March 7, 2016 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock, TX


March 7, 2016 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock, TX
In trying to understand the true power of stewardship, we need not look any further than the cross. It
serves as a tremendous example of giving everything away freely for God and the people of God.
- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS "Everyday Stewardship"
Week of March 7, 2016
Welcome to the weekly e-newsletter from the Diocese of Lubbock Office of Stewardship and
Development. We hope you find this beneficial on your stewardship journey as a disciple of
In this Issue: What is Faith? - This Weeks Webinar Stewardship Reflections for March
What is Faith?
"Faith is more than just believing there is a God. Faith is leaning on God so much that if
he were to move you'd fall over."
-Fr. John Riccardo
We are halfway through Lent. We pray you spent these first 4 weeks dying to self,
reflecting on your weaknesses, your cross. We pray the Holy Spirit has been guiding you
on this 40 day journey to the cross. This second part of Lent is where we meet the cross.
We encourage you to read the passion of Christ with fresh eyes. Allow the Holy Spirit to
guide you on a journey through scripture. Watch Father Riccardo's 5 minute video on what
to expect these next few weeks.
Ashes to Easter 3
As Lent continues, Fr. John encourages us to focus on the Passion of
Posted by Fr. John Riccardo Podcast Page on Friday, March 4, 2016
The above clip from Father Riccardo encourages Pastors and parishioners alike to see
Jesus' passion with fresh wounds so that we can be astounded by what God has done
and designed for us our lives.
This Tuesday at 1 pm FREE
Webinar: Working for God
Caution: Working for God can be hazardous to
your spiritual life!
It is very easy for people in ministry to lose their
spiritual bearings. Perhaps you've seen this in your
own parish.
This webinar will offer spiritual and practical support
for anyone who is working as a paid employee in a
parish or volunteering in a parish leadership role. It will even look at how working for God may
be your personal path toward sainthood!
Register Here (register even if you can't make it, so the recording will be sent to you as soon as
it is available)
Fifth Sunday of Lent Stewardship Reflections
Weekend of March 12/13, 2016
Strong words come from Saint Paul in today's second reading. He reveals in no
uncertain terms that life in Christ is our goal. Everything else, he maintains, is
"rubbish." Junk. Trash. Garbage. Is that true? Is everything else "rubbish" compared
to deepening our relationship with the Lord? What about putting recreational activities
ahead of attending Mass? Or preferring uninterrupted hours playing the latest video
games or watching TV to spending time in a bible study group, choir practice or
serving in a soup kitchen? Or keeping late hours at work over sharing the gospel with
friends and neighbors? To what extent do we exercise stewardship over our
relationship with Christ?
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Fin de Semana del 12/13 de Marzo de 2016
En la segunda lectura encontramos las firmes palabras de San Pablo. Él revela en
términos indudables que la vida en Cristo es nuestra meta. Todo lo demás, afirma él,
es "tontería." Chatarra. Desperdicio. Basura. ¿Es esto cierto? ¿Todo lo demás es
"tontería" comparado con la profundización de nuestra relación con el Señor? ¿Qué
dice usted acerca de poner las actividades recreativas antes que asistir a Misa? ¿O
preferir pasar horas ininterrumpidas jugando los últimos videojuegos o viendo la
televisión en lugar de dedicar tiempo para asistir a un grupo de estudio bíblico,
practicar en el coro o servir en una cocina popular? ¿O mantener horas extras en el
trabajo por encima de compartir el Evangelio con amigos y vecinos? ¿En qué medida
ejercitamos la corresponsabilidad acerca de nuestra relación con Cristo?
Visit our website for all Stewardship Webinars for March
Visit Our Website
Office of Stewardship & Development | Diocese of Lubbock
806-792-3943 x207 | Email | Website

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