“Peace be with you...As the Father has sent me, so I send You


“Peace be with you...As the Father has sent me, so I send You
March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013
“… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.”
May 24, 2015
“Peace be with you...As
the Father has sent me,
so I send You...Receive
the Holy Spirit”.
John 20: 21-23
Parish Information
Sunday: 7:00 a.m. (Español)
10:00 a.m. (English)
1:00 p.m. (Español)
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. Communion Service
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Communion Service
4:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass (English)
Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World
Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo
Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588
Email: [email protected]
Website: saintpaulofthecross.org
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition)
Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00 p.m. Benediction: 8:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (or contact the office for an appt.)
Sacrament of Baptism
First and Third Sundays (except during Lent)
Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month.
Contact the office for information.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a date.
Pastoral Staff
Anointing and Visitation of the Sick
Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor
Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Alberto Cabrera, C.P., Parochial Vicar
Adult Faith Enrichment
Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon
Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00 p.m.
Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon
Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.
Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon
Served by the Passionist Community
Founded in 1954
MAY 24, 2015
T he Pastor’s Corner
My dear Parishioners,
Week of May 24—May 30, 2015
Happy Birthday, Church! On this glorious feast of Pentecost, when we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit,
it has been traditional for Christians to refer to this event as
the Church’s birthday. Before his ascension, Jesus did promise his disciples—that includes you and me—that he would
not leave us orphans, but that he would send “another Advocate” to guide and direct us in carrying out his mission in the
world. Of course, that “other Advocate" is none other than
the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, that dynamic Spirit
of Love who makes everything that God wants to happen
happen. The Holy Spirit did not come just for a visit; no, the
Holy Spirit came to stay to direct and lead us through the
perils of our earthly existence to the fullness of life with the
Godhead. What an unbelievable blessing: the Holy Spirit is
the Church’s very Soul! That’s why the body of the Church,
fragile though it be, is able to live with confidence that the
Church will endure forever despite the human weaknesses
and even sinfulness of its members. What a consolation!
SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.: People of the Parish
7:30 a.m. Living and Deceased Passionist Benefactors
WEDNESDAY, 7:30 a.m. and SATURDAY, 9:00 am:
Communion Service
SATURDAY, 4:30 pm: Maria
Teresa Briz † (req. Marilyn Dos Santos)
Congratulations on your
Wedding Day!
¡Felicidades en el día de tu Boda!
Jose Luis Hernandez
Maria Garcia
So, while we may be tempted to look at the darker side of
life — and who hasn’t occasionally?— there have always
been undeniable signs of the influence of the Spirit in our life
as a Church personified in the holiness of a Teresa of Calcutta or a Katharine Drexel, an Augustine Tolton or an Augustine of Hippo, a Thea Bowman or an Oscar Romero, or in
others whose holiness has affected us more personally, a
mother or father, a grandmother or friend. So, while we may
credit the Spirit for the grand transformative movements in
the Church, that same Spirit always operates in and through
the body of the Church, that is, people like you and me. Let
us welcome the Holy Spirit today and every day of our lives:
G o d b le s s y o u a n d u n i te y o u r
h e a r ts in th e e n d u r in g b o n d o f tr u e
Qu e D io s lo s b e n d ig a y u n a s u s
corazones en el vínculo perdurable
del amor verdadero.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle
in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they
shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Sunday, May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday—Bring a friend
11:45a Religious Education (last class)
— Fr. Jerome, C.P.
Monday, May 25 Memorial Day - Parish Offices Closed
No 7:30 am Mass.
9:00a Memorial Mass for Deceased Veterans
Tuesday, May 26
7:00p English Prayer Group
Wednesday, May 27
May 16-17, 2015: $6,384.00
7:00p Adult Religious Education Program
7:00p Choir Rehearsal in Church
7:30p Spanish Mass
Needed: $12,000.00
(Includes Offertory and mail-in contributions)
Thursday, May 28
Catholic Communications
Religious Education Program
Georgia Bulletin
Capital Campaign Goal:
Pledges Received to Date:
Payments Received to Date:
3:00p-4:00p Bible Study
6:00p KPCLA 301 Monthly Meeting
7:00p Hispanic Choir Practice in Music Room
Friday, May 29
6:30p Hispanic Prayer
7:00p Spanish Mass
Saturday, May 30
10:00a Christian Service Commission
11:00a-4:30p ULTREYA Annual Picnic (School Hall)
11:00a Lector Prep. Session
5:30p KPC Meeting (Spiritual Center)
Capital Campaign Contributions may be made up to the end of June 2016.
