Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e


Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e
3- 7– 2012
El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES
(European Employment Services) : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde se
encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de
contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden
consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional: http://eures.europa.eu
donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. También pueden encontrarnos en Facebook:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/SEMANA-EURES-DE-CANARIAS-SERVICIO-CANARIO-DEEMPLEO/224766434224691.Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia, para hacer más eficaz la información
que enviamos será bien recibida.
EURES Las Palmas
Plaza Plácido Álvarez Buylla s/n
Las Palmas de G.C.
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 928 28 02 02
EURES Tenerife
C/ Tomé Cano nº 12, 38005
S/C de Tenerife
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 922 237 519
Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo
Austriaco) en alemán e inglés:
Electrician at construction group
You will be working in a team and you will be responsible for the daily inspection, the maintenance and the repairs of electrical
installations in Belgium and/or on international sites (Czech Republic, Ghana, Congo, Niger and Morocco). You also do the
connections of electrical installations like pumps, tunnel boring machines,Always by respecting the valid of health, safety,
environment and quality requirements.
Your Profile: You have a degree specialized in electricity; You have an extended technical knowledge; You have experience
in the industrial electricity and High Voltage; You speak at least French and/or English; You want to settle in Belgium; You are
reliable, autonomous and independent; You are flexible; Physical work doesn’t scare you off.
Denys offers you: A challenging job in a fast growing company; A full-time job with a contract of indefinite duration; The
chance to work on big construction projects; A salary according to your performance and experience; An internal training can
be provided; A compensation for foreign missions. Interested ?Leave your motivation letter with C.V. on our website
www.denys.com , or send your CV to [email protected]
JBC Central Team (English/German/French) Volvo Europa Truck
For our client Volvo Europa Truck, located in Oostakker (Ghent), we are looking for a Junior Breakdown Coordinator Central
Team. You register calls and problems in a logging system. You follow-up the breakdowns and keep the driver, customer and
home dealer informed about the case. You negotiate acceptable solutions for logistic and technical problems. AGO Inhouse
Volvo Trucks, Smalleheerweg 31 , 9041 OOSTAKKER, BELGIE, Email: [email protected]
Operator Special Projects (Spanish speaking)
You co-operate in the placements of exceptional sized heavy loads by using self-propelled modular trailers, strand jacks,
lifting jacks, etc. All activities you execute shall be carried out compliant to the prevailing safety instructions and in accordance
with the instructions given by the supervisors on site. As an international trailer-operator you are working for a longer period
on one of our sites somewhere around the world. SARENS, Autoweg 10 , 1861 WOLVERTEM, BELGIE, Email:
[email protected]
Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el
servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:
Trabajo estacional en Dinamarca :
Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en:
www.workindenmark.dk (ofertas en varios idiomas)
We are looking for linesmen and machine workers for power line projects. Full-time, extra hours possible. We ask you to send
your application with CV and salary wishes to address: [email protected] latest 01.08.2012.
CNC Bending Operators
CNC bending machine operators. Our client is looking for experienced bending machine operators. The successful candidate
will have previous experience of operating machines: Amada bending machine or Finnpower bending machine. Work
experience requirement of 1-3 years. Language requirement: English or Finnish. Also, we are looking for CNC machinists.
You have experience in one of the following CNC controls.: heidenhain, fagor, okuma or fanuc. Work experience requirement
of 1-3 years. Language requirement: English or Finnish. Please, send your application / CV in English or in Finnish
[email protected] www.ddinv.com Additional information: office:+358 400862837
Welder 135/136
WELDER 135/136 Welding pipelines and steel constructions, prefabricating pipelines and steel constructions. Professional
experience would be an advantage. You need an up-to-date certificate of MAG 135/136. Salary: negotiated individually with
the employer. Employment place: Poland and other EU, EEA and EFTA countries. Employment period will be 3-month trial
period followed by a temporary contract, working on shifts. Food costs are at one's own expense, but the employer may
subsidize with the costs of travel. Accommodation is covered by the employer. Send your CV and the certificates in English
to: [email protected] Last application date is 13.07.2012.
TIG Welder-white steel
TIG WELDER - WHITE STEEL (8 Material Group) Welding pipelines and steel constructions, prefabricating pipelines and
steel constructions. Professional experience would be an advantage. You need an up-to-date certificate of TIG 141 for
welding in the 8 material group (white steel) . Salary: negotiated individually with the employer. Employment place: Poland
and other EU, EEA and EFTA countries. Employment period will be 3-month trial period followed by a temporary contract,
working on shifts. Food costs are at one's own expense, but the employer may subsidize with the costs of travel.
