April 10, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral


April 10, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801 www.stjamesorlando.org
Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
April 10, 2016
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Vilaire Philius
Rev. Serge Pardo
David Gray, Carlos Sola,
Patrick McAvoy
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND
School Principal: Dawn Helwig
Over the years, I have been left with the impression that all our Catholics do want to
go to Heaven, even though they are not entirely convinced that holiness is required to
achieve that goal. Most simply want to do enough to get in. This past Sunday was, of
course, Divine Mercy Sunday, now widely celebrated throughout the world by the faithful
due to the life and devotion of Sister Faustina. In the writings about her life, she is often
described as an uneducated Polish nun, three characteristics not frequently found in
admission forms to elite colleges or institutions of higher learning. Mother Angelica,
foundress of the EWTN network, as many of you know, went to her eternal reward this
past March 27 at the age of 92. She had a poster in her private office that said, “We do
not know what we are doing, but we are getting good at it.” Born in Canton, Ohio, she
was part of a family that was abandoned by her father. She founded Our Lady of the
Angels monastery in Birmingham, Alabama, where the sisters sold hand–tied fishing lures
and roasted peanuts to pay their bills. After visiting a Baptist television station in Chicago
in 1978, it is said of her that she quipped, “Lord, I have to have one of these.” Three
years later, she founded her own network. Upon her death, it is doubtful that many VIPs
from the church she served would have found themselves on her cell! Two strokes,
suffered in 2001, placed severe limitations on her final years of devotion. Probably not
the material you expect to find on holy cards or books about the spiritual life. So as we
continue our earthly pilgrimage after the celebration of Easter, let us remind ourselves that
the paschal proclamation is for everyone, and yes, holiness is expected. I am reminded of
an old Irish saying: “I believe in the Sun, even when it is not shining……… I believe in
Love even when I feel it not……… I believe in God, even when He is silent.”
God Bless,
Fr. John
Come and enjoy another fantastic FOMM Concert & Dinner
with Dan Witucki & Mein Heimatland Musickanten, in
the Social Hall on Saturday, April 23. Doors will open at
5:15 PM, dinner will be served at 6 PM and the
entertainment will be at 7 PM. The dinner will be catered by
Hollerbach's Willow Café. Tickets are $15 per person.
Tickets order forms are available in the Cathedral Narthex
and in the office during regular business hours. For more information,
contact Liz at 407-422-2005, ext. 106 or email Valerie at
[email protected].
The Catholic Cadet Choir from
The Citadel Military College,
Charleston, South Carolina,
will sing at the 9 AM Mass next Sunday,
April 17. Under the direction of Dr. David
Friddle, the Cadet Choir sings regularly for
Catholic Masses on the campus. We are
happy to welcome them to St. James
Enjoy great music, gorgeous
voice and lots of fun with “Sky,”
whose 40 years of experience in
choirs, regional theatre, OffBroadway & Chelsea Opera
Company will keep your toes
tapping! DJ, MC, Entertainer, Karaoke – guarantee
to give you a wonderful time with his music, singing
and karaoke fun! Luncheon reservations are
required no later than Monday, April
11 for the luncheon on Monday, April
18. For reservations, phone Mary
Alice (English) at 407-423-4433 and
leave a message, or Esther (Spanish) at
407-898-3667. Cash donations for
lunch will be accepted at the door.
We welcome Deacon Patrick
McAvoy to St. James
Cathedral. Deacon Pat was
born in Evanston, Illinois.
And later moved with his
family to Atlanta. He
attended the University of
Georgia and is continuing
studies at Saint Leo’s
University. He and his wife
Dana, have been married for 18 years and have a 10
year od daughter, Megan. He was a parishioner at
Holy Family in Orlando when he was ordained at the
Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the
Universe on June 13, 2009 by Bishop Wenski.
Deacon Pat was very involved in RCIA and
sacramental preparation for reconciliation, first
communion, marriage and infant baptism at Holy
Family, and we look forward to his assistance here at
St. James. “Baptism calls us all to do what priests,
deacons and the religious are called to do. We just
need to realize that we are all in this together. Our
Holy Father is making that point quite clearly when he
says ‘joyfully live your life for Christ!’” Please
welcome him warmly.
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Rick Foster, Eileen Kircher, Vicki Beaumont
June 27–July 1
Join us in ancient Egypt!
