fà ]âwx Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - St. Jude Catholic Church


fà ]âwx Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - St. Jude Catholic Church
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Blessed Carlos Manuel Hispanic American Center
Rev. Celestino Gutiérrez, Pastor
Rev. Piotr Zugaj, Parochial Vicar , Rev. Claudio Stewart, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Humberto Alvia, Deacon Walter Brady, Deacon Leonardo Pastore
In your charity please remember in prayer all our families and friends who
are sick or in hospitals or nursing homes, especially for:
Recuerden en sus oraciones a nuestros familiares y amigos que están
enfermos, o en hospitales o asilos de ancianos, en especial por:
Bill Mangan, Frances Sosadeeter, Anthony Figueroa, Diego A. Hernández-Osorio, Wendy Barroso, Maggie Logan, Patricia Spencer, Jack
Turgeon, Jim Styer, Susan St. Denny, Hartley Luckey, Rita Magaro,
Anna Thompson, Patricia Sikeritzky, Linda Hartman.
Mass Intentions /Intenciones de Misa
Mayo 30
Mayo 31
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 4
Also, please continue to pray for all the men and women in service to our
También, continuen rezando por todos los hombres y mujeres que están
sirviendo en las Fuerzas Armadas de nuestro país.
June 5
Activities this Week at St. Jude
Actividades esta Semana en San Judas
Monday, May 30
7:00 a.m.
Praying of the Rosary
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
-Patrick Gorman
-Corine Marie Lichter
-Frank Getzan
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-Juan María Martínez
-Carole Schiavo
-Maurice De Lorenzo
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-Martin Conlon
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-The Di Cicco Family
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-Ken Meya
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-For the intentions of our parishioners
-Ralph Wenner
If you would like to bring the gifts to the Altar on weekend Masses,
Memorial Day - God Bless our Heroes
Office is Closed
Talk to the ushers!
Tuesday, May 31
7:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Praying of the Rosary
Reunión de Emaús - Hombres
Grupo de Matrimonio
Wednesday, June 1
7:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Praying of the Rosary
to 11:00 a.m. Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Clase para Bautismo
(Traer Certificado de Nacimiento)
Grupo de Oración - Oasis de Agua Viva
Portuguese Prayer Group
Friday, June 3
May 30
2 Pt 1:2-7;
Ps 91:1-2,
Mk 12:1-2
May 31
Zep 3:14-18;
Is 12:2-3,
Lk 1:39-56
Praying of the Rosary
Spanish Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, June 2
7:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Praying of the Rosary
to 10:00 a.m. Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Divine Mercy Hour
Youth Group Meeting
Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3,
June 1
Ps 123:1b-2;
Mk 12:18-27
Praying of the Rosary
Baptisms /Bautismos
to 2:00 p.m. - Coffee & Pastries
to 3:00 p.m. Garage Sale
Portuguese Mass
Pe 1:2-7; Sal 91
(90):1-2, 14-16;
Mc 12:1-2
Mayo 31
Sof 3:14-18;
Is 12:2-3,
Lc 1:39-56
Junio 1
2 Tm 1:1-3,
6-12; Sal 123
Mc 12:18-27
Junio 2
2 Tm 2:8-15;
Sal 25
8-10, 14;
Mc 12:28b-34
2 Tm 2:8-15;
Ps 25:4-5ab,
8-10, 14;
Mk 12:28b-34
June 3
Ez 34:11-16;
Ps 23:1-6;
Rom 5:5b-11;
Lk 15:3-7
Junio 3
Ez 34:11-16;
Sal 23 (22):1-6;
Rom 5:5b-11;
Lc 15:3-7
June 4
2 Tm 4:1-8;
1 Sm 2:1,
Lk 2:41-51
Junio 4
2 Tm 4:1-8;
1 Sm 2:1,
Lc 2:41-51
June 5
1 Kgs
Ps 30:2, 4-6,
Gal 1:11-19;
Lk 7:11-17
Junio 5
1 Re 17:17-24;
Sal 30 (29):2,
4-6, 11-13;
Gal 1:11-19;
Lc 7:11-17
Sunday, June 5
Mayo 30
June 2
Saturday, June 4
7:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body
and Blood of Christ
Solemnidad del Santísomo Cuerpo
y Sangre de Cristo
May 29, 2016
29 de Mayo del 2016
Genesis 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17
Psalm 110
Génesis 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lc 9:11b-17;
Salmo 110
Dear Families:
Queridas Familias:
In Jesus, God made himself visible and tangible; of flesh and blood;
corporeal. He knew how important the body is for us as a means of
communication and relationship, and for this reason he also
delivered his body up, in Christ: "...eat this I give you, for it is my
body, this is my blood..." A body, delivered, crucified and bled,
became a living and resurrected body, which no one can
destroy. "Not by bread alone does man live ..." (Deuteronomy 8:4),
he also needs the Word of God alive and close. Jesus tells us: "I am
the living bread that came down from heaven; this is my flesh
for the life of the world" (John 6:51).
