Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services


Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services
Helping Children Grow
February 2011 Febrero
Mission Statement: Our mission is to nurture the healthy
development of children and parents in our community. We offer
resources, referrals and support to families and child care providers
in western Sonoma County.
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
We Can! Try Tips To Eat Well and Move
Choose to take small steps today! Try these tips to
eat well and move more and see how easy taking
small steps toward a healthier life can be.
Eating Well (ENERGY IN)
1. Drink water before a meal.
2. Eat half your dessert, or choose fruit as dessert.
3. Avoid food portions larger than your fist.
4. Drink diet soda instead of regular soda.
5. Eat off smaller plates.
6. Don’t eat late at night.
7. Skip buffets.
8. Grill, steam, or bake instead of frying.
9. Share an entree with a friend.
10.Eat before grocery shopping.
11.Choose a checkout line without a candy display.
12.Make a grocery list before you shop.
13.Drink water or low-fat milk over soda and other
sugary drinks.
14.Flavor foods with herbs, spices, and other lowfat seasonings.
15.Keep to a regular eating schedule.
16.Eat before you get too hungry.
17.Don’t skip breakfast.
18.Stop eating when you are full.
19.Snack on fruits and vegetables.
20.Top your favorite cereal with apples or bananas.
21.Include several servings of whole-grain foods
22.If main dishes are too big, choose an appetizer
or a side dish instead.
23.Ask for salad dressing “on the side.”
24.Don’t take seconds.
25.Try a green salad instead of fries.
26.Eat sweet foods in small amounts.
27.Cut back on added fats or oils in cooking or
28.Cut high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate
into small pieces and only eat a few pieces.
29.Use fat-free or low-fat sour cream, mayo, sauces, dressings, and other condiments.
30.Replace sugar-sweetened beverages with water
and add a twist of lemon or lime.
31.Every time you eat a meal, sit down, chew slow-
ly, and pay attention to flavors and textures.
32.Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had jicama,
plantain, bok choy, star fruit, or papaya?)
33.Instead of eating out, bring a healthy, low-calorie lunch to work.
34.Ask your sweetie to bring you fruit or flowers
instead of chocolate
Moving More (ENERGY OUT)
1. Walk your children to school.
2. Take a family walk after dinner.
3. Join an exercise group and enroll your children
in community sports teams or lessons.
4. Replace a Sunday drive with a Sunday walk.
5. Do yard work. Get your children to help rake,
weed, plant, etc.
6. Get off the bus a stop early and walk.
7. Work around the house. Ask your children for
help doing active chores.
8. Walk the dog to the park.
9. Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV.
10.Pace the sidelines at kids’ athletic games.
11.Choose an activity that fits into your daily life.
Being physically active with your family is a
great way to spend time together.
12.Park farther from the store and walk.
13.Use an exercise video with your kids if the
weather is bad.
14.Avoid labor-saving devices, such as a remote
control or electric mixers.
15.Play with your kids 30 minutes a day.
16.Dance to music. Play your favorite dance music
for your children and have them play their favorites for you.
17.Make a Saturday morning walk a family habit.
18.Walk briskly in the mall.
19.Choose activities you enjoy—you’ll be more likely to stick with them. Ask children what activi-
ties they want to do.
20.Explore new physical activities.
21.Acknowledge your efforts with non-food related
rewards, such as a family day at the park, lake,
or zoo.
22.Take the stairs instead of the escalator.
23.Swim with your kids.
24.Turn off the TV and play ball at the park.
25.Take your dog on longer walks.
26.When walking, go up the hills instead of around
27.Use a family activity planner to make time each
day for activity.
