Grade: K


Grade: K
Grade: K
Unit 2:
Friends/ Los amigos
The Big Question:
What do you like to do with your friends?/¿Qué te gusta hacer con tus amigos?
Day/ Día 1
Who can be a friend?
¿Quién puede ser un amigo?
Can a brother be a friend? Can
a cousin be a friend?
Build Background, (356)
assist, game, honest, pleasant,
world, (356)
Conocimientos previos, (291)
mundo, juegos, (291)
assist, game, honest, pleasant,
world, (364)
¿Qué lugar del mundo te
gustaría visitar? ¿Qué juegos te
imaginas que juegan en otras
partes del mundo?
agradable, mundo, (299)
 Phonemic Awareness/
Conciencia fonémica
Phoneme Isolation, (359) [NT]
 Phonics/ Fonética
Introduce /p/p, (360) [NT]
Handwriting: Write Pp, (361)
Activity Book, (14) [NT]
Practice Book, (47) [NT]
HFW-a, (358) [NT]
 High-Frequency Words/
Palabras de uso frecuente
Reading/ Lectura
 Listening Comprehension/
Comprensión auditiva
Share the Big Book
Friends All Around
 Strategy/ Estrategia:
Strategy: Ask Questions, (357)
 Skill/ Destreza:
Skill: Compare and Contrast,
Repasar el sonido /p/,
Identificar el sonido /t/, (294)
Identificar /t/t, (295) [NT]
Caligrafía: Escribir Tt, (296) [T]
Cuaderno de actividades, (14)
Cuaderno de práctica, (47) [NT]
PUF-el, (293) [NT]
Compartir el Superlibro
Amigos de aquí y de allá
Estrategia: Hacer preguntas,
Destreza: Comparar y
contrastar, (292)
Apply Phonics and HighFrequency Words /Aplicar la
fonética y Palabras de uso
agradable, mundo, asistir,
honesto(a), juegos, (311)
Oral Vocabulary Cards
“Brer Turtle Helps Out,”(636)
Tarjetas de vocabulario oral
Las sabiduría del Hermano
Tortuga, (311)
Combinar sílabas con /t/ inicial,
(316) [NT]
Phoneme Isolation, (381)
Review /p/p,/m/m, /a/a,
(372) [NT]
Blend with /p/p, (373) [NT]
Formar sílabas con /t/t, (307)
Review /p/p, /s/s, (382) [NT]
Blend with, (383) [NT]
Read Words, (383) [NT]
Read the Rhyming Poem
Content Big Book:
“Helping Hands,”( 37-40)
Formar palabras con /t/t, (317)
Desarrollar fluidez, (317) [NT]
Combinar con /t/t, (318) [NT]
Leer palabras, (318) [NT]
PUF-el, (315) [NT]
Cuaderno de actividades, (17)
[NT] y (18) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica, (49) [NT] y
(50) [NT]
Lectura para desarrollar fluidez,
(315) [NT]
Leer el texto informativo
Superlibro ¡A explorar!: Dame
una mano, (313 y 314)
Text Feature:
Use Illustrations, (378)
Elemento del texto: Utilizando las
fotografías, (313)
Oral Grammar:
Naming Words (Nouns), (384)
Gramática oral:
Sustantivos, (319) [T]
Independent Writing:
Prewrite and Draft Picture
Webs, (385) [T]
Escritura independiente:
Borrador de una red de dibujos,
(320) [T]
Write About It, (385) [T]
A escribir, (320) [T]
Combinar con /t/t, (308) [NT]
Review HFW (374) [NT]
Repasar PUF, (309) [NT]
Pre-Decodable Reader:
I Am a Doctor,(374) [NT]
Reread the Big Book
Friends All Around
Libro descodificable:
Tito, (309) [NT]
Volver a leer el Superlibro
Amigos de aquí y de allá
Ask Questions, (366)
Hacer preguntas, (301)
Strategy: Compare and
Contrast, (366)
Retell, (370)
Destreza: Comparar y contrastar,
Volver a contar, (305)
Activity Book, (15-16)
Practice Book, (48)
Palabras del cuento:
computadora, (306)
Cuaderno de actividades, (15 y
Cuaderno de práctica, (48)
Fluidez: Lectura con eco, (305)
Fluency: Echo-Read, (370)
Language Arts/
Artes de lenguaje
assist, game, honest,
pleasant, world, (376)
Formar sílabas con /t/, (307)
 Grammar/ Gramática
Oral Grammar:
Naming Words (Nouns), (362)
Gramática oral:
Sustantivos, (297) [T]
 Writing/ Escritura
 Write About It/ A escribir
Shared Writing:
A Lists, (363) [T]
Escritura compartida: Una
lista, (298) [T]
Interactive Writing:
A Word Web, (375) [T]
Escritura interactiva:
Una red de palabras, (310) [T]
Write About It, (363) [T]
A escribir, (298) [T]
Write About It, (375) [T]
A escribir, (310) [T]
APOLO/ DL Office
¿Cómo ayuda un amigo a otro?
Phoneme Blending, (372) [NT]
Fluency /Fluidez
* Note: Teacher(s) should teach all of the highlighted sections of Treasures and Tesoros.
What do you do when you
meet a new friend?
Números, (306)
Number Words, (371)
Word Study Estudio de
Oral Language/ Lenguaje oral
 Focus Questions/
Preguntas de enfoque
[Establecer el propósito de
 Oral Vocabulary/
Vocabulario oral
Day/ Día 2
Week 2 :
What is a Friend?/ ¿Qué es un amigo?
Day/ Día 3
HFW-a (380) [NT]
Activity Book, (17) [NT]-(18)
Practice Book, (49) [NT]-(50)
Read for Fluency, (380) [NT]
Grade K/ Unit 2 Week 2
Treasures/ Tesoros Instructional Guide
Grade: K
Unit 2:
Friends/ Los amigos
The Big Question:
What do you like to do with your friends?/¿Qué te gusta hacer con tus amigos?
Day/ Día 4
Word Study
Estudio de palabras
Oral Language/ Lenguaje oral
What do you like best about
having a friend?
