August 14, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church


August 14, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
AUGUST 14, 2016
Goodbye Summer!
Welcome, officially, to late August — a time of year
synonymous with mayhem sweeping through our
homes like a storm.
Gathered are all of the
backpacks and Kleenex boxes
and Lysol wipes and binders
and pocket folders and No. 2
pencils and crayons and glue
and markers.
Emergency contact forms
are filled out and lunchboxes
purchased and packed with a
host of individually wrapped
For the first time in
months, children are both bathed, teeth brushed
and in bed before 10:00 PM. We kiss them goodnight and the summer goodbye. It is time to go back
to school!
And it is time for our faith formation classes to
begin, so be sure to register with our RE Office if you
haven’t done so yet.
On behalf of the clergy, staff, and our whole community, I
welcome you to St. Joseph Catholic Church.
To our visitors, it is a blessing to have you here and thank
you for worshipping with us. We hope you will come again.
For those returning to the practice of our Catholic faith,
wanting to register or are interested in finding out more
about the Catholic Church, please contact our Parish Office
for more information at 706-548-6332.
Fr. David McGuinness, Pastor
Our Wednesday night Religious Education
classes for PreK –8th grade will start on
Wednesday, August 31.
For those Middle School students who have already received
their first sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, we
have EDGE, a program that also
meets on Wednesday nights. This
year EDGE will be headed up by
Jeff Donahue.
For our High School students
who are preparing for Confirmation, classes will meet once a
month beginning September 18,
4-5:30 pm.
And our High School Youth Group meets
after the 6:00 pm Mass each Sunday beginning August 28.
Holy Family, pray for us!
St. Joseph, patron of our parish and school,
pray for us!
De parte de nuestros sacerdotes el P. David McGuinness, el P.
Paul Moreau y toda nuestra comunidad de la Iglesia San José
les damos la bienvenida!
A todos nuestros visitantes, es una bendición que compartan
con nosotros y esperamos verlos nuevamente.
Para aquellos que regresan a practicar su fe católica, esperamos que se registren y se interesen más en saber de nuestra
Iglesia. Por favor comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial para
obtener información de Lunes-Viernes: 9:00 am -4:00 pm, Teléfono (706)548-6332
Padre David McGuinness, Pastor
Mass and Reconciliation
*All at Epps Bridge location unless
otherwise noted
Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia
5:30 PM
7:30 PM (Español)
Sunday/Misas Dominicales
8:15 AM (Prince Ave)
10:00 AM (Nursery provided)
11:45 AM (Nursery provided)
1:30 PM (Español)
6:00 PM
In thanksgiving for all God has given us,
we offer our time, talent and treasure
Focus on... Our Money Counters
Our parish is so grateful for the weekly
5:30 PM
to popular belief, those monies are not
7:30 PM
$ 836.00
merely bagged up and taken to the
8:15 AM
10:00 AM
We have a group of dedicated people
11:45 AM
who serve the parish as Money Coun-
1:30 PM
6:00 PM
ed as loose cash, loose checks, enve-
lope cash and envelope checks. Loose
Total Offertory
Weekly Budget
unfolded, counted and banded in each
denomination. The same process is
Spanish Cap Camp $877.66
offerings made at each Mass. Contrary
bank, but must be sorted, counted and
recorded first.
Daily Masses/ Misa Diaria
Monday –Saturday/
Lunes - Sábado
8:30 AM (Prince Ave)
ters that work in teams to process it all.
For each Mass, offerings are separat-
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/
Adoración al Santísimo
Fridays: 9:00 AM -6:00 PM (Prince Ave)
Hora Santa 7:30 PM (Prince Ave)
coins are counted and put into small
envelopes. Then each dollar must be
Saturday: 9:00 AM-(Prince Ave)
or by appointment
done for cash envelopes.
Contact Us
Rev. David McGuinness, Pastor
Rev. Paul Moreau, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Jim Gaudin, Deacon
Rev. Mr. Scott Medine, Deacon
For our check donations, each must
have the signature and amount verified
en in envelopes, both the amount and
check number are recorded on the outare totaled and compared to the totals
of the envelopes.