28.Buy a set of hand weights and play a round of
Simon Says with your kids—you do it with the
weights, they do it without
¡Si Podemos! Trate los consejos para comer
sano y moverse más
Elija dar pequeños pasos hoy! Pruebe estos consejos
para comer bien y moverse más y vera lo fácil que
puede ser tomar pequeños pasos hacia una vida más
Comer Bien (Fuente de ENERGÍA)
1. Beba agua antes de cada alimento.
2. Coma la mitad de su postre, o elija la fruta como
3. Evite las porciones de comida más grandes que su
4. Tome bebidas gaseosas de dieta en lugar de sodas
5. Coma en platos más pequeños.
6. No coma tarde en la noche.
7. Evite los buffets.
8. Cocine en el asador, al vapor o al horno en vez de
9. Comparta su platillo con un amigo.
10. Coma antes de hacer las compras de comestibles.
11. Elija una caja registradora sin estante de dulces.
12. Haga una lista de comestibles antes de comprar.
13. Beba agua o leche baja en grasa en vez de refrescos
y otras bebidas azucaradas.
14. Sazone los alimentos con hierbas, especies y otros
condimentos bajos en grasa.
15. Mantenga un horario regular de alimentación.
16. Coma antes de sentirse demasiado
17. No deje de
comer desayuno.
18. Pare de
comer cuando
está lleno.
19. Coma frutas
y verduras como
20. Agregue a su cereal
favorito manzanas o
21. Incluya varias
porciones de alimentos
integrales al día.
22. Si los platillos
principales son
demasiado grandes, mejor
elija un aperitivo.
23. Pida los aderezos para ensaladas “aparte.”
24. No se sirva doble.
25. Trate una ensalada verde en lugar de papas fritas.
26. Coma alimentos dulces en pequeñas cantidades.
27. Reduzca el consumo de grasas añadidas,
mantequillas y aceites en alimentos
28. Corte en pedazos pequeños los alimentos altos en
calorías como el queso y el chocolate y sólo coma unas
pocas piezas.
29. Use crema agria, mayonesa, salsas, aderezos y otros
condimentos bajos o sin grasa
30. Reemplace las bebidas endulzadas por agua y añada
un toque de limón.
31. Cada vez que usted coma, siéntese, mastique
lentamente, y preste atención a los sabores y texturas.
32. Pruebe una nueva fruta o vegetal (alguna vez ha
comido jícama, col china, fruta de estrella, o papaya?)
33. En lugar de salir a comer, lleve un almuerzo
saludable, bajo en calorías para su trabajo.
34. Pídale a su ser querido que le traiga frutas o flores
en lugar de chocolates
Más movimiento (usando la energía)
1. Camine con sus hijos a la escuela.
2. Camine con su familia después de cenar.
3. Únase a un grupo de ejercicio e inscriba a sus hijos en
equipos de deportes o lecciones de la comunidad.
4. Reemplace un paseo en carro en domingo con una
caminata familiar.
5. Trabaje en el jardín. Pídale a sus hijos que ayuden a
rastrillar, quitar maleza, plantar, etc.
6. Bájese del autobús una parada antes y camine.
7. Trabaje alrededor de la casa. Pídale a sus hijos que
ayuden a los quehaceres activos.
8. Pasee al perro en el parque.
9. De un paseo de media hora en lugar de ver televisión.
10. Mantenga el mismo ritmo que los juegos atléticos de
los niños.
11. Elija una actividad que encaje en su vida diaria. La
actividad física con su familia es una gran manera de
pasar tiempo junto.
12. Estaciónese más lejos de la tienda y camine.
13. Utilice un video de ejercicios con sus hijos, si el
tiempo es lluvioso o frió.
14. Evite los dispositivos de ahorro de mano de obra,
tales como un control remoto o batidoras eléctricas.
15. Juegue con sus hijos 30 minutos al día.
16. Baile con la música. Escuche la música de baile
favorita y deje que sus hijos bailen para usted con su
música favorita.
17. Haga una caminata en las mañanas del sábado como
un hábito familiar.
18. Camine rápidamente en el centro comercial.
19. Escoja actividades que disfrute, es más probable
continuarlas. Pregunte a los niños cuáles son las
actividades que quieren hacer.
20. Explore nuevas actividades físicas.
21. Reconozca sus esfuerzos con recompensas no
relacionadas con la alimentación, como un día en
familia en el parque, lago, o zoológico.
22. Tome las escaleras convencionales en lugar de la
escalera eléctrica.
