The Messenger - Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church


The Messenger - Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church
The Messenger
January 14, 2013
Volume XXIII, No. 1
Mission South Africa: 2013
Strengthening our Relationship with the Bokamoso Center
Our congregation has been blessed over many years by the annual visit
of South African youth from the Bokamoso Youth Center in Winterveld
South Africa. Through their music and drama, we have learned of the
challenges of life in a remote township – challenges that include limited
opportunities, AIDs, and crime. But we have also been inspired by their
resilience and hope, as we have learned how the Bokamoso Center has
transformed the lives of individual youth and their broader community.
This year, we have the opportunity to renew our fellowship with the Bokamoso youth when they visit Metropolitan on Wednesday, January 30.
And this event will mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter in our
long-term relationship with the Bokamoso Center, as we prepare to send
a Volunteers in Mission team to South Africa this coming summer. We invite every member of our church – those who can
join the mission team and those who will support their work and witness in a myriad of ways -- to journey with us in the coming months as we extend our mission to South Africa.
Volunteers in Mission Interest Meeting
Friday, January 25, 6pm, Great Hall
Interested in learning about the 2013 volunteer in mission
trip to South Africa? On Friday, January 25, there will be an
informational meeting for anyone who wants to learn about
the 2013 VIM trip to South Africa (A light supper will be available for $5). Proposed dates for the trip are in late July and
early August 2013. The team will spend time at the Bokamoso Center, engaging youth in skill-building and mentoring
activities and leading a Vacation Bible School at the Bokamoso orphanage. The group will also visit Central Methodist
in Johannesburg to engage in their work with refugee and
homeless populations.
On Wednesday, January 30 anyone interested in the Volunteers in Mission trip is invited to a fellowship gathering with
the Bokamoso youth before their concert. This gathering will
be in the Great Hall at 6pm.
Bokamoso Youth in Concert
at Metropolitan Memorial
Wednesday, January 30, 7:30 pm
Young men and women from the Bokamoso Youth Center
will once again present the original music, drama, and poetry
that give voice to their individual struggles and community
concerns. Their unique and expressive performances are
an important means of self-expression, growth, and empowerment for these at-risk youth The concert is free, open
to the public, and appropriate for all ages. So invite your
friends and neighbors! A goodwill offering will be taken to
support the Bokamoso Youth Foundation.
Metropolitan Memorial in the News
“Churches merge to unleash opportunities for all”
By Carrie Madren, UMConnection Correspondent
Kris Oberdick was in Florida, taking care of her mother in
hospice care, when she received a package in the mail. The
prayer shawl group at Metropolitan Memorial UMC had sent
her a warm, pink shawl to wrap around herself, almost like
a long-distance hug. “I felt comforted knowing that I had
that community back home,” Oberdick recalled. “It made
the miles between D.C. and Florida seem like a lot less distance.”
One of the best ways a vital church can reach more people
is to create ways for the congregation to support each other.
“If you can provide a ministry that the people of the church
can take out (into the world), then you’re providing members
a way to care for others,” said Oberdick.
At Metropolitan Memorial, the Rev. Charles Parker, the senior pastor, has noticed an explosion in ministries, and he
credits people within the church’s three campuses for starting these new projects. “It feels more like the growth has
been more about permission-giving rather than top-down
planning,” he said.
Nestled in the heart of Washington, D.C., and a stone’s throw
from American University, Metropolitan Memorial UMC includes the campuses of Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s,
and Wesley United Methodist churches.
While every local church makes efforts to care for the needs
of its own members, one of the things that sets this partnership of churches apart is its vast array outreach to the community and the world.
With creativity, passion and enormous vision, members are
involved in a wide range of ministry – including St. Luke’s
Shelter, Metropolitan House, and the new Campus Kitchen
Project at the St. Luke’s Mission Center. Metropolitan Memorial has also partnered with Brighter Day Parish, a cooperative parish in Southeast Washington, D.C. The two churches
have been coordinating donations for Brighter Day’s pantry
and clothing distribution, resources for Brighter Day’s summer camp, and more.
