July 12, 2015


July 12, 2015
Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston
6502 County Road 48 Manvel, Texas 77578
Office Hours / Horario de Oficina:
Monday-Friday / lunes-viernes 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Parish Office: 281- 489 - 8720; FAX: 281- 489 - 8727
[email protected]
Parish Clergy
Clérigo Parroquial
Pastor/ Párroco:
Rev. Thomas V. Ponzini
Deacons / Diáconos:
Hector Ibarra
Robert Leicht
Richard Reyes
We, the Catholic Christian Community of Sacred Heart
of Jesus Parish, Pastored by our Diocesan Priests, are
primarily accountable in love to God and in obedience
to the Cardinal of Galveston - Houston. We are called
to Evangelize, Foster family community and vocations,
Minister to all people and Develop leadership at all
levels of parish life. Recognizing that the liturgy of the
Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life,
we celebrate our social, multicultural, and economic
diversity believing that each member of our fellowship
is infinitely valuable to our common goal.
Nosotros, la Comunidad Cristiana Católica del Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús, a cargo de los Padres de nuestro arquidiócesis, somos principalmente responsable en el amor a Dios y
obediente al Cardenal de Galveston - Houston. Somos
llamados a Evangelizar, Fomentar la comunidad entre la
familia y vocaciones, Ministrar a todas personas y Desarrollar
el liderazgo a cada nivel de la vida parroquial. Reconociendo
que la liturgia de la Eucaristía es la fuente y la cumbre de la
vida cristiana, celebramos nuestra diversidad social,
multicultural y económica, creyendo que cada miembro de
nuestra confraternidad es infinitamente valioso a nuestra meta
Faith Formation: CCE Office / Doctrina
281-489-7603; FAX: 281-489-6987
Emergency / Emergencia: 409-392-4506 [only after
office hours--solamente después de horas de oficina]
Horario de la Santa Misa y de Confesión
Saturday / sábado: 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English)
Sunday / domingo: 8:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m.,5:00 p.m. /English
12:30 p.m. /Español
Rosary—30 minutes before each Mass
Rosario—30 minutos ántes de cada Santa Misa
Weekdays / Entre Semana:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
lunes, martes, jueves y sábado : 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Friday — miércoles y viernes 9:00 a.m.
First Thursday of the Month 7:00 p.m. Mass
First Friday of the Month 7:30 p.m. Misa (Español)
(with anointing of the sick — con unción a los enfermos)
Confession / Confesión:
Friday / viernes 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m.;
Saturday / sábado 9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.;
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month 6:30 p.m.— 7:30 p.m.
Cada 2º miercoles del mes 6:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m.
or by appointment — y por cita
Holy Hour / Hora Santa: (English)
Friday after 9:00 a.m. Mass / viernes después de misa
Wednesday / miércoles 6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Patriotic Rosary: Wednesday evenings during Adoration in
the Church (English) 6:30 p.m—7:30 p.m.
Rosario: Cada lunes a las 7:30 p.m. en la Iglesia (Español)
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 12th, 2015
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ 12 de julio del 2015
Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.
— Psalm 85:12
La fidelidad brotó en la tierra y la justicia vino del cielo.— Salmo 85 (84):12
Today’s Readings
First Reading — They Amos said, “The Lord took
me from following the flock, and said to me, Go,
prophesy to my people” (Amos 7:12-15).
Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant
us your salvation (Psalm 85).
Second Reading — The God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ has blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]).
Gospel — Jesus summoned the Twelve and began
to send them out two by two (Mark 6:7-13).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969,
1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Readings for the Week
Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8;
Mt 10:34 — 11:1
Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31,
33-34; Mt 11:20-24
Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7;
Mt 11:25-27
Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27;
Mt 11:28-30
Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15,
16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8
Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24,
10-15; Mt 12:14-21
Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18;
Mk 6:30-34
God’s Word Today...Today we hear three stories
about people being chosen by God: Amos the prophet,
the Twelve, and all those who are baptized into Christ—
which means us! Often when we think about people
such as prophets and apostles who were chosen by God
to fulfill a special task, we think about old bearded men
who seem so far off and remote. Yet these were people
like us, who chose to respond to God’s call within the
context of their everyday lives. Perhaps today’s scriptures are inviting us to remember the call that was issued
by God at the moment of our baptism. Listen to the
words of Saint Paul in today’s second reading to discover
just what that call entails. Our world is still in desperate
need of prophets and apostles. Peace and justice seem so
elusive in our time. Perhaps today’s word of God will
inspire us to respond to God’s call to bring the gospel of
salvation to those we meet in our everyday lives.