23. Nade con sus hijos.
24. Apague la televisión y juegue pelota en el parque.
25. Lleve a su perro en caminatas más largas.
26. Al caminar, suba las colinas en lugar de a su
27. Use un calendario de actividades familiares para
hacer tiempo cada día para la actividad física.
28. Compre un conjunto de pesas de mano y juegue una
ronda de “Simón dice” con sus hijos y hágalo con y sin
Spanish translation by rosie hernandez and Soledad Cardona, RCCS
Gift Programs Success! Thanks to our Donors
Darlene Kersnar
J. Anthony Mountain
McT’s Bull Pen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D’Elia
Mr. Michael Nicholls
Nichae Blume
Main St. Station
Applewood Inn and Spa
Russian River Chamber of Commerce
Over 400 West County children received gifts for
the Holidays because the following Individuals
and organizations cared:
‹‹ Parish members from St. Elizabeth, St Colman’s
and St Catherine Catholic Churches
‹‹ Christmas Unlimited / Welfare League Santa Rosa
‹‹ Secret Santa Program & the Volunteer Center of
Sonoma County
‹‹ Clients of Frank Howard Allen Realtors & Connie
‹‹ Clients of WestAmerica Bank, Guerneville
‹‹ USMC Reserves Toys for Tots & Steve Bosshard
‹‹ Russian River Fire Department Toys for Kids
‹‹ Duckhorn Vineyards Napa
‹‹ Active 20/30 Club Sebastopol #63
‹‹ Lark’ Drugs, Guerneville
‹‹ WCCS Adopt-a-Family program funders
‹‹ Metropolitan Church, Guerneville
2/1: Kindergym in Guerneville
2/2: Kindergym in Forestville
1/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM y Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM
2/7 and 8: Kindergym in Guerneville
2/9: Kindergym in Forestville
2/8: Parent, Provider and Program (PPP) Committee meets at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call Soledad at 869.3613
x 107 y El Comité de Padres, Proveedores y Programas (PPP) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor
llamar a Soledad al 707-869-3613 x 107
2/14 and 2/15: Kindergym in Guerneville
2/16: Kindergym in Forestville
2/16: Provider and Parents Workshop,“Substance Abuse in the Family” y Taller de proveedores y padres,
“Abuso de Sustancias en la Familia”, 6:15 to 8:15 PM, at/en RCCS, RSVP Mendy or Olga at 869-3613
2/18: Provider Payday y Día de pago de los proveedores
2/21: Presidents’ Day, Office Closed y oficina cerrada para a Dia de los Presidentes
2/21 and 22: NO Kindergym in Guerneville
2/23: Kindergym in Forestville
2/23: Board of Directors meeting y Mesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:30 at RCCS
2/23: Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 PM at RCCS y El comité de publicidad de RCCS se réune de
5:30 PM en RCCS
2/28: Kindergym
Calendar February 2011 Febrero Calendario
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
River to Coast Children’s Services now offers
Kindergym in Forestville!
Starting Wednesday, Feb 2, 2011
When: Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to Noon
Where: The United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road (near the intersection
of Hwy 116 and Covey Road in downtown Forestville)
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by
their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community
resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development,
Health, Nutrition and Safety.
FREE! But donations are gladly accepted!
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece ahora
Kindergym en Forestville!
A partir Miércoles, 02 de febrero 2011
Helping Children Grow
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Call 869.3613 for more
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener
más información
Cuándo: Los Miércoles 9:30 AM hasta el mediodía
Dónde: En la Iglesia Metodista Unida, 6550 Covey Road
(cerca de la intersección de la carretera 116 y calle Covey
en el centro de Forestville)
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño
debe estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o
adulto proveedor de cuidado de niños
Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con
recursos de la comunidad, aprendiedo
técnicas de crianza, y lo última sobre
el Desarrollo del Niño, Salud, Nutrición
y Seguridad.
GRATIS! Pero las donaciones son aceptadas con gusto.