Accommodation is covered by the employer. Send your CV and the certificates in English to: [email protected] Last
application date is 13.07.2012.
TIG Welder-141/111 black steel
TIG WELDER - 141/111 BLACK STEEL Welding pipelines and steel constructions, prefabricating pipelines and steel
constructions. Professional experience would be an advantage. You need an up-to-date certificate of TIG 141/111 for welding
the black steel . Salary: negotiated individually with the employer. Employment place: Poland and other EU, EEA and EFTA
countries. Employment period will be 3-month trial period followed by a temporary contract, working on shifts. Food costs are
at one's own expense, but the employer may subsidize with the costs of travel. Accommodation is covered by the employer.
Send your CV and the certificates in English to: [email protected] Last application date is 13.07.2012.
Lieu du travail: Lille et Paris. Rattaché au Directeur Commercial, votre mission consistera à prospecter le marché français,
developper votre portefeuille clients et négocier les contrats commerciaux. Jeune diplômé de Bac+2 à 4/5 avec une forte
vocation commerciale et une bonne connaissance de la langue espagnole, vous devez faire preuve de dynamisme et être
disponible pour voyager. Nous proposons une intégration immediate et durable au sein d`une entreprise bien positionnée et
une rémunération en fonction du profil. De l`expérience commerciale reconnue, au moins 2 ans, à un poste de commercial
pour la grande distribution ou la Vente pour Catalogue de petits appareils électroménagers, serait un plus. [email protected]
aide a domicile
pour la societe o2,vous assurez l'en tretien du cadre de vie(menage,repas -sage),l'aide a la preparation des r epas,les
courses,et etes attentif (ve) a l'etat de sante de la personn e.missions et horaires a definir avec vous, emploi stable en cdi. lie
u de travail: st quentin en yvelines. [email protected]
conducteur grutier / conductrice grutiere
: nous sommes une ste de manutention e t de levage recherchons personne pou vant conduire camion bras de grue en tre 85
t et 45 t/metres, mettre en p lace chez nos clients a l'aide du br as de grue savoir elinguer, charger, decharger son camion
notre telephon e 01 39 33 31 01. [email protected]
commis patissier / commise patissiere de restaurant
reherche commis patissier,motive,ser ieux et professionnel. experience exigee de 1 a 3 ans exige e.vous serez en charge de
la fabrication des gateaux sous la resp onsabilite d'un chef patissier. cap ou bep exige.salaire de 1650 a 1 750 euros. butard
enescot m. havard xavier email: [email protected]
technicien / technicienne de help desk en informatique
receptionner les appels telephonique s entrants, les emails et assurer la prise en charge de la demande, creer et suivre pour
chaque demande un d ossier sur le logiciel specifique (t icket), escalader au niveau 2 les di fficultes hors perimetre, assurer le
suivi administratif des dossiers. carglass mle marie-sainte christelle email: [email protected]
serveur / serveuse de restaurant
mise en place de la salle de restaur ant, menage de la salle, preparation de l'office et bar , acc ueil et service des clients.
prim'hotel bagatelle mme durand ingrid email: [email protected]
Groupe international espagnol leader dan le secteur de la décoration céramique recherche des responsables commerciaux
pour Paris, Nord et Nord Ouest. Responsable de contacter les clients à la région. Experience en distribution (préferable
commercialitasion de produits de construction et décoration dans le secteur céramique). Français et anglais courant, la
connaissance de la langue espagnole est un plus. [email protected]
Etablissement hotel-restaurant traditionnel 3 étoiles recherche son chef de cuisine, parlant français, connaissant la cuisine
française et polonaise pour développer une carte polonaise (actuellement à l'étude). Passionné par votre métier, vous êtes
capable de : travailler seul ; - développer une nouvelle carte de saison ; - maîtriser les rapports coûts/vente/marge ; - passer
les commandes ; -appliquer strictement les règles d'Hygiène ; - Vous pouvez fournir des références (indispensable) que nous
vérifierons. **** Logement possible les premiers mois (loyer faible au Puy en Velay, location disponible) ; repas pouvant être
pris sur place. ******** Contrat de 6 mois pouvant évoluer sur une embauche à contrat à durée indéterminée fortement
souhaité par l'employeur, si les deux parties sont satisfaites *********************************Pour postuler envoyez un email
avec CV et lettre de motivation en français ou en anglais à [email protected]
Recientemente han aparecido en la prensa diversas noticias relacionadas con la necesidad de
personal en Alemania y dada la situación que padecemos en España son muchas las personas que
se interesan por un trabajo en este país. Esto ha generado numerosas consultas en las oficinas de
empleo y más especialmente en la red EURES, desde donde queremos aclarar ciertas
informaciones para vuestro conocimiento y el de los usuarios.
