Grant Park Receives Community Award


Grant Park Receives Community Award
Newsletter / Boletín - Vol. 6 Issue 5
October / November 2010
Grant Park Receives Community Award - Pg. 2
La Comunidad de Grant Park recibe un Premio - Pg. 2
QLP Quarterly Table Talk - Pg. 2
QLP Reunión Trimestral de la Mesa de Conversación
(Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods)
- Pg. 2
- Pg. 20
Table of Contents / Contenido
1. Cover
2. Table of Contents
Kendra Cea
Arizona Public Service
3. Cover Article - Grant Park Community
Tiffany Halperin
Landscape Architect
Vice Chair
4. Recreation
Grace Salinas
Marcos de Niza Community
5. Health
Marilyn Tang
I.G. Homes Community
6. Services
Robert Sells
City of Phoenix Recreation
7. Individual Development
Fred Taylor
SW Prostate Cancer Foundation
8. Housing
Lt. Michael Kurtenbach
9. Economic Development
10. Golden Threads
11. Golden Threads
The vision of the
Central City South
City of Phoenix Police
Eva Ordóñez Olivas
Executive Director/CEO
Eloisa Johnson
Program Manager
Affordable Housing Disposition Program (AHDP)
12. Transportation
Patricia Arviso
13. Leadership Academy Graduate Conference
Program Manager
Events & Community Programs
Jay O. Olivas
Multi-Media/Facility Services & Newsletter Production
Wendoly Abrego
14. Marcos de Niza
Sustainable Communities Project
Rachel Johnson
15. Marcos de Niza
Raul Daniels
Business Outreach
16. Harmon Library
Mia Ricardo
Special Projects / Events
17. Harmon Library
Adam Schorger
Special Projects / Events
18. Vernell Coleman Dance Academy
19. Congressman Ed Pastor
20. Back cover/G.A.I.N. Event
Leslie Abrego
Special Projects / Events
Teresa DeValle
Grant Writer
Sue Moyer
Special Projects / Events
Liz DeValle
Special Projects / Events
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, PRC must make a reasonable accommodation
to allow a person with a disability to take part in a program, service or activity. For example,
this means that if necessary, PRC must provide sign language interpreters for people who
are deaf, a wheelchair accessible location, or enlarged print materials. It also means that
PRC will take any other reasonable action that allows you to take part in and understand a
program or activity, including making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that
you will not be able to understand or take part in a program or activity because of your
disability, please let us know of your disability needs in advance it at all possible.
Please contact PRC at 602-253-6895.
October / November 2010
Según la Ley para Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA), PRC tiene la obligación de
realizar esfuerzos razonables para facilitar que las personas discapacitadas puedan participar de los programas, servicios o actividades. Esto quiere decir, por ejemplo, que PRC
debe proveer intérpretes de lenguaje de señas para las personas sordas, una localización
accesible por silla de ruedas, o materiales impresos en letra agrandada. También significa
que PRC hará un esfuerzo razonable para que usted pueda participar en una actividad o
comprenderla, incluyendo cambios razonables en la actividad. Si usted cree que no podrá
entender una actividad o participar en ella a causa de su impedimento, por favor, comuníquenos de antemano su impedimento si le es posible. Por favor, llame a PRC al
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 2
Grant Park receives
Community Award
La Comunidad de Grant
Park recibe un Premio
On August 27th, 2010, the
Grant Park Fightback
Neighborhood Association
received a Community
Award from the City of
Phoenix Block Watch Advisory Council. The Award
was handed to the members (Pictured - Ruben Lopez, Vangie Muller and
Rose Magana) from Community Action Officers
Patrick McBride and Garrick Henry for their efforts
in revitalizing and beautification of their neighborhood. Congratulations to the Grant Park Fight Back
Association for a great job in helping their
El 27 de agosto 2010, La Asociación de Vecindarios Fightback de
Grant Park recibió un premio comunitario por parte del Consejo
de Aviso de Block Watch de la
Ciudad de Phoenix. El premio
fue entregado a los miembros (en
la fotografía – Ruben Lopez, Vangie Muller y Rose Magana) por
los Policías de Acción Comunitaria Patrick McBride y Garrick
Henry por sus esfuerzos en la rehabilitación y embellecimiento del vecindario. Felicidades a La Asociación de Vecindarios Fightback
de Grant Park por su fantástico trabajo en ayudar a
su comunidad.
