habitat preference models for nesting eagle owls bubo bubo


habitat preference models for nesting eagle owls bubo bubo
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
Joaquín ORTEGO*1 & Mario DÍAZ*
SUMMARY.—Habitat preference models for nesting Eagle Owls Bubo bubo: How much can be inferred
from changes with spatial scale?
Aims: To analyze whether habitat preference patterns of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo change with spatial scale in an area of very high rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus density as compared to an area of lower prey availability (Martínez et al., 2003a).
Location: An area of over 2,100 km2 located in the province of Toledo, central Spain.
Methods: 17 habitat variables were measured around 100 nests that were occupied between 1999 and 2003
and around 100 random points at four spatial scales (circular areas of 250, 500, 1000 and 1,500 m of radius).
The range of spatial scales was established on the basis of the observed high density of Eagle Owl nests in the
study area, the second highest reported to date. Habitat features of occupied and random areas were compared by means of logistic regressions for each spatial scale. The possible effect of the spatial autocorrelation
was assessed using as additional predictors all the terms of a cubic equation defined by the coordinates of the
sampling points.
Results: Topographic irregularity and distance to the nearest stream were included into the models at all scales as the main predictors of the presence of Eagle Owl nests, classifying a high percentage of both random
and occupied points. Percent correct classification of the models did not change across scales. Positive selection of areas with irregular topography and close to streams can be interpreted as due either to a choice of
protected areas for nest location and/or of areas with high prey availability. At the 500 meters of radius scale the model included marginally the positive selection of areas with high covers of dehesa, a variable that may
be interpreted in the same way that the selection for the two main predictors. Two terms (X and Y2) of the cubic equation witch defined the spatial distribution of the nest and random points entered into all the models as
relevant factors.
Conclusion: No hierarchical patterns of habitat preference were detected, contrasting with results from a previous study carried out in an area of lower rabbit abundance (Martínez et al., 2003a). This result may be related to the high abundance of rabbits in central Spain, witch would have lead to a preference for good nesting
places rather than for areas with higher than average prey abundance. Methodological effects cannot be ruled
out, however, in either this comparison or in multiscale habitat preference studies in general. Independent data
on the foraging behavior of the involved species and/or on the fitness consequences of habitat selection would
be necessary to ascertain whether results from multiscale studies truly reflect underlying biological processes
(and what processes) or are biased by the parameter values of the modeling approach.
Key words: Bubo bubo, Eagle Owl, habitat preferences, land uses, multiple spatial scales, prey abundance,
Spain, topography.
RESUMEN.—Modelos de preferencia de hábitat para el Búho Real Bubo bubo: ¿Qué puede inferirse de
cambios con la escala espacial?
Objetivos: Analizar si las preferencias de hábitat del Búho Real Bubo bubo cambian con las escala espacial
en un área de muy alta densidad de conejos Oryctolagus cuniculus, en comparación con lo que ocurre en un
área de menor disponibilidad de presas (Martínez et al., 2003a).
Localidad: Un área de unos 2.100 km2 en la provincia de Toledo, centro de España.
Métodos: Se midieron 17 variables en torno a 100 nidos ocupados entre 1999 y 2003 y 100 puntos elegidos
al azar a cuatro escalas espaciales (áreas de 250, 500, 1000 y 1.500 m de radio). El rango de escalas se estableció sobre la base de la alta densidad de nidos de Búho Real en el área de estudio, la segunda mayor encontrada hasta la fecha. Las características del hábitat de los puntos ocupados y los puntos al azar fueron comparadas mediante regresiones logísticas para cada escala espacial. El posible efecto de la autocorrelación
* Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales. Facultad de Ciencias del Medio Ambiente. Universidad de
Castilla-La Mancha, E-45071 Toledo, Spain. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Present address: Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM), Ronda de
Toledo s/n, E-13005 Ciudad Real, Spain.
espacial fue evaluado utilizando como predictores adicionales todos los términos de una ecuación de tercer
grado definida por las coordenadas X e Y de los puntos de muestreo.