A petición de Alemania se ha iniciado la colaboración entre los Servicios Públicos de Empleo de España y de
Alemania, a través EURES-Alemania y EURES-España, para un proyecto de colaboración encaminado al
reclutamiento de personal cualificado español para trabajar en Alemania.
Las áreas preferentes de reclutamiento son: Sanidad, Ingeniería, Docencia y Turismo-Hostelería. Es
necesario como mínimo un nivel intermedio de Alemán (B1/B2 del Marco Común Europeo de
Referencia para las lenguas).
Las personas interesadas en obtener información pueden dirigir un email con sus datos de
contacto y sus características (en español y alemán) a la siguiente dirección de correo
electrónico: [email protected] indicando en el asunto del email la referencia que
corresponda a su ámbito profesional:
Sanidad: RFA. EURES Sanidad-Alemania
Ingeniería: RFA. EURES Ingeniería-Alemania
Docencia: RFA. EURES Docencia-Alemania
Hostelería y Turismo: RFA. EURES Turismo y Hostelería-Alemania
No obstante, aquellas personas pertenecientes a otros dominios profesionales y con buenos conocimientos
de alemán pueden escribir indicando en el asunto: RFA. EURES otros-Alemania.
En una primera fase del proyecto se elaborará una lista de personas interesadas. Posteriormente se
contactará con ellas para analizar el casamiento de las ofertas y demandas de empleo.
Ofertas para diversos oficios:
Montador muebles cocina, conductor, tejador pavimentador, carpintero, solador, florista,
constructor de andamios, mecánico de camión, pintor,guarnicionero, revocador. Podrá encontrar la
información de cada oferta en su enlace:
Fecha publicación de 27 abril 2012, fecha límite 27 de julio 2012:
Stellenangebot - Auslieferungsmonteur/in Möbel/Küchen
Stellenangebot - Berufskraftfahrer/in; Sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung
Stellenangebot - Berufskraftfahrer/in mit FS CE
Stellenangebot - Berufskraftfahrer/in; ein offenes von ursprünglich einem gemeldeten Angebot;
Stellenangebot - Dachdecker/in - Dach-, Wand- und Abdichtungstechnik
Stellenangebot - Dachdecker/in (Dachdecker/in - Dach-, Wand- und Abdichtungstechnik)
Stellenangebot - Dachdecker/in oder Zimmerer/in (Dachdecker/in-Dach-Wand-Abdichtungstechnik)
Stellenangebot - Estrichleger/in
Stellenangebot - Fachkraft - Möbel-, Küchen- und Umzugsservice
Stellenangebot - Fliesenleger-Fachkraft (m/w) gesucht! (Fliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikleger/in)
Stellenangebot - Floristmeister/in
Stellenangebot - Gerüstbauer/in
Stellenangebot - Kraftfahrer CE (m/w) mit Umzugstätigkeiten
Stellenangebot - LKW- Mechaniker 100% (m/w)
Stellenangebot - Maler/in und Lackierer/in - Maler/in
Stellenangebot - Montage und Produktion von Holz/ Aluminium-Wintergärten (Tischler/in)
Stellenangebot - Sattler/in - Fahrzeugsattlerei
Stellenangebot - Tiefbaufacharbeiter/in
Stellenangebot - Tischler/in
Stellenangebot - Tischler/in (alternativ: Tischlermeister/in, Techniker/in-Holztechnik)
Stellenangebot - Tischler/in (Tischler/in)
Stellenangebot - Verputzer (Stuckateur/in)
Stellenangebot - Zimmerer/Zimmerin; 2 offene von ursprünglich 2 gemeldeten Angeboten;
Stellenangebot - Zimmerer/Zimmerin; ein offenes von ursprünglich einem gemeldeten Angebot;
Peluquero/afecha publicación 19 abril 2012fecha límite 19 de julio 2012
Servicemitarbeiter/infecha publicación 20 marzo 2012fecha límite 20 junio 2012
Jungkoch fecha publicación 20 marzo 2012fecha límite 20 junio 2012
Ayudantes para venta de productos agrícolasfecha publicación 20 marzo 2012fecha límite 20 junio 2012
Agente Call Centre con Español (Irlanda)
Normal Hours of Work: 39.5 hrs per work European Market are between 7.00 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday; Spanishspeaking Customer Services Agent Salary: Starting @ €363.37 per week plus performance bonus of up to 16% of quarterly
earnings, in addition to sales commission where applicable. Location: Dundalk, Ireland Contact:
[email protected]
The Call Centre Agent is responsible for answering ‘pre’ and ‘after’ sales calls, in addition to mail order entry. He or she will
be assessed by the number of calls, time on line, average handling time and average speed of answer. Most of the agent’s
tasks will be actioned on-line using Oracle. (training provided)
Functions: Answering calls in relation to: - Sample product requests - General information on products- Placing a telephone
order (entering order on line)- Order leadtimes- Order status- Goods not matching original order- Shipping issues (tracing
orders; returns pick up etc.)- Finance queries (processing payments, invoice / statement queries)- Upselling mail ordersResponding to faxes and letters from Customers- Translation and proofing - Data input of mail orders- Any other
