PDF - St. Raphael Catholic Church


PDF - St. Raphael Catholic Church
Saint Raphael Catholic Church
5444 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbara, California, 93111-2308
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015
Office: (805) 967-5641 Fax: (805) 964-2988
Email: [email protected] Website: straphaelsb.org
Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?
(Mark 4:35-41).
Pastoral Staff
Schedule of Masses
Msgr. Jon Majarucon, Pastor
Rev. Lucio Juarez, Associate Pastor
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am
Wednesday and Friday: 12:05 pm
Saturday: 5:30 pm Vigil
Sunday: (English) 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am,
5:30 pm Life Teen Mass
(Español) 12:30 pm
email: [email protected]
Rev. Frank Colborn, Retired Priest
Dcn. Wayne Rascati, Permanent Deacon
Dcn. Stephen & Mrs. Sylvia Montross, Deacon Couple
M. Noël Fuentes, Pastoral Associate
Parish Office
M. Noël Fuentes, Business Manager
Jacqui Leicht, Accounting Coord.
Maria L. Romero, Reception/Baptisms
St. Raphael School
683-9090 x7
Michelle Limb, Principal
Religious Education
Karen Froelicher, English
Ana Solis-Cervantes, Bilingual
967-1641 x3
967-1641 x4
LifeTeen & Confirmation
John Vasellina, Youth Minister
964-3466 x1
Sunday Early Childhood Education
Cecilia Marks
Holy Days/Special Observances
Schedule of Holy Days varies
Saturdays: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
First Friday of every month, 24 Hours.
Vocations Information
Priesthood—Rev. John Love, 968-1078
Religious Life—Sr. Cecilia Canales, O.P., (213) 637-7592
Parish Vocations Contact—John Switzer, 967-8049
Baptisms & Funerals
Inquire in the Parish Office, 967-5641
Page Two
Saint Raphael Church
June 21, 2015
The Wind and The Sea
Today’s Readings
Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the “big lake,”
as the locals call it—you can often hear the advice,
“Respect the lake; don’t take it for granted.” People who
know Lake Superior respect its power and watch out for
its many moods. Sunken ships and boats crushed into
kindling are testimonies to what the lake can do.
First Reading — The Lord said to Job: Who shut within
doors the sea? And who said: Thus far shall you come but
no farther! (Job 38:1, 8-11).
Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting
The readings of this Sunday evoke our memories of the
lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean
itself. Who but God can control these mighty waters and
set limits to their advance? The lake described in today’s
Gospel was a body of water subject to sudden storms
and churned into dangerous waves by terrible winds.
But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor
and the fisher all respect the water. Even more, they
respect the awesome power of the Maker of wind and
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saints and Special Observances
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Father’s Day; Summer begins
St. Paulinus of Nola;
Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More
Wednesday: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Saturday: St. Cyril of Alexandria;
Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass Intentions
June 20— June 26, 2015
June 20 Sat Vigil 5:30 pm Our Parish Community
June 21 Sun
7:30 am Mary C. Gonzalez (D)
9:30 am Fredelito Igarta (D)
11:00 am All Fathers (L & D)
12:30 pm Edwin Daniel Garcia (D)
5:30 pm John Vasellina, Sr. (D)
June 22 Mon
8:00 am Desmond Cowan (D)
June 23 Tues
8:00 am Jesus Solorio (D)
June 24 Wed
8:00 am Phil Rozok (D)
12:05 pm All Fathers (L & D)
(Psalm 107).
Second Reading — Whoever is in Christ is a new
creation (2 Corinthians 5:14-17).
Gospel — Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?
(Mark 4:35-41).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass ©
1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Readings for the Week
Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22; Mt 7:1-5
Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6ab, 15ab, 17;
1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17
Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;
Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16];
Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4
Saturday: Gn 18:1-15; Lk 1:46-50, 53-55; Mt 8:5-17
Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;
2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24,
Together in Mission 2015
The theme of this year’s campaign is, “Be Imitators of
me . . .” (1 Cor 11). Together in Mission provides an
opportunity to show our concern for the 80 parishes
and 62 schools in the Archdiocese that need our
financial support so that they may continue to provide
education, ministry and a Catholic presence for tens of
thousands of people.
Please be assured that contributions to the Together
in Mission campaign are not used for any other
purpose. All funds received in excess of our goal are
returned in full to the Parish.
June 25 Thurs
8:00 am Maria A. Martinez & Family
(L & D)
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and please
continue to fulfill your pledges.