Resultados: La irregularidad topográfica y la distancia a arroyos fueron incluidas en los modelos de todas las
escalas como los principales predictores de la presencia de nidos de Búho Real, clasificando un elevado porcentaje tanto de puntos ocupados como de puntos al azar. El porcentaje de casos clasificados correctamente no
varió con la escala. La selección positiva de áreas con altas irregularidades topográficas y cercanas a arroyos
puede interpretarse como debida a una preferencia por zonas seguras para la nidificación y/o con alta abundancia de presas. A la escala de 500 metros de radio el modelo incluyó de modo marginalmente significativo
la selección por áreas con una elevada cobertura de dehesas, una variable que puede ser interpretada en el mismo sentido que la selección de los dos predictores principales. Dos términos, X e Y2, de la ecuación de tercer
grado que define la distribución espacial de los nidos y los puntos al azar fueron incluidos en los modelos
como predictores influyentes.
Conclusión: No encontramos un proceso de selección de hábitat jerárquico en nuestro área de estudio y para
las escalas analizadas, en contraste con los resultados de un trabajo previo realizado en una zona con menor
densidad de conejos (Martínez et al., 2003a). Este patrón puede estar ligado a la alta abundancia de conejos en
el centro de España, que podría dar lugar a una búsqueda de puntos adecuados para la nidificación más que a
una selección de características del hábitat relacionadas con la abundancia de presas. Sin embargo, no se puede descartar el efecto de la metodología empleada para analizar los cambios en las preferencias con la escala,
ni en esta comparación ni en los estudios de preferencias a escalas múltiples en general. Se requiere por tanto información independiente sobre el comportamiento de búsqueda de alimento y/o sobre las consecuencias
de las preferencias de hábitat sobre la eficacia biológica de los individuos para poder determinar si los patrones
observados reflejan procesos biológicos reales (y qué procesos) o están influidos por el método general de análisis de los estudios multiescala.
Palabras clave: Bubo bubo, Búho Real, preferencias de hábitat, usos del suelo, multiples escalas espaciales, abundancia de presas, España, topografía.
Habitat preference models have been extensively developed to define and analyze several
components of habitat use by animals (Morrison et al., 1998). If such preference models
have a causal basis (Seoane & Bustamante,
2001; Tyre et al., 2001), they have been proposed as one of the main tools for preserving endangered species, either as the best basis for
developing habitat management strategies (Morrison et al., 1998) or to evaluate the impact of
human activities (Martínez et al. 2003b, 2003c).
Under these assumptions, a raising number of
preference models on the nesting habitat (e.g.
González et al., 1992; Donázar et al., 1993;
Suárez et al., 2000; Ortego & Díaz, 2004), habitat use by immature individuals during natal
dispersal (e.g. Ferrer & Harte, 1997) or foraging
habitat (e.g. Tella et al., 1998) by raptors have
been developed in Spain during the last years
(reviewed in Martínez et al., 2003b). However,
the interpretation of most of these models suffers from the caveat pointed out by Jones
(2001) about the repeated conceptual confusion
between habitat selection and habitat preferences. Habitat selection refers to a hierarchical
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
process of behavioral responses that may result
in a disproportionate use of habitats, which in
turns influence the individuals’ fitness (Block &
Brennan, 1993), whereas habitat preference refers to the final pattern resulting from the habitat selection process. As individual decisions
are constrained by ecological and evolutionary
factors such as inter- and intraspecific competition, perceptual bias or site tenacity (Wiens,
1989), habitat preferences are only partially
caused by habitat selection, so that interpreting
habitat preference models as if they were habitat selection models is a conceptual mistake
(Jones, 2001).
In spite of this basic criticism, the analysis of
habitat preferences is still one of the main approaches to study the habitat selection process
(Lawler, 1999; Martínez et al., 2003a), as far as
its design takes into account the potential influences of ecological and evolutionary constraints (e.g. Pulido & Díaz, 1997; Díaz et al.,
1998; Beutel et al., 1999). One way of doing
this is to analyze how habitat preferences vary
with spatial scale (e.g. Wiens et al., 1987; Lawler, 1999; Sánchez-Zapata & Calvo, 1999; Illera, 2001; Penteriani et al., 2001a; Martínez et
al., 2003a). The rationale of this approach is
that animals are expected to make decisions regarding resources (food availability, nesting
places, etc.) at different spatial scales that
should be hierarchically integrated (Johnson,
1980; Lawler, 1999). For example, suitable
nesting places may not be actually occupied
because trophic resources would be too scarce
or human disturbance too high in the areas surrounding such places. Changes (or lack of
changes) in patterns of habitat preference
across spatial scales may provide insights on
what resources are critical at each scale (e.g.
Martínez et al., 2003a) as well as on the scale
at which each species perceives its environment (e.g. Martínez & Zuberogoitia, 2004).
