fàA eÉátÄ|t @ exz|Çt ctv|á ctÜ|á


fàA eÉátÄ|t @ exz|Çt ctv|á ctÜ|á
fàA eÉátÄ|t @ exz|Çt ctv|á ctÜ|á{
Brooklyn, New York
St. Rosalia Church
6301 14th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Monsignor Ronald T. Marino, E.V.
Email: [email protected]
Parochial Vicars
Father Juan Ruiz
We are a Catholic faith community
who believes in God
– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –
and who follows Christ’s teaching
of love and service.
As a parish founded by immigrants,
we recognize that we continue to be
a multi-ethnic parish.
We welcome everyone
by ministering to their various needs
and provide all with the opportunity
to grow intellectually in Christ.
Through our sacramental life,
we are empowered to build up
the Body of Christ
and to become a more vibrant
and faith-filled community.
Mass Schedule
St. Rosalia Church
7:30 am
8:30 am
Regina Pacis Rectory
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 718-236-0909
Fax: 718-236-5357
Email: [email protected]
8:30 am [in St. Joseph Chapel]
5:00 pm
7:30 pm (Spanish)
8:00 am
9:15 am (Spanish)
10:30 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
9:00 am (Italian)
10:30 am (Chinese)
Email: [email protected]
Basilica of Regina Pacis
Father Marco Brioschi, PIME
Monday - Friday:
Email: [email protected]
Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, E.V.
Email: [email protected]
In Residence
Mr. John Dolan
Email: [email protected]
Holy Days
Faith Formation Directors
Mrs. Jackie Tepedino
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Valentin Canales
Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Ministry
Sister M. Clara Wang, SMIC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 347-249-6283
Youth Ministry—Mr. Louis Nunez
Email: [email protected]
Music Director—Mr. Jonathan Fields
Email: [email protected]
Facility Manager—Mr. Walter Astudillo
Phone: 347-645-5750
Basilica of Regina Pacis
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Please consult the bulletin.
Regina Gift Shop
Inside the Basilica
Conference Center
(enter through the Church lobby)
Phone: 718-234-0140
Fax: 347-492-0217
Website: www.reginagiftshop.net
Business Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Saturday:
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Website: www.basilicaofreginapacis.org
For an appointment with a priest, call
the Rectory at any time.
Office of St. Joseph Chapel
and Columbarium
(located near the Shrine of Mary,
Mother of the Unborn)
Office Hours:
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Call for an appointment with
Theresa Landy
who will handle all requests.
718-236-0909 Ext. 1013
JANUARY 31, 2016
Are You New to the Parish? WELCOME!
Please stop into the rectory office and register!
Confessions: Every weekday morning after Mass in the Basilica.
Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m. in the Basilica.
Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal: Mondays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Marriage: Couples must arrange their wedding ceremony at least 6 months
beforehand. Every couple must attend a Pre-Cana meeting. Log on to:
www.pre-cana.org for dates and registration.
Sacrament of the Sick: If you know you are going to be hospitalized,
Novena in honor of St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the
8:30 a.m. Mass.
consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing beforehand at any weekday
Mass. Ask the priest before Mass in the sacristy.
In Jesus Name Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Communion to the Homebound: Our Eucharistic Ministers are happy to
bring Holy Communion to the homebound. To arrange this, please call the
Divine Mercy Devotions: every Wednesday at
8:00 a.m. in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Baptism: Parents wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with their
children must attend a "Registration and Instruction Session" on the First
Saturday of any month at 11 am in the Basilica Conference Center. At
these sessions it will be necessary for both parents to attend, and to bring a
copy of the baby's birth certificate. Necessary registration forms will be
completed, the required instruction will take place, and the Baptism will be
scheduled. Remember, both Godparents must be Catholic, 16 years old, and
must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Godparents may attend
these sessions but are not required to do so. Baptisms are celebrated in
English on the third Saturday of each month at noon in the Basilica.
Once this session is completed, you may schedule the ceremony for any
Those who speak Spanish and wish to have a Spanish language ceremony,
will have their registration and instruction session on the First Saturday
of each month after the 7:30 pm Mass in the Basilica. Spanish Baptisms
are celebrated at the Spanish Mass on Saturdays at 7:30 pm in the
It is no longer necessary to come to the Rectory Office to set up a
Baptism celebration.
