Liturgical Ministers WEEKLY READINGS


Liturgical Ministers WEEKLY READINGS
the alienated, the unchurched, unemployed,
single parents, sick, those separated, divorced
or in hurting situations, our MINISTERS, our
BENEFACTORS and those on our prayer list.
Sat, Mar 19
Sun, Mar 20
Wed, Mar 23
5:00 pm
9:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
+ Ruth & Howard Rummell Sr
+ Steve Fekete, Sr.
+ Eufrocina Mata
+ Chloe Presnell
Mar 21:
Mar 22:
Mar 23:
Mar 24:
Is 42:1-7/ Ps 27:1,2,3,13-14/ Jn 12:1-11
Is 49:1-6/ Ps 71:1-2,3-4a,5ab-6ab,15&17/Jn 13:21-33,36-38
Is 50:4-9a/ Ps 69:8-10,21-22,31&33-34/ Mt 26:14-25
(Holy Thursday—The Lord’s Supper)
Ex 12:1-8,11-14/ Ps 116:12-13,15-16bc,17-18/
1 Cor 11:23-26/ Jn 13:1-15
Mar 25: (Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion)
Is 52:13-53:12/ Ps 31:2,6,12-13,15-16,1,25/
Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9/ Jn 18:1-19:42
Mar 26: (Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil)
Gn 1:1-2:2or Gn1:1,26-31a/ Gn 22:1-18 or Gn 22:1-2,9a,10-13,
15-18/ Ex 14:15-15:1/ Is 54:5-14/ Is 55:1-11/ Bar 3:9-15,32-4:4/
Ez 36:16-17a,18-28/ Rom 6:3-11/ Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23/
Lk 24:1-12
Mar 27: (Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord)
Acts 10:34a,37-43/ Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23/ Col 3:1-4 or
1 Cor 5: 6b-8/ Jn 20:1-9
Palm Sunday of
the Lord’s Passion
"Pilate addressed them a third
time, 'What evil has this man done?
I found him guilty of no capital
crime.'" The Palm Sunday Gospel
readings present a sad picture of
grown-ups who succumb to peer pressure. Three times, Pilate proclaimed that Jesus was not guilty. But yet, he gave
in to the mounting pressure from the crowd, whose "voices
prevailed... and he handed Jesus over to them." Also, during the opening Gospel at the procession of palms, we see
the adoring crowds hailing Jesus as "the king who comes in
the name of the Lord," but only too soon the chorus changes as the voice of the crowd cries out, "Crucify him! Crucify
him!" What happened to Jesus' loyal supporters? How did
the mob mentality overtake them all? Then too, we have
Peter, who in comfortable company with Jesus and his
friends promised eternal faithfulness. But when others began
asking uncomfortable questions, he caved: "Woman, I do
not know him."
These three scenarios give us a chance to reflect on our
own faithfulness as we journey into Holy Week. Like Pilate,
do we know the truth but abandon it when it becomes unpopular? Public opinion these days declares much Church
teaching to have fallen out of favor--will we renege like Pilate or stand fast to the faith? The fickle crowds demonstrate another kind of weakness, where instead of thinking
for themselves, people just followed those around them. Are
we guilty of this kind of passive intellectual laziness? How
about Peter's problem: do we change our story based on
current company, or do we live as consistent Christian witnesses in the world? This week, may we have the courage
to accompany Jesus all the way to the cross, no matter
what anyone else may do.
