In This Issue… - Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California


In This Issue… - Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California
Lutheran Cursillo
of Southern California
Official Newsletter
“Fourth Day Chronicles”
Fall 2014
Newsletter Mailing
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P.O. Box 5203
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LCSC Prayer Chain
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
If you have a person or
situation you would like lifted up in
prayer, please e-mail
Cammy Mahoney at
[email protected]
and/or Joan Harrison at
[email protected]
The mission of Lutheran Cursillo of Southern
California is to develop a lay ministry to the Lutheran Community in the State of California by
encouraging a spiritual renewal of the Lutheran
Church, and by supporting its members as they
grow in their faith and as they actively support
the life and mission of their local home church
In This Issue…
CLE #5
LC #154
LC #155
Upcoming Weekends
The 2014-2015 Secretariat
Tracy Otte Memorial Garden
Shelly Reinschmidt, Editor-email: [email protected]
Meet the Rectora for CLE #5 September 18-21. 2014
Ana Nieva
My name is Ana Nieva, I’m from Peru. I am honored from God to be the Rectora
for Cursillo Luterano en Español CLE5. I was blessed to be a pilgrim at LC133
in March 2011 where I felt like a fish in the water, because there was “good music” between other wonderful things. I worship at Pueblo de Dios (People of
God) Lutheran Church in Compton, where my husband is the Pastor. Cursillo not
only has changed my life, and my family life, but also my Congregation. Since
2011 we have sent 35 pilgrims to CLE – Cursillo Luterano en Español. Glory be
to God!
Music is my passion and I agree that is the most wonderful way of communicating with our Mighty God and I’d like to share this with the God chosen pilgrims for CLE5. The theme of the weekend is : Let my life sing a song to You, oh
Lord! The bible verse is “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative
of the Lord Jesus – Colossians 3:17”.
About the theme song, many people were asking me what will be my
theme song, maybe wondering about a nice rhythm, or a cool song, but my
daughter Nathalie introduced me to the song “Lifesong” which I had to play for
her rollo at CLE4, and I got so touched with the lyrics, I felt that God made this
song for me :
“Empty hands held high, such small sacrifice,
If not joined with my life I sing in vain tonight…
May the words I say and the things I do,
make my lifesong sing bring a smile to You!
Let my lifesong sing to You,
I want to sing Your name to the end of this day
knowing that my heart was true:
Let my lifesong sing to You!”
When I got the called to be a Rectora, this song was there with me already
and I pray it will bless the Spanish community too to learn that our lives should
reflect the life of Jesus.
I invite all the Cursillo Community to come and join us in CLE5 and make
a song together for our Lord!, You don’t need to speak Spanish to be a part of it,
we all speak the language of love of God!! Please pray for us, send your love
notes, be an Angel and come to Mañanitas and Clausura, Dios les bendiga (God
Bless You).
Cumplir con la Rectora para CLE #5 18-21 de Septiembre de 2014
Ana Nieva
Mi nombre es Ana Nieva, soy de Perú. Me siento honrado de Dios para ser la
Rectora para el Cursillo Luterano at Español CLE5. Fui bendecido para ser un
peregrino en LC133 en marzo de 2011 donde me sentí como un pez en el agua,
porque había "buena música" entre otras cosas maravillosas. Adoro la Iglesia Luterana Pueblo de Dios (pueblo de Dios) en Compton, donde mi esposo es el Pastor.
Cursillo no sólo ha cambiado mi vida y mi vida familiar, sino también mi congregación. Desde 2011 hemos enviado a 35 peregrinos a CLE – Cursillo Luterano en
Español. Gloria sea a Dios!
La música es mi pasión y estoy de acuerdo es la más maravillosa forma de
comunicarse con nuestro Dios poderoso y me gustaría compartirlo con el Dios
elegido a peregrinos para CLE #5. El tema de la semana es: deja que mi vida a
cantar una canción para ti, ¡ oh Señor! Versículo de la Biblia es "y todo lo que
hacer o decir, hacerlo como representante del Señor Jesús – Colosenses
Sobre el tema, muchas personas me han preguntado cuál será mi tema, tal
vez pensando en un buen ritmo, o una buena canción, pero mi hija Nathalie me
presentó la canción "Lifesong" que tenía que jugar para su rollo en CLE4 y yo
tengo tan conmovido con las letras, sentí que Dios hizo esta canción para mí :
“Vacías las manos en alto, tan pequeño sacrificio,
si no se unieron a mi vida en vano canto esta noche...
Puede decir las palabras y las cosas,
hago mi lifesong cantar traer una sonrisa a ti!
Deja que mi lifesong cante,
yo quiero cantar tu nombre al final del día
sabiendo que mi corazón era cierto:
que mi lifesong cante a ti!
