Mass and Confessions Schedule


Mass and Confessions Schedule
San Pablo Catholic Church
550 122nd Street - Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050
Mile Marker 53.5 Telephone: (305) 289-0636
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Mark’s Gospel account today is built on a double astonishment or amazement: the neighbors and
family of Jesus are astonished that he taught in the synagogue with wisdom and worked powerful signs. Jesus,
in turn, is amazed that they have no faith in him because they know his origins, not because of any fault
with his teaching or ministry. As with many of Mark’s
passages, we get a rather intimate glimpse here of the
human part of Jesus’ two fold nature. To reinforce his
point, Mark tells of Jesus’ return to his native place,
and further points out that he is in the midst of his own
family members there. From the very people he expected the most, Jesus received the least. In the day of
the Gospel’s writing, Mark was attempting to illustrate
a lesson to the house of Israel: the God of the covenant
expected the greatest faith from the house of Israel, but
often received the least. This is a good source for reflection on our part, we who are Jesus’ followers today. For
the wisdom of Christ to continue and for our lives to be
seen as signs of his power, he must expect and be able to
find great faith among us. Will he? Can he? Does he?
Or is he, once again, amazed by its absence?
Mass and Confessions Schedule
Weekend Masses: Regular Schedule
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM ,11:00 AM &
1:30 PM (SP)
Confessions: Saturdays at 3:00 –4:00 PM
Daily Mass: Monday through Friday
At 8:00 AM
Call the Office for: Baptism, Confirmation,
Marriage, Communion to the Sick, Anointing
and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Pastor: Rev. Luis R. Rivera
Deacon: Rev. Mr. John T. Kirk
Plant Manager: Paul Navara
Office Staff: Sis & Deacon John Kirk
Office Hours: 9:00 - 3:00 PM (M-F)
Telephone: (305) 289-0636 Fax: (305) 743-8192
Religious Education Director: Terry Walters
Telephone (305) 393-1407
Music Director: Ray Myslakowski
Altar and Rosary Society: Jeri Mc Carty
Gift Shop Manager: Sandy Huffman
E mail: [email protected]
Emergency Number: 305-587-4383
Please remember San Pablo Parish in your will
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July 5, 2015
Altar Flowers are dedicated to and in
memory of the living and deceased members of the
Pinder and Pezzi Families
Each Mass is offered for the intentions of everyone
present. Please join us in praying for:
L living
MONDAY, July 6 (St. Maria Goretti, virgin)
+ Simon Joseph Stroia by Simon Stroia
L Jerry Mayette by San Pablo Parish Family
L Jerry Graham by Family
L Pat Raynal by San Pablo Women’s Club
8:00 AM
+ William & Frances Scholl by Tom & Cathy
+ Sue Schilligo by Janice & Jack Miller
L Mark Wovas by San Pablo Parish Family
8:00 AM
+ Fr. William Wetzel by Joe Aucremanne
L Fr, Jerrry Morris by Mary Ann and Hal
L Mark Wovas by San Pablo Women’s Club
THURSDAY, July 9 (St. Augustine Zhao Rong, priest)
8:00 AM
+Marie Q Aucremanne by Joe Aucremanne
+ Paul Mongerson by Jack & Janice Miller
FRIDAY, July 10
8:00 AM
+ James Muhich by Egizio Family
L Jerry Mayette by San Pablo Parish Family
L Mark Wovas by Family
5:30 PM
+ William & Frances Scholl by Tom & Cathy
+ Andrew Kramarz
by Marianne & Larry Benvenuti
+ Arline Wallace by Colleen & John Repetto
SUNDAY, July 12
8:00 AM
L&D Pinder and Pezzi Families
+ Laurence A. Hoch
+ Simone Hebert by Marie Flood
+ Lou Dellapina by Mike & Lindsay Leonard
11:00 AM
+ Jim (Murph) Burgess by Karen & Bruce Tyson
L Mark Wovas by Family
Durante las dos primeras semanas de julio nuestra Misa dominical en Español alas 1:30pm será suspendido. El 5 de julio 2015 y el 12 de julio 2015 no
habrá misa en español . La Misa en español comenzará de nuevo en Julio 19,2015 . Por favor recuerde que
nuestro Señor y Parroquia dependen de usted .
On July 5 and July 12 there will be no Spanish Mass
at 1:30pm.The Spanish Mass will begin again on July
19, 2015. Please remember that Our Lord and the
Parish depend on you. Thank you,
Fr. Rivera
June 28, 2015
Because of the holiday the bulletin was sent to the printer
Before the collection were donated.
1st-$3133 2nd-$803 (Peter’s Pence
Thank you to all of our parishioners and visitors for your
generous support of San Pablo.
God describes the people to whom Ezekiel is being sent as
“hard of face and obstinate of heart” (Ezekiel 2:4). They
are a people who have rebelled and revolted against God,
but still God persists in sending them a prophet: this time
Ezekiel, last time Jeremiah, the time before that Isaiah, all
the way back to Samuel and Nathan, Elijah and Elisha.
Even today, God continues to send prophets to soften our
faces and make yielding our own hearts.
Jesus found hardened faces and stubborn hearts when he
went to his hometown. Impenetrable seems to be the best
description. His words could not get through. He was proclaiming the kingdom of God, the presence of God among
them, and they couldn’t hear him. It all depended on what
they saw and all they saw was the carpenter, questioning
where he got such wisdom and how he did these mighty
deeds. He was just the son of Mary! We know the family.
Go figure.
And then we hear some of the saddest words in the Gospel:
“So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there,
apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on
them” (Mark 6:5). Why? Their lack of faith.
So Jesus started a new family. It began with the people
whom we have been hearing about—the disciples, for all
their struggles to believe in him right up to the very end,
but also people like the woman with the hemorrhage, Jairus
and his daughter, the man lowered through the roof, the
fellow who had an evil spirit. The list goes on and on,
down to our own day.
By baptism, we became part of the family, the new family
whose bond is not based on blood, but on faith. The everrecurring question is: Is he able to work any signs among