QLP Quarterly Table Talk
Reunión Primestral De La
Mesa de Conversación
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation would like to invite
the community of Central City South (CCS) to come
take the ‘first steps’ in their Quality of Life Plan (QLP).
A Phoenix Revitalization Corporation le gustaría invitar
a la comunidad de Central City South (CCS) a tomar los
‘primeros pasos’ en su Plan de Calidad de Vida (QLP).
We will be hosting a CCS QLP Quarterly Table Talk on
October 30th 2010 from 10:00am-1:00pm at HOPE VI
1150 S. 7th Ave Phoenix AZ 85007
Tendremos Las Conversaciones de Mesa Trimestral de
CCS el 30 de octubre del 2010 de las 10:00am-1:00pm
en HOPE VI 1150 S. 7th Ave. Phoenix AZ 85007
If you are planning on attending or have any questions
please call Wendoly Abrego at 602.253.6895 or email
her at [email protected]
Si quiere venir o tiene preguntas por favor llame a Wendoly Abrego al 602.253.6895 o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected]
Correction to cover article
in Aug/Sept issue
Corrección al artículo de
cubierta del último boletín
PRC would like to issue a retraction from the last issue in
which we incorrectly mentioned the incorrect name of a
instrumental person at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic
Church. The name mentioned was Emma Hughes, in
which it should have been printed Betty Huguez. We issue
our apologies for this error.
A PRC le gustaría retractar un error en el último boletín
donde por error mencionamos el nombre incorrecto de
una persona instrumental en la Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. El nombre mencionado fue el de
Emma Hughes, donde tuvo que haber sido Betty
Huguez. Le pedimos disculpas por el error.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 3
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 4
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 5
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 6
A Better High School for a
better future
Ecademie High School, a charter high school under the
guidance of Goodwill of Central Arizona, is recruiting
for the 2010/2011 school year. The small and safe campus offers challenging curriculum that is individualized
for each student to help expand his/her opportunities for
future educational success.
Ecademie High School offers students an environment
where personal, interpersonal and collaborative abilities
can develop; where barriers are addressed and eliminated
and a place where success is encouraged and rewarded.
It’s an opportunity for every student to achieve a better
Ecademie offers its students:
• Small class sizes for student-centered and engaging
• Free breakfast and lunch.
• English and foreign language development classes.
• Free tutoring to help every student reach their highest
• Credit recovery, with a minimum of eight credits earned
each year.
Ecademie High School
417 North 16th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
Una mejor preparatoria
Para una mejor vida
La Preparatoria Ecademie, una escuela chárter bajo la
guía de Goodwill de Arizona Central, está aceptando inscripciones para el año escolar 2010/2011. Las pequeñas y
seguras instalaciones ofrecen un plan de estudios competitivo que es impartido a cada estudiante de manera individual para ayudarle a expandir las oportunidades de su
éxito educativo.
La Preparatoria Ecademie ofrece a sus estudiantes un
ambiente en el que las habilidades personales, interpersonales y colaborativas se pueden desarrollar; donde las
barreras son atendidas y eliminadas, y un lugar en donde
el éxito es promovido y recompensado. Esta es una oportunidad para que cada estudiante alcance un futuro mejor.
Ecademie ofrece a sus estudiantes:
• Clases pequeñas para una instrucción agradable y centrada en el estudiante
• Desayuno y almuerzo gratuitos
• Clases de desarrollo del inglés e idioma extranjero
• Tutoría escolar para ayudar a cada estudiante a alcanzar
su máximo potencial
• Recuperación de créditos escolares, con un mínimo de
ocho créditos obtenidos cada año
Preparatoria Ecademie
417 North 16th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 7
Looking for an affordable
apartment to rent?