These two factors are in the core of the causal
link between patterns of habitat preference and
the process of habitat selection (Johnson, 1980;
Holling, 1992) since fitness consequences of
habitat preferences are also scale-dependent
(e.g. Misenhelter & Rotenberry, 2000), a fact
linked with the different selection pressures to
which individuals are to be exposed at each decision step in the hierarchical habitat selection
Habitat preferences of Mediterranean Eagle
Owls Bubo bubo have been analyzed in Navarra (Donázar, 1988), Murcia (Martínez & Calvo, 2000; Sánchez-Zapata, et al. 1996), Alicante (Martínez et al., 2003a) and Toledo
(Ortego & Díaz, 2004) in Spain, as well as in
another Mediterranean population (Penteriani
et al., 2001b), at a variety of spatial scales. All
of them emphasize the importance of safe nesting places and rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
abundance and distribution on habitat preferences and population densities of Eagle Owls.
Only the recent paper by Martínez et al.
(2003a) follows a multiscale approach, using a
range of spatial scales established on the basis
of a mixture of local and general knowledge on
the ways Eagle Owls possibly perceive their
environment. In this paper, the null hypothesis
of a random occupancy of habitat at different
spatial scales by Eagle Owls in central Spain
will be tested, established on the basis of the
distribution of owl nests in the study area. Specifically, it will be tested whether habitat preferences vary with spatial scale, as reported
by Martínez et al. (2003a), and what the potential is for these changes (or lack of them) to
infer the likely causes of the observed preferences.
Study area
The study area extends over 2,100 km2 (centered on 39°47'N, 4°04'W) and is located in the
province of Toledo, central Spain. The climate
is meso-mediterranean with mean temperatures ranging from 26°C in July to 5°C in January and 300-400 mm of rainfall concentrated
in spring and autumn. The area is extensively
cultivated, with irrigated maize Zea mays fields
close to the Tajus river and non-irrigated barley
Hordeum vulgare and wheat Triticum spp.
fields, as well as scattered olive groves Olea
europaea and vineyards Vitis vinifera, elsewhere. Holm oaks Quercus ilex dominate the less
intensively used areas, whereas the most altered
zones are dominated by esparto grass Stipa tenacissima or Mediterranean scrubland mainly
composed by Quercus ilex shrubs, Cistus ladanifer and Retama sphaerocarpa. Other minor
habitats include streams with riparian vegetation and recent pine Pinus spp. plantations.
Rabbit densities in this study area are within the
highest reported, whereas Martínez et al.
(2003a) worked in an area of lower prey availability (Villafuerte et al., 1995).
Territory location and habitat
Eagle Owl pairs nesting in the study area between 1999 and 2003 were located by means of a
combination of direct and indirect methods: intensive nest searching in suitable areas, listening
to spontaneous vocalizations, visiting the area
around potential nest or perch sites to look for
molted feathers, fresh pellets and prey remains,
and eliciting territorial calls by means of playbacks of conspecific vocalizations (Marchesi et
al., 2002; Martínez et al., 2003a). Only pairs
with clear evidence of reproduction (occupied
or old nests, fledged chicks) in at least one of the
study years were included in the analyses.
Both the habitat available and used by Eagle
Owls for nesting were characterized by means
of 17 environmental variables related to degree
of humanization, land uses, physiography and
local owl population density (Appendix). We
determined distances, the index of topographic
irregularity and the number of buildings by the
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
use of 1:25000 topographic maps of Spain
(I.G.N.). Nest sites were incorporated into a
Geographic Information System (GIS) and afterwards cover of land uses and the number of
ecotones between land uses were measured in
the digitalized 1:100000 Corine Land Cover
maps using the Arc-View software. The 20
land use types provided by Corine Land Cover
maps were grouped into nine categories in order to facilitate statistical analyses (Appendix).
Random points used to estimate habitat availability were obtained by contingent generation
of a number of pairs of UTM coordinates that
was the same as the number of nests located. It
was not checked whether random points were
actually occupied or not, so a comparison was
carried out between occupied and available habitat which is considered to be more informative than comparisons between occupied and
unoccupied sites and allows making more proper inferences about habitat choice (Jones,
2001; but see Jones & Robertson, 2001).
