JUNE 19,2016 - Holy Trinity


JUNE 19,2016 - Holy Trinity
Spanish Speaking Ministry, *Fr. Luis Pulido
Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill
Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer
Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice
Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano
JUNE 19, 2016
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Finance Council, Steve Bujno
Lay Trustees, Norma Ytuarte, Sheila Mullan
Acolytes, Kevin McKenna
Devotions, Private,
Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko
Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit
Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo
Lectors, Stephanie Miller
Floral Decorations, Mia Kravitz
Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director
Cantors,*Andrew Yeargin
Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain
Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara
Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin
Sacristans,*Victor Zambrano III,* Francisco Fernandez
“[Jesus] asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?’ …
Then [Jesus] said to them, ‘But who do you say I am?’
Peter said in reply, ‘The Christ of God.’ He rebuked them
and directed them not to tell this to anyone.”
Bulletin, Parish Weekly, * Catherine Jestice
Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice
Concert Series
GUEST, Andrew Yeargin
PARISH, Andrew Yeargin
CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak
Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver
Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio
Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer
Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead
Christian Meditation, Donald Main
RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Gary Cushing
Religious Education,*Colleen Glazer
Blood Drive, Catherine Jestice
Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer
Cubans in Exile, Iladio Blanco
Food Pantry, Colleen Glazer
Guest Clergy Hospitality,* Msgr. Sandi
Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin
Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig
Twelve-Step Programs, * Catherine Jestice
* indicates parish employee
Please keep our sick in your prayers:
SUNDAY Happy Father’s Day!
DA Meeting – Rectory – 12:30 PM
Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM
NA Meeting – Center – 7:30 PM
Legion of Mary – Rectory– 7:30 PM
Baptism Class – Rectory – 7:30 PM
Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM
SCA Meeting – Rectory – 6:15 PM
Lectio Divina (Spanish) – Center – 7:00 PM
Christian Meditation – Rectory – 7:00 PM
Fr. Gary YA Lectio Divina – Rectory – 7:30 PM
Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM
NA Meeting – Rectory – 5:30 PM
R.C.I.A – Rectory – 7:30 PM
Al Anon Meeting – Rectory – 12:15 PM
Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM
AA Men’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00 PM
Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM
AA Women’s Meeting – Rectory – 8:15 PM
Eucharistic Adoration – Church – following 5:30 Mass
Lois Mazzitelli, Kate Concannon, John Muratori, Iris Okun,
Anthony DeFrancesco, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Steve
Manfredo, Ralph Asher, Jorge de Armas, Jr., Marie
DeTullio, John Melaney, Pat Stinchi, Dianne Mastrorocco,
Alice Mayer, Graziella Piciulo, Kelsey Kruse, Shannyn
Craig, Jonathan Sloan, Karen Murphy, Kit Gill, Anne Lia, *
Brennan Strovink, Maria Alvarado, Edouard Tiger, Edward
Haggerty, Francisco Marcus, Jr., Matthew Escobar, Keira
Maloney, Ellen Blackwood, Antoinette Durso, Norbert
Last week’s collection: $3,027.00
Roberts, James Leung, Edna Lilienthal, Peggy Rose Viera,
Arsemic Bakaev, Ilia Koguashvide, Joaquin Caracciolli
Names will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would
like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory.
5:30 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
7:30 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
9:30 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
11:15 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
12:30 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
5:30 Our Fathers (living & deceased)
9:00 Ralph Zingone, Domenico Zingone,
Pasquale Rispoli
5:30 Renée Elizabeth Kaplan & Marina &
Angel Suárez Fernández
TUESDAY 6/21 Aloysius Gonzaga, rel.
9:00 Rosemary McGinn
5:30 Our Godparents
WEDNESDAY 6/22 Paulinus; Fisher & More, martyrs
9:00 Seminarians/Those in Religious Formation
5:30 Parish Grandparents (living)
9:00 Pastoral Staff (living)
5:30 Charles F. Houghton, Jr.
7:00 Parish Benefactors (living)
FRIDAY 6/24 Nativity of John the Baptist
9:00 Parish Elderly (living)
5:30 Parish Volunteers (living)
9:00 Care of God’s Good Earth
As you probably know, Jesus used the very
familiar, Aramaic form of address when he spoke
of his Father in heaven. When he commanded his
disciples (men and women) to do likewise, he
said, “This is how you are to pray, ‘Our Father,’”
(Luke 11:2-4), they knew at once what he meant.
Approach God with the simplicity, trust,
confidence, and familiarity of a loved son or
daughter. You might not be the perfect child [no
human being can be], but HE is the perfect father
with something we can only marvel at:
unconditional love for us.
Divine Murmurs
Many Minds, Many Sources; Same God
A baby is God’s opinion that the world should
go on.
Carl Sandburg
Saint Joseph (Yosef) of Bethlehem
An Imaginative View from Artistic Renderings
Did you get a copy? Monsignor Sandi prepared a
leaflet we hope you will treasure. It’s a unique
attempt to “give flesh and blood,” to Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and Jesus’ foster father.
A Capital Campaign FOR US!
The Archdiocese of New York, in an effort to improve the
physical condition of all parishes (or pay off debts), is asking
all pastors to unveil an Autumn Capital Campaign (similar to
the one we ran in 2006). Local parishes will retain 74% of
* their specified goal, with the rest going to support poor
parishes (who cannot sun such a campaign) and the
regional schools.