Cuando recibí el llamado a ser una Rectora, esta canción ya estaba ahí, conmigo y
le ruego que bendecirá a la comunidad hispana también para saber que nuestras
vidas deben reflejar la vida de Jesús.
Invito a toda la comunidad cursillista a venir y unirse a nosotros en CLE5 y hacer
una canción junto a nuestro Señor!, no necesitas hablar español para ser parte de
ella, todos hablamos el lenguaje del amor de Dios!! Por favor, ruega por nosotros,
enviar tus notas de amor, ser un ángel y venir a Mañanitas y Clausura, Dios les
bendiga (Dios te bendiga).
God’s Chosen Team for CLE #5
God’s Chosem Pilgrims CLE #5
Perla Arellano
Clotilde Arenas
Altagarcia Barrera
Isabel Barrera
Nivia Castellanos
Florinda Cruz
Norith De Almeida
Monica Durazo
Areli Echeveste
Martiza Garcia
Elsa Gomez
Carlota Hernandez
Connie Magdelena
David Ernesto Melendez
Micaela Marquina
Laura Mendoza
Maritza Montanez
Edgar Omar
Jorge Parra
Araceli Peralta
Marisela Quintero
Celia Ramirez
Jacqueline Rosas
Jose Salazar
Teresa Salazar
Rosa Sanchez
Rosario Sanchez
Nieves Sedano
Anabel Sicairos
Silvia Solares
Juan Torres
Ana Ruth Varela
Kim Young
Meet The Rector LC #154 October 16-19, 2014
Paul James
I have been married to my wife, Tracy, for 15 years
and we have one daughter, Natasha, who turns 7 in
September. My wife and I started attending Mount
of Olives (AKA MOO) in 1998 before we were married. We were married at MOO in 1999 and our
daughter was baptized there as well. My daughter
knows about Jesus and is beginning to really understand what He did for us all and how much He loves
us. This is largely due to the outstanding efforts of
my wonderful and fabulous wife.
Our walk with the Lord began when my wife
and I started attending MOO. We found a place
where we were able to find the Lord and move towards serve in HIS Kingdom. We both were propelled into a greater understanding of Christ Jesus and His love though our Pilgrim Cursillo Weekends (LC104 &
I served on MOO’s church council for seven years and have held the positions of Men’s Ministry Coordinator, Facilities Coordinator, Council Member,
Executive Committee Member, Council Secretary and Vice President. I have also
received a Certificate of Ministry from MOO.
I have also been involved with Men’s CBS (Men’s Community Bible
Study), Mission Viejo, for the past 8 years as a Student/Member, Sub-Core
Leader, Core Leader, Young Adult Coordinator, and Audio/Video Operator.
Though the study of God’s word, I have been able to have a greater understanding
of what life should and can be and just what was given to us on the Cross by our
Lord and Savior.
I have served in various positions within LCSC and have been blessed beyond belief. God’s Holy Spirit truly does “come and fill the hearts of the faithful!!” I believe that the Lutheran Cursillo movement is imperative to the growth
of the Lutheran Church and is a critical component concerning the support of our
Lutheran Pastors.
I am honored and greatly humbled to be called as the Rector of LC154 and
am in prayer concerning this calling.
By the Grace of God, I will remain Please keep the team in your daily prayers
as well as for the Pilgrims He is calling to
in His grasp and His love.
His weekend.
God’s Chosen Team
Meet The Rectora LC# 155 October 23-26
Susan Sauter
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I am honored and blessed to be called to serve as the Rectora for LC #155. I was
glad that I was sitting in a chair when I received the phone call about being Rectora. I was overwhelmed and I had a tremble throughout my body. All I could
say was “Are you serious?”. It is something I never expected to do. I was a Pilgrim in July 2000 (LC #69). I told myself at that time I would never give a Rollo
and I would Never be a Rectora. I guess GOD had other plans for me.
My verse for the weekend is “With GOD all things are possible” Matt.
19:26b. Before I chose this verse, I had been given a pillow with the verse, I
have a candle with it, my Bible stickers have it, and another figure has it. I believe it is my “Life Verse”. I find myself saying it often.
My goal for the weekend is to have Peace and Joy and share GOD’s love. Peace
leads to joy as we all (Pilgrims and Team included) take this journey and grow
closer to the Lord. We will serve GOD to honor and glorify Him.
My LOGO is in peaceful pastels. There is a Cross which is our focus on
the Lord, and there is a Butterfly reminding us of the life GOD has given us. We
all started as cocoons and have transformed into beautiful butterflies. GOD is
gracious and loving to all of us.
The chosen song for the weekend is “Blessed Be Your Name”. I feel so
much joy when I see everyone singing, smiling, and raising their hands. It is a
song of praising and glorifying the Lord.
I look forward to this journey with the
Pilgrims and the Team as GOD guides us and
uses us as we walk closer with Him.
We appreciate all your prayers and support for
our Pilgrims and our Team. “With GOD all
things are possible”.