© Liturgical Publications Inc
Liturgical Ministers
Mar 24 – Holy Thursday 6:00 pm
Joy Stone
David Barbour — Kevin Archer
Ward Rummell — Tony Novak
Mar 24 – Jueves Santo 8:00 pm
Felipe Rosales y Mariana Orea y Maria Lopez
Angel — Jackeline - Thilia
Fredy – David Urbina
Mar 25 – Good Friday/Viernes Santo 3:00 pm
Ron Carney USHER
Linda Cowart — Jim Dobson
Mar 26 – Easter Vigil/Sabado Santo 8:30 pm
Peter Stone — Steve Boike - Joan Boike
Jose y Diana y Briana Nieves y Virgilio Perez
CUP/EUCARISTĺA Tony y Sandra Hernandez y Carmen Vasquez
Russel Tarr — Jared Mathewson - Angel
Gilberto - David Martinez
Mar 27– Easter Sunday 9:00 am
Daniel Walker
Gregory Kochak — Gen Phillips
Bill Sproul — Gary Benitez
Mar 27 - Domingo de Pascua 11:30 am
Miguel Rodriguez - Lleimi Peña
Miguel Garcia y Maricruz Franquiz y
Maria Luisa Lopez
Pablo Pereira
Roger — Elian - Miguel Garcia
Mateo – Jose Hernandez
Altar Care for March
Fran Pursley — Amy Tarr
Collection Counters for March 20
F. Pursley - S. Nagle –J. Russell – S. Triplett - S. Baker
Collection Counters for March 27 & Apr 3
G. Zaniewski - J. Babachicos – M. Green – M. Maheux - K. Maheux
Sundays from 7:30 AM until 8:30 AM in the church is a Holy
Hour for Reparations. Please, come and pray with us.
Tuesday through Saturday—Eucharistic Adoration starts after
the Mass Tuesday at noon and ends at 9:00 pm Friday in the
church. It continues Friday evening through 4:30 PM Saturday in
the chapel
RCIA Do you have any family or friends interested in learning more about our Catholic faith?
Classes are Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM in
the counter’s room off the fellowship hall.
Contact: Regina Clark at 828-850-0525
Linda Cowart at 828-754-2093
7 Secrets of Diving Mercy by Vinny Flynn
St John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have
made it clear that Divine Mercy is at the very center of the
Christian faith. Enter into the Year of Mercy with best-selling
author Vinny Flynn as he shares his 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy,
along with Christ’s message of love for each of us and for the
whole world.
The Divine Mercy Novena: Jesus gave St. Faustina
nine intentions for which to pray the Chaplet beginning on Good Friday and ending on Holy Saturday.
For more information go to:
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Una Mejor Comprension de la Verdadera Generosidad
Domingo de Pasión
En la historia del Evangelio del primer Domingo de Ramos
oímos que al dueño del burro solo había que decirle, “El
Maestro lo necesita,” para que él diera el animal de buena
gana. ¿Estoy tan dispuesto a dar para la obra del Señor?
Noticias en Español
Le damos la bienvenida a todas las personas que asistan a
nuestra misa en español, por primera vez.
1. Adoración Eucaristica y confesiones son todos los sabados de 3:30-4:45 pm en la iglesia.
2. El rezo del Rosario se lleva a cabo todos los Domingos a
las 11:00 am en la Iglesia.
3. Les recordamos que la misa de Quinceañera se debe
apartar con seis meses de anticipación y la quinceañera
deberá de asistir al grupo de jóvenes de la iglesia.
4. El grupo de oración se reune los dias Sábados de 7 a 9:30
pm en la iglesia. Se inicia la reunión con la misa y después tenemos la oración.
5. Horario de Oficina: Los días miércoles se atenderá todo lo
concerniente a Bautismos, quinceañeras y sacramentos
en general, asi como también los pagos de inscripción
del catecismo y otros. En español de 5 a 6 pm y 7 a 8 pm.
Si el bautismo va a ser en otra parroquia (fuera del estado o
nación) tiene que venir antes de la preparación bautismal
para registrar al niño en la parroquia y poder mandar la
carta al párroco correspondiente.
Domingo de Ramos
de la Pasión del Señor
Empieza la Semana Santa. La
liturgia de hoy tiene un elemento
previo muy significativo, no es tan
solo la Misa del Domingo, sino que
conmemoramos la entrada del
Señor a Jerusalén. En esta primera parte de hecho se
bendicen las palmas. Además, la Misa incluye la lectura
de la Pasión del Señor. La celebración de hoy es como el
puente entre el fin de la Cuaresma y la introducción al Triduo Pascual. En el Domingo de Ramos dan comienzo los
actos religiosos propios del Misterio Pascual. Pasión, muerte
y resurrección del Señor. También en las parroquias hispanas se aprovechan elementos propios de la religiosidad
popular. La mayoría de ellas celebran con gran fervor el
Vía Crucis o Estaciones de la Cruz.
