Holy Rosary Bulletin September 13 2015


Holy Rosary Bulletin September 13 2015
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13, 2015
ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB
RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon
ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Dennis Flores • Rev. Pablo Santa Maria
IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin
646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: [email protected] / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org
Cathedral Parish Office
Office Email
[email protected]
Office Address
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Sunday Masses
5:10 pm anticipated Mass
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am,
12:30pm, 5:00pm,
6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am,
12:10pm, 5:10pm
7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm
Fr. Stanley Galvon
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Office Phone
Angela Burghard
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 5
Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe
[email protected]
Monday to Friday
7:45am, 11:45am,
Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm
Sunday Vespers
Morning Prayer
Mon to Sat 8:30am
-First Reading:
Isaiah 50.5-9
To those who struck m e I gave m y back.
-Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 116
R. I will walk in before the Lord,
in the land of the living.
-Second Reading:
James 2.14-18
Faith, if it has no works, is dead.
Mark 8.27-35
You are the Christ.
The Son of Man m ust undergo great suffering.
Monday to Saturday
11:40am, 4:40pm
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Fridays 3:00pm
Prayers to
God the Father
Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
First Friday
12:45pm to 5:00pm
Monday September 14 #
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Num21.4-9 / Phil 2.6-11 / Jn 3.13-17
Tuesday September 15 # Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Tm 3.1-13 / Jn 19.25-27
Wednesday September 16 # Sts. Cornelius & Cyprian
1 Tm 3-14-16 / Lk 7.31-35
Thursday September 17 # Weekday
1 Tm 4.12-16 / Lk 7.36-50
Friday September 18 # Weekday
1 Tm 6.2-12 / Lk 8.1-3
Saturday September 19 # St. Dominic
1 Tm 6.13-16 / Lk 8.4-15
Sunday September 20 #
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 2.12-20 / Jas 3.16-4.3 / Mk 9.30-37
Se p te m b e r 13, 2015
Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
On Tuesday September 8th we celebrated the Nativity
(birthday) of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Reference material
says that this feast originated in Jerusalem in the 5th Century
AD. This date, of course, is nine months after the Solemnity
of the Immaculate Conception celebrated on December 8th.
Pope Benedict has said that Mary’s soul “was the space
from which God was able to gain access into humanity”.
Mary, body and soul, with her “Yes” at the Annunciation
then fully cooperated with God’s salvation plan.
Mary joined her son, Jesus, the Messiah, in His work of
redemption. This involved accepting sufferings for the
forgiveness of sins. On Tuesday, September 15, we celebrate
the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. Traditionally there
are seven sorrows that are associated with the Blessed
Virgin Mary as she follows her Son in His mission: hearing
the prophecy of Simeon about the sword of sorrow, being
refugees with Joseph and Jesus in Egypt, losing the child
Jesus in the temple, meeting Jesus as He carries His cross,
being with Jesus as He dies on the cross, witnessing the
piercing of the side of Jesus, and placing the body of Jesus
in the tomb.
One author writes that “we need the maternal closeness
of the Sorrowful Mother to sustain us when we are overcome
by the terrifying trials of life.”
At our Cathedral dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
let us pray that all people follow her words “do whatever He
tells you.” (John 2.5) May she continue to smooth the path
for each of us to her Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Fr. Galvon
meet with visitors and fellow parishioners at Holy Rosary Hall,
650 Richards Street and enjoy breakfast between 9am and 1pm,
prepared and served by the Holy Rosary Cathedral Knights of
Columbus. By Donation.
-BAPTISM PREPARATION for parents who have a child to
present for Baptism or who are expecting a child in the next few
m onths, and for Godparents, consisting of tw o sessions.
Session 1: Baptism Prep class Sat. Oct. 10
10:00 to 11:00am at Holy Rosary Hall
Session 2: Parents are asked to arrange for an interview with Fr.
Pablo after they have attended the Saturday session.
Please call or em ail the parish office to register.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
your power to suffer was great on earth.
You were associated in all Jesus did,
His sufferings as well as His joys.