Habitat variables were measured in circles
of 250 (0.20 km2), 500 (0.78 km2), 1000 (3.14
km2) and 1500 (7.07 km2) meters of radius
around nest locations and random points. No
information was available on the foraging behaviour and home range size of nesting Eagle
Owls in the study area. Hence, the spatial scales
selected were inspired on the observed high
nest density, expecting that the smaller scales
(higher resolutions) would be related to selection of suitable nest sites while the larger (lower resolutions) would be related to selection
of foraging territories. A total of 100 breeding
pairs of Eagle Owls were found in the study
area. The average nearest neighbour distance
(NND) was 1450 ± 1719 m (range: 150-7275
m), that is among the lowest reported for Europe (reviewed in Marchesi et al., 2002), with
only one denser breeding population recently
reported in northern Seville, SW Spain (Penteriani & Delgado, 2004). Hence, the studied population is very dense, so that the home range
size of nesting pairs should be much smaller
than previously established (reviewed in Martínez et al., 2003a). Further, most owl nests
tended to be located along seasonal brooks, so
that modal NND (425 m) was much smaller
than the average NND. This clumped and dense distribution was the basis for the range of
scales selected (see Martínez et al., 2003a for a
similar procedure).
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
Clumped distributions may bias results of
empirical comparisons between habitat use and
availability due to spatial autocorrelation of use
data (Legendre, 1993). Such biases were assessed and removed, using as additional predictors for the models all terms of the cubic
equation Z’ = b1X + b2Y + b3X2 + b4XY + b5Y2
+ b6X3 + b7X2Y + b8XY2 + b9Y3, where X and
Y are the longitude and latitude, respectively,
for each nest and random point (Legendre,
1990, 1993; Bocard et al., 1992). X and Y were
previously centred to mean zero (ranges of the
longest axis from –1 to +1, Neter et al., 1985;
Burrough, 1995). Alternatively, nonrandom
distribution of nest sites could arise from intraspecific interactions such as competition or
conspecific attraction, so that the NND of each
nest and random point were included as a potential predictor of habitat preferences (Martínez et al., 2003a).
A forward stepwise logistic regression approach based on the Wald statistic was used to
identify the set of variables that best separated
nest from random sites (Hosmer & Lemeshow,
1989). Variables were arc-sin, root-square or
log-transformed before analyses. There was no
attempt to validate the models obtained by either resampling the database or using cases not
employed to build up the models (Seoane &
Bustamante, 2001) since we were mostly interested in whether model parameters changed
with scale, instead on the predictive performance of such models. Predictive performance
is overestimated by this modeling approach,
but this positive bias was not likely to change
with spatial scale (Pearce & Ferrier, 2000). Model performance was computed as the percentage of cases correctly classified as either occupied or random, using 0.5 as the threshold
value for such classification. This balanced design allows to test simultaneously whether proportion of correct classifications differ from
random expectations and whether such proportions changed with spatial scale using the fit
of log-linear models to the three-way contingency table generated by the factors scale*model classification (occupied or random)*real
classification (occupied or random) (Sokal &
Rohlf, 1981). No such explicit and comprehensive test is currently possible with other estimates of model performance such as the kappa
or AUC statistics (Pearce & Ferrier, 2000;
Seoane & Bustamante, 2001).
The habitat around nests differed significantly from the habitat around random points.
The habitat preference models at the scales of
250 (0.20 km2), 1000 (3.14 km2) and 1500
(7.07 km2) meters of radius showed that the
probability of finding an occupied nest increased with the irregularity of topography while it
decreased with the distance to the nearest stream. The model for the 500 m (0.78 km2) scale
included the same variables than the models
from the previous scales plus the cover of dehesas, which increased the probability of occupancy (Table 1). Two terms (X and Y2) of
the cubic equation witch defined the spatial distribution of the nest and random points entered
into all the models as significant factors. Nevertheless, the predictors selected by the modeling approach barely differ from those selected without taking into account spatial
autocorrelation (data not shown). The proportion of cases correctly classified by the models
differed significantly from random expectations
(G 23 = 608.31, P < 0.001; interaction model
classification*real classification of cases), but
such proportions did not differ across spatial
scales (G 23 = 3.08, P = 0.380; scale*model classification*real classification interaction).