The sense of untamed possibilities also filters in the worship
experineces. The tri-campus church has services in four different styles that attract a diverse group of worshippers each
week. In turn, all aspects of the parish have become more
diverse and rich. “When we engage in service work and
learning opportunities together, we become a richer community overall,” Parker said.
Metropolitan merged with St. Luke’s UMC in 2009, just as
they were forming a cooperative parish with Wesley, which
recently became an official merger that had unanimous support from both churches.
The merged congregations are proving that the whole indeed is greater than the sum of its parts.
“There are things we can do as a single church that would
have been more challenging as separate churches,” Parker
said. For instance, members of all three campuses went on
a mission trip to Nicaragua this year; such a trip would have
been less feasible for St. Luke’s or Wesley before.
“It also allows for a more effective administrative and budget
structure,” Parker said. “Rather than three different church
councils, boards of trustees and SPRCs, we can do that with
single committees, so we use up less of our volunteer resources doing administration and can focus more on actual
ministry, which I think is very empowering for everybody,”
he said.
One of the ways Oberdick, who has led the Caring Pillar
for six years, has helped empower this vital congregation is
through a variety of caring ministries, including: care cards,
available for anyone to send to individuals who need a lift;
a prayer shawl group; Stephen Ministers; Tables of Eight,
the visitor ministry; and Care Cats, stuffed animal cats that
become gifts to let people know that someone cares.
Oberdick even wove a caring element into the annual Easter
brunch, which typically serves some 450 parishioners. Last
year, they focused on the senior ministry and honored the
church’s older members by providing transportation, helping them with the buffet and making them feel special. One
100-year-old, long-time member was extremely appreciative
of the brunch. Later that week, she passed away. “I was so
glad that she had that time to see her friends and was able
to be there,” Oberdick said.
Since connections, both new and old, are so important, you
might say that having a well-designed Web site is vital for a
vital church. “People – and not just young people – are very
quick to ‘Google’ and search,” said Lara Kline, a member
of the sharing/evangelism team, for elements they want to
include in their life, including church and ways to grow their
spiritual life.
As the population shifts, so do the ways in which we find and
absorb information, Kline said, so an engaging Web presence is one important way for a church to live its mission and
vision in modern times. “It never will replace face to face, but
I think an electronic witness is a very real thing in the 21st
century,” said Kline, who has helped shape the church’s new
visual identity that includes a new logo, branding, and a new
Web site that features a digital calendar synced to all three
Their D.C. location means a highly international group of
worshippers. That diversity calls for a diverse worship experience using music from global cultures, said Pam Rogers, the music director at Wesley. “My goal is to have music
that’s representative of people in the congregation, so that
we can connect culturally as well as spiritually,” she said.
That could include traditional hymns or music in Spanish,
German or African traditions. In the past she’s even included
reggae, hip-hop, gospel and Caribbean beats.
“No matter what your age or no matter what your background, when you go to church there should be something
that inspires you,” Rogers said.
“United Methodism is a denomination that has for years specialized in small churches,” Parker said. “That was a very
powerful model for a lot of years.” But, Parker continued,
it’s been a less effective model in urban areas for the last
generation or so. Small churches can get insular, and there
may be a greater good in pooling resources with other nearby congregations. In addition, churches or cooperative parishes can work together across a city or region. “There are
some really exciting models that we developed, that I would
hope other churches can learn from.”
Life at Metropolitan Memorial
On the marriage of Mark Krafft and Brooke Press who
wed on December 29. Mark is the son of Judy Edstrom.
On the birth of Ethan Andrew Clapp, to Vicki
Hill, Nate Clapp and big sister Disa; Ethan is
the grandson of Martha McCachren.
Our prayers go out to...
the family and friends of Thelma Rummell, who died on
November 12.
the family and friends of Seth Tillman, who died on November 16.
the family and friends of Elizabeth Gray, who died on
December 28.
Our Members in the News!