If you are in need of an affordable apartment and, have proof of
a income and a driver’s license, please contact Eloisa Johnson
at Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (602) 253-6895 or go
to our website , for information on
the Affordable Housing Disposition Program. We can provide
you with a list of rental properties that have set aside units for
low and moderate income families, as well as income qualification guidelines.
Affordable Housing List Disclaimer: Phoenix Revitalization Corporation is neither affiliated
nor endorses any of these properties. Property owners establish their own rental guidelines, according to state and federal law, and have the right to decline your application to
be a tenant if you do not meet their qualifications.
Free Program to Help
Protect Your Children from
Lead Poisoning
¿Esta en busca de
unapartamento de alquiler
Si usted necesita un apartamento accesible y, tiene prueba de
ingresos fijos y una licencia de conducir, favor de
comunicarse con Eloisa Johnson de Phoenix Revitalization
Corporation al (602) 253-6895 o visite nuestro website al, para mas información, acerca del
Programa de Disposición de Vivienda Accesible. Le podemos
dar una lista de apartamentos de alquilrar que mantiene un porcentaje de unidades para familias de ingresos bajos o moderados. También podemos ayudarle a entender los límites de ingresos para calificar.
Renuncia de Responsabilidad acerca de la Lista de Vivienda Accesible: Phoenix Revitalization Corporation no es ni afiliado o endorsa estas propiedades. Los dueños de las
propiedades establecen sus propios reglamentos de alquiler, de acuerdo con las leyes
federales y del estado, y tienen el derecho de rechazar su aplicación para inquilino si
usted no satisface los requisitos.
Programa Gratis para
Ayudar a Proteger a sus
Niños del Envenenamiento
de Plomo
El Programa de Control del Peligro de Plomo del Departamento de Servicios al Vecindario de la Ciudad de Phoenix
(LHCP) recibió dinero como estimulo federal para proveer
The City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department becas gratis para ayudar a dueños de casa, propietarios e
inquilinos en las áreas objetivas para el control de plomo
Lead Hazard Control Program (LHCP) received Federal
peligroso en la pintura, tierra y polvo para prevenir el enstimulus money to provide free grants to help homeownvenenamiento de sus niños por plomo.
ers, landlords and tenants in target areas control hazards
Para calificar para asistencia:
from lead in paint, soil and dust to prevent childhood lead
⋅ Los residentes deben tener un nivel económico
To qualify for assistance:
⋅ Residents must have a low-to-moderate income
⋅ Debe incluir a un niño menor de seis años
⋅ La residencia debe de haber sido construida antes
⋅ Must include a child under six years
de 1978
Residence must have been built before 1978
El LHCP también tiene un Programa de Préstamo de la
Aspiradora HEPA que se le puede prestar hasta una semaThe LHCP also has a HEPA Vacuum Loan Program that
na. Si alguien en su familia sufre de asthma o alergias o
will loan you a HEPA vacuum to use for up to a week. If
solo si necesita una buena limpieza del polvo, esta maquisomeone in your family suffers from asthma or allergies
na de peso ligero tiene un filtro especial que atrapa partíor you just need to do a thorough dust cleaning, this lightculas minúsculas y es mucho más eficiente que una aspiraweight machine has a special filter that traps very tiny pardora normal de casa.
ticles, and is much more efficient than an ordinary household vacuum.
Para obtener más información sobre el programa gratis o
para ver si una de las aspiradoras HEPA esta disponible
For further information about the free program or to check
por favor llame al 602-534-2520.
availability of a HEPA vacuum, call 602-534-2520.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 8
Recruitment, Training and Job Placement
To participate you must be 18 years or older, and live
in one of the following zip codes: 85003, 85004, 85006,
85007, 85008, 85034, 85040, 85041 or 85042. Applicants
must either be an ex-offender, currently unemployed, a
high school dropout, or low-income based on City of
Phoenix LLSIL guidelines. Priority will be given to applicants who are Veterans or eligible spouses of Veterans
Solar PV System Designer/Installer
The Pathways program will provide training and Solar PV System Install/Entry level
job placement for individuals seeking careers in
Weatherization Tech/Installers
the energy efficient and renewable electric power
LEED Green Associate
Please call
for more
industries in Arizona.