Parenting with Wit & Wisdom
Practical Advice for Raising Self-Disciplined and Compassionate Children
With: Barbara Coloroso
Barbara Coloroso is a bestselling author and an internationally recognized speaker and consultant on bullying, parenting, teaching,
school discipline, positive school climate, grieving, nonviolent conflict resolution, and restorative justice.
Prepare for an evening packed with practical advice on how to use the stuff of everyday family life—chores, mealtime, sibling rivalry,
toilet learning, bedtime, allowances, and more—to help children become self-disciplined and responsible and develop integrity and
compassion. Barbara will address ways to raise children who will neither be bullying nor be bullied and who can act in their own
best interest, standing up for themselves and exercising their own rights while respecting the rights and legitimate needs of others.
When: Thursday, February 10, 2011 6:30 – 8:30 pm Where: Glaser Center 547 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa
Tickets: $20 in advance; $25 at the door (Scholarships available). Simultaneous translation in Spanish.
To register go to:
Questions? Contact Anita Whitehead at 707-571-2048 or [email protected].
Save the dates! Stand for Children Day: May 4th, 2011 in Sacramento
The annual Stand for Children day ia an opportunity to display our powerful collective commitment to California’s
children through skill-building, advocacy, testimony and celebration.
Last year over 500 parents and child care supporters from more than 22 counties advocated on behalf of California’s
children. Call RCCS for information on how you can participate.
Join us for: R&R Day in The Capitol: February 1, 2011
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sheraton Grand Hotel ~ Sacaramento 1230 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814
our referral policy
River to coast children’s services’ referral policy is based on
respecting parental choice. Responsibility for selecting child
care rests with each parent. RCCS assists parents in finding the
widest range of available child care and offers information to
help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO
COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES referral is not a recommendation
or a guarantee of quality care. Parents should carefully
interview and check references of potential child care
providers before leaving a child in their care.
La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES
respeta la preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de
escoger el cuidado de niños es de los padres. Asistimos a los
padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de cuidado de niños
que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado
de niños. Una recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía
de calidad. Les pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista
cuidadosa y que examinen las recomendaciones antes de que
dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona.
For Information on all licensed family child care homes and
centers call Community Care Licensing at 707.588.5026
Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas
previas de una casa o centro con licencia para cuidar niños,
pueden llamar a Community Care Licensing tel. 588-5026.
River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613.
[email protected] /
June 11, 2011
Save this Date to celebrate
The 6th Annual
Enchanted Wine Country Evening
Korbel Champagne Wine Cellars once
again hosts this celebration of
fabulous food, fine wines, fantastic
auctions and music.
A great time for a great benefit:
River to Coast Children’s Services.
For details & to purchase tickets call RCCS at 707.869.3613
Your Government Officials
Jerry Brown
State Capitol Building Ste 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
FAX: (916)445-4633
Senator Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery Street, Ste 240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 403-0100
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Email: [email protected]
Senator Diane Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 393-0707
Email: [email protected]
Para registrar una queja llamen al mismo numero al River to
Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613.
Our Grateful Appreciation to the following
folks who volunteered their time & energy in
December shopping and wrapping gifts for
Melinda Austin
Lucy and Pedro Cardona
Carmen Flores & Sara
Mariah Merla
Marta Paloma
Ed Smith
Helen Starkweather
State Senator Mark Leno
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Ste 14800
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 557-1300
Fax: (415) 557-1252
Email:[email protected]
State Senator Noreen Evans
50 D Street, Suite 120 A
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2771
Fax: (707) 576-2773
Email: [email protected]
Assemblyman Wes Chesbro
50 D Street, Ste 450
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 576-2526
Fax: (707) 576-2297
Email: [email protected]
Representative Mike Thompson
240 Main Street, Ste 101
Napa, CA 94959
Phone: (707)226-9898
Fax: (707)251-9800
Email: [email protected]
Assemblywman Michael Allen
50 D Street, Suite 301
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 546-4500
Fax: (707) 546-9031
Click here to contact via email.
Representative Lynn Woolsey
1101 College Avenue, Ste 400
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 542-7182
Fax: (707) 542-2745
Assemblyman Jared Huffman
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (707)938-8157
Fax: (415)479-2123
Email: [email protected]
Following are the names of
River to Coast Children’s Services
Staff and their phone number extensions.