Multiscale analyses of habitat preferences
to study habitat selection: advantages
and pitfalls
Proper measurement of habitat availability
is a key problem in habitat preference studies
(Jones, 2001). Random sampling of habitat
availability can lead to biased results if the studied species has a very specialized habitat selection behavior or if it requires particular places for nesting (Jones, 2001; Jones &
Robertson, 2001). For this reason, Martínez et
al. (2003a) consider as available habitat for
nesting Eagle Owls in Alicante cliffs higher
than 4 m and with suitable cavities only, and
they compared habitat characteristics around
occupied and unoccupied cliffs. Donázar
(1988), Sánchez-Zapata et al. (1996) and Martínez & Calvo (2000) followed a similar criterion, while Penteriani et al. (2001b) used com-
parisons with both random points and unoccupied cliffs in the same study. In the present
case, however, Eagle Owls show a high adaptability to occupy nesting places that may be
considered as marginal in other studied populations, a result that can be related to the high
abundance of suitable prey. In the present study
area, Eagle Owls nest in a great variety of substrates apart from cliffs, such as abandoned buildings, in nests of other raptors or on the ground
under trees or even under sparto grass clumps
(unpubl. data). In this way, it was not sensible
to limit the available nest sites to cliffs since
this approach would have biased the observed
habitat preference in the study area.
In the absence of independent data on the
home range size of the studied species, the definition of the spatial scale of measurement is
another key issue in studies of habitat preference, since the process of habitat selection is scale-dependent (Johnson, 1980; Jones & Robertson, 2001). Besides, processes different from
habitat selection such as the effect of densitydependence on population or metapopulation
regulation may be also scale-dependent, starting to influence nest distribution at some undefined spatial scale (Schneider, 1994). One way
of tackling this is to select increasingly larger
areas within a range seemingly relevant biologically for the species or population under study
(Kevin, 1999). Martínez et al. (2003a) used areas of 7 (nest site), 25 (home range) and 100
(landscape) km2 in a recent multiscale study of
habitat preference by Eagle Owls in Spain. The
size of the nest site scale was established according to the frequency of sightings of adult
owls around nest sites before egg laying, the
size of the home range scale according to results
of radio-tracking studies of nesting individuals
in central European populations, and the size
of the landscape scale according to regional patterns of change in landscape structure (Martínez
et al., 2003a). Here much smaller scales were
used since the size of foraging areas are expected to vary among habitats according to prey
availability (Dill, 1978), so that it would not
have been sensible to use estimates of home
range size obtained for populations experiencing contrasting levels of food supply. In this
study area it seems unlikely that Eagle Owls
would move further away from 1500 meters of
the nest places because of the high density of
both rabbits (Villafuerte et al., 1995) and owl teArdeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
Forward stepwise logistic regression models for the probability of finding occupied Eagle Owl Bubo bubo
nests at four spatial scales.
[Modelos obtenidos mediante regresiones logísticas por pasos que estiman la probabilidad de presencia de
nidos ocupados de Búho Real Bubo bubo a cuatro escalas espaciales.]
250 meters of radius [radio de 250 m]
Index of topographic irregularity
[Índice de irregularidad topográfica]
Distance to the nearest stream
[Distancia al arroyo más próximo]
Overall correct classification rate [porcentaje de clasificación correcta total] = 93.5%
Random points correctly classified [puntos al azar clasificados correctamente] = 92.0%
Nest points correctly classified by the model [nidos clasificados correctamente] = 95.0%
500 meters of radius
Index of topographic irregularity
Distance to the nearest stream
Cover of dehesa
[Cobertura de dehesas]
Overall correct classification rate = 91.0%
Random points correctly classified = 89.0%
Nest points correctly classified = 93.0%
1000 meters of radius
Index of topographic irregularity
Distance to the nearest stream
Overall correct classification rate = 89.5%
Random points correctly classified = 89.0%
Nest points correctly classified = 90.0%
1500 meters of radius
Index of topographic irregularity
Distance to the nearest stream
Overall correct classification rate = 89.0%
Random points correctly classified = 88.0%
Nest points correctly classified = 90.0%
rritories (Ortego & Calvo, 2003). Including larger scales would have thus lead to problems of
lack of independence between data points, as
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
well as to the risk of including effects of population regulation processes on the observed patterns of nest distribution.
Habitat preferences and habitat selection
by Eagle Owls in central Spain
The models obtained at the four selected scales had very high correct classification rates, a
result that indicates that the independent variables selected were relevant for nesting Eagle
Owls (Seoane & Bustamante, 2001). Model
performance did not change across scales, and
all models included the same variables as the
most significant predictors, the irregularity of
topography and the distance to the nearest stream. Thus, habitat preferences by Eagle Owls in
the current study area were not dependent on
the spatial scale analyzed.