Page 2
MAY 24, 2015
Our Sick, Homebound and hospitalized
Mary Williams
Philip Wiltz
Leslie Collins
James Porcher
Grace Hinds
Daisy Barhams
Mary Wiggins
Jeanie Sadler
Marynell Brooks
Myrna Yancey
William Leggett
Martha Barnes
Our thanks to all Parents,
Catechists, Breakfast Teams,
and others who contributed
to the religious education of
our children over the past
school year.
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like to honor couples
married in 1965 and 1955 with an invitation to a Golden/
Diamond Wedding An n i vers ary Ma s s o n S a tu rd a y
O cto b er 3 rd , 2 0 1 5 a t 1 2 :0 0 No on at Saint Brigid
Catholic Church. A reception will follow the Mass for
the anniversary couples and their families. Space is
limited. Please go to http://tiny.cc/anniversarymass to
RSVP for this event and for additional information.
Robert Barnes
William Crowder
Bernadette Scott
Matthew Catel
Jean Ashe
Alfreda Yancey
If you have additional questions please contact
Daniel West at [email protected] or 404.920.7631.
Gracias a todos los Padres
de Familia, Equipos de Desayunos, y otros que contribuyeron en la educación
religiosa de nuestros niños
durante este año escolar.
All 2015 High School and College Graduates
will be honored at the 10:00am Mass on Sunday,
June 14th, 2015. Graduates should complete a graduation form on the graduate table located at the rear
of sanctuary by May 31. Return completed forms to
an usher or the Church Office. For more information
please call Glenda Jones at 404-273-5993 or do it
2015 Eucharistic Congress
T-shirts for the Eucharistic Congress are
available for sale after Masses today.
The cost is $6.50 for most sizes ($7.50
for XXL and $8.00 for 3XL).
online at: http://saintpaulofthecross.org/
Volunteers are still needed to help promote the Eucharistic
Congress within the Parish and to provide needed assistance
on Saturday, June 6th. Sign up sheets are available at the
rear of the Church.
May 31st: The Most Holy Trinity
June 5th: First Friday—Arch d i o ces an E u ch ari st i c
C on gres s b egi ns in t h e even i n g.
June 6th: Eucharistic Congress—Mass at 5:00 p.m.
No 4:30 p.m. Mass at Saint Paul of the Cross.
June 7th: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)—Masses as usual.
June 13th: “The Experience” - Annual Fundraising Concert
June 14th: Graduates’ Sunday
June 21st: Father’s Day
June 24th: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
June 27th: Christ the King Cathedral—
Ordinations to the Priesthood at 10:00 am.
June 29th St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles.
July 4th: Independence Day
For more information, contact:
Darice Gamble 770.460.9656 or [email protected]
More about the 2015 Eucharistic Congress…..
Th e S a cra men t o f Reconciliation will be avai l ab l e
i n s ever al languages at the Eucharistic Congress on:
Friday, June 5, 7:30pm– 9:30pm
Saturday, June 6, 12:00pm - 4:00pm.
It is ad vi s ab l e t o t ak e ad van t age o f o u r p ari sh
reco n ci li ati o n ti mes t o avoid long lines and en j o y
t h e Eu ch aris ti c Co n gres s .
Invitation for Eucharistic
Guardians at the Congress
In v i ta ci ó n p a ra l o s
Guardianes Eucarísticos en
el Congreso
In cel eb rati on o f t h e
2 0 t h Ann i vers ary o f t h e
C o n gres s , a special tribute
will be paid at the closing
Mass on June 6th by Archbishop Gregory to those who
sign up as Guardians for Adoration during the Congress.
Por la celebración del 20
Aniversario del Congreso, se
dará un homenaje especial a
los que esten registrados
como Guardianes de
Adoración en la Misa de
clausura el 6 de Junio por el
Arzobispo Gregory.
Our Parish Staff
Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation
Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education
Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry
Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director
Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate
Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper
Mr. Eric Mannings, Facilities Manager
Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Custodian
Page 3
¡Bienvenidos a San pablo de la
Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7 a.m. y 1 p.m.
Todos los Miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en la capilla.
Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
P. Alberto Cabrera, cp.:
Numero de Teléfono (Oficina):
Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 304-280-3588
Educación Religiosa: Se ofrece a niños desde los 4 a los 18 años. Las
clases sonantesde la Misade 11:45am - 12:30pm, de Agosto24 a Mayo.