From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura — El Señor reunirá el resto del rebaño y asignará nuevos pastores (Jeremías 23:1-6).
Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta
(Salmo 23 [22]).
Segunda lectura — En Cristo, tanto los judios
como los no judios tienen acceso en un sólo
Espíritu (Efesios 2:13-18).
Evangelio — Cansados, Jesús y los apóstoles
tratan de irse hacia un lugar retirado para
descansar (Marcos 6:30-34).
Lecturas de la Semana
Gn Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6;
Mt 12:38-42
Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12,
17; Mt 12:46-50
Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Sal 78 (77):18-19,
23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b;
Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17
Ex 20:1-17; Sal 19 (18):8-11;
Mt 13:18-23
2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6;
Mt 20:20-28
2 Re 4:42-44; Sal 145 (144):10-11,
15-18; Ef 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15
La Palabra de Dios Hoy...Hoy escuchamos tres
historias acerca de personas que fueron escogidas por
Dios: Amós el profeta, los Doce y todos los que han sido
bautizados en Cristo, o sea ¡nosotros! Con frecuencia pensamos que los profetas y apóstoles que fueron escogidos
por Dios para una tarea especial eran hombres viejos y
barbudos que nos parecen muy remotos. Sin embargo,
éstas fueron personas como nosotros, que decidieron
responder al llamado de Dios dentro del contexto de su
vida cotidiana. Tal vez las Escrituras de hoy nos invitan a
recordar el llamado que nos hizo Dios en el momento de
nuestro bautismo. Escuchemos las palabras de san Pablo
en la segunda lectura de hoy para descubrir lo que ese
llamado conlleva. Nuestro mundo aún está desesperadamente necesitado de profetas y apóstoles. La paz y la
justicia parecen tan elusivas en nuestra época. Quizás la
palabra de Dios hoy nos inspire a responder al llamado
de Dios de llevar el Evangelio de la salvación a aquellos
que encontramos diariamente en el camino de nuestra
vida. De St.. Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
July 13 St. Henry
† Jan Slack
July 14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
Ron and Rosann Thomas
~Wedding Anniversary Intention
Wednesday, July 15 St. Bonaventure, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church
9:00 AM
† Tom Collins
July 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
8:00 AM
† Ignacia Gutierrez
July 17
9:00 AM
† Gerald Washington
July 18 St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest;
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 AM
† Phu Thai
6:00 PM
† Cecilia Wleczyb Klotz
July 19 Sixteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
8:00 AM
† Fagon Istre
10:30 AM
† Maria Dai Pham
12:30 PM
† Juan Gilberto Garcia
5:00 PM
Parish Family of Sacred Heart
of Jesus
For Mass Intentions: contact the Parish Office
Para Misa de Intenciónes: contacte la oficina Parroquial
Marriage Preparation
Engaged couples please contact the parish
office for an appointment with the pastor at least
6 months to a year before your wedding date.
Monday–Friday; 9:00 am–5:00 pm; 281-489-8720
Preparación Prematrimonial
Parejas prometidas, por favor contacte la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con el párroco un
mínimo de 6 meses o un año antes de la fecha de su
boda; Favor de llamar: lunes–viernes de las
horas 9:00 am–5:00 pm ; 281-489-8720
Misa de Quinceañera ~ Para reservar una Misa
de Quinceañera, favor de primero llamar la oficina de
CCE: 281-489-7603 para pedir el permiso y verificar
atendencia de 2 años (seguidos) en CCE. Las Misas
de Quinceañera se celebrarán: el primer sábado de
solo los meses: marzo, junio*, septiembre y
diciembre a las 2:00 p.m; *con excepción de junio
2016, que será el 11 de junio.
July 12, 2015
Welcome To Our Parish! If you and your
family are new to the area and wish to become
members of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, or have
attended our church but have not yet registered,
we welcome and invite you to pick up a New
Parishioner Registration Form. These forms are
available in the church foyer or the parish office.