Along these lines, we are thinking very seriously about the
feasibility of air conditioning the church with techniques
unavailable when a similar plan for Holy Trinity was
considered almost twenty years ago. Priests and
parishioners alike agree that perhaps this is the time.
Please be assured, we will never endanger any of the
historic components of the magnificent building that
provides us our sacred patrimony. More to follow.
Happy Father’s Day!
Thank you, Dads, for doing what you must for the
health and welfare of your families God put in your
hands. In your honor, we highlight Saint Joseph,
husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus. You’ll
never find very many candles at the foot of his statue
in our sanctuary. His wife and child were, and still are,
at the center of his world. He was an honorable “son
of the Law,” who lived to see the Word made flesh,
and protected Mother and Child, when no one else
would. [See the box above.]
Special Father’s Day envelopes are at the back of
the church for your convenience. Please list all the
Donate cheerfully!
fathers of your family (living and deceased) and drop it
Your contributions will go toward the building up of the
in any collection. As with the Mother’s Day envelopes,
parish in more ways than you know. Think about that,
Father’s Day envelopes will be placed on the altar
and do what comes thoughtfully.
throughout the month of June.
El que quiera seguirme….
Sophia, ChurchMouse
[Excerpt of a note received by the pastor]
Thank you very much for taking time to anoint me
… and for having such a welcoming parish. While
recovering I attended Mass and felt comfortable,
as your priests and staff were very friendly. Thank
you. What a parish!
Jesús es, en verdad, un gran profeta que
habla en nombre de Dios y lee la historia de los
hombres a la luz del designio divino, pero también
es mucho más. El mesías de Dios, pero... Pedro, y
los demás apóstoles, han acompañado a Jesús
durante un buen tiempo, han convivido con él, le
Thanks, Dad!
han visto orar, predicar, curar; han escuchado sus
4 years: My Daddy can do anything!
enseñanzas, sobre todo sus palabras sobre el Reino
7 years: My Dad knows a lot … a whole lot.
de Dios. Han dado un paso más en el conocimiento
8 years: My father does not know quite everything.
de Jesús: No sólo es un profeta, es el mesías de
12 years: Oh well, naturally Father does not know that either.
Dios. Sí, el mesías, descendiente de David, el
21 years: Oh, that man – he is so out of date!.
caudillo batallador, el rey victorioso que ha logrado
25 years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much.
la máxima expansión del reino de Israel, derrotando
30 years: I must find out what Dad thinks about it.
35 years: Before we decide, we will get Dad’s idea first.
a todos sus enemigos. Jesús repetirá, como mesías,
50 years: What would Dad have thought about that?
la figura de David: derrotará a los romanos,
60 years: My Dad knew literally everything.!
ampliará las fronteras del reino, los reyes de las
65 years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.
naciones vendrán a él para rendirle vasallaje y
pleitesía. El reino de Israel, reino de Yahvéh,
Happy Father’s Day! St. Joseph, pray for us.
volverá a ser glorioso. Jesús no está de acuerdo con
* este mesianismo soñado por Pedro y los demás
apóstoles. Jesús no niega, ni jamás negará, que es
el mesías. Sería negar la verdad, y esto es imposible
+ Holy Trinity – 10 Years Ago
para quien es la Verdad. Pero Jesús no hace propia
“from the archives!”
la figura de un mesías, caudillo de las huestes de
Yahvéh. Mesías de Dios, sí, pero mesías diverso a
Musica Trinitatis – The Concert Series Presents
Manhattan Choral Ensemble – Tom Cunningham, Director
como lo imaginan los discípulos más cercanos.
Two masterpieces for unaccompanied chorus by native New
Este mesías sufriente, algo inusitado e
Yorkers: Aaron Copland’s In the Beginning & Randal
inconcebible para cualquier hombre, es identificado
Thompson’s The Peaceable Kingdom, Saturday,
con el Hijo de Dios por San Pablo, quien, por eso, en
March 18 , 8:00 PM
la segunda lectura, puede decir que los cristianos
"somos hijos de Dios en Cristo Jesús", su verdadero
The Canticum Novum Singers – Harold Rosenbaum,
y único Hijo. Ahora ya podemos responder mejor a
Conductor – A Loving Tribute in Music to His Holiness Pope
la pregunta sobre quién es Jesús: "Tú eres el
John Paul II, Sunday April 2 , 3:00 PM
mesías, el Hijo de Dios vivo".
Musica Trinitatis – The Concert Series Presents
The Masterwork Chorus: Rachmaninoff’s Vespers –
Andrew McGill, Director
Based on the All-Night Vigil of the Eastern Orthodox
Churches – a pinnacle of a capella choral works, Sunday,
November 12 , 3:00 PM
Tiffany Consort: A Royal Birthday Tribute – Nicholas
White, Director – Celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s 80
Birthday, includes works by John Browne, Robert Wilkinson,
Ralph Vaughan Williams and others, Tuesday, November
14 , 7:30 PM
for SEPTEMBER 2016
Religious Ed.classes: Grades K-6 Sundays 10:30-11:45 AM
Grades 5-High School: Mondays 6:00-7:15 PM
Applications on our website: htcny.org & at the Rectory
The Christian Youth Theater presents Disney’s Beauty
and the Beast at St. Jeans, 184 E. 766th St., June 24, 25 &
26th. For times and more info, 646-490-0654 or cytnyc.org.

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