You’ll explore Pharaoh’s
palace, experience thrilling
“real-life” dramas, play highenergy games, sample tasty
snacks and hear lively music. Plus, you’ll
meet lots of new friends! How can you
help make this an unforgettable journey
to Egypt? We are looking for shop
keepers, teen leaders and creative people
for sets and costumes. Registration and
volunteer forms are available online.
S O A R Saints on a Road
Upcoming SOAR events
TONIGHT SOAR 6-8 PM Open gym. Last one of
the year! Come get connected on all the summer
events. Prayer, icebreakers, and dodgeball all in one
night. We will meet at the school gym on Robinson.
Sunday April 17 Any Fall, 2016 high school student
who is interested in becoming a Peer Minister is invited
to meet and see what it’s all about at 11:45 AM in the
Parish Council Room..
Sunday April 17 Community Service! We need
students to help serve coffee & donuts. Email
[email protected] to sign up for a shift.
July 7-9 Real Orlando 2016 at St. James Cathedral.
Save the dates for these middle school service days! All
6-8 graders. This event will count for Confirmation
St. James Cathedral Youth Ministry
SATURDAY, April 30
1:30 –3:30 PM at
St. James Cathedral School
Come and bid on a chef to prepare your food for
a party of 10 and much more, including 50/50
and face painting. Enjoy delicious pulled beef
and pork, watermelon and potato salad. Pre-sale
ticket prices: $8 per person, $5 for children under
five. Ticket price will increase at the door.
Tickets will be available in the Atrium after
Mass or email [email protected].
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“Peter was distressed that Jesus had said to him a third time,
‘Do you love me?’ and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know
everything; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed
my sheep.’” John21:17
All of us are challenged to show our love for Jesus by
“feeding His sheep.” Through prayer ask God how
you should best use your time, talent and treasure to
assist those who are in need. Remember that giving is
an act of worship and helps advance the mission of
our Parish and greater Church.
Stewardship April 3 & 4
St. Vincent de Paul
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit
card giving is available at stjamesorlando.org.
Thank you for placing God first!
[email protected]
Retreat for Young Woman
Teenage girls between the ages of 1318 are invited to a retreat designed just
for them. The retreat will help them
to deepen their faith as they think
about where God is calling them to
use their gifts and talents. God has a
special plan for each person and this
retreat will teach young women how to seek God’s
will for their lives. The theme is “Fiat-Let it be
Done!” The participants will learn about our
Blessed Mother Mary’s trust in God and also learn
about the lives of religious sisters. The retreat will
be held April 22-24 at San Pedro Center. For more
information, contact Sr. Kathleen at 407-246-4928
or email [email protected]. Register at
Monday, April 11
7:00 AM Paul Zelones †
12:10 PM Mary Malara †
Tuesday, April 12
7:00 AM Thomas McCrea †
12:10 PM Fabioia Gillis
Wednesday, April 13
7:00 AM Harry Kaplan †
12:10 PM Alice Leonard †
Thursday, April 14
7:30 AM Dr. Gary Robbins †
12:10 PM Vocations
Friday, April 15
7:00 AM Pauline Wilson †
12:10 PM Valentina & Exequiel Turla †
Saturday, April 16
8:00 AM Maria Cabrera †
4:00 PM Deceased Byrnes & Mongelluzzo
family members
Sunday, April 17
7:30 AM Patrick & Marie Scanlon †
9:00 AM Steve & Angeline Ferris †
10:30 AM Tom Boyle †
12:15 PM
5:00 PM Robert E. Inks †
Married Couples, would you
like a special weekend ac
San Pedro where you will
find a peaceful and Godcentered atmosphere for
you and your spouse? The
next Diocesan Marriage
Encounter is May 20-22.
For more information or to register, call Bob
& Sheila at 407-647-4289 or WWME.ORG.
You will be glad you did!
Teachers and students are
invited to make a difference
in the lives of students in
our Sister Diocese in the
Dominican Republic during
an intensive English
Mission, June 11-25, 2016.
Work with international
students in our diocesan high schools and Mission
Office Residence Program in Azua to assist in
developing greater comprehension, reading, writing
and speaking skills in English. Ability to speak
Spanish is not required. For more information,
contact the Mission Office at 407-246-4894.
Back to Basics: Sunday Mass Obligation
All baptized and confirmed Catholics are obligated
to attend Sunday Mass. It is both a precept of the
Church and Church law that Catholics must worship
God on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation by
participating in the Holy Mass. This follows from the
fact that in the Mass it is Christ Himself who
worships the Father, joining our worship to His. In
no other way is it possible to adequately give thanks
(eucharistia) to God for the blessings of creation,
redemption and our sanctification than by uniting
our offerings to that of Jesus Christ Himself.