On Calvary, you saw Him crucified and
received His dead body into your arms.
What sorrow this constituted for
your Mother’s heart!
But we know that this suffering
enabled you
to become the Mother of Life,
The Mother of supernatural life
for souls.
You can now suffer now more,
but those who are left on earth
still suffer.
Help me to offer all my sufferings
and sorrows,
no matter how big or little,
for the Church of God
and for the souls of all peoples.
-RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
Our RCIA Program has now begun and is continuing
every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the
Upper Room of Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards
Street. It’s not too late to join this group, and if you are
thinking about becom ing Catholic, or are interested in
finding out m ore about the Catholic Faith
and its beliefs, please register now.
Contact Fr. Anicet Pinto or the office for
m ore inform ation.
-Prayers for the Sick: Please pray for
Diana Marcela Ulloa Ram irez, Antonie
G abriel, Donna Hossack, Em ilsen
Calderon, W endy Vazquez, Ruth Leon
Solana, Maria Rosa Lopez, Julio Esponda Solana,
Yvette Sim on, Melvyn Thom as Lee, Julie Sanderson,
and all who are ill, recovering from surgery, and those
whose nam es we m ay not know, and are in need of
our prayers.
-W eekly Programs for Adults 50+ starting again:
•Tuesday morning Bible Sharing starting on Tuesday
Sept. 15, 10:30 to 11:30am .
•Thursday morning Seniors Gentle Chair Yoga begins
Thursday Sept 17, 10:30-11:30am .
For m ore info please call Shirley 604-879-8295.
The next cathedral cleaning date will be on SAT. SEPT.
26. Please com e and help if you can spare a couple of
hours. The Church w ill be closed after the 8am M ass,
and will re-open at 11:30am . A big Thank You to all the
volunteers who help keep our church clean and tidy.
The Fourth Annual Archbishop’s Dinner
Join us at the Fourth Annual Archbishop’s Dinner
on Thursday. Oct. 29 at the Hyatt Regency
Tickets are $150 each with $70 receipted as a charitable
donation. For m ore details, visit www.rcav.org/dinner2015
Please register now; space is lim ited and tickets are
selling fast! To reserve your seat at the Holy Rosary
parish table, please call or em ail the parish office at 604682-6774, ext. 5, em ail hrc@ shaw.ca
Proceeds of this dinner will benefit the formation of
future priests in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.
Archdiocesan Vocations Fair
Sunday, Sept. 20, from 1:00 to 5:00pm at St. Patrick's
Parish Hall, Vancouver. W ith 54 religious orders currently
serving in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, this is a great
opportunity to learn m ore about the work they do. Com e
celebrate the m any different religious orders in the
diocese, both m en and wom en, followed by Mass in the
Church celebrated by Archbishop Miller, CSB. Visit
www.vocationsvancouver.ca for details.
Archdiocesan Fall Institute - Sat. Sept. 26
at St. Patrick’s Secondary School, Vancouver. Register
now for general interest one-day courses, 604-683-0281.
2015 Somerville Free Public Lecture presents
The Blue Sapphire of the Mind - A Dark Stillness: What the
Night Can Teach Us by Dr. Douglas Christie - Thursday,
September 17, 7:00 pm at the Chapel of the Epiphany on the
UBC campus. More info at www.vst.edu
Free Seminary Lecture Sat., Sept. 26, 10 am to 3 pm on the
subject “The Role of Affectivity in Human Formation”, by Sue
Baars from Texas. The Lecture will be held at the Seminary of
Christ the King, Mission. For more info, call 604-826-8975.
Finding God in All Things Retreat:
Praying with Scripture and your Imagination. Sat., Sep. 19,
9am to 5pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. $40
incl. lunch & snack). To register call 604-576-8802
-Free Luncheon for Seniors: You are invited to a free
hot catered sit-down luncheon with live m usic on W ednesday, Sept. 16, 12 noon, at St. Andrews-W esley
Church Salon, 1018 Nelson, wheelchair access via 1022
Nelson. Lunches are held m onthly on the 3 rd W ednesday.