In our January 2102 issue of The
Messenger, Barry D. Wood wrote
a feature article on Yeiichi (Kelly)
Kuwayama, a long-time member of
Metropolitan Memorial. Since then,
we discovered a new interesting fact
about Yeiichi. He's the former Army
medic credited with saving the life
of then future Senator, Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) after he was badly
wounded in Italy during World War
II, with injuries that caused his right
arm to be amputated. In an article for Hawaii News Now, reporter Keoki Kerr reports that, “Kuwayama...put a tourniquet
on Inouye's arm to help stop the bleeding that day in 1945,
but he's very modest about the whole thing...He said he was
just one soldier doing his job to give medical treatment to
another.” Yeiichi states, “When I worked on these various
people who were wounded, I just treated them to stop the
bleeding first and then to put the bandage on them. That’s all
I knew. That’s all I was thinking of. And I didn’t think of anything else,” Kuwayama said. He said he remained in contact
with Inouye over the years and last saw him about four or
five weeks ago. To read Barry Woods article in the January
2012 issue go to
A Good Samartian
It was no ordinary Christmas Eve For
Bruce Caviness, Organist and Choir Director for Metropolitan Memorial. As preparation was well under way for our Christmas
Eve services and his role of playing Santa
and delivering gifts to the staff completed,
Bruce decided to return home for a few
hours before our services began. While at
home, the grace of God...decided to check his email and discovered a Silver Alert from Montgomery County.
A Silver Alert is a Maryland public notification system that
broadcasts information about missing persons over 60 years
old who suffer from Alzheimer’s, Dementia or other mental
conditions and helps aid in their safe return. The e-mail gave
a description of a ‘05 Blue Jaguar with Maryland plates and
also showed a picture of a missing women.
On his return to the church, Bruce heard a noise coming
from a car driving on Nebraska Ave. NW. and recognized
the car described in the Silver Alert. He also noticed that
the lady was driving on the rim of her tire. After getting her
attention, she told him that something was wrong with her
car and he told her to pull over at the next cross street. After
pulling in behind her, Bruce called 911 and explained the
situation and that the women appeared confused but was
otherwise in good health. Soon a MPD officer arrived at the
scene and was able to safely unite the lady with her husband
and daughter. Incidentally Bruce was late for rehearsal but
no one seemed to care. What a Christmas Blessing!
Combined Celebratory
Worship Service
Sunday, February 3
11:15am, Wesley Campus*
Join us as all three campuses, Metropolitan Memorial,
Wesley and Crossroads, come together to celebrate the
merger of Wesley United Methodist Church with Metropolitan Memorial! *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW
Roping off the pews
Many of you have noticed that we
have begun roping off some of the
back pews during the 11:15am service. In doing so, we are trying to
encourage 11:15am attendees to sit
closer to one another for better fellowship and singing. We have already heard comments on
how much better the singing sounds, and hope that you will
try participating from a different pew to see how the service
feels! Please know that if you feel strongly about sitting in
one of the roped off pews, you are welcome to slip under the
ropes and sit wherever is most comfortable for you.
Please Help! Missing Laptop and Briefcase!
On Sunday, January 6, one of our Metropolitan House residents left his laptop computer in a soft, black, briefcase on top
of the coat rack outside of the Great Hall while he attended a class. When he returned, his briefcase and the laptop were
gone. If you have any information about the missing laptop, please contact the church office, 202-363-4900. It would be
a great help to someone who is trying to rebuild his life. Thank you.
Life at Metropolitan Memorial
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Tuesday, January 15, 1:30pm
Sunday, January 20, 12:30pm
Join us in the parlor for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! Interested in joining? Contact Barbara
Tate, [email protected].
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day of Service
Saturday, January 19
9:30am - 9:30pm
Join us for MLK, Jr. Day of Service at St. Luke’s Mission
Center (3655 Calvert St., NW) as we work with our partners
at American University to cook and serve meals for our hypothermia shelter, Regency House, and others in our community. We will use recovered food to provide meals to those
in need, and reduce the isolation of some of the homeless
and seniors in our communities. Come for an hour or join us
for the whole day!
Redhot and Blue Concert
Saturday, January 19, 7:30pm, Wesley Campus*
Yale University’s oldest co-ed a cappella group is bringing
their syncopated talent to Washington, DC. Don’t miss this
opportunity to hear a truly great group apply their talent to
this time-honored vocal tradition! Free admission: $10 suggested donation. *5312 Connecticut Ave. NW.
