Aprende a nadar! - River to Coast Children`s Services


Aprende a nadar! - River to Coast Children`s Services
Helping Children Grow
Mission Statement: Our mission is to nurture the healthy
development of children and parents in our community. We offer
resources, referrals and support to families and child care providers
in western Sonoma County.
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Learn to swim!
Swim Lessons Return to west Sonoma County
SESSION 1: August 1-5 at Rio Nido Roadhouse
SESSION 2: August 8-12 at Rio Nido Roadhouse
Ages: 3 years old to adult welcomed to
Choose 1/2 hour classes starting at: 9:00 AM, 9:30: 10:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
Cost $2.00/lesson or $8.00 per entire session
sign up early for a preferred time because SPACE IS LIMITED
Aprende a nadar!
RCCS tendrán clases de natación disponibles la alberca Roadhouse de Rio Nido
Sesión 1: del 1-5 de agosto en la alberca Roadhouse de Rio Nido
Sesión 2: del 8 – 12 de agosto en la alberca Roadhouse de Rio Nido
Edades: ¡de 3 años para arriba, hasta adultos pueden participar!
Escoja clases de media hora empezando de:9:00 AM, 9:30AM, 10:00AM, y 10:30AM, Costo: $8.00
por una sesión entera
Inscríbase pronto para poder obtener el tiempo de su preferencia porque el
espacio es limitado:
Call/Llame a RCCS al 707.869.3613
or email / O mandenos un mensaje por correo electrónico a
[email protected]
Protecting Children from the Sun
Just a few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of skin cancer later in life. Kids don’t
have to be at the pool, beach, or on vacation to get too much sun. Their skin needs protection from the sun’s harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays whenever they’re outdoors.
Seek shade. UV rays are strongest and most harmful during midday, so it’s best to plan indoor activities then.
If this is not possible, seek shade under a tree, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent. Use these options to prevent sunburn,
not to seek relief after it’s happened.
Cover up. Clothing that covers your child’s skin helps protect against UV rays. Although a long-sleeved shirt
and long pants with a tight weave are best, they aren’t
always practical. A T-shirt, long shorts, or a beach coverup are good choices, too—but it’s wise to double up on
protection by applying sunscreen or keeping your child in
the shade when possible.
Get a hat. Hats that shade the face, scalp,
ears, and neck are easy to use and give great protection.
Baseball caps are popular among kids, but they don’t
protect their ears and neck. If your child chooses a cap,
be sure to protect exposed areas with sunscreen.
Wear sunglasses. They protect your child’s eyes
from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts later in life.
Look for sunglasses that wrap around and block as close
to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as possible.
Apply sunscreen. Use sunscreen with at least
SPF 15 and UVA and UVB protection every time your child
goes outside. For the best protection, apply sunscreen
generously 30 minutes before going outdoors. Don’t
forget to protect ears, noses, lips, and the tops of feet.
Cool and cloudy? Children still need protection. UV rays,
not the temperature, do the damage. Clouds do not block
UV rays, they filter them—and sometimes only slightly.
Take sunscreen with you to reapply during the day,
especially after your child swims or exercises. This
applies to waterproof and water-resistant products as
Follow the directions on the package for using a sunscreen
product on babies less than 6 months old. All products do
not have the same ingredients; if your or your child’s
skin reacts badly to one product, try another one or call
a doctor. Your baby’s best defense against sunburn is
avoiding the sun or staying in the shade.
Keep in mind, sunscreen is not meant to allow kids to
spend more time in the sun than they would otherwise.
Try combining sunscreen with other options to prevent
UV damage.
Too Much Sun Hurts
Warning: Even a few serious sunburns can increase your
child’s risk of getting skin cancer.
Getting sunburnt? Unprotected skin can be damaged by
the sun’s UV rays in as little as 15 minutes. Yet it can
take up to 12 hours for skin to show the full effect of
sun exposure. So, if your child’s skin looks “a little pink”
today, it may be burned tomorrow morning. To prevent
further burning, get your child out of the sun.
Tan? There’s no other way to say it—tanned skin is
Any change in
the color of your
child’s skin after
whether sunburn
i n d i c a t e s
damage from UV
Oops! Kids often get sunburned when they are outdoors
unprotected for longer than expected. Remember to
plan ahead, and keep sun protection handy—in your car,
bag, or child’s backpack.