And then the entire process is done
958 Epps Bridge Parkway
Athens GA 30606
Phone: 706-548-6332
Fax: 706-354-1783
Email: [email protected]
Sacramental Emergencies
St. Joseph Catholic Parish School/
Escuela Católica de la parroquia de San
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Improvement Fund: $10,024.78
Grand Total
so it may be recorded. If checks are giv-
side of each envelope. Then the checks
Parish Office
Hours: 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
August 7, 2016
again by a different team to ensure accuracy! Only after everything is double
checked is the offering ready to take to
the bank.
So help out our money counters by
trying to remember the following:
Use your envelope whenever possible.
Write the dollar amount and check
number in the space provided.
Try to keep your dollars and checks
flat, not folded.
The Bible instructs us to tithe 10% to
the church. Our parish recommends
that you give 5% to St. Joseph, 4% to
other charities and 1% to the annual
Archdiocesan Appeal.
We depend on your generosity to
cover the cost of our running our
Parish. Just like you do at home, our
budget covers the cost of things like
utility bills, all administrative expenses and liturgical expenses. Currently
we are drawing from our improvement fund to cover our weekly budget.
For those who prefer online giving,
go to our website at and follow
the links to “Donate Online.” You
may securely pay using a credit card
or a Pay Pal account.
Parish News
SJS Athletics
St. Joseph Catholic School is looking
for a middle school girl’s volleyball
assistant coach. Experience preferred,
but not required. Please contact Chris
Moore at [email protected]
for more information. GO KNIGHTS!
Altar Flowers
This week’s altar flowers from Petals on
Prince were given by Pamela Landeche
in loving memory of Doris and Vivian
The BEST Back-to-School Supply
Classes begin August 9 in the Clarke
County School District, and there are
hundreds of children who are on
waiting lists to receive a mentor - - a
role model and friend who can help
them succeed in school and in life.
Mentors visit their “mentee” at school,
once each week, for a meal, homework
help, game and conversation. Visit
scheduling is flexible, and a minimum one-year commitment is required.
Volunteers complete an application,
background check and training session.
The first training session of the school
year will be held on Tuesday, August
16, 6-8 PM at the Athens Area Chamber
of Commerce. For more information:
Capital Campaign
Almighty Loving God, Master Architect and Builder, Cornerstone of our
At this time in the life of our parish we
turn to You with grateful hearts, for
what we have, and with anticipation
for what is yet to be.
Bless us with the resources to complete our new church. You called us to
build Your kingdom and more will
come to our faith at the larger
Bless us with Your presence now and
through the years. We ask this
through the intercession of Mary,
Mother of Good Counsel and Saint
Joseph, Father of the Holy Family.
Pledge Summary Capital Campaign III
Clarke County Mentor Program
[email protected]
706-549-6800, ext. 227
Please remember the following
parishioners in your prayers:
Ashley Benitez
Deacon Scott Medine
Theresa Matt
Doris Dibling
Gail Lopes
Gema Alvarez
Homebound Ministry
Please notify the Parish Office of any
Catholic unable to attend Sunday
Mass because of illness or advanced
years. The pastor will be happy to
visit and arrange for subsequent visits by a deacon or Extraordinary Minister.
Be Someone Who Matters to Someone
Who Matters
Goal $3,000,000.00
Pledges to Date $2,430,418.73
Pledges Paid $1,743,129.70
Balance Due $687,289.03
Reflection on Last
Week’s Readings
Life is fleeting, and can be taken away
from us in the twinkling of an eye.
However, the brevity and fragility of
life brings home to us just how precious is the treasure that we carry in
earthen vessels.
Lord, give us the kind of faith that
will enable us to live out joyfully the
mystery of our fragile human condition, which sees us suspended between
earth and heaven, between time and
eternity, and between nothingness and
Ministerio Hispano Parroquial de San José
Reflexión de la Semana Pasada
Educación Religiosa
Clases de Doctrina
Último día de Registración:
15 de Agosto, 2016!
La vida es efímera y puede que se nos
quite en un abrir y cerrar de los
ojos. Sin embargo, la brevedad y la
Oficina De E.R. -Horario de Verano
fragilidad de la vida nos muestra lo precioso que es este tesoro.
Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: 10:00 am3:00 PM
Señor, concédenos la fe para que po-
Teléfono: 706-548-6332
damos vivir con alegría el misterio de la
vida, que nos tiene suspendidos entre la
tierra y el cielo, entre la actualidad y la
eternidad, y entre la nada y la infini-
Viernes, 7:30 pm- Hora Santa (Prince
Ave en el Santuario)
La iglesia (Prince Ave y Epps Bridge)
Información De Sacramentos
Por favor acérquese a la oficina parroquial de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 am 4:00 pm o llame al teléfono 706-5486332
Por favor comuníquese con la oficina
parroquial con seis meses de anticipación para preparar los documentos,
durante horas de oficina de Lunes a
Viernes de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm o llame al
Teléfono: 706-548-6332
Unción de los Enfermos
Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial de
Lunes a Viernes de
9:00 am - 4:00 pm al telef# 706-5486332
Fuera de horas de oficina, llame al 706461-6331
estará cerrada para todo tipo de
reuniones y actividades con excepción de la celebración de las Misas y
otros Sacramentos.
Padres de los estudiantes del catecis-
**Todas las actividades regulares
empezarán nuevamente el 15 de
Por favor, notifique a la Oficina
de la Iglesia
Si tienen conocimiento de algún feligrés enfermo, estancia en el hospital,
fallecimientos, etc. De manera que
podamos incluirlos en nuestra lista de
706-548-6332 o
[email protected]
Caridades de San José
Necesita ayuda económica para pagar
servicios de utilidad o con la renta? Las
Necesita hablar con el Padre
Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para pedir
Teléfono: 706-548-6332
Caridad de San José puede ayudarle.
Para pedir una cita:
Llamar solamente los días Lunes y Miércoles de 10:00 am-12:00 pm Al Teléfono: 706-549-4208
¿Sabías que ofrecemos una clase de
catecismo para usted durante las clases
del catecismo de sus hijos ? Por favor ,
ven con nosotros de 6:15-7:15 en el
salón comunitario, mientras que sus
hijos están en clase . Clase que se enseña en español . ¡Espero verte allí!
Week at a Glance
Daily Feast Days and
Mass Readings
Monday, August 15
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
*8:30 AM Mass– Gail Perno (D)
10:00 AM St Joseph Charities-Prince
Conference Rm
3:30 PM Volleyball practice-gym
7:00 PM– Espanol Prayer Circle
Tuesday, August 16
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
*8:30 AM Mass– Posey &Bill Henry (D)
3:30 PM Volleyball practice-gym
Monday, August 15
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/1 Cor
15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28 (621)
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/1 Cor
15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 (622) Pss Prop
Tuesday, August 16
Saint Stephen of Hungary
Saturday, August 20
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
Wednesday, August 17
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
*8:30 AM Mass– Ken Jacobs (I)
10:00 AM St Joseph Charities-Prince Conference Rm
3:30 PM Volleyball practice-gym
*8:30 AM Mass– All Victims of Religious
9:00 AM Rosary- Prince Sanctuary
9:00 AM Confessions– Prince Conference Room
9:30 AM Altar Society Español- Epps
*5:30 PM Mass– John Strickland (D)
Thursday, August 18
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
*8:30 AM Mass– Connor Allison (I)
9:00 AM Altar Society-Prince Sanctuary
3:30 PM Volleyball practice-gym
Friday, August 19
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince
*8:30 AM Mass– Lester Reuter (D)
9:00 AM Exposition of Blessed Sacrament-Prince Sanctuary
3:30 PM Volleyball practice-gym
7:30 PM Hora Santa– Prince Sanctuary
*7:30 PM Mass– Amando, Elvia y
Ramiro Bueno (D)
Ez 28:1-10/Mt 19:23-30 (420)
Wednesday, August 17
Ez 34:1-11/Mt 20:1-16 (421)
Thursday, August 18
Ez 36:23-28/Mt 22:1-14 (422)
Friday, August 19
Saint John Eudes, Priest
Ez 37:1-14/Mt 22:34-40 (423)
Saturday, August 20
Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of
the Church
Sunday, August 21
*8:15 AM Mass– Scott Curtis (D)
Ez 43:1-7a/Mt 23:1-12 (424)
*10:00 AM Mass– Joe & Carol Pontzer
Sunday, August 21
Is 66:18-21/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/Lk
*11:45 AM Mass–St. Joseph Parish
13:22-30 (123) Pss I
*1:30 PM Mass– Ashley Benitez (I)
*6:00 PM Mass– Ledford Family (I)
Special Mass Intentions
(D) Deceased
(I) Intention
The Lord’s
Faith Formation
Sunday Servants
Are you interested in ministry, but
“The One whose
throne is in heaven
Lost on a rainy Friday night, a priest
stumbles into a monastery and requests shelter there.