The parish office is located in the Parish Life
Center. You can drop off the completed form at
the parish office, mail, or simply place it in the
Sunday collection basket. Thank you and
welcome to our Parish family!
¡Bienvenidos a Nuestra Parroquia!
!Si usted y su familia desean ser miembros de
nuestra familia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,
les invitamos y les damos una cordial bienvenida.
Favor de llenar la forma de registro que se
encuentra en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o pase y
pídala en la oficina parroquial. La oficina
parroquial se encuentra en el edificio “Centro de
Vida Parrroquial”. Triaga la forma completa a la
oficina parroquial, mándela por correo, o simplemente póngala en la canasta de la ofrenda
cualquier domingo. ¡Gracias y bienvenidos a
nuestra familia Parroquial!
Baptism Information
 Next Baptism Preparation Class (English):
July 30; 7:00 PM in the west wing of the Church.
 Next Baptisms Dates - English:
2nd Sunday of every month at 2:30 pm:
July 12, August 9, September 13, October 4,
November 8, December 13
 For more information and registration, call the
office, Monday–Friday; 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Información para Bautismos
 Siguentes Fechas de Clases Pre-bautismales:
julio 19, 26 y 2 de agosto a las 2:00 pm en el
Centro de Vida Parroquial.
 Fechas para Bautismos en español ~ 4º domingo
de cada mes después de la Misa de 12:30 pm;
28 de junio, 26 de julio, 23 de agosto,
27 de septiembre, 25 de octubre,
22 de noviembre, 27 de diciembre
 Para mas informes y para inscribírse favor de
llamar a la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes,
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas
U.S. NAVY: EE3 Adrian Huerta, PO3 Kris Scruggs,
HM Devan Fakharizadeh, LS3 Ericka Rios
(Valvaneda), PO Joshua Piefer, SW3 Crystal
Stang, MM2 Travis K. Stang, PO2 Jason R. Gill,
Airman Andre Tijerina, Richard Mellado, Michael
Sco , SW2 Michael T. DuBose, SR Ellio Handly,
EM3 Ma hew Gunn, CTR Tyler Sprague
U.S. ARMY: SPC Felix C. Valvaneda, SGT Julian
Rodriguez, SPT Emme Williams, Col. Vincent
Malone, SSG Rafael A. Morales, 1st LT Christopher
Torres, 1st LT Cliff Meyer, LT Christopher
Dannemiller, PFC Brandon D. Lopez, SGT Eric A.
Lopez, SGT Ronald Hill, LT Josh Goldman,
PFC Anthony Alvarez, Alfredo Moya Jr., SGT Emir
Guevara Jr., MAJ Chris Brooke, LTC Stephen Ruth,
PFC John Benkenstein, PFC Bryan Bell, SPC Jacob
Garza, LTC Sonia Torres (Buckelew), CPT Michael
Pecina, PFC Korey Killough, PFC Beau Bryant,
SPC John Simpson, SSG Danny Medina, PV2 Jorge
Luis Soto, SPC Raelynn Salazar, PFC Miguel Alvear
[Na onal Guard]; David D. Or z, Jr. U.S. Army Air
Cavalry Warrant Officer, SGT Joel Gonzalez
U.S. AIR FORCE: STF SGT Phillip Cyb, LTC Luis O.
Morales, Tech SGT Jason Cole, LT Paxton Parker,
SR Airman Patricia Gilliland, CAPT Erika Hooper;
AFC Elizabeth Huerta; Tech SGT (Re red) David
U.S.M.C.: LCPL Jeremy Lira, LCPL Natalio Lopez,
PFC Eric Piefer, PFC Nick Tomich, PFC Alexander
Julian Guajardo, CPT Patrick Lambert, CPL Paul
Espindola, PFC Jose Diaz Pedraza, PFC Gerad
Merri , CW03 Eric M. Strause, SGT. Anthony
Wayne Wright, CPT Corey McVeigh, FC Javier
Escobedo Garza
Norbert J. Pail
*If you have loved ones in the Armed Services, and
wish their names be listed in our bulle n to be
remembered in our prayers, please call the parish
office. Thank you and God Bless America!