The preference of Eagle Owls for places
with irregular topography has been reported in
most previous studies (Donázar, 1988; Martínez & Calvo, 2000; Sánchez-Zapata, et al.
1996; Martínez et al., 2003a; Ortego & Díaz,
2004). The usual interpretation of this result is
that nests located in rocky areas and/or steep
slopes would be less accessible to both predators and man. The observed preference for nesting closer to streams when available would be
interpreted in the same way, as rocky outcrops
and steep slopes characterize the surroundings
of brooks and streams in the study area. On the
other hand, the surroundings of streams might
supply a higher abundance of prey because rabbits found in watercourses encounter greater
amounts of food and softer soils to dig permanent refuges (Villafuerte et al., 1995; Virgós
et al., 2003). Cover of dehesa positively influenced the probability of finding a nest of
Eagle Owls at the scale of 500 meters. Again,
this variable may be related to a higher protection of nests due to low levels of human use of
this kind of habitat or to higher prey availability
due to greater chances of prey capture in open
All the models included as relevant factors
two terms (X and Y2) of the cubic equation
used to define the spatial characteristics both of
the nest and random points. This result indicates that distribution of owl nests in the study
area is clumped. Statistical removal of the lack
of independence due to spatial distribution (Legendre, 1990, 1993; Bocard et al., 1992; Liebhold & Gurevitch, 2002) did not affect the observed patterns of habitat preference as the
predictors selected by the models did not change. In this case, at least, spatial dependence
among the sampling points did not affect the
reliability of habitat preference models (Lennon, 1999; Vaughan & Ormerod 2003).
Patterns of habitat preference of nesting Eagle Owls in central Spain did not appear to arise
from a hierarchical process of habitat selection,
as the main predictor variables (irregularity of
topography and distance to streams) were the
same for all scales. These results contrast
sharply with those obtained by Martínez et al.
(2003a) in eastern Spain, where Eagle Owls selected areas of presumably high food availability at the larger spatial scales and cliffs protected against both man and predators at the lower
scales. Differences between the two studies
might be attributed to the very high abundance
of rabbits in central as compared to eastern
Spain (Villafuerte et al., 1995; Blanco, 1998),
which would lead to a coincidence in the size of
nesting and foraging areas. In the area studied,
Eagle Owls may select good nesting points as
almost any good nesting place will have a high
density of prey. Alternatively, differences between the two studies would be related to differences in the ranges of spatial scales covered. It
is assumed, according to the knowledge on the
distribution of Eagle Owls in the study area,
that the spatial scales considered reflected the
same basic biological processes than those considered by Martínez et al. (2003a), in spite of
the differences in absolute values. It seems clear that independent data on the sizes of home
ranges and foraging areas as related to levels
of food availability in Eagle Owls are needed to
choose between these alternatives.
General lack of data on the spatial scales biologically relevant in the habitat selection process
of most species raise doubts about the adequacy
of multiscale approaches to habitat preferences
based on scales selected on the basis of incomplete knowledge of relevant biological traits of
the populations under study. Inadequate scales,
especially if too large, are expected to lead to
unclear or erroneous conclusions on the behavioral responses involved in the habitat selection
process (Martínez et al., 2003a). Independent
data on the local behavior of the selected species, or on the fitness consequences of habitat
selection, are thus urgently needed to ascertain
whether results from multiscale studies truly reflect underlying biological processes (and what
processes) or are biased by the parameter values
of the modeling approach.
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.—The Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente de Castilla-La Mancha
provided the necessary permits for monitoring Eagle
Owl nests. We wish to thank José Arcadio Calvo for
his assistance during field work and to Jesús Caballero for his patient help with the software Arc-View.
Rocío A. Baquero helped us with spatial analysis. Javier Seoane and Javier Bustamante made useful comments during revision. This work is part of the final
year project that the first author defended in September 2003 to obtain his degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, and was
carried out without financial support.
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Joaquín Ortego obtained is BA degree in Environmental Sciences in the University of Castilla-La
Mancha in 2003. His main research interest is focused on the biology and conservation of raptors in
man-made Mediterranean habitats. Currently he is
starting his PhD on the relationships between reproductive behavior and genetic variability in Lesser
Kestrels Falco naumanni. Mario Díaz is professor of
Zoology, Biogeography and Conservation Biology
at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (www.uclm.es/
to/mambiente/bioanimal/zoologia_uclm). One of his
main interests is contributing to develop wildlife-habitat models useful for biodiversity conservation and
land-use planning.