You may call the rectory for Chinese or Italian Baptisms.
Prayers for Peace to Our Lady Queen of Peace:
Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
The Legion of Mary: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the
Basilica Conference Center / Room 1.
Prayers for Vocations: Thursdays after the 8:30 a.m.
Prayers to St. Peregrine-Patron Saint of Cancer
Patients: Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in honor of the
Sacred Heart: First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: First Saturdays 8:30 a.m.
for Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
On Sunday, February 14,
we will celebrate St. Valentine's Day
by inviting every married couple to renew their marriage
vows during each of the weekend Masses. We will bless
all our couples and pray with them for the strength
and renewal of their marriages.
Invite the kids--no matter how old they are.
Wednesday, February 10 is Ash Wednesday --the beginning of the Holy Season of Lent.
As is our custom, we will distribute blessed ashes and hear confessions from 7:30 am
until 9:00 pm. There will also be a Holy Hour in Spanish and English in the Upper Basilica
at 6 pm and a Mass in Spanish at 7:30 pm in the Basilica.
This year we will change things a little to give people the opportunity to pray in front of the Blessed
Sacrament in silence in the Upper Basilica as they prepare for Confession.
Therefore, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for Adoration in the Basilica from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm
on Ash Wednesday, while ASHES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED IN ST. JOSEPH CHAPEL ONLY, except during
Mass times — 7:30 am and 8 :30 am (English), 10:30 am (Italian) and 7:30 pm (Spanish).
JANUARY 31, 2016
From the Pastor's Desk....
"Clothe the Naked"
In this Holy Year of Mercy our Holy Father Pope Francis has offered us the challenge of growing in the grace of God's mercy
by being merciful ourselves. It's not hard to do, but it requires sincere reflection and personal involvement. It can't be the same
old thing of taking up a collection for the missions or for people and causes we never see ourselves. Mercy is personal after
all. In an effort to help us all to learn this virtue, we wish to simply follow what the Church has always taught: the Spiritual and
Corporal Works of Mercy.
"Clothe the naked" is one of them and we wish to begin with that one.
I don't have to tell you how cold it has been and will continue to be for a long while. There are many people in our
neighborhood who do not have warm coats or gloves. Just look out your windows and you will see them. So, we wish to have
a COAT DRIVE to ask our parishioners to bring us extra coats you may have which no one in your family uses anymore. Then
we will sort them into small, medium and large and DISTRIBUTE them to those who need them. Here's how it will work:
In the next few weeks bring any of these items to the Basilica CONFERENCE CENTER outside the Gift Shop and place them
in the appropriate bins. Then on SATURDAY mornings we will need VOLUNTEERS to come with us in cars to distribute them,
It's that simple! Think about the learning experience you and your children will have in DOING this act of mercy. After you
deposit your coats, go into the gift shop or the rectory to tell us your name and phone number for us to call you to help us on a
Saturday to deliver them. Left over coats will be distributed to homeless shelters who need them also.
This is a SMALL gesture but one that is needed to teach others and OURSELVES the need to be merciful.
We will continue to offer opportunities to everyone to receive the grace of mercy in this special year. Stay tuned.
Msgr. Ronald T. Marino
Our Parish is organizing a Coat drive. Please drop off gently used coats in the Conference Center. Distribution will be on
Saturday mornings. Call the rectory to volunteer.
La nostra parrocchia sta organizzando una raccolta di giacche a vento e cappotti usati. Vi invitiamo a portare tali indumenti al
Conference Center, da dove verranno poi distribuiti al Sabato mattina. Aiutateci a distribuirli chiamando l'ufficio parrocchiale e
dando il vostro nominativo.
V{|Çxáx axã lxtÜ VxÄxuÜtà|ÉÇ
V{|Çxáx axã lxtÜ `táá
TIME: 10:30 am, Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016
PLACE: St. Rosalia Church
6301 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
ACTIVITIES: Mass with Ancestral Veneration
All Are Welcome!
V{|Çxáx axã lxtÜ ctÜàç
TIME: Immediately after Mass, Feb. 7, 2016
PLACE: St. Rosalia Church
6301 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
All Are Welcome!