June 26 Fri
8:00 am Chad & David Williford (L)
Our Parish Goal is:
Amount Paid as of June 12:
Remaining balance:
12:05 pm Bill & Mary Hensel (L)
On the Cover — “Christ on the Sea of Galilee” by Tintoretto.
Start date: 1575; completion date: 1580.
$ 7,399
** Please use the Together in Mission envelopes
for your donations. Thank you! **
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Three
Parish Community News
Eucharist Ministers Needed — The Holy Spirit of
Pentecost is looking for those who can serve as
Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday or Sunday Masses. This
fulfilling ministry assists the priest in distribution of the
Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine. With
enough volunteers, service might only be once per
month (more times are always welcome). Training is
provided. Please pick up an application in the Parish
Office, or email: [email protected].
Early Bulletin Deadline — Due to the Fourth of July
holiday, the July 5 bulletin must be submitted to the
printing company earlier than usual. Please submit your
items for the July 5 bulletin no later than Thursday,
June 25. Thank you!
“Bundle Sunday” — Next Sunday, June 28, Saint
Raphael Church will be having a “Bundle Sunday”
sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. It will be
held in the church parking lot from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm.
Your donations will either be given to the needy or sold
in their thrift stores to support their charitable activities.
Please bring your useable clothing, useable household
items, and useable small appliances to donate. Thank
you very much!
Parish Council Election — We will be having a Parish
Council election the weekend of July 17/18. The
following candidates will be running for five open slots:
Lee Alfano, Cindy Hagon, Bruce Schumikowski, Rich
Scholl, Kelly Brett Almeroth, Jesus Lopez, and Carlos
Urgent Need for Volunteers for Eucharistic Adoration
at Bishop Diego High School Chapel. Contact Margaret
Priest at (805) 967-7391 or email: [email protected].
~ Calendar Highlights This Week ~
Sunday, June 21
Happy Father’s Day!
Monday, June 22
St. Vincent de Paul, 2:00 pm, Conference Rm.
Tuesday, June 23
Spirituality Course, 6:30 pm, PC, Rm. A/B
Escuela de Evangelizacion, 7:00 pm, PC, MP Room
Wednesday, June 24
Spirituality Course, 10:00 am, PC, Rm. A/B
Community Wedding information night (Spanish),
6:30 pm, in the church
Sunday, June 28
St. Vincent de Paul, “Bundle Sunday”, 8:00 am to
1:30 pm, Parking lot
PC = Parish Center
A Spirituality for the Modern Individual — Embark on
a unique journey this summer for modern individuals (all
ages!) like you. Designed to fit easily into your schedule,
this course will help you develop your spirituality within
the context of your own life. Each talk offers tools and
practices to help you deepen your relationship with God
in the modern world. You'll learn how to pray in a more
mature manner, transform your pain into wholeness, and
make informed spiritual choices. Join Fr. Jim Clarke
(presenting on DVD) in living the Gospel in a simple,
effective way today. This 6 part DVD series and
discussion will be facilitated by our Pastoral Associate,
Noël Fuentes. Please join us in Room A/B on Tuesday
evenings at 6:30 pm starting June 16 OR Wednesday
mornings at 10:00 am starting June 17. Please call
683-9090x7 to sign up!
The heart of a father
is the masterpiece of nature.
— Antoine-François, Abbé Prévost d’Exiles
Happy Father’s Day!
Photo Credit: Andrij Bulba; Creative Commons
Page Four
Saint Raphael Church
Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish
Judith Aguirre
Nick Altomare
Jessie Arroyo
Raymond Arroyo
Don Aubrey
Theresa Baran
Arturo Barrios
Donald Benn
Betty Blinde
Kevin Boever
Al Borgaro
Bill Buchanan
Fritz Cahill
Carolyn Calandro
Bella Caracheo
David Carrell
Fr. Frank Colborn
Juanita Corona
Mauricio Cuevas
Patricia Dana
Marge Dana
Rocio de la Pena
Irene Dorado
Dennis Dziubek
Pat Dzierski
Joan Easterbrook
Thomas Easterbrook
John Esparza
Karen Everett
Mary Faila
Anthony Falcucchi
Gracie Fisher
Roy Fong
Christian Franzen
Jessie Gonzales
Bill Hensel
John Hensel
Noel Hensen
Roberto Hernandez
Rocky Honer
George Hopping
Mary Hopping
Phyllis Hudson
Alfonso Jimenez
Yolanda Jimenez
George Karg
Austin Joseph Keefe
Mrs. Charles Lundfelt
Kristin Mahon
Julia Maroquin
Maria Martinez
Laurie May
Millie (no last name)
Michael Mina
Joseph Molina
Catherine Morris
Camille Moynihan
Roxanne Nomura
Cinder J. Nooney
Helen Nooney
Jose Nungaray
Teo Nungaray
Lorena OrtizSchneider
Patricia Perez
George Pinedo
Lucy Plancencia
Tom Puerling, Sr.