417 North 16th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85006
M-F, 8am to 5pm Bus Routs 3, 16
Data Entry Employees Needed
Earn at least $15 per hour
Work from home part-time with flexible scheduling!
E-mail [email protected] for details!!!
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 9
We would like to send a warm
thank you to Lt. Mike Kurtenbach
for all of his hard work in this community and wish him good luck as
he begins his new position.
We would also like to welcome the
new Lt. Sean Connelly who comes
with many years of experience in
this community; we are very excited to work with him.
Nos gustaría mandarle un gran
agradecimiento al Teniente Mike
Kurtenbach por todo su trabajo en
esta comunidad y desearle buena
suerte en su nueva posición.
También nos gustaría darle la bienvenida al nuevo Teniente Sean
Connelly quien viene con muchos
años de experiencia en esta comunidad, estamos muy emocionados de
trabajar con el.
50’s 60’s 70’s OLDIES
DONATIONS $10.00 per person
50’s 60’s 70’s VIEJITAS
DONACIONES $10.00 por persona
Dance from 7:00p.m. – 1:00a.m.
Baile de las 7:00p.m. – 1:00a.m.
715 S. 2nd AVE. PHOEINX, AZ.
602-262-9243 or 602-740-0428
602-262-9243 o al 602-740-0428
Harmon Garden Club
Se Formando el Club del
Jardín de Harmon
Would you like to be a part of the new
“Community Garden” at Harmon Park?
Please join us for afternoon deserts and
conversations at our first informational
Garden Club Meeting.
¿Le gustaría ser parte del nuevo “Jardín
Comunitario” en el Parque Harmon?
Acompáñenos para una tarde de postres
y conversación en nuestra primera junta
de información del Club de Jardín.
Wednesday October 6, 2010
3pm @ Harmon Library
1325 S. 5th Ave.
Contact Patricia Arviso
@ (602) 253-6895
Miércoles 6 de octubre del 2010
A las 3pm en la Biblioteca Harmon
1325 S. 5th Ave.
Para mas información, contacte a:
Patricia Arviso - 602-253-6895
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 10
Central City South
Community Action Team Meeting (C.A.T.)
Neighborhood Groups /Government / Providers/All Stakeholders
Thursday, October 14th - Harmon Park Dedication
(*Meeting cancelled per residents)
Wednesday, November 10th (*Note date/day change)
5:30pm - 7:30pm @ CTEC - Facilitator: I.G. Holmes
December - Holiday Break - No Meeting
General Purpose
Guest Presenters
Open Community Table
Bring a dish!
Fighting crime, blight and building a safer community together.
Leading, directing and guiding community change!
Keeping the community informed!
October / November 2010
Meeting Location:
Hope VI - Emmett McLoughlin (CTEC)
Training and Education Center
1150 S. 7th Avenue
NW Corner / 7th Avenue and Buckeye Road
For more information:
Patricia Arviso-Program Manager
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation
[email protected]
(602) 253-6895 X 102
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 11
Transit Service Cuts & Tips for Dealing with Them
Arizona PIRG has some tips for transit riders on how to deal with the service cuts:
If you use public transit, make sure to check the schedule for service changes and plan more time for your
commute. You can find more information about specific service changes online at or
in the transit supplemental book, which is available on buses and at transit centers.
If your bus route has been eliminated, check with Valley Metro to see if there is an alternate route available.
In most cases, alternative route(s) are available if someone’s route is being eliminated or changed.
If you can’t find an alternate route, see if you can find a carpool or vanpool in your area. Valley Metro has a
website to match carpool riders at
Contact your local elected officials and urge them to support a dedicated funding source for transit that provides a reliable revenue stream so that service cuts don’t have to occur in the future. Ask state legislators to
restore the lottery funds that were intended for transit. Encourage members of Congress to at least double
the share of transportation funding given to transit.