Todos están invitados a nuestra Celebración del Año Nuevo China el
Domingo, 07 de febrero 2016. La misa será celebrada en Santa Rosalia a las
10:30am. Seguido tendremos la fiesta en celebración al Año Nuevo China.
Siete tutti invitati a celebrare con noi Domenica 7 Febbraio la
Santa Messa delle 10:30 a Santa Rosalia per il capodanno
cinese. Dopo la Santa Messa ci sara' un pranzo di fraternita'.
JANUARY 31, 2016
Confessiones: Los Domingos después de la Misa de la 9:15 de la mañana en la Basilica de Regina Pacis o con cita contactando Padre Juan Ruiz.
Matrimonios: Favor de contactar la rectoría por lo menos 6 meses antes del Matrimonio.
Bautismos: Se celebran el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Favor de contactar a Valentin Canales.
Instrucción Religiosa para los Niños: Los padres que quieren inscribir sus niños a las clases de catecismo, llamen a Valentin Canales a
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Los que necesitan recibir el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación por favor de contactar Valentin
Canales a 347-560-6876.
Hora Santa Lectio Divina: Todos los Martes a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Santa Rosalía - 6301 14th Avenue.
Clases de Iniciación Cristiana: Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Clases de Teologia Biblica: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Grupo de Jóvenes -Jornada: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Centro Familiar: Todos los Viernes a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
En Sintonía
Presentación de Jesús al templo (Fiesta de la Candelaria)
Esta costumbre tiene su origen en la celebración litúrgica de la fiesta de la purificación y la presentación del Niño
Dios al templo. En tiempo de Jesús, la ley prescribía en el Levítico que toda mujer debía presentarse en el templo
para purificarse a los cuarenta días que hubiese dado a luz. José y María llevaron a Jesús al templo de Jerusalén. La
festividad, Presentación de Jesús al templo de la que tenemos el primer testimonio en el siglo IV en Jerusalén, se
llamaba hasta la última reforma del calendario, fiesta de la Purificación de la Virgen María, en recuerdo del
episodio de la Sagrada Familia, que nos narra San Lucas en el capitulo 2 de su Evangelio. Para cumplir la ley, María
fue al Templo de Jerusalén, a los cuarenta días del nacimiento de Jesús, para ofrecer su primogénito y cumplir el
rito legal de su purificación. La reforma litúrgica de 1960 y 1969 restituyó a la celebración el título de “presentación
del Señor” que tenía al principio: la oferta de Jesús al Padre, en el Templo de Jerusalén, es un preludio de su oferta
sacrifical sobre la cruz.
Este acto de obediencia a un rito legal, al que no estaban obligados ni Jesús ni María, constituye una lección de
humildad, como coronación de la meditación anual sobre el gran misterio navideño, en el que el Hijo de Dios y su divina Madre se nos
presentan en el cuadro conmovedor y doloroso del pesebre, esto es, en la extrema pobreza de los pobres, de los perseguidos, de los
El encuentro del Señor con Simeón y Ana en el Templo acentúa el aspecto sacrifical de la celebración y la comunión personal
de María con el sacrificio de Cristo, pues cuarenta días después de su divina maternidad la profecía de Simeón le hace vislumbrar las
perspectivas de su sufrimiento: “Una espada te atravesará el alma”. El día 2 de febrero de cada año, se recuerda esta presentación del Niño
Jesús al templo, llevando a alguna imagen del Niño Dios a presentar a la iglesia y se llevan candelas (velas hechas de parafina pura) a
bendecir, las cuales simbolizan a Jesús como luz de todos los hombres. De aquí viene el nombre de la “Fiesta de las candelas” o el “Día de la
Personas que deseen bautizar a sus hijos en Espanñol, pueden hacerlo el Segundo Sábados de cada mes. Para mayor información Pueden
contactar a Don Valentín Canales los Sabados y los Domingos.
Fechas de Instrucción:
Instrucción: Sábado, Mayo 7 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Mayo 14 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Instrucción: Sábado, Marzo 5 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Instrucción: Sábado, Junio 4 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Marzo 12 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Bautizos: Sábado, Junio 11 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Instrucción: Sábado, Abril 2 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Instrucción: Sábado, Julio 2 – 2016– Después de la S. Misa
Bautizos: Sábado, Abril 9 - 2016 –7:30pm.