[Recibido: 28-01-04]
[Aceptado: 20-10-04]
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394
Variables used to analyze habitat preference by Eagle Owls in central Spain. Distances, number of buildings
and the index of topographic irregularity were measured on 1:25000 topographic maps. Land uses and number of ecotones were measured in digitalized 1:100000 Corine Land Cover maps, and the 20 land use types
provided by such maps were grouped into nine cover categories.
[Variables empleadas para analizar las preferencias de hábitat del Búho Real en el centro de España. Las
distancias, número de edificaciones y el índice de irregularidad topográfica se midieron en mapas topográficos de escala 1:25000. Los usos del suelo y el número de ecotonos se midieron en los mapas digitalizados
1:100000 del sistema Corine Land Cover. Los 20 usos diferenciados en estos mapas se agruparon en nueve
categorías de uso]
Distance to the nearest village (m) [Distancia al pueblo más próximo (m)]
Number of buildings [Número de edificaciones]
Distance to the nearest paved road (m) [Distancia a la carretera más próxima (m)]
Distance to the nearest unpaved road (m) [Distancia al camino más próximo (m)]
Distance to the nearest stream (m) [Distancia al arroyo más próximo (m)]
Index of topographic irregularity (number of altitude curves crossed by two lines running N-S and E-W from
the plot centre) [Índice de irregularidad topográfica (número de curvas de nivel cortadas por dos líneas de dirección N-S y E-O que pasan por el centro del círculo de muestreo]
Cover of non-irrigated herbaceous crops (%); sum of the covers of 1) non-irrigated arable land; and 2) land occupied mainly by agricultural uses with some areas of natural vegetation [Cobertura de cultivos herbáceos de
secano (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) tierras de labor en secano; y 2) terrenos agrícolas con espacios de
vegetación natural]
Cover of irrigated crops (%); sum of the covers of 1) permanently irrigated lands; and 2) other irrigated lands
[Cobertura de cultivos de regadío (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) cultivos herbáceos en regadío; y 2) otras
zonas con irrigación]
Cover of perennial crops (%); sum of the covers of 1) vineyards; 2) olive groves; 3) mixtures of perennial
crops; 4) irrigated orchards; and 5) mixtures of annual and perennial crops [Cobertura de cultivos leñosos (%);
suma de las coberturas de 1) viñedos; 2) olivares; 3) mosaico de cultivos permanentes; 4) otros frutales de regadío; y 5) mosaico de cultivos anuales con cultivos permanentes]
Cover of tree plantations (%); sum of the covers of 1) coniferous forest; and 2) other broad-leaved tree plantations [Cultivos forestales (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) pináceas; y 2) otras frondosas de plantación]
Cover of dehesa (%); cover of agro-forestry areas [Cobertura de dehesa (%); cobertura de sistemas agroforestales]
Cover of pastures (%); sum of the covers of 1) other pastures; and 2) salines [Cobertura de pastizales (%);
suma de las coberturas de 1) otros pastizales; y 2) salinas]
Cover of scrublands (%); sum of the covers of 1) Low-density scrub and shrubland; and 2) High shrubland
formations of medium to high density [Cobertura de matorrales (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) matorral
subarbustivo o arbustivo poco denso; y 2) grandes formaciones de matorral denso o medianamente denso]
Cover of Mediterranean forests (%); sum of the covers of 1) forests of evergreen sclerophyllous and Lusitanian oaks; and 2) transitional woodland-shrubland [Cobertura de bosque mediterráneo (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) perennifolios esclerófilos y quejigares; y 2) matorral boscoso de transición]
Cover of water bodies (%); sum of the covers of 1) rivers and natural water courses; and 2) reservoirs [Cobertura de medios acuáticos (%); suma de las coberturas de 1) ríos y cauces naturales; y 2) embalses]
Number of ecotones (number of changes of land uses crossed by two lines running N-S and E-W from the plot
centre) [Number of ecotones (número de cambios de uso de la tierra cortados por dos líneas de dirección NS y E-O que pasan por el centro del círculo de muestreo]
Distance to the nearest occupied nest of Eagle Owl (m) [Distancia al nido ocupado más próximo de Búho
Real (m)]
Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 385-394

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