Visit for more information about Arizona PIRG and for additional transit tips.
Community Sponsorship
with Fry’s Food Stores
Patrocinación de la
Comunidad con las tiendas
de comida Fry’s
A Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (PRC) le gustaría
agradecerle a las tiendas de comida Fry’s por su generosa
donación de tarjetas de regalo en apoyo a los Jardines CoPhoenix Revitalization Corporation (PRC) would like to munitarios de Central City South. Las tarjetas fueron rethank Fry’s Food Stores for their generous donation of
galadas en una junta organizada por la Escuela de Sostenigift cards in support of the Central City South Commubilidad de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona. La junta fue
nity Gardens. The gift cards were used in a focus group un grupo de enfoque para apoyar a la comunidad de Cenmeeting that the ASU School of Sustainability had in sup- tral City South para obtener un mejor entendimiento de las
port of the Central City South to get a better understand- necesidades de los residentes concierne a los jardines.
ing of resident needs for the gardens. Thank you to all
Muchísimas gracias a todos los que participaron en el gruwho participated in the focus group.
po de enfoque.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 12
HOPE VI Interns
Becarios de HOPE VI
HOPE VI would like to introduce seven Arizona State
University School of Social Work interns who will be
working at the Emmett McLoughlin Community Training and Education Center (CTEC)
for the 2010-11 school year. Dan
Rogers, Mike McKenna, Kenya
Clark, Kenneth Bingham, Michael Greenland, Ariel Carlos
and Beth Justice Cole, started
their placement at HOPE VI in
August. They are working with
residents who live at Henson Village and other City of Phoenix
Public Housing sites. The interns
are gaining experience in assessments, case management and providing resource information and referrals to residents as they help residents
work towards self-sufficiency. They will also be provid-
A HOPE VI le gustaría introducir a siete becarios de la
Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Estatal de
Arizona, quienes empezaran a trabajara en el Centro Comunitario de Educación y Entrenamiento de Emmet
McLoughlin (CTEC) para el año escolar
2010-2011. Dan Rogers, Mike McKenna,
Kenya Clark, Kenneth Bingham, Michael
Greenland, Ariel Carlos y Beth Justice
Cole, empezaron su práctica en HOPE VI
en agosto. Están trabajando con los residentes de Henson Village y con otros sitios de Vivienda Publica de la Ciudad de
Phoenix. Los becarios están obteniendo
experiencia en evaluar, manejo de casos y
en proveer información de recursos y referencias a residentes mientras ayudan a
los residentes en ser auto-suficientes.
También estarán proveyendo talleres y
clases a residentes de la comunidad en CTEC. A HOPE
VI le gustaría darle la bienvenida a los becarios a la comunidad de Central City South. Para obtener mas información sobre las clases que se están ofreciendo en el CTEC,
por favor llame al 602.534.2043.
South Mountain Working to Building, Opportunities, Resources, Knowledge and Skills (W.O.R.K.) is a Coalition
whose goal is to reduce alcohol use among youth (ages
12-20) in the South Mountain Community. The coalition
is working to reduce norms that encourage underage
drinking and reduce the social access youth have in obtaining alcohol. In an effort to reach their goals the Coalition will be launching a media campaign entitled
THINK TWICE! Two main ways youth in South Mountain access alcohol are from taking it from their own
homes or people over the age of 21 buy it for them. The
goal of this campaign is to educate the community on the
consequences of supplying youth with alcohol. The consequences of underage drinking effect everyone, youth,
families, adults, and communitites. There are two parts
to the campaign; Think Twice…Don’t Buy, Don’t Supply and Think Twice…Lock it up! The campaing will be
launched in connection with Red Ribbon Week October
24th-30th, 2010. For more information regarding the Coalition or the Campaign please contact Tina Witkowski at
