St. Joseph Catholic Church † † † Iglesia Catolica San Jose


St. Joseph Catholic Church † † † Iglesia Catolica San Jose
August 21, 2016 / 21 de Agosto, 2016
“Food for Thought” from the Respect Life Committee:
“A political society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to
satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its
members, especially those in situations of greater
vulnerability or risk.” — Pope Francis, Address to the Joint
Session of the U.S. Congress, September 24, 2015
A FREE Natural Family Planning (NFP) Full Course (with intro.)
Will be offered in Newton at St. Joseph Catholic Church on
September 17th from 1pm to 5pm.
Topics to be covered include:
* Effectiveness of modern NFP methods
* Health risks of popular contraceptives
* Benefits of NFP - health, relational, and spiritual
* Church teaching on marital sexuality
* to use NFP
For more information, go to or to RSVP, contact:
Batrice Adcock, MSN, at Catholic Charities (704)-370-3230 or
[email protected].
Information Link:
Respect Life Conference: Saturday, August 27, at Christ the King
Catholic High School, Huntersville. Catholic Charities will provide
an opportunity for prayer and educational engagement to promote the
respect and protection of human life, particularly human life at its
most vulnerable stages. The keynote presenter is Fr. Joseph Koterski,
S.J., Professor of Philosophy of Fordham University. The conference
includes workshops on a variety of topics, including: post abortion
healing ministries; resources for parents experiencing a pre-natal
diagnosis; and end-of-life ethics. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM
in the school chapel prior to the 10:30 AM start of the educational
proceedings. The conference ends at 3:30 PM. There is no charge to
attend but registration is required. Go to
for further information.
To register, email [email protected] by August 22.
IS THIS YOUR YEAR? Couples married 25 or 50 years this year
will be honored at an Anniversary Mass held on Sunday, Nov. 6,
2016 at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Charlotte. Mass
begins at 2:00 p.m. and will be followed by a reception. Simply call
our church office to be included.
Mark your calendars: For Thursday, September 15, 2015 at
7:00pm for “A Celebration of Life, Love, & Laughter”. This is the
fall fundraising event for the Pregnancy Care Center and features
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Iglesia Catolica San Jose
“Para la Reflexion” Del Comité de Respeto a la Vida:
“La sociedad política perdura si se plantea, como
vocación, satisfacer las necesidades comunes favoreciendo
el crecimiento de todos sus miembros, especialmente de
los que están en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad o
riesgo”. — Papa Francisco, Discurso a la Sesión conjunta
del Congreso de EE. UU,
24 de septiembre de 2015 (
Planificación Familiar Natural
Que es el Metodo de Planificacion Familiar Natural y como utilizar
Sus Beneficios
Riesgos y efectos secundarios de la contraception hormonal
Enseñansas de la Iglesia
Curso Gratis, 3 de Septiembre, Iglesia Católica de San Aloysius,
Hickory, de 9 am a 1 pm, contacto Isabel Romero, (828)-327-2341.
Information Link:
Monday / Lunes
Rv 11: 19a; 12: 1-6a, 10ab /
1 Cor 15: 20-27 / Lk 1: 39-56
Tuesday / Martes
Ez 28: 1-10 / Mt 19: 23-30
Wednesday / Miércoles
Ez 34: 1-11 / Mt 20: 1-6
Thursday / Jueves
Ez 36: 23-28 / Mt 22: 1-14
Friday / Viernes
Ez 37: 1-14 / Mt 22: 34-40
Saturday / Sábado
Ez 43: 1-7a / Mt 23: 1-12
Sunday / Domingo
Is 66: 18-21 / Heb 12: 5-7, 11-13 /
Lk 13: 22-30
SERÁ ESTE SU AÑO? Parejas que cumplan sus 25 o 50 años de
casados este año serán honoradas en una Misa de Aniversario el
Domingo, 6 de Noviembre, en la Iglesia Católica de San Juan
Neumann en Charlotte. La Misa comenzara a las 2:00 PM y será
seguida por una recepción. Simplemente llame a la oficina de su
iglesia para ser incluidos.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Jesus is the way, the truth and the
life. Let Jesus be the Lord and Savior of your life and
marriage. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament
by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Sep 30 - Oct 2,
2016 in Myrtle Beach, SC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach,
NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our
website at: or contact us at
[email protected] or 704-315-2144.
BULLETIN ON THE WEB SITE: Please remember that any time you are away or do not receive a bulletin after Mass,
you can access church information and see the weekly bulletin on the church web site at
720 West 13th Street – Newton, North Carolina 28658
Church (828) 464-9207 Holy Family Hall (828) 465-2878
E-Mail address: [email protected]
Rev. James M. Collins, Pastor/Parroco
Rev. Mr. Scott D. Gilfillan, Deacon/Diacono
Our Mission Statement
We, the Catholic Community of St. Joseph’s, embrace Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and center of our lives. We commit to fostering
belief through education, faith, through action, and fellowship through love and reconciliation. In the spirit of unity, we shall proclaim
and bring to all, Jesus, the Light of the world
Declaración de Intenciones
Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San José, aceptamos a Jesus Cristo como nuestro Señor, Salvador y centro de nuestras vidas. Nos
dedicamos a promover la creencia através de la educación, fe, acción, compañerismo através de amor y reconciliación. En el espíritu
de unidad, debemos proclamar y llevar a todos, Jesus, la Luz del mundo.
Mass Schedule/Horarios de Misa
5:00 p.m. Mass
9:00 a.m. Mass
11:45 a.m. Misa en Español
Weekdays/Días de Semana
12:10 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Holy Days as Announced/Días de Santo Cuando Anunciado
Barbara Nesbitt, Admin. Assistant - 464-9207
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Mon-Fri (Closed Wednesday)
De Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
(Cerrada los Miércoles)
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sacramento de
4:00 to 4:30 p.m. or by appointment
4:00 to 4:30 p.m. o por cita
By appointment following instruction
Clases 2 do Domingo de cada mes—después de
Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance
Comunicarse 6 meses antes
Community Life ..…………….. Barbara Nunziata – 241-4143
Faith Formation ……………………… Kara Thorpe – 464-9207
Minister of Music…………………. Eileen Crider – 244-9236
Ministry to Sick & Homebound … Donna Sharman – 459-2605
Coord. Del Ministerio Hispano…… Orlando Avalos – 238-2413
Bautismos …………….…… Carlos A. & Beatriz E. – 238-8412
Matrimonios …………..…. Orlando y Maria Avalos – 238-2413
Ministerio de Liturgia…............. Florencio Vazquez – 234-6238
Ministerio de Musica……………..… Raul Martinez – 291-0056
Knights of Columbus……..…….…Ransom Graham – 303-7491
Prime Timers…………………...…….. Betty Snipes – 459-7918

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St. Joseph Catholic Church † † † Iglesia Catolica San Jose

St. Joseph Catholic Church † † † Iglesia Catolica San Jose Enseñansas de la Iglesia Curso Gratis, 1 de Octubre, Iglesia Católica de San Barnabas, Arden, de 10 am a 2 pm, contacto Edith Jennings, (828)-421-4863.

Más detalles