Terry Pugh
Knud Rasmussen
Hal Rich
Socorro Rivera
Gerardo Rodriguez,
Maria Rosas
Donna Saar
Jesus Salgado
David Schrader
Pat Schrader
Roy Schrader
Mildred Sternot
Dennis Tokumaru
Yvonne Worley
Kay Yuncker
Victoria Zakaras
Do you know of someone who is no longer in need of
being on this list? Wish to add immediate family?
Contact the Parish Office: 967-5641.
Protecting Our Children
You can help children prepare for natural disasters.
When parents and caregivers or other family members
deal with crisis
situations calmly
and confidently,
children feel more
confident and
secure. A child’s
reactions are
influenced by the
behavior they see.
The better
prepared you are, the more reassuring you may be
during an emergency. To help prepare your family,
develop a disaster plan and assemble a supply kit. For
more information and emergency preparedness tips, visit
June 21, 2015
Sociable Seniors
For more information about the
Sociable Seniors, call Eleanor Palazzo
at 968-5240, or Paul Robillard at
The Senior Travelers
“Sport of Kings” — Santa Anita Park, Thursday,
October 22. $50 per person includes admission, buffet
lunch, clubhouse court seating, and transportation via
Santa Barbara Airbus. Please send check payable to
Saint Raphael Church, with “Sociable Seniors” written on
the memo line, accompanied by a signed waiver. If you
have any questions, call Max Keller at 967-8296.
Also Planned — A trip to Santa Maria on Wednesday,
December 9 to see a matinee performance of the
Rogers and Hammerstein “Tony Award” winning
Broadway musical, “Cinderella”. Check future bulletins
for more information.
Call Eleanor or Max Keller (967-8296) with ideas and
suggestions for short “day trips” or with any questions.
For information on longer trips, call Joan Magenheimer
(967-5444). Suggestions are always welcome.
Devotions and Prayer Groups
Divine Mercy Group — Meets monthly at 7:00 pm in
the Church, usually the 3rd Tuesday of the Month.
Info: Martha at 964-4945.
Grupo de Oración — Fridays in the Church, 7:00 pm.
“Intercessors” Prayer Group — Tuesdays, 7:00 pm in
the Church crying room. Info: Cecilia Marks, 968-6008.
Praise & Worship — Wednesdays in the Conference
Room, 6:30 pm.
Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group — Thursdays,
in the Crying Room, 8:30 am.
St. Joseph Men’s Prayer Group — Wednesdays, in
the Church, 6:30 pm.
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I
could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I
got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had
learned in seven years.
— Author unknown, commonly attributed to Mark Twain
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Raphael School
Page Five
Saint Raphael Youth Ministry
From the Principal’s Desk
Leading Teens
Closer to Christ
High School Life Night: Sunday Evening Life Nights
A Profile of a St. Raphael Graduate:
After graduating, St. Raphael students will be…
Successful students who are
respectful for life and all of God’s creations
independent problem solvers
motivated by their curiosity
able to access information using various
forms of technology in an ethical manner
who have received opportunities for
creative expression
Technologically Competent Individuals
Rigorous curriculum
focused on lessons using California State
Standards and Archdiocesan Standards
lessons that are rich in diversity
confident learners
disciplined and focused
intrinsically motivated
live as Jesus lived
hold to Catholic values
have respect for others
participate in community outreach
demonstrate Christian behavior
appreciate each other’s unique gifts
our Church’s future
our nation’s future
Academic achievers
People of faith who
Helpers in our community. We are
Aware individuals that
are on-going throughout the summer. 5:30 pm teen
Mass and then Life Night.
 Summer Games are coming!
 We are preparing for our 5 Day Summer Camp
July 7-11 and our Steubenville San Diego weekend
July 24-26.
 Confirmation and EDGE registrations will begin in
For information on any of the teen programs, contact:
John 964-3466 x1 or Shanelle 964-3466 x2.
For Teens Interested in Getting Baptized
and / or Making First Communion
We have a special sacrament class just for teens. This is
for all teens in 7th grade and older. Classes start in
October. Call John at 964-3466 ext. 1 for more
information or with questions.
Sponsor a Teen!