Fortunately, he’s just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish
and chips he’s ever had.
After dinner, he goes into the kitchen
to thank the chefs.
He is met by two brothers, “Hello, I’m
Brother Michael, and this is Brother
“I’m very pleased to meet you. I just
wanted to thank you for a wonderful
dinner. The fish and chips were the
best I’ve ever tasted. Out of curiosity,
who cooked what?”
Brother Michael replied, “Well, I’m
the fish friar.”
Father turns to the other brother and
says, “Then you must be….”
“Yes, I’m afraid I’m the chip monk…”
want to take a behind-the-scenes
role? Do you want to serve but are
If you have been coming to Mass for
awhile, but are not Catholic, we invite
you to look deeper into the Catholic
Faith. Come and meet some faithful
Catholics who love the Lord and would
consider it a privilege to get to know
Our parish will soon begin a set of
sessions to share with others the
truths of the Catholic faith and the fellowship of our church family. We invite
you to learn what Catholics believe in
an open and welcoming environment. These sessions are also opportunities for you, and others that you
may wish to invite, to ask those perplexing and difficult questions that you
may have about the Church.
Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm. The first
session will be held on September 6th
in Rm. #253 at our Epps Bridge Parish
For more information, please call
Vivian at 706-548-6332 or email
afraid of teenagers? Is your child going
to Youth Group and you don't want to
drive them back and forth on Sunday
nights? Youth Group is looking for 1 or
2 volunteers that can help serve the
group with clean-up and set-up on
Sunday nights. If you are interested
please contact Megan at
[email protected].
Are you a College Freshman or Sophomore interested in an introductory ministry? We are currently looking for 5
more Small Group Facilitators for our
Confirmation Program. Classes meet on
Sundays from 4 to 5:30pm once a month.
The Parish Priest tells of a time early
If you are interested in helping teens fall
in his ministry when he arrived in a
in love with Christ and His Church, please
small town to say Mass as a substi-
contact Megan at
[email protected].
Wanting to mail a letter, he asked a
young boy where the post office was.
When the boy had told him, Father
thanked him and said, “If you’ll come
Confirmation Students
to the Church this evening, you can
Do not forget to register for classes this
hear me telling everyone how to get
year! Registration will be after Masses
to Heaven.”
next weekend, and the last day to register
“I don’t think I’ll be there,” the boy
is August 15. Confirmation Year 1 Students
from last year - you must register to be in
“You don’t even know your way to
Year 2.
the post office.”
Parents of RE students
DId you know we offer a catechism
class for you during the
RE class time? Please join us from 6:15
pm - 7:15 pm in the fellowship hall
while your children are in class. Class is
taught is Spanish. Hope to see you
Mass Confusion? Answers to Questions About the Mass
Many times we hear our Protestant
may or may not relate to the readings. It
friends and family refer to their Preach-
usually addresses human conduct with
er as giving a “sermon.” So what is the
the intent to either exhort rebuke the
difference between a sermon and our
people seated in the congregation. The
homily? The two words are often used
goal of a sermon is to get the people in
interchangeably, but homily is the pre-
the congregation to change their moral
ferred term.
behavior .
A homily has a specific task: to tell us
As listeners, we sometimes sit there
what is happening in scripture and pro-
anticipating a marvelous homily that
vide food for thought about the chal-
will turn our world upside down. But we
lenges of living as a Catholic in today’s
must not be passive listeners, but ac-
busy and hectic world. The Second Vati-
tively reflective. If all our expectation is
can Council suggested that it is Christ,
invested in the priest, then we risk over-
not the priest, speaking to his disciples
looking the one person who is able to
through the Sunday homily.
change our lives forever—Christ.
The purpose of sermons is a talk on
any aspect of Christian doctrine, and

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