duties/projects as directed by Management Skills: Fluency in Spanish and good skills in English.Good telephone manner:
courteous, clear speech, good call management, assertive.Computer literate: excellent keyboard skills,
familiar with different on-line database packages.Ability to analyse a problem quickly and resolve it following procedures.
Need to demonstrate good time management, and good housekeeping. Must demonstrate ability to work well in a team
contributing to the team’s goals. Send a copy of your CV to : [email protected]
Partner Services Advisor with Spanish or Portuguese
The Partner Services Advisor (PSA) is a highly responsible remote relationship management role where the candidate will
develop and maintain a 1:1 professional relationship with a number of designated SAP Service Partners. The PSA will be the
partners key point of contact into SAP. The PSA will create and deliver a range of services designed to improve the
performance of the partner in all their operational areas, including marketing, sales support, implementation methodologies,
customer support etc. The PSA will have a series of remote 1:1 meetings with the partner, focusing on building a relationship
and identifying which areas the partner would best benefit from you as their relationship manager. [email protected]
Cash Applications Specialist - French or Spanish Speaking (Temporary)
Processing of client receipts against open invoices. Trouble shoot unidentified receipts / receipts without remittance
information to determine client / invoices being paid. Daily reconciliation of all Clearing account to ensure all receipts are
accounted for. 6 month contract. [email protected]
New cafe/restaurant in Dun Laoghaire is looking for a chef experienced in preparing food in wood fired ovens as well as
conventional kitchen equipment. Please do not apply unless you have at least 2 years of experience using a wood fired oven
as the job will involve training other chefs in proper handling of such an oven. Experience in plate presentation and formal
training are preferred. Additional bread baking experience is a bonus. [email protected]
Mobile Fitter/Mechanic (Cork City - B/C1 Licence)
Pirtek, the market leader in the on-site hydraulic hose replacement industry requires 2 Mobile Service Technicians to carry out
on site hydraulic hose repairs. The successful applicant will also be required to manage the existing customer base and to
develop new customers. Mechanical experience essential. Hydraulic experience useful. The successful candidate should hold
a full clean B/C1 drivers licence. Full training provided. To apply please forward a CV to: [email protected] or post to Pirtek
Cork Ltd, Unit 2 Westlink Business Park, Mallow Road, Cork City. Other Information
Selezioniamo per prestigiosa azienda nel Mugello, zona Barberino di Mugello, 2 operai specializzati nella programmazione e
conduzione di FRESATRICI A CONTROLLO NUMERICO. L'azienda è di sicuro interesse e di grandi dimensioni e cerca 2
persone da assumere a tempo indeterminato. Assunzione diretta in azienda. [email protected]
Helpdesk employee Spanish
From September we are looking for a helpdesk employee for an international technical call center in Enschede. Do you speak
fluent Spanish in combination with English, French, Italian or German? Ons referentienummer: 0402000666. In Person
Enschede Information: Edith Neuvel Email: [email protected]
Technical Support Employee (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
- Perform 1st line support for repair of the products as required - Inspect and replace defective equipment at the customer's
facility as required - Provide telephone support for specific customers within the ERAF region and EMEA distributors Prepare detailed reports for each service request using the data management system (Oracle) - Represent the company in a
professional manner to sustain a positive customer relationship - Assume responsibility for the tools, test equipment and other
equipment provided to accomplish servicing of the products - Provide professional services and technical training to
customers as required. [email protected]
CNC Turner/Miller
Function: CNC Turner/Miller Location: environment Eindhoven Company Our client makes tools ranging from simple to high
grad and complex. Some examples: complex follow-on cutting and bending tools, dies and precision mechanical parts,
universal tools. The company has the following machines: CNC 3D milling machines, grinding machines, wire eroding
machines and a processing centres. This machine park enables our client to also produce precision mechanical parts in
series. Besides the production tools are also designed by CAE/CAD. All of the processing is carried out by CAD/CAM.
