February 26, 2012 - St. Isidore Catholic Church


February 26, 2012 - St. Isidore Catholic Church
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
A time for Healing—those who are sick or unable to
worship with us, that they experience strength in the
Lord’s compassion:
Pat Whitten, Dr. Lu Abordo, Rosa Aguilar, , Ron Burton,
Norma Canlas, Dona Carr, Elsie Chaperlin, Sister
Bernadette Cheng, Tonya Collman, Mary Conley,
Stephanie Cooper, Gary Corrado, Carol Davocato, Rich
Dettmer, Christopher & Eva Duncan, Christopher Garcia,
Paul Givens & Family, Kathy Goodnight, Michael
Goodnight, Lillian Grey, Joaquina Johnson, Serenity
Jupina & Family, Ann Kagel, Reider “Jim” Krog,
Catalina Macusi, Ricky McDaniel, Vera Murphy,
Antonio Pham, Star Quezada, Isabel Ramos, Jason
Ruscigno, Mary Smith, Rosie Soto Perez, Marcy Schuy,
Cherlyn Vega, Judy Williamson, Louis Zocco, Michael
First Reading — God’s covenant with Noah when he
was delivered from the flood (Genesis 9: 8-15).
Psalm — Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those
who keep your covenant (Psalm 25).
Second Reading — The water of the flood prefigured
baptism, which saves you now (1 Peter 3:18-22).
Gospel — This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of
God is at hand (Mark 1:12-15).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15
Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116;
Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
A time for Joy––those celebrating anniversaries,
Birthdays or special occasions:
A time for Sorrow—as we remember that in Christ
we live forever:
Marie Carralho, Mary Conley, Vicente Blas, Cecilia
McNally Ken Rishe, Benigna Rosa McGuinness,
Richard Arnoldy, Roberta Burk.
SUNDAY'S LITURGY (Second Sunday of Lent
B, March 4)
Reading I: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18: In
Genesis 15:5 God promised Abraham that his
descendants would be as numerous as the stars. It is
to this promise that Abraham clings as he raises the
knife to kill his son. Where do you fall on the
continuum, with one being low and ten high, when
blind trust is required of you?
Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34: The Old Testament
describes “Emmanuel,” as God with us. This reading
says God is not only with us, but “for us. Christ …
indeed intercedes for us.” Explain how this
statement could be a real anti-depressant?
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10: It took a blinding light for
Peter, James and John to begin to see or understand
who Jesus was. Think of some times that you have
seen the divine in the ordinary? Share your
experiences with others. Think of some areas in your
country, Church or life that need to be reconfigured
before you would be able to see much of the divine
in them. Explain.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
12 noon
2 p.m.
5 p.m.
Mon. 8:30
Tues. 8:30
Wed. 8:30
Thurs. 8:30
Fri. 8:30
Yocundo Jiménez+/Amalia Medrano+/Federico
Tena/Maria Herminia Martinez y Familia
Maria Teresa Valencia/Concepción Medrano+
Oliva Medrano+/Familia Alvarez
Marlene Howard+ /Ken Rishe+/Mark & Anita
Duran/Simplicia Gacayan
Jessie Munoz+ /Felix Arellano+/Silvia Manzanlez
Mary Ann Morris/ Vicky Chapa/Esther Correa
Cajipe+/David & Ginger Mc Conathy
Lucio Martinez/Alberto Martinez/Amadeo
Martinez/ Maria Martinez/Favian y Nathan Barba
Juan Gonzalez y Elena Gonzalez+
All Parishioners
Florence Klinefelter+/William L. Thoms
Erlinda M. Flores/Andrea Juarez
Mary Conley+/Marie Carralho+
Florence Klinefelter+/Vicente Blas+
Rita Holder+
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
Thank you for your generosity; please continue to
support our community.