Every year for the past ten
years, teens have been
attending a five day
summer camp (July 7-11)
and the
“Steubenville San
Diego” Youth
(July 24-26).
Please consider
sponsoring a teen!
100% of your donation will be used to sponsor teens
who do not have the money to attend. The cost for one
teen to attend is $275 for summer camp and $200 for
the Steubenville weekend. Make checks payable to
“St. Raphael's Youth Ministry”. You can drop off the
check at the Parish Office, hand it to John, or mail it to
the church (“Attention: John”). Many thanks for your
continued support!
Page Six
Saint Raphael Church
June 21, 2015
Parish Office and Catholic Community News
Parish Staff and Office Hours — The Parish Staff is
available to serve you during the following hours (with
an hour for lunch on M-F from 11:30 am-12:30 pm):
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am - 7:30 pm; Friday: 8:30 am
to 5:00 pm; Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm; Sunday:
8:30 am to 2:00 pm.
After hours emergency pager: 897-6371.
Bulletin Submissions — Please submit items no later
than Friday, at Noon, nine days prior to the intended
Sunday bulletin. Parish organizations have priority. Items
must be emailed or typed clearly on paper. No phonein announcements please. Announcements may be
edited for space. Email: [email protected].
Parish Staff Graduates!
Congratulations to two Parish Staff members: Abrahan
(AB) Rico, and Michelle Espinoza. AB graduated with
an Associate of Arts in Sociology (the academic study of
social behavior) from Santa Barbara City College and will
be attending California State University (CSU) at Long
Beach in August to finish that work in Sociology.
Michelle graduated from Dos Pueblos High School and
will be attending San Diego State University in August
with a major in Kinesiology (the scientific study of
human movement). We are very proud of these two
Catholic Christian young people and their achievements
inside and outside the classroom. Our prayers and
blessings go with them!
St. Raphael School Non-Discrimination Policy — The
school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love
of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color
or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or
made available to students at the school. The school
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
disability, sex or national and/or ethnic origin in the
administration of educational policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and
other school-administered programs, although certain
athletic leagues and other programs may limit
participation and some archdiocesan schools operate as
single sex schools. While the school does not
discriminate against students with special needs, a full
range of services may not always be available to them.
Decisions concerning the admission and continued
enrollment of a student in the school are based upon
the student’s emotional, academic and physical abilities
and the resources available to the school in meeting the
student’s needs.
~ Catholic Community News ~
Worldwide Marriage Encounter — Deepen your
communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle
your romance and renew your sacrament by attending
the next WWME weekend June 27-28 at St. Jude in
Westlake Village or July 10-12 in Chatsworth. Contact
Jeanine and Russ Walker at (805) 648-4244 or go online
at www.twocanlove.org.
Fingerprinting — Everyone who has contact with
children or youth are required to be fingerprinted by the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This includes all clergy, paid
parish/school personnel, volunteers, parent volunteers
and festival workers. Saint Joseph Church will be
hosting a FREE Fingerprinting Day on Saturday, June 27
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Parish Hall, 1500 Linden
Ave., in Carpinteria. Please call (805) 684-2181 to make
an appointment. If you have any questions, call Ruthann
Morrison at (805) 684-7047.
VBS Bible Camp — At San Roque Catholic Church,
July 6 thru July 10 (Monday – Friday), from 9:00 am to
Noon (starts at 8:30 am on the first day). Cost is $50 per
child. AGES: (Preschool) 3 years old (must be pottytrained) to 5 years old; (Elementary) 1st – 6th (grade just
completed). Jr. High and High School students are also
welcome to volunteer and become a Crew Leader. We
also welcome adult volunteers 18 and older. For more
information please call (805) 682-1097 or email
[email protected].
St. Joseph Church 58th Annual Festival — Come to
Carpinteria to celebrate on Friday, July 10, 5:00 pm to
11:00 pm; Saturday, July 11, Noon to 11:00 pm; and
Sunday, July 12, Noon to 9:00 pm. Carnival rides,
delicious food (hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, enchiladas,
BBQ tri-tip, chicken, and more), plus a beer garden for
the adults. There will be daily hourly drawings. Grand
Prize drawings are for $2,000, $1,000, $500, (winners
announced on Sunday at 8:00 pm). Free parking and
free admission!
Rachel's Vineyard — A retreat for men and women
struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of
abortion. In the Roman Catholic Tradition; using spiritual
exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn
children and to accept God’s forgiveness. Inquiries and
registrations are confidential. For more info, call
(866) 272-2435 or visit the website: rachelsvineyard.org.