St. Paul's Catholic Singles Club Dance
All are welcom e - especially newcom ers - to the St. Paul's
Catholic Singles Club dance, Saturday, Sep. 19, Sunrise
Com m unity Hall, 1950 W inderm ere St., Van. Doors open
at 7pm . Tickets at the door. Live m usic. For info call
Shannon at 604-943-1153 or Barry at 604-327-5425
Solemn Inauguration Ceremony of Little Flower
Monastery at Carm el Hill, 10789 North Deroche Rd, in the
Fraser Valley, October 15, starting 11am . Archbishop
Miller will be concelebrating with Fr. Serrao, OCD, Bishop
Frederick Henry, Bishop David Monroe & Fr. R. D'Souza.
Annual W hite M ass for all Healthcare Providers
celebrated by Archbishop Miller at St. Augustine Parish on
Friday, October 30 at 7:00pm . Please join us to pray for
the protection of conscience. “Freedom consists not in
doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we
ought.” Saint John Paul II. More inform ation available at
A Lifeline for M arriage - Retrouvaille helps couples
through difficult tim es in their m arriages. It provides the
tools you need to get your m arriage back on track.
Rediscover each other and exam ine your lives together in
a new and positive way. This program has helped
thousands of couples experiencing all kinds of m arital
problem s, from sim ple apathy or resentm ent to infidelity or
even separation. For confidential inform ation or to register
for the program in the Lower Mainland, Oct. 16-18, call
604-530-6710, em ail vancouverbc@ retrouvaille.org or
visit www.HelpOurMarriageBC.com
Called & Gifted W orkshop - October 2 & 3
The Holy Father Pope Francis is calling you to actively
help others encounter the Risen Christ by allowing Him to
work through the spiritual gifts you bring to your work,
fam ily life, and your friends. The introductory Called &
Gifted workshop will teach you about your place in the
Church’s m ission to the world and about the spiritual gifts
you have been given in order to fulfill that m ission. Friday,
Oct. 2, from 7–9pm, and Saturday, Oct. 3, from
9am–4pm at Rosem ary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey.
Free Estate & Burial Planning W orkshop by the
Developm ent Office of the Archdiocese. These presentations are designed to help you gather your thoughts
before you write or update your will, form ulate pre-need
arrangem ents, learn about funeral rites. 604-683-0281.
Sept 17, 7pm at St. Augustine’s Parish
Oct 21, 7pm at John Paul IIPastoral Centre
Se p te m b e r 13, 2015
¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana
y visitantes a la Catedral del Santo Rosario!
Cathedral Organist & Music Director
Denis Bedard 604-322-5995
Assistant Organist/Music Administrator
Catherine Walsh 604-222-8072
Music Programme for the 11:00 am Mass
Sunday, September 13, 2015
_ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico Buttner.
Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado - 11:45 am y de 4
a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él!
_ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm
_ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada mes,
6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera!
_ Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos
religiosos de la Catedral.
_Escríbenos a nuestro email: [email protected]
Organ Prelude: 1. Verse in B flat major
2. Prelude in E flat major
A Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester (Choir & Organ)
Directorio de Coordinatores:
# Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner
# Coro: Adrian Calabuche
# Lectores: Alex Frias
# Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick
# Eventos: Vanessa Tapia
# Ministros Ext. de Comunión: Julio Longoria
# Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz
Y ustedes, ¿ quién dicen que soy yo ?
Con el pasaje que hoy se proclam a estam os en el centro
del evangelio de San Marcos. Este texto viene a ser uno de
los m om entos culm inantes de este escrito. Dice la narración
que Jesús, yendo de cam ino, hace de pronto una pregunta
directa a sus discípulos sobre su identidad: " ¿ Quién dicen
los hom bres que soy yo ? " Esto nos revela que desde
hacía tiem po existía, entre los judíos, un interrogante
acerca de quién era Jesús. Las respuestas m uestran que
en Jesús veían a una persona m isteriosa, difícil de definir y
de identificar. Después Jesús les pregunta directam ente a
ellos: Y ustedes, ¿ quién dicen que soy yo ?. Ésta es la
m ism a pregunta que Jesús nos hace hoy y siem pre.