Job description In this job you have to turn and mill several metal and plastic parts. With the help of a drawing and a
planning you have to make the products independently and you need to determine the machining sequence, tooling and
fixturing. You are responsible for control measurements with various equipment such as jigs. You are responsible for the tests
of new methods and other tools. You don’t mind to work in two shifts. Experience: - It is a must if you are confident with
machines using Siemens controls. Más info:
Duties: Vessel maintenance, navigational watch, Cleaning work on board, steering of vessel, rope handling.
Required:(licht)matroos: experience, in position of Servicebook/dienstboekje ((licht)sailor/matroos). Willing and
being able to learn the Dutch language. Good communication skills, team player, swimming-diplome.Middelbaar
beroepsonderwijs/MBO opleiding werken leren.Good knowledge of the English or German language.
Salary:min.:¿ 1420,- / ¿1640.- gross a month. Applications by (e-)mail with CV.Please mention the name of the
ship and the vacancynumber: 8651310. Shipcrew Information: [email protected],, [email protected] and the
eures adviser Barbara Zahuta [email protected]
Si te interesa trabajar estacionalmente en la agricultura en Holanda, regístrate online en:
4 Camareros de barra y 2 DJs para club en Skien (Grenland, Noruega). Inglés alto.
Must have good previous experience, a certificate is not required but is an advantage, must speak English or Norwegian.
Working hours and place of work Normal night club time. Also we need bartenders at day time for normal working days. CV
in Englsih by e-mail to: [email protected] / Copy to [email protected] . REF. WAITER/DJ JOB
2 dependientes, 1 chef, 1 ayudante de chef, 1 guía
About the company: Gudvangen Fjordtell is situated in the Nærøyfjord, a UNESCO site and is very busy during the season
with a lot of lunchgroups. As we have visiters from all over the world, we also employ staff that is multi lingual. The working
language is English. Food and lodging for staff on premises. Regulated working conditions and contracts.
Positions demands:
• Sales personnel for souvenir shop, vacant positions : 2
Must have good skills in English and math, must tolerate stress and have a
pleasant manner.
•Chef , vacant position : 1
•Chef assistant, vacant position: 1
Must tolerate stress, have good order sense and good working discipline.
•Hostess for the Magic White Caves. Vacant positions : 1
Must have a good strong voice, multilanguage and high service attitude.
Working period is from June to September
Wages: Regulated working conditions and contracts.
Housing: Food and lodging for staff on premises..
Application: [email protected] , with CV (English) and a photo as soon as possible.
Zapatero/cosedor, con ingles o italiano. Voss (Hordaland, Noruega)
The applicant must speak english or italian. We also prefer some years experience. Its an advantage if the applicants know
Soldadores con experiencia en astilleros o plataformas. Ågotnes, Bergen, Noruega (Inglés)
Position demands: Valid and updated welder’s certificates: 111, 136 preferably group 1.3, 141 preferably group 8. You need
to have the ability to read ISO drawings and good English or Norwegian/ Swedish/ Danish language skills. It is an advantage
to have a hot work certificate.Wages: From NOK 150 gross pr. working hour. Overtime and shift work is compensated
according to Norwegian regulations. In addition: free lodging, daily allowance and travel allowance 2500,-NOK/ pr. rotation.