Please pray for the men of our parish attending this
weekend’s retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat
If you need a statement of contributions for 2011, please contact
Sandra Avalos in the office at 673-1573 or via email,
[email protected]
(7/1/11 –
Come pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet with us! The
Divine Mercy Group meets on the third Wednesday of
each month at 7:10 p.m. in the new Parish Hall
conference room. Our next meeting will be March 21.
For more information, call Cathy at 844-3303.
This week:
Next week:
Tickets are now available for the St. Patrick's Day
Vintage Fashion Show and Tea Party.
Saturday, March 17, 2012.
1:30 p.m.
St. Isidore Parish Hall
See or contact one of the following YLI members to
purchase a ticket: Mary Gunderson (674-2840); Sheryl
Dirks (671-0999); or Jerry Himenes (674-3953)
Top Ramen
Canned Fruit
The Knights will be holding a Blood Drive on March 11
from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Our
objective is to collect 35 pints. Donors will receive a
coupon for a free K of C Breakfast.
• Donor card or photo ID
• Minimum 110 lbs. and generally healthy
• Minimum 17 years old (16 with parental consent)
Our monthly Tagalog Mass will be Sunday, March 4
at 3 p.m. in Bishop Quinn Hall. We are grateful to
all the people who are faithfully attending this
beautiful celebration.
Please contact Kevin Weddle @ 530-696-2234 or
[email protected] to confirm participation.
Every Friday evening during lent we will have
Stations of the Cross in English (6 p.m.) and Spanish
(7 p.m.). Immediately following, a meatless soup
and bread meal will be served in the Parish Hall.
The Responsorial Psalm reminds us that the way of the
Lord is love and truth. Jesus did all that he did out of
love for the Father and for us. He commands us to love
one another as he loves us. Attend a Marriage Encounter
weekend and receive the tools needed to truly love one
another. Learn how to love your spouse as God call us to
do. Deepen your communication, strengthen your
relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your
sacrament by attending the next weekend March 9-11 in
Modesto; March 23-25 in Reno, or April 13-15 in
Sacramento. For more information visit our website at:
lovemoredeeply.org or call Stephanie and Deacon
James Burkett 893-2348.
THANK YOU to Grupo de Jovenes, Italian Catholic
Federation (ICF), Knights of Columbus, Youth of St.
Isidore (YSI), Guadalupanas, the Filipino Ministry,
and Young Ladies Institute (YLI) for your
generosity in providing these meals to our
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
6:00 First Friday evening Mass in the church this month
because we will be praying Stations of the Cross.
By the First Sunday of Lent, many people have given up
on “giving up.” Yet experiencing hunger for favorite
things is a sign of a desire to face our deepest hungers.
We do not embrace fasting as individuals, but rather as
the community’s way of life in this season. Sometimes it
helps to see Sunday as an oasis in the Lenten desert, a
place where fasting is not as strictly observed. If we
count the days of the Lenten calendar, starting backward
from the end of Lent on Holy Thursday, it is difficult to
measure the forty days. Many are surprised to learn that
the Sundays are counted as part of Lent, but are not
counted in tallying the forty days of the Lenten fast. For
that, we count the fast backward into last week,
beginning on Ash Wednesday. So, until today we have
been in the Lenten fast, days that function as a kind of
overture to a symphony of conversion.
Benediction will take place of Saturday (March 3) at 8
a.m. followed by First Saturday Mass and rosary starting
at 8:30 a.m. in the church.
Are you still undecided about what to “offer up” this
Lenten Season? Why not consider Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament? You (and your family) can spend
quiet, quality time with Our Lord. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament in the church is available every
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday following 8:30
mass for approximately 45 minutes and on Wednesday
night from 5:30 -7 p.m. Choosing to spend time with
Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, will enrich your
life and the world more than you will ever know.
Today Lent solemnly begins, marked in many places by
the sending of catechumens and candidates to the bishop
for the call to the Easter sacraments. Tomorrow with
them, we embrace the Lenten fast again. Today we are
exactly forty days from the opening of the Paschal
Triduum on Holy Thursday.