us, or is he amazed at our lack of faith?
Los pensamientos de Pastor
Para los Católicos, la virtud pública es tan importante como lo es la virtud privada en cuanto a
que construye un bien común.
Dentro de la tradición Católica, la
responsabilidad cívica es una virtud; la participación en los procesos electorales es una obligación moral. Cada creyente es
llamado a ser un ciudadano fiel,
informado, activo y partícipe responsable dentro del proceso político. Como dijimos hace un año, "animamos a todos los ciudadanos, particularmente a los Católicos, a abrazar sus deberes cívicos, no solamente como un
deber y privilegio, sino como una oportunidad
más amplia para participar en la construcción de
la cultura de la vida. Cada voz cuenta en el foro
público. Cada voto cuenta. Cada acto de responsabilidad cívica bien hecho, es un ejercicio
de un poder individual muy significativo". (U.S. B
(U.S. Bishops: Ciudadanía Fiel -- Responsabilidad
Cívica para el Nuevo Milenio, 1999).
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July 5,2015
Eternal Father, Creator of all the world and all that is
Sylvia Puto, Cathy Mc Koy, Ramon Rivera, Pat in it, we ask you to spare the Florida Keys from storms
Miola, Barbara Arena, Dorothy Pawlus,Sara Jo- and hurricanes. If any should occur, we ask that they
seph-Rager, Mark Wovas, Mary Aucremanne, go out to sea where they may do the least amount of
Roland Rochleau, Ann Kennedy, Ruthie Wagner, harm to anyone. We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
George Pratt, Mary Gomes, Carl Cormier, Jerry
Mayette, Louise Peters, Patrick Kelley, Carol
Fay, Camille Westerman, Halley Feaster, Andre Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it
Alvarez, Marie Valentine, Elena Pryor, Michael known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your
Lavallato, Morgan Leary, Richard Conn, Monica help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired by
Haffey, Faith Palguta, Kristy Messina, Annie this confidence, we fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, our
Marill & Girls, Elisa Martinez, Pat Raynal, Peter mother; to you do we come, before you we stand, sinful and
Pittman, Dallas Xavier Jimenez, Katherine Har- sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our
mon, Ellen Monahan Andary, Nancy Magro, petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer them. Amen
Shirley Seroka, Jeannie Brock, Huffman Family
Ongoing Activities
and Richard April: May they all be touched by the
healing hand of God.
We welcome anyone new to the area and invite you to
register at the office. Registration forms are also availREADINGS FOR THE WEEK
able in the pamphlet rack in the church.
Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:1826
Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15;
Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;
Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28,
39-40; Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7;
Mt 10:24-33
Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14;
Eph 1:3-14 [1:3-10]; Mk 6:7-13
While at San Pablo, please take a walk through our
beautiful prayer gardens. The entrance is located between the church and parish hall.
Religious Education Program meets in the Parish
Hall. Families with children 1st grade and up meet on
Sunday at 12:00 PM. Confirmation class meets at 6:00
PM on Wednesday. Please call Terry Walters at 305393-1407 or [email protected]
The Women’s Club meets on the 2nd Monday of the
month in the Parish Hall from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
For more information about activities or meetings, call
Joyce Hazuka at 289-8351.
San Pablo’s Hidden Heaven Gift Shop & Bookstore
has many beautiful religious items for sale. The shop is
located in the parish hall and is open after the Masses
on Sunday.
The Rosary Group meets First Saturday in the Rosary Garden @12:00 Noon and every morning M-F @
7:30 am before daily Mass. It’s a wonderful way to start
On Friday July 17 and Saturday July 18 there will be the day.
an opportunity to meet with immigration lawyers for individ- The Arts & Crafts Ladies meet on Wednesdays from
ual consultations at St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish in Key 1:00pm to 4:00pm in the parish hall.
West. An appointment is needed and a pre- consultation
form must be filled out. To find out more, set up an appoint- Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys meets
ment and fill out the consultation form please call Alma Pe- monthly at San Pablo Parish Hall. Volunteers are
needed. Call Chris @305-743-9828
rez at 305- 896- 8173.
Asistencia Legal para asuntos de Inmigración: El Viernes AL-ANON @ 305-295-8886 or
17 de Julio, y el Sábado 18 de Julio, habrá la oportunidad if your life has been
de reunirse con abogados de Inmigración para consultas indi- affected by someone’s drinking.
viduales, en la Basílica Santa María Estrella del Mar, Key
Alcoholics [email protected] or call
West Fl. Para ello tendrá que obtener una cita y llenar un
formulario de pre-consulta. Para mas información, obtener 888-672-4442.
una cita y llenar dicho formulario, por favor llame a Alma Electronic Giving @ ParishPay. Call 866-727-4741 or go
Perez al teléfono 305- 896- 8173.

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Mass and Confessions Schedule

Mass and Confessions Schedule Weekend Masses: Regular Schedule Saturday : 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM ,11:00 AM & 1:30 PM (SP) Confessions: Saturdays at 3:00 –4:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday through Friday At 8:00 AM Call the Office for...

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Mass and Confessions Schedule

Mass and Confessions Schedule Weekend Masses: Regular Schedule Saturday : 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM ,11:00 AM & 1:30 PM (SP) Confessions: Saturdays at 3:00 –4:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday through Friday At 8:00 AM Call the Office for...

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