Cómo proteger a los niños del sol
Tan solo unas cuantas quemaduras solares graves pueden
aumentar el riesgo de que su hijo contraiga cáncer de
piel en la edad adulta. Los niños no necesitan estar
en la piscina, en la playa o de vacaciones para recibir
demasiado sol. La piel de los niños debe estar protegida
de los dañinos rayos ultravioleta (UV) siempre que los
niños estén al aire libre.
Busque la sombra. La radiación ultravioleta es
más intensa y perjudicial cerca del mediodía, así
que durante esas horas es mejor planear actividades
que no sean al aire libre. Si eso no es posible, hay
que resguardarse bajo la sombra de un árbol, una
sombrilla o una carpa. Estas precauciones son para
prevenir las quemaduras solares, no para aliviarlas.
Cúbralos. Las prendas de vestir que cubren la
piel de su hijo ayudan a protegerlo de los rayos
ultravioleta. Aunque es mucho mejor usar una camisa
de manga larga y pantalones largos de tela de tejido
cerrado, esta no siempre es la opción más práctica.
Una camiseta, pantalones cortos tipo bermuda o
una capa de baño también son adecuados; pero es
prudente reforzar la protección aplicándole filtro
solar al niño o manteniéndolo en la sombra cuando
sea posible.
Póngales un sombrero. Los sombreros que cubren
el rostro, la cabeza, las orejas y el cuello son fáciles
de usar y ofrecen una protección excelente. A los
niños les gusta usar gorras de béisbol, pero éstas no
protegen las orejas ni el cuello. Si su hijo prefiere
las gorras, asegúrese de proteger las áreas expuestas
con un filtro solar.
Haga que usen gafas de sol. Las gafas de sol protegen
los ojos de su hijo de los rayos ultravioleta, que con
el tiempo pueden causar cataratas. Busque gafas que
protejan los lados del rostro y que bloqueen casi el
100% de los rayos UVA y UVB.
Póngales filtro solar. Siempre que su hijo esté
al aire libre, aplíquele filtro solar con un factor de
protección solar o FPS de por lo menos 15 y que
proteja contra los rayos UVA y UVB. Para gozar de
una máxima protección, aplíquele al niño abundante
filtro solar 30 minutos antes de salir al aire libre. No
olvide aplicarle el filtro en las orejas, nariz, labios y
en la parte superior de los pies.
Tampoco olvide llevar consigo el filtro solar para volver
a aplicárselo durante
el día, en particular
después de que el niño
nade o haga ejercicio.
productos a prueba de
agua y resistentes al
Siga las instrucciones
del envase para el uso
del filtro solar en bebés
menores de 6 meses de edad. No todos los productos
tienen los mismos ingredientes; si su piel o la de su hijo
tiene una reacción adversa al filtro solar, cambie de
producto o consulte con su médico. La mejor forma de
proteger a su bebé de las quemaduras solares es evitar el
sol o permanecer en la sombra.
Tenga presente que el objetivo del filtro solar no es
permitir que los niños pasen más tiempo de lo habitual al
sol. Trate de combinar el uso del filtro solar con las otras
opciones indicadas anteriormente para evitar los daños
que pueden causar los rayos UV.
Demasiado sol es dañino
Advertencia: Tan solo unas cuantas quemaduras graves
pueden aumentar el riesgo de que su hijo contraiga
cáncer de piel
¿Coloradito? En tan solo 15 minutos, la piel desprotegida
puede sufrir daños a causa de los rayos UV. Sin embargo,
pueden pasar hasta 12 horas para que se noten en su
totalidad los efectos de la exposición al sol. Así que, si
la piel de su hijo se nota hoy “algo colorada”, al día
siguiente por la mañana podría verse quemada. Para
evitar que su niño se siga quemando, resguárdelo del sol.
¿Tiene bronceada la piel? Lo cierto es que piel bronceada
es piel lesionada. Cualquier cambio en la coloración de la
piel de su hijo después de haber estado al aire libre, ya
sea por quemadura solar o bronceado, es una señal del
daño causado por los rayos UV.
¿Un día fresco y nublado? Aún así, los niños necesitan
protección. Son los rayos UV, no la temperatura, lo que
causa el daño. Las nubes no bloquean los rayos UV sino
que los filtran, y a veces solo ligeramente.