Saturday, March 3, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bishop
Quinn Hall, starting with Mass at 8:30, followed by
Please join us for an informational training session for
anyone interested in volunteering with St. Vincent de
Paul. Vincentians from the Sacramento Council will be
leading the orientation for volunteers gathered from
throughout Northern California. Attendees will learn
about the history of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
the Vincentian Spirituality, and the Mission of the
Society to serve the poor.
First Friday Adoration
Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., in his book titled,
In the Presence of Our Lord, answers the question: If our
task is then to respond appropriately to faith’s message
that Christ, Son of God and Son of Mary, is present as
our High Priest, as He is so gloriously described in the
Epistle to the Hebrews, the question obviously presents
itself: How do we do that? Father Groeschel goes on to
say: “The technique by which we respond to the unseen,
weather it be a drama or in religious experience, is
classically known as composition loci, or “putting oneself
in the place.” As a specifically religious response, this
imaginative form of meditation or devotion was
cherished and taught by two of the great spiritual figures
of Western Christianity, Francis of Assisi and Ignatius
Loyola. According to the way they and many other
spiritual guides used this technique, composition loci
meant putting yourself in a place different from the one
where you actually are. It may have been a time or place
in the past, such as an incident in the life of Christ: or it
may have been in the future, particularly in eternal life.
We are all called to love and serve the marginalized and
less fortunate in our community. Come learn the
Vincentian way of service to the poor.
Let us love God, my dear brothers, let us love
God, but let it be with the strength of our arms
and the sweat of our brow."
- St. Vincent de Paul
The Knights of Columbus
Will once again be awarding two one thousand
dollar scholarships to graduating high school
seniors. Must be members of St. Isidore Parish
applications available at the parish office, deadline
for submittal is April 15, 2012. Questions: call Neal
Brown 673-4581.
We invite you to Come, See and Adore Jesus of Nazareth
during our 24 Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,
beginning with a procession after the Friday morning
(March 2) Mass to the Small Chapel. There will be no
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
Tiempo de Cuaresma
Los bautismos se celebran los cuartos sábados del
Mes a las 10 de la mañana.
Cuaresma signo Sacramental de conversión se
ha predicado una conversión de evitar los
pecados de cumplir con Dios y con el prójimo,
hoy muchos católicos cometidos, pero no creen
en el evangelio. El evangelio no nos habla solo
de una conversión, sino también de un reino
nuevo, de relaciones nuevas, donde reine la
fraternidad cristiana.
Papás y padrinos deben asistir a la clase que es el tercer
jueves del mes a las 7 de la noche. Por ley canónica, los
padrinos deben estar bautizados y/o casados por la
Iglesia. Favor de registrar a los niños antes de la clase en
la oficina parroquial trayendo una copia del acta de
nacimiento. Se agradece el donativo de $25 dólares para
la parroquia. Sin acta de nacimiento no habrá bautismo.
Con el comienzo de la cuaresma nos preparamos
durante cuarenta días con nuestras obras de
penitencias, con el propósito de que estas nos
ayuden a cambiar nuestro modo de pensar de
actuar y sobre todo de responsabilizara para de
verdad crecer en el evangelio y vivir nuestra
vida en los diferentes direcciones que nos ofrece
Cristo Jesús. Cuaresma es el comienzo no lo
olvidemos para la pascua la Resurrección de
Cristo. Ojala que este sea un tiempo adecuado
para que entre todos nosotros sea nuevo, y te
puedas identificar con los demás entendiéndolos
como hijas e hijos de Dios. Que el Espíritu te
guie a donde el esta, en Dios.