Familia Católica
En días pasados leyendo un tríptico acerca de la
im portancia de la práctica de la fe católica en el hogar m e
sorprendió la estadística ahí presentada: si la m adre es
piadosa se da un 17% el que los hijos practiquen la fe en su
vida adulta. Si el padre es piadoso el porcentaje se aum enta
a un 93%. No cabe duda que el género m asculino tiene una
gran responsabilidad ante los retos que conlleva la crianza
integral de los hijos.
current advertisers and all of our parishioners and visitors
who frequent their businesses. If you or your company are
interested in placing an ad on the back of the Holy Rosary
Cathedral Bulletin please contact Max Madrussan for
information at 778-899-6388 or email
[email protected].
1. Adagio from Sonata no. 1 (Organ)
2. Bread of the World (Choir & Organ)
Organ Postlude: Prelude in G minor
Music Preview for September 20, 2015
Missa “Salve Regina” - C. ROSSINI
Benedicite Deum Coeli - A. DE LONGUEVAL
O Salutaris Hostia - P. DE LA RUE
Organ music by N. DE GRIGNY
¡ Que gran diferencia hace en nuestras vidas el conocer la
Palabra ! Seguim os reuniéndonos los Sábados segundos y
cuartos del m es en el salón # 3 del hall de catedral de las
3:00 a las 5:00 p.m . para leer y com entar las Sagradas
Escrituras de m anera constructiva y am ena. Contam os con
Biblias en español, ¡ Visítanos y verás que te agradará
participar !
Parenting workshops in Spanish by Tita Odiardi, PhD,
and Patricia Berlanga. Las oficinas por La Vida, el
Matrim onio y la Fam ilia ofrece habilidades y pláticas
sociales y em ocionales para los papás y m am ás los
siguientes días. En Martes Septiem bre 15, 2015, en
Octubre los días 6 y 20, 2015 en la parroquia de Nuestra
Señora de los Dolores, 555 Slocan Street, Vancouver, BC
V5K 3X5. Siem pre a las 7 hasta las 9 pm . Le rogam os vea
el Poster adjunto. La entrada cuesta $55.00. Para
inscribirse por favor com uníquese con la secretaria de la
Iglesia: teléfono 604 254 0691, e-m ail parish.ols@ rcav.org
51st International Eucharistic Congress JAN 16-31 2016
Jan. 24-31, 2016, thousands of Catholic clergy and lay
people will gather in Cebu, Philippines, for the 51st
Congress. Visit www.rcav.org/eucharist to register
Sundays at 2:00pm. Preparation classes are held on the second
Saturday of each month. Please contact the parish office to find out
Appointments should be made at least six months in advance.
Couples please contact the Parish Office for information.
Altar Servers
The Cathedral has a team of dedicated servers who are scheduled
to help at specific Masses. Help is needed at weekday Masses too.
Contact: Bertilla Watanabe 604-682-6774 ext. 6
Cathedral Bell Ringers
A skilled and dedicated team of bell ringers rings our eight bells by
hand. New ringers, experienced or not, are welcome always. Practices
are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Visit www.vscr.ca
[email protected]
Cathedral Gift Shop:
The Gift Shop aims to be open before & after the noon & evening
weekday Masses, as well as Sunday morning & evening Masses, and is
staffed by a crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support.
