
control and positive feelings about the birthing process.
Therefore, the companion chosen by the woman brings great help and directly increases the
ability to cope with stressful situations, increasing confidence and personal competence, and
thus improving the welfare of women and their self-esteem.
1. Abad, M. L., Serrano, J., Chica, B., & Rivera, M. D. C. O. El padre en la experiencia del
parto: valoración del acompañamiento a su pareja. " V de enfermería, 1999; 5.
2. Aguilar Cordero, M. J., Sáez Martín, I., Menor Rodríguez, M. J., Mur Villar, N., Expósito
Ruiz, M., Hervás Pérez, A., & González Mendoza, J. L. Valoración del nivel de satisfacción
en un grupo de mujeres de Granada sobre atención al parto, acompañamiento y duración de la
lactancia. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2013; 28(3), 920-926.
3. Hodnett, E. D., Gates, S., Hofmeyr, G. J., Sakala, C., & Weston, J. Continuous support for
women during childbirth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2013; 7(7).
4. Peláez, H. R., & Gallego, I. R. Beneficios del acompañamiento a la mujer por parte de su
pareja durante el embarazo, el parto y el puerperio en relación con el vínculo paternofilial.
Revisión bibliográfica. Matronas profesión 2014;15(4): e1-e6.
5. Wallace, L., & Lara, L. El Derecho de acompañamiento durante el parto. Revista horizonte
de enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Chile, 2009; 20(2-2009).

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