Metropolitan Book Club
Monday, January 21, 7:30pm, Parlor
Join us as Karen Howard leads our discussion of
Douglas Brinkley’s book, Cronkite. Brinkley reveals the legendary newscaster as a physically and morally courageous figure, but one who had many fears. All are
welcome. Questions? Contact Suzanne Clewell, sfclewell@ or Joan Topalian, [email protected].
Saturday, January 26
6:30pm, Wesley Campus*
Come and enjoy jazz by “The Greater U Street
Jazz Collective.” ($10 cover, food available for
purchase). *5312 Connecticut Ave. NW
2013 UMW Retreat “Journey to Inner Trust”
February 8-10, Priest Field Pastoral Center
Mary Elizabeth Marlow, Retreat Leader
Join the United Methodist Women as we confront the issue
of trust head-on through story-telling, guided imagery, drawings and ritual…and where we reawaken innocence, trust
in the moment and in ourselves. Mary Elizabeth Marlow is
an international speaker and seminar leader, storyteller,
counselor, and author of several books including Jumping
Mouse: A Story about Inner Trust. Registration forms can be
found at
Sing out for Shelter Concert
Saturday, February 9, 8 pm
Metropolitan Memorial will once again host the annual Sing
out for Shelter concert at 8 pm on Saturday, February 9.
For over 20 years, The Augmented Eight, a local men’s a
cappela group has organized this popular benefit concert
which provides funds to Metropolitan House, Friendship
Place, and other local homeless service providers. In addition to the Augmented Eight, this year’s concert will feature performances by Venus d Minor, an all women’s group;
Eat at Joe’s, a group from Georgetown Day School; and
Euphonism, a co-ed ensemble. Tickets are available at the
door, for $20 and up.
The United Methodist Women’s Craft Club is in full swing!
The group, which meets every second
Sunday of the month in the Vestry at
12:30pm (except for this coming February, when they will be attending the
UMW Women’s Retreat) gets together
for crafting fun and fellowship. A huge thanks goes out
to Mary Rollefson for putting in so much work on sewing bags for the men and women we see on Grate Patrol
rides each month and residents of our Metro House Shelter. The bags, filled with shampoo, lotion, kleenex, and
many other items, were all delivered on December 31st
when Mary Keenan Townsend, coordinator of the craft
club, rode along with the Grate Patrol. If you have any
questions about the Craft Club, contact Mary Townsend,
[email protected] or 202-534-2022.
2013 Art Exhibit “Fantasy and Reality”
Sunday, January 27
12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m., Great Hall
Come and enjoy the first Metropolitan Arts Council
Exhibit of the new year!
Bend in the Road by Silas Cheo
Nathaniel Rees and Silas Cheo, seniors at Walter
Johnson High School, are presenting their visions
of the Realm of Fantsy and the Domain of Reality.
Nathaniel, the grandson of Fran Cleaver, is familiar
to many of you as he attended Metropolitan and was
active in our mission trips and the Metro Players. Silas is Nathaniel’s best friend. They grew up together
and now paint together. Lunch will be provided.
Journey to the Stars by Nathaniel Rees
Metropolitan Memorial invites you to participate in
Tables of Eight 2013
Four Saturday Night Dinners:
Feb 23 March 23 April 20 May 18
Tables of 8 is an informal way for members and friends of our parish to get to know new people and strengthen friendships.
Its success depends on how many people sign up and on how many new people sign up so we have fresh faces around
the tables.
How it works:
•You sign up (by Friday, January 25) – the form is attached or enclosed, depending on whether you are receiving this
information by The Messenger, email or U.S. mail. You can sign up as an individual, or with a spouse or a friend for
a Saturday dinner at a different home each month you can attend, February through May.
•Email or mail the completed sign-up sheet to Ann Cochran (address below) or to the office at Metropolitan Memorial.
•In early February the groupings will be arranged. You will receive all the details by mid-February: who is hosting, the
other participants’ names, and food assignments.
•Hosts provide the main course and beverages. Participants bring side dishes, salad, bread and dessert.
•The host should call the guests about two weeks before the dinner to confirm attendance, answer any menu questions, set a time, and give directions to their home.