Bautizos: Sábado, Julio 9 - 2016 –7:30pm
Se recuerda que:
el Martes 2 de Febrero celebraremos la fiesta de la Candelaria y el Miércoles 10 de Febrero ES LA SANTA CENIZA.
Nuestra Parroquia está organizando una recolección de abrigos para los más necesitados.
Por favor, done abrigos que usted ya no usa y que estén en buenas condiciones, en el Centro de Conferencias.
La distribución de estos serán los sábados por la mañana. Si desea ser voluntario, llame a la Rectoría.
JANUARY 31, 2016
February 2nd is the Feast
of the Presentation of the
Lord, celebrating the
presentation of Christ in the
temple on the 40th day after
His birth.
Monday, February 1
7:30 am Stanislao, Antonina & Giuseppe Lo Monaco
8:30 am Grace, Salvatore & Gaetano Pecararo
7:30 am Carmine Tomasulo
8:30 am Concetta Stolfa Angiulli
Wednesday, February 3-St. Blaise and St. Ansgar
7:30 am Intention Available
8:30 am Members of Regina Pacis Perpetual Mass Assoc.
Thursday, February 4
7:30 am Deceased Members of the Palmieri Family
8:30 am Theresa & Anna Maria Levioi
Friday, February 5-FIRST FRIDAY
7:30 am Intention Available
8:30 am Members of the Sacred Heart League
St. Paul Miki & Companions
Saturday, February 6-FIRST SATURDAY
8:30 am In Honor of St. Pio
5:00 pm Agata, Alfonso Genovese & Nicholas Genovese
7:30 pm Por el alma de Juan Salas (Spanish)
Sunday, February 7-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Intention Availble
9:15 am (Spanish)
10:30 am Intention Available
12:00 pm Antonio Scarcelliano
7:00 pm Nicola Cerva
Sunday, February 7-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am Giuseppe Papandrea (Italian)
10:30 am (Chinese)
The Sick of the Parish
Amanda J., Vincent A. Aurigemma,
Baby John Paul Munoz, Erlinda Borg, Ann Bosco, Mary
Cannuci, Frances Caridi, Regina Caridi, Vincent Castaldo,
Anna Codispoti, Judy Cragnolin, Joe DeVito & Regina
DePaolo & Family, Daniel DiMartino, Angela Drossinos,
James Essman, Mary Essman, Rose Essman, T. Guida,
Vincent Giordano, Phyllis Guadagno, A. Jencsik, Angelina
Jose, Carmencita Jose, Zenaida Jose, John Kafkalas, Li
Min Kang, Mary Lamanna, Anna Lanza, Mark Malloy,
Patricia Mayo, Chloe Melina, Jean Menna, Catherine Mary
Moncello, James Carlos Moncello, Vincent Moncello, Vito
Moncello, Baby Arthur William Norris, Howard Passman,
Albert Romano, Jason Michael Rousell, Michael John
Staubitz, Valerie Ann Staubitz, Baby Jayden Alfredo
Tlatenchi, Tom Vilardo and William Zang
On February 3rd,
the feast of Saint Blaise,
we will be blessing throats after the
morning Masses in the Basilica.
February 5th is First Friday.
Every First Friday after the
8:30 a.m. Mass, special devotions before the
Blessed Sacrament are prayed. All are
welcome. Some extra moments of Eucharistic
Adoration might just be what you need.
February 6th is First Saturday.
Every First Saturday of the month at 8:30
a.m. in St. Joseph Chapel there is the
celebration of the Mass in honor of St. Pio
followed by the Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, Rosary, Benediction and
Veneration of the Relic of St. Pio. All are
welcome to honor our Padre Pio.
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for silent
adoration on every Friday of Lent from 9:00 am
until 7:00 pm in St. Joseph Chapel. We encourage
you to spend some time in prayer
as a Friday sacrifice during Lent.
Stations of the Cross will be
celebrated in all four languages on
the Fridays of Lent at 7:30 pm in
the Upper Basilica. You are encouraged to
participate in this traditional devotion of Lent with
your whole family.
Andres Uguna
Andrew Arthur Passione
JANUARY 31, 2016
JANUARY 31, 2016

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