Peace and Joy,
Susan Sauter
Rectora of LC #155
Please keep the team in your daily prayers as
well as for the Pilgrims He is calling to His
God’s Chosen Team
February 19-22
February 26– March 1
April 16-19
July 9-12
July 16-19
October 15-18
November 5-8
November 12-15
LC #156 Men’s
LC #157 Women’s
CLE #6 CoEd
LC #158 Men’s
LC #159 Women’s
CLE #7 CoEd
LC #160 Men’s
LC #161 Women’s
September 14
Red Hill-Tustin
132000 Red Hiil Ave., Tustin
Grand Ultreya
Saturday September 27
Angelica Lutheran Church
1345 Burlington Ave. LA
Beginning with dinner at 5PM
October– Merging with November
Come angel!
November 2
Mount of Olives (MOO)-Mission Viejo
24772 Chrisanta Drive, Mission Viejo
No Ulterya-Merry Christmas!
The Parish Representatives are volunteers within their
local congregation whose primary purpose is to be the contact person between the Secretariat and their
church. They are the “go to person”
when it comes to questions about Cursillo and distributing information about
upcoming weekends and Ultreyas. They also assist the members of
their church to have been asked to attend a Cursillo weekend, and assist
their church Community in their Fourth
Day. For more information about becoming a Parish Representative for
your church, please contact any Secretariat member.
2014-2015 Secretariat
President - Steve Anderson
Head Spiritual Director – Jay Egenes
Treasurer – Mike Gaczkowski
Registrar – Stuart Dimock
Ultreya Coordinator – Kedma Wenz
Palanca Coordinator - Willy Miller
Newsletter Editor - Shelly Reinschmidt
Vice President/Trainer - Robin Hill
3-Day Supply Coordinator - Tonya Hollenbeck
Secretary - Marty Hente
I would like to feature
your church in the newsletter. Each
month I would like to have a “Save the
Date” section that will list some of the
events at your church.
Also, any fundraisers that are
Cursillo related.
So send me contact information
and details of the event as
early as possible.
Tracy Otte Memorial Garden
Lutheran Cursillo has gotten permission to remodel/repair the garden patio area at Saint Joseph’s Retreat Center. For those who may not
know, the patio is behind Bosco Hall, and because it is in need of repair it has not been used
in quite some time.
Funds have been donated by Steve Otte, to do
the remodel/repair and it will be call the Tracy
Otte Memorial Garden in remembrance of his late wife.
Work will be star ting next month on the Tracy Otte Memorial Garden at Saint
Joseph’s Retreat Center. Your help is needed!
Contact Mike Gaczkowski at [email protected] to get on the mailing list to
receive more information about work dates.
Tracy went through as a pilgrim in LC#95 and was the Rectora for LC #145.
She went to be with our Lord in February 2014.
Is Fear Robbing You of God’s Great Adventure ?
As I searched for a devotion for our upcoming Secretariat meeting and contemplating the upcoming trip to Israel. I prayed God lead me to just the right words that will convey what is on
my heart. As always, He did. This is from an online devotional ,
As each of us are called to serve the Lord in whatever capacity that may be, our first instinct is to say, “Not me! I’m not ready! Isn’t there someone else more qualified?”
We throw around that saying: “God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.” Do
you believe that?
Jesus addresses the subject fear a lot. In most cases it is in regards to trusting Him
with full confidence and not to allow fear to take over. I hope the following touches your heart
and gives you encouragement. Especially to Ana, Paul, Susan and all of us serving on the Secretariat.
In His Service, Shelly Reinschmidt
Think of faith and obedience as travel companions heading to the same destination—namely, to please and glorify the Lord. You cannot have one without
the other. They grow simultaneously as they are practiced but will wither if
Elijah was a man with both of these qualities. He believed God and always responded in obedience. When told by the Lord to show himself to King Ahab,
Elijah didn't permit fear to stop him. He had learned through experience that
the Father was faithful and trustworthy.
Fear short-circuits faith when we begin to doubt that God’s way is really best.
If we allow worry to gain a foothold in our minds, we’ll respond by refusing to
do what the Lord says, which is disobedience. The result will be a change in
our “travel plans,” and by rejecting the way of faith and obedience, we’re actually choosing the path of unbelief and sin.
Satan loves our fear and disobedience because they hinder the journey that
God has designed for us. We can’t believe the Lord for great things in one area
of our life if we are allowing sin in another. Self-examination is essential in the
walk of faith. Where have you compromised by allowing sin a foothold? Are
you resisting anything God says in His Word?
Great faith begins with small steps. When you
choose to follow God’s Word, an ever-increasing
cycle of faith and obedience will begin. Don’t let
fear or sin rob you of the great adventure He’s
planned for your life. Who has a better track record for choosing the right path—you or God? So
believe Him!
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