¿Cómo celebraremos esta Semana Santa? ¿Estamos
ya preparados? Recordemos que la Semana Santa no es
sólo pasión, sufrimiento, muerte. También es esperanza para todos nosotros de gloria, vida y resurrección. Sé que el
pueblo hispano se identifica con la cruz de Jesús, pero a la
vez muchas veces no ve en el sufrimiento la vida nueva, la
resurrección, la transformación de actitudes. Ojalá que al
levantar nuestras palmas en este Domingo de Ramos
recordemos la victoria de Cristo sobre la muerte. Reflexionamos en la segunda lectura de hoy: "Para que, al nombre de Jesús, todos doblen la rodilla en el cielo, en la tierra
y en los abismos, y todos reconozcan públicamente que
Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre" (Flp 2, 10).
Seamos como el centurión romano, que al morir Jesús
reconoció, "Verdaderamente este hombre era justo" (Lc
23, 47).
© Liturgical Publications Inc
March 20, 2016
Stewardship Thoughts
In the area of time and talent, many individuals commit a
certain number of hours each week to prayer and charitable
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Income received thru 3/13/16
Ingreso recibido el fin de semana ................ $4,400.70
Income Needed each week
Ingreso necesitado cada semana………….…. .. ....$5,688.46
Year To Date received/
hasta la fecha recibido ............................ $211,494.36
Year To Date needed/
hasta la fecha necesitado ........................ $210,473.02
Diocesan Support Appeal received/Colecta ....... $5,943.76
Total Pledges/Promesa de ayuda .................. $17,616.01
2016 Our assessment/nuestra evaluación ...... $26,198.00
Our Yokefellow Food Donations Feb 2016 .......... 336.3lbs
As of today we are at 67% of our goal through
pledges , one time gifts and our second collections at our Masses in Spanish. We need each
of you to help us reach our goal of $26,198.
Seminary and Priests’ Continuing Education Collection
We ask your generous support and response to the second
collection which will be taken in all churches of our diocese
on Easter weekend. This collection will help meet the needs of
our Seminary and Priests’ Continuing Education programs. We
currently have 15 young men studying for the priesthood at
the Pontifical College Josephinum Seminary in Ohio and at
the Pontifical North American College in Rome. We look forward to the time when they will be able to begin their service
as priests in the Diocese of Charlotte.
Holy Saturday Blessing of Easter Food Baskets at noon at St.
Thomas Aquinas Church, 1400 Suther Rd., Charlotte, NC 28213.
The blessing will be in both English and Polish and last about 30
minutes. Please contact Deacon James Witulski with any questions at 704-960-3704.
All women of St Francis of Assisi are invited to
attend a Women’s Emmaus Retreat to be held
May 13, 14 & 15, 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity to be renewed spiritually and to
spend time with other women of our parish.
Look for registration forms on the table in the vestibule.
Church office will be closed
Thursday, March 24 at 12:30 pm
through Thursday, March 31.
La Oficina de la Iglesia sera cerrada
Jueves, 24 de marzo a las 12:30 pm
hasta el Jueves, 31 de marzo.
Holy Thursday—Jueves Santo
6:00 pm English/Inglés - 8:00 pm Spanish/Español
Good Friday - Viernes Santo
2:00 pm Stations of the Cross/Via Crucis Bilingual/Bilingüe
3:00 pm Veneration of the Cross/Veneración de la Cruz
Easter Vigil - Sabado Santo
8:30 pm Bilingual/Bilingüe
Easter Sunday - Domingo de Pascua
9:00 am English/Inglés - 11:30 am Spanish/Español
La campaña de la Campaña Diocesana de
Apoyo ya lleva un mes. Necesitamos la
ayuda de todos para poder llegar a nuestra
meta de $26,198.

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