¡Uy! Con frecuencia, los niños sufren
quemaduras solares cuando están
al aire libre sin protección
durante más tiempo de lo
anticipación y tenga la
protección solar siempre
a mano, en su auto,
bolso o en la mochila
del niño.
Free Parenting Group
Summer Sessions
starts June 25, 2011
THUrSDAY evenings at 6:00 PM
at river to Coast Children’s Services
16300 1st. St., downtown Guerneville
(on the corner of 1st and Church St.)
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Here is a chance to practice simple strategies
in a group that offers a safe, non-judgmental
environment , simple strategies you may
not have thought of. Find out what works for
EVERY parent. Learn simple ways to improve
the relationship with your children, maintain
control of your household and increase your
children’s cooperation.
Call 865-1200 Ext. 103 & join us.
Facilitated by D. Breeze Holloway MA, MFTI #62525
Enchanted Wine Country Evening Success!
The 6th annual Enchanted Wine Country Evening hosted
by Korbel Champagne Cellars, in their beautiful events
garden, was a sold-out success. The weather was perfect
for this outdoor dinner/dance/auction fundraiser for
The dinner, silent, and “loud” auction netted over $14,000
to support programs and services in west Sonoma County.
It was a truly fabulous evening, The food was great, the
music excellent and with enthusiastic bidders on all the
items donated. (see page 5 for a complete listing of all
the individuals and businesses who donated items for the
Because RCCS is celebrating its 35th
year in operation, Donna Roper, our
executive director, gave all a quick
history of the agency and presented
personalized pickets to some of
RCCS’s long-time supporters:
Dominic Maccario, Brian Plaugher,
Walter Leiss, Frank Howard Allen
Realtors (Guerneville office), and
Fran Levy, for 25 years of service.
Our sincere thanks to all who
attended and donated to the
evenings success!
Desired Results Developmental
Profiles: Information for Providers
and Parents
The Desired Results Developmental Profile
(DRDP) is an assessment tool used to measure
various aspects of a child’s development. The
DRDP Assessment Tool (see sample below) is
used to document a child’s progress in the
assessment areas. These results are then
discussed with the provider, and offered
to the parent, so that they may plan
developmentally appropriate activities to
build each child’s strengths and develop any
areas of challenge.
This kit was made to address some areas of need that were revealed by our composite scores in the DRDPS in
the area of pre math learning skills. This particular kit is designed specifically for toddlers. We plan to take
it to providers and children and model the use of these toys in a play based learning environment. We have
other pre math kits designed for toddlers and school aged children.
Our toy library offers these and other toys that the providers can borrow to use in their homes. We feature
curriculum kits in many areas of curriculum designed to be age appropriate in a play based learning environment. The kits are designed to be mindful of the FCCRS and DRDP assessment tools. Most of the kits include
theme based information for providers and parents that offer ways to extend the learning activities for children. Our monthly provider workshops are designed to address the areas of need from the FCCRS, and DRDP
results as well.
Once a year, an RCCS Child
Specialist (CDRS), Mendy
Behrens, Cara Colombo or
Olga King, compiles the
most recent DRDP results
for the RCCS-subsidized
children in each Family
Child Care Home in the
Family Child Care Home
analyzes the data and
outlines an individualized
summary of strengths
and areas to develop
according to the children’s
specific needs within each
FCC home (Summary of
Findings). The CDRS then
shares the
with the child’s care
provider and parent(s).
The CDRS offers resources
and information to help
implement any changes.
! Desired Result 2: Children are effective learners
! Indicator: MATH — Preschoolers demonstrate competence in real-life mathematical concepts
Measure 22: Number sense: Understands quantity and counting
Definition: Child uses number names to represent quantities and counts increasingly larger sets of objects
1. Mark the highest developmental level the child has mastered.
Uses numbers up to three to
describe quantities without
Correctly recites numbers in
order up to five
Counts at least five objects
correctly, without counting
an object more than once
Counts at least ten objects
Not yet at first level
“I only have one cookie. I want two.”
“I see three dogs.”
Recites the numbers 1 to 5 correctly.
Brings two cups to the sand table when adult
asks for them.