Catholic Women’s League The CWL is rooted in gospel values and
calls its members to holiness through service. They organize and support
a wide range of spiritual and social events. They meet in Rosary Hall on
the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Contact: Jane Rosenthal
Email: [email protected]
Church Care & Cleaning
The sanctuary is given a thorough cleaning every Tuesday morning,
9 - 11am, and on the last Saturday of each month. More hands are always
welcome. Contact the parish office at [email protected]
Three choirs offer a variety of music repertoires to enrich our prayer
and worship experience. If you would like share your talents, find out which
of our choirs is right for you. Contact: Catherine Walsh 604-222-8072
Development & Peace
D & P is the official international development organization of Catholic
Church in Canada. It helps the world's poor and disadvantaged by
advocating policy change in government and corporations and by donating
time and money to support development efforts. Contact Bertilla
Watanabe: Email: [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
If you are a regular at the parish and live by the principles of a faithfilled Catholic, this ministry may be your calling. Lay members help with
the distribution of the Eucharist when additional help is required. Contact:
Shirley Wang 604-879-8295
Handmaids of the Lord
This is an all-women ministry of the Couples for Christ. It aims to
provide Christian pastoral support for personal renewal. By sharing in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit, the members grow as witnesses to the faith
through continuing conversion, service and evangelization work. Contact:
Grace Inonog, Email: [email protected]
Hispanic Community
The weekly Spanish Mass now caters to the Spanish-speaking
community in our parish. The Genesis Group reaches out to young adults
within this community. If you would like to serve as an usher, lector or in
any other way please let us know. [email protected]
50+ and Seniors
If you are 50 and older, join this group for a range of activities - Bible
Sharing on Tuesdays 10:30 -11:30am, Gentle Chair Yoga on Thursdays
10:30-11:30am as well as short excursions and lunch gatherings. Contact
Shirley Wang at 604-879-8295.
Karol Wojtyla Club
The KWC is the Cathedral’s young adult group. We provide a
welcoming, comforting community in which to cultivate our faith through
prayer, education, charity, and fellowship in Christ. Join us Sunday at 1:45
pm in Rosary Hall. www.holyrosarycathedral.org/karol-wojtyla-club.
Stewardship Profile of the Week
Please m eet
- Michael Michael and his fam ily have been com ing
to the cathedral now for 10 years.
He has been an altar server for m any
years, is a m em ber of the Knights of
Colum bus, and enjoys serving on the
welcom ing com m ittee.
Thank you Michael for your service,
discernm ent and leadership!
“Well done, good and faithful servant”
for the 24 th Sunday in Ordinary Tim e
St. James asks what our love for Jesus Christ can possibly
mean if it does not result in action on behalf of our neighbor.
He suggests that faith is demonstrated most acutely in care for
the needy, the suffering, and the underprivileged.
Stewardship includes proclaiming the Good News by putting
our faith into action on behalf of others. In what ways have
we been willing to make sacrifices and renunciations for the
sake of Jesus Christ and our neighbor?
P ARISH L IFE cont’d.....
Knights of Columbus
The K of C a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity,
unity and fraternity. Fellowship is promoted among members and their families
through educational and charitable and social welfare works. Contact: Grand
Knight Sean Fox, 604-608-1326 Email: [email protected] or Deputy Grand
Knight James Faulkner [email protected]
Legion of Mary
The men & women of the Legion are a well-established organization in
the parish. They serve in all areas of parish life as greeters, ushers and prayer
leaders. They also make house visits to visit the sick, pray the rosary and
evangelize. A number of praesidia meet during the week in the Parish hall.
Contact: Rufina Armandiz, 604-325-9921 or the Parish Office.
The sacramental celebration of the Word of God is a proclamation which
must enlighten the minds of the listeners and inspire them in the journey
towards God. New lectors welcome. Attendance at a Lector’s Workshop is
compulsory. Contact: David Cuan, [email protected]
Project Advance
Project Advance is an annual diocesan appeal beginning in Spring. If you
can help at the launch and follow-up, it would certainly be appreciated.
Contact: Bertilla Watanabe Email: [email protected]
(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Classes are held on Tuesday
evenings from Sept. to May, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards
St. Call the office for info and registration.
Ushers & Greeters
Help is needed to distribute bulletins, take up the collection, welcome all
who come to Mass and generally be ready to serve with a smile! Contact:
Gilda Penfold, Email: [email protected]
Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101
Cancom Media Inc

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