~page 4
Please pray for the sick and those
who have requested our prayers,
especially…Adam Whatley Family, Norbert
Wollney Family, Vicky Garza, M. V. “Bud” Hayden,
Dennis Klesel, Larry & Vicki Guajardo, Osie Mouton,
George Ruth, Dennis Klesel, Ed & Dolores Klesel,
Frank Pulkinen, Rudy Perez, Briseyda Ramirez, Clesi
Tilley, Yvonne Grayson, Emma Davis, Celia Harris,
Thomas Bauman, Mary Feller, Dorothy Reado,
Gloria Ratcliff, Laura Gwosdz, Charleen Gwosdz,
Pearl Ponzini, Bertha Cantu, Jacob Peña, Frances
Dupree, Russell Polasek, Charles & Gail Berzeny,
Tram Peter Hue, Mai Loan Loc, Thomas Nguyen,
Andy Nguyen, Anton & Patsy Novak, Barry & Peggy
Williams, Eleanore Koval, Jerry Farkius, Aurora
Rivera, Maria Elena Moreno, Concepcion Aragon,
Jody Smith, John Kendall, Carol Jane Heydorn,
Doris & Robert Senior, Dee Dee Petru Schmeisser,
Teresa Porter, Carol Olsovsky, Sheila Hageman,
Johnny Olsovsky, Jr., John & Polly Olsovsky, Roselyn
Vortherms, Shirley Gonyea, Harry & Joyce
Margiolos, Joyce Williamson, Lydia & Cesar
Morales, Larry Stavinoha, Mary Light, Elva Valusek,
Irene Pel er, Alton Rogers, Rose Heil, Scholly
Prihoda, Nora Mathado
“Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlas ng
Salva on of those who believe, hear us on behalf
of Thy sick servants, for whom we beg the aid of
Thy loving mercy, that, with their bodily health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen”
Anointing of the Sick / Unción a los Enfermos:
First Friday of the month (except during Lent) 7:30 p.m.
Mass [Spanish] or any time upon request by contacting
the parish office. Primer viernes del mes (excepto
durante la Cuaresma) Misa de 7:30 p.m. (en Español) o a
cualquier tiempo con petición, favor de comunicándose
con la oficina parroquial.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound /
Ministerio a los Enfermos y Confinados
Please call the Parish Office so that a Eucharistic Minister
may be contacted to assist in bringing Holy Communion
to you in your home or hospital. Por favor llame a la
oficina parroquial si desea que un Ministro de la
Eucaristía le asita en llevar Communion a su domicilio
o hospital.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas
Parish Financial Information for July 5, 2015
$ 13,455.34
Registered Households
Number of Envelopes
Number of Loose Checks
2nd Collection-Debt Reduction
$ 4,729.19*
*includes ministry fundraiser of $1,200
Faith Direct
Collections-not yet posted for July
Number of Participants–not yet posted for July
July 12, 2015
A parish pastoral council is the chief
consultative body to the pastor. Consultation is a
sharing of wisdom that enables the parish to carry
out its mission. The pastoral council discerns
issues that impact the lives of parishioner, prays,
studies, and discusses those issues, and
recommends practical ways of addressing them.
Thank you!
God bless your continued generosity!
A council meets once a month with the pastor to
consider pastoral issues. It listens carefully to the
concerns of the pastor, the parish staff and others
involved in the life of the parish. Through prayer
and discernment it searches for the guidance of
the holy Spirit and reaches decisions through
consensus. Sacred heart of Jesus Parish Pastoral
Council meets the second Monday of each month
from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm . Regular attendance at
meetings is critical.
Supporting our Church Online during
the Summer ... What is the best way to ensure our
Parish Debt
As of July 1, 2015
Diocesan Services Fund (DSF)
Parish Goal
Total Amount Paid
Number of Participants
$ 97,000.00
$ 75,171.49
parish receives the support needed for our operating
expenses and ministries during the busy summer
months? eGiving through Faith Direct! Please enroll
today by visiting www.faithdirect.net. Our church
code is TX151. Increased enrollment with Faith Direct
will help stabilize our parish finances during the
coming summer months when many families are away
on vacation. Thank you for your continued support of
our parish family with your time and talents as well as
treasure! Your brother in Christ, Fr. Tom
Stewardship Reflections ~ 15th Sunday in
Ordinary Time: July 12, 2015 ~ That we may
learn from the Apostles to give up our strong
attachment to material possessions. Our journey through
life is more difficult because of all the material baggage
that we drag along. The more we can let go of, the freer
we are to serve God with love and joy.