Following the example of the Old Covenant, the
Church does this weekly on the day of the Lord's
Resurrection. Since a "grave cause" is needed to
excuse one from this obligation, it would be a serious
or mortal sin to willfully skip Mass on Sunday or a
Holy Day of Obligation, as the Church has always
taught. Reasons such as the necessity to work to
support one's family, child care, personal sickness or
the care of the sick, necessary travel, etc. would
excuse a person on a particular occasion. Those who
have continuing reason to be excused should consult
their pastor. This Sunday Mass obligation can not be
fulfilled at a service of any other Christian
denomination. Catholics are not to receive
communion at Protestant services of any kind.
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
Cuando no es acerca de mí
Al pasar de los años me da la impresión de
que todos los católicos quieren ir al Cielo a
pesar de que no están completamente
convencidos de que la santidad es necesaria para
llegar a esa meta. La mayoría simplemente
quiere hacer lo suficiente para entrar. Este
pasado domingo por supuesto fue el Domingo
de la Divina Misericordia, ahora más conocido y
celebrado en el mundo creyente, gracias a la
vida y devoción de la Hermana Faustina. En
los escritos acerca de su vida es comúnmente
descrita como una monja polaca sin educación,
tres características que no son comunes en
colegios, universidades o instituciones de
educación avanzada elite. La Madre Angélica,
fundadora de EWTN, como muchos de ustedes
saben, partió a su eterna recompensa el pasado
27 de marzo a la edad de 92 años. Nació en
Canton, Ohio, y fue parte de una familia que
fue abandonada por su padre. Ella fundó el
monasterio de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles
en Birmingham, Alabama, donde las hermanas
vendían señuelos de pesca atados a mano y
maní para pagar sus cuentas. Luego de visitar
una estación de televisión Bautista en Chicago
en 1978, se dice que ella bromeó, “Señor, tengo
que tener una de estas”. Tres años más tarde,
fundó su propia red. Al momento de su
muerte, es dudoso que muchos VIPS de la
iglesia a la que servía pudiesen ser encontrados
en su celular. Dos derrames cerebrales en 2001,
le pusieran limitaciones severas es sus últimos
años de devoción. Probablemente no el
material que esperas ver en tarjetas devocionales
o libros acerca de la vida espiritual. Así que al
continuar en nuestro peregrinar en la tierra
luego de la celebración de la Pascua,
recordemos que la proclamación pascual es para
todos y sí, se espera la santidad. Me hace
recordar un dicho irlandés: “Creo en el sol
aunque no esté brillando, creo en el amor
aunque no lo sienta… creo en Dios, aun
cuando Él calla.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
Videos online explique enseñanza católica
sobre temas contemporáneos
El mundo a su alrededor está cambiando. ¿Cómo se
vive la fe en estos tiempos cambiantes y desafiantes?
Obispo John Noonan ha creado una serie de videos
para ayudarle a entender las enseñanzas de la Iglesia
Católica en lo que respecta a las cuestiones importantes
de nuestro tiempo, como las cuestiones de la vida, el
matrimonio y la libertad. La serie de nueve vídeo cubre:
♦El significado de la vida
♦Ciencia y Tecnología
♦Signos de los Tiempos
♦Divorciado y fiel
Más información en: www.orlandodiocese.org/
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 4 de abril……$2,182.42
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!
Las adolescentes entre las edades de 1318 están invitados a un retiro diseñados
especialmente para ellos. El retiro les
ayudará a profundizar su fe, ya que
piensan acerca de dónde Dios les llama a
usar sus dones y talentos. Dios tiene un
plan especial para cada persona y este
retiro será enseñar a las mujeres jóvenes a buscar la
voluntad de Dios para sus vidas. El tema es "Fiat-Que
se haga!" Y los participantes aprenderán acerca de la
confianza de nuestra Santa Madre María en Dios y
también aprender sobre la vida de las hermanas
religiosas. El retiro se llevará a cabo en el Centro de
abril de 22-24 de San Pedro en Winter Park. Para
obtener más información, póngase en contacto con
Sor Kathleen alimentación, 407-246-4928 o por correo
electrónico [email protected] o visite
formas permiso de los padres se encuentran en