Asociación Guadalupana
Viaje a Reno
4 de Marzo, 2012 $35.00
Para más información favor de llamara: Cora García,
Sobre todo en este tiempo de cuaresma la iglesia
nos anima a que nos confesemos, para que
podamos profundizar nuestra relación con Dios
y crecer en humildad y virtud, por medio del
Sacramento también recibir la gracia para
ayudarnos a evitar el pecado en el futuro. De
cuanta Fe más grande y temor saludable son
aquellos quienes confiesan sus pecados al
sacerdote en una manera honrada y con dolor,
haciendo una declaración abierta de la
conciencia. La humildad requerida en confesar y
completar la penitencia nos ayuda a sométenos
nuevamente a la voluntad de Dios y a seguirlo
más de cerca. La confesión es una bendición,
ofreciendo paz, una mente clara y un corazón
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry at 916.733.0151 or
[email protected],
or http://www.facebook.com/events/179707742132960
Is someone you know suffering after an abortion, perhaps
years after the choice? Please consider the Rachel's
Vineyard Retreat weekend, March 2-4, in Auburn,
sponsored by the Diocese. This unique and effective
experience presents the mercy and compassion of God.
The retreat is extremely helpful for those who struggle
with feelings of shame, anger, and grief; or for those who
have not forgiven themselves or others. Open to women,
men, couples, and family members touched by abortion.
The cost is $175 per person. Financial assistance is
available. For a registration packet or more information,
contact Annette at (916) 733-0161 or write
[email protected]. Inquiries and
participation are strictly confidential.
archived video footage online!
On Jaunary 27 and 28 we successfully streamed our first
statewide Young Adult E-Conference, where 5 speakers
were hosted to talk about a true conversion to all young
adults. To view archived videos of the conference, visit
The Diocese of Sacramento seeks to hire a Director of
Clergy Formation effective July 1, 2012. This position is
responsible for the continuing education programs for
both priests and deacons of the diocese, administration of
the formation process for deacon candidates, and
supervision of support staff for these programs. For more
information and a complete job description, visit the
diocesan website www.diocesesacramento.org and look
under employment. Deadline to apply is April 15, 2012
There’s still room at FIRED UP 2012. Saturday or
Sunday, March 3 or 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join
David Bisono, Paul J Kim, and Bishop Jaime Soto at St.
Francis High School for an excellent conference for
youth scheduled to receive Confirmation in 2012.
Registration deadline is February 21,
RETREAT; Saturday, March 17, 2 to 10 p.m.
“MVP goes to St. Therese“ - The St. Vincent de Paul
6th Annual “Benefit for the Poor” dinner with Major
League Baseball Coach, Jack McKeon, on Friday
evening April 20, 2012 at the Woodlake Hotel,
Sacramento (formerly the Radisson Hotel)
Are you up for the challenge? Fast from your phone and
spend some time with God and teens from all over the
Diocese. This is a great way to get into Lent: Fasting,
Prayer, Almsgiving, and Mass with Bishop Jaime Soto.
Join us at St. Joseph Parish in Elk Grove.
Cost is only $5 and includes dinner. Youth groups and
ministries can get more information and register at
The Sacramento District Council, Society of St. Vincent
de Paul, is pleased to announce that Jack McKeon, Major
League Baseball coach, will be the featured speaker at its
6th annual “Benefit for the Poor” dinner. His remarks
will focus on the Power of Prayer and “Dreams do come
true.” He has managed the Kansas City Royals, Oakland
Athletics, San Diego Padres and Cincinnati Reds. Coach
McKeon led the Florida Marlins to a dramatic “David vs.
Goliath” World Series victory over the New York
Yankees. Jack is a daily communicant who has a special
devotion to St. Therese of Lisieux and the Blessed
Mother. Please join us to hear his message and why he
called St. Therese the Marlin’s most valuable player
when they won the 2003 World Series. For information
on sponsorships, advertising, table or individual ticket
purchases, please call Frank Plavan at 916-715-8666 or
Dee Smith at 916-487-6160.
BEYOND conVERSION 1.0 w/ Paul J Kim – March 2
@ 9 p.m.