Reflexiones de Mayordomía~15º Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario, 12 de julio del 2015:
Que podamos aprender de los apóstoles a rendir
nuestro fuerte apego a las posesiones materiales. Nuestro
camino de la vida es más difícil por todo el equipaje
material que cargamos. Cuanto más podamos dejar, mas
libres somos de servir a Dios con amor y alegría.
A council member should be at least of high school
age, prayerful, care about the spiritual well-being
of the entire community, be willing to learn about
the universal Church, have a sense of mission:
to bring Christ to people and people to Christ, and
be involved in the life and activities of the parish.
A council member must be prepared to make a
sincere commitment and attend meetings
It is necessary to attend the Information Night on
Saturday, August 15, at 11:00 am in the Parish Life
Center. We anticipate the meeting to last about an
hour. It will also be necessary to attend the Parish
Pastoral Council Discernment process on Saturday,
August 22, from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 pm in the Parish
Life Center. Please prayerfully consider being a
part of our Parish Pastoral Council.
Thank you! Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Tom
Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel Texas
Over the years, many people
have asked me: “Why do I
have to attend Mass every
Sunday?” Or have expressed to me:
“Church doesn’t do anything for me!”
If you have ever heard these comments or
have ever felt this way yourself, please
read the following account:
A church goer wrote a letter to the editor
of a newspaper and complained that it
made no sense to go to church every
Sunday. ‘I’ve gone for 30 years now,’ he
wrote, ‘and in that time I have heard
something like 3,000 sermons, but for the
life of me, I can’t remember a single one of
them so, I think I’m wasting my time and
the priests are wasting theirs by giving
sermons at all.’
This started a real controversy in the
‘Letters to the Editor’ column. Much to
the delight of the editor it went on for
weeks until someone write this clincher:
‘I’ve been married for 30 years now. In
that time my wife has cooked some
32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I
cannot recall the entire menu for a single
one of those meals. But I do know
this...They all nourished me and gave me
the strength that I needed to do my work.
If my wife had not given me these meals,
I would be physically dead today.
Likewise, if I had not gone to church for
nourishment, I would be spiritually dead
Please consider sharing this with someone
you care about.
Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Tom
~page 6
A través de los años, mucha
gente me ha hecho esta
pregunta: "¿por qué tengo
que asistir a Misa cada domingo?" O me ha
expresado: "¡La Iglesia no hace nada
para mí!"
Si alguna vez has escuchado estos
comentarios o alguna vez te has sentido de
tal manera, favor de leer el siguiente relato:
Una persona que asiste a la iglesia
regularmente le escribió una carta al editor
de un periódico y quejándose que no tenía
ningún sentido en ir a la iglesia todos los
domingos. Escribió: 'Tengo 30 años de
haber asistido Misa, y durante ese tiempo
he escuchado algunos 3,000 sermones, pero
no puedo recordar ni un solo de estos
sermones. Así que pienso que estoy
perdiendo mi tiempo y que los sacerdotes
están perdiendo su tiempo en predicando
sus sermones.'
Esto produjo una verdadera controversia en
la sección de "Cartas al Editor". Y mucho al
gusto del editor pasaron varias semanas
hasta que alguien escribió el argumento
decisivo: 'Llevo 30 años de casado y
durante este tiempo mi esposa ha
preparado unas 32,000 comidas. Sin
embargo, no puedo recordar precisamente
todo el menú de una sola de esas comidas.
Pero si se esto...todas me alimentaron y me
dieron la fuerza necesaria para hacer mi
trabajo. Si mi esposa no me hubiera
preparado estas comidas, yo ahorita estaría
físicamente muerto. Asimismo, si yo no
hubiera ido a la iglesia y para alimentarme,
hoy estaría espiritualmente muerto!'
Por favor considere compartir esto con un
ser querido.