Don’t worry about scheduling so far in advance:
Few of us know our May schedules in January; don’t let that concern you. Sign up for the number of Saturdays that feels
comfortable. If you cannot attend, you can get a substitute from a list that’s provided or ask someone at church if they’d like
to attend. Contact: Ann Cochran, 6718 Tomlinson Terrace, Cabin John, MD 20818, [email protected]; 301-229-2114
Please mail, fax, email or deliver your completed form by Friday, January 25 to:
Ann Cochran
6718 Tomlinson Terrace
Cabin John MD 20818
[email protected]
Metropolitan Memorial UMC
3401 Nebraska Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016
202-686-2056 (fax)
Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers:__________________________ Email(s):_________________________________
February 23
I can (A)ttend, (H)ost or (S)ubstitute the following nights
Write A, H or S under each date you can participate.
March 23
April 20
May 18
I am able to host a total of _______ people.
Even if you say you can host all four months, we won’t do that to you! But multiple possibilities are
appreciated. If you can host, please indicate your maximum capacity. When we have a host shortage,
seating for more than 8 is helpful.
I/we cannot eat the following foods:_____________________________________________________
Additional comments/preferences: _____________________________________________________
Caring and Learning
Weekly Meditation Practice
Wednesday Mornings Beginning January 16
8:30am, Sanctuary
This guided and walking meditation (20 minutes of each) will
nurture a sense of inner peace, calm and balance during this
new year. Under the guidance of Betty Rogers, participants
will share an opportunity for health and emotional benefits
that include receptivity to the presence of Spirit, increased
self-awareness, and skills to manage stress and release
from negative emotions. All are welcome from beginners
to experienced meditators. For more information, contact
Drema McAllister-Wilson, [email protected] or
202.363.4900, ext. 19.
Lunch and More
Thursday, January 17
Noon - 2pm, Great Hall
Gather for a delicious lunch, fun fellowship, and an opportunity for three activities: bridge and games; Bible Study with
Dr. Charlie Parker; or watching “Entertaining Angels: The
Dorothy Day Story,” a movie about the 1920’s and 30’s social
activist, Dorothy Day, and her fight against social injustice.
She worked for the benefit of the ‘angels’ at the bottom of the
social ladder for whom she fought daily against those who
would hold them down. Dorothy Day is now in the process of
being canonized in the Roman Catholic Church. Questions?
Contact Phyllis Kokus, [email protected], Mary Jo Marchant, [email protected] or Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, [email protected] or 202-363-4900, ext. 19.
Caregiving Opportunities
at Metropolitan Memorial
Greeters are needed the second and fourth Wednesdays of
each month in the Great Hall from 1:15pm – 3pm for Club
Memory (an informal social organization for people in the
community with memory impairments and their caregivers,
sponsored by Sibley Senior Association and MMUMC Caring Ministry).
Visitors are also needed to visit members of MMUMC who
are homebound and would benefit from a caring presence.
Orientation will be provided. Many rewards will be received!
For both opportunities, contact Drema McAllister-Wilson,
Minister of Congregational Care, dwilson@nationalchurch.
org, 202.363.4900, ext. 19.
Dementia Support Groups
Support Group for caregivers - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays,
12:30pm, Iona (4125 Albemarle St., NW). Registration
required. Call 202-895-9448.
Support Group for caregivers - 2nd Wednesdays of the
Month, 6:30pm, Arden Courts of Potomac, 10718 Potomac Tennis Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, Potomac@; 301-983-3620.
Soup and Study
Wednesday, January 23, 6 p.m., Vestry
Join us for “Soup and Study,” Metropolitan’s Wednesday
evening study program. Supper of soup, bread, salad and
dessert will be served at 6 p.m. with classes beginning at 7
p.m. Questions? Contact Barbara Green, [email protected]. Classes include: Disciple I - Leader: Barbara
Gaskill; Bible Study - Leader: Charlie Parker; Cloud of Witnesses: Christian Writers - Leader Barbara Green.
Contemplative Communion Services
February 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24
7pm, Great Hall
Metropolitan Memorial is offering contemplative communion
services on each of the six Sunday nights in Lent. Join us for
worship with scriptural reflection, silent contemplation, music, and the sacrament of bread and wine as Charlie Parker,
Senior Pastor, and Drema McAllister-Wilson, Minister for
Congregational Care, co-lead this worship series.