Cristo, siendo Dios misterioso, se hizo visible y tangible, se hizo
carne y sangre, se hizo cuerpo. Sabía lo importante que es para
nosotros el cuerpo como medio de comunicación y relación, por eso
también se entregó como cuerpo: “coman de esto que yo les
entrego, pues es mi cuerpo, es mi sangre”. Un cuerpo entregado,
crucificado, despedazado, pero un cuerpo vivo y resucitado, que
nadie podrá destruir. “No solo de pan vive el hombre…” (Deuteronomio 8,4), también necesita la Palabra viva y cercana de Dios. Jesús nos dice: “Yo soy el Pan vivo bajado del cielo;
esta es mi carne que da vida al mundo” (Juan 6,51).
Before eating solids, a child is nourished for nine months in the
womb, and for several weeks after birth. Thus is the child in close
relation to the mother’s body and blood. We can also think that
humans, before sitting down to the final table in heaven, must seek
to be fed with the body and blood of their God. The celebration of
the Eucharist is the umbilical cord by which God conveys His eternal
life. But to enjoy this food, one needs to be hungry; to be aware of
this bread that comes from the mouth and heart of God; to feel that
one is dead when one is not fed from it.
El niño antes de comer alimentos sólidos se nutrió durante nueve
meses y muchas semanas después del cuerpo y la sangre de su
madre. Podemos pensar también que el ser humano, antes de sentarse a la mesa definitiva en el cielo, tiene que buscar ser alimentado
con el cuerpo y la sangre de su Dios. La celebración de la Eucaristía
es el cordón umbilical por el cual Dios nos trasmite su vida eterna. Pero para disfrutar de este alimento, uno necesita tener hambre,
estar pendiente de este pan que sale de la boca y del corazón de
Dios; sentir que no está muerto cuando no se alimenta de él.
To celebrate the feast of the Body of Christ is to recognize that
religion is not limited to pure thoughts and ideas or abstract thinking;
it is something within everyone’s reach. True religion relates us to,
and puts us in touch with the heart of God himself, through
communion with His own body. To carefully meditate on the mystery
of the Eucharist makes me shudder. It is to take God in my hands; to
bring him close to my lips; and to feel his blood invading my veins. It
is to live of Him and in Him. Isn’t this awesome?
Celebrar la fiesta del Cuerpo de Cristo es reconocer que la
religión no se queda en ideas o puros pensamientos y abstracciones; es algo al alcance de todos; la religión nos relaciona, nos
pone en comunicación con el corazón del mismo Dios, a través de
su mismo cuerpo. Pensar detenidamente en el misterio de la
Eucaristía me estremece: es tomar a Dios en mis manos, es
acercarlo a mis labios, es sentirlo invadiendo mis venas con su
sangre, es vivir de él y en él. ¿No es esto demasiado?