The experience continues! Join us on March 2, 2012 for a
live, on-line stream from 9:30-10:30pm. The Cathedral
Young Adults will be hosting our speaker: Paul J. Kim at
the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramento, 1017 11th
Street Sacramento, in Mercy Hall (underground). Young
adults from our Diocese (ages 18 to 39) are welcome to
join us at the Cathedral at 9 p.m. for light refreshments,
opportunity to mingle, and then enjoy our dynamic
speaker who will enlighten with his music and his
message. Any questions, please contact Karla Márquez,
First Sunday of Lent—February 25 & 26, 2012
Services & Prayer Directory
Bulletin Editor: Patricia Alvarez, 673-1573, or email
[email protected]. Deadline is
Tuesday 5 p.m.
Adoration: In the Church 9-10 a.m. after daily
Mass (M, Tu, Th, & Fri); 5 to 6:30 p.m.
(Wednesdays), and in the Chapel, First Fridays 9
a.m. to 8 a.m. Saturday
A Woman’s Friend: Pregnant? Don’t know where
to turn? Call 741-0556
Annulments: Mike Sexton, 671-0164
Child Care: Available in the Little Lambs Nursery
(located in the Preschool) Sunday mornings 9:30
a.m. to 1 p.m., children 0 to 5
Communion for Shut-ins: Call Parish Office, 6731573.
Divine Mercy: Meets 3d Wed @ 7 p.m. in the
Conference Room. Cathy, 673-1573
Engaged Encounter: 916-987-0747
Food Locker/St. Francis Fund: 673-1573
HANDE: Handyman Assistance for the
Disabled/Elderly. Call 673-1573 to schedule an
ICF: Yvonne Perry, 916-624-4615
Immaculate Heart Radio: 1620 a.m.
Knights of Columbus: David Perez, 218-5317
Legion of Mary: Mon 9:15 – 10:30 a.m. in the
church. Both men and women are invited to attend.
Marriage Encounter: 893-2348 or 891-0426
Natural Family Planning: Call Parish Office for
Prayer Chain: Serious illnesses or critical
situations: 673-9627 or 673-7695
Prayer Group: Every Tuesday @ 7 p.m. in the
Conference Room. Gary Tindel, 870-8743
Rachel’s Vineyard: For those suffering emotional or
spiritual pain from abortion, 888-HOPE-790
Religious Education: Deacon Ruben Rojo, 6731574
Respect Life/Yuba-Sutter Right to Life: 1st Wed
every month @ 7 p.m. in the Conference Room;
Maureen, 673-1437
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA):
Adult Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion.
Deacon Eldon Vignery, 674-2287
Troubled Marriage: 800-283-5952/
Website: Mike Pugh, [email protected]
YLI: Sheryl Dirks, 671-009
Cuidado de Niños: Abierto a las: 9:30 a.m.—1:00
p.m. Niños edades 0-5. Lugar Escuela Pre-escolar
Grupo Cana: Para matrimonies catolicos. Lunes a
las 7 p.m. Salvador y Elisa Vargas, 695-89762
Grupo de Oracion: Miercoles a las 7 p.m. Ma. Elena
Martinez, 743-8068
Grupo de Jovenes: Solteros Catolicos de 16 a 100
anos. Viernes a las 7 p.m. Maria Perez, 673-1573
Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos (RICA):
Bautismo, Confirmacion, Comunion de adultos.
Diac. Ruben Rojo, 673-1574
Catholic Bible—available in the parish office for sale. Each family must have a Bible!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------OUR WARMEST WELCOME TO ALL
We extend our hands and hearts in Christian Fellowship to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or
newly arrived in the Parish. To register, please complete and place in the collection basket, or mail to the Parish Office.
Abrimos nuestras manos y nuestro corazón con amor Cristiano a todo aquel que venga a celebrar con nosotros, ya sean
feligreses de esta parroquia o recién llegados a nuestro pueblo. Para inscribirse, por favor llene sus datos y ponga esta
hojita en la canasta de la colecta, mándela por correo o entréguela en la Oficina Parroquial.
Home Phone: ___________________________________ Alt Phone________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

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