Tu hermano en Cristo,
el Padre Tom
Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas
VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children”
“Protecting God’s Children’s” is the program
selected by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to
educate clergy, staff, and volunteers who work with
children and youth about child sexual abuse and the
ways to create a safe environment for children. A
“Protecting God’s Children” workshop will be held
at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Manvel in the Parish Life
Center on the following date and time:
Saturday, August 15 @ 9 am
All attendees must have a current Driver’s license
(any state), State-issued Identification Card,
Passport (any country), Mexico or Guatemala
Consulate ID in order to attend a “Protecting
God’s Children” Workshop. When pre-registering
for the class, YOU MUST USE YOUR NAME and
DATE OF BIRTH as it appears on your DL, ID, or
Passport. You must pre-register online at
Keeping the Promise Alive
Employees and volunteers are required to attend
“Keeping the Promise Alive” after 5 years of
attending the “Protecting God’s Children”®
program. A “Keeping the Promise Alive”
workshop will be held here in the Parish Life
Center on the following date and time:
Saturday, August 15 @2 pm
You must pre-register at www.virtusonline.org.
Important note: Please log into your original
account created when you attended a VIRTUS
Protecting God’s Children® workshop. If you do
not remember your user id and password, please
contact Michele, Parish Safe Environment
Coordinator, at 281-489-8720 or via email at
[email protected].
No one under 18 is allowed to attend
either of these workshops and there is
NO babysitting.
~page 7
VIRTUS “Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios”
Programa en Español
Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus
Manvel, Texas
Jueves, Julio 23, 201; 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Centro de Vida Parroquial
Este programa es eligido por el Arquidiócesis de
Galveston-Houston para educar el clero, personel y
todos los voluntarios que trabajan y asisten a niños
y jóvenes sobre el abuso sexsual y la manera de
crear un entorno seguro para niños y la joventud.
Para poder asistir el taller Protegiendo a los
Niños de Dios:
Todos los asistentes deben tener licencia de
conducir vigente (en qualquier estado), tarjeta de
identificación emitida por el estado, pasaporte, ID
del consulado de Mexico o Guatemala. Debe preregistrarse por Internet al www.virtusonline.org
y favor de usar su nombre y dia de nacimiento
indicado en su forma de idenificación.
Nadie menor de 18 años es permitido asistir
a este taller y no habrá
guardería disponible.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic
Community we need your help…
Once again the youth of this parish are preparing to go to
AYC July 31--August 2. It is a 3 day conference for all high
school youth put on by the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston. It is a chance for the youth to learn more about
their faith, grow in their relationship with Christ, and to
meet other young people that share our same faith around
the Galveston-Houston area. The cost for the conference
is $250 per youth and adult chaperone. Our goal is to take
100 of our youth, but they can’t go without your help.
Prayerfully consider sponsoring a complete youth registration or just a donation. Every little bit will help. We will be
fundraising after all the Masses over the next several
weekends for donations. Thank you again for your
generous support!!!! Rebecca Brodigan, Youth Minister;
281-489-7603; [email protected]
Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group
Our group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month and this
month we will be having a girls dinner night. Loving
Embrace is a Catholic educational support group for
couples who have endured or are presently enduring the
pain and suffering of infertility. The group helps couples
cope with infertility and explores resources, methods, and
options that are morally faithful to the teachings of the
Catholic Church. For information please contact:
Shannon Lassen; 832-978-6716 or
[email protected].
Childcare Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers as
Childcare Assistants. If you are
over 18 years old and have taken
the VIRTUS class and have been
approved, we would love to have
you. Please contact:
Rocio Martinez at (281) 489-8720
for more information.
El Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Taller de Oración y Vida
La Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
en Manvel los invita al “Taller de Oración y
Vida”. El taller de Oración y Vida te enseñará
a establecer una relación íntima y profunda
con Dios a través de la oración y de las
Sagradas Escrituras. Descubre por ti mismo
como muchos han encontrado Paz, Amor,
Fuerza y Felicidad después de haber vivido
el taller. El único requisito es el compromiso
con Dios de “Vivir” fielmente las 15 sesiones
y tu trabajo en casa.
Fecha de inicio: 9 de agosto del 2015
Días: sábados
Horas: de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm
Lugar: Centro De Vida Parroquial
Salón: 221
Duración del Taller: 15 semanas
Información e inscripción:
Ana Paxtor; Teléfono: 713-208-9266
Email: [email protected]
Se Necesita Asistentes de Guardería
Estamos buscando voluntarios como
Asistentes de guardería . Si tienes mas
de 18 años y has tomado la clase de
VIRTUS y estas aprobado , nos
encantaría tenerte. Por favor, póngase
en contacto con Rocío Martínez al
(281)489-8720 para más información.