In Need of Help?
Call St. Vincent de Paul 683-8535.
Decimosegundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La Iglesia de San Rafael
Pagina Siete
Noticias de la Parroquia
El Viento y El Mar
Los que conocen bien el Lago Superior le tienen un
saludable respeto, y siempre están alerta sobre sus
caprichosos cambios de ánimo. Muchos barcos hundidos
y muchos botes hechos astillas son testigos de lo que el
lago puede hacer cuando está de mal humor.
Domingo de Colecta — Próximo Domingo: 28 de
junio — Por favor done artículos usables, ropa,
artículos para el hogar, electrodomésticos pequeños y
artículos misceláneos cuando venga a la iglesia. El
camión del la Sociedad San Vicente de Paul estará aquí
de 8:30 am a 1:30 pm el domingo (28 de junio).
Las lecturas de este domingo nos evocan memorias de
ese lago, del poderoso río Mississippi o del océano
mismo. ¿Quién, fuera de Dios, podrá controlar esas
aguas poderosas, o imponerles límites, diciendo “Hasta
aquí llegarás”? El lago que describe el Evangelio de hoy
era un lago en el que se levantaban súbitas tormentas,
en las que los vientos huracanados agitaban olas
Celebrar el 58 Festival Anual de San José Iglesia —
(Carpinteria). Viernes, 10 de julio: 5-11:00 pm y sábado,
11 de julio: el mediodía hasta las 11:00 pm y domingo,
12 de julio, del mediodía a 9:00 pm. Parking gratuito ENTRADA GRATUITA. Habrá dibujos diarios por hora.
Gran Premio de dibujos son de $2,000, $1,000, $500, los
ganadores anunciados el domingo a las 8:00 pm.
Entretenimiento en vivo incluye bailarines de flamenco
y folklore, bandas en vivo desde muchos lugares, tanto
en inglés como en español. Habrá un montón de
atracciones para todas las edades. La rueda de la
fortuna grande ofrece vistas del océano y las montañas
circundantes Carpinteria. Los alimentos tradicionales
incluyen hamburguesas, perros calientes, tacos,
enchiladas, barbacoa tri-tip y pollo. El Beer Garden
ofrece vino y cerveza para los adultos.
Pero estas fuerzas tan poderosas se someten a la
voluntad de Dios. Los marineros y los pescadores le
tienen un saludable respeto al poder de las aguas. Pero
más todavía respetan el poder del Creador del viento y
del mar.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Lecturas De Hoy
Primera lectura — Aquí se romperá la arrogancia de tus
olas (Job 38:1, 8-11).
Salmo — Demos gracias al Señor por sus bondades
(Salmo 107 [106]).
Segunda lectura — Ya todo es nuevo (2 Corintios 5:1417).
Evangelio — ¿Quién es éste, a quien hasta el viento y el
mar obedecen? (Marcos 4:35-41).
Protegiendo a Los Niños
Usted puede ayudar a los niños a prepararse para
los desastres naturales. Cuando los padres,
responsables u otros miembros de la familia enfrentan
situaciones de crisis con calma y confianza, los niños se
sienten más seguros y fuera de peligro. Las reacciones
de un niño son influenciadas por el comportamiento
que ven. Cuanto más preparados estamos para un caso
de emergencia, más seguridad podemos dar a los niños
de que todo está bajo control. Para ayudar a que su
familia esté preparada, es importante desarrollar un
plan de respuesta en caso de desastre y tener un
paquete de provisiones armado. Para más información
y consejos de preparación para emergencias, visite
“Unidos en Misión” — El tema de la campaña de este
año es, “sean imitadores míos...” (1 Cor., 11). Unidos en
Misión nos da una oportunidad para demostrar nuestra
preocupación por las 80 parroquias y 62 escudos en la
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles que necesita de nuestro
apoyo económico para que puedan continuar
ofreciendo educación, servicio ministerial y una
presencia católica para las miles de personas en dichas
parroquias y escuelas. Queremos asegurarle que sus
donaciones son usadas solamente para la campaña
de Unidos en Misión y cualquier cantidad recibida
que sobrepase nuestra meta será devuelta para el
uso y beneficio de nuestra parroquia. Gracias por su
consideración y les pedimos que continúen cumpliendo
su compromiso.
Meta de nuestra parroquia: $83,600
Cantidad acumulada:
Cantidad faltante:
$ 7,399
Día de los
¿Necesita Ayuda?
Recuerde llamar al 683-8535, San Vicente de Paul.

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