602.305.7126x3353, [email protected], [email protected] or find us on Facebook.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 13
Marcos de Niza Tenant Council
and Community Block Watch
Address: 305 W. Pima St. Phoenix, AZ 85003
Office/Block Watch Patrol/Voice Mail Cell: (602) 463-8130 Fax: (602) 534-1898
Email - [email protected]) or [email protected]
Tabla ejecutiva:
Wendy Hernandez
Vice President/e
Grace Salinas
`tÜvÉá wx a|ét gxÇtÇà VÉâÇv|Ä
Secretary /taria
Sofia Fernandez
Corresponding Secretary / Secretaria de Correspondencia
Tami Eliserio
1st Treasurer / Tesorero
Maria Avila
2nd Treasurer / Tesorero
Tina Zamora
Sergeant at Arms
Job Salinas Hernandez
Committees & Chairs /
comités y presidentes:
Maria Ávila
CFAA Events/ Eventos
Sofía Fernández
Patrollers /Patrullas
Job Hernández
Newsletter & Flyers
distribution/ Distribución
Informador Y folletos
Tami Eliserio
ECDC Y|xáàtá ctàÜ|tá
dâxxÇ tÇw [xÜ VÉâÜà
TC Fundraising /
Crea Fondos
Maria Ávila
Acts of Kindness/
Hechos de bondad
Wendy Hernández
Youth Ambassadors /
Embajadores Jóvenes
Grace Salinas,
YA Fundraising/
Crea fondos
Grace Salinas;
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 14
Marcos de Niza Tenant Council
and Community Block Watch
Mission / Misión:
Marcos de Niza community takes pride in creating a clean, safe environment through
communication, education, and creative activities for our residents.
La comunidad Marcos de Niza tiene orgullo en creando un ambiente limpio y seguro
por medio de comunica-
Tenant Council or Block Watch Meetings For
Marcos de Niza Residentes only /
Junta de Concilio de Residentes Solo para residentes
Marcos de Niza Community Center - 301 West Pima St. 5:30pm
Tenant Council - October 25, 2010
Block Watch Meeting - November 25, 2010 Be there.
Marcos Community Block Watch Meetings
Juntas Comunitarias de Vigilancia de Vecindad de Marcos
2nd Thrusday / Jueves
EMCTEC - Hope VI 1150 S. 7th Avenue 5:30—7pm
October / octubre no Meetings / no juntas
November / Noviembre 11
Be informed about what is going on with your neighborhood
Venga y sea informado en lo que pasa en su vecindad
Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine Council, Inc.
Call For more information / llame para mas información
Susan Murphy (602) 228-6218 Grace Salinas (602) 463-8130
Shelly Lear (602) 956-7303
1. Develop better communication
2. Active participation with
the Housing Department
3. Promoting resident participation and involvement
4. Develop a Neighborhood
Block Watch program
5. Actively recruiting collaborators and resources
6. To create an outreach,
recruitment volunteer
1. Desarrollar mejor comunicación
2. Participando activamente
con el Departamento de la
3. Promoviendo participación, involucrando a los
4. Desarrollando un programa de BLOCK WATCH
(Vigilancia de la Vecindad)
5. Reclutamiento activo colaboradores y recursos
6. Crear y reclutar una base
New members registrations taken all year. Call for days and times
Las formas de registración están disponibles todo el año.
Llame por las fechas y horas de las juntas
Marcos de Niza Senior Center - 305 West Pima Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007 - 602-262-7249
We invite you to call and check on
future events and activities.
Le Invitamos que llame seguido
para informarse de Eventos Y Actividades futuras
October / November 2010
Come play BINGO
Every Wednesday and Friday 9:30am
Call for the date of the $50 Jackpot
Vengan jugar
Cada Miércoles y Viernes
Llame para el día del premio de $50
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 15
Harmon Library Events
October - November 2010
1325 S. 5th Avenue., Phoenix, AZ 85003
Free programs!
Bilingual Babytime
Tuesdays 11:00-11:45am
October 5, 12, 19, 26 November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Ages birth to 23 months
This program is designed for babies and children from birth to 23 months who are
accompanied by their caregiver. Enjoy time with your very young child sharing books,
Finger plays and songs! Learn some tips for raising a child who loves books. A playtime
follows the program.