Toda la información en: http://www.sepe.es/contenido/empleo_formacion/eures/pdf/OferNor15may_Soldador_30jun.pdf
ELECTRICISTAS/Instaladores de equipos electrónicos (Inglés alto)
HARSTAD/TRONDHEIM (NORUEGA) Selfa Arctic AS www.selfa.no
Electricians, with or without approved Norwegian certificates. is a Norwegian company building fibreglass fishing vessels
below fifteen meters. In addition we have two service departments occupied with maintenance and repairs of a broad range of
crafts, and a department, specialized in engine sales and installations. We are located south of Harstad in the northern part of
Norway, and in Trondheim. In total, the company employs 65 people with a variety of skills related to the marine industry.
Due to increased demand, we are seeking one or several electricians to join our workforce.
Hestepasser/ gårdsarbeider
Stable- / farmworker is wanted for Skotselv, Norway. We have a farm where we breed thouroghbred horses and train them.
Every spring we get new foals and every winter we break in some yearlings. We have housing and payment after agreement
for a person that is hardworking and fond of horses. Any tractor knowlege is a pluss but not neccessary. Please contact Maria
on mail in English. You need to speak fluent english. Maria Robertz Racing Information: Maria Robertz Address: Hæreberget
25 3330 SKOTSELV Email: [email protected]
Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):
www.eures.no ( buscar enlace: NAV EURES in English )
Customer Support Representative with Spanish and English language
Job description: The Customer Service Representative (CSR) is the first point of contact for customers of an automotive
company. He/She will provide inbound support to general queries & complaints and outbound support to specific campaigns.
[email protected]
La empresa Frutas Garsan, S.L, empresa familiar de producción y comercialización de frutos tropicales, busca para
expansión de su negocio en Europa un Comercial junior en comercio internacional para la apertura de mercados exteriores,
promociones y ventas.Se requiere nivel alto de español y francés.Se valorará el conocimiento de alemán. Griselda V.García
Novo email: [email protected]
Instaladores de ascensores para KONE SCHLINDER Y OTIS
Empresa española de servicios con contratos para operar en Suecia, España y otros países europeos necesita
urgentemente: Instaladores dde ascensores, mantenedores y reparadores epecializados en las marcas KONE, SCHLINDER
y OTIS. Contrato español. Desplazamiento a Suecia, alojamiento y manutención a cargo de la empresa. Se tendrán en
cuenta a candidatos profesionales de la construcción con experiencia en montar las guias, los chasis, las puertas, cerrar
huecos de ascensores, etc.. Los seleccionados deben aportar su equipación de seguridad, herramientas de mano y hablar
inglés a nivel alto, para comunicarse con los responsables de la obra y poder atender sus demandas. Valoramos también
sueco, francés o alemán. Interesados contactar con [email protected] . Únicamente se tendrán en cuenta CVs
ajustados a lo que se solicita, rogamos abstenerse de enviarlo si no es así. Spanish services company with a contract in
Sweden looks urgently Elevator technicians ( installers, maintenance repairs) to work in Sweden, Spain and other EU
countries. Spanish contract. Travel to Sweden and accommodation covered by the employer. Successful candidates must
take all his/her safety equipment and hand tools, and be able to speak English. A command of German, French and Swedish
will be valued too. Interested candidates please contact: [email protected] , only if your CV really fits with the kind of
skills we are looking for.
Ofertas de trabajo en España en:
We are the first company specialised in the manufacture of lids. We are a young and dynamic company with a high level
technology that brings together the efforts of many and the knowledge about the produc we manunfacture: lids. These
specialization and independence from manufacturing groups, allow us to offer a product of the highest quality at very
competitive prices. www.globalends.com . We are looking for a communicative person with skills to find new customers and
deal with them. Requirements: the person must be able to speak English and Polish with customers both face to face and by
telephone. 1 year experience in sales area is preferred. Availabity to travel. Additional knowledge of Spanish will be
desirable. If you are interested in working in Warsaw-Poland, please send your CV and CL to:
[email protected]
Instaladores de ascensores para las multinacionales KONE SCHLINDER y OTIS / Elevator technicians
and installers spezialized in KONE, Schlinder and OTIS
Empresa española de servicios con un contrato para operar en Suecia necesita urgentemente Instaladores dde ascensores,
mantenedores y reparadores epecialzados en las marcas KONE, SCHLINDER y OTIS. Contrato español. Desplazamiento a
Suecia, alojamiento y manutención a cargo de la empresa. Los seleccionados deben aportar su equipación de seguridad y
herramientas de mano y hablar inglés a nivel alto, para comunicarse con los responsables de la obra y poder atender sus
demandas. Valoramos también sueco, francés o alemán. Interesados contactar con [email protected] Spanish