¿Cómo se asisten los amigos
unos a otros?
Why is it important to have a
¿Cómo pueden los niños asistir
a sus amigos?
 Oral Vocabulary/
Vocabulario oral
assist, game, honest, pleasant,
world, (386)
agradable, mundo, asistir,
honesto(a), juegos, (322)
assist, game, honest, pleasant,
world, (394)
agradable, mundo, asistir,
honesto(a), juegos, (329)
Number Words, (389)
Números, (324)
Number Words, (396)
Números, (331)
 Phonemic Awareness/
Conciencia fonémica
Phoneme Blending, (390) [NT]
Dividir palabras con /t/, (325)
Phoneme Identity, (397) [NT]
Repasar palabras con /t/
inicial, (332) [NT]
 Phonics/ Fonética
Picture Sort /s/s, /a/a, /p/p,
(390) [NT]
Blend with /p/p, (391) [NT]
Activity Book, (19) [NT](20)[NT]
Practice Book, (51) [NT](52)[NT]
Read Words, (398) [NT]
Dictation, (398) [NT]
Activity Book, (22) [NT]
Desarrollar fluidez, (333) [NT]
Leer palabras [NT]
Dictado [NT]
Cuaderno de actividades, (22)
 High-Frequency Words/
Palabras de uso frecuente
Review HFW, (392) [NT]
Dividir palabras con /t/t, (325)
Combinar palabras con /t/t,
(326) [NT]
Cuaderno de actividades, (19)
[NT] y (20) [NT]
Cuaderno de práctica (51) [NT]
y (52) [NT]
Repasar PUF,(327) [NT]
HFW: a, can, like, we, the,
(396) [NT]
PUF: el, un, una, es, (331) [NT]
Reading Across Texts
 Srategy/ Estrategia:
Strategy: Ask Questions, (395)
 Skill/ Destreza:
Skill: Compare and Contrast,
Estrategias: Hacer preguntas,
Destreza: Comparar y
contrastar, (330)
Cuaderno de actividades, (21)
Pre-Decodable Reader:
A Map, (392) [NT]
Interactive Read Aloud
Listening Comprehension,
Read Aloud: “The Lion and the
Libro pre-descodificable:
¡Toma!, (327)
Leer un voz alta
Comprensión auditiva, (323)
En voz alta: Antología
interactiva: “El león y la
Palabras del cuento:
computadora, (324)
Apply Phonics and HighFrequency Words /Aplicar la
fonética y Palabras de uso
Language Arts
 Focus Questions/
Preguntas de enfoque
[Establecer el propósito de
 Listening Comprehension/
Comprensión auditiva
Reading/ Lectura
Day/ Día 5
Fluency: Word Automaticity,
 Strategies/ Skills are transferable.
 Practice book and activity book tasks that correspond to
reading comprehension are also transferable.
 The workbook and activity pages can be sent home as
Fluidez: Reconocimiento
automático, (331)
 The concept lessons on nouns are transferable; however,
sentence grammar needs to be taught explicitly.
Independent Writing:
Revise and Draft Picture Webs,
(393) [T]
Escritura independiente:
Revisar y corregir una red de
dibujos, (328) [T]
Independent Writing:
Publish and Present a Picture
Web, (399) [T]
Escritura independiente:
Publicar y presentar una red de
dibujos, (334) [T]
Write About It, (393) [T]
A escribir, (323 y 328) [T]
Write About It, (399) [T]
A escribir, (334) [T]
* Note: Teacher(s) should teach all of the highlighted sections of Treasures and Tesoros.
APOLO/ DL Office
 Songs chants, and rhymes can be used as a connection to
bridge both languages.
 Time needs be allotted to make connections to the vocabulary
in the opposite language through the use of various strategies.
 Allow time to make connections to the Oral Vocabulary Cards
in the opposite language.
 The skills of Phoneme Isolation, and Phoneme Categorization,
are transferable in this lesson; however teachers need to
consider student’s needs when deciding whether or not to
review these lessons. The vocabulary that students are
exposed to during these lessons is very important to increase
their fluency.
 The letter P is non-transferable, since it is less aspirated in
Spanish. The letter T is non-transferable, since it is less
aspirated in English.
 Blending was not considered a transferable skills since all the
words students are expected to blend contain vowels, whose
sounds are not transferable, and need to be taught explicitly.
 The skill of combining syllables is not considered a transferable
skill since contains vowels, whose sounds are not transferable.
The skill of blending syllables needs to be taught explicitly.
 Some of the workbook and activity book tasks are language
specific and it is suggested they be taught in both languages in
order to increase fluency.
 The workbook and activity pages can be sent home as
Activity Book, (21)
Fluency /Fluidez
 Grammar/ Gramática
 Writing/ Escritura
 Write About It/ A escribir
Week 2 :
What is a Friend?/ ¿Qué es un amigo?
Notes/ Notas:
Grade K/ Unit 2 Week 2
Treasures/ Tesoros Instructional Guide

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Day/ Día 1 Day/ Día 2 Day/ Día 3 English Spanish English Spanish The workbook and activity book tasks are language specific and it is suggested they be taught in both languages.

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