Bilingual Family Storytime
Thursdays 11:00-11:30am
October 7, 14, 21, 28 November 4, 18
All ages
This program is designed for children of all ages up to five years old who are
accompanied by their caregiver. Have fun with your child using interactive reading
activities that are presented in English and Spanish. Enjoy a program filled with books,
fingerplays, songs and more!
Exciting Special “Teen Read Month” Program in October!
Wednesday, October 13 4:00-6:00pm
Game Truck – The ultimate in video games!
Teen FUN!
4th Wednesday
Ages 12-18
Join teen favorites like movies, Guitar Hero and the Wii.
Bring a friend or make new ones. Snacks!
October 27 November 24
LTC Movie
2nd Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm
October 13 November 10
Ages 12-18
The Library Teen Council (LTC) plans fun teen events. Watch a movie. Have some
snacks. Make things happen in your library.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 16
Programas de la Biblioteca Harmon
Octubre-Noviembre 2010
1325 S. 5th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85003
¡Todos los programas son gratuitas!
Hora del bebé, ¡bilingüe!: para infantes desde recién nacidos hasta 23 meses junto con la persona
encargada de su cuidado.
Los martes
5, 12, 19, 26 de octubre
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 de noviembre
Inglés / Español
Este programa es particularmente para bebés recién nacidos a niños hasta 23 meses de edad, todos
acompañados por una persona mayor quien los cuida. Gocen de un tiempo especial con sus niños
pequeños mientras comparten libros, juegos de dedos, y canciones. Aprendan maneras de criar
niños para que amen a los libros. Un tiempo para jugar seguirá el programa.
Hora de cuentos para familias: para los niños desde recién nacidos hasta los 5 años de edad, todos
acompañados por un adulto encargado de su cuidado.
Los jueves,
7, 14, 21, 28 de octubre
4, 18 de noviembre
Este programa está presentado para niños de todas edades hasta los cinco años quienes vienen
acompañados por una persona mayor. Diviértanse con sus niños por medio de actividades y
lecturas presentados en inglés y en español. ¡Disfrúten de un programa lleno de libros, juegos de
dedos, canciones y más!
“Teen Read Month” – Ofrecemos un emocionante programa especial para
los jóvenes
durante el mes de octubre:
Miércoles, 13 de octubre
4:00 – 6:00pm “Game Truck” – Un camión grande equipado con muchos
videojuegos divertidos.
Diversión en la tarde [“Teen FUN!”]
El cuarto miércoles del mes
27 de octubre 24 de noviembre
Una tarde de actividades favoritos: películas, Guitar Hero, y el Wii. Trae un amigo o haz unos
nuevos. ¡Refrescos!
Las películas con LTC [Consejo de jóvenes de la biblioteca]
El segundo miércoles del mes
13 de octubre 10 de noviembre
El consejo de jóvenes de la biblioteca (LTC) planifica eventos divertidos para jóvenes. Mira películas,
toma refrescos, y contribuye a que pasen actividades que te gustan en tu biblioteca.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 17
Dining to Donate Event
City of Phoenix Fire Departments
Community Assistance Program
Dine at Applebee’s and
10% of your bill will be donated to
The City of Phoenix
Fire Department
Community Assurance Program
Crisis Response Unit
Event Dates:
October 8, 9, & 10
November 19, 20 & 21
December 17, 18 & 19
Donations apply to:
Food, Beverage,
Car side to-go & Bar Sales
Participating Locations:
2108 E. Baseline Rd. (Phoenix)
2 E. Camelback (Phoenix)
2547 N. 44th Street (Phoenix)
4609 E. Chandler Blvd. (Phoenix)
2720 W. Bell Rd. (Phoenix)
5210 W. Baseline Rd. (Laveen)
Dance Combo - Ballet
Modern / Jazz - Hip Hop
Classes begin:
Saturday, August 7th - November, 20th, 2010
Vernell Coleman Recreation Center
830 W. Tonto, Phoenix, AZ
V.C. Dance Academy
Sign up TODAY!
You must have a current
annual recreation membership card to sign up!