This glorious body that allows me to relate to God, also demands
from me to have contact with my brothers and sisters. This is why
St. Augustine reminds us of the significance of these three words:
"Body of Christ" that we hear before receiving Communion:
"Receive what you are and be what you receive”. As a Christian
you are the body of Christ, you are the Church. Express your
appreciation of this belonging by being a useful and loving member
of this Body. Every Mass is the celebration of this mystery. And
without Mass - without the Eucharist and Communion - there is no
Church. Remember what Christ intended when He said: "Do this in
memory of me".
Este cuerpo glorioso que me hace relacionarme con Dios, también
me exige ponerme en contacto con los hermanos: por eso San
Agustín nos recuerda qué significan estas tres palabras “Cuerpo de
Cristo” que oímos antes de recibir la Comunión: “Recibe lo que
eres y sé lo que recibes”. Por ser cristiano eres cuerpo de Cristo,
eres Iglesia. Demuéstralo con el amor siendo miembro tú il y
amoroso de este Cuerpo.
I am sorry to have to call the attention of parents regarding their
children's Communion. Do your children attend Mass after they have
received their First Communion? Sadly we find that many have
stayed behind on the path to Christian maturity, and, deprived of the
spiritual food of Christ, fall prey to the evils of the street. I pray for
May God bless you,
Cada Misa es la celebración de este misterio. Y sin Misa, sin Eucaristía y Comunión no hay Iglesia como la quiso Cristo cuando dijo:
“Hagan esto en memoria mía”.
Lamento tener que llamar la atención a los padres con respecto a la
Comunión de sus hijos: ¿Vienen sus hijos a la Misa después de
haber hecho su Primera Comunión? Tristemente constatamos
que muchos se han quedado atrás en el camino de su madurez
cristiana, y, desposeídos del alimento espiritual de Cristo son fácil
presa de lo malo de la calle. Pido a Dios por ellos.
Que Dios les bendiga,
Padre Celestino, Párroco
Father Celestino, Pastor
Out of respect for the Eucharist, the celebrant priest and for the congregation, please DO NOT leave the Church
right after Communion, but stay until the final Blessing.
Thank you!!
Prayer for Memorial Day
God of power and mercy,
You destroy war and put down earthy pride.
Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears,
That we may all deserve to be called your sons
and daughters.
Keep in your mercy those men and women
Who have died in the cause of freedom
And bring them safely
Reflections of Pope Francis
“To communicate with mercy means to help create a
healthy, free and fraternal closeness among the children of
“To understand, forgive, accompany and integrate. That is
the mindset which should prevail in the Church.”
Reflecciones del Papa Francisco
“La comunicación con misericordia significa ayudar a
crear una cercanía sana, libre y fraternal entre los hijos de
Into your kingdom of jus ce and peace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“El comprender, perdonar, acompañar e integrarse. Esa es la
mentalidad que debe prevalecer en la Iglesia.”
Let Us Know...
If you are going to have surgery or a procedure at the
hospital and would like to receive the Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick; please see a priest after Mass.
Déjenos Saber...
Si usted va a someterse a una operación o un
procedimiento en el hospital y le gustaría recibir el
Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos; favor de ver a
un sacerdote después de la Misa.
May 30
-Memorial Holiday - Office is Closed
June 2
June 3
June 5
June 11-12
June 13
June 16
June 19
-Clase de Bautismo
-Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
-Portuguese Mass
-Food for the Needy Collection
-Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
-Clase para Bautismo
-Fathers Day
-Portuguese Mass
Remember Our Faithful Departed
Recuerden a Nuestros Difuntos
“Remember to turn OFF your cell phone prior to entering the Church”
“Recuerde APAGAR su teléfono celular antes de entrar a la casa del Señor”
When attending Mass, please be mindful…the priest should be the last person to enter the Church… and the first one to leave.
Cuando asista a Misa, por favor recuerde...el sacerdote es la lú tima persona que entra a la Iglesia...y el primero en salir.
Pope Francis prayer intentions for May
General Prayer Intention - That in every country of the world, women may
be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society
may be highly esteemed.
Evangelization Prayer Intention - That families, communities, and groups
may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace.