Counts five bears in a story book, “1, 2, 3, 4,
5—there are five bears.”
Brings the correct number of plates when an
adult asks for six more plates for the snack
When playing a board game with dice, rolls
five, then counts five spaces while advancing
her game piece.
Paints a picture of ten flowers, then counts the
flowers and correctly indicates how many there
Counts objects up to 13 during small group
time, “I have 13 bears.”
During small group for math, wants to see how
many children are in the group, and counts
eleven children correctly.
Sample page from the DRDP assessment tool for math for preschoolers
2. Record evidence for this rating here. (Use back for more space.)
Measure 22
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level.
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain why.
Number sense: Understands quantity and counting
DRDP-R Copyright © 2006 CDE – All rights reserved
(of 7)
Korbel Enchanted Wine Counrty Evening
a fantastic success Thanks to our Donors!
Arrowood Vineyards Winery
B. R. Cohn Winery
Balletto Vineyards
Clos Du Bois
Field Stone Winery
Fritz Winery
Graton Ridge Cellars
Hafner Vineyards
Hartford Winery
Harvest Moon Winery
Kenwood Winery
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Ledson Winery
Moshin Vineyards
Ravenswood Winery
Raymond Burr Vineyards
Robert Hunter Winery
Robledo Family Winery
Silver Oaks Cellar
St. Francis Winery
Taft Street Winery
Valley of the Moon Winery
VJB Vineyards And Cellars
Wild Hog Vineyard
Anchor Brewing Company
Aquarium of the Bay
John Ash
BBQ Smokehouse
Beau Wine Tours and Limousine Service
Donald Canaday
Efren Carrillo
Clover Stornetta
Cold Stone Creamery
Arthur Court/Sandy Konde
de Young Museum, Golden Gate Park
Flavor Bistro
Getaway Adventures/Wine Country Bike Tours
Guittard Chocolate
Peter Halstead
Harmony Farm Supple & Nursery
Harvey Henningsen
Hilton Sonoma Wine Country
Jimtown Store
Kozlowski Farms
La Tortilla Factory
Little River Inn and Restaurant
Dominic Maccario
Madrona Manor
Phil McGauley
Laura Lee McConneil
Michael Nicholls
Northwood Golf Course
Oakland A’s
Osmosis Enzyme Bath & Massage
Raindance Spa - The Lodge at Sonoma
Rainforest Café
Connie Schlabach
Snoopy’s Redwood Empire Ice Arena
The Redwoods In Yosemite
Twin Pines Casino and Hotel
Turov Art Ceramics
Wells Fargo Center for the Arts
Whole Foods Market
Following are the names of
River to Coast Children’s Services
Staff and their phone number extensions.
(707) 869-3613 / from the Sonoma Coast 1-800994-3613
Donna Roper (Executive Director) 111
Kellie Nunez(Operations Manager) 105
Andy Hilldale (Bookkeeper) 106
Sally Ingram (Case Management Coordinator) 109
Soledad Cardona (Family Case Manager) 107
Tess Lowe (Family Case Manager) 114
Rosie Hernandez (Family Case Manager) 110
Mendy Behrens (Child Development Resource
Specialist) 117
Cara Colombo (Child Development Resource
Specialist) 112
Olga King (Child Development Resource Specialist)
Elaina Boyce (Community Resources Coordinator,
Newsletter Editor) 104
Vesta Griffith (Office/Reception) Front Desk Staff
Breeze Holloway, Counseling Intern. For an
appointment, please leave message & phone number
at extension 153 and Breeze will return your call.
Every three years RCCS goes through a detailed contracts
Here is what our State Department of Education audit by the California Department of Education. At the
end of this year’s contract monitoring review, our State
program auditor had to say about RCCS:
Consultant had this praise in her findings report:
“The review of River to Coast Children’s Services reflects the well coordinated efforts of a very
dedicated team who are affecting children and families everyday. The “river-to-coast” community is
fortunate to have such an established agency available to access resources to support the well-being
of children and their families.
All items reviewed in the Child Development Instrument are in compliance. It has been a pleasure
to learn more about the people behind the scenes and as a consequence, now absolutely understand
why full compliance is achieved. The passion, partnered with the knowledge about child and family
development reflects in thoughtful practices and a true commitment to excellence. Thank you for your
work in the variety of roles you all fulfill to be such a solid anchor in Guerneville and its surrounding
This programs’ assessment sums up River to Coast Children’s Services perfectly! AND, by supporting our work,
donors such as yourself are an important part of the RCCS team. Thank You.