Atención: Para dar a conocer noticias,eventos
especiales o eventos de recaudar fondos en el boletín
dominical envíe su información a Marti Salomone:
[email protected]; 2 semanas
antes que desean que se publique. ¡Gracias!
All Parish Ministries & Organizations!
Bulletin announcements, email information to:
Marti Salomone, Bulletin Editor
[email protected]. Please email
your information at least 2 weeks in advance.
Thank you.
12 de julio del 2015
La Asamblea de Oración
“Caminando con Jesús” los
invita todos los viernes a las 7:30 pm a su
asamblea carismática, acompañada con el
Santo Rosario, Alabanzas, Adoración y Prédica.
Primer viernes: Misa de Sanación con Unción a
los enfermos. ¡Ven y acompañanos, Jesús y
María te espera con brazos abiertos!
Apoyando nuestra Iglesia durante el
Verano ... ¿Qué es la mejor manera de asegurar
que nuestra parroquia reciba el apoyo necesario para
nuestros ministerios y gastos de funcionamiento durante los meses de verano? ¡Deducción automática a
través de “Faith Direct”! Por favor inscríbase hoy
visitando www.faithdirect.net. El código de nuestra
Iglesia es TX151. Aumento de la matrícula con
“Faith Direct” ayudará a estabilizar las finanzas de
nuestra parroquia durante los próximos meses de
verano cuando muchas familias están de viaje durante
las vacaciones. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo a
nuestra familia parroquial contribuyendo con su
tiempo y talentos así como su tesoro!
Tu hermano en Cristo, Padre Tom
Ha llegado el tiempo de hacer planes para cuando su
ministerio/organizació se reunirá durante el periodo
del 1º de julio de 2015 hasta el 30 de junio de 2016.
La programación para el tiempo indicado continua
este mes para poder reservar las fechas del útil de los
edificios/salones/terrenos de la Iglesia. El uso es
concedido primeramente para eventos de la
parroquia y funciones de CCE. Después seguirán los
ministerios y organizaciones que cumplen con
la entrega de su formulario lo mas pronto posible.
Pueda ser que las fechas que soliciten no se encuentren disponible. Así que por favor de planear cuanto
antes! Envien un correo electrónico a Michele Gunn
a [email protected] para solicitar un
formulario por correo electrónico o pueden pasar por
la oficina parroquial para obtener el formulario. Por
favor tenga en cuenta que requerimos que
enumeran todas las fechas de sus reuniones y no la
frecuencia. Todo los grupos de la parroquia,
ministerios y organizaciones son obligados a
completar estos formularios. ¡Gracias!
Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Manvel, Texas
Create a lasting legacy
paving the way to a new
future one brick at a time!
~page 9
Crea un legado duradero,
sentando las bases para un
Nuevo futuro
un ladrillo a la vez!
Your contribution will help reduce
the debt on the Parish Life Center
Please purchase your engraved brick
paver today!
4x8=$100 OR 8x8=$200
You can stop by the parish office to
purchase it or purchase it on-line at:
For assistance or questions
please call:
Rocío Martinez at 281-489-8720
Catholic Daughters
St. John the Baptist and
Sacred Heart of Jesus
9th Annual Garage Sale
Saturday, August 8, 2015 ; 8:00 am
St. John the Baptist Parish Hall
110 E South St, Alvin, TX
Your donations of gently used clothing, household
goods, electronics, NO TV’S, COMPUTERS, OR
ENCYCLOPEDIAS, toys, tools and books will be
welcomed. Stay tuned for drop off information
and contacts. Clothes hangers and plastic bags are
also needed. Thank you and God Bless!
Alvin-Manvel Knights of Columbus
#6403 Hwy 6 & County Road 146
KC Bingo Nights: Mondays & Wednesdays;
7:00 pm to 9:45 pm. We thank you for your support!
Su contribución ayudara a reducir la
deuda del Edificio Parroquial
Centro de Vida.
Por favor compre su
ladrillo grabado hoy!