As of May 15th, the Diocese of Venice
reported $64,760.49 pledged donations,
meeting 40% of 2016 CFA Goal.
Your gifts to the CFA supports the taping and airing of the Diocesan TV Mass for the thousands of
homebound people, nursing homes, assisted living
facilities, prisons, and hospitals who are unable to
physically attend Mass.
Second collection - June 4 & 5
Please give generously.
Intenciones de oración del Papa Francisco para el
mes de Mayo
Intenciones de oración del Papa Francisco para el mes de abril
Intención de Oración General – Que en todos los países del mundo, las
mujeres puedan ser honradas y respetadas y que su contribución a la
sociedad pueda ser altamente valorada.
Intención de Oración de Evangelización – Que las familias, las
comunidades y los grupos puedan rezar el Santo Rosario por la
evangelización y la paz.
A partir del 15 de mayo, la Diócesis de
Venice reportó $64,760.49 en promesas
de Donaciones, alcanzando así el 40%
de la meta CFA para el año 2016.
Sus donaciones a la CFA apoyan la grabación y
emisión de la Misa televisada por la Diócesis
para las miles de personas confinadas a sus
hogares, los hogares de ancianos, los centros de
asistencia, las prisiones y hospitales que no
pueden asistir físicamente a la Misa.
Segunda colecta - 4 & 5 de Junio
Por favor sea generoso.
As part of the 10th Anniversary of our Parish, there will be a Raffle
Como parte de la celebración del Décimo Aniversario de nuestra
of Gift Certificates for the popular Columbia Restaurant on
St. Armand’s Key. First Prize is worth $200 in certificates and
Prize is $150 in certificates.
parroquia, se estará haciendo una rifa de dos certificados del
famoso restaurante en St Armands el “Columbia”.
El primer premio es un certificado por $200 y el segundo premio es
un certificado por $150.
Raffle tickets are on sale following all the Masses and in the Parish
Office. $5 for one, $10 for three. Drawing will be on Father’s day,
June 19th.
Great gifts for Father’s Day or Graduation Presents. Proceeds benefit
our Catholic Faith Appeal Drive.
The Knights of Columbus are invi ng all men of
the Parish 18 years of age and older, to join the Knights
of Columbus. Please contact Reyes Mateo
941-225-9448 for more informa on.
Mee ngs are every 3rd Monday of the month at 7PM
Los boletos estarán a la venta despues de cada Misa y en la
oficina de la parroquia. El costo es de $5 por un boleto y $10 por
tres boletos. La rifa se llevará a cabo el 19 de Junio, día del
Estos premios pueden ser un gran regalo para el Día del
Padre, o regalo de Graduación. Las ganancias recaudadas serán
a beneficiio de nuestra Campaña a la Fe Católica.
Los Caballeros de Colón están invitando a todos los
hombres de la Parroquia de 18 años de edad y
mayores, para unirse a los Caballeros de Colón.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con Roberto Mar nez
al 941-366-0627 para más información.
Las reuniones son los 3ros Lunes del mes a las 7PM
"Cave Quest" Vacation
Bible School
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish,
1301 Center Road, Venice,
is holding the "Cave Quest!
Following Jesus the Light of
the World" Vacation Bible
School, from 9:00 a.m. to
noon on Monday, June 6 to
Friday, June 10. Cost is $15
per child. To register please
contact Elisa Dacey at
Vacation Bible School
North Port Vacation
Bible School
Epiphany Cathedral
Parish, 350 W. Tampa Ave,
Venice, is holding the "Cave
Quest! Following Jesus the
Light of the World" Vacation
Bible School, from 9:00 a.m.
to noon on Monday, June 13
to Friday, June 17. Ground
your kids in a rock solid
foundation of God's love.
Participants must be going
into kindergarten through 5th
grade. Fee per child is $10.
Optional aftercare noon to
5:30 p.m. for a fee. Register
Need prayer?
