House Vocabulary: El vocabulario de la casa


House Vocabulary: El vocabulario de la casa
House Vocabulary: El vocabulario de la casa
Lesson Plan: Teaching the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Spanish using Total
Physical Response Strategies (TPR)
Class: 8th Grade Spanish B
Standards: (Languages other than English)
1. Communication skills- Students will be able to use a language other than English for
2. Cultural understanding- Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.
Vocabulary list-la casa
Computer/Internet for use of smart board
Worksheet for students’ homework assignment
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to recognize vocabulary words in Spanish, using TPR and
the story of the three bears.
2. Students will be able to create a story in Spanish of their own using new
vocabulary word and words previously learned.
3. Students will be able to read sentences in Spanish and fill in the missing
vocabulary words drawing on knowledge and skills taught in the lesson.
The Aim: El Propósito:
¿Cuales son algunas palabras que usamos en español para identificar cuartos y
muebles que están en la casa?
Which are some words used in Spanish to identify the rooms and furniture pieces
of the house?
Hagan Ahora/Do Now:
Write on the board 5 new vocabulary words in the target language pertaining to the house
and home unit. These words will come up again several times throughout the lesson. Give
students 2 minutes to write down the meanings. These words should be at a level where most
students can easily identify the meaning. Students should be able to complete the task with some
effort and not have to overexert themselves causing frustration and a decrease in motivation.
Teacher is going to go through the meaning of each word by introducing TPR using
gestures and movements to apply meaning to the words. The teacher is going to create sentences
using the words and gestures that go along with each word. The teacher will over exaggerate the
gestures to allow students to recognize the meaning of the words. Once students have learned the
meanings, they will then model the behavior demonstrated by the teacher and proceed to practice
TRP by modeling the gestures themselves.
Oral Warm up: ¿Preguntas generales? Directed dialogue
1. In order to motivate students, the teacher must engage the students by asking
questions that relate to their past experiences, skills, and interests in teaching the
subject matter.
2. The teacher should begin by asking questions in the target language such as:
i. Where do you go to relax?
ii. What is in that room?
iii. What do you sit on? Where do you sleep?
iv. Also the teacher can point to a chair and familiar classroom objects
and ask questions about the objects.
By asking questions in the target language the teacher is incorporating scaffolding and
Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development guiding the students in the right direction to yield
desired results.
3. Using the smart board, the teacher will introduce vocabulary of the house in Spanish
using the story of The Three Bears.
Upon entering the classroom, students will work on the do now. Teacher will go over the
do now using TPR strategies. Then the teacher will introduce warm up questions and call on
students randomly to answer. The warm up drill will refresh the students’ memory of previously
learned vocabulary, the meanings, and pronunciations that will be useful in the lesson and also
motivate students. The students will then be introduced to the new vocabulary as the story is read
in Spanish using the smart board. Each student will have a vocabulary list in English in front of
them. As the story is being read in Spanish to the students, they will be writing down the meanings
of the new vocabulary words as they are associated with pictures and used in context. The
teacher will be modeling the actions and using TPR to introduce the words allowing students to
associate behavior and actions with vocabulary words. In addition to the smartboard, the teacher
will hold up pictures of objects such as a house, kitchen, spoon, etc to reinforce the vocabulary
being learned.
Students will complete a worksheet using the new vocabulary and the written version of
the story. Students will fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word from a word box.
Students will choose randomly a numbered popsicle stick and those numbers will state the order in
which the students will answer the questions. Once students have the correct answers for the
story, they will read the story aloud again. While they are reading the story, each student will hold
up a picture card when their vocabulary word is read. These cards are the cards that the teacher
previously used. For example, every time the word potaje (porridge) is said, the student with the
picture of porridge will hold it up.
For homework, the students will create their own stories using the new vocabulary learned
in class. They will act out their stories in class the following day using the TPR strategies taught.
Nombre: ________________________
Vocabulario de Goldilocks
to go out
to prepare
to take
to take a walk
Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Baby bear
to break
to go to bed
to return
living room
Me llamo_____________________
Español 8
La fecha____________________
La casa-Los tres osos
Complete las siguentes oraciones con la palabra appropriada en la caja abajo.
En una ____________________ situada en el _____________________, viven
los tres ______________________. Los ___________________ Osos
preparan la________________________. El chico oso toma la
_________________ pequeña y prueba el _______________________ y dice
“Mi potaje ____________________ caliente.” El papá Oso dice, “Vamos a dar
un _____________________.” Los Tres Osos _______ al bosque. Una niña
entra en la casa. La niña toma la cuchara ________________ y prueba el
potaje. La niña entra en la _______________ y ve las tres_________________.
Se sienta en la silla pequeña, pero ella está ________________ porque se
rompió. La niña duerme en la cama pequeña y dice, “la ______________ es
muy cómoda, y se durmió. Los Tres Osos vuelven del bosque y
_________________ en la casa. El chico oso dice, “Sí, Sí, alquien ha entrado
en la casa y ha comido todo mi potaje y ha sentado en mi silla.” Él está triste
porque la silla está rota. El chico oso entra en su _____________________ y ve
a una niña. La niña dice, “Yo ____________________ miedo!” La
niña ________________ por el bosque. Ella nunca vuelve a la casa de Los
Tres Osos.

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