4x8=$100 O 8x8=$200
Puede pasar por la oficina parroquial
para comprarlo o también por internet:
Para más ayuda o asistencia
favor de llamar a:
Rocío Martinez al 281-489-8720
It is time to schedule your ministry’s meetings from
the months of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
We have already begun scheduling building/grounds
for this time period. Use is granted by parish/ CCE
functions first and then followed by first come, first
serve. You may not get the dates you request, so
please plan early! You can send an email to Michele
at: [email protected] to request a
form be emailed to you or you can pick one up in
front of the parish office. Please note that we require
you to list all dates of meetings and not frequency.
ALL parish groups, ministries and organizations are
required to complete these forms. Thank you!
Michele Gunn
email: [email protected]
Rocio Mar nez
email: rmar [email protected]
Randy Dobyanski
email: [email protected]
2nd Thursday of the month - 7:00 p.m.
Lyne e Salmon (281) 437-6537
Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. / Rosa Linda Medina (832)433-8301;
Lupe Valvaneda (832)483-4299
1st Thursday of the month
7:00 p.m.~Parish Life Center
Karen Olsovsky (281)489-0925
Mar Salomone
*email: [email protected]
*Bulletin articles emailed minimum of two weeks
before you wish your article to appear. Thank You!
Connie Bowers, DRE
email: [email protected]
Rebecca Brodigan, CYM & Website Editor
email: [email protected]
Amanda Mar nez, CCE Secretary
email: amar [email protected]
R.C.I.A. (Inquiry / Catechumenate):
Connie Bowers (281)489-7603 ext. 105
Sara Canales (281)835-8567
Chair - Michael Culling, Jason Dailey, Doug Hall,
John Polasek, Connie Williams
email: [email protected]
Chair– Russell Tilley; Vice Chair—Cindy Gross;
Secretary–John Ke erer;
John Cantu, Salvador Cas llo, Kevin Demen,
Bethel Guk-Ong, Dorsie McDonald,
Sr. Henrie a Okoro, H.H.C.J., Davelyn Porche,
Rita Renfro-Guidry, Don Salmon
14307 Hwy 6 South; Arcola, TX 77583; (281)431-0969
OPEN: Tuesday through Friday: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
(Closed 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. for lunch)
Open: 1st Saturday of the month 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Lois Ruth
Open a er 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Sunday Masses
(Or when volunteers are available )
3rd Saturday of each month: 7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m.
Mul -Purpose Room PLC
English– First Tuesday of the month ; 7:30 p.m.—9:30 p.m.
Contact: Mike or Jan Culling (281)489-9113
R L (Dick) Penning (832)260-6010
AA SUPPORT GROUP/Manvel-Iowa Colony
Mee ngs: Friday 8:00 p.m. Parish Life Center
Hotlines: 832-431-5639; 409-877-1674/www.aahouston.org
John Cantu (832)710-2494
Lisa Arriaga (832)444-9362
Ricardo Montemayor (832)721-5836 (Spanish)
English Masses
To Be Decided
Spanish Mass
Javier González (281)844-5967
José Gámez (713)826-3044
Eucharis c Ministers
Ministros de La Eucaris a
Pat Cernoch (713)398-8499
Salvador Cas llo (281)692-9686
Plá cas para Bau smos
Virginia Carreon (713)585-5572
Eva Fonseca (832)452-4731
Legión De María
Juntas los domingos 10:30 am
Vicky Hernandez (832)762-6364; Juan Arellano (832)605-9970
Required: 2 consecu ve years of CCE enrollment
prior to the 15th Birthday Mass
Requisitos: estar inscrita 2 años consecu vos en
la doctrina antes de la Misa de quinceañera
Coordinadora: Blanca Cas llo (979)308-9110
Asociación de Guadalupanas
Juntas el segundo domingo del mes después de
Misa de 12:30 p.m.
Crispin Correa (713)705-2513
Virginia Carreon (713)585-5572
Movimiento Familiar Cris ano
Juan y Adriana Mar nez
(832)606-0768 / (832)419-0385
Asamblea de Oración
Viernes: 7:30 p.m.
Emmanuel Vazquez (832)560-9732)
Irineo Gallegos (713)550-6234
*Misa de Sanación Para toda la comunidad/ Primer Viernes
(excepto durante la Cuaresma)
Your Parish in
Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
24-Hour Customer Service
Jackie Harris Agency Owner
1930 Country Place Pkwy. #108
Pearland, TX 77584
[email protected]
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Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin.
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