(707) 869-3613 / from the Sonoma Coast 1-800-994-3613
Donna Roper (Executive Director) 111
Kellie Nunez(Operations Manager) 105
Fran Levy (Bookkeeper) 106
Sally Ingram (Case Management Coordinator) 109
Soledad Cardona (Family Case Manager) 107
Tess MacNeil (Family Case Manager) 114
Rosie Hernandez (Family Case Manager) 110
Mendy Behrens (Child Development Resource Specialist) 117
Cara Colombo (Child Development Resource Specialist) 112
Olga King (Child Development Resource Specialist) 103
Elaina Boyce (Community Resources Coordinator, Newsletter
Editor) 104
Vesta Griffith (Office/Reception) Front Desk Staff 101
Breeze Holloway, Counseling Intern. For an appointment,
please leave message & phone number at extension 153 and
Breeze will return your call.
Rohnert Park Local Unit Office
(Covers: Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties)
101 Golf Course Drive, Suite A-230
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
(707) 588-5026
The following are the dates and locations of the orientations in the Rohnert Park area. All orientations are scheduled in
The registration fee for Family Child Care Homes is $25 per person.
The registration fee for Child Care Centers, Application Orientation (formerly Component I), is
$50 per person.
Registration fee must be received in the Rohnert Park Office one week in advance of the
Fee is Non-Refundable. Only personal check, cashier’s check or money order is accepted, NO
No charge for the Operations & Record Keeping Orientation (formerly Component II and III)
There are no Child Care orientations for December 2011.
Child Care Centers
Application Orientation (formerly Component I)
2nd Tuesday each month
9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rohnert Park Local Unit Office
January 11
July 12
101 Golf Course Drive, Suite A-230
February 8
August 9
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
March 8
September 13
April 12
October 11
May 10
November 8
June 14
Operations & Record Keeping (formerly Component III) 3rd Tuesday each month
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Rohnert Park Local Unit Office
January 18
July 19
101 Golf Course Drive, Suite A-230
February 15
August 16
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
March 15
September 20
April 19
October 18
May 17
November 15
June 21
PROVIDERS! Save the date for a Pediatric CPR/first aid training.
You can choose from any one of the following 2011 Saturday dates:
◊ March 5 ◊ ◊ June 4 ◊ ◊ September 3 ◊ ◊ December 3 ◊
If you wish to sign up for one of the trainings please contact:
Stephanie Mashek, trainer at 887-2452, AND Mendy at 869-3613 ext 117
All trainings to take place at RCCS Conference room
Spring 2011
o April 13
February 9 t
Child 112
(1 unit)
Section #4593
Instructor: Janet McCulloch
[email protected]
6 :0 0 – 8 :0 0 p .m
This course has been specifically developed to help the teacher or director
improve their writing skills and confidence by focusing on the kinds of
writing that you do.
 This course will include:
 How to write a parent conference
 Taking developmental notes (for a DRDP for example)
 Writing a school policy
 Creating a newsletter
 Writing a note to specific parents
Registration is open now at or in person at the
Admission and Records office. Call 527-4315 for more information
2010/2011 FEES California residents pay an enrollment fee of $26 per unit. Non-residents and
international students pay an additional $212 per unit. All students pay a Health Services fee
of $17 (Summer $14) and a Student Representation Fee of $1 per semester.
1501 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, California 95401
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Students can register for classes online (
weblink), or in person. For more information about how to register, contact the Registration
Office, 527-4685. From out of the area, call 1-800-564-7752.
PARKING Permits are required seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Daily permits ($4.00) are
available from coin operated machines throughout parking lots on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses. Call Campus Police for more information at 527-1000.
Information FOR
Information para
proveedores de
cuidado infantil
YES! If you work in early care and
education you may be eligible
for EXTRA MONEY to pursue your
degree and achieve higher levels of
Administered by the Child care
Planning Council of Sonoma county
(CCPC), Sonoma CARES is a program
designed to reward and encourage
continued professional development
though education, advising and
support in early care and education
Applications are due by March 10,
2011. Don’t wait for the deadline,
apply now!