The liturgy will illuminate the theme of Cultivating Happiness
within a supportive spiritual community. Prayer, reflection
and sacred music will nurture awareness of the living Spirit
among us. Contemplative silence in its fullness allows participation in God’s being from the depth of our own. John
Wesley marveled after preaching on “calling upon the Lord
while He is near” at the silence when “not a cough was to
be heard” and “although squeezed together, everyone stood
silent and still.”
This service is for all who seek a deeper encounter with
Divine Presence and a Lenten experience of renewal and
healing. Please join us for one or all of these evening celebrations.
Science and Religion: Evolution Discussion
Sunday, February 10, 5:30pm
BWC Mission Center
(11711 East Market Place, Fulton, MD)
The Baltimore Washington Conference Mission Center will
host “Evolving Universe, Evolving Faith,” a conversation on
the intersection of science and religion on Sunday, February
10. A live feed from will feature a discussion with a scientist and a theologian on the subject, led by
Dr. Eric Elnes, senior pastor of Country Wide Community
Church in Omaha, Nebraska with a group discussion following the presentation. The evening is sponsored by WesleyNexus, a group of Washington area people interested
in the interplay of science, religion, and faith (
This program is planned for Evolution Weekend, a weekend
in which the mystery of science and faith are celebrated for
the way in which they can lead us into deeper relationship
with God and with each other. Questions? Contact, Maynard Moore, [email protected] or Kent Weaver, [email protected] who both have leadership roles with
Children’s Ministries
Now Accepting
Pancake Supper
Tuesday February 12, 6pm,
Shake off the doldrums of winter and
feast before Lent begins at our annual
Pancake Supper! The entire church
turns out for this Fat Tuesday celebration at which we serve pancakes, bacon, sausage, egg casseroles, syrup, butter, milk, juice, coffee and tea. There will
be performances by the children’s choirs and activities for
the kids. Dinner is free, but please bring canned food to support the Friendship Place food pantry. Please contact Anita
Seline at [email protected] for questions.
Metropolitan Nursery School is
now accepting applications for
the 2013-14 school year. Metropolitan parishioners will be given
priority for admission to the Nursery School if their applications
are received by February 1, 2013. For more information on
the nursery school or to apply online go to nationalchurch.
org/learning. If you have questions or would like to visit the
school, please contact Director Linda Smith, 202-362-8746
or [email protected].
Scenes from Christmas Eve Family Service
Thank you to all the children and youth who were a part of our Christmas Eve Family Service and to their parents who helped
get the group together for rehearsal the day before Christmas Eve.
Our Holy Family: (left to right) Baby Jesus: Grant,
Mary: Melanie Dougherty-Thomas, Angel: Grace,
Joseph: Scott Thomas.
The bunnies and lambs await the Holy Family.
An expectant nativity await the arrival of the Three Kings.
The Three Nativity Cows:
Caroline, Elena, and Julia
Our Mission
Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and
challenges them to grow as disciples for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice.
Reconciling Statement
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental
condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in
the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the
same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555
Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, [email protected]
Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, [email protected]
Rev. Barbara Green – Director of Learning, ext. 25, bgreen
Rev. Jimmy Sherrod — Associate Pastor, ext. 24, [email protected]
Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor, ext. 21, [email protected]
Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, [email protected]
Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, [email protected]
Dona Collary — Director of Finance, ext. 18, [email protected]
Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director and 9 a.m. Worship Leader, ext. 12, [email protected]
Caleb Frazier — Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 14, [email protected]
David Hosey — Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 14, [email protected]
Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, [email protected]
Ohemaa Nyanin — Interim Associate Director of Youth Ministries, [email protected]
Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, [email protected]
Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, [email protected]
Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, [email protected]
Helen Simon - Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 42, [email protected]
Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746, [email protected]
The Messenger is published by Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church
Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900
Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: [email protected]
St. Luke’s Campus (3655 Calvert St., N.W.)/Wesley Campus (5312 Conn. Ave., N.W.)
NEXT ISSUE: February 11, 2013
NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on February 5, 2013