24 DE MAYO, 2015
Mayo 24, 2015
Mensaje: Mis Hermanos, tres ideas para reflexionar:
 Culmina la Pascua;
 Llega el Espíritu Santo;
 Comienza la Misión de la Iglesia: Anunciar al Mundo el amor de Dios hecho hombre en Jesucristo. Al
actualizar ese momento, la Iglesia entera revive su
vocación: evangelizar a todos los pueblos, de toda
raza y cultura.
* El Espíritu nos hace revivir los comienzos.
Las camisetas para el Congreso Eucarístico están
disponibles a la venta después de las Misas de hoy. El costo
es de $ 6.50 para la mayoría de los tamaños ($ 7.50 p o r
XXL y $ 8.00 para 3XL).
Todavía se necesitan voluntarios para este evento,
para mas información communicate con el Padre
Alberto al 347.819.5968.
Más sobre el Congreso Eucarístico 2015 ...
El Sacramento de la Reconciliación estará disponible
en varios idiomas en el Congreso Eucarístico:
Viernes , 5 de Junio, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Sábado, 6 de Junio, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
E s reco men d ab l e ap ro vech ar l o s h o rari o s d e
Reconciliación de nuestra Parroquia para evitar
largas colas y disfrutar del Congreso Eucharístico.
Bautismo: Todos los meses en el Segundo Domingo, previa
Matrimonio: Mayo y Septiembre los días Lunes a las 7:00 p.m.
Catequesis de Adultos: Junio, Septiembre y Oc t u br e los
días Martes a las 7:30 p.m.
Bautizos : P a ra toda in fo rm ac ión y p r epa r ac ión, co mun iqu es e con: A lma Rob le s 678- 717- 9619 o An ton ia
P a che co 770-891-6765.
Santo Rosario: Todos los Domingos a partir de las 12:30
p.m. nos prepararemos para la celebración de la Santa Misa
con el rezo del Santo Rosario
Presentación de los niños : Llamar por favor a Ofelia
González 706-659-6043
Confesiones: Durante la semana a cualquier hora en la
Rectoría. Los Domingos antes de la Misa de 1:00 p.m.
Matrimonios : Juan O. y Luz Pacheco: 770-823-1938
Q u in cea ñ era s : Po r f a vo r comunicarse con Araceli
Hernández: 404-964-8121 o Mirna García: 678-791-6110
Nos detenemos a pensar en la Oración del día. Ella expresa muy bien el sentido que tiene esta fiesta. Lo hace
constatando que “el misterio de Pentecostés” es un medio por el cual Dios santifica a su “Iglesia, extendida
por todas las naciones”, “el misterio” es un medio
para Dios. Nuestra tendencia es acentuar nuestro protagonismo y por lo tanto, la celebración es un medio que
nos damos nosotros mismos. Seguramente lo es. Lo que
afirma esta oración es que Dios actua através de nuestras
celebraciones y que es El el protagonista que realiza
alguna cosa en nosotros.
La otra parte de la frase, la Iglesia de Dios “extendida
por todas las naciones”, es la que despliega la primera
lectura narrando una historia. Sin confundirse con ningún
pueblo o nación la Iglesia se compromete con toda la
comunidad humana, para que todos puedan gozar del
conocimiento de Jesús y tengan la posibilidad de incorporarse a su proyecto el Reino. La Iglesia, guiada por el
Espíritu, es factor de unidad en la diversidad y posibilita
el milagro de la comunicación.
La oración, después de constatar, pide que el Espíritu
nos haga vivir hoy lo mismo que vivieron los discípulos de Cristo “en los comienzos de la predicación
evangélica”. La experiencia de la Vida Nueva que emana de la Pascua de Cristo es obra del Espíritu. Es por esto
que puede ser la misma para cada uno de nosotros como
lo ha sido desde los comienzos.
Mis queridos Hermanos, que en esta festividad de Pentecostés, podamos re-vivir nuestra fe con los Dones del
Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado cuando recibimos el
Sacramento de la Confirmación. Que ese Espíritu nos
ilumine y nos guie por el camino de un verdadero testimonio Cristiano.
P. Alberto, C.P.
MINISTROS el 31 de Mayo 2015
Lectores: Armando y Yulma Delgado
Ministros de la Eucaristía: Alma Robles– Jose
Gordillo - Amalia Perez - Ofelia Gonzalez
Guías: Roberto González; Araceli Hernández; Juan
Pacheco; Antonia Pacheco; Verónica Cruz
Monaguillos: Kevin Ramirez - Eddie Coronado

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