5 Grade - Colegio San Lorenzo


5 Grade - Colegio San Lorenzo
 Colegio San Lorenzo - Copiapó - Región de Atacama
Per Laborem ad Lucem
English Comprehensive Test rd
Term 1 Friday, May 23 5th Grade Units Workbook Pages Class Book Pages Contents 
PRESENT PERFECT : ever,never,for,since,already, before, just, yet 
PAST SIMPLE AND PRESENT PERFECT: He has already broken a window / He went to school yesterday. 
COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES: taller than, the tallest, more interesting, etc
Desde 
Unidad Desde Desde 1 pág 6 hasta pág 8 hasta 
hasta pág 37 pág 43 Unidad 
4 
AS...AS – NOT ‐ AS … AS / TOO – ENOUGH: He is as old as… He isn’t old enough… PAST CONTINUOUS V/S PAST SIMPLE: I was sleeping when the phone rang. USED TO : She used to wear glasses when she was 5 years old. VOCABULARY (ALL UNITS) ‐ PHONICS (ALL UNITS) 

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