For more information
please call 602.495.5830
The City of Phoenix prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability in its services, programs and activities. Anyone who believes he or she has been discriminated
against may file a complaint with the City of Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department. The City of Phoenix does not carry accident insurance to cover participants. Involvement in any activity is done at the participant's own risk.
October / November 2010
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 18
Opportunities for students
As the school year takes off, I
want to take some time once again
to remind you about the projects
in which my office gives students
opportunities to become engaged
not only in their education, but in
activities that will give them insight and interest in government,
Congress and their community.
The annual Congressional Art
Competition is one of the highlights of each spring. High school
students who live or attend school
in our district are encouraged to
submit their artwork to this competition each year. Arizona’s
youth are a huge source of amazCongressman Ed Pastor
ing, gifted artists. The pieces that
are submitted to the contest each year are extraordinary. Our
young Arizona artists are extremely talented and many of the
winners of the Congressional Art Competition have gone on to
careers as working artists. I have been fortunate to see their
work displayed not only in the Capitol, but also throughout the
Valley, if not the nation.
The art competition’s first place winner will have his or her art
piece hung in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., for a year,
alongside other first place winners from Congressional districts
throughout the country. In addition, the winner and a guardian
is flown to Washington to be recognized at a summer ceremony
on Capitol Hill. The trip to Washington, D.C., is made possible
by the generosity of Southwest Airlines, which donates the
plane tickets, and Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc., which donates
hotel expenses. The contest also is held in cooperation with the
Art Institute of Phoenix, which generously donates scholarships
to the first, second and third place winners.
Congressional internships also are opportunities offered in my
offices. While internships in my office are non-paid, students
benefit by receiving college credits if offered by their university
as they work in my office, plus they learn first-hand about the
federal government at work. Interns assist constituents in resolving problems with federal agencies, represent me at community events and meetings, and have the opportunity to research legislation for constituents. Many industrious interns use
these opportunities to make professional contacts for future employment opportunities and learn how a Congress member
serves his constituents and maneuvers through the political
process on Capitol Hill.
Finally, my office also works with high school students to
nominate them for military academy appointments. The deadline for students who live in our district to request nominations
is Oct. 15. Every member of Congress is given the opportunity
to nominate high school students from his or her district for
such appointments to the U.S. Air Force, Military, Naval, and
Merchant Marine academies.
I encourage students to take a serious look at the pursuit of an
education through a federal service or military academy because they provide excellent higher educational and career opportunities. Applicants must be U.S. citizens at least 17 years of
age, unmarried, childless and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents. In addition, they should be of
good character, have scholarship and leadership skills, physical
aptitude and medical fitness.
More information about these programs is available my contacting my Phoenix office at 602-256-0551.
October / November 2010
Wants to Help Our Brave
Veterans in Need
Are you or someone you know a veteran in need of a
comfortable, affordable place to live?
We can help!
Americans Helping Americans® in partnership with
CRSC Residential is currently offering 50% off market
rate housing at two locations for veterans!
The Cove
Cambridge Court
4030 North 44th Ave. 5145 North 7th St.
Phoenix, AZ, 85031
Phoenix, AZ, 85014
Rent starts as low as $213! Rent starts as low as $235!
To inquire about either property, please contact
The Cove (602) 233-2749
Cambridge Court (602) 277-1940
Americans Helping Americans® is a 501(c)(3) charity,
CFC #11962. For more information on our programs
and services, please visit our website,
Central City South locations
Marcos de Niza Community Center
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mondays starting 13th
Emmett McLoughlin
Mondays starting Sept 27th, Oct 18th,
Nov 1st, 15th, 29th and Dec 6th, 20th
Valley Christian Center
2nd and 4th Saturdays starting Sept 11th
for more information contact
Grace Salinas 602.463.8130
[email protected]
Susan Murphy 602.228.6218
[email protected]
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 19
Crime Free March
Carnival Games
Music & Food
October 16, 2010
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Harmon Park
1425 South 5th Avenue
Join our email list to get new newsletter issues, announcements, invitations and more.

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