RCCS Welcomes Andy Hilldale
Andy joined RCCS full time in June, taking over all those attendance sheets, parent
fees and “accidental techie” jobs that Fran Levy has managed so capably for the
last 25 years. With over 25 years of bookkeeping experience himself, he is primed to
carry on with the excellent service providers and parents have historically received
from RCCS.
Fran showing Andy Hilldale the
in and outs of attendance sheets
Andy comes to RCCS from the tree care industry where he worked as the office
manager for a locally owned business. His background includes forestry and
commercial fishing. Currently residing in Cazadero, he spends his free time
motorcycling, kayaking and woodturning. He is a member of the Russian River Rotary
and enjoys serving our community.
after 25 years helping RCCS families, Fran Levy
Bids RCCS Farewell!
Twenty five years ago, when River Child Care ran a child care center, Fran Levy started
working with us. She helped in the preschool program and worked part time as a
bookkeeper. The books were kept with paper and pencil. Providers getting reimbursed
turned in attendance sheets, and all of the work was done without the convenience
of computers.
Talk about change! Computers came to RCCS, and Fran became the “Accidental
Techie” and the go-to person for all things computer related! Not only is everything
the old Kendall house
RCCS rented, is totally
renovated and now belongs to RCCS; we not longer
provide direct child care services; and our service area
has expanded up the coast and into Santa Rosa.
Aloha Fran! RCCS won’t be
the same without you...
Fran has seen it all! She has stuck by this agency
through thick and thin – through many providers,
Executive Directors and supervisors. She has always
had a “can do” attitude and goes out of her way to
help her colleagues.
We wish her the best of luck! We wish her
Aloha, not Goodbye...
Jerry Brown
State Capitol Building Ste 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
FAX: (916)445-4633
Email: gov.ca.gov/interact
Senator Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery Street, Ste 240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 403-0100
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Email: [email protected]
Senator Diane Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Government Officials
Email: www.house.gov/woolsey
Phone: (415) 393-0707
Email: [email protected].
Representative Mike Thompson
240 Main Street, Ste 101
Napa, CA 94959
Phone: (707)226-9898
Fax: (707)251-9800
Email: [email protected].
Representative Lynn Woolsey
1101 College Avenue, Ste 400
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 542-7182
Fax: (707) 542-2745
State Senator Mark Leno
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Ste 14800
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 557-1300
Fax: (415) 557-1252
Email:[email protected]
State Senator Noreen Evans
50 D Street, Suite 120 A
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2771
Fax: (707) 576-2773
Email: [email protected]
Assemblyman Wes Chesbro
Government Officials
Government Officials
50 D Street, Ste 450
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2526
Fax: (707) 576-2297
Email: [email protected]
Assemblywman Michael Allen
50 D Street, Suite 301
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 546-4500
Fax: (707) 546-9031
Click here to contact via email.
Assemblyman Jared Huffman
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (707)938-8157
Fax: (415)479-2123
Email: [email protected]
Government Officials
La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES respeta la preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de escoger el cuidado de niños es de los
padres. Asistimos a los padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de cuidado de niños que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado de niños. Una
recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía de calidad. Les pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista cuidadosa y que examinen las recomendaciones antes
de que dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona.
Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas previas de una casa o centro con licencia para cuidar niños, pueden llamar a Community Care Licensing tel.
our referral policy
River to coast children’s services’ referral policy is based on respecting parental choice. Responsibility for selecting child care rests with each parent. RCCS assists
parents in finding the widest range of available child care and offers information to help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S
SERVICES referral is not a recommendation or a guarantee of quality care. Parents should carefully interview and check references of potential child care providers
before leaving a child in their care.
For Information on all licensed family child care homes and centers call Community Care Licensing at 707.588.5026
[email protected]  http://www.rccservices.org
River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613.
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
River to Coast Children’s Services now offers
Kindergym in Forestville!
Starting Wednesday, Feb 2, 2011
When: Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to Noon
Where: The United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road (near the intersection
of Hwy 116 and Covey Road in downtown Forestville)
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by
their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community
resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development,
Health, Nutrition and Safety.