services company with a contract in Sweden looks urgently Elevator technicians ( installers, maintenance repairs) to work in
Sweden. Spansih contract. Travel to Sweden and accomodation covered by the employer. Successful candidates must take
all his/her safety equipment and hand tools, and be able to speak English. A command of German, french and Swedish will be
valued too. Interested candidates please contact: [email protected]
Care Worker
Location Surrey e.g. Woking, Chobham, Byfleet, Weybridge, Cobham, Walton-on-Thames, New Haw, Addlestone, Chertsey,
Egham, Virginia Water, Staines and Ashford Salary £8 per hour and £9.50 per hour at weekends Description: We are looking
for reliable, organised and dedicated staff for domiciliary care worker roles. This is a privately owned organisation with 35
staff that prides itself on high quality service, providing care to older people in their own homes. You can work the hours that
supporting people with autism
Role: Support Worker. This is a home for 8 adults aged 18 to 65, currently all male, with autism and severe learning
disabilities. The home provides care and a safe environment. Staffing ratio is 1 staff member to 1 client within the home and 2
staff members to 1 client within the community. There are individualised programmes for each client, including activities in the
community. The philosophy aims to enable people to live their own lives happily and achieve goals using a person centred
approach. You will work with clients, psychologists, and the clients` families or carers, social services and health
professionals. Más info: http://www.sepe.es/contenido/empleo_formacion/eures/pdf/OferUK7jun_Inte_SuW.pdf
Customer Service Representative – Spanish
: JOB DUTIES : In this role you will act as a Brand Ambassador and will be the first point of contact for customers and
dealerships in responding to telephone and email queries. We strive to offer the very best levels of customer service and
believe that what we say and how we say it leaves a lasting impression with our customers. Therefore we will provide you with
all the necessary tools, training and confidence needed to do a great job. OTHER INFO : SALARY INFO : Competitive, to be
discussed. [email protected]
CNC Programmer
A programmer, setter operator required for a 3 axis vertical machining centres, Mikrons with Heidenhain control. The 3
machines we have are the WF3D Mikron, The WF71D Mikron (both with manual cool loading) and the VCP600 Mikron with
automatic tool c. You must be capable of programming, setting and operating all 3 machines. [email protected] .
Responsible for organising very busy restaurant. Taking orders, serving meals and looking after our valuable regular and
visiting customers. Must be able to take bills and handle money. Bar experience useful. Contact Phone: +44 180 3752348.
Your Duties will include hand assembly of small plastic components. Some Lifting and Packing would also be involved.Key
Skills Excellent attention to detail. Be able to meet output targets.English Speaking to communicate with staff and understand
training.Training will be provided.Company Pension Scheme and Life Assurance.. Pension available.
[email protected]
This vacancy is due to start on 28 06 2012 and end on 27 09 2012. We are a Domiciliary Care provider looking to recruit. You
will provide support and assistance to clients in their own homes and take-out journeys. Experience is preferred and
Mandatory Training for Care Support RequiredNVQ2 in Social Care an advantage otherwise must be willing to work towards.
it. You will provide emotional, domestic support, personal care and maintain accurate records. Must be able to provide a
flexible service. The position involves various shifts and the applicant must be flexible. This is an exciting, challenging and
rewarding opportunity to work in care. You must be a car driver with car and must have a good command of English. Must
Have a Valid CRB. [email protected]
Support Worker
We need individuals who are warm, positive, person centred and are committed to ensuring that service users enjoy the
highest quality of life for our mental health service within the Longsight area. You must be able to work using your own
initiative, promote independence and work effectively as part of a team. Hours are flexible including some evening and.
weekend work. Full training is provided and you will undertake NVQ2 with our support. Enhanced CRBs are required for
which we will pay. To apply ring 0161 237 1014, email [email protected] or visit www.creativesupport.co.uk
- When applying quote ref 4076JCP . Pension available.
Electricistas nº puestos 40
La description complète du poste/ Descripción completa del puesto:
Electriscista qualificado con diploma. Requisitos del puesto: Muchos años de experiencia como electrisicista de industria.
Igualmente experiencia como electricista de edificación nueva y remodelación de edificios antiguos. Toda la información,
aquí: http://www.sepe.es/contenido/empleo_formacion/eures/pdf/OferSuiza8jun_Electricistas_30sep.pdf
Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: www.jobarea.ch Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en
diferentes idiomas)

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