Alberto García Demestres around“WOW!”


Alberto García Demestres around“WOW!”
Alberto García Demestres
“WOW!” Is my eighth opera premiered and my first
‘American’ opera. EIt is true that premiered last July in
Pittsburgh “Honeymoon suite”, one of the mini-operas
that forme “Nigth Caps”, commissioned by Pittsburgh
Opera Theater to 7 composers (6 U.S.) - but the embryo
of “WOW!” I conceived before. and I did it in the most
prestigious artists’ colony of America..
In early 2012 I had the privilege of spending eight weeks
at YADDO (NY).
My intention was to continue to get work in the cycle for
voice and piano “Llibre de familia” on poems by Alex
Susanna, which had already been released“Cançò de
bressol” y “Maternitat” —commissioned by the Seasons
Musical Festival Academy at Yakima (WA), where I was
Composer in Residence—, but nooping around the library from the West House I came
face to face with one very old edition of“Leaves of Grass” de Walt Whitman. I got excited
and realized that those poems that had devoured over and over in my twenties, were to be
the basis of my new opera.
My Italianism in opera has led me, among other things, to composing for the voices of
the singers who debut the opera: Joan Martin-Royo, Antoni Comas and Elisenda Pujals I
have heard in my head from the beginin and have been an active part of “WOW!”.
Reposiciones y estrenos de mis óperas en las próximas temporadas:
Season 13/14
• “Il sequestro”, “Mariana en sombras” and “Honeymoon suite” at the Festival de
Ópera de Bogotá.
• “L’eclipsi” Premiere, with libretto by Paco Zarzoso. Barcelona.
• “Joc de mans” Premiere of the versión for children voices “. Barcelona.
• “Mariana en sombras” Premiere with orchestral accompaniment in several
Spanish cities..
• “Joc de mans” at the Skylight Music Theatre (Milwaukee).

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