Please contact Gerry Pate at
San Pedro Parish, 14380
Tamiami Trail, North Port,
will be hosting a Vacation
Bible School from 9:00 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. on Monday,
June 13 to Friday, June 17.
Children ages 5 to 10 are
welcome. Cost is $35. To
register, or for more information contact Anne at
941-426-4729. Necesita una oracion?
Por favor comuníquese con
Martha Rodríguez al 879-6698
A Message from St. Jude Finance Committee
On average, we need $12,375 in weekly offertory
collections to meet our expenses; the
offertory collection for the weekend of:
May 21 & 22 was $11,833.50
Un mensaje del Comité de Finanzas de San Judas
En promedio, necesitamos $12,375 en la colecta de
ofertorio semanal para cubrir nuestros gastos; la colecta
de ofertorio del fin de semana del:
21 y 22 de Mayo fue $11,833.50
May 29
Some say "this is my body" to justify taking a
life by abortion. Christ said, "This is my body,
given for you."
8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Church
Ray Pikulski
Total Collected: 5/22/16 was: $110
Remember St. Jude Parish in your
Estate Planning
29 de Mayo
Algunos dicen "este es mi cuerpo" para
justificar la toma de una vida por el aborto.
Cristo dijo: "Este es mi cuerpo, entregado
por ustedes."
8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. en la Iglesia
Deacon Humberto Alvia, thanks Father Celestino
Gutiérrez and the community of St. Jude Church for
their support and generosity to the Ecuadorian people
in their time of dire need. The Gospel of Luke 3:11
says: He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two
cloaks should share with the person who has
none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” And
that, my brothers and sisters, is what we are called to
practice. May God bless you.
Deacon Humberto Alvia
El Diácono Humberto Alvia, agradece al Padre Celestino
Gutiérrez y a la comunidad de la Iglesia de San Judas por
su apoyo y generosidad al pueblo Ecuatoriano en sus
momentos de extrema necesidad. El Evangelio de San
Lucas 3:11 dice: Respondiendo El, les decía; “El que tiene
dos túnicas que comparta con el que no tiene, y el que
tiene que comer, que haga lo mismo.” Y eso mis
hermanos, es lo que somos llamados a practicar.
Que Dios los bendiga.
We are in need of Eucharis c Ministers to
assist in visita ons to local nursing homes
and the home bound. If interested, please
contact Peg Forte at 941-487-7864.
Help Needed with Fundraising at My
Choice Pregnancy Center
We need your help! Currently we are looking to set up an
event planning/fundraising committee and need volunteers
who would be interested in helping us with several events that
we have coming up this year.
My Choice Pregnancy Center's mission is to assist women
experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. We provide many services including prenatal support, parenting education, life
skills counseling, materials assistance in the form of diapers,
clothes, baby items and referrals to other service providers.
We also offer loving support to women who need to discuss
their feelings about their past abortion experiences.
To learn more about us and to get involved, visit our website
at: www.mychoicepregnancycenter.com
If interested in helping with our fundraising efforts please
call 941-351-3007 or email [email protected].
Diácono Humberto Alvia
Archangels of St Jude will be par cipa ng again in this
retreat in Orlando and need your support. The cost per
youth is $301.50. There are many ways to help, like with
lodging, registra on, meals, transporta on, etc. If you
would like to help, please make your dona on to St Jude
Church and write on the memo area “Archangels of St Jude”
retreat. Any dona on is greatly appreciated.
El grupo de jóvenes “Arcángeles de San Judas” estará
par cipando nuevamente en este re ro en Orlando y
necesita su ayuda. El costo por jóven es de $301.50. Hay
muchas maneras en las que puede ayudar, ya sea con
hospedaje, registro, comidas, transportación, etc. Si
desea ayudar, favor de hacer su donación a la Iglesia de
San Judas y escriba en el área del memo “Arcángeles de
You can use this coupon for your dona on.
San Judas”. Cualquier donación es agradecida.
Puede usar este cupón para su donación.
NAME/NOMBRE: __________________________________
DONATION: $_________________
Cash ______
Check #: ______

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