FREE! But donations are gladly accepted!
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece ahora
Kindergym en Forestville!
A partir Miércoles, 02 de febrero 2011
Call 869.3613 for more
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener
más información
Helping Children Grow
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Cuándo: Los Miércoles 9:30 AM hasta el mediodía
Dónde: En la Iglesia Metodista Unida, 6550 Covey Road
(cerca de la intersección de la carretera 116 y calle Covey
en el centro de Forestville)
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño
debe estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o
adulto proveedor de cuidado de niños
Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con
recursos de la comunidad, aprendiedo
técnicas de crianza, y lo última sobre
el Desarrollo del Niño, Salud, Nutrición
y Seguridad.
GRATIS! Pero las donaciones son aceptadas con gusto.
CERRADA for Independence Day!
‹‹ 7/4 & 5: NO KINDERGYM IN
‹‹ 7/5: Attendance sheets due in
RCCS by 5 PM / Hoy es el día
límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a
las 5 PM
‹‹ 7/6: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 7/11 & 12: Kindergym in
‹‹ 7/12: Parent, Provider and
Program (PPP) Committee meets
at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call Soledad
at 869.3613 x 107 y El Comité de
Padres, Proveedores y Programas
(PPP) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en
RCCS. Por favor llamar a Soledad al
707-869-3613 x 107
‹‹ 7/13: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 7/20: Outreach Committee
meeting 5:30 PM at RCCS / El
comité de publicidad de RCCS se
réune de 5:30 PM en RCCS
‹‹ 7/18 & 19: Kindergym in
‹‹ 7/18: Provider Payday / Día de
pago de los proveedores
‹‹ 7/20: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 7/25 & 26: Kindergym in
‹‹ 7/27: Kindergym in Forestville
July Calendar
Calendario Julio
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
River to Coast Children’s Services offers
Kindergym in Guerneville
When: Monday and Tuesday from 9:45 AM to 12:20 PM
Where: The Guerneville Veterans’ Hall , corner of 1st and Church Street in
downtown Guerneville.
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by
their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community
resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development,
Health, Nutrition and Safety. FREE! But donations gladly accepted
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece
Kindergym en Guerneville!
Call 869.3613 for more
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener
más información
Helping Children Grow
Cuándo: Lunes y martes empezando a las 9:45 AM hasta 12:00
Dónde: En el Guerneville Veterans’ Hall, en la esquina de
1st y Calle Church.
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño debe
estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o adulto
proveedor de cuidado de niños
Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con recursos
de la comunidad, aprendiedo técnicas de
crianza, y lo última sobre el Desarrollo del
Niño, Salud, Nutrición y Seguridad.
GRATIS, pero las donaciones son aceptada con
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
END of the Fiscal Year Reminder from Fran! To all Contracted Providers:
June 30th is the end of our Fiscal year. It is extremely important that June attendance sheets are
submitted on time, in the office by 5 PM on July 5th.
Attendance sheets received after July 5th through July 31st may be paid late. Attendance sheets
receided more than one month late may not be paid. However, there are occasional times when
circumstances deem it financially necessary for the agency to waive this rule.
AND, a reminder to subsidized parents: Make sure you discuss any needed
summer changes in your child’s care schedule with your Family Case Manager in advance of
these changes.
P.O. Box 16
Guerneville, CA 95446
Celebrating 35 years of
service to children & families.
visit us online at http:www.rccservices.org
River to Coast Children’s Services
River to Coast Children’s Services
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
River to Coast Children’s Services
Sirviendo el Oeste del Condado de Sonoma
River to Coast Children’s Services
Serving west Sonoma County with:
Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños
Recursos para los Niños y sus Familias
Apoyo para los Proveedores del Cuidado de
Ayuda Monetaria para el Cuidado de Niños
Programa de suministros de Emergencia
Gimnasio para Niños en Guerneville
Programa de Asientos de Seguridad
Programa de Conserjería
Help paying for child care
Referrals for child care
Resources for children and their families
Support for child care providers
Emergency Resources Program
Kindergym and Infantgym in Guerneville
Car Safety Seat Program
Counseling Program for children and their
Printed with funds provided by the California Department of Education

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