Si usted necesita información en
español, por favor comuniquese con
la oficina de CARES a 707.542.2792 o
[email protected]
New Opportunity for Family Child Care Providers to
Get Answers to Their Questions About the Business of Family Child Care
FREE new service now available from Tom Copeland and the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC). For
the past several years Tom has answered business questions from family child care providers across the country as
part of his consulting partnership with the NAFCC.
Tom has helped providers with questions in the areas of record keeping, taxes, marketing, contracts, legal, insurance,
money management, and retirement planning. He has written nine books on the business of family child care and has
represented numerous providers in IRS audits. He’s the leading national expert on the business of family child care.
Tom has recently established a new blog called Tom Copeland’s Taking Care of Business:
In it, Tom writes regular articles about business issues, posts tax updates, and links to other resources. Check it out!
Tom’s email ([email protected]) and phone number (800-35933817 ext. 321) to contact Tom for free help
OR go to: (Business Center) to see many business articles, insurance directory, and other resources
developed by Tom
Please note: This information does not necessarily imply a recommendation by RCCS of the services provided by
Tom Copeland.
P.O. Box 16
Guerneville, CA 95446
Familias en California:
Deba usted o no impuestos sobre sus ingresos, podría
obtener miles de dólares en créditos fiscales.
Si pudiera calificar para:
National Women’s Law Center Tax Credits Outreach Campaign, 2011 Tax Filing Season
October 2010
National Women’s Law Center Tax Credits Outreach Campaign, 2010 Tax Filing Season
YOu’ve beeN WOrkiNg hArd—
geT The TAx CrediTS YOu deServe!
Families in California:
Whether or not you owe income tax, you could get
thousands of dollars in tax credits. You could qualify for:
Hasta $2,100 del crédito fiscal federal Child and Dependent
Care Tax Credit y hasta $1,050 del crédito estatal California
Tax Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses.
Up to $2,100 from the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax
Credit and up to $1,050 from the California Tax Credit for Child
and Dependent Care Expenses.
Hasta $5,666 del crédito fiscal federal Earned Income Tax
Up to $5,666 from the federal Earned Income Credit.
Hasta $1,000 por cada niño del crédito fiscal federal Child Tax
Up to $1,000 per child from the federal Child Tax Credit.
Hasta $800 del crédito federal Making Work Pay, si aún no lo ha
recibido en su salario neto.
Up to $800 from the Making Work Pay Credit, if you haven’t
already received it in your take-home pay.
Más familias que nunca son elegibles este año para estos créditos.
Para obtener estos créditos, debe presentar una declaración de impuestos.
Para más información y para conseguir dónde se ofrece ayuda GRATIS de la preparación
de los impuestos, llame de gratis al (800) TAX-1040 ó (800) 829-1040.
O bien acceda al sitio web También puede ponerse en
contacto con el Child Care Connection al (800) KIDS-793 ó (800) 543-7793.
October 2010
os e
n esp
More families than ever are eligible for these credits this year.
To get these credits, you must file a tax return.
Find out where you can get FREE help with your taxes by calling the IRS toll-free
at (800) TAX-1040 or (800) 829-1040. Or go to
You can also contact Child Care Connection toll-free at (800) KIDS-793 or
(800) 543-7793.
River to Coast Children’s Services is a site where parents can have taxes prepared for FREE, apply
for Earned Income Tax Credit. Parents should callin for
an appointment: 707.869.3613. Saturday
In partnership with California Child Care Resource & Referral Network
partnership with California Child Care resource & referral Network
appointments available starting Feb 5, 2011.
Usted puede venir a River to Coast Children’s Services y obtener
ayuda para obtener su crédito “Earned Income Tax Credit”. Los
padres pueden llamar a hacer una cita: 707-869-3613. Se harán
citas para los sábados empezando el 5 de febrero de 2011. GRATIS
Resources, Referrals, upp
tor/ Recursos,
Printed with funds provided by the California Department of Education

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