
Author : Miguel Vicente-Mariño
Institution affiliation: Universidad de Valladolid – Campus de Segovia
Country: Spain
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Key words: media, audience research, methods, children, migration, women
Audience research has traditionally been one of the main fields in the Spanish
Communication Sciences, although the accumulation of empirical studies is maybe not as
profuse as one can expect. However, theoretical handbooks, formal structure of degrees’
syllabus and even national research organizations have always included audience research
as one of the main topics of knowledge. This short essay presents some of the main
findings and contributions to this field during the last decades, evolving from wider
approaches on audiences’ investigation (Grandio, 2007) to concrete results focused on the
study of both the social integration and the audience transformation processes. Its content
is necessarily limited, so it is not including all the audience research production in Spain,
but only some of the more remarkable one to my knowledge.
Taking analytical purposes into consideration, three big groups of audience studies can be
identified. First, one can find research focused on the explanation about the Spanish
audience behavior from institutional and commercial perspectives. These kinds of
publications usually rely on the results provided by the main audience measurement
companies (TNSofres, Estudio General de Medios, OJD) in order to complete quiteobjective descriptions about media consumption and scheduling strategies. As a key
aspect of the media market logic itself, this information is present at the companies’
decision-making process, at the media discourses and at everyday life in Spain, as
audience results have turned into a media agenda soft topic.
Scientific scholarly analysis is still scarce in this field, although there are some interesting
books (Vaca, 2010, 2009) and articles (Monclús and Vicente-Mariño, 2008; Vicente-Mariño
and Monclús, 2008) trying to explain how the Spanish audience behaves in a broader
sense. Nevertheless there is a remarkable data production coming from the audience
measurement companies (Sofres, 1994-2008) and from consulting research departments
(GECA, 1998-2007; Corporación Multimedia; Barlovento Comunicación), being most of
them available to the public interest.
Second, and walking towards a higher concretion, there is also a big room for studies
taking the reception process as the main topic of their approach (Grandío, 2009). It is
within this group where more connections with the objectives of this WG4 can be found.
Refusing to understand the audience as simple and statistical data, the process of
construction of social and individual meanings is the main point of interest. Small groups
(families, youth, children, elderly…) became the target for researchers trying to deepen
their understanding about the mediated communication process as a whole. Qualitative
methods are the main tools to achieve significant results and some of these contributions
will be presented below.
And third, there is an established production of theoretical handbooks where audience
research is presented as the only topic to be covered, or it becomes an important part of a
wider media handbook. On the first group, Jauset (2000, 2008) and Huertas (2002, 2003)
are the main authors traditionally devoted to the explanation about the audience research
techniques and measurements.
It should also be remarked that when it comes to the study of the Spanish audience and
their reception attitudes, most of the field work was devoted to television. The quota for
newspapers consumption or radio broadcasting is smaller and even for the digital
revolution caused by the Internet has not lead to an accurate audience analysis yet.
Nevertheless there are some interesting contributions in all these fields (Reinares, 2010)
and there is a growing interest in these new media scenes: social networks and the
evolution towards a more active public are accessing the research arena, establishing
partly the agenda for a near future. In this process, special monographs of scientific
journals as TELOS (2010) are interesting route plans, although the audience is not in the
core of most of the articles yet.
Framing the general Spanish audience
Communication scholars have deeply studied the way how the Spanish audience has
completed an intense way from a public monopoly system in the early 1980’s to an open
competence panorama in first decade of the third millennium. In fact, scientific
approaches have usually linked the media offer to the media consumption results, creating
a common field where audience and reception studies remain together. In order to get
audience results, one will have to search for them in wider works about media (Contreras
and Palacio, 2001; Gómez, 2003; Prado, 1992)
A rich source of objective data comes from the audience measurement companies,
providing the media companies and the society with updated information about the
relation established between the citizenship and the media menu.
There are also contributions narrowing their analytical scope to concrete channels like
Cuatro and La Sexta (Vaca, 2010), formats like reality games (León, 2009), or concrete
programs like Operación Triunfo (Cáceres, 2002; Vicente-Mariño and Monclús, 2009),
Gran Hermano (Cáceres, 2001) or TV US series (Tous, 2010).
Nevertheless, even in this field -usually kept away from the public and scholar discussion,
as it works mainly with statistical and objective data-, the Spanish researchers can bring
more light to understand the main lines of their media system. Audience results from
radio, press or internet are still waiting for a deeper development.
Integration of social collectives as a research topic
The Spanish societies have changed a lot during the last three decades, and so did the
media structure. Nevertheless, it has been agreed that this offer explosion has not lead to a
higher pluralism on media content. So Spain media are facing an ethnic and cultural
diverse audience, but the media content seems to keep on following a similar path as in
the past. Scholars have presented this contradiction and have provided useful examples of
good and bad practices in the field of social transformation as a result of media action. Our
focus will be now displayed on three different collectives sharing common social goals.
Children and Media
Lining up with a solid international tradition, children and teenagers are one of the more
privileged age group in social research. The media effects on the social meaning
construction by those who are building up their lives counts with a dominant presences in
scientific journals as ZER. Always in the crossroad with sociology, this age is also carefully
analyzed by other journals devoted specifically to Youth studies, such as Revista de
Estudios de Juventud (2010). Suggesting considerations about the methodological
concerns raised when researching this collective have been treated by Callejo (2010), or
by García de Cortázar et al. (1998). Media education field in Spain counts with some solid
researchers and their studies about the children and youth media reception process are
completing one of the more interesting fields.
Migration and cultural relations
The arrival of workers coming from Latin American, Eastern European and African
countries to Spain is one of the salient changes encountered in Spain. After a long tradition
of Spaniards moving to Central Europe and Latin America during the 20th century, Spain
turned into a reception country. Media has always been considered as a useful strategy to
integrate these new collectives and to reduce to the minimum quota the potential conflicts
about national identities. Castelló (2006); Martínez (2009); López et al. (2010); León y
García (2002) have analyzed diverse aspects from both the media representation and
reception processes.
Women Studies
The portrayal of women in contemporary media is a traditional topic of study, but
paradoxically there is not a similar quantity of studies about the female audiences and the
comparisons to the male gender. Del Hoyo and Berganza (2006), García and Martínez
(2009) have studied the media portrayal of women in diverse media, from press to
audiovisual. Nevertheless approaches to audience studies are not completing the deep
analysis of the mediated representation of this collective, unless punctual studies like the
one carried out by Garcia and Martínez (2008).
Some conclusions
The Spanish audience research landscape is mainly still in progress, but the current
consolidation of Communication Sciences all over the country is a solid starting point for
the future. Trying to synthesize, a brief list of headlines are provided:
Qualitative approaches are clearly dominant, whilst the quantitative studies are too
much limited to the consumption description, without going beyond the presentation
of the main trends on media consumption.
TV is still the main reference. Although Internet is accessing the field with strong
energy, its impulse is not enough to replace the TV from the researchers’
methodological designs.
The room for imbrications with other research traditions is still to be explored, but
potentialities are easily visible. There is a lack of connection with media production or
media economy studies that could benefit audience research, following a similar
strategy as the one mixing audience and textual analysis or cultural studies.
There is a clear absence of experimental research (Alcolea, 2008). This trend is
common to the Spanish Communication Research field. Although it cannot be the more
convenient research method for audience research, it has also some things to
contribute with.
Children and Youth are one of the main topics of interest, whilst the attention
displayed to other social collectives, like Women or Elderly cannot resist any
A growing space is being provided to the migration studies, trying to emphasize